24 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. May 2024
  3. Dec 2023
  4. Sep 2023
    1. If anything in this policy does not fit with your own local policy, you should not use dnswl.org for whitelisting or similar purposes.
  5. Dec 2022
    1. Twitter is our biggest driver of traffic, and it is also where we are most active.
    2. All of our traffic is organic; from social media, our blog, and word of mouth since we have not yet run any advertising campaigns.
    3. The best thing that has worked for us for growing our audience is building in the open and being transparent about everything we are doing
    4. The biggest ones are Makerlog and Women Make, but we also receive lots of support on Twitter, Indie Hackers
  6. Aug 2022
  7. Nov 2021
  8. Sep 2021
    1. Laying a drainage pipe for plumbing is a job for professionals. Most cities and homeowner’s associations won’t look kindly upon extensive do-it-yourself excavation projects.
  9. Jun 2021
  10. Apr 2021
  11. Mar 2021
    1. Wax na ko ko, aloor dina dem.

      Il le lui a dit; alors, il partira.

      wax v. -- to say, to speak.

      na -- indicates something.

      ko -- him, her, it.

      ko -- it, her, him!

      aloor -- (French) so, then, yet, here, etc. (a linking word).

      dina -- he/she will.

      dem v. -- to go, go.

  12. Jan 2021
    1. Its not too complicated but it is an annoyance. I want /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/nsswitch.conf, /etc/rc.local and all the standard stuff to work. The heavy lifting is done in the kernel. All they need to do is leave it alone. Its getting harder to make Ubuntu behave like Linux.
  13. Sep 2020
  14. Aug 2020
  15. Jul 2020
    1. In fact, developers often tend to forget a simple, almost elementary fact: if users want to close the application or leave a site, they will — doesn’t matter which obstacles are placed on their path to the exit-button. The more obstacles there are the more negative the user experience will be.
  16. Jun 2020
    1. They face huge challenges,

      No shit. Just think of all the literacy modalities that someone younger has to deal with. Memes. Data visualizations. Tweets. Tiktok vids. Instagram stories. Digital annotation. Video annotation. YouTubes. Akkkk. Emojis. Gifs. Think of all the lateral communication modalities written, read, spoken that our students face daily. And the success with which most of them navigate these...well, it is extraordinary.