152 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
  2. Aug 2024
    1. if these tipping points  are crossed in the Arctic, then they can cascade through domino effects and hit the Amazon,  and then Rainforest and Hit Antarctica

      for - example - cascading tipping points via AMOC

      example - cascading tipping points via AMOC - As Arctic system melts faster, it releases more freshwater into the North Atlantic - This is happening on the southern tip of Greenland, for example and the lower density of water slows down the AMOC current - Warm saline water flows from the Southern Ocean up into the North Atlantic - When it reaches the southern tip of Greenland, the heat is radiated into the atmosphere and heats up Europe - When the freshwater meltwater from Greenland mixes with this AMOC current, the AMOC water is less heavy and sinks slower - This pushes monsoons further south, which can explain why there are more droughts and fires in the Amazon rainforest - The slowdown of the AMOC leaves more saline water stuck in Antarctica, potentially contributing to the faster melting of Antarctica glaciers

    1. the future future for education and this is a mega Trend that will last in the next decades is that we use artificial intelligence to tailor um educational let's say or didactic Concepts to the specific person so let's say in in the future everybody will have his or her specific let's say training or education profile he or she will run through and artificial intelligence um will will tailor the different educational environments for everybody in the future this is this is a pre this is a pretty clear Trend

      for - AI and education - children will have custom tailored education program via AI

    2. by doubling the size of the tables in the in the eating in the eating areas they increase cross-divisional across talk um in a very informal way they found out that cross-department um Corporation increased after that and the and the code and the code output increased two months later

      for - neuroscience - example - informal diversity - increases work efficacy - via sharing diverse and novel perspectives

  3. Jul 2024
    1. do we have 00:46:13 examples of civilizations um that really accepted limits

      for - progress trap - cultures that avoided progress trap of population explosion - Tahiti - via infanticide

      progress trap - cultures that avoided progress trap of population explosion - Tahiti - via infanticide

      • Tahitians practiced population control via
        • infanticide
          • It was ok to kill a newborn baby before it drew its first breath, as it was not considered a person until it drew the first breath
        • advanced Eroticism - separating sexual activity from reproduction
  4. May 2024
    1. Russia always seeks to out escalate always seems to do something outside of our frame of reference that we won't expect be more brutal um you know work through proxies

      for - polycrisis - Russia's subversive geopolitics via proxies

    1. Clarity is key: Provide crystal-clear instructions for assignments and grading criteria. Avoid confusing instructions. For example, students expressed frustration with assignment details being posted in the LMS but professors requesting submissions via email. Stay in the loop: Communicate with students by offering due dates, announcements, and calendar reminders. Timely and clear feedback on grades on the LMS empower students to track their progress effectively.

      details for assignments in LMS

  5. Feb 2024
    1. https://chat.openai.com/g/g-z5XcnT7cQ-zettel-critique-assistant

      Zettel Critique Assistant<br /> By Florian Lengyel<br /> Critique Zettels following three rules: Zettels should have a single focus, WikiLinks indicate a shift in focus, Zettels should be written for your future self. The GPT will suggest how to split multi-focused notes into separate notes. Create structure note from a list of note titles and abstracts.

      ᔥ[[ZettelDistraction]] in Share with us what is happening in your ZK this week. February 20, 2024

  6. Jul 2023
  7. Jun 2023
  8. Feb 2023
    1. Are there symbols for 'supported by' or 'contradicted by' etc. to show not quite formal logical relations in a short hand?

      reply to u/stjeromeslibido at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/10qw4l5/are_there_symbols_for_supported_by_or/

      In addition to the other excellent suggestions, I don't think you'll find anything specific that that was used historically for these, but there are certainly lots of old annotation symbols you might be able to co-opt for your personal use.

      Evina Steinova has a great free cheat sheet list of annotation symbols: The Most Common Annotation Symbols in Early Medieval Western Manuscripts (a cheat sheet).

      More of this rabbit hole:

      (Nota bene: most of my brief research here only extends to Western traditions, primarily in Latin and Greek. Obviously other languages and eras will have potential ideas as well.)

      Tironian shorthand may have something you could repurpose as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tironian_notes

      Some may find the auxiliary signs of the Universal Decimal Classification useful for some of these sorts of notations for conjoining ideas.

      Given the past history of these sorts of symbols and their uses, perhaps it might be useful for us all to aggregate a list of common ones we all use as a means of re-standardizing some of them in modern contexts? Which ones does everyone use?

      Here are some I commonly use:

      Often for quotations, citations, and provenance of ideas, I'll use Maria Popova and Tina Roth Eisenberg's Curator's Code:

      • ᔥ for "via" to denote a direct quotation/source— something found elsewhere and written with little or no modification or elaboration (reformulation notes)
      • ↬ for "hat tip" to stand for indirect discovery — something for which you got the idea at a source, but modified or elaborated on significantly (inspiration by a source, but which needn't be cited)

      Occasionally I'll use a few nanoformats, from the microblogging space, particularly

      • L: to indicate location

      For mathematical proofs, in addition to their usual meanings, I'll use two symbols to separate biconditionals (necessary/sufficient conditions)

      • (⇒) as a heading for the "if" portion of the proof
      • (⇐) for the "only if" portion

      Some historians may write 19c to indicate 19th Century, often I'll abbreviate using Roman numerals instead, so "XIX".

      Occasionally, I'll also throw drolleries or other symbols into my margins to indicate idiosyncratic things that may only mean something specifically to me. This follows in the medieval traditions of the ars memoria, some of which are suggested in Cornwell, Hilarie, and James Cornwell. Saints, Signs, and Symbols: The Symbolic Language of Christian Art 3rd Edition. Church Publishing, Inc., 2009. The modern day equivalent of this might be the use of emoji with slang meanings or 1337 (leet) speak.

  9. Dec 2022
    1. What, we discussed, were the headlines from the event? No one was sure, as we agreed that Musk had not really broken any news.

      I noticed the same about the presentation. It seemed like Musk is becoming more adept at adept at selling his vision (e.g. addressing "why invest in space" criticism), but shied away from any concrete information about SpaceX's plans.

      He even joked about "it's not done yet" so many times I suspect there isn't much to report at the moment. I wonder what's the reason for this update now.

    2. At times, however, Musk was frustratingly vague. After the speech, I felt no more confident about when the massive Starship vehicle will actually make an orbital launch attempt. For those who follow SpaceX closely, this came as a disappointment, especially as this talk marked SpaceX's first substantial Starship update in more than 28 months.

      A tour of their facility a few months ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t705r8ICkRw

    1. V. Conclusion60. Based on the foregoing, your affiant submits that there is probable cause to believe that ILYA “DUTCH” LICHTENSTEIN and HEATHER MORGAN violated 18 U.S.C. § 1956(h), which makes it a crime in relevant part to conspire to conduct or attempt to conduct a financial transaction involving the proceeds of specified unlawful activity, knowing that the property involved in the financial transaction represents the proceeds of some form of unlawful activity, and knowing that the transaction is designed in whole or in part to conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, ownership, or control of the proceeds of specified unlawful activity. For purposes of this section, specified unlawful activity includes wire fraud, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1343, and computer fraud and abuse, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1030. 61. Your affiant submits there is also probable cause to believe that ILYA “DUTCH” LICHTENSTEIN and HEATHER MORGAN violated 18 U.S.C. § 371, which makes it a crime in relevant part for two or more persons to conspire to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof, in any manner or for any purpose, and to do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy.

      They're arresting them because they moved and sought to hide the movements of funds gained from an unlawful activity, not because they actually engaged in the original unlawful activity.

    1. “short books to feed your craving for ideas.”

      Newnewss for the sake of Newness. "Empty information calories".

    2. Anderson insists anyone is capable of giving a TED-esque talk. You just need an interesting topic and then you need to attach that topic to an inspirational story.
    3. Amid wildfires and the Delta surge, its theme was “the case for optimism.”

      Talking not doing.

    4. This previously undiscovered branch of math would, he said, “create inexhaustible free energy, end all diseases, produce all food, travel anywhere in the universe, build the ultimate supercomputer and artificial intelligence, and make obsolete all existing technology.” He got a standing ovation. The video went largely unnoticed until 2012, when a handful of science bloggers found it and pilloried Powell’s claims. The talk, they said, was constructed entirely out of meaningless jargon. In an online forum, a theoretical physicist said that Powell was “either (1) insane, (2) a huckster going for fame or money, or (3) doing a Sokal’s hoax on TED.”
    5. and I felt hopeful about the future

      Isn't that the actual (positive) purpose of TED? The whole self-delusion about how talks create progress felt tacked-on at least to me, like the mission statements of any large company. Did people really take it seriously?

    6. The primary function of TED, by contrast, is to predict the future.

      Are you sure about that? Even if that were its mission, it doesn't have to be TED's primary function or effect. I suspect most people listen to be inspired (as entertainment), not to actually see the future.

    7. he grew tired of TED and, in 2001, sold it to Chris Anderson, a British media entrepreneur who made a fortune building websites (including the popular video game site IGN)

      Wikipedia mentions "The IGN website was the brainchild of media entrepreneur Chris Anderson", but I can't find any accurate source on how much he was actually involved with their operation (maybe only responsible for the website)?

    8. For their ideas to become realities, they merely need to be articulated and spread as widely as possible.

      I agree with the criticism on this. For actual change you need to do things instead of talking about them.

      Many TED speakers may be credible on the topic they talk about (like Bill Gates, who does spend his time funding public health projects), but even then the value of talking about their achievements could be limited. Those talks may inspire listeners, but that cannot come at the expense of actually doing the work, or thinking that solely articulating ideas creates progress.

    9. But, Gates adds, the future might turn out okay. He has an idea.

      What's the alternative? Telling people that the future is not ok? Would people listen to talks like this?

    1. only 12-15% understanding/retention

      If you're simply reading to inform yourself about a topic, it may be worth reading a couple of book reviews, and listening to an interview or two, rather than invest the significant amount of time necessary to really engage with the book.

      A few hours of skimming and reviews/interviews may get you to 25% understanding and retention, which in many cases may be more than enough for your needs of being basically informed on the topic. Compared to the 50 - 100 hours necessary for a deep, analytical engagement with the text, that would only get you to 50% understanding and retention.

      I like your summary of the article but disagree with the author. If one is measuring the "understanding percentage" of a book, I think he's actually looking for short-form information or answers (like gathered from a book review or blog post) rather than a book. For me, the value of the best books comes from the inspiration and impulse for original thought it gives. Not everything in a book is valuable for everyone, nor should it be.

      For textbooks, of course cutting the detail gives you an overview more quickly, but it's just an overview. And this entire point doesn't apply to fiction books.

      Maybe it's a question of what type of understanding we want from each book. Sometimes that's answers, sometimes that's understanding, sometimes diversion or inspiration -- they're not all the same. Consulting reviews but not the book is an awesome shortcut to get answers, but then you're not reading the book, but the reviews.

      I think the gap between thoughtful, slow reading and quick reading is much larger. Assuming of course that slow reading means thinking about the sentences, probably highlighting passages and scribbling a few notes.

      Doesn't apply to every book of course, and depends on the aspect of understanding you want (your own thoughts or what the author meant).

    1. As a tumultuous 2020 roiled American politics, Chinese people began turning to Wang’s America Against America for answers. And when a mob stormed the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021, the book flew off the shelves.

      Effect of the 2021 US Capitol attack in China -- seeing it as emblematic of the west's societal problems.

    2. a “younger generation [that] is ignorant of traditional Western values” and actively rejects its cultural inheritance

      What is he referring to here?

      • In somewhat simplified terms, focusing on and exceedingly valuing new things over our cultural inheritance?
    3. Officially referred to as Chinese President Xi Jinping’s “Common Prosperity” campaign, this transformation is proceeding along two parallel lines: a vast regulatory crackdown roiling the private sector economy and a broader moralistic effort to reengineer Chinese culture from the top down. But why is this “profound transformation” happening? And why now? Most analysis has focused on one man: Xi and his seemingly endless personal obsession with political control. The overlooked answer, however, is that this is indeed the culmination of decades of thinking and planning by a very powerful man—but that man is not Xi Jinping.

      What a great introduction to the article.

      • Ha, I didn't catch the foreshadowing until your reply here :)

      • That's the awesome thing about open web annotations -- we can come here from all kinds of different places, yet help each other to learn more from reading.

    1. Mobile is the largest segment in gaming, with nearly 95% of all players globally enjoying games on mobile. Through great teams and great technology, Microsoft and Activision Blizzard will empower players to enjoy the most-immersive franchises, like “Halo” and “Warcraft,” virtually anywhere they want.

      That mobile games (and not immersive PC or console games) are mentioned here tells you a great deal about their direction, and they kind of audience they want to attract.

      Update: this most likely refers to their cloud gaming service, to bring actual PC/console games to mobile devices. I still wonder if this new audience has an effect on the types of games they produce.

    1. Google survived enormous VC funding because it could legitimately absorb large amounts of money.

      What's an example of a company that can't absorb large amounts of funding? I assume Google used it to improve their infrastructure to support an incredibly large userbase. Uber for example used most of its funding for marketing and kickstarting their marketplace. The general ethos of "hypergrowth" seems to be trying to get to scale as fast as possible.

      So the argument here is not to chase scale by throwing money at it, but only invest when it's required? Does the second case actually exist outside of boostrapped startups?

    2. The puffed-up companies that went public during the Bubble didn't do it just because they were pulled into it by unscrupulous investment bankers. Most were pushed just as hard from the other side by VCs who'd invested at high valuations, leaving an IPO as the only way out.

      Aren't IPOs by definition about diversification for existing investors?

    1. You read the dictionary’s thesaurian list of synonyms

      This is what I often do, and I'm frequently frustrated there aren't any alternative words for many expressions that capture the same thing.

      Like the author here, it never occurred to me that a good dictionary would be a solution, since I never saw one.

    2. Who decided that the American public couldn’t handle “a soft and fitful luster”?

      It depends on the goals of your writing, in general, using uncommon words makes you harder to understand.

      I also suspect not all people find joy in expressive language, or don't even notice it as non-native speakers online.

    1. My public writing is a counterpoint meant to complement the popular point.

      The guiding reason behind Derek Sivers' writing.

    1. You need to become your most intelligent critic and have the intellectual honesty to kill some of your best-loved ideas.
  10. May 2022
    1. Either way, our world is witnessing a grand experiment that’s now underway: China and the West, facing very similar societal problems, have now, thanks to Wang Huning, embarked on radically different approaches to addressing them.

      Experiments with similar starting conditions. Visible results. Either way this turns out, we will learn from it.

    1. When chatting with my father about the proton research he summed it up nicely, that two possible responses to hearing that how we measure something seems to change its nature, throwing the reliability of empirical testing into question, are: “Science has been disproved!” or “Great!  Another thing to figure out using the Scientific Method!” The latter reaction is everyday to those who are versed in and comfortable with the fact that science is not a set of doctrines but a process of discovery, hypothesis, disproof and replacement.  Yet the former reaction, “X is wrong therefore the system which yielded X is wrong!” is, in fact, the historical norm.
  11. Apr 2022
    1. he second fundamental formh0ij,1≤i,j≤n−1 of Σρwith respect to the normalen=∂∂ρis given by(1.3)ωni=n−1∑j=1h0ijωj.
    2. he second fun-damental formhijof Σρwith respect tods2is given by(1.6)hij=u−1h0ij.
    3. Theorem 2.1.The initial value problem (2.1) has a unique solutionuonΣ0×[0,∞)such that(a)u(z) = 1 +m0ρn−2+vwherem0is a constant andvsatisfies|v|=Oρ1−nand|∇0v|=O(ρ−n);(b)The metricds2=u2dr2+gris asymptotically flat in the sense of (2.23) with scalarcurvatureR≡0outsideΣ0;(c)The ADM massmADMofds2is given byc(n)mADM= (n−1)ωn−1m0= limr→∞ZΣrH0(1−u−1)dσr= limr→∞ZΣr(H0−H)dσr,for some positive constantc(n), whereH0andHare the mean curvatures ofσrwith respect to the Euclidean metric andds2respectively.

      Tipiciamente, o valor da constante de uma normalização no item (c) é escolhido como sendo $$c(n)= \frac{1}{2(n-1) \omega_{n-1}}$$

  12. Feb 2022
    1. The degree to which “incomplete” applications leverage the underlying software platform for execution of all business logic may ultimately prove to be less important than the degree to which these new internet-based organizations land on effective organizational scalability models.
    2. contract theory
    3. Applications built on Ethereum transitively inherit the “completeness” of the underlying platform
    4. One answer
    5. What about “incomplete” projects? Their need for dynamic, human, subjective inputs to ongoing operations makes them difficult to computationally verify and automate.
    1. Argument that popular modern dictionaries are taking the wrong approach by defining words as plainly as possible. That makes it no fun to use them except for definitions.

      For writing at least, using something like the original Websters dictionary is a great help to improve your style.

    1. Intruguing argument about how to allow more tinkering with software -- making it really easy to contribute, not just possible.

      I think for example the note-taking community is on a path towards that -- a lot of the fun is about finding your own worflow and contributing to editor plugins you like.

    2. “Well, it’s Open Source, I guess I could go download the source code… but… meh, it’s so far out of my way, not worth it,” and the urge fizzles out. I think that a lot of potential human creativity is being wasted this way.

      This reminds me of physical tinkering, like building or fixing your own small furniture. That's also hard with the products we often buy today -- it's difficult to fix minature electronics which are meant to be replaced.

      But with software (esp. open source) it could be easier, as everyone can have the same tools. I very much resonate with the idea of tinkering more and using less standards.

    3. Making changes or additions to the standard library was as easy as making changes to my own code

      For many people, making changes to code at all is hard. The few times I remember actually forking a library to add functionality, it meant hours reading into the codebase and polishing my change to commit it upstream.

      I like the author's argument, but it's not not just the friction to view source code -- many technical architectures are also needlessly complex or non-standard.

    1. Paul Graham argued in 2005 (just before starting YCombinator) why venture capital is traditionally unfriendly to founders, and how it sets itself bad incentives.

    1. Learnings: - Take a lesson from good hill climbing algorithms, and drop yourself in unfamiliar situations to find your career maximum. - Progress in artificial games (e.g. career ladders) is fun, but you're likely to miss the bigger picture.

    1. Yak Shaves

      Definition: "Yak shaving refers to a task, that leads you to perform another related task and so on, and so on — all distracting you from your original goal. This is sometimes called “going down the rabbit hole.”"

      Intuitively I assumed the term meant to stay lean and frequently reduce all complexity down to the bare minimum, but it's somewhat of the opposite :) This idea in general might also be called serendipity.

    1. Learnings: - It's easy to assume people in the past didn't care or were stupid. But people do things for a reason. Not understanding the reason for how things are is a missed learning opportunity, and very likely leads to unintended consequences. - Similar to having a valid strong opinion, one must understand why things are as they are before changing them (except if the goal is only signaling).

    1. Rebel Wolves said it will be a studio built on “the foundations of fairness, teamwork, and openness [...] unified by the mission of putting the team first —ALWAYS— [...] they believe that happy people create great games

      You can't help but notice the shade thrown over CD Project Red with this statement. The development of The Witcher 3 was notorious for its crunch, I can only imagine it was worse for Cyberpunk 2077.



    1. The cloud advantage was one of the main pillars upon which the Stadia business was built, and there just isn't any evidence that this theoretical benefit is working to Google's benefit in real life.

      Has better latency != can have better latency. If there's demand for Stadia I assume they could use more of those data centers. But not sure the performance of Stadaia is the problem here, it's far far easier to use Stadia than Gefore NOW. Yet, people don't use it.

    2. "The fundamental benefit of our cloud-native infrastructure is that developers will be able to take advantage of hardware and power in ways never before possible, and that includes taking advantage of the power of multiple GPUs at once."

      Notably, this goal has been stated before, I believe by Microsoft for the Xbox 360? Running demanding workloads in the cloud elastically makes a lot more sense than buying hardware you rarely use.

    3. Google killed SG&E about one year after Stadia launched, before the studio had released a game or done any public work. In a blog post announcing Stadia's pivot to a "platform technology," Stadia VP Phil Harrison explained the decision to shutter SG&E, saying, "Creating best-in-class games from the ground up takes many years and significant investment, and the cost is going up exponentially."

      I suspect Google wanted faster, more measurable results than is possible with game development. There's a reason why tech companies are vastly more profitable than game companies.

      I don't particularly see the shame in changing a strategy that isn't working. As an early user of Stadia I do see the lost potential though, maybe that's where this is coming from.

    4. With Stadia's consumer model going down the drain, Google announced it would pivot Stadia to become a behind-the-scenes, white-label data center service that the company will reportedly re-brand as "Google Stream."

      I think that makes a lot of sense. Google doesn't want to do the "platform building" Microsoft and Sony excel at, and it doesn't have to.

      Imagine playing or trying out video games simply on the developers website.

    5. For Nvidia, the speed of the 3080 package makes for a solid sales pitch: This cloud PC is probably faster than your home system, so cloud gaming is worth it. Cloud gaming will always present a latency tradeoff, but that latency is easier to accept if you're getting otherwise-unattainable graphics quality along with it.

      Smart strategy by Nvidia.

    6. One of the many problems the platform faces is that Stadia hardware is only good for Stadia. It can't run anything other than Stadia, so Google is reluctant to invest in this single-use hardware and keep it up to date. The Stadia computer you're renting from Google is pretty outdated.

      I would love some sources on this.

    7. Stadia certainly isn't available in "over 200 countries." It's available in just 22 countries, or about 10 percent of the scale Pichai heavily implied Google could work at.

      Do the other countries have sufficiently fast internet infrastructure to make streaming work well for many people? Is there demand for Stadia there? What's the criticism regarding this exactly?

    1. First, there is the life insurance rationale. Although the chance of a planet-wide calamity extinguishing our species is low, it is not zero.

      Notably Steven Hawking (and others) warned about this year ago already. Not to take away from Musk's achievements, but he's not the first to recognise and work on this problem.


    2. For the first time in 4.5 billion years, a creature living on Earth has the ability to do something about this threat by helping humanity to become a spacefaring species.

      Classic article about the topic: https://waitbutwhy.com/2014/05/fermi-paradox.html

    1. One source described the Q&A as an ultimately unsuccessful attempt at extracting some kind of accountability from Stadia management.

      There is no accountability to people inside corporations, only to results. Which is working as intended, companies are meant to make money by serving customers, not employees.

      The simple "truth" here is that these Stadia games likely wouldn't have been successful without a lot of additional investments.

    2. We will confirm the SG&E investment envelope shortly, which will, in turn, inform the SG&E strategy

      That's corporate speak for "prepare for budget cuts". If nothing would change, they'd have said so directly.

    1. Amid seemingly intractable problems here on Earth, a vision of the future can resemble a life raft, and in the absence of viable alternatives, substanceless promises of space travel, crypto-utopias, and eternal life in the cloud may become the only things to look forward to.

      Is that a bad thing, to have something to look forward to? It implies that new technological inventions are the only way to make progress, but it is undeniably progress. Not everyone will hold this view, and no one should force it upon you. So why are people constantly criticing "techno-utopia" views instead of creating and moving towards their own visions of the future?

    2. his talk proved to be one of many ideas worth spreading. “This is by far the most interesting and challenging thing I’ve heard on TED,” one commenter posted. “Very glad to come across it!”

      That's the problem -- making it easy to feel good about consuming content passively.

    3. speaks about how each of us can, like her, become a creative genius

      Is this the ultimate form of culturally accepted bragging? How many people discover they can be vaguely "inspiring" instead of delivering substance? Maybe that's what's wrong with the world.

    4. “This American Life” and “Radiolab,” and maybe narrative podcasting as a form, are inspiresting.

      I agree -- they're larely without substance but "interesting" and "inspiring". Which is not necessarily a bad thing.

    5. Suddenly, degrees aren’t worth anything. Isn’t that true?

      It is becoming to be true.

    6. as if he could see his own bright future unfolding before him.

      He did see a bright potential before him, and that's precisely why he had a change at succeeding. I don't like the latent criticism about innovation in this article, it feels mostly like envy to me.

    7. The coming decades would not be about gatekeeping or rigid disciplinary boundaries or exclusivity, Anderson said. The future was about openness, connection, democratization of knowledge, collectivity.

      Was it not? I broadly see 2000-2010 as exploring the early potential of the internet, without major cultural problems (but ending with the financial crisis).

    8. TED 2015

      For reference, here are the "the most popular talks of 2015": https://www.ted.com/playlists/320/the_most_popular_talks_of_2015_1

    1. empathize with the person to whom you’re speaking

      That should be done for any type of communication. How does the "curse of knowledge" relate to this specifically?

    2. How exactly did this go wrong?

      You have a different political belief than the one who you're supposed to write the speech for. This isn't related to knowing or not knowing something?

    1. We’re actively looking for the learning guide of the future.

      Has something changed since 2018?

    2. with inline discussion with other learners

      Ha, web annotations to the rescue!

    3. You don’t need to read a whole link to get the main point, you want to curate little bits and pieces of open resources: 30 seconds of this podcast, a minute and a half from this youtube video, just these 4 paragraphs from this article.

      Then why not summarize these important content fragments into a single post learners should read?

      I disagree somewhat with only curating parts of content or endless remixing of content. The value of reading original sources is that you form opinions and see connections yourself -- learning instead of memorising.

    1. Cicero had reigned supreme as the model and arbiter of good speech in Europe. Characteristically, Cicero’s sentences unfold slowly, building steam through a series of subordinate clauses toward a central idea.

      Meaning this speaking style is mostly meant to overwhelm and persuade you, not permit to make your own conclusions from the presented facts?

    2. Anyone who has ever glanced at a facsimile edition of even the most canonical writers of the English language—say Milton or Shakespeare—will be familiar with the wilder gardens of early modern usage.

      English vocabularly standardized more gradually than other languages -- with larger differences between writings.

    1. your optimal city is where you have the best chances of finding your tribe

      You can also find your "tribe" on the internet -- many people (including me) find that much easier than in real life. You have many more opportunities for connections and can drop things that don't work.

      Maybe the author's point is more about the serendipity of being in an environment with people of your interests?

    2. If you still live in the same city you grew up in, you should probably move.

      I'd be wary of making general statements like that. For me, moving not just cities but countries has been the best thing I ever did -- but to get away from a comfortable environment, not into one as the article describes here.

    1. A Pareto improvement occurs when a change in allocation harms no one and helps at least one person

      We should only do changes like this. Innovation instead of looting.

    2. when an economy has its resources and goods allocated to the maximum level of efficiency

      What exactly is "good allocated to the maximum level of efficiency" supposed to mean? We're always producing new wealth that can be applied somewhere.

    1. Today, K.e.coffman is a solid member of English Wikipedia’s editorial elite—No. 734 out of 121,000, as of this writing.

      This article is the story of one insanely dedicated Wikipedia editor. There are 733 at least more.

    2. “My editing style tends to be bold.”

      The most honest way to edit or write.

    1. Obsidian doesn't make connections for me. More importantly, it doesn't do all the really important stuff brains do — it doesn't breathe for me, it doesn't regulate my temperature, it doesn't interpret things I see, it doesn't feel. Calling a notetaking app a "second brain" abstracts away all the essential parts of being human that don't count as "objective" "thought."
    1. from similar indexing and discovery services

      I assume the following is a direct comparison to https://scholar.google.com/

  13. Jan 2022
    1. We wouldn’t have hilarious coffee drinking robot commercials without it!

      I wonder what the author is referring to here.

    1. levelised costs well below lithium batteries

      "levelised costs" -- Is this system more expensive initially than installing lithium batteries?

    1. you still can’t say anything in casual conversation except “I read the book,”

      Related to this, I think being proud of "read books" (or worse, counting them) and bringing that up in conversations is pure signalling. Books are not just there to be consumed.

      Great essay on making knowledge your own: https://sive.rs/dq

    2. and the 1-2 sentences people usually say to introduce the book

      I find that I increasingly skip introductionary sentences written by other people, or what's on the book cover. The book should stand on it's own, if you want actual understanding and not copying of opinion.

    3. Read reviews/discussions of the book (ideally including author replies), but not the book: 2 hours of time investment, 25% understanding/retention.

      This means copying the reviewers opinion of the book instead of forming your own. Of course that's faster, but IMHO you cannot call it "understanding of the book". You're reading a different "book" written by the reviewer.

    1. as the country progressively embraced a more neoliberal capitalist economic model

      Why did they do that? Any good source here?

    2. the radical autonomy of the modern “consumer.”

      Or the modern self-employed producer, which we see more and more of (gig work, internet creators etc). You generally have more choice today in your form of employment. It is not just about consuming.

    3. “For our generation, children aren’t a necessity…Now we can live without any burdens. So why not invest our spiritual and economic resources on our own lives?”

      Indeed. Being forced to have children out of material necessity is no good basis for societal growth.

    4. nihilistic individualism

      How do those concepts fit thogether? Individualism means valuing yourself -- so there you are valuing something. Does it mean not caring about larger institutions then?

    5. But while Americans can, he says, perceive that they are faced with “intricate social and cultural problems,” they “tend to think of them as scientific and technological problems” to be solved separately.

      Yes, because we rarely make progress in other aspects. For technological problems there's a clear solution that people will buy if it works. Deliberate sociological change you may have to force, which is never a good basis.

    6. In the brutally cutthroat world of CCP factional politics

      Are China's politics cutthroat? As an ignorant western person it appears their government is always acting in unison, much more so than in the US for example. Definetely worth reading more on.

    1. that more data would be needed to assess whether it is significant

      Exactly. He effectively created his algorithm on the training data set, and can't independently verify the results.

      Notably, the words used in the game are meant to be guessed by humans -- so using an optimal strategy that considers every english word should perform fairly well.

    2. The player accesses a no-frills page, with no fee, registration or advertising

      I think the explosive social growth comes from this simplicity. You are not told how well you did or get to try multiple examples. The only way to find that out is to share the product.

      Probably an unintentional effect, but a powerful one.

    1. The usual neural pathways for representing numbers lead to dead ends. And this, perhaps, is why people are afraid of big numbers.

      Not just "why we are afraid of big numbers", also why we do not intuitely understand exponentials (as referenced earlier in the article). Exponentials appear in nature, but humans rarely had to deal with them until a few thousand years ago.

    2. For approximate reckoning we use a ‘mental number line,’ which evolved long ago and which we likely share with other animals. But for exact computation we use numerical symbols, which evolved recently and which, being language-dependent, are unique to humans.

      The core of this hypothesis: Approximating things (e.g. numbers) is an innately human instinct, while precise computation using abstract symbols evolved only recently. In nature there's rarely a large difference between 1.0 and 1.1.

      It's applied to the big number problem in the next paragraph.

    3. Indeed, one could define science as reason’s attempt to compensate for our inability to perceive big numbers.

      Or very small numbers, like understanding how atoms work in order to synthesize stronger materials. Or in general, attempting to understand things that are outside our direct field of view and intuitive understanding.

      I like the author's argument. Reasoning about big numbers is reasoning about what we don't know -- the first step of getting to know it.

    4. But how can we determine, in a finite amount of time, whether something will go on endlessly?
    5. Nondeterministic Polynomial-Time.

      Meaning, you can come up with a solution to an NP problem in polynomic time (something represented by an exponential), if you take the optimal choice every time there is a choice (non-deterministic). Which is the same as verifying that a given solution is correct, by just following it's steps.

    6. physicist Albert Bartlett asserted "the greatest shortcoming of the human race" to be "our inability to understand the exponential function."
    7. Had he chosen easy-to-write 1’s rather than curvaceous 9’s, his number could have been millions of times bigger.

      It's about finding the best representation of big numbers, not thinking of them.

    1. Email is a place where that need gets met for many readers and therefore a place for us to experiment.

      Interestingly, I enjoy reading the articles more when I stumble upon them browsing their home page, rather than through a newsletter subscription. There's something to exploring vs. consuming.

      But it makes sense that they want to optimise for newsletter subscribers.

    2. some people we’ve interviewed in brand research told us that The Atlantic is “absolutely a conservative” institution, while for other people it is“definitely a liberal” one

      That's the best feedback you can get if you want to be truly independent.

    1. A presidential-campaign field organizer in a caucus state told me she can’t get low-income workers to commit to coming to meetings or rallies, let alone a time-consuming caucus, because they don’t know their schedules in advance.
    2. our every minute should be “captured, optimized, or appropriated as a financial resource by the technologies we use daily.”

      A similar read on the topic: https://www.oliverburkeman.com/time

    3. Sundays are no longer a day of forced noncommerce—everything’s open—or nonproductivity.

      That's not neccesarily the ideal for all people. But it should at least be a choice what to do with our time.

    4. The personalization of time may seem like a petty concern, and indeed some people consider it liberating to set their own hours or spend their “free” time reaching for the brass ring. But the consequences could be debilitating for the U.S. in the same way they once were for the U.S.S.R. A calendar is more than the organization of days and months. It’s the blueprint for a shared life.

      What a well-written intro!

    5. since production never stopped

      But production per day must have slowed down since you always had less people working at once. It's an interesting way to increase utilization of industrial equipment -- you don't have to increase capacity, but can use the same things longer. Assuming you rotated 2 rest days within 7 day weeks that would mean you need 2/7 = 28% less workplaces for people (maybe ore smelters for example), which could be significant.

  14. May 2021
  15. Feb 2021
    1. STATSD_SAMPLE_RATE: (default: 1.0)

      It's recommended to configure this library by setting environment variables.

      The thing I don't like about configuration via environment variables is that everything is limited/reduced to the string type. You can't even use simple numeric types, let alone nice rich value objects like you could if configuration were done in the native language (Ruby).

      If you try to, you get:

      config/initializers/statsd.rb:8:in `[]=': no implicit conversion of Integer into String (TypeError)
  16. Oct 2019
    1. With pywb 2.3.0, the client-side rewriting system exists in a separate module at https://github.com/webrecorder/wombat`
  17. Apr 2019
  18. Jul 2018
  19. arxiv.org arxiv.org
    1. Forsimplicity, let us assume that the boundary of Ω has only one component.Letι: Σ :=∂Ω→Rnbe its isometric embedding. Letν:ι(Σ)→Sn−1be the outer unit normal. Sinceι(Σ) is assumed to be a strictly convexhypersurface inRnthere is a smooth family of embeddingsF: Σ×[0,∞]→RnwhereFt(σ) =F(σ, t) =ι(σ) +tν(ι(σ)).Note thatFt(Σ) are the ‘outer’ distance surfaces ofι(Σ). IfˆΩ denotes thebounded domain enclosed byι(Σ), then{Ft(Σ)}t≥0foliatesRn\ˆΩ and theEuclidean metric on this set can be written asG=dt2+gt,wheregtis the first fundamental form of the embeddingFt: Σ→Rn.
  20. May 2018
    1. we use the dilationinvariance of weighted H ̈older norms together with suitable curvature conditionsto obtain uniform bounds of solutions to the initial value problem (1) with initialconditionu−1(1 +ǫ,·) on [1 +ǫ,∞). By Arzela-Ascoli Theorem, there exists aweak solution to (1) withu−1(1,·) = 0 (Theorem 2). S
    2. We introduce the scaling transformation ̃u(t) =√tt+ 1u(t+ 1) wheret∈(0,∞).
  21. Apr 2018
    1. ∇0and∇20are the gradient and Hessianoperator of the Euclidean metric respectively. If we writeu2dr2+gr=∑i,jgijdzidzj.Then direct computations show (see the computations in (2.24), (2.27) below, for example):(2.23)|gij−δij|+ρ|∇0gij|+ρ2|∇20gij|≤Cρ2−n.By the result in [B1], the ADM mass of the metricds2=u2dr2+gris well defined, becausethe scalar curvature ofds2is zero outside a compact set.
  22. Mar 2018
    1. It would be fair to characterize Beaker as “a novel application of Bittorrent’s concepts to the Web platform.” If Beaker had been started in 2006, it would be using Bittorrent as its primary protocol. However, as of 2016, new variants have appeared with better properties.
  23. Jan 2018
  24. Sep 2017
    1. Theorem 1.1.LetMn1andMn2be hypersurfaces ofNn+1that are tan-gent atpand let0be a unitary vector that is normal toMn1atp. SupposethatMn1remains aboveMn2in a neighborhood ofpwith respect to0. De-note byH1r(x)andH2r(x)ther-mean curvature atx2WofMn1andMn2,respectively. Assume that, for somer,1rn, we haveH2r(x)H1r(x)in a neighborhood of zero; ifr2, assume also that2(0), the principal cur-vature vector ofM2at zero, belongs tor. ThenMn1andMn2coincide in aneighborhood ofp

      Princípio da tangência no interior, para as curvaturas médias de ordem superior.

    2. LetMn1andMn2be hypersurfaces ofNn+1that are tangentatp, i.e., which satisfyTpM1=TpM2. Fix a unitary vector0that is normaltoMn1atp. We say thatMn1remains aboveMn2in a neighborhood ofpwith respect to0if, when we parametrizeMn1andMn2by'1and'2asin (1.1), the corresponding functions1and2satisfy1(x)2(x) in aneighborhood of zero.

      O conceito de uma hipersuperfície está (localmente) acima ou abaixo de uma outra.

    1. Lemma 4.2.The functionm(r) =ZΣrH0(1−u−1)dσris nonincreasing inr, whereH0is the mean curvature ofΣrinRn.

      Essa fórmula de monoticidade de fato vale em um cenário mais amplo, vide essa anotação, por exemplo.

    2. we can solve (2.1)with initial valueu−10= 0. In fact, by Lemma 2.2,u0satisfies:1−exp−Zr0ψ(s)ds−12≤u0(x,r)≤1−exp−Zr0φ(s)ds−12.This means that Σ0is a minimal surface with respect to the asymptotically flat metricu2dr2+gr.

      Esse é um ingrediente fundamental na nossa abordagem para a desigualdade de Alexandrov-Frenchel via desigualdade de Penrose.

    3. solve (2.1) and show that the metricds2=u2dr2+gris asymptotically flatoutside Σ0. We will also compute the mass ofds2.

      Vide teorema 2.1, no final da sessão.

    4. Let Σ0be a compact strictly convex hypersurface inRn,Xbe the position vector ofa point on Σ0, and letNbe the unit outward normal of Σ0atX. Let Σrbe the convexhypersurface described byY=X+rN, withr≥0. The Euclidean space outside Σ0canbe represented by(Σ0×(0,∞),dr2+gr)wheregris the induced metric on Σr. Consider the following initial value problem(2.1)2H0∂u∂r= 2u2∆ru+ (u−u3)Rron Σ0×[0,∞)u(x,0) =u0(x)whereu0(x)>0 is a smooth function on Σ0,H0andRrare the mean curvature and scalarcurvature of Σrrespectively, and ∆ris the Laplacian operator on Σr.

      Note que de agora em diante o autor se detém a estudar esse caso particular, onde estão inteiramente determinadas as geometrias intrínseca e extrínseca das folhas do semi cilindro, obtido folheando-se pelas paralelas o exterior da hipersuperfície estritamente convexa dada a priori.

    5. u2dρ2+gρhas the scalar curvatureR, if and onlyifusatisfies(1.10)H0∂u∂ρ=u2∆ρu+12(u−u3)Rρ−12uR0+u32R.

      Observe que essa equação fica inteiramente determinada pela especificação da geometria intrínseca e extrínseca das folhas.

      Para uma ideia do que é essencial se saber sobre a geometria das folhas do semi cilindro, vide essa anotação.

    6. Given a functionRonN, we want to find the equation forusuch that(1.2)ds2=u2dρ2+gρhas scalar curvatureR.

      O papel da aplicação \( u: N \longrightarrow \mathbb{R} \) é distorcer as fibras do semi cilindro \( N \), por dilatações e torções, deixando a geometria intrínseca das folhas invariante, de tal forma que o resultado seja um semi cilindro com a curvatura escalar prescrita \( \mathcal{R} \).

    7. Let Σ be a smooth compact manifold without boundary with dimensionn−1 and letN= [a,∞)×Σ equipped with a Riemannian metric of the form(1.1)ds20=dρ2+gρfor a point (ρ,x)∈N. Heregρis the induced metric on Σρwhich is the level surfaceρ=constant

      Isso significa que a construção a seguir é feita a partir de um semi cilindro em que a geometria das folhas é dada a priori.

      Esse artigo não trata da construção desse semi cilindro inicial.

  25. arxiv.org arxiv.org
    1. By (4), we haveddtZΣ×{t}(Hη−Hu)dσt!=ZΣ×{t}(η−1−u−1)H21+K(η−u)−12(η−1−u−1)(H21+|h1|2)dσt.(9)By the Gauss equation and the assumption thatRic(gη) = 0, we have(10)2K=H2η−|hη|2=η−2(H21−|h1|2).Therefore, it follows from (9) and (10) that(11)ddtZΣ×{t}(Hη−Hu)dσt!=−ZΣ×{t}K(η−u)2u−1dσt≤0,where we also used the assumption thatK >0.
    2. Assumption:The scalar curvatureR(gt) =: 2Kofgtand the meancurvatureH1of the leaves Σ×{t}with respect tog1are everywhere positive.Proposition 2(cf. [2], [23], [22]).Under the above assumption, given anypositive functionu0onΣ×{0}, there is a smooth positive functionuonΣ×[0, t0]such that the scalar curvatureR(gu)ofguis identically zero andu|t=0=u0.

      A prova dessa proposição deixa mais claro o que é essencial saber sobre a geometria das folhas do semi cilindro reto, para que seja possível deformar suas fibras prescrevendo a curvatura escalar, conforme foi descrito (com mais generalidade) por Shi-Tam.

  26. Apr 2016
    1. One thing I held on to during fedwiki was that it wasn’t intended to be wikipedia, and to me that meant it wasn’t intended to produce articles so much as to sustain and connect ideas in formation that might find their way into article-like things on other platforms.
  27. Feb 2016
  28. Jan 2016
    1. Here’s what the Finns, who don’t begin formal reading instruction until around age 7, have to say about preparing preschoolers to read: “The basis for the beginnings of literacy is that children have heard and listened … They have spoken and been spoken to, people have discussed [things] with them … They have asked questions and received answers.”
  29. Nov 2015
    1. Trying to override the getter on the prototype of an element is somewhat pointless as WebKit does not use getters for DOM properties. Technically we could make it do so, but that basically means throwing away performance for no good reason. Comment 2 T. Brains 2010-03-21 14:23:58 PDT That means there's absolutely no way to override or extend the default get or set behavior of any of the built-in DOM properties, which is very limiting, and like I mentioned contradicts the behavior of other browsers.

      When this was written, overriding getters for native DOM properties was not possible.

  30. Sep 2015
  31. Jun 2015
  32. May 2015
    1. https://via.hypothes.is/http://www.autostraddle.com/the-new-yorkers-skewed-history-of-trans-exclusionary-radical-feminism-ignores-actual-trans-women-247642/

      Error 1000 Ray ID: 1e70d2a751550d7f • 2015-05-15 18:14:30 UTC

      DNS points to prohibited IP

      What happened?

      You've requested a page on a website (www.autostraddle.com) that is on the CloudFlare network. Unfortunately, it is resolving to an IP address that is creating a conflict within CloudFlare's system.

  33. Feb 2015
    1. A "non-transparent proxy" is a proxy that modifies the request or response in order to provide some added service to the user agent, such as group annotation services, media type transformation, protocol reduction, or anonymity filtering.

      Hey look!!1! "group annotation services"!

      Here's one: http://via.hypothes.is/