1,120 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. Scientists have discovered that a species of ant found in the southeastern United States also perform amputations when their nestmates are perilously injured on the leg, staving off the spread of infection from an open wound and effectively saving their comrades’ life.


  2. May 2024
    1. The recently discovered Wreck of the Sub Marine Explorer, the first submersible that was capable of diving and rising without help from the surface, completes a story of marine science discovery that saw multiple deaths due to decompression sickness.


  3. Apr 2024
    1. If confirmed as a galaxy, the system would be the faintest galaxy ever discovered — and may suggest that many others remain to be discovered.

      Always something more to know!

    1. But that doesn’t mean that the planets don’t affect one another—and lately, scientists have come to suspect that Mars may be literally stirring tides within the depths of our world.

      So interesting!

  4. Feb 2024
    1. Intuitive Machines is one of several small companies that NASA has hired to transport instruments that will perform reconnaissance on the moon’s surface ahead of the return of NASA astronauts there, planned for later this decade.

      Notable change.

    1. Those checking my public profile will see that only about 1,000 annotations are in the public layer or in public groups. This underscores the reality that annotations do not have to be public to be beneficial. I use private annotations for all kinds of different purposes, from research to vacation planning to holiday shopping.

      As I note here, most of my annotations are private. But this annotation--the 250,000th is public. And happy to add it here on this article, from a hotel room in London!

    2. Leaving to build open infrastructure didn’t mean that I left the tool behind — far from it!)

      And I'm still using it and highly recommending it to folks I meet today!

    3. Yet, here I am, a self-diagnosed annotation addict.

      Not reformed yet!

    4. Doesn’t she have a life?

      Still often asked...

    5. Recently, I made my 100,000th annotation with Hypothesis.

      Today, I will make my 250,000 annotation--and on this very blog post!

    1. As future readers enjoy this article, they might see Heather Staines’ annotations alongside this very paragraph.


    2. With her wide experience and joyful nature, forward-thinking academic publishers pay attention to Heather Staines.

      I now work for Delta Think and get the opportunity to work with publishers and service providers of all kinds, along with libraries and foundations!

    3. Hypothes.is opens marvelous new frontiers.

      I wish this effort had continued more broadly...

    4. “I’m a Harry Potter fan,” she said, “Finding annotation is like living as a muggle, then discovering this yet unseen layer of magic over the entire world.”

      Just one of many analogies that I'm prone to use!

    5. brilliant exuberance,

      Probably understating it!

    6. Heather explained with delight how her company’s annotation tools will transform academic publications into “truly living entities.”

      I remember this talk fondly!

    1. now appear in the final version of our book

      How meta!

    2. summer of 2019.

      Hard to believe this was so long ago--pre-pandemic...

    3. Tags curate scholarly conversations and communities.

      More things should enable tags...

    4. Scholars have taken keen advantage of these social media norms.

      Sadly, Twitter is not what it once was...

    5. Kathleen Fitzpatrick’s Planned Obsolescence,

      Met Kathleen again at an annotation workshop in Lansing, Michigan for the HuMetricsHSS project.

    6. Take, for example, Annotation for Transparent Inquiry (ATI), an initiative of the Qualitative Data Repository.

      Had the absolute pleasure of working with the team at QDR!

    7. Because, scholars are annotators.

      Recently saw some original Copernicus books "annotated" (read censored) by the church.

    8. Reflecting on how new digital tools have re-invigorated annotation and contributed to the creation of their recent book, they suggest annotation presents a vital means by which academics can re-engage with each other and the wider world.

      Returning to this after several years reflection...

    1. It has been exhilarating to work in effective partnership.


    2. He urges that men of science should then turn to the massive task of making more accessible our bewildering store of knowledge. For years inventions have extended man's physical powers rather than the powers of his mind.

      Interesting to read this after just watching Oppenheimer on the plane to London.

    3. an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility.

      Definitely my activity page!

    1. I cannot betray either the first or the second. If your beliefs are worth something, you must be willing to stand up for them. And if necessary, make some sacrifices.”


    1. This technical report focuses on (1) our method for turning visual data of all types into a unified representation that enables large-scale training of generative models, and (2) qualitative evaluation of Sora’s capabilities and limitations. Model and implementation details are not included in this report.

      AI to generate video images.

    1. A region of the moon that’s at the center of a new international space race because it may contain water ice could be less hospitable than once thought,

      Moon knowledge is increasing all the time..

  5. Jan 2024
    1. The reconstructed specimen — about 14 feet long from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail — demonstrates the importance of the preparators to the museum’s scientific and educational missions, said Vanessa Rhue, the Peabody’s collections manager for vertebrate paleontology.

      This is amazing!

    1. T.S.M.C. has transformed an industry that now measures its work in nanometers (billionths of a meter). A human red blood cell is around 7,000 nanometers wide, and T.S.M.C. is now developing 1.4-nanometer chips.


  6. Oct 2023
    1. The matter of the moon’s origin may seem like it should be settled science. We’ve examined it through telescopes, orbited it with a suite of spacecraft, scooped up its rocks and explored its surface in person.

      Very cool development!

    1. Astronomers have intercepted a mysterious and ancient radio signal that's traveled from the farthest reaches of the cosmos — for an astonishing eight billion years, more than half the lifespan of the universe — before finally reaching the Earth.


  7. Sep 2023
  8. Aug 2023
    1. NASA’s Perseverance rover has been diligently collecting rocky samples from Mars to stow them away on the planet’s dusty surface while engineers work to develop a rocket that can launch off of another world as a crucial step in the process of retrieving the samples.

      So exciting!

  9. Jul 2023
    1. In a first, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) may have glimpsed a rare type of star that astronomers aren’t even sure exists.


    1. a ravenous Repenomamus, an ancient mammal the size of an opossum, pounced on an unsuspecting Psittacosaurus—an herbivorous dinosaur more than three times its size.


    1. Hypothesis was launched in 2011 and lets individuals and groups of people annotate a wide array of digital content, including academic articles and books.

      In fact, you can use Hypothesis to annotate on this very article about annotation. Very meta (not to be confused, of course, with Meta)!

  10. Jun 2023
    1. The museum is in the planning stages of an interactive exhibition that will center on Joan Rivers’s card catalog of jokes and include material covering a vast swath of comedy history, from the 1950s to 2015. The show will allow visitors to explore the file in depth.

      Very cool to have this!

    1. this process could take a quadrillion years — that's a million billion years — while our entire universe is only an estimated 13.8 billion years young.

      Don't wait up!

    1. But it’s uncommon to spot a circumbinary system, where an exoplanet orbits two stars. And seeing two stars with more than one exoplanet in their vicinity is exceedingly rare.


  11. May 2023
  12. Apr 2023
    1. Anno, the leading open web annotation provider, and Atlassian, the leading provider of team collaboration and productivity software, announced plans to integrate Hypothesis with Confluence Cloud to make team collaboration possible everywhere on the internet.

      Well, this is super cool news!

  13. Feb 2023
  14. Dec 2022
    1. InSight has also been useful because it has a camera attached, allowing it to take some very nice photos of the surface of Mars.

      Very cool.

  15. Nov 2022
    1. Against all odds, NASA's Mars lander has, somehow, continued truckin' along — but its inevitable death seems to finally be at hand.


  16. Aug 2022
    1. This new image is gorgeous, no doubt. Its beauty is also functional, because it can help answer modern questions about how galaxies morph over time. About 25 percent of all galaxies are currently merging with others, and even more are probably gravitationally interacting, according to the Harvard and Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.


  17. Jul 2022
    1. NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has produced the deepest and sharpest infrared image of the distant universe to date. Known as Webb’s First Deep Field, this image of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 is overflowing with detail.

      So cool!

    1. The limb, complete with skin, is just one of a series of remarkable finds emerging from the Tanis fossil site in the US State of North Dakota.


    1. For the past seven years, some scientists have observed certain gravitational anomalies in this mysterious region and have theorized that there must be an undiscovered world, dubbed Planet Nine, lurking at the outer edges of our galactic backyard.

      It would be so exciting to find it!

  18. Feb 2022
    1. When asteroid 2020 XL5 was first discovered, astronomer Toni Santana-Ros thought it might have a strange orbit, one that kept it just in front of Earth — what astronomers call a “Trojan asteroid” for the way they sneak behind or in front of a planet.

      Never heard of this before!

  19. Jan 2022
    1. Like so many of Europe’s megafauna, the aurochs met their end at the hands of humans.

      Never heard of them!

  20. Dec 2021
    1. This picture is just further proof that giant squids do exist, and they do not appear to be very afraid of humans, either! We wonder what other mysterious creatures could be hiding under the waves, away from human eyes.

      Not a giant squid. A colossal squid...

    1. As it seeks answers about the cosmos and what they mean for Earth’s origins, NASA on Friday announced a slew of discoveries about Jupiter. And scientists brought home an interstellar tune from the road.

      So gorgeous!

  21. Jun 2021
    1. some projects to add to the world of linked data

      I'm so excited to hear an update on this project!

    2. recently published book

      I was honored to interview Remi and Antero (along with other MITP authors) about collaborative community review and how it fit with their traditional peer review experience. The blog post can be found here.

    3. Heather Staines

      You can share your question via replies to this annotation in advance of the session!

    1. They also have a sound

      I recently learned about ticker-tape synesthesia. My sister has it. In addition to "closed captioning for life", many folks with it see the words they read in their heads as they read them (leading to a doubling of the words). It's made me think about the process of reading in a whole new way...

    2. In fact, while we read a novel, we are insane—bonkers. We believe in the existence of people who aren’t there, we hear their voices, we watch the battle of Borodino with them, we may even become Napoleon. Sanity returns (in most cases) when the book is closed.

      I've been reading recently about "the mind's eye" and how those who have one imagine the things they are reading. And those who have no "mind's eye" --aphantasia experience what they read.

  22. May 2021
    1. However, drawing on their research and writing practice, Remi Kalir and Antero Garcia present a different view of annotation, as a vital mechanism by which academics have historically connected and interwoven their own thinking with contemporaries and those who have gone before them.

      I interviewed Remi and Antero for "Collaborative Community Review" in 2019.

  23. Aug 2020
  24. Jul 2020
    1. Republicans hold statehouses in some big states and there the counts look like this: Florida has seen 5,931 deaths, Texas with 5,085 fatalities and Ohio with 3,344. Arizona, also with a GOP governor, has 3,304 dead. Thus, of the 10 states with the most fatalities, the six highest tolls are all in states with Democratic leadership. Republicans run the virus response in states ranked seventh through 10th in this grim lineup.

      Just wait...

  25. Jun 2020
    1. Mr. Esper said after the much-criticized photo op that he was unaware of his destination when he set out with Mr. Trump for what he thought was a visit to view troops near Lafayette Square.

      Do you believe this for a second?

  26. May 2020
    1. Many who catch it won’t know they had it at all. Only really the elderly and infirm are under serious threat.

      This is simply not true though. Many people without underlying conditions are badly compromised and even killed by this virus.

  27. Apr 2020
    1. ince a worldwide pandemic has recently upended day-to-day life for every person living on planet earth, you’ll know that many industries have also been affected by the economic repercussions of COVID-19.


    1. milestone

      Could not be more excited to see this news! I raise a glass to the team! Thank you for keeping Hypothesis going so that I can keep going towards my own million annotations!

    1. Establish standard models and criteria for funding alternatives to “pay for access” or “pay to publish” (transactional funding models) so that libraries can more easily invest in diverse content and services, including open infrastructure


    1. In China, where the mortality rate for men was almost twice as high as that for women, nearly half of men over 15 smoke, compared with just 2 percent of women.

      Huge difference! Wow!

  28. Mar 2020
    1. In addition to supporting Trinitas’s medical administration, staff, nurses, and patrons, Marrapodi has been supporting consumers around the world through the 3-D virtual reality program Second Life. Second Life ’s host site, Whole Brain Health within Second Life, aims to keep people over fifty-five mentally active. “People have this stereotype that senior citizens can’t handle a smart phone,” Marrapodi commented, but over 20,000 people have seen Marrapodi’s virtual displays. She enjoyed receiving a thank-you email from a research scientist in Singapore for her efforts educating consumers on the coronavirus.

      Didn't know it was still up and running...

    1. Madagascar, an island country in the Indian Ocean with exceptionally diverse habitats and a host of species that evolved here and live nowhere else, has its own small carnivores. The largest, called the fosa (or fossa), is often described as “cat like”—or, some say, a cross between cat, mongoose, and dog—though it is not actually a felid. A member of the Eupleridae family, which covers all of the island’s meat-eaters, it prefers a deep-woods habitat and leans on lemurs for much of its nourishment.

      Never heard of fosa before.

    1. This could occur because, even if the institution’s users are using the content at the same or even higher rate, that usage may not be able to be attributed to the institution. Users will no longer have to pass through an authentication system to get to the content and so any off-campus, mobile device, etc. usage may end up untraced to the institution.

      This is a very important point to consider.

    1. Drone technology just got a step closer to becoming fully self-navigating: Taking a page out of a bat’s playbook, engineers developed a rig that lets drones chart out their surroundings using echolocation.

      Incredible! Who thinks of these things?

  29. Feb 2020
    1. Desk Set (1957) is a delightful Tracy-Hepburn comedy about automation and information technology. 

      Love this one. Never thought of it as future forward before, but certainly is!

    1. When she was in Grade 1, Spencer was bullied for bringing a grasshopper to school. Not only was she teased, her schoolmates stomped the creature to death.

      What kind of school was it!? I hope someone looks into this.

    1. New research, published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances, reveals important findings about the Stupendemys, a now-extinct freshwater turtle, and details the discovery of one of its shells — the largest known turtle shell found to date, at nearly nine-and-a-half-feet long. The animal would have resembled, in length and weight, a midsized car.

      Wonder how this one is related to the turtle at the Yale Peabody museum, in New Haven?

    1. NASA has fixed one of the most intrepid explorers in human history. Voyager 2, currently some 11.5 billion miles from Earth, is back online and resuming its mission to collect scientific data on the solar system and the interstellar space beyond.


    1. In this volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, Richard Cytowic, the expert who returned synesthesia to mainstream science after decades of oblivion, offers a concise, accessible primer on this fascinating human experience.

      This would be a great gift! I add a tag for the event and a tag for the person the gift might be great for. Sometimes, when a site is dynamic (so I might not be able to get all the way back) I include an image and enough info to identify the gift.! Back to the 100K blog for another adventure?

    1. annotation.

      P.S. In the time it has taken me to get this post in shape, I'm now at 105K. Talk again down the road!

    2. Public Annotation

      While my annotations tilt predominantly to the private layer, I'm branching out!

    3. Future of the Web

      Annotation fulfills the future promise of the Web!

    4. Planning

      Annotation is great for planning that requires resources that are scattered across the web. Check this out!

    5. Scholarly Publishing

      I can think of countless ways to use annotation in scholarly publishing!

    6. my life

      Yeah, you must think I'm kidding, but no.

    7. “choose your own (adventure) annotation path”

      Each annotation in the path will lead you to the next!

    1. Step Inside Brazil’s Museu Nacional, Before the Devastating Blaze

      Be sure to open all the annotations on the page! This article marks an experiment into public annotation. While most of my annotation is for private purposes, I do think that anyone can contribute to knowledge creation using annotation. I hope you agree. I also created a special director's cut edition of an article I wrote!

    1. Annotation is coming to scholarly content, but there are key choices to be made that will dramatically affect the collective outcome we achieve.

      Be sure to click to open all annotations on this page! I continue to marvel at the ways that scholarly communication experiments with open annotation! For example Transparent Review in Preprints and the American Society of Plant Biologists' continuing experiments. And I continue to use annotation every day--how else would I reach 100K annotations? Click here to return to 100K post and try another adventure!

    1. Over 300,000 people have created Hypothesis accounts — including over 100,000 just this year — and are actively annotating more than ever: we’ve seen over 10,000 active users every month this fall, with over 15,000 active users in both September and October.

      I remember when we passed 1 million annotations back in early February 2017. I couldn't be more thrilled to see the continuing acceleration in the numbers. I can't wait until the web browsers include annotation by default to make it even easier to use open annotation. Let's make that happen! Return to try another 100K adventure!

    1. Gaudi’s Casa Batlló

      Barcelona--Casa Batllo with Audio Tour $30 The Gaudi attractions in Barcelona were hard for me to keep track of, so I began adding images and notes to myself about planning the trip. This got me thinking that I could plan other things.

    1. Finding new ways to harness engagement in scholarly communications is a goal of the Knowledge Futures Group, and inline annotation is a technology that I rely upon every day to organize my thoughts and track my online reading. I reached out to the authors of three forthcoming MIT Press books that have undergone this type of review during the last year.

      Collaborative community review can be used for all sorts or purposes. To return to the 100K blog and follow another adventure, just click here.

    1. Transparent Review in Preprints (TRiP) — that enables journals and peer review services to post peer reviews of submitted manuscripts on CSHL’s preprint server bioRxiv.

      Incredible use of annotation technology in peer review over preprints! Watch this space! I'm lucky that I get to use annotation in my work at the Knowledge Futures Group.

    1. ASPB editors are adding some of the first annotations on The Plant Cell to provide links to related scholarly materials, including peer review reports, “in brief” companion articles, and — as in the example pictured below —  author biographies. View a dynamic list of all annotations in ASBP’s open group.

      It's fantastic to see ASPB continue to expand the use of annotation to promote engagement and transparency in their journals! And there are even more ways to use annotation in peer review!

    1. The American Psychological Association (APA) and Hypothesis are pleased to announce a partnership to bring annotation capabilities to content hosted on APA’s PsycNET platform. By embedding this key collaborative technology, APA will make it easier for authors, researchers and readers to use and explore multiple conversations in addition to the publisher version of record.

      APA had some great ideas to encourage author updates to content, including the addition of videos. Other publishers wanted to make peer review more visible or to highlight content on related platforms!

    1. I annotate everything, and the tool has changed the way I do my research and my reading.

      Almost two years later, I STILL annotate everything I read. In my new role at the MIT Knowledge Futures Group, I work with groups creating communities on PubPub who engage through annotation, including in the classroom, through open collaborative peer review, and more! What happened? Click to find out how I fell in love with open infrastructure!

  30. Jan 2020
    1. The surface of our sun is a wild, violent place and now we can see it in exquisite detail, thanks to the first images returned by the National Science Foundation's Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope based in Hawaii.

      I didn't even know that this was possible!

    1. NASA’s Curiosity rover has been roaming the Martian surface for more than seven years now, and all that work has taken a toll on its once shiny, metallic body.

      Looks pretty good!

    1. To him who observes them from afar, it appears as though they are scattering and dissipating their energies, while in reality they are channeling and strengthening them.

      I think this is really important.

    1. The infrastructure of Amsterdam all depends on a stone at the center of Dam Square. The stone caps a bolt that marks Amsterdam’s zero-level, or sea level, based on high tide in the summer of nearby Zuiderzee Bay. The reference point, called Amsterdam Ordnance Datum (which translates to Normaal Amsterdams Peil, or NAP), is the heart of the European network of national leveling networks. In other words, the NAP is the prime meridian of elevation. 

      Wow! I never heard of this before!

    1. The voice recreation technique "has given us the unique opportunity to hear the sound of someone long dead", said study co-author Joann Fletcher, a professor of archaeology at the University of York.

      Kinda creepy... Kinda cool...

    1. Finding new ways to harness engagement in scholarly communications is a goal of the Knowledge Futures Group, and inline annotation is a technology that I rely upon every day to organize my thoughts and track my online reading.

      I hope that you enjoy this blog post on the use of annotation for community review. Please feel free to create a free PubPub account and leave me some feedback! Happy Annotating! Return to 100K post here.

    1. Interested authors can select In Review when they submit their manuscript through Editorial Manager. Participating will enable them to track the progress of their manuscript through peer review with immediate access to review reports, share their work to engage a wider community through open annotation using Hypothesis, follow a transparent editorial checklist, and gain early collaboration and citation opportunities.

      Annotation in peer review, whether on preprints or through a more traditional manuscript submission system, offers the option for reviewers, editors, and authors to give and received feedback in context. And I'm super excited about this new project.

    1. several observers suggested Hypothesis might help carry those comments forward

      It was so exciting to be a part of this initiative, to rescue annotations from PubMedCommons, an example of how open infrastructure can pick up the torch to keep something valuable from disappearing. Annotation can also streamline peer review.

    1. Opaque-2 Regulates a Complex Gene Network Associated with Cell Differentiation and Storage Functions of Maize Endosperm

      Be sure to open all annotations! This article uses annotation to draw attention to related content, such as peer review reports and author profiles available on their communities site. Open interoperable annotation in accordance with the W3C standard is good for the community as a whole.

    1. The open-source Hypothesis software has been extensively customised for use by eLife and other publishers with new moderation features, single sign-on authentication and user-interface customisation options now giving publishers more control over its implementation on their sites.

      I was so excited to see the eLife Publisher Group go live--finally, an integration with a real live publisher! It wasn't long before other publishers were adding their own groups!

    1. The new coronavirus continued to spread across China and nearby countries Wednesday, with authorities in the province where it began reporting that 17 people have now died as a result of infection, almost tripling in a day.

      This scares the pants off me...

    1. Spider silk is as strong as steel and as light as a feather, but attempts to industrialize its production have gotten stuck, so to speak.

      Be sure to open all the annotations on the page! This article was one of my forays into public annotation. I wanted to add images and links to this existing article. It was fun to do, and I hope I created a unique reading experience for those fortunate enough to have Hypothesis enabled in their browsers! I love museums, so I augmented this post.

    1. In the far future, the [human group] fights a pitched battle against the mighty [alien name] Empire, but deep in the mysterious [region of space], among the ruins of the past, a darker threat looms."

      If I could write a short story or even a novel using only annotations (and info on the web pages themselves, like setting, plot developments, clues)! Might be fun! What cool uses can you think of?

    1. Applicants must perform and pass a music audition before the University can review applications for admission to music degree programs. Space is limited in these majors and students need to apply and audition early.

      Find out the details regarding the audition process.

      I used annotations like this to keep track of the college visits for my son, as well as scholarship info, and degree requirements. The ease of tracking everything made me want to experiment with annotation for other purposes--like shopping!

    1. Jake Whitmanhad been dating Mariah for six months

      Heather's test in public channel


    1. Collaboratively draft, review, and publish in an integrated, iterative process.

      I'm working in open infrastructure now--and it incorporates annotation for engagement and collaborative review. (It's not W3C compliant at this time, but who knows!) I still believe that open annotation is the future!

    1. sometimes you feel as if you have been preparing for something your entire life, as if there was a plan that you were aware of only subconsciously.

      As you can see from my initial Hypothesis blog post, I was very, very excited about the job--little did I know that, lurking under the surface was an annotating monster waiting to be unleashed! Blame Jon Udell for what happened next!

    1. Vannevar Bush July 1945 Issue

      Imagine what Vannevar Bush would think of the web annotation standard--or the fact that his article has been annotated more than 270 times! But the impact of annotation is much, much bigger than one article!

    1. Annotation extends that power to a web made not only of linked resources, but also of linked segments within them. If the web is a loom on which applications are woven, then annotation increases the thread count of the fabric. Annotation-powered applications exploit the denser weave by defining segments and attaching data or behavior to them.

      I remember the first time I truly understood what Jon meant when he said this. One web page can have an unlimited number of specific addresses pointing into its parts--and through annotation these parts can be connected to an unlimited number of parts of other things. Jon called it: Exploding the web! How far we've come from Vannevar Bush's musings...

    1. The Web Annotation Data Model specification describes a structured model and format to enable annotations to be shared and reused across different hardware and software platforms.

      The publication of this web standard changed everything. I look forward to true testing of interoperable open annotation. The publication of the standard nearly three years ago was a game changer, but the game is still in progress. The future potential is unlimited!

    1. In our big splash at SFN, NIF and Hypothesis released a collection of thousands of RRID annotations generated by SciBot, our hybrid machine- and human-based annotation tool. When activated, SciBot automatically recognizes RRIDs within papers, then makes a call to an RRID resolver service and pipes the information about these resources—including other papers that have been published using them—into annotations managed by the Hypothesis client.

      This demonstrates one of the coolest things about annotation--the ability for machines and humans to work together to recognize and link entities for reproducibility and other purposes. What other examples can you add?Who will make the next one?

    1. Yet aside from humans, only a few other species, including orangutans and bonobos, seem to willingly help others. Now, scientists say they’ve found the first nonmammals that are also altruists: African gray parrots.


    1. It felt important to visit the Newseum 10 years ago, when every journalist I knew still believed great reporting would always win. Now, in the wake of its recent closure, the delusory nature of that kind of thinking doesn’t get any more obvious.

      Very sad to see this closing. It was an amazing museum.

    1. If we allow this, we then need a way to say ‘Let this person see everything on this Page’, at which point Pages become permission vehicles, complicating (in my mind) the permission structure we have.

      I think you will need to explain this to me.

    2. The external contributor can simply click ‘New Review’, self-assign themselves as the reviewer and make suggested changes. When done, they can forward it on to the author or other Pub manager.

      This would take a significant amount of education in order for folks to understand it. Suggest Edit, makes more sense.

    3. list all reviews

      This doesn't make any sense. Students will not understand it...

    4. a teacher can create a new review in all relevant chapters.

      Here, I think version makes more sense--I guess it depends on the perspective. Is it another copy of an existing publication? Even then, you'd need one for each of your classes. Would you have to go back to the original every time?

    5. Review

      Here, I think Group makes the most sense.

    6. new review

      I think version would make more sense here. Creating a new review doesn't mean anything to me...

    7. author wants to submit their work for peer review

      It's probably going to be an editor who submits for peer review. An author may want someone else to review it, but an author wouldn't submit for peer review.

    8. Depending on whether the author is viewing a release or the draft branch, two options will appear: ‘Publish New Release’ or ‘Edit Document’

      I don't think I understand the difference between New Review and Edit? What I really want to be able to see her is what permissions/rights do I have, I think. Is that meant to be conveyed by the tiny text in the leftmost button?

    9. Branch + Merge Request + Conversation space.

      Some branches may be intended to never merge with any others--like translations or classroom groups.

    10. a space

      Potentially many spaces, one per class section. New groups per term, etc.

    11. author

      Team of collaborators want to review portions of documents before sharing with the rest of the group/public.

    12. author

      or Editor

  31. Dec 2019
    1. She did the foundational work that led to the COBOL programming language, used in mission-critical computing systems for decades (including today)

      Everybody should know her name, if for this alone.

    1. We hope to improve our writing, address our blind spots, and correct any shortcomings by welcoming divergent viewpoints from people who, as our peers, can capably and usefully review Annotation.

      I was so excited to participate in the collaborative community review of Annotation. Remi and Antero have done an amazing job documenting the history and the thought processes behind the practice.

  32. Nov 2019
    1. we propose calling such a system “HYDRA” for High-frequencY Fraud Detection Reference Application.  

      Setting aside the negative connotations that come out of the Captain American movies...

  33. Oct 2019
    1. ecognize the legitimacy of scholarship produced in new media, whether by individuals or in collaboration, and cre-­ate procedures for evaluating these forms of scholarship

      Also key.

    2. The profession as a whole should develop a more capacious conception of schol-­arship by rethinking the dominance of the monograph, promoting the scholarly essay, establishing multiple pathways to tenure, and using scholarly portfolios

      This is key.

    3. Even more troubling is the state of evaluation for digital scholarship, now an extensively used resource for scholars across the humanities: 40.8% of departments indoctorate-­granting institutions report no experience evaluating refereed articles in electronic format, and 65.7% report no experience evaluating monographs in electronic format.

      This is startling!

  34. Aug 2019
    1. There is no shortage of stories about legendary Japanese samurai warriors in modern pop culture; but most stories only feature the male ones.  

      Never knew this!

    1. It’s a refusal to accept that how we behave now is as good as we can expect from ourselves, from others and from the future. And it’s a reflection of the fact that most of us need help (regulations, laws, incentives, shame) getting to where we know we should be.

      This is a good point. I agree with it. I didn't give up my plastic shopping bags until the law said I had to.

  35. Jul 2019
    1. Europe’s oldest intact book has been discovered after being closed inside a hermit monk’s coffin for over 400 years. It will go on display at the British Library as part of an exhibition featuring prized manuscripts like the Lindisfarne Gospels and Beowulf. The show is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see how medieval Anglo-Saxons depicted their own culture through early writings.

      Excited that I got to see the exhibition!

  36. Jun 2019
    1. Some of these cities are pretty good-sized, too; Newark today has more people than Orlando. Modern New Jersey is the most densely populated state in the country: 47th in area, but 11th in population.

      Wow! Never knew that!

  37. May 2019
    1. I’m especially looking forward to session 5B: “Change It Up! Switching Departments, Changing Career Focus, Taking Risks — From Those Who Have Done It!” Knowing several of the brilliant and driven speakers on this panel, I look forward to learning from their chameleon experiences in adapting to diverse publishing sectors and new positions. I know a few who have written their own job descriptions, some more than once!

      Thanks for the shout out, Lettie!

    1. Numerous species, including some Ancylometes, Dolomedes, Megadolomedes, Pardosa, Pirata, Thalassius and others, live above water at the surface, but may actively submerge for a prolonged period of time, are strong swimmers and will catch underwater prey.[4][5][11]
    1. “With the B Team doing one thing & @realDonaldTrump saying another thing, it is apparently the U.S. that ‘doesn’t know what to think,’ ” Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted Friday in response to Trump. Zarif frequently refers to White House national security adviser John Bolton as the head of the “B team,” or simply, “the Moustache.”

      Would be funny and/or clever if it were not so deadly serious...

  38. Apr 2019
    1. And if a resurfaced tweet has an emotional resonance of x, than a passage in a book by which you were once moved must resonate at 100x.

      This is something that Altmetrics should move on...

    1. The people with the strongest networks are the ones who build real relationships because those are the ties that you can count on. Friends always ask me how I know so many people. My superpower is that I have a somewhat photographic memory for faces which helps me to remember people, although this has declined with age. I could remember someone I met only briefly over twenty years ago or see a photo of someone and remember the context (this has definitely freaked people out).

      I wonder how many super-networkers have time-space/calendar synesthesia?

    2. I hate “networking” as much as the next person.

      I happen to love networking... (This from the girl who never talked in high school... Who knew?)

    1. Boston Dynamics, a company whose main export appears to be unsettling videos of its robotic creations, has offered up one possible answer. Death sounds like 40 robot-dog legs, marching together in unison across a lifeless blacktop parking lot. 

      Future of transport after the zombie apocalypse?

    1. Everyone was striving to be a part of the legal profession (if you weren’t, what was wrong with you?). Everyone was applying for summer placement schemes, Legal Practice Course places, training contracts, all the next stages that you needed to tick off to succeed.

      This is interesting.

    1. Machine learning techniques were originally designed for stationary and benign environments in which the training and test data are assumed to be generated from the same statistical distribution.

      the best thing ever!

  39. Mar 2019
    1. Roth, now 67, gravitated to matching markets, where parties must choose one another, through applications, courtship and other means. In 1995, he wrote a mathematical algorithm that greatly improved the efficiency of the system for matching medical school graduates to hospitals for their residencies. That work led him to improve the matching models for law clerkships, the hiring of newly minted economists, Internet auctions and sororities. “I’m a market designer,” he says. “Currently, I’m focused on kidneys. We’re trying to match more donor kidneys to people globally.”

      Interesting for many, many fields.

    1. “Early on, Trump came to the conclusion that it is better to do business with crooks than with honest people. Crooks have two big advantages. First, they’re prepared to pay more money than honest people. And second, they will always lose if you sue them because they are known to be crooks.”

      This is amazing.

    1. This isn’t technically the last image the rover sent, though. As the fatal dust storm closed in, Opportunity sent one last thumbnail for an image that never went out: its last glimpse of the sun.

      Still sad about it.

    1. The Tohoku Regional Bureau (TRB) of theMinistry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism(MLIT) performed various actions in response to the 2011Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. The total dis-aster recovery and reconstruction period is expected to lastfor 10 years,

      This is the PDF.

    2. Japan’s recovery and reconstruction plans consist ofnational, prefectural, municipal, and residential level plans(IRP et al.2013).

      Learn more.

  40. Feb 2019
    1. This isn’t the first time in recent memory that a group of authors has been unhappy that a journal they published in was later delisted. That happened with Oncotarget last year.

      To me, this doesn't seem to be a valid reason for retracting the articles. What does COPE say about a case like this? Should the publisher have to remove them?

    1. Indeed, Japan’s parenting attitudes, as reflected in the World Values Survey, are closer to those in culturally remote Germany and the Netherlands than to China’s.

      This has got to be a huge difference from thirty years ago. Japan's demographic problems have meant that every kid has a future now.

    1. The nomination has sparked criticism, however, over Mr Azar’s own track record at Eli Lilly, a pharmaceuticals giant that was one of several to repeatedly increased the price of insulin, a life-saving drug used to treat diabetes. 

      The man should be prosecuted. Evil!

    1. In VR systems, the main goals are to improve the optical performance and bring the price down.

      This is interesting.

    1. the flyby showed Pluto to be home to cryo- or ice volcanoes, soaring mountains, and flat plains. Its surface is dominated by volatile ices, with large variations in color and albedo. New Horizons also took a look at Charon, the largest of Pluto’s five moons. Charon appears to be loaded with just water ice, absent the other frozen gasses found on Pluto. The most striking feature on this moon is a 600-mile long rift, longer than the Grand Canyon.

      How did I not know that Pluto had 5 moons? Really, I'm slacking on my solar system knowledge!

    1. The bookmark also allows you to annotate any site, but requires an extra step.

      You need to switch it on, and that can take a second, depending on how busy the page is, but it works the same.

    2. either as a Chrome plug in

      Also in other browsers via a bookmarklet!

    1. I would be remiss in not mentioning Pres. Roosevelt’s great friend and ally Winston Churchill who not only helped end World War II but was a lover and companion to a number of parrots.

      I have never seen a picture with Winston Churchill and parrots. It raises him higher in my esteem. I bet they swore also.

    2. Pol was taught to swear and screamed curse words at his funeral. The African Grey had to be ejected from the funeral ceremony when he started cursing in both English and Spanish, all learned from the president!

      Seems like Jackson had the last laugh!

    3. she heroically rescued the parrot as the fire was engulfing the White House. 

      This should be the story that everyone knows!

    1. “My hometown of New Haven, Connecticut, has plenty of ugly and harsh, brutalist architecture, but the old Pirelli Tire building on Long Wharf, which was designed by Marcel Breuer, has always been my favorite. It’s fascinated me since I was a kid.” — jmang

      It's fascinated me, too!

    1. Here in the Jordanian capital, the 6,000 seats of a 2nd-century Roman amphitheater stand testament to the significance of what was then known as Philadelphia, or “the city of brotherly love.”

      So cool to have a picture in front of this amphitheater!

    1. But every single photo on the site has been created by using a special kind of artificial intelligence algorithm called generative adversarial networks (GANs).

      These could be actual people. How would we know?

    1. archaeologists announced they had uncovered a remarkably well-preserved fresco depicting his story: The hunter who fell in love with his reflection in a pool.

      Need to go back to Pompeii when it is less crowded so I can enjoy it more.

    1. Costume designer Romy McCloskey recently used the skills the precision work of her hand embroidery and embellishments to help save the life of an injured Monarch butterfly

      I wouldn't even think this would be possible. Amazing!

    1. incorporating community feedback and expert judgment

      Biomed Central and ResearchSquare have partnered on a project called InReview, which enables community feedback in parallel with traditional peer review. More on that project here.

    2. peer review reports are published, either anonymously or with attribution;

      American Society for Plant Biologists is using Hypothesis annotation to draw the reader's attention to Peer Review Reports, publications that were previously hidden in supplementary materials. An example can be found here. And a list of all articles where such annotations have been added can be found here.

    3. We believe that a “publish first, curate second” approach with the following features would be a strong alternative: authors decide when and what to publish; peer review reports are published, either anonymously or with attribution; and curation occurs after publication, incorporating community feedback and expert judgment to select articles for target audiences and to evaluate whether scientific work has stood the test of time. These proposed changes could optimize publishing practices for the digital age, emphasizing transparency, peer-mediated improvement, and post-publication appraisal of scientific articles.

      This seems like a great argument for open annotation.

    1. But on Wednesday, NASA announced that the rover is dead.

      RIP Opportunity, it's been great seeing Mars through your eyes. I hope we can retrieve you someday.