- Feb 2025
a.wholelottanothing.org a.wholelottanothing.org
Kein How-to-Guide, sondern eine kurze Beschreibung der Besonderheiten von Signal für technisch weniger bewanderte Nutzerinnen und Nutzer. Bevor ich dieses Blogpost gelesen hatte, wusste ich nicht, dass Signal (die Stiftung, die für die Software und Hardware des Dienstes verantwortlich ist) nicht einmal Daten über Teilnehmer:innen an Chats und Gruppenchats entschlüsseln kann. Der Service weigert sich also nicht nur Metadaten über Kommunikation herauszugeben, es kann es gar nicht.
Es wirkt vielleicht paranoid, die eigene Kommunikation vor jeder möglichen Einsichtnahme schützen zu wollen. Aber angesichts von autoritären Politiker:innen, die im Bündnis mit monopolistischen Digitalkonzernen handeln, ist es wichtig ist, an alle Eventualitäten zu denken. Außerdem machen sich, wenn solche Techniken nicht massenhaft verwendet werden. genau die Leute verdächtig, die vor allem Verfolgung befürchten müssen.
Ich selbst verwende Signal auf meinem Mobiltelefon mit /e/OS, also einem weitgehend „Google-freien“, auf Datenschutz ausgerichteten Android. Ich lade die App von einem Repository für Open Source Software (F-Droid mit dem Guardian Project-Repository), also nicht von Google Play. Trotzdem bin ich nicht ganz sicher, dass meine Kommunikation über Signal nicht beobachtet werden kann. Mit rein technischen Mitteln lässt sich Sicherheit nicht herstellen, weil man die Möglichkeiten in Kommunikation einzudringen nicht alle voraussehen und ausschließen kann. Ein Restrisiko bleibt, aber ich versuche es so klein wie möglich zu halten.
- Nov 2024
support.signal.org support.signal.org
Signal allows you to set usernames. They are unique but temporary (and you can have only 1 at a time). User names can be used to connect to you without sharing your phone number. Set an optional username in Settings Profile. They have two numbers at the end (you can set them).
User names can be shared in three ways: - tell someone (and then change it so they cannot communicate it further) - share a QR code - share a unique URL (which does not contain your username in clear text)
Signal can't 'easily' see which phone number has which username. But given a username it can find the associated phonenumber. 'easily' means it can be done though, and thus both ways.
An old username will become available to others after a week, meaning imo they should not contain any identifiable or associative information.
Found this through someone suggesting that sharing your Signal username through Mastodon would allow private msgs. Yes, but the world will know your username, so you're open to all people who might think it fun to msg you.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
when you hear something you know your eardrum is vibrating that goes your CIA stuff happens ships off to your brain but it's all happening in here and yet you believe you hear the dog out there and it turns out the same thing happens after about half a year of wearing this
for - sensory substitution - after 6 month - signal on skin - sounds like there is an external source of sound - same thing happens with our ear - David Eagleman
little camera on glasses and you turn it into an audio image um and there are very sophisticated examples of this now one is called The Voice v i and it's it's an app that you can just download on your phone
for - Deep Humanity - BEing journey - example - umwelt - visual to audio app - The Voice - David Eagleman - to - search - Google - android app "The Voice" translates images into audio signal - https://hyp.is/OJKKmJ1MEe-TAp_w_0SK_Q/www.google.com/search?q=android+app+%22The+Voice%22+translates+images+into+audio+signal&sca_esv=6fa4053b1bfce2fa&sxsrf=ADLYWIK_UqZZZ9OCRCwH4D6FoSaykbMTpQ:1731013461104&ei=VSstZ4eCBqi8xc8P5KP_kAU&ved=0ahUKEwjHgM3Tj8uJAxUoXvEDHeTRH1IQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=android+app+%22The+Voice%22+translates+images+into+audio+signal&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiO2FuZHJvaWQgYXBwICJUaGUgVm9pY2UiIHRyYW5zbGF0ZXMgaW1hZ2VzIGludG8gYXVkaW8gc2lnbmFsMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogRI2xdQpglYjRJwAXgCkAEAmAGZA6ABmQOqAQM0LTG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgOgAqADwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICBBAAGEeYAwDiAwUSATEgQIgGAZAGCJIHBTIuNC0xoAewBA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
- Deep Humanity - BEing journey - example - umwelt - visual to audio app - The Voice - David Eagleman
- to - search - Google - android app "The Voice" translates images into audio signal
- sensory substitution - after 6 month - signal on skin - sounds like there is an external source of sound - same thing happens with our ear - David Eagleman
medium.com medium.com
for - article - Medium - Translating vision into sound - A deep learning perspectiive - Viktor Toth - 21 April, 2019 - from - search - Google - android app "The Voice" translates images into audio signal - https://hyp.is/OJKKmJ1MEe-TAp_w_0SK_Q/www.google.com/search?q=android+app+%22The+Voice%22+translates+images+into+audio+signal&sca_esv=6fa4053b1bfce2fa&sxsrf=ADLYWIK_UqZZZ9OCRCwH4D6FoSaykbMTpQ:1731013461104&ei=VSstZ4eCBqi8xc8P5KP_kAU&ved=0ahUKEwjHgM3Tj8uJAxUoXvEDHeTRH1IQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=android+app+%22The+Voice%22+translates+images+into+audio+signal&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiO2FuZHJvaWQgYXBwICJUaGUgVm9pY2UiIHRyYW5zbGF0ZXMgaW1hZ2VzIGludG8gYXVkaW8gc2lnbmFsMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogRI2xdQpglYjRJwAXgCkAEAmAGZA6ABmQOqAQM0LTG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgOgAqADwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICBBAAGEeYAwDiAwUSATEgQIgGAZAGCJIHBTIuNC0xoAewBA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
www.google.com www.google.com
for - search - Google - android app "The Voice" translates images into audio signal - from - webcast - Michael Levin - Can we create new senses for humans? - interview - David Eagleman - https://hyp.is/BHS6up09Ee-1qefERFpeQg/www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCvFgrpfNGM - to - Medium - article Translating vision into sound. A deep learning perspective - Viktor Toth - April 2019 - https://hyp.is/lQL4Yp1MEe-66-dpgenOBA/medium.com/mindsoft/translating-vision-into-sound-443b7e01eced
- from - webcast - Michael Levin - Can we create new senses for humans? - interview - David Eagleman
- search - Google - android app "The Voice" translates images into audio signal
- to - Medium - article Translating vision into sound. A deep learning perspective - Viktor Toth - April 2019
- Jun 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:05][^1^][1] - [00:14:17][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo, présentée par Maude Tagand, explore la question de la croyance dans les théories du complot et applique la théorie de la détection du signal pour comprendre les comportements des personnes peu complotistes. Elle examine différentes définitions des théories du complot, le concept de mentalité complotiste, et présente une étude qui mesure la tendance à croire aux complots et la capacité à distinguer les vrais des faux complots.
Points forts: + [00:00:28][^3^][3] Définitions des théories du complot * Différentes approches pour définir les théories du complot * Problèmes d'opérationnalisation des définitions * Proposition d'une définition basée sur le mensonge généralisé + [00:02:14][^4^][4] Croyances dans les théories du complot * Corrélation entre différentes croyances complotistes * Concept de mentalité complotiste et ses implications * Difficulté à définir la faible mentalité complotiste + [00:04:22][^5^][5] Application de la théorie de la détection du signal * Utilisation de la théorie pour analyser les réactions aux complots * Distinction entre vrais et faux complots * Mesure de la tendance générale à croire aux complots + [00:07:02][^6^][6] Résultats de l'étude * Collecte de données auprès de participants francophones * Tâche de catégorisation des complots et mesure de la mentalité complotiste * Corrélation entre mentalité complotiste et distinction des complots
Résumé de la vidéo [00:08:00][^1^][1] - [00:14:17][^2^][2]:
La vidéo présente une étude sur la mentalité complotiste et l'application de la théorie de la détection du signal pour comprendre comment les personnes avec une faible tendance complotiste réagissent aux théories du complot. L'étude utilise des exemples de complots reconnus et non reconnus par les autorités épistémiques pour évaluer la sensibilité et le biais de réponse des participants.
Points forts: + [00:08:00][^3^][3] Vrais et faux complots * Utilisation d'exemples pour catégoriser les complots * Distinction entre complots reconnus et non reconnus * Évaluation de la réaction des participants aux différents complots + [00:10:17][^4^][4] Mentalité complotiste * Analyse de la corrélation entre la mentalité complotiste et la probabilité de croire aux complots * Observation que ceux avec une forte mentalité complotiste ont du mal à distinguer les vrais des faux complots * Confirmation que ceux avec une faible mentalité complotiste sous-estiment l'existence des complots mais distinguent mieux les vrais des faux + [00:11:06][^5^][5] Généralisation des résultats * Extension de l'étude à une population anglophone * Obtention de résultats similaires concernant la mentalité complotiste et la réaction aux complots * Validation de l'outil de mesure utilisé dans l'étude
- Feb 2024
scilogs.spektrum.de scilogs.spektrum.de
Stefan Rahmstorf erklärt die neue Studie zum Tipping Point der Amoc. Die bisher beste Computersimulation des Strömungssystems bestätigt die Existenz des Kipppunkts. Sie ergibt auch ein Signal für die bevorstehende Auslosung des Kipppunkts. Messungen des Salzgehalts in der Nähe des südlichen Afrikas zeigen, dass das Risiko für die Auslosung deutlich gestiegen ist. https://scilogs.spektrum.de/klimalounge/neue-studie-legt-nahe-dass-die-atlantische-umwaelzzirkulation-amoc-auf-kippkurs-ist/
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Eine neue Studie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass ein Umkippen des nordatlantischen Strömungssystems Amoc in einem anderen Zustand schon sehr bald drohen könnte, wenn sich die globale Erhitzung fortsetzt. Die Studie modelliert auch die Folgen, zum Beispiel sehr schnell steigende Wasserstände an der amerikanischen Ostküste, ein Umkippen des Amazonas-Regenwaldes und wesentlich niedrigere Temperaturen in Europa. Der Studienautor stellt fest, dass wir die Erhitzung sehr viel ernster nehmen müssen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/09/atlantic-ocean-circulation-nearing-devastating-tipping-point-study-finds
- Oct 2023
Astronomers have intercepted a mysterious and ancient radio signal that's traveled from the farthest reaches of the cosmos — for an astonishing eight billion years, more than half the lifespan of the universe — before finally reaching the Earth.
- Sep 2023
such as
- May 2023
rado0z.github.io rado0z.github.io
- Apr 2023
www.androidpolice.com www.androidpolice.com
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
- Feb 2023
www.cnet.com www.cnet.com
But shows contrast; in this sentence it shows that It shows that effectively raising interest rates cannot reduce inflationary pressures so much,
And shows addition
docdrop.org docdrop.org
rank is not an assessment of who has thebest intrinsic properties, but rather a useful consensus view thatprovides rules for how to behave toward others.
Rank (social or otherwise) can be a signal for predictability from the perspective of consensus views for how to behave towards others with respect to the abilities or values being measured.
Ranking people for some sort of technical ability may be a better objective measure rather than ranking people on social status which is far less objective from a humanist perspective. In employment situations, individuals are more likely to rely on social and cultural biases and racist tendencies rather than on objective measures with respect to the job at hand. How can we better objectify the actual underlying values over and above the more subjective ones.
First, rank can be an efficient way to summarize the accurate,but noisy, perceptions of individuals.
rank as signal processing
- Oct 2022
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
If the link is in a Proud Boys forum, would you not take any action against it, even if it’s like, “Click this link to help plan”?Are you asking if we have people out there clicking every link and checking if the forum comports with the ideological position that Signal agrees with?Yeah. I think in the most abstract way, I’m asking if you have a content moderation team.No, we don’t have that. We are also not a social media platform. We don’t amplify content. We don’t have Telegram channels where you can broadcast to thousands and thousands of people. We have been really careful in our product development side not to develop Signal as a social network that has algorithmic amplification that allows that “one to millions” amplification of content. We are a messaging platform. We don’t have a content moderation team because (1) we are fully private, we don’t see your content, we don’t know who you’re talking about; and (2) we are not a content platform, so it is a different paradigm.
Signal president, Meredith Wittaker, on Signal's product vision and the difference between Signal and Telegram.
They deliberately steered the product away from "one to millions" amplification of content, like for example Telegram's channels.
www.npr.org www.npr.org
This sentence uses the word however to add on information to their topic.
- Sep 2022
www.npr.org www.npr.org
Comparing how great he does walking over big dirt mounds and contrasting how he is not great dealing with walking on tall grass.
The purpose for "But" is to show the difference. This sentence means that the sleep can influence eating habits and weight.
- Aug 2022
www.npr.org www.npr.org
such as
it's giving examples of a things that they should to do to extend sleep time.
uch as cutting back on caffeine, reducing screen time and sticking to a regular bedtime each night.
I agree that cutting back on caffeine, reducing screen time, and sticking to a regular bedtime each night helps a lot in adjusting your sleep that’s less than seven hours.
- May 2022
In part in order to heighten his praise of Aldus as the ideal printer, Erasmus noted by contrast that most printers, given the absence of regulations, “fill the world with pamphlets and books [that are] . . . foolish, ignorant, malig-nant, libellous, mad, impious and subversive; and such is the flood that even
things that might have done some good lose all their goodness.”198 The overabundance of bad books drowned out even any good bits that might be present among them.
And we now say these same sorts of things about the internet and social media.
- Feb 2022
it means what distinguishes Copeland’s work is the long consequence of this effect, which extended from childhood into young adulthoo.
such as
trouble and cancer it means that risk of chronic diseases such as heart trouble andante cancer.
- Jan 2022
www.npr.org www.npr.org
also shows that cars and trucks also produce nitrogen oxide which knowns as NOx.
But shows difference, even if the weather warm up the air quality is still getting worse.
For example
For example shows that urban areas without the green spaces will increase dangerous heat to the island moreover planting trees will change the climate change.
in addition,
It shows that people who work outside may suffer from the illness.
www.wbur.org www.wbur.org
Shows the effect of the pipeline have effected the climate of the environment.
But shows difference that even before the rollback only 1% of the federal projects went through intensive environment.
www.craft.do www.craft.do
The Micro Blog Readers’ Republic https://www.craft.do/s/q4t5GKyMPcWXCp
- Nov 2021
github.com github.com
importing databases from the desktop app. I have no experience with that yet. WIP
This tool works with backup files generated by the Signal android application.
TIP: use carderne/signal-export to export from the desktop db.
www.yoranbrondsema.com www.yoranbrondsema.com
/usr/bin/sqlcipher -list -noheader "$db" "PRAGMA key = \"x'"$key"'\";select json from messages;" >
How to decrypt signal-sqlite.
github.com github.com
Read signal chats from Signal-Desktop.
github.com github.com
sqlcipher ~/.config/Signal/sql/db.sqlite \ "PRAGMA key = \"x'$(jq -r '.key' ~/.config/Signal/config.json)'\"; attach database 'plaintext.db' as plaintext key ''; SELECT sqlcipher_export('plaintext'); DETACH DATABASE plaintext;"
bash-command to export Signal-Desktop's db as plaintext in Linux. -
Needs to patch the app before, as described above by @nomeata.
- Oct 2021
www.npr.org www.npr.org
And is used to show addition. In this is sentence it is used to show that the US cities are not only ranked well-being for the way residents feel about living in their communities, health, finances, social ties it was also because their sense of purpose.
- Sep 2021
But, contrast. It came here to show that around 1 million people who seek hospital care for pneumonia, on the other hand more people with pneumonia don't need hospitalization.
And it came here for addition. To add the common illness to the doctor's statement that both caused her to cancel her trip.
www.npr.org www.npr.org
long on
The purpose is how long should we sleep.
- Aug 2021
royalsocietypublishing.org royalsocietypublishing.org
we find that fixing fossil ages to the midpoint or a random point drawn from within the stratigraphic age range leads to biases in divergence time estimates, while sampling fossil ages leads to estimates that are similar to inferences that employ the correct ages of fossils. Second, we show a comparison using an empirical dataset of extant and fossil cetaceans, which confirms that different methods of handling fossil age uncertainty lead to large differences in estimated node ages
dealing with uncertainties carefully actually matters
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Because the influence of early diagenetic cements on the bulk δ13Ccarb signal can, but need not be synchronized, chemostratigraphy should not be used as a stand-alone method for trans-continental correlation, and especially minor isotopic shifts have to be interpreted with utmost care
how shall we deal with "local" anomalies
Chemostratigraphic correlation based on bulk sediment carbon isotopes is increasingly used to facilitate high-resolution correlation over large distances, but complications arise from a multitude of possible influences from local differences in biological, diagenetic and physico-chemical factors on individual δ13C records that can mask the global signal
signal vs. noise
- Apr 2021
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
- Mar 2021
github.com github.com
Their arguments also don't make sense: they encrypt messages on Android, even though it has disk encryption as standard, but they won't encrypt messages on desktop which doesn't have disk encryption as standard!
Answered 2 comments above!
Encryption is present on Signal-android because android's FDE is not usable enough, in Moxie's opinion (you can't set separate unlock and FDE pins, so people set really insecure ones). If/when android fixes this, signal-android will stop encrypting its database, too. Just like signal-desktop and signal-iOS.
Why Android is encrypted, while Desktop is not?
I'm locking this conversation because the conversation has clearly run its course. Any continued discussion can happen on the forums.
@scottnonnenberg annoyed, locked issue asking plain-text password.
community.signalusers.org community.signalusers.org
The database key was never intended to be a secret. At-rest encryption is not something that Signal Desktop is currently trying to provide or has ever claimed to provide. Full-disk encryption can be enabled at the OS level on most desktop platforms.
Reply by Signal-dev why the store plain-password.
www.bleepingcomputer.com www.bleepingcomputer.com
I think the difficult thing for everybody to understand is why the database is encrypted in the first place? Are you saying that SQLCipher just offered better features and performance than using SQLite? Can you point to any discussion or documentation of that decision-making process?
if not done right!?
- Feb 2021
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
However, because so many shells follow that convention of having 128 + signal_number, programs know to avoid using those values above 128 for their exit code (or when they do exit(130), it's to report the death of a child that dies of a signal 2 like some shells do under some circumstances).
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Both kill with a job specifier and terminal signals send to the entire process group, so both the shell and sleep.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I am trying to understand how CTRL+C terminates a child but not a parent process. I see this behavior in some script shells like bash where you can start some long-running process and then terminate it by entering CTRL-C and the control returns to the shell. Could you explain how does it work and in particular why isn't the parent (shell) process terminated? Does the shell have to do some special handling of CTRL+C event and if yes what exactly does it do?
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Remove your last "just in case" trap, and the script should work fine also with the EXIT traps. INT in the trap calling the cleanup should be the correct way to deal with the interrupts, however
- Nov 2020
signal.org signal.org
In a way, the notification center on a mobile device has become the federation point for all communication apps, similar to how older desktop IM clients unified communication across multiple IM networks.
Mobile device's notification centers are federation points for communication apps
The notification center in our phones acts as a hub where messages show up from WhatsApp, Telegram, SMS etc. analogous to how older desktop IM clients unified communication across multiple networks.
- Oct 2020
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
Abbott, K. R., & Sherratt, T. N. (2013). Optimal sampling and signal detection: Unifying models of attention and speed–accuracy trade-offs. Behavioral Ecology, 24(3), 605–616. https://doi.org/10.1093/beheco/art001
www.ecdc.europa.eu www.ecdc.europa.eu
New tool for the early detection of public health threats from Twitter data: Epitweetr. (2020, October 1). European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/news-events/new-tool-early-detection-public-health-threats-twitter-data-epitweetr
time.com time.com
The word and always used when mentioning more than one thing.
but shoes that the next sentence is more important than the one before.
- Sep 2020
www.npr.org www.npr.org
(And ) is used in this sentence to tell us that our sleep can influence our eating habits and waistlines.
(Also) is used in this sentence to tell there is more to know; that the chip can be used for more things.
- Aug 2020
threema.ch threema.ch
Experimental schemes like caching pre-generated temporary keys from the clients on the servers increase the server and protocol complexity, leading to lower reliability and more potential for mistakes that impact security.
This seems like a reference to the Signal protocol.
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Nguyen, T. D., Gupta, S., Andersen, M., Bento, A., Simon, K. I., & Wing, C. (2020). Impacts of State Reopening Policy on Human Mobility (Working Paper No. 27235; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27235
- Jul 2020
www.npr.org www.npr.org
shows addition. It shows the important effects of tree .
it shows contrast. it show the differences of her feeling how she love to sit out side while the heat can be unbearable for her.
- Jun 2020
twitter.com twitter.com
Mason Porter on Twitter: “I am here to help. https://t.co/JBQbTAPTQX” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved June 17, 2020, from https://twitter.com/masonporter/status/1273054551583555585
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Using a colon when the signal phrase is an independent clause.
podcastnotes.org podcastnotes.org
Just as journalists should be able to write about anything they want, comedians should be able to do the same and tell jokes about anything they please
where's the line though? every output generates a feedback loop with the hivemind, turning into input to ourselves with our cracking, overwhelmed, filters
it's unrealistic to wish everyone to see jokes are jokes, to rely on journalists to generate unbiased facts, and politicians as self serving leeches, err that's my bias speaking
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In 2013, the Signal Protocol was introduced, which is based on OTR Messaging and the Silent Circle Instant Messaging Protocol (SCIMP). It brought about support for asynchronous communication ("offline messages") as its major new feature, as well as better resilience with distorted order of messages and simpler support for conversations with multiple participants.[11] OMEMO, introduced in an Android XMPP client called Conversations in 2015, integrates the Double Ratchet Algorithm used in Signal into the instant messaging protocol XMPP ("Jabber") and also enables encryption of file transfers. In the autumn of 2015 it was submitted to the XMPP Standards Foundation for standardisation.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
The biggest advantage of matrix/megolm is that you can always add new client logins, that aren't tied to your mobile phone login (as opposed to whatsapp/signal).
www.militarytimes.com www.militarytimes.com
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
As uber-secure messaging platform Signal has warned, “Signal is recommended by the United States military. It is routinely used by senators and their staff. American allies in the EU Commission are Signal users too. End-to-end encryption is fundamental to the safety, security, and privacy of conversations worldwide.”
When you make a call using Signal, it will generate a two-word secret code on both the profiles. You will speak the first word and the recipient will check it. Then he will speak the second word and you can check it on your end. If both the words match, the call has not been intercepted and connected to the correct profile
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
First, the recognition that sensitive information needs to be transmitted securely over instant messaging platforms plays into the hands of the privacy advocates who are against backdoors in the end-to-end encryption used on WhatsApp, Signal, Wickr, iMessage and others. The core argument from the privacy lobby is that a backdoor will almost certainly be exploited by bad actors. Clearly, the EU (and others) would not risk their own comms with such a vulnerability.
- May 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Cuskley, C., & Wallenberg, J. (2020, May 14). Noise resistance in communication: Quantifying uniformity and optimality. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/wpvq4
- Apr 2020
slack-files.com slack-files.com
Signal phrase. Uses the colon because the left is an IC
- Feb 2020
latacora.micro.blog latacora.micro.blog
The most popular modern secure messaging tool is Signal, which won the Levchin Prize at Real World Cryptography for its cryptographic privacy design. Signal currently requires phone numbers for all its users. It does this not because Signal wants to collect contact information for its users, but rather because Signal is allergic to it: using phone numbers means Signal can piggyback on the contact lists users already have, rather than storing those lists on its servers. A core design goal of the most important secure messenger is to avoid keeping a record of who’s talking to whom. Not every modern secure messenger is as conscientious as Signal. But they’re all better than Internet email, which doesn’t just collect metadata, but actively broadcasts it. Email on the Internet is a collaboration between many different providers; and each hop on its store-and-forward is another point at which metadata is logged. .
- Aug 2019
ssd.eff.org ssd.eff.org
- Jun 2019
iphysresearch.github.io iphysresearch.github.io
MelNet: A Generative Model for Audio in the Frequency Domain
提出了 MelNet。一个语谱图的生成模型,它结合了细粒度的自回归模型和多尺度生成过程,能够同时捕获局部和全局的结构。
展示了 MelNet 在长程依赖性上卓越的性能。
展示了 MelNet 在多种音频生成任务上优秀的能力:无条件语音生成任务、音乐生成任务、文字转语音合成任务。而且在这些任务上,MelNet 都是端到端的实现。
- May 2019
www.drmaciver.com www.drmaciver.com
This is spot on. An idea on its own does nothing. Execution and actually doing the hard work are the most important thing in any creative endeavour.
This blog is very good, high signal and low noise. The dense version of this idea that has stuck with me is that the thing we're aiming for (productivity, make-world-better-stuff, doing good) is a multiplicative-product of both hustle (physical work, pressing buttons, saying words that other people hear) and the thinking part. That is, long term goal completion is hustle (doing stuff) * thought (knowing what to do)
I may technically disagree with the "most important thing" part, but it needs some sort of strong emphasis. Hustle modifies ideas in a times-ish (multiplying) way, so if you've got zero hustle, you don't really have anything
One way to do world-bettering is to just have enough hustle to outsource the hustle (get other people to act on your ideas), or alternately if you have tons of hustle, then you can take good ideas which aren't going anywhere.
Knowing the difference between bad and good ideas is one of the core problems with the super-connected society/net we're in. The solution to the problem is too large for this margin.
- Mar 2019
iphysresearch.github.io iphysresearch.github.io
A Deep Generative Model of Speech Complex Spectrograms
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
but we have ample proof, that this did not arise from a principle of neces-sity, but conveniency
What would Siegert have to say about this?
iphysresearch.github.io iphysresearch.github.io
Unsupervised speech representation learning using WaveNet autoencoders
我们通过将自动编码神经网络应用于语音波形来考虑无监督提取有意义的语音潜在表示的任务。目标是学习能够从信号中捕获高级语义内容的表示,例如,音素身份,同时不会混淆信号中的低级细节,例如底层音高轮廓或背景噪音。自动编码器模型的行为取决于应用于潜在表示的约束类型。我们比较了三种变体:简单的降维瓶颈,高斯变分自动编码器(VAE)和离散矢量量化VAE(VQ-VAE)。我们根据说话人的独立性,预测语音内容的能力以及精确重建单个谱图帧的能力来分析学习表征的质量。此外,对于使用VQ-VAE提取的差异编码,我们测量将它们映射到电话的容易程度。我们引入了一种正则化方案,该方案强制表示集中于话语的语音内容,并报告性能与ZeroSpeech 2017无监督声学单元发现任务中的顶级条目相当。 【translated by 谷歌翻译】
论文《Unsupervised speech representation learning using WaveNet autoencoders》介绍了通过将自编码神经网络用到语音波形提取语音中有意义的隐藏表征的无监督任务。目的是学习到一种能够捕捉信号中高层次语义内容的表征,同时又能够对有背景噪声或者潜在基频曲线(underlying pitch contour)的信号中的扰乱信息足够稳定。自编码器模型的行为由应用到隐藏表征的约束所决定。在此论文中,作者对比了三种变体:简单降维瓶颈、高斯变分自编码器和离散向量量化VAE。而后,作者对预测语音内容的能力等进行了分析。
- Dec 2018
www.independent.co.uk www.independent.co.uk
another great description of the phenomenon
- Nov 2018
iphysresearch.github.io iphysresearch.github.io
Stochastic Adaptive Neural Architecture Search for Keyword Spotting
一篇讲 identifying keywords in a real-time audio stream 的 paper。这和引力波探测中的数据处理很接近哦~!此文提出 end-end 的“随机自适应神经构架搜寻” (SANAS) 实现高效准确的训练效果。这显然对 real-time 特点的类型数据应用带来启发。FYI:人家源码还开放了。。。
WaveGlow: A Flow-based Generative Network for Speech Synthesis
一篇来自 NVIDIA 的小文。提出的实时生成网络 WaveGlow 结合了 Glow 和 WaveNet 的特点,实现了更快速高效准确的语音合成。
Model Selection Techniques -- An Overview
- Aug 2018
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
Our results demonstrate the promise of spatio-temporalfiltering techniques for“tuning”measurement of hazard-related rumoring to enableobservation of rumoring at scales that have long been infeasible.
Result: Claims spatio-temporal filtering technique to better capture signal from noise of large crisis data sets.
While theapplication in the online environment is novel, the general problem is not. Interest in automated signal processing in noisyenvironments (Fawcett and Provost,1999; Hamid et al., 2005; Macleod and Congalton,1998; Ribeiro et al., 2012; Singh,1989;Stauffer and Grimson, 2000) predates the proliferation of user-generated online activity, and we can apply the lessons learnedin those contexts to the online context.
Processing high signal-to-noise ratio communications is a long-standing problem.
wire-docs.wire.com wire-docs.wire.com
Wire Privacy Whitepaper
why I no longer use WIRE messenger.
tarnkappe.info tarnkappe.info
Messenger Wire teilt Daten mit Analysefirma Mixpanel
why I no longer use WIRE messenger.
- Mar 2017
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
We need security of signal in a world of complexity, in a world of noise and nonsense.
Signal and Noise.
- Jun 2016
dogtrax.edublogs.org dogtrax.edublogs.org
What you get is a mess.
- Mar 2016
drive.google.com drive.google.com
As James P. Purdy wri
Textbook signal phrase.