- Jan 2024
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
generally derives from variations in filtering out spurious and low-abundant sequences (e.g. Edgar, 2017; Prodan et al., 2020).
DADA2 like ASV vs OTU?
Applying different workflows on the same data will always demonstrate a certain level of variation among pipelines. These variations are usually most obvious in terms of the reported number of features.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die EU hat 2023 durch die Verbrennung von fossilen Brennstoffen 8% weniger CO<sub>2</sub> emittiert als 2022. Damit liegen diese Emissionen wieder auf dem Niveau der 60er Jahre. Um die Klimaziele der EU zu erreichen, müssen die Emissionen noch schneller reduziert werden. Das European Advisory Board on Climate Change hat dazu in der vergangenen Woche eine Reihe von Vorschlägen gemacht. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/24/eu-fossil-fuel-co2-emissions-hit-60-year-low
- Focus on immediate implementation and continued action to achieve EU climate goals
- fossil emissions
- Ember
- European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change
- Ottmar Edenhofer
- Isaac Levi
- EU
- Research on Energy and Clean Air (Crea)
- Sarah Brown
- time: 2023
- 2024-01-24
- European green deal
- process: decarbonization
- energy transition
greattransition.org greattransition.org
for - Great Transition Initiative - GTI - GTI - How to de-silo movements
title - How to De-Silo Movements author - Jerry Brecher date - Jan 2024
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
I learned to read with a Superman comic book.
The narrator's introduction to reading is tied to a Superman comic book
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der grönländische Eisschild verliert aufgrund der globalen Erhitzung 30 Millionen Tonnen Eis pro Stunde und damit 20% mehr als bisher angenommen. Manche Forschende fürchten, dass damit das Risiko eines Kollaps des Amoc größer ist als bisher angenommen. Der Eisverlust ist außerdem relevant für die Berechnung des Energie-Ungleichgewichts der Erde durch Treibhausgas-Emissionen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/17/greenland-losing-30m-tonnes-of-ice-an-hour-study-reveals
- Antarctic calving loss rivals ice-shelf thinning
- Tim Lenton
- cryosphere
- Greenland
- Ubiquitous acceleration in Greenland Ice Sheet calving from 1985 to 2022
- Chad Greene
- Andrew Shepherd
- Jet Propulsion Lab
- Mass balance of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets from 1992 to 2020
- 2024-01-17
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
In einigen Zonen des Mittelmeers steigt der Meeresspiegel dreimal so schnell wie bisher angenommen. Italien, vor allem das Veneto und die Emilia Romagna. ist davon besonders betroffen. Einer neuen Studie zufolge könnten die Schäden durch Bedrohung von Küstengebieten in Europa bis 2100 827 Milliarden Euro kosten, wenn die globale Temperatur um 4° bzw. der Meeresspiegel um 75 cm steigt. https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2024/01/19/news/crisi_clima_innalzamento_mari_effetti_pil_costi_regioni-421918563/
Studie: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ad127e
mattbrictson.com mattbrictson.com
Some frameworks call this “template inheritance”. In this example, we might say that the application layout “inherits from” or “extends” the base layout. In Rails, this is known as nested layouts, and it is a bit awkward to use. The standard Rails practice for nested layouts is complicated and involves these considerations
But what if you want to reuse one layout within another?
by far the most illuminating to me is the idea that mental causation works from virtual futures towards the past 00:33:17 whereas physical causation works from the past towards the future and these two streams of causation sort of overlap in the present
for - comparison - mental vs physical causation - adjacency - Michael Levin's definition of intelligence - Sheldrake's mental vs physical causation
key insight - comparison - mental vs physical causation - mental causation works from virtual futures to past - physical causation works from past to future - this is an interesting way of seeing things
adjacency - between - direction of mental vs physical causation - Michael Levin's definition of intelligence (adopting WIlliam James's idea) and cognition and cognitive light cones of living organisms:: - having a goal - having autonomy and agency to reach that goal - adjacency statement - Levin adopts a definition of cognition from scientific predecessors that relate to goal activity. - When an organism chooses one specific behavioral trajectory over all other possible ones in order to reach a goal - this is none other than choosing a virtual future that projects back to the present - In our species, innovation and design is based on this future-to-present backwards projection
so i'm trying to develop an app
for - notification - Sheldrake's app to test pre-cognition
in these various seminars and so on whitehead kept coming up all the time
for - Rupert Sheldrake - introduction to Alfred North Whitehead
- notification - Sheldrake's app to test pre-cognition
- influences - Sheldrake to Whitehead
- adjacency - Michael Levin's concept of intelligence - Rupert Sheldrake's concept of opposing directions of mental and physical causation
- comparison - mental vs physical causation
- future to past projection - human design and innovation
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
climate change performance index
for - resource - climate change performance index - how well a city is adapted to the climate crisis
docdrop.org docdrop.org
once you dissolve that boundary you can't tell whose memories or who's anymore that's kind of the big thing about um that that kind of memory wiping the the wiping the identity on these 00:06:18 memories is a big part of multicellularity
for - key insight - multicellularity - memory wiping
- key insight
- individuals have information in their memories about survival
- when they merge and join, they pool their information and you can't tell whose memories came from whom initially
- this memory wiping is a key aspect of multcellularity
investigate - salience of memory wiping for multicellularity - This is a very important biological behavior. - Perform a literature review to understand examples of this
question - biological memory wiping - can it be extrapolated to social superorganism?
- key insight
docdrop.org docdrop.org
So we're good with three-dimensional space, but imagine if we had a primary sense of our own blood chemistry.
for - adjacency between - primary sense of cellular metabolism - experiences of deep contemplative practice of Rainbow Body - adjacency statement - As per Father Francis Tiso's research into the Tibetan deep contemplative Dzogchen phenomena of Rainbow Body at the time of death as well as rigpa, Trekcho and Togal, he speculates that - such deep contemplations can potentially result in a primary sense of cellular and even subatomic processes taking place within the human body. - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FsDyu39FCAMk%2F&group=world - It seems that the multi-scale competency architecture would be a good scientific framework to explore these questions.
So we're good with three-dimensional space, - but imagine if we had a primary sense of our own blood chemistry. - If you could feel your blood chemistry - the way that you currently see and smell and taste things that are around you, - I think we would have absolutely no problem having an intuitive understanding - of physiological-state space - the way we do for three-dimensional space.
claim - Lifetime practitioners of Tibetan meditation claim they have a primary sensation of their own impending death suggestion - Suggest to Michael Levin to investigate such phenomena from a multi-scale competency architecture perspective - What else can the expert meditators directly experience? And how do they achieve this? How can deep contemplative practice result in such profound experiences? Would expert meditators resonate with Levin's framework?
humanparts.medium.com humanparts.medium.com
[[Devon Price]] in Laziness Does Not Exist - Human Parts
Archive copy without paywall: https://web.archive.org/web/20191231131144/https://humanparts.medium.com/laziness-does-not-exist-3af27e312d01?gi=e119027675fe
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
to - https://www.wired.com/story/the-foods-the-world-will-lose-to-climate-change/ for - climate crisis - food production impact
mongoosejs.com mongoosejs.com
Instance methods Instances of Models are documents. Documents have many of their own built-in instance methods. We may also define our own custom document instance methods. // define a schema const animalSchema = new Schema({ name: String, type: String }, { // Assign a function to the "methods" object of our animalSchema through schema options. // By following this approach, there is no need to create a separate TS type to define the type of the instance functions. methods: { findSimilarTypes(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); } } }); // Or, assign a function to the "methods" object of our animalSchema animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); }; Now all of our animal instances have a findSimilarTypes method available to them. const Animal = mongoose.model('Animal', animalSchema); const dog = new Animal({ type: 'dog' }); dog.findSimilarTypes((err, dogs) => { console.log(dogs); // woof }); Overwriting a default mongoose document method may lead to unpredictable results. See this for more details. The example above uses the Schema.methods object directly to save an instance method. You can also use the Schema.method() helper as described here. Do not declare methods using ES6 arrow functions (=>). Arrow functions explicitly prevent binding this, so your method will not have access to the document and the above examples will not work.
Certainly! Let's break down the provided code snippets:
1. What is it and why is it used?
In Mongoose, a schema is a blueprint for defining the structure of documents within a collection. When you define a schema, you can also attach methods to it. These methods become instance methods, meaning they are available on the individual documents (instances) created from that schema.
Instance methods are useful for encapsulating functionality related to a specific document or model instance. They allow you to define custom behavior that can be executed on a specific document. In the given example, the
method is added to instances of theAnimal
model, making it easy to find other animals of the same type.2. Syntax:
object directly in the schema options:javascript const animalSchema = new Schema( { name: String, type: String }, { methods: { findSimilarTypes(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); } } } );
object directly in the schema:javascript animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); };
helper:javascript animalSchema.method('findSimilarTypes', function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); });
3. Explanation in Simple Words with Examples:
Why it's Used:
Imagine you have a collection of animals in your database, and you want to find other animals of the same type. Instead of writing the same logic repeatedly, you can define a method that can be called on each animal instance to find similar types. This helps in keeping your code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and makes it easier to maintain.
```javascript const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const { Schema } = mongoose;
// Define a schema with a custom instance method const animalSchema = new Schema({ name: String, type: String });
// Add a custom instance method to find similar types animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); };
// Create the Animal model using the schema const Animal = mongoose.model('Animal', animalSchema);
// Create an instance of Animal const dog = new Animal({ type: 'dog', name: 'Buddy' });
// Use the custom method to find similar types dog.findSimilarTypes((err, similarAnimals) => { console.log(similarAnimals); }); ```
In this example,
is a custom instance method added to theAnimal
schema. When you create an instance of theAnimal
model (e.g., a dog), you can then callfindSimilarTypes
on that instance to find other animals with the same type. The method uses thethis.type
property, which refers to the type of the current animal instance. This allows you to easily reuse the logic for finding similar types across different instances of theAnimal
blog.zenhub.com blog.zenhub.com
ZenHub’s Issue dependencies not only help teams visualize relationships between pieces of work, but they save team members a lot of time that would otherwise be lost just hunting down information.
When relying on just a list of GitHub issues and comment references to other Issues, there’s a strong possibility that visibility into how these changes impact other tasks get lost or forgotten.
Tracking dependent relationships between Issues and whether something is blocking another piece of work is important with any project process because it creates a central hub where everyone can communicate what’s needed without relying solely on meetings or comments to uncover important connections.
- issues: relationships
- hard to find the information you need
- important information to see/know
- issues: relationships: parent/child
- not enough visibility into _
- information getting lost or forgotten
- data visualization
- issues: relationships: blocked by/depends on
- making information more easily visible
- visualization
- visibility (information)
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
we need to make the transition acceptable and attractive for the vast majority of citizens, and the only way to do that, is to make the changes easy to adopt. This requires strong engagement with society at large, and policies that make sustainable life choices not only easier, but also cheaper and more attractive. Or, put it the other way around, it must be more expensive to destroy the planet or the health of our fellow citizens".
for: meme - make it expensive to destroy the planet, quote - Johan Rockstrom, quote - make it expensive to destroy the planet, key insight - make it expensive to destroy the planet
key insight
- meme
- quote: Johan Rockstrom
- we need to make the transition acceptable and attractive for the vast majority of citizens, and the only way to do that, is to make the changes easy to adopt. This requires strong engagement with society at large, and policies that make sustainable life choices not only easier, but also cheaper and more attractive. Or, put it the other way around, it must be more expensive to destroy the planet or the health of our fellow citizens".
gitlab.com gitlab.com
(I grant that many of us contribute code to Gitlab, and would also like to participate as members of the development team in guiding the implementations, but clearly the core team has to have the final say in what direction that takes... unless someone wants to create and maintain their own fork of Gitlab ;) )
That helps us keep GitLab simple as long as we can.
gitlab.com gitlab.com
I feel that the current design area should be a key part of the workflow on any work item, not just type of designs. As a PM I don't schedule designs independently. It's odd to open and close a design issue when it doesn't deliver value to the customer.
Why should this conversation be separate from other conversations about the work to be done? Design is one consideration alongside frontend and backend considerations, which often all intersect and require the same participants. Shifting this discussion to a separate work item can result in disjointed conversations and difficulty finding where a decision was made.
You can see how the constant jumping between these two tools in the first scenario is super annoying, and also very risky as none of the changes you make in Figma are also automatically being updated in the same GitLab designs.
As a positive example of where this works well: Our VS Code GitLab Workflow extension allows users to not only see comments that were written inside the GitLab UI, but also allows these users to respond to these comments right from the IDE, the tool where they actually have to make these changes.
Personally I think we could get a ton more benefits and would also be able to pull new users into our platform by finding better ways to integrate/link/connect/display Figma in our work item objects. Today the biggest downside for "Design management" is that it's basically just a copy of what's happening inside of Figma that has to be manually kept in sync and requires users to constantly switch back and forth:
- annoying
- context-switching
- isolation
- allow task to be performed in the context where the user is already
- should have no special cases
- concern (worry/fear)
- single source of truth
- visual design
- consistency
- duplication: need to update in multiple places
- good point
- scattered (organization)
- essential
- should not be specific to just one _
- integral
- orthogonal
- Figma
www.bounteous.com www.bounteous.com
We’re focusing on classification and taxonomy (which still trips me up on occasion and I live in this space all the time)
It can sort of be achieved with the current setup (via labels), but I really like where this is going -- turning everything into a similar "object" in a hierarchy rather than separate standalone structures that connect and get "labeled" to show what they are.
www.imdb.com www.imdb.com
People on imdb have a bad habit of giving movies they think are overrated 1s, or movies they think are underrated 10s. This movie is an example of the former.
www.dropbox.com www.dropbox.com
Theory of African Music Vol 1 Kubik, G 1994
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Theory of African MusicVOLUME II
Theory of African Music - Vol. II Kubik, G 2010
(Vol 1 is too large to upload - see it in hyp-jazz folder on gdrive.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
We are in a time between worlds
for: time between worlds, new sector needed to solve today's wicked problems, birthing process, transition - birthing process
claim: old sectors cannot solve emerging wicked problems, giving rise to a new sector that can
For consumers, the equivalent of "build or buy" could be called "ads or nerds". "Ads" meaning ad-supported services, like consumer Gmail or Facebook. "Nerds" meaning hobbyist services based on free software and commodity hardware.
The model of Spotify in particular - paid tier alongside a free tier with ads - seems like the simplest sustainable solution I see. Having paid features is the most obvious way to make money, but you want to enable adoption as much as you can. It's the same idea as companies dangling "free trial" in front of you at every turn - in a competitive environment, you want to remove barriers for users to try your product or service. This is essentially the idea of a "loss leader" for a grocery store, or any business really.
What they say is this is due to is new EU policies about messenger apps. I'm not in the EU. I reckon it's really because there's a new Messenger desktop client for Windows 10, which does have these features. Downloading the app gives FB access to more data from your machine to sell to companies for personalized advertising purposes.
- ads
- mistrust
- good analogy
- low barrier to entry
- free software
- commodity hardware
- Facebook: evil
- dubious business practices
- offering ad-free paid subscription and ad-supported option
- pushing/leading people to do something they don't realy want to do or is not in their best interest
- ad-supported
- self-hosting
- alternative to mainstream way
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Einer neuen Studie zufolge wird der Anstieg des Meeresspiegels bis 2150 in einigen Regionen des Mittelmeer, unter anderem durch geologische Prozesse, dreimal so hoch sein wie bisher angenommen. Damit sind 38.500 Quadratkilometer, davon 10.000 in Italien, von Überschwemmungen bedroht. https://www.greenandblue.it/2023/12/29/news/mediterraneo_coste_rischio_inondazione-421776898/
Studie: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ad127e
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
commandzseries.com commandzseries.com
docdrop.org docdrop.org
you don't start a feminist revolution by arguing with your dad. (Marjorie laughs) He might be the one who needs to change, but that doesn't mean that you start there. 00:22:55 You start by talking to each other. We need to come together. We need to have solidarity.
for: system change - where to start
- You don't start a feminist revolution by arguing with your dad. He might be the one who needs to change, but that doesn't mean that you start there.
- You start by talking to each other. We need to come together. We need to have solidarity.
- We need to have a common narrative and analysis and understanding of what's happening.
- And I think a common understanding of pathways of change and we need that core nucleus of people who really are working for system change.
- I think that's where we start. And hopefully, the narrative and the clarity that we can bring will be compelling enough that we will win more hearts and minds
- cascading social tipping points
github.com github.com
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Zusammenfassender Artikel über Studien zu Klimafolgen in der Antarktis und zu dafür relevanten Ereignissen. 2023 sind Entwicklungen sichtbar geworden, die erst für wesentlich später in diesem Jahrhundert erwartet worden waren. Der enorme und möglicherweise dauerhafte Verlust an Merreis ist dafür genauso relevant wie die zunehmende Instabilität des westantarktischen und möglicherweise inzwischen auch des ostantarktischen Eisschilds. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/31/red-alert-in-antarctica-the-year-rapid-dramatic-change-hit-climate-scientists-like-a-punch-in-the-guts
- Matt King
- 2023-12-30
- Abyssal ocean overturning slowdown and warming driven by Antarctic meltwater
- Nerilie Abram
- The Largest Ever Recorded Heatwave
- Ice core records suggest that Antarctica is warming faster than the global average
- Denman glacier
- British Antarctic Survey
- sea ice loss
- Recent reduced abyssal overturning and ventilation in the Australian Antarctic Basin
- Antarctica
- Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Science
- Tony Press
- Southern ocean overturning circulation
- expert: Matthew England
- East antarctic ice sheet
- Record low 2022 Antarctic sea ice led to catastrophic breeding failure of emperor penguins
- expert: Lesley Hughes
- Kaitlin Naughten
- Bellingshausen Sea
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- Dec 2023
www.collapsemusings.com www.collapsemusings.com
for: climate crisis - multiple dimensions, polycrisis - multiple dimensions, climate crisis - good references, polycrisis - good references, polycrisis - comprehensive map, power to the people, climate change - politics, climate crisis - politics
comment / summary
- The content on this website may be what some call "doomers" that support a narrative of unavoidable catastrophe and civilization collapse
- The author does an excellent job of drawing together many scientifically validated research papers and news media stories on various crisis and integrates them together to support his narrative.
- As the author states, it is still incomplete but it is comprehensive and detailed enough to use as a starting foundation to build a complex polycrisis map upon. becaues it shows the complexities of the interwoven nexus of problems we face and the massive network of feedbacks between them that makes solving any one of them alone in isolation an impossibility
- The Cascade Institute focuses on social tipping points, complexity and polycrisis. We could synthesis a number of tools to map out and reveal effective mitigation strategies including:
- Cascade Institute tools
- Social tipping point tools
- SRG mapping tool along with Indyweb / Indranet
- Culture hacking tools
- SIMPOL strategy
- Downscaled Earth System Boundary tools
- SRG Deep Humanity BEing journey tools
- James Hansen's recommendation that the biggest leverage point is new form of governance
- We need to rapidly emerge a new global third political party that does not take money from special interest groups
- Progressive International comes to the same conclusion as James Hansen, that the key leverage point for rapid whole system change is radically new governance that puts power back to the hands of the people - power to the people
- Indyweb's people-centered, interpersonal methodology is a perfect match for SONEC circle-within-circles fractal structure
- mention to @Gyuri
- I've seen this circle-within-circle fractal, holonic group idea with Tim's software as well as Roberto's
- Feebate from local governance groups (from another Doomer site - Arctic Emergency)
- What the author's narrative shows is
- how precarious our situation is
- how many trends are getting far worse in the immediate future
- how we are already undercapacitated to deal with existing crisis so how will we deal with new ones that are exponentially worse?
- all these crisis will impact our supply chains. Why are these important? Our reliance on technology is dangerous and makes us very vulnerable
- Think of your laptop, cellphone or other electronic device that relies on a vast, complex and globally operational internet. Imagine that tidal surges wipes out the globally critical data centers located in New York. Or imagine electronic factories in China and Taiwan are wiped out due to extreme weather. How will you get or fix a broken piece of electronic equipment? We rely on each millions of specialized jobs all working smoothly in order for our laptop to continue working and communicating with each other.
- recommendation for new Indyweb / Indranet tools
- independent time and date stamp tool for every online, virtual sentence we write so we recognize in a long composition when we inserted a new idea
- ability to trace rapid trains of thought to reveal how new insights emerge from within our consciousness
- While writing this, I just recalled that we should have a way to time and date stamp every single virtual online action, like in this annotation because recall happens so nonlinearly and we won't have a hope to trace and trailmark without it. Hypothesis doesn't have time and date stamps of every sentence available to the user. So we don't know what nonlinear memory recall led to a specific sentence in an annotation. We need some independent Indyweb / Indranet tool that will do this universally. Trains of thoughts are so fragile we can forget the quick cascades very easily.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I think that we should be putting a high priority on developing the Next Generation nuclear 01:45:54 power uh but it's uh it's uh it's going to be a a tough job and as long as the as the special 01:46:05 interests are controlling our government uh we're not going to solve it
for: climate crisis - next generation nuclear - alternative to, question - James Hansen - knowledge of deep geothermal power
climate crisis: next generation nucliear - alternative
- question
- Has James Hansen come across Deep Geothermal Power yet?
- question
what economists call rents: that is, value extracted through the ownership of a limited resource
How does one draw the line between rent for providing a useful platform and extractive rent seeking?
For example, does it help if the platform undergoes regular improvements, helps in information transparency with better reviewing systems, takes user feedback (both seller and customer)?
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
- Center for Global Development
- Nairobi Declaration
- askforce on International Taxation to Enhance Development and Climate Action
- High Level Expert Group on Climate Finance
- Joe Thwaites
- Paris pact
- Jonathan Beynon
- Standing Committee of Finance
- COP28
- new collective quantified goal
- Alex Scott
- Mia Mottley
- Mariana Mazucatto
- E3G
gitlab.com gitlab.com
Enable ActiveRecord unsigned integers to use 8 bytes instead of 4. This fixes the ActiveModel::RangeError problem where AR models with perfectly fine 8 bytes primary keys are taken for ActiveModel::Type::Integer with a default limit of 4 bytes.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
we need to build this this again this bridge and it's obviously not going to be written in the 00:50:41 same style or standard as your kind of deep academic papers if you think this is uh U unnecessary or irrelevant then you end up with is a scientific 00:50:56 Community which talks only to itself in language that nobody else understands and you live the general Republic uh uh prey to a lot of very 00:51:09 unscientific conspiracy theories and mythologies and theories about the world
for: academic communication to the public - importance, elites - two types, key insight - elites, key insight - science communication
key insight
- Elites are necessary in every society
- Historically, people who strongly believe that the current elites aren't necessary or are harmful often become the revolutionaries who become the new elites
- elites need to speak in their own specialist language to each other but there are two kinds of elites
- those who serve society
- those who serve themselves
- often, we have fox in sheep's clothing - elites who serve themselves but disguise themselves in the language of elites who serve others in order to gain access to power ,
- we normally think of wealthy people as elites, but Harari classifies scientists as also a kind of elite
- elites may be necessary but
- We are caught in a double bind, a wicked problem as elites are also the world's greatest per capita energy consumers and their outsized ecological, consumption and energy footprint is now a existential threat to the survival of our species
- Kevin Anderson: A Habitable Earth Can No Longer Afford The Rich – And That Could Mean Me And You
- The role of high-socioeconomic-status people in locking in or rapidly reducing energy-driven greenhouse gas emissions
- Millionaire spending incompatible with 1.5 °C ambitions
you do need people who would take the discoveries and findings of Science and translate them into terms that will be accessible to the vast 00:54:05 majority of of the public and again if you don't have any scientists who tell the history of humanity then you will have people who have no regard for to 00:54:17 for science whatsoever doing I think a much much worse job telling the history of humanity
- for: academic communication - need to translate to lay audience, science communication - need to translate to lay audience
we are certainly special I mean 00:02:57 no other animal rich the moon or know how to build atom bombs so we are definitely quite different from chimpanzees and elephants and and all the rest of the animals but we are still 00:03:09 animals you know many of our most basic emotions much of our society is still run on Stone Age code
for: stone age code, similar to - Ronald Wright - computer metaphor, evolutionary psychology - examples, evolutionary paradox of modernity, evolution - last mile link, major evolutionary transition - full spectrum in modern humans, example - MET - full spectrum embedded in modern humans
- evolutionary paradox of modernity
- modern humans , like all the living species we share the world with, are the last mile link of the evolution of life we've made it to the present, so all species of the present are, in an evolutionary sense, winners of their respective evolutionary game
- this means that all our present behaviors contain the full spectrum of the evolutionary history of 4 billion years of life
- the modern human embodies all major evolutionary transitions of the past
- so our behavior, at all levels of our being is a complex and heterogenous mixture of evolutionary adaptations from different time periods of the 4 billion years that life has taken to evolve.
- Some behaviors may have originated billions of years ago, and others hundred thousand years ago.
- evolutionary paradox of modernity
Examples: humans embody full spectrum of METs in our evolutionary past
- fight and flight response
- early hominids on African Savannah hundreds of thousands to millions of years ago when hominids were predated upon by wild predators
- cancer
- normative intercell communication breaks down and reverts to individual cell behavior from billions of years ago
- see Michael Levin's research on how to make metastatic cancer cells return to normative collective, cooperative behavior
- normative intercell communication breaks down and reverts to individual cell behavior from billions of years ago
- children afraid to sleep in the dark
- evolutionary adaptation against dangerous animals that might have hid in the dark - dangerous insiects, snakes, etc, which in the past may have resulted in human fatalities
- obesity
- hunter gatherer hominid attraction to rich sources of fruit. Eating as much of it as we can and maybe harvesting as much as we can and carrying that with us.
- like squirrels storing away for the winter.
- hunter gatherer hominid attraction to rich sources of fruit. Eating as much of it as we can and maybe harvesting as much as we can and carrying that with us.
- fight and flight response
- climate crisis - elites
- academic communication - need to translate to lay audience
- elites - two types
- evolutionary paradox of modernity
- evolutionary winners - humans embody full spectrum of all past METs
- science communication - need to translate to lay audienc
- key insight - science communication
- carbon emissions - elites
- key insight - elites
- stone age code
- double bind - elites
- elites - fox in sheep's clothing
- academic communication to the public - importance
- similar to - Ronald Wright - computer metaphor
- evolution - last mile link
- evolutionary psychology - examples
- example - humans display full spectrum of past MET
- wicked problem - elites
fennerschool.anu.edu.au fennerschool.anu.edu.au
for: earth system boundaries - downscaled to cities, earth system boundaries for cities, Xuemei Bai - downscaled earth system boundaries
- this paper is currently in review but provides earth system boundaries for cities
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
its easy to get lost in complexity here, but i prefer to keep it simple: our *only* problem is overpopulation, which is caused by pacifism = civilization. *all* other problems are only symptoms of overpopulation. these "financial weapons of mass destruction" (warren buffett) have the only purpose of mass murder = to kill the 95% useless eaters. so yes, this is a "controlled demolition" aka "global suicide cult". most of us will die, but we are happy...
financial weapons of mass destruction: the useful idiots believe that they can defeat risk (or generally, defeat death) by centralization on a global scale. they want to build a system that is "too big to fail" and which will "live forever". they use all kinds of tricks to make their slaves "feel safe" and "feel happy", while subconsciously, everything is going to hell in the long run. so this is just another version of "stupid and evil people trying to rule the world". hubris comes before the fall, nothing new. their system will never work, but idiots must try... because "fake it till you make it" = constructivism, mind over matter, fantasy defeats reality, ...
the video and soundtrack are annoying, they add zero value to the monolog.
This is a courageous and highly important documentary. Sadly, when I share with some friends, most outright tell me to keep the negativity to myself. I guess Ignorance is bliss, but also dangerous. Thank you for sharing this work for all. I’ll do my best to spread the word to anyone open to hearing/watching.
the only paradox = contradiction with such ignorant = shortsighted peeople<br /> is that they want to continue living, but only as long as life is easy.<br /> as soon as life gets hard, these are the first ones who run away to suicide.
so the paradox is, that i dont have a right to kill such obviously useless people today,<br /> because i am "only" 99% certain, and they are betting on the remaining 1% that i am wrong.
as they say:<br /> All you can do is warn them. If they dont listen, move on, so you can warn others.
- kill the 95% useless eaters
- keep it simple
- ignorance
- mass murder
- useful idiots
- useless eaters
- want to live
- most of us will die
- overpopulation
- global suicide cult
- weak people
- want to continue living
- suicide cult
- paradox
- controlled demolition
- useless people
- too big to fail
- idiots
- financial weapons of mass destruction
it's daunting because they're 00:37:18 all happening simultaneously in a way people don't recognize they're all kind of integrated with each other and they and they're reinforcing each other it's people call this kind of perfect storm but they don't but the problem with the 00:37:30 language the perfect storm terminology is it sort of implies that each one of these things whether it's economic stress or climate change or political polarization rising authoritarianism 00:37:41 you know collapse of mammalian populations they're all kind of separate distinct problems but actually they're all they're all affecting each other at this point
for: polycrisis, perfect storm, reinforcing feedbacks,
- the polycrisis is a network of self-reinforcing and diverse crisis:
- political polarization
- war
- fossil fuel entrenchment and expansion
- precarity
- migration
- climate crisis
- extreme weather
- AI
- political polarization
- misinformation and interference of sovereign voting
- emergence of authoritarianism
- incorrect focus of effort - tinkering at the margins
- runaway inequality - wealth, racial, post colonial, gender
- dominance of capitalist wealth aspiration
- rapid change required for entire system
- sense of despair, hopelessness, anger, fear
- mass extinction
- climate departure
- increasing health burden
- runaway pollution
- lack of effective government regulation
- approaching planetary tipping points
- the "perfect storm" assumes that these crisis are not related, but they are all syncrhonizing through positive feedbacks -their self-reinforcing positive feedbacks amplify all of them together and it can reach a threshold beyond human institutions to be able to cope
- Commanding Hope or "Hope to" is critical for meeting these challenges
- the polycrisis is a network of self-reinforcing and diverse crisis:
have the wisdom to distinguish between those situations we can change in those situations we can't so it is important to sometimes say but 00:30:42 the best i can do is to hope that in this situation and part of what honest hope is about is teasing out the places where we can have agency and make a difference in the places where we can't although i argue that frequently we throw up our 00:30:54 hands too soon
for: comparison - hope that - hope to
- comparison: hope that - hope to
- a part of honest hope is to be able to distinguish between
- situations where we can't do anything about it and
- situations where we can
- start from
- hope to - to explore possibilities
- if nothing can be done, then goto hope that
- a part of honest hope is to be able to distinguish between
- comparison: hope that - hope to
distinction between hope that and hope too
for: comparison - hope that - hope to
comparison: hope that - hope to
- hope that
- is passive
- I have no agency
- hope to
- is active
- I have agency
- Commanding Hope advocates flipping
- from hope that to
- hope to
- hope that
www.thenation.com www.thenation.com
url:: https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/teach-ins-helped-galvanize-student-activism-in-the-1960s-they-can-do-so-again-today/ accessed:: 2023-12-15 02-30
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
A "piece of code" is worth a thousand words. All the verbosity in the previous answers didn't light the bulb in my head the way this piece of code did. And now that that verbosity makes absolutely perfect sense :)
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I was getting an error indicating I was using an invalid access_token. It turns out that I wasn't waiting for getLoginStatus to complete prior to making an API call
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I disagree. What is expressed is an attempt to solve X by making something that should maybe be agnostic of time asynchronous. The problem is related to design: time taints code. You have a choice: either you make the surface area of async code grow and grow or you treat it as impure code and you lift pure synchronous logic in an async context. Without more information on the surrounding algorithm, we don't know if the design decision to make SymbolTable async was the best decision and we can't propose an alternative. This question was handled superficially and carelessly by the community.
superficially and carelessly?
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Rupert Read has the best idea I have heard re international climate negotiations: countries that are serious should have their own conference where they collaborate on strong targets, plans, etc. Part of which should be recognising the dangers of remaining reliant on the petrostates, planning to transcend that reliance and sanctioning them
for: good idea - COP alternative, COP alternative - coalition of the willing, COP alternative - social tipping point, Rupert Read - alternative to COP
good idea: COP alternative
- This could work based on the principle of social tipping points
- The current COP pits the powerful incumbents of the old system delaying as long as possible rapid system change, these are the conservatives
- This puts the liberals at distinct disadvantage from the conservatives because in a consensus reached agreement, the conservatives can veto any strong and binding language that represents rapid system change
- In an alternative conference where the 100+ nation states are already in agreement, action in this smaller coalition OF THE WILLING, will lead to rapid action.
- This could lead to breaking the threshold of system change via reaching the 25% social tipping point threshold
question: alternative COP
- If an alternative COP was held, is the nation state the best level to approach?
- What about a city level COP?
- Rupert Read article on alternative COP
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It's incredibly important to test your Facebook Login flow under a variety of conditions, and we've built a robust testing plan for you to follow.
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An expired ID token does not mean the user is signed out.
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Leon Huang · nsoSrdopteftuam473i91ctittu09521cgu781mlfhct5i61g2c61l37699t · Shared with Public最近衝著Banjamin van Rooji,去買了《行為失控》這本書;剛剛讀了第一章,我發現翻譯才是真的失控。低劣而錯誤百出。我講的並不是單純翻譯風格疑似中國化的問題,而是原文所使用的字彙,語意,句法,乃至寫作巧思,在翻譯版當中錯漏誤譯,巧思盡失。我舉幾個例子吧。1. 第一章的標題,"A Tale of Two Codes" 顯然原作者在致敬Dickens的名著《雙城記》A Tale of Two Cities. 這不用花太多腦力也沒什麼高深的文學素養。了解這個基本不過的文學典故,翻譯成「雙『碼』記」,不失原意之外,同時也呼應本書同時指涉legal code,也就是「法典」,正是一種「法律編碼」,以及behavioral code--行為準則,也是一種「行為編碼」。正是雙『碼』記。為什麼能翻成「兩個密碼的故事」?然後,全文的"legal code"硬要翻成法律密碼,"behavioral code"硬要翻成行為密碼,到底是有多少秘密?編碼、符碼、組碼...各式各樣的詞彙組合,都有可能呈現作者原意。到底跟密碼(cryptography)有什麼一定要扯上的關係?2. 「在這一切之中,律師扮演著重要的角色。律師身為立法者...」(第22頁))這種荒腔走板的翻譯,顯然是以為"lawyer"一詞就是律師,而不知道lawyer一詞根本上很常泛指「法律人」。這一整段的譯文內容,不要說句意通順了,連中文的意思都令人難以理解。3. 「我們的法律傾向由公共意見形成的政治過程。」(第23頁)誰能告訴我這句中文在講什麼?我看不懂。這才第一章。被我標示為錯誤或中文字句但無法以中文理解的字詞,已經多不勝數。我不理解為什麼一本橫跨法律與行為科學專業,在美國頗受好評的著作,這麼大一家出版社的中文版可以把它搞砸成這樣。譯者跟責任編輯不覺得要對讀者負責嗎?編輯自己不懂的,不用找專業審訂嗎?還是覺得法律相關的書反正大家都看不懂,無所謂?
A Tale of Two Codes我會翻《雙典記》 code 法典 encode 編成法典
姑且不談code該怎麼翻,如原po律師指出,作者明顯泛稱的laywer一詞,譯者顯然帶著一種死腦筋,硬相信自己幾十年的淺度學習記憶,lawyer一定就是「律師」不能有他義,於是翻出令人好笑的意思。例如,犯了原文 lawyers ACT AS judges...翻成「律師的舉止有如法官」,連act as意思是「擔任、充當」如此清晰,都會變成「舉止有如」,這句意思是「法律人擔任法官(時)...」。
「最終形成公共意見」,「形成」應作「形塑」(影響、左右),原文是shape,不是form、make up。
bylinetimes.com bylinetimes.com
- for: polycrisis - US political election interference due to threat of net zero transition to Russian economy
we need to find things and issues and events that people care about that brings together the big social blocks that we have so 00:53:07 people as workers people as women people as disabled people as racialized and so on and so forth uh to into having a a united front and then when there has 00:53:21 that United f it needs to have a radical Democratic element extremely radical Democratic element as in this is not just we're changing some of the people that are at the top of the 00:53:34 state we have to go into democratize the state
for: appropriate cliches - united we stand, appropriate cliches - power to the people
- cliches
- we need modernize old cliches
- united we stand, divided we fall
- power to the people - energy cooperative
- water to the people - water cooperative
- food to the people - food cooperative
- knowledge to the people - media and education cooperative
- Stop Reset Go and Indyweb / Indranet can converge media from across the web via mindplex of trans-disciplinary social annotations
- we need modernize old cliches
well I'll start with two extremely optimistic points
for: answer to above question
answer : two answers
- first, the elite have the majority of
- wealth
- control of setting policies
- control of the media
- and they work really hard at controlling policy and media
- and the people
- hate the system
- generally hate them
- second, social tipping points occur. Something happened in over place, then it spreads to other places
- first, the elite have the majority of
I you know think this is important in the kind of what the left postur is to regime break to system breakdown which 00:35:27 experiencing has to be anti-regime let
for: Lessons from COVID
- Left position to avoid driving masses to the hard right
- i think this is important in the kind of what the left posture is to regime and system breakdown which it is experiencing has to be anti-regime
- otherwise the anti-regime forces go to the hard right and
- if the left follows the left wing of the management state which is trying to technocratically limit the catastrophe of breakdown,
- it will never get popular support that's basically what happened during COVID.
- the hard right denied science, the left went begging the administrative state and as a consequence, there was a massive expansion of the right around the globe
- otherwise the anti-regime forces go to the hard right and
- Left must adopt anti-regime to win the populas
- answer - to above question
- COVID - political lessons for the left
- Social tipping points
- cliches - united we stand
- Elites - are not popular
- Social tipping points - political
- trans-disciplinary mindplex - SRG mapping / Indyweb / Indranet
- cliches - power to the people
sonec.org sonec.org
Common objective on a local level, like a specific problemNeighbourhood cooperation to build better relationships, without a specific objectiveAn individual takes the initiative to build a neighbourhood community, driven by a visionof a better world.
for: question - SONEC alignment to earth system boundaries
- Stop Reset Go's objective is to find global community partners who can help motivate a local community strategy aligned with the tight timeframe to stay under 1.5 Deg C.
- Is SONEC open to working on a strategic to empower communities in this way?
- We can offer it as an optional framework that the community can integrate into their final framework
earth4all.life earth4all.life
- annotate
- for: response to COP28 president's statement
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Two people ostensibly in sales (influencers selling products: courses, books, etc.) holding themselves out as learning researchers... curious to see more of the science underlying their methods and whether it bears out.
Note the click-bait headline and how the two are sharing their platforms of users.
www.britishcouncil.org.tw www.britishcouncil.org.tw
台式英語: Could you kindly reply by Tuesday? (可以請你周二前回信給我嗎?) 道地英語: Could you reply by Tuesday? Or, if you want to be very polite: Would you be able to reply by Tuesday? 用法: 很多台灣人在書信往來中常常會寫 "please kindly" ,以為這樣更客氣,但其實kindly,一點也不kind。在英文的用法中,加上kindly代表一種警告,例如 “Please kindly refrain from smoking on the premises (請不要在這裡抽菸)” 若你想要禮貌一點,只需要用 "please" 或是用 "Could you 或 Would you be able to"
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Unreliable import from Evernote .t3_q9bw68._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #edeeef; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #6f7071; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #6f7071; } QuestionTrying to migrate to Notion from Evernote, I've tried automatic import from "My connected apps", but with that I was missing some notes. After some unsuccessful tries and investigation, I've found out that the import only processes 400 notes at a time, and I've had 756 notes in my Evernote. "Okay", thought I, "I'll just delete all the notes that's been imported already and re-import again". So I've manually went through all my notes (!) in Evernote and removed the ones that's been exported to Notion, tried import again, only to find out that the limit was shortened to 40.As much as I love Notion, its team does not make it easy to migrate to it. Does anyone have a recipe for reliable Evernote import?Update: after moving those 40 notes to trash in Evernote and restarting the import, it is now just stuck at "Importing 1 notebook from Evernote". I mean, as google shows, this problem is at least few years old, perhaps it is worth fixing now?
Exactly my experience: no transparency as to how many notes were imported into Notion. I had 35K and the results were at most the most updated couple of hundreds. Successive attempts of reimporting did not help.
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One loss due to this change is the ability to represent an invalid UUID (vs a NIL UUID).
Compared with simple clients, modern clients are generally much easier to use and more Ruby-like
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Given the security implications of getting the implementation correct, we strongly encourage you to use OAuth 2.0 libraries when interacting with Google's OAuth 2.0 endpoints. It is a best practice to use well-debugged code provided by others, and it will help you protect yourself and your users. For more information, see Client libraries.
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After you have verified the token, check if the user is already in your user database. If so, establish an authenticated session for the user. If the user isn't yet in your user database, create a new user record from the information in the ID token payload, and establish a session for the user. You can prompt the user for any additional profile information you require when you detect a newly created user in your app.
- Nov 2023
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Automatic Sign-in can only happen with One Tap UX, not with the Sign in with Google button UX.
Due to security reasons, it's not allowed to add new Google sessions in an iframe.
are triggered only when users have signed in to Google before loading your web pages. This step is optional for the Sign in with Google button flow, since users are prompted to sign in to Google when the button is pressed.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Lovely. I guess what I'm trying to define is some methodology for practicing. Many times I simply resort to my exhaustive method, which has worked for me in the past simply due to brute force.Thank you for taking the time to respond and for what look like some very interesting references.
reply to u/ethanzanemiller at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/185xmuh/comment/kb778dy/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
Some of your methodology will certainly depend on what questions you're asking, how well you know your area already, and where you'd like to go. If you're taking notes as part of learning a new area, they'll be different and you'll treat them differently than notes you're collecting on ideas you're actively building on or intriguing facts you're slowly accumulating. Often you'll have specific questions in mind and you'll do a literature review to see what's happing around that area and then read and take notes as a means of moving yourself closer to answering your particular questions.
Take for example, the frequently asked questions (both here in this forum and by note takers across history): how big is an idea? what is an atomic note? or even something related to the question of how small can a fact be? If this is a topic you're interested in addressing, you'll make note of it as you encounter it in various settings and see that various authors use different words to describe these ideas. Over time, you'll be able to tag them with various phrases and terminologies like "atomic notes", "one idea per card", "note size", or "note lengths". I didn't originally set out to answer these questions specifically, but my interest in the related topics across intellectual history allowed such a question to emerge from my work and my notes.
Once you've got a reasonable collection, you can then begin analyzing what various authors say about the topic. Bring them all to "terms" to ensure that they're talking about the same things and then consider what arguments they're making about the topic and write up your own ideas about what is happening to answer those questions you had. Perhaps a new thesis emerges about the idea? Some have called this process having a conversation with the texts and their authors or as Robert Hutchins called it participating in "The Great Conversation".
Almost anyone in the forum here could expound on what an "atomic note" is for a few minutes, but they're likely to barely scratch the surface beyond their own definition. Based on the notes linked above, I've probably got enough of a collection on the idea of the length of a note that I can explore it better than any other ten people here could. My notes would allow me a lot of leverage and power to create some significant subtlety and nuance on this topic. (And it helps that they're all shared publicly so you can see what I mean a bit more clearly; most peoples' notes are private/hidden, so seeing examples are scant and difficult at best.)
Some of the overall process of having and maintaining a zettelkasten for creating material is hard to physically "see". This is some of the benefit of Victor Margolin's video example of how he wrote his book on the history of design. He includes just enough that one can picture what's happening despite his not showing the deep specifics. I wrote a short piece about how I used my notes about delving into S.D. Goitein's work to write a short article a while back and looking at the article, the footnotes, and links to my original notes may be illustrative for some: https://boffosocko.com/2023/01/14/a-note-about-my-article-on-goitein-with-respect-to-zettelkasten-output-processes/. The exercise is a tedious one (though not as tedious as it was to create and hyperlink everything), but spend some time to click on each link to see the original notes and compare them with the final text. Some of the additional benefit of reading it all is that Goitein also had a zettelkasten which he used in his research and in leaving copies of it behind other researchers still actively use his translations and notes to continue on the conversation he started about the contents of the Cairo Geniza. Seeing some of his example, comparing his own notes/cards and his writings may be additionally illustrative as well, though take care as many of his notes are in multiple languages.
Another potentially useful example is this video interview with Kathleen Coleman from the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae. It's in the realm of historical linguistics and lexicography, but she describes researchers collecting masses of data (from texts, inscriptions, coins, graffiti, etc.) on cards which they can then study and arrange to write their own articles about Latin words and their use across time/history. It's an incredibly simple looking example because they're creating a "dictionary", but the work involved was painstaking historical work to be sure.
Again, when you're done, remember to go back and practice for yourself. Read. Ask questions of the texts and sources you're working with. Write them down. Allow your zettelkasten to become a ratchet for your ideas. New ideas and questions will emerge. Write them down! Follow up on them. Hunt down the answers. Make notes on others' attempts to answer similar questions. Then analyze, compare, and contrast them all to see what you might have to say on the topics. Rinse and repeat.
As a further and final (meta) example, some of my answer to your questions has been based on my own experience, but the majority of it is easy to pull up, because I can pose your questions not to my experience, but to my own zettelkasten and then quickly search and pull up a variety of examples I've collected over time. Of course I have far more experience with my own zettelkasten, so it's easier and quicker for me to query it than for you, but you'll build this facility with your own over time.
Good luck. 🗃️
How to Read a Book. Los Angeles: KCET Los Angeles, 1975. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_rizr8bb0c.
13 part series including:<br /> - 01:33:02 Part 8: How to read Stories - 01:46:13 Part 9: What Makes a Story Good - 01:59:24 Part 10 How to Read a Poem - Shakespeare sonnet 116, "admit" definition - Wordsworth poem about London and nature - 02:12:49 Part 11: Activating Poetry and Plays - 02:26:09 Part 12: How to Read Two Books at the Same Time - 02:39:29 Part 13: The Pyramid of Books
2023-11-29: Since the original video was removed, one can also view the series at: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPajsb520dyzNw9mHsZnrzi5w9N_amS7E
documentation.divio.com documentation.divio.com
developer.okta.com developer.okta.com
Users can use multiple Identity Providers to sign in, and Okta can link all of those profiles to a single Okta user. This is called account linking. For example, a user signs in to your app using a different Identity Provider than they used for registration. Account linking can then establish that the user owns both identities. This allows the user to sign in from either account.
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// oftentimes once we have a proper e2e test around logging in // there is NO more reason to actually use our UI to log in users // doing so wastes a huge amount of time, as our entire page has to load // all associated resources have to load, we have to wait to fill the // form and for the form submission and redirection process
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// Not recommended: log into the application like a user // by typing into the form and clicking Submit // While this works, it is slow and exercises the login form // and NOT the feature you are trying to test.
const $html = Cypress.$(body)
A productive debate about the oil and gas industry in transitions needs to avoid two common misconceptions. The first is that transitions can only be led by changes in demand.
for: double bind - oil and gas industry committing to clean energy, oil and gas industry - Mexican standoff - SIMPOL
- The oil and gas industry faces the dilemma of the first mover. Nobody wants to take the risk to commit
- It's a Mexican standoff but maybe SIMPOL is the solution
Some 30% of the energy consumed in a net zero energy system in 2050 comes from low-emissions fuels and technologies that could benefit from the skills and resources of the oil and gas industry.
for: stats - oil and gas industry - repurposing for clean energy
stats: oil and gas industry - repurposing for clean energy
- only 30 % of the energy consumed in a clean energy future within 1.5 Deg C comes from low emission fuels and technologies that benefit from oil and gas industry resources
- this leaves a huge deficit of 70 %.
- How will the transition account for these human and technological resources?
In a scenario that hits global net zero emissions by 2050, declines in demand are sufficiently steep that no new long lead-time conventional oil and gas projects are required. Some existing production would even need to be shut in. In 2040, more than 7 million barrels per day of oil production is pushed out of operation before the end of its technical lifetime in a 1.5 °C scenario.
for: stats - oil and gas industry - steep drop in production
stats - oil and gas industry - steep drop in production
- no new fields can be developed to meet a 1.5 Deg C scenario
- any new developments face the certain risk of being a stranded asset
- by 2040, 7 million less barrels of oil are produced each day to meet a 1.5 Deg C scenario
Oil and gas producers account for only 1% of total clean energy investment globally.
for: stats - oil and gas industry - clean energy investments
- Inclusive transformation
- Clearly, transforming the dirty fossil fuel industry into clean energy industry requires migrating as much of those 12 million dirty energy jobs as possible. We can't alienate the fossil fuel industry.
- the barometer to measure this paradigm shift in fossil fuel industry narrative is their investment into clean energy. Over the years, majors have acted like politicians, promising significant clean energy investment, then backsliding. There is no more time for that.
- Inclusive transformation
if governments deliver in full on their national energy and climate pledges, then oil and gas demand would be 45% below today's level by 2050 and the temperature rise could be limited to 1.7 °C. If governments successfully pursue a 1.5 °C trajectory, and emissions from the global energy sector reach net zero by mid-century, oil and gas use would fall by 75% to 2050.
for: Nationally Determined Contributions insufficient to meet 1.5 Deg C, NDC insufficient to meet 1.5 Deg C
stats: climate change - NDC
- current NDCs
- 45% reduction in fossil fuel usage by 2050
- NDCs to meet 1.5 Deg C
- 75% reduction in fossil fuel usage by 2050
- current NDCs
- migration - fossil fuel to clean energy
- fossil fuel to clean energy migration shortfall
- stats - climate change - NDC
- NDCs insufficient to meet 1.5 Deg C
- stats - oil and gas industry - repurposing for clean energy
- oil and gas industry - Mexican standoff - SIMPOL
- stats - oil and gas industry - no new fields to meet 1.5 Deg C
- stats - oil and gas industry - steep drop in production to meet 1.5 Deg C
- Nationally Determined Contributions insufficient to meet 1.5 Deg C.
- double bind - oil and gas industry committing to clean energy
- stats - oil and gas industry - clean energy investment
developer.okta.com developer.okta.com
When a user signs in, you can link the user’s Facebook account to an existing Okta user profile or choose to create a new user profile using Just-In-Time (JIT) provisioning.
thebaffler.com thebaffler.com
Combined and Uneven Catastrophe. A conversation with Kareem Rabie
Joshua Craze
November 21, 2023
for those people who have sleep apnea try gargling with salt water before you 00:14:31 go to bed you may be amazed 40 50 percent of you may say the next morning i don't know what the heck happened but guess what salt water 00:14:42 reduces inflammation so gargling with salt water can be a cure for many of those conditions
- for: sleep apnea - potential treatment - gargling salt water to reduce inflammation, sleep apnea - potential treatment - eliminate sugar
www.globalresearch.ca www.globalresearch.ca
"Capitalismo Corporativo y Ciencias Sociales"
Pablo González Casanova
Noviembre 2012
accessed:: 2023-11-24 23:45
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I spent the past year learning how to learn. Here are the key parts I have gathered so far!
6 months ago
accessed:: 2023-11-24 20:15
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
IWTL How to learn
6 years ago
accessed:: 2023-11-24 20:15
imagine5.com imagine5.com
The ultimate learning machine
Stanislas Dehaene
accessed:: 2023-11-24 20:00
if you look at somewhere like the UK 75% of all our flights are made by just 15% of the population and we know who that 15% are you know they're not the average person or the poor person so we're not talking about 00:12:49 someone who flies occasionally away on holiday we're talking about people who fly really regularly they have their second homes they have their big mansions they have their large cars and this particular group all of those 00:13:02 things will have to change
for: elites - lifestyle change, great simplification, worldview transition -materially-excessive and wonder-poor to materially- sufficient and wonder-rich, awakening wonder, Deep Humanity, BEing journeys
- possible way to have more than one home
- a group can co-create and mutually invest in a regenerative timeshare
- an example is to co-invest in a regenerative local community economy based around a regerative agroforestry system which has community owned and supported agriculture with year round Regenerative work and sustainable accommodations
- Deep Humanity BEing journeys can play a role to re-awaken wonder
docdrop.org docdrop.org
there's things in the 10th Century in what we think of as now as broadly Western and Central Europe 01:13:46 that are beginning to show up particularly in art and architecture and poetry and music not an accident the musician we know that artists are often people who sense 01:13:59 things and are ahead of a culture they give the first articulation to a set of ideas and so if you today if next time you're in Ottawa I invite you to go to the 01:14:10 National Gallery because the National Gallery in Ottawa has one of the world's best collections of European northern European art and it starts about 1300 01:14:22 there's some before that but their collections of that's old enough to get you into it and it works through historically as you work through the rooms and at least it used to last time I brought it was there it brought you 01:14:36 out into a post-modern into postmodern art as if what's beyond what we think of as Modern Art uh into post-modern art
- for: BEing journey - history of art from 10th century to present
let's assume that the price of oil uh is at least at the uh 75 range which keeps us out of trouble Keith is at least floating in Alberta maybe even 80 bucks 01:00:56 a barrel maybe even 85 so that we've got some extra money so uh we're going to appoint you and you get to look around for a female and uh 01:01:10 the two of you have to then look around for uh people who are uh indigenous male and female and the four of you are going to be a group and we're going to give you 01:01:22 um uh uh a hundred billion dollars to spend over 10 years which means that you've got uh 10 billion 100 million no we're going to do more 01:01:37 we're going to give you a billion dollars so you've got a hundred million a year and you're going to be able to give it away in 10 million dollar tranches
for: interesting idea - project to shift consciousness in Alberta
- interesting idea: project to shift consciousness in Alberta
- When there is a surplus use it to spend a billion dollars over the next 10 years, 100 million each year given away in 10 million dollar tranches
- communities of approx. 15,000 people can apply for the 10 million dollar grant to raise consciousness and understand the modernity frame they currently unconsciously live within
- in order to change the system, you have to first be aware of it and how that system is in you
- This is an evolutionary experiment because nobody has tried to change a complex system like this before
we don't have anybody in Canada 00:51:56 who's serious about how would you help a whole society that doesn't even understand the depth to which it is modern come to terms of the fact it has no future as a modern culture 00:52:10 and how would you help them understand that in a way that doesn't terrify them and see that as an adventure so we could replace the Alberta Advantage which is about low taxes and money in your pocket 00:52:22 to the Alberta Adventure week Alberta could be earn a reputation at least it could I mean we do have enough Mavericks and things we have the possibility of 00:52:34 earning a global reputation of becoming the most extraordinary place in the world that is taking this work seriously
for: perspective shift - modernity to "neo-indigenous"
- how do you transform fear of the perceived great loss of modernity to the gains of neo-indigenous civilization?
- we would have to feature the many potential benefits of doing this
- it can't be just a big loss, but the pros must outweigh the cons
we're in a position as a modern techno-industrial culture this is my view that it's false to say what the oil 00:29:32 companies are saying that we can keep producing oil and gas we'll get the society to pay for carbon capture and storage and and other stuff but it's going to be a technological salvation 00:29:44 and then we can keep on with our life that's one version the the other version is the environmentalist version which the federal government has bought into and that is we'll go green and then we 00:29:57 can keep everything
for: false dichotomy of sustaining modernity
- The pace of modernity can neither be sustained in a high carbon nor a low carbon green economy
- No matter what the political party, they all subscribe to a view of sustaining the same or greater pace of modernity
- libertarians want no constraints
- but nature herself imposes limits
- populations collapse if resources are overused
- human populations who adopt a Libertarian approach eventually encounter a limit anyways
- perspective shift - modernity to neo-indigenous
- cultural evolution
- transition out of modernity
- limits to growth
- Liberterians encounter limits
- interesting idea - project to shift consciousness in Alberta
- false dichotomy of modernity
- The Libertarian illusion
- BEing journey - history of art from 10th century to present
www.science.org www.science.org
Humans are biocultural, science should be too
Agustín Fuentes
Science, vol. 382, no. 6672
DOI: 10.1126/science.adl1517
github.com github.com
One more example of a simple approach to this that might help a lot too is add a PORO generator. It could be incredibly basic - rails g poro MyClass yields class MyClass end But by doing that and landing the file in the app/models directory, it would make it clear that was the intended location instead of lib.
So then they put it into lib only to find that they have to manually require it. Then later realize that this also means they now have to reboot their server any time they change the file (after a painfully long debugging time of "why what aren't my changes working?", because their lib folder classes are now second-class citizens). Then they go down the rabbit hole of adding lib to the autoload paths, which burns them because rake tasks then all get eager loaded in production. Then they inevitably realize anything inside app is autoloaded and make an app/lib per Xavier's advice.
I think the symmetry of the naming between lib and app/lib will lead a fresh Rails developer to seek out the answer to “Why are there two lib directories?", and they will become illuminated. And it will prevent them from seeking the answer to “How do I autoload lib?” which will start them on a rough path that leads to me advising them to undo it.
In API design, exceptional use cases may justify exceptional support. You design for the common case, and let the edge case be edge. In this case, I believe lib deserves ad-hoc API that allows users to do exactly that in one shot:
portaldeandalucia.org portaldeandalucia.org
"Construir refugios" Juan Dorado
22 de septiembre de 2021
Portal de Andalucía
gaceta.politicas.unam.mx gaceta.politicas.unam.mx
"Obra académica de Don Pablo"
Pablo Cabañas Díaz
Gaceta Políticas (FCPyS – UNAM)
2023, febrero
Cabañas Díaz, Pablo Alejandro, Obra académica de Don Pablo, Gaceta Políticas, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, núm. 293, febrero de 2023, pp. 8-11.
CV de Pablo Cabañas Díaz: https://www.politicas.unam.mx/cedulas/ordinario/profesores/prof073516.pdf
accessed:: 2023-11-13 21:10
www.jornada.com.mx www.jornada.com.mx
"Pablo González Casanova, el intelectual y la izquierda", por Luis Hernández Navarro
La Jornada Semanal
Domingo 13 de enero de 2013, Núm. 932.
www.loc.gov www.loc.gov
Arendt’s two-volume work The Life of the Mind, published posthumously in 1978.
manifold.umn.edu manifold.umn.edu
Cut/Copy/Paste explores the relations between fragments, history, books, and media. It does so by scouting out fringe maker cultures of the seventeenth century, where archives were cut up, “hacked,” and reassembled into new media machines: the Concordance Room at Little Gidding in the 1630s and 1640s, where Mary Collett Ferrar and her family sliced apart printed Bibles and pasted the pieces back together into elaborate collages known as “Harmonies”; the domestic printing atelier of Edward Benlowes, a gentleman poet and Royalist who rode out the Civil Wars by assembling boutique books of poetry; and the nomadic collections of John Bagford, a shoemaker-turned-bookseller who foraged fragments of old manuscripts and title pages from used bookshops to assemble a material history of the book. Working across a century of upheaval, when England was reconsidering its religion and governance, each of these individuals saved the frail, fragile, frangible bits of the past and made from them new constellations of meaning. These fragmented assemblages resist familiar bibliographic and literary categories, slipping between the cracks of disciplines; later institutions like the British Library did not know how to collate or catalogue them, shuffling them between departments of print and manuscript. Yet, brought back together in this hybrid history, their scattered remains witness an emergent early modern poetics of care and curation, grounded in communities of practice. Stitching together new work in book history and media archaeology via digital methods and feminist historiography, Cut/Copy/Paste traces the lives and afterlives of these communities, from their origins in early modern print cultures to the circulation of their work as digital fragments today. In doing so, this project rediscovers the odd book histories of the seventeenth century as a media history with an ethics of material making—one that has much to teach us today.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
original recordings of the theorists at that 1966 structuralism conference.“For years, everyone had said ‘there’s got to be recordings of those lectures.’ Well, we finally found the recordings of those lectures. They were hidden in a cabinet behind a bookshelf behind a couch,” said Liz Mengel, associate director of collections and academic services for the Sheridan Libraries at Johns Hopkins.
Have these been transferred? Can we get them?
gitlab.com gitlab.com
How to set up and validate locally Access content editor in wikis or in issues behind a feature flag :content_editor_on_issues. Copy some text from Google docs or any rich text document Press Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + V to paste raw text.
gitlab.com gitlab.com
I think we are a victim of behavioural norms and so many of the apps that I use have this pattern. That's not to say it's the right behaviour, but it may be hard to break the pattern for users.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die englische Regierung hat in der letzten Oktoberwoche 27 Lizenzen zur Öl- und Gasförderung in der Nordsee vergeben. George Monbiot konfrontiert diese Entscheidung mit aktuellen Erkenntnissen zum sechsten Massenaussterben und dem drohenden Zusammenbruch lebensunterstützender Systeme des Planeten https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/31/flickering-earth-systems-warning-act-now-rishi-sunak-north-sea
- 2023-10-31
- study: Climate Endgame
- actor: Rishi Sunak
- study: Recent reduced abyssal overturning and ventilation in the Australian Antarctic Basin
- study: Observationally-constrained projections of an ice-free Arctic even under a low emission scenario
- study: Warning of a forthcoming collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation
- study: The South American monsoon approaches a critical transition in response to deforestation
- study: More losers than winners
- study: Future of the human climate niche
- topic: tipping points
inquiringmind.com inquiringmind.com
Otherwise we’d be second-guessing ourselves at every moment: Who is deciding to buy a house or have a child? FV: That’s right. Every decision would be suspect. So evolution has designed you so that you just want to hurry on with your solidified self. That is what the sense of being a separate organism is all about.
for: self awareness of no-self, adjacency - evolution - no-self - Fransisco Verella, quote - Fransisco Verella, quote - evolution - solidified self, question - awakening to no-self
quote: Fransisco Verella
- Evolution has designed you so that you just want to hurry on with your solidified self. They is what the sense of being a separate organism is about.
date: 1999
- Verella claims evolution has designed us to have no self awareness of no-self, the origins of the self.
- even this phrase seems like an oxymoron 'self awareness of no-self!'
- question
- how would a less complex, more primitive life form even have self awareness? What does that mean biologically? At that most rudimentary level, I suppose it would mean sensory feedback signals,
- question
- Does this imply that (emotionally or affectively) awakening to your origins of self leads to second guessing ourselves as well? From observation of the behaviour of awakened individuals, this does not seem to be the case. Rather, authentically awakens individuals appear to be associated with much higher levels of wisdom and compassion, which would seem to confer evolutionary fitness
docdrop.org docdrop.org
my favorite questions are ones that take 00:23:48 them out of their daily experience and get them 30,000 feet looking at their life and so it's like what crossroads are you at
- for: how to ask good questions
my book is 00:10:19 simply an attempt to walk us through the skills it takes to be to know another human being and make them feel known seen and heard
for: purpose of David Brooks' book
- the purpose of his book is to advocate and spread the skills it takes to know another human being and make them feel known, seen and heard
iier.org.au iier.org.au
for: epoche, epoche - interfaith applications, bracketing, applied epoche, Deep Humanity, DH, polycrisis, political polarization, religious polarization, epoche - research application
- I performed Google search for "Epoche and application to interfaith religion"
- The reason is that I am exploring a hunch of the salience of applying epoche for deep interfaith understanding
- political polarization constitutes an existential threat and is one important crisis in our current polycrisis
- Unless we find ways to effectively and rapidly reduce polarization, the other crisis's such as climate crisis, biodiversity crisis and inequality crisis will likely not be resolved
- religious polarization form ingroups / outgroups and is a major contributing factor to political polarization and violent conflict
- hence it becomes important to understand how interfaith understanding can be enhanced
- epoche appears to be one possible way to accelerate interfaith understanding
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
From this self-critical and controlled reasoning which is applied objectively andmethodically to the world, it makes sure to construct an "objectivity" which transcends the
for: adjacency - objectivity - imputation of the other
adjacency between
- objectivity
- imputation of the other
- adjacency statement
- there is a subtle assumption behind objectivity, namely that at least one other consciousness exists which can experience something the phenomena in a sufficiently similar way.
- this is not a trivial assumption. Consider Thomas Nagel's "What is it like to be a bat?" Another human subject is typically required when "objectivity" is invoked. Certainly a bat could not experience the same phenomena objectively!
- This also begs the question: to what extent can another human experience the phenomena the same way? We are assuming that two human beings who agree on the objectivity of a fact know what it is like to be the other in some salient way.
for: epoche, epoche - interfaith applications, Deep Humanity, DH, polycrisis, poltical polarization, religious polarization, hermenneutic, hermeneutical phenomenological method
- a very insightful paper
- I performed Google search for "Epoche and application to interfaith religion"
- The reason is that I am exploring a hunch of the salience of applying epoche for deep interfaith understanding
- political polarization constitutes an existential threat and is one important crisis in our current polycrisis
- Unless we find ways to effectively and rapidly reduce polarization, the other crisis's such as climate crisis, biodiversity crisis and inequality crisis will likely not be resolved
- religious polarization form ingroups / outgroups and is a major contributing factor to political polarization and violent conflict
- hence it becomes important to understand how interfaith understanding can be enhanced
- epoche appears to be one possible way to accelerate interfaith understanding
- what is it like to be a bat?
- What is it like to be another human?
- epoche - application to interfaith religion
- applied epoche
- hermeneutic
- Deep Humanity
- adjacency - objectivity - imputation of the other
- DH
- political polarization
- Deep Humanity - epoche
- religious polarization
- hermeneutical phenomenological method
- epoche
- epoche - interfaith applications
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
for: empathy, self other dualism, symbolosphere, Deep Humanity, DH, othering, What is it like to be a bat?, Thomas Nagel, ingroup outgroup
- title: What is it Like to be a Bat?
- author: Thomas Nagel
date: Oct 1974
- Forget about what it's like to be a bat, what's it like to be another human!
- This is a paper that can deepen our understanding of what it means to be empathetic and also its opposite, what it means to participate in othering. In the fragmented , polarized world we live in, these are very important explorations.
- Insofar as the open source Deep Humanity praxis is focused on exploring the depths of our humanity to help facilitate the great transition through the meaning / meta / poly crisis embroiling humanity, knowing what the "other" means is very salient.
NOTE - references - for references to any words used in this annotation which you don't understand, please use the tool in the following link to search all of Stop Reset Go's annotations. Chances are that any words you do not understand are explored in our other annotations. Go to the link below and type the word in the "ANY" field to find the annotator's contextual understanding, salience and use of any words used here
support.google.com support.google.com
I can't count the number of times I have wiped out something I was typing because I thumbed up but was already at the top.
support.google.com support.google.com
chromestory.com chromestory.com
Google Chrome for Android no longer has an option to disable “Pull to Refresh”. For people who don’t really like using this feature, this is pretty annoying. There was a way to disable this using a flag, but version 75 removed this flag too.
The nice point of Kiwi is that it supports Chrome extensions, this is why I am trying it. Browser extensions are something which I believe should be rather more widespread in Android by now.
I was filling and completing a report on a website, uploaded an attachment just wanted to fill up some remaining inputs on final step, while scrolling down the whole page refreshed!.. hours of work and composition was gone instantly, extremely frustrating!
I stoped using chrome android for purchases, due to the refresh occuring while scrolling up. Poor design choice
pdfs.semanticscholar.org pdfs.semanticscholar.org
On the Function of the Epoche inPhenomenological Interpretations of Religion
for: epoche, epoche - interfaith applications, Deep Humanity, DH, polycrisis, political polarization, religious polarization
- I performed Google search for "Epoche and application to interfaith religion"
- The reason is that I am exploring a hunch of the salience of applying epoche for deep interfaith understanding
- political polarization constitutes an existential threat and is one important crisis in our current polycrisis
- Unless we find ways to effectively and rapidly reduce polarization, the other crisis's such as climate crisis, biodiversity crisis and inequality crisis will likely not be resolved
- religious polarization form ingroups / outgroups and is a major contributing factor to political polarization and violent conflict
- hence it becomes important to understand how interfaith understanding can be enhanced
- epoche appears to be one possible way to accelerate interfaith understanding
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
Hangzhou fell to the Taiping rebels in 1861 he lost some eighteen of his relatives, including his mother.
they consequently received honours
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
Taiping forces occupied Nanjing and attempted to establish a new system of government and land ownership
similarly occupied parts of China
e time portrayed the dead as martyrs and used morally charged language to give their deaths political meaning.
loyalty in death
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
ut certain groups like the poor, non-Europeans, and the physically and mentally disabled may lack the conditions to develop rationality.
rationality in liberal theory and how it can create hierarchies
xcludes women from the political sphere and confines them to the private sphere.
division between the private and political spheres in liberalism, arguing that it allows for hierarchies and domination to go unregulated.
but the gender inequality isn't based upon property so could be changed without impacting the foundation of the theory
property means that the interests of servants and other propertyless individuals may not be represented in the rules of the contract.
www.uspto.gov www.uspto.gov
This overarching goal is stated in the U.S. Constitution, Article I section 8, clause 8, “The Congress shall have Power ... To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.”
Then, the article quote the U.S. Constitution, Article I section 8, clause 8, and then explains that, in the 18th century, this constitutional law gave the congress the power to grant exclusive rights to authors and inventors for their work, in order to boost creativity and innovation in the USA (U.S. Const., 1787). Later, the article claims that in the 1975, the U.S. Constitution, Article I section 8, clause 8 keep having the purpose of fostering innovation and creativity in the society, throughout economic incentive. Subsequently, the article supports this statement by quoting the law "Twentieth Century Music Corp. v. Aiken," which was created in 1975 with the purpose of boosting creativity and innovation in society throughout the economic incentive of assuring that creators receive a payment for their intellectual property that equates to the cost of producing it.
- Oct 2023
lawliberty.org lawliberty.org
But sometimes Alter’s comments seem exactly wrong. Alter calls Proverbs 29:2 “no more than a formulation in verse of a platitude,” but Daniel L. Dreisbach’s Reading the Bible with the Founding Fathers devotes an entire chapter to that single verse, much loved at the time of the American Founding: “When the righteous are many, a people rejoices, / but when the wicked man rules, a people groans.” Early Americans “widely, if not universally,” embraced the notion that—as one political sermon proclaimed—“The character of a nation is justly decided by the character of their rulers, especially in a free and elective government.” Dreisbach writes, “They believed it was essential that the American people be reminded of this biblical maxim and select their civil magistrates accordingly.” Annual election sermons and other political sermons often had Proverbs 29:2 as “the primary text.” Far from being a platitude, this single verse may contain a cure to the contagion that is contemporary American political life.
Ungenerous to take Alter to task for context which he might not have the background to comment upon.
Does Alter call it a "platitude" from it's historical context, or with respect to the modern context of Donald J. Trump and a wide variety of Republican Party members who are anything but Christian?
bryanalexander.org bryanalexander.org
Alexander, Bryan. “Undents, Volvelles, and Didymus the Brazen-Gutted: Notes on Ann M. Blair’s Too Much to Know.” Bryan Alexander (blog), January 12, 2016. https://bryanalexander.org/reviews/undents-volvelles-and-didymus-the-brazen-gutted-notes-on-ann-m-blairs-too-much-to-know/.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
our consent or the legitimacy that this confers on the state that are important but instead the question of who (we believe) is able and willing to protect us
rights are not politically salient in the face of overwhelm ing sovereign power
how much are these rights reinforced?
importance of consent and the right to rebel against the sovereign under certain condition
humans need a sovereign ruler to overcome their natural tendencies towards suspicion and competition.
obligation towards our sovereign is because they provide us with security,
so surely if they don't provide us security we dont have to obey them? and it is based on rights exchanged for security
This rights transfer is not absolute, as subjects retain a right to self-preservation.Some scholars disagree about how impactful this retained right is.
argued that states can come about through conquest or agreement, and both forms of government are legitimate.
surely if the state is conquered from outside you don't have to obey it??
representation is a legal relationship
king or ruler must share characteristics with the people they represent.
ruler as a form of representation- to what extent do they represent their people, they are still human?
eligious symbolism, such as comparing the government to a god-like creature called Leviathan,
they most obey the sovereign as they are like God, linked with Christianity
create unity and prevent conflicts.
state is necessary for individuals to secure their own self-preservation.
While sovereigns have no direct obligations to their subjects, they have a duty to maintain peace and stability
self-interest and security in the political relationship
arxiv.org arxiv.org
"Causal Deep Learning" Authors:Jeroen Berrevoets, Krzysztof Kacprzyk, Zhaozhi Qian, Mihaela van der Schaar
Very general and ambitious approach for representing the full continuous conceptual spectrum of Pearl's Causal Ladder, and ability to model and learning parts of this from Data.
Discussed by Prof. van der Shaar at ICML2023 workshop on Counterfactuals.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
[ Bengio, The Consciousness Prior, Arxiv, 2018]
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Causal Deep Learning Authors:Jeroen Berrevoets, Krzysztof Kacprzyk, Zhaozhi Qian, Mihaela van der Schaar
Very general and ambitious approach for representing the full continuous conceptual spectrum of Pearl's Causal Ladder, and ability to model and learning parts of this from Data.
Discussed by Prof. van der Shaar at ICML2023 workshop on Counterfactuals.
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Petersen, B. K. et al. Deep symbolic regression: recovering mathematical expressions from data via risk-seeking policy gradients. In International Conference on Learning Representations (2020).
Description: Reinforcement learning uses neural networks to generate a mathematical expression sequentially by adding mathematical symbols from a predefined vocabulary and using the learned policy to decide which notation symbol to be added next. The mathematical formula is represented as a parse tree. The learned policy takes the parse tree as input to determine what leaf node to expand and what notation (from the vocabulary) to add.
Reinforcement learning uses neural networks to generate a mathematical expression sequentially by adding mathematical symbols from a predefined vocabulary and using the learned policy to decide which notation symbol to be added next140. The mathematical formula is represented as a parse tree. The learned policy takes the parse tree as input to determine what leaf node to expand and what notation (from the vocabulary) to add
very interesting approach
In chemistry, models such as simplified molecular-input line-entry system (SMILES)-VAE155 can transform SMILES strings, which are molecular notations of chemical structures in the form of a discrete series of symbols that computers can easily understand, into a differentiable latent space that can be optimized using Bayesian optimization techniques (Fig. 3c).
This could be useful for chemistry research for robotic labs.
Neural operators are guaranteed to be discretization invariant, meaning that they can work on any discretization of inputs and converge to a limit upon mesh refinement. Once neural operators are trained, they can be evaluated at any resolution without the need for re-training. In contrast, the performance of standard neural networks can degrade when data resolution during deployment changes from model training.
Look this up: anyone familiar with this? sounds complicated but very promising for domains with a large range of resolutions (medical-imaging, wildfire-management)
arxiv.org arxiv.org
[Kapturowski, DeepMind, Sep 2022] "Human-level Atari 200x Faster"
Improving the 2020 Agent57 performance to be more efficeint.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
via https://everbookforever.com/
Leather sheet folded into four sections onto itself like a book cover. It holds six folders of pieces of paper (most of them folded in half making mini-booklet pages): - blank paper for future note taking use - templates (project pack, weekly schedule/to do template, project list, project templates) - logbook, journal like, dated, - contains notes, outlines, brain storms, and scratch pad - next actions/workstation (to do lists for email, home, work, calls ) - Project Pack (9 projects for the quarter, each has their own page or mini folder with details) - Work Week or the Weekly Review Folder (areas of focus/project list, yearly calendar on a page for planning, whatever folder, wild ideas,
When done, all the pages of folders are packed up and wrapped with an elastic band for easy carrying. It's like a paper (looks like A5) notebook deconstructed and filed into paper folders and wrapped in a pretty leather cover.
As sections are finished/done they can be archived into small booklets and presumably filed.
This looks shockingly like my own index-card productivity system based on a variety of Memindex/Bullet Journal/GTD.
www.lrb.co.uk www.lrb.co.uk
Murray edited the OED from his grandly named ‘Scriptorium’, which was in fact a large corrugated iron shed, built first in the grounds of Mill Hill School, where he taught, and then in his garden at 78 Banbury Road.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
though the language of the poly crisis 00:32:26 is very abstract and Global and it has you know it rings of news media it rings of whatever social media memes of graphs 00:32:39 it's over there somewhere but meanwhile we have individuals who are in the repercussions of these combined crises and their economy is not going well 00:32:56 their family is over stressed their home is is is is producing chemicals that are affecting them their food
-for: similar to, similar to - metacrisis example
kirschsubstack.com kirschsubstack.com
Thank you. Steve, for raising the alarm on this catastrophe! One minor comment. It should be QC'ed, not QA'ed. Quality control is done first. Quality Assurance (QA) comes after QC. QA is basically checking the calculations and the test results in the batch records. I worked in QC and QA for big pharma for decades. I tried to warn people in early 2021 that there's no way the quality control testing could be done at warp speed. Nobody listened to me despite my decades of experience in big pharma!
"warp speed" sounds fancy, plus "its an emergency, we have no time"...
it really was just an intelligence test, a global-scale exploit of trust in authorities. (and lets be honest, stupid people deserve to die.)
problem is, they (elites, military, industry) seem to go for actual forced vaccinations, which would be an escalation from psychological warfare to actual warfare against the 95% "useless eaters".
personally, i would prefer if they would globally legalize serial murder and assault rifles, then "we the people" would solve the overpopulation. (because: serial murder is the only alternative to mass murder.) but they are scared that we would also kill the wrong people (their servants because they are evil or stupid). (anyone crying about depopulation should suggest better solutions. denying overpopulation is just another failed intelligence test.)
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
During shmita, the land is left to lie fallow and all agricultural activity, including plowing, planting, pruning and harvesting, is forbidden by halakha (Jewish law).
The sabbath year (shmita; Hebrew: שמיטה, literally "release"), also called the sabbatical year or shǝvi'it (שביעית, literally "seventh"), or "Sabbath of The Land", is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle mandated by the Torah in the Land of Israel and is observed in Judaism.
- shmita
- Friends of the Link 2023-10-18
- Leviticus 25
- jubilee
- Leviticus 25:5
- halakha
- sabbaticals
- Jewish law
- 2 Chronicles 36:20-21
- Deuteronomy 31:10-13
- remission year
- Exodus 23:10-11
- Jeremiah 34:13-14
- Nehemiah 10:31
- Deuteronomy 15:1-6
- time in relation to work
- agriculture
- debt
- 2 Kings 19:29
- Isaiah 37:30
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
"For eighty days we kept our hair,"
cultural loyalty
urban gentry tried to mediate
pressure from statecraftsmen and gentry members for the emperor to allow them to form their own militia troops.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Durch die Entwaldung des Amazonas-Regenwalds steht das südamerikanische Monsunsystem kurz vor einem Kipppunkt, nach dessen Überschreiten die Niederschläge im Amazonasgebiet um 30% sinken und der Regenwald langsam verschwinden würde. Eine neue Studie zeigt, dass dieser Kipppunkt unmittelbar bevorstehen könnte. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/04/south-american-monsoon-heading-towards-tipping-point-likely-to-cause-amazon-dieback
- institution: Potsdam Institute
- biome: Amazon rainforest
- feature: monsoon
- study: Amazon Monsdon paper
- region: Amazonia
- region: Amazon
- expert: Dominick Spracklen
- 2023-10-04
- study: The South American monsoon approaches a critical transition in response to deforestation
- expert: Nils Bochow
- expert: Niklas Boers
- topic: tipping points
docdrop.org docdrop.org
in your view sadguru what is the direct antidote to Jihadi terrorism an 00:01:19 immediate and quick solution to it uh what is the direct antidote that's what I'm doing that's my work but quick solution I don't have one there's no 00:01:32 quick solution individual transformation is the only solution but that's not a quick solution but a lasting solution
for: solution to Islamic terrorism, quote, quote - solution to Islamic terrorism
- Individual transformation is the only solution but that's not a quick solution, but a lasting solution
- author: Sadhguru
date: Sept 2023
statisticaldiversitylab.com statisticaldiversitylab.com
since the most commonly used models are underdispersed relative to the data, standard errors are almost always zero. The result is that ecologists see incredibly small p values, but replicating results is rare.
Classical ecology models that work for 100-200 specimens don't work with microbial high throughput sequencing of thousands or millions of sequences, due to their less complexity and the underdispersed nature - Read more about the dispersion
geni.us geni.us
docdrop.org docdrop.org
they're fleeing Russia they're fleeing Ukraine because of the war there they go to Israel and then wom this whole attack that happened on 00:05:38 Saturday that nobody expected and it's um it it's shocking everybody
for: Samara - one war to another, polycrisis - multiple wars
- as the polycrisis deepens, we will jump from the frying pan into the fire
www-nature-com.ezproxy.rice.edu www-nature-com.ezproxy.rice.edu
sRNAs that repress transcription have been engineered to create orthogonal and composable regulators that can be used to construct RNA-only transcriptional networks
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I'm going to kind of give you my 00:04:56 take on what I believe to have been the natural history of or what I believe is the natural history of awareness a sort of a sequence of innovations that occurred that facilitated the appearance 00:05:09 of consciousness on Earth
- for: key claim, key claim - natural history of awareness leading evolution of consciousness, natural history - awareness leading to consciousnessn
Cambrian explosion
for: Cambrian explosion, 2D to 3D organisms
- During the Cambrian explosion, there was a major evolutionary transition from bottom dwellers that lived on the flat bottom of the ocean to organisms evolved to explore the entire 3D water column. Some of the evolutionary adaptations that made this possible were
- eyes that supported vision and perception of distance
- representation of space and time
- During the Cambrian explosion, there was a major evolutionary transition from bottom dwellers that lived on the flat bottom of the ocean to organisms evolved to explore the entire 3D water column. Some of the evolutionary adaptations that made this possible were
electricliterature.com electricliterature.com
A series of similes.