64 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. l' enquête de l'unicef de 2014 00:04:56 où près de onze mille enfants montrent que entre l'âge de 6 12 ans et jusqu'à 15 ans et plus on les jeunes témoignent 00:05:10 d'une souffrance plus grande croissante
    1. ce petit modèle une étude qui l'a encore qui va bientôt avoir 10 ans donc c'est pour vous dire que on est toujours un peu surpris quand l'éducation nationale se réveille inscrit le bien-être dans 00:15:53 les dans les programmes c'est que c'était quand même pas une surprise on le savait on a de on a des chiffres ça c'est une étude française mais il y en a plein d'autres alors c'était une Française qu'est ce qu'elle nous dit c'est l'équipe du de notre collègue Fabien Fenouillet qui a montré 00:16:06 ça en 2014 auprès de collégien ils ont mesuré les différentes satisfactions de vie dont je vous parlais tout à l'heure satisfaction dit par rapport à soi par rapport à la famille à l'école aux amis et à l'habitat et ils ont mis ça en 00:16:18 corrélation avec trois variables trois concepts le premier c'est les résultats scolaires donc ils sont allés collecter les compétences acquises ou non acquises ils sont allés mesurer aussi l'intérêt 00:16:32 de l'élève pour l'école et ils sont allés mesurer ce qu'on appelle le sentiment d'efficacité personnelle le SEP qu'on pourrait appeler de la motivation je vous en reparlerai juste après du Sep mais 00:16:45 appelons ça de la motivation et bien on s'aperçoit que finalement ce qui correct le plus fortement la satisfaction de vie enfin ce qui pourrait le plus fortement pardon les résultats scolaires l'intérêt et la 00:16:57 motivation c'est la satisfaction de vie ressentie à l'école donc c'est bel et bien le bien-être que nos élèves vont ressentir à l'école qui vont avoir le plus de liens je vais pas parler d'impact on est sur des corrélations donc je vais parler de liens 00:17:09 qui vont avoir le plus de liens avec leurs résultats avec l'intérêt et avec leur motivation donc plus un élève sera bien à l'école plus sa motivation sera élevée plus son intérêt sera élevé et plus ces résultats seront élevés
  2. Feb 2024
    1. Pourquoi certaines personnes sont-elles homosexuelles? Pourquoi quelqu’un voudrait changer de sexe? Voilà des questions auxquelles la science peut maintenant apporter des réponses! De nombreuses études en neuroendocrinologie, réalisées chez l’humain et chez l’animal depuis les années 90, démontrent que l’homosexualité et la transsexualité, deux phénomènes distincts, ont tous les deux une origine biologique, au moins en partie. Après avoir dressé un portrait de la diversité sexuelle, la conférencière présente dans un langage simple et à la portée de tous comment les hormones modifient le développement du cerveau à l’état embryonnaire et influencent l’orientation ou l’identité sexuelle. Cette théorie neuro-hormonale basée sur des centaines d’études permet également de comprendre pourquoi l’orientation sexuelle et l’identité de genre sont irréversibles. La conférencière présente les résultats de nombreux articles scientifiques rigoureux et d’études de cas et discute des découvertes récentes en biologie qui poussent plus loin notre compréhension de l’homosexualité et de la transsexualité.

      Cette conférence présentée par Catherine Hallé, M.Sc. a été enregistrée le 13 mai 2014 à la Ville de Gatineau, Québec, Canada Catherine Hallé a un diplôme de maîtrise en biologie cellulaire et moléculaire et elle est impliquée activement dans la communauté LGBT+ depuis 2003.

    1. Résumé vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:30:21][^2^][2]:

      Cette partie de la vidéo parle du baccalauréat, un examen national qui marque la fin des études secondaires en France. Elle suit le parcours de plusieurs élèves et professeurs du lycée de l'Europe à Dunkerque, qui se préparent à passer ou à encadrer cette épreuve.

      Points forts: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Le dernier cours de physique de Philippe Gaillard * Un professeur passionné et apprécié * Des expériences spectaculaires et ludiques * Une émotion partagée avec les élèves + [00:03:08][^4^][4] La préparation des salles d'examen par les agents d'entretien * Un travail minutieux et rigoureux * Une mission de confiance pour récupérer les sujets * Une responsabilité partagée avec la direction + [00:10:00][^5^][5] Les révisions des élèves à la veille du bac * Des stratégies et des rythmes différents * Des soutiens familiaux et amicaux * Des enjeux personnels et collectifs + [00:20:10][^6^][6] La première épreuve de philosophie * Un moment solennel et stressant * Une procédure sécurisée et contrôlée * Une diversité de sujets et de réponses

      Résumé vidéo [00:30:24][^1^][1] - [00:44:13][^2^][2]:

      La deuxième partie de la vidéo parle du déroulement des épreuves du baccalauréat dans un lycée de Dunkerque. On suit les candidats, les surveillants, les professeurs et la proviseure dans les différentes étapes de l'examen.

      Points forts: + [00:30:24][^3^][3] Les précautions prises pour éviter les perturbations * Les bâtiments réservés pour le bac * Les sonneries désactivées * Les recours possibles des candidats en cas de bruit + [00:31:14][^4^][4] L'épreuve de philosophie * Les impressions des candidats à la sortie * Le ramassage et le comptage des copies * Le risque de perte de copies + [00:32:49][^5^][5] La correction des copies de français * La distribution des copies aux professeurs * Les anecdotes et les perles des candidats * La moyenne académique attendue + [00:34:37][^6^][6] L'épreuve de physique-chimie * Le stress et la préparation des candidats * Le dispositif anti-fraude par téléphone portable * La surveillance des toilettes * La correction en direct par un professeur + [00:40:31][^7^][7] Les résultats du bac * L'attente et le stress des candidats * L'affichage des résultats au lycée * Les réactions des candidats et de leurs proches * Les projets d'orientation des candidats

    1. Revivez la web-conférence du 25 septembre 2014, animée par Nicolas Aury, DGA en charge de l'action éducative en commune, membre de la commission permanente de l'ANDEV et co-auteur de L'action éducative en pratique, chez Weka.

  3. Jan 2024
  4. Dec 2023
  5. Nov 2023
  6. Jun 2023
  7. Dec 2022
  8. Jan 2022
  9. Nov 2021
  10. Oct 2021
  11. Sep 2021
    1. 2015, c. 3, s. 110

      Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2014, SC 2015, c 3, https://canlii.ca/t/52m35, s. 110, amends IRPA s. 63(2) and (3) to read:

      Right to appeal — visa and removal order

      (2) A foreign national who holds a permanent resident visa may appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division against a decision to make a removal order against them made under subsection 44(2) or made at an admissibility hearing.

      Right to appeal removal order

      (3) A permanent resident or a protected person may appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division against a decision to make a removal order against them made under subsection 44(2) or made at an admissibility hearing.

      Previously they had read:

      Right to appeal — visa and removal order

      (2) A foreign national who holds a permanent resident visa may appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division against a decision at an examination or admissibility hearing to make a removal order against them.

      Right to appeal — removal order

      (3) A permanent resident or a protected person may appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division against a decision at an examination or admissibility hearing to make a removal order against them.

    2. 2015, c. 3, s. 109(E)

      Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2014, SC 2015, c 3, https://canlii.ca/t/52m35, s. 109(E) amends the English version of IRPA s. 37(1)(b) to read:

      (b) engaging, in the context of transnational crime, in activities such as people smuggling, trafficking in persons or laundering of money or other proceeds of crime.

      Previously it had read:

      (b) engaging, in the context of transnational crime, in activities such as people smuggling, trafficking in persons or money laundering.

    3. 2015, c. 3, s. 108(E)

      Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2014, SC 2015, c 3, https://canlii.ca/t/52m35, s. 108(E) amends the English version of IRPA s. 16(3) to read:

      Evidence relating to identity (3) An officer may require or obtain from a permanent resident or a foreign national who is arrested, detained, subject to an examination or subject to a removal order, any evidence — photographic, fingerprint or otherwise — that may be used to establish their identity or compliance with this Act.

      Previously it had read:

      Evidence relating to identity (3) An officer may require or obtain from a permanent resident or a foreign national who is arrested, detained or subject to a removal order, any evidence — photographic, fingerprint or otherwise — that may be used to establish their identity or compliance with this Act.

  12. Apr 2021
  13. Mar 2021
    1. Les principaux biais à connaîtreen matière de recueil d’informationen matière de recueil d’information
    1. Quel est le quo­ti­dien du CPE dans un établis­se­ment sco­laire ? une jour­née avec la CPE du col­lège Gustave Courbet à Romainville 93 pour en savoir plus. Reportage vidéo.

  14. Jan 2021
  15. Dec 2020
  16. Nov 2020
  17. Sep 2020
    1. When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable(AT) for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.

      Despite being told by God that she and her husband were not allowed to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Eve gave into her temptations. The idea of the "forbidden fruit" has been carried into other pieces of literature, using an apple to symbolize a character's temptation leading to downfall.

      For example, in the fairy tale, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, when Snow White eats the poisoned apple, offered by the evil witch, who parallels the serpent, she falls into a death-like sleep.

  18. Jan 2019
  19. Jan 2018
  20. Jun 2017
  21. Mar 2017
  22. Jan 2017
  23. Dec 2016
  24. Aug 2016
    1. Page XVIII

      Borgman notes that no social framework exist for data that is comparable to this framework that exist for analysis. CF. Kitchen 2014 who argues that pre-big data, we privileged analysis over data to the point that we threw away the data after words . This is what creates the holes in our archives.

      He wonders capabilities [of the data management] must be compared to the remarkably stable scholarly communication system in which they exist. The reward system continues to be based on publishing journal articles, books, and conference papers. Peer-reviewed legitimizes scholarly work. Competition and cooperation are carefully balanced. The means by which scholarly publishing occurs is an unstable state, but the basic functions remained relatively unchanged. while capturing and managing the "data deluge" is a major driver of the scholarly infrastructure developments, no Showshow same framework for data exist that is comparable to that for publishing.

  25. Jul 2016
    1. p. 141

      Initially, the digital humanities consisted of the curation and analysis of data that were born digital, and the digitisation and archiving projects that sought to render analogue texts and material objects into digital forms that could be organised and searched and be subjects to basic forms of overarching, automated or guided analysis, such as summary visualisations of content or connections between documents, people or places. Subsequently, its advocates have argued that the field has evolved to provide more sophisticated tools for handling, searching, linking, sharing and analysing data that seek to complement and augment existing humanities methods, and facilitate traditional forms of interpretation and theory building, rather than replacing traditional methods or providing an empiricist or positivistic approach to humanities scholarship.

      summary of history of digital humanities

    2. p. 100

      Data are not useful in and of themselves. They only have utility if meaning and value can be extracted from them. In other words, it is what is done with data that is important, not simply that they are generated. The whole of science is based on realising meaning and value from data. Making sense of scaled small data and big data poses new challenges. In the case of scaled small data, the challenge is linking together varied datasets to gain new insights and opening up the data to new analytical approaches being used in big data. With respect to big data, the challenge is coping with its abundance and exhaustivity (including sizeable amounts of data with low utility and value), timeliness and dynamism, messiness and uncertainty, high relationality, semi-structured or unstructured nature, and the fact that much of big data is generated with no specific question in mind or is a by-product of another activity. Indeed, until recently, data analysis techniques have primarily been designed to extract insights from scarce, static, clean and poorly relational datasets, scientifically sampled and adhering to strict assumptions (such as independence, stationarity, and normality), and generated and alanysed with a specific question in mind.

      Good discussion of the different approaches allowed/required by small v. big data.

    3. p. 86

      25% of data stored in digital form in 2000 (the rest analogue; 94% by 2007

    4. Kitchin, Rob. 2014. The Data Revolution. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd.

  26. download.springer.com.ezproxy.alu.talonline.ca download.springer.com.ezproxy.alu.talonline.ca
    1. Assessing obliteration by incorporation in a full-textdatabase: JSTOR, Economics, and the conceptof ‘‘bounded rationality’

      McCain, Katherine W. 2014. “Assessing Obliteration by Incorporation in a Full-Text Database: JSTOR, Economics, and the Concept of ‘bounded Rationality.’” Scientometrics 101 (2). Springer Netherlands: 1445–59. doi:10.1007/s11192-014-1237-3.

  27. Jun 2016
    1. Despite opinions to the contrary, these data suggest that there has been no apparent increase in overall productivity per active author over the last decade. Instead, authors are using their authorship potential more wisely by becoming more collaborative in the way they work, which is driving an apparent inflation in each author’s productivity as well as author bylines. Instead, the underlying driver of the volume increase in articles published is simply the introduction of new entrants/authors into the market. That is not surprising, as the total population of researchers globally continues to rise every year, and they become increasingly subject to the principles of "publish or perish": and so the cycle continues.

      No increase in overall productivity of authors.

    2. This rise in ‘fractional authorship’ (the claiming of credit for authorship of a published articles by more than one individual) is most likely driven by research collaboration, and is an efficient mechanism by which each author can increase their apparent productivity from the same underlying research contributions (i.e. articles per unique author) of 0.56 articles per unique author per year.

      rise of fractional authorship

    3. Over the past ten years or so, the number of authorships per unique author (2.31 in 2013) has increased while the number of articles per unique author (0.56 in 2013) has declined (see Figure 2),

      Number of authorships per unique author has gone up a little; number of articles per unique author has declined (by a tiny amount). Authorships per article has risen much more significantly.

    4. Results of our analysis show that there has been a consistent growth in the number of articles published over the past decade; from 1.3 million in 2003 to 2.4 million in 2013 (see Figure 1). At the same time, the number of authorships has increased at a far greater rate from 4.6 million in 2003 to 10 million in 2013.

      authorships are growing at a much faster rate than articles (though interestingly, "unique authors" are also growing at a faster rate than authors... though I think what they mean is the number of unique individuals identified as authors, however many times they are identified (= unique authors) vs. "number of names appearing in bylines (=authorships).

    5. The phenomenon has become a focus of academic research itself, as a search for the phrase in Scopus retrieved 305 documents published on the topic from 1962 to date. On average, more than 20 articles per year were published on the topic over the past 5 years (2009 – 2013), with 37 articles alone published in 2013.

      publish or perish is the focus of lots of study.

    6. A 1996 article by Eugene Garfield (3) traces the phrase back to at least 1942,

      bibliography on "publish or perish"

    7. Publish or perish? The rise of the fractional author…

      Plume, Andrew, and Daphne van Weijen. 2014. “Publish or Perish? The Rise of the Fractional Author….” Research Trends, no. 38(September). https://www.researchtrends.com/issue-38-september-2014/publish-or-perish-the-rise-of-the-fractional-author/.

    8. Some researchers attribute the phrase to Kimball C. Atwood III, who is said to have coined the phrase in 1950 (

      origin of the phrase "publish or perish"

  28. Jan 2016
    1. The advent, in 2014, of car services that can be requested through mobile apps has given women a freedom of movement that had seemed impossible just months earlier.
    2. The lecturer, Bayan Mahmoud Zahran—a thirty-year-old Jeddah attorney who, in January, 2014, became the first Saudi woman to open a law firm
  29. Feb 2014
    1. Chapter 1, The Art of Community We begin the book with a bird’s-eye view of how communities function at a social science level. We cover the underlying nuts and bolts of how people form communities, what keeps them involved, and the basis and opportunities behind these interactions. Chapter 2, Planning Your Community Next we carve out and document a blueprint and strategy for your community and its future growth. Part of this strategy includes the target objectives and goals and how the community can be structured to achieve them. PREFACE xix Chapter 3, Communicating Clearly At the heart of community is communication, and great communicators can have a tremendously positive impact. Here we lay down the communications backbone and the best practices associated with using it

      Reading the first 3 chapters of AoC for discussion in #coasespenguin on 2013-02-11.