115 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. To mark Main Headingsyou might have coloured Cards, for instance, blue Cards,or else larger Cards.

      Using larger cards for main headings as Miles suggests (1905/1899) is very similar to using tabbed dividers. When were these invented for separating groups?

      The original tags from antiquity did this sort of functionality as they stuck out from the shelves as a finding aid.

  2. Jul 2024
  3. Feb 2024
  4. Sep 2023
    1. Hi, I just started to use Zettlr for my thoughts, in stead of just individual txt-files. I find it easy to add tags to notes. But if you read manuals how to use ZettelKasten, most seem to advice to link your notes in a meaningful way (and describe the link). Maybe it's because I just really started, but I don't find immediate links when I have a sudden thought. Sometimes I have 2 ideas in the same line, but they're more like siblings, so tagging with the same keyword is more evident. How do most people do this?

      reply to u/JonasanOniem at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/16ss0yu/linking_new_notes/

      This sort of practice is harder when you start out in most digital apps because there is usually no sense of "closeness" of ideas in digital the way that is implied by physical proximity (or "neighborhood") found in physical cards sitting right next to or around each other. As a result, you have to create more explicit links or rely on using tags (or indexing) when you start. I've not gotten deep into the UI of Zettlr, but some applications allow the numbering (and the way numbered ideas are sorted in the user interface) to allow this affordance by creating a visual sense of proximity for you. As you accumulate more notes, it becomes easier and you can rely less on tags and more on direct links. Eventually you may come to dislike broad categories/tags and prefer direct links from one idea to another as the most explicit tag you could give a note . If you're following a more strict Luhmann-artig practice, you'll find yourself indexing a lot at the beginning, but as you link new ideas to old, you don't need to index (tag) things as heavily because the index points to a card which is directly linked to something in the neighborhood of where you're looking. Over time and through use, you'll come to recognize your neighborhoods and the individual "houses" where the ideas you're working with all live. As an example, Luhmann spent his life working in sociology, but you'll only find a few links from his keyword register/subject index to "sociology" (and this is a good thing, otherwise he'd have had 90,000+ listings there and the index entry for sociology would have been utterly useless.)

      Still, given all this, perhaps as taurusnoises suggests, concrete examples may help more, particularly if you're having any issues with the terminology/concepts or how the specific application affordances are being presented.

  5. Aug 2023
  6. Jul 2023
    1. Adicionalmente aparece un campo de etiquetas (en inglés Add tags..) donde podrás incluir palabras para describir tu comentario, para que a futuro con esa palabra puedas buscarlo y encontrarlo

      Las etiquetas son altamente importantes en la actualidad para asegurar también la búsqueda rápida de los contenidos. Por esto considero que es lo que más me gusta de Hypothes y su apuesta por la lectura anotada y compartida.

  7. Jun 2023
    1. Tags help you organize your notes and categorize your thinking.

      Tags are kind of like a link to important words or phrases to make reviewing your notes quicker.

  8. Apr 2023
  9. Mar 2023
  10. Jan 2023
    1. Some conflicts and misreading of what’s the structure of the metadata. When you create some tag in the content - #tag - it becomes a “real” tag to Obsidian and to dataview (an implicit field - file.tags). When in frontmatter you write tag: [one, two] or tags: [one, two] it happens two things: Obsidian (and dataview) read the values as real tags (#one and #two) and for dataview they’re target by file.tags (or file.etgs - see docs for understand the difference) - and attention: file.tags are always an array, even if only one value… even if you write tags: one, two But for dataview tag: [one, two] it’s also a normal field with the key tag (or tags) - that’s why if you write tags: one, two it’ll be read as an array if targeted as file.tags and a string - “one, two” - if targeted as tags As normal tags they’re metadata at page level, not at task level or lists level (that is another thing). As tags field it’s also a page level metadata. Topics above are intended to explain the difference between targeting tags or file.tags. And as file.tags they’re page level. So, if you ask for tasks to be grouped by a page level (parent level to tasks), there’s no way to you achieve what you want in that way… because the file.tags is a list of tags, not a flattened values (maybe with another query, with the flatten command…) A second point is related with the conflict you create when you’re using a taks query with the key tags. Why? because task query is a little confusing… it works in two levels at same time: at page level and at tasks level (a file.tasks sub-level of page level). And the conflict exists here: inside tasks level there’s an implicit field called “tags”, i.e., a field for tags inside each task text. For example: - [ ] this is a task - [ ] this is another one with a #tag in the text in this case the “#tag” is a page level tag but also a task level tag. It’s possible to filter tasks with a specific tag inside: TASK WHERE contains(tags, "#tag") This to say: when you write in your query GROUP BY tags it try to group by the tags inside the task level, not by the field you create in the frontmatter (a conflict because the same key field). In your case, because they don’t exist the result is: (2) - [ ] Task 2 - [ ] Task 3


      A good description of tags in Obsidian and how Dataview views them at the YAML, page level, and task level.

    1. Hi Chris Aldrich, thank you for sharing your great collection of hypothes.is annotations with the world. This is truly a great source of wisdom and insights. I noticed that you use tags quite a lot there. Are you tagging the notes inside your PKM (Obsidian?) as much as in Hypothes.is or are you more restrictive? Do you have any suggestions or further reading advice on the question of tagging? Thanks a lot in advance! Warmly, Jan

      Sorry, I'm only just seeing this now Jan. I tag a lot in Hypothes.is to help make things a bit more searchable/findable in the future. Everything in Hypothes.is gets pulled into my Obsidian vault where it's turned into [[WikiLinks]] rather than tags. (I rarely use tags in Obsidian.) Really I find tagging is better for broad generic labels (perhaps the way many people might use folders) though I tend to tag things as specifically as I can as broad generic tags for things you work with frequently become unusable over time. I recommend trying it out for yourself and seeing what works best for you and the way you think. If you find that tagging doesn't give you anything in return for the work, then don't do it. Everyone can be different in these respects.

  11. Dec 2022
    1. certain classes of Mastodon page have corresponding RSS feeds, and wondered if the tag pages are members of one such class. Sure enough they are, and https://mastodon.social/tags/introduction.rss is a thing.

      Mastodon has RSS feeds available for tags!

  12. Nov 2022
  13. Oct 2022
    1. https://www.loom.com/share/a05f636661cb41628b9cb7061bd749ae

      Synopsis: Maggie Delano looks at some of the affordances supplied by Tana (compared to Roam Research) in terms of providing better block-based user interface for note type creation, search, and filtering.

      These sorts of tools and programmable note implementations remind me of Beatrice Webb's idea of scientific note taking or using her note cards like a database to sort and search for data to analyze it and create new results and insight.

      It would seem that many of these note taking tools like Roam and Tana are using blocks and sub blocks as a means of defining atomic notes or database-like data in a way in which sub-blocks are linked to or "filed underneath" their parent blocks. In reality it would seem that they're still using a broadly defined index card type system as used in the late 1800s/early 1900s to implement a set up that otherwise would be a traditional database in the Microsoft Excel or MySQL sort of fashion, the major difference being that the user interface is cognitively easier to understand for most people.

      These allow people to take a form of structured textual notes to which might be attached other smaller data or meta data chunks that can be easily searched, sorted, and filtered to allow for quicker or easier use.

      Ostensibly from a mathematical (or set theoretic and even topological) point of view there should be a variety of one-to-one and onto relationships (some might even extend these to "links") between these sorts of notes and database representations such that one should be able to implement their note taking system in Excel or MySQL and do all of these sorts of things.

      Cascading Idea Sheets or Cascading Idea Relationships

      One might analogize these sorts of note taking interfaces to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). While there is the perennial question about whether or not CSS is a programming language, if we presume that it is (and it is), then we can apply the same sorts of class, id, and inheritance structures to our notes and their meta data. Thus one could have an incredibly atomic word, phrase, or even number(s) which inherits a set of semantic relationships to those ideas which it sits below. These links and relationships then more clearly define and contextualize them with respect to other similar ideas that may be situated outside of or adjacent to them. Once one has done this then there is a variety of Boolean operations which might be applied to various similar sets and classes of ideas.

      If one wanted to go an additional level of abstraction further, then one could apply the ideas of category theory to one's notes to generate new ideas and structures. This may allow using abstractions in one field of academic research to others much further afield.

      The user interface then becomes the key differentiator when bringing these ideas to the masses. Developers and designers should be endeavoring to allow the power of complex searches, sorts, and filtering while minimizing the sorts of advanced search queries that an average person would be expected to execute for themselves while also allowing some reasonable flexibility in the sorts of ways that users might (most easily for them) add data and meta data to their ideas.

      Jupyter programmable notebooks are of this sort, but do they have the same sort of hierarchical "card" type (or atomic note type) implementation?

  14. Sep 2022
    1. Tagsare simple yet powerful forms of categorizing used in social mediathat further organize categorical information according to user needsand preferences (Shimic, 2008). Tags help people find and situateideas, providing a mode of peripheral social collaborativeparticipation (Lave & Wenger, 2012). Tags also create flexiblesearch tools, not available with traditional annotation tools, thatsupport reading-for-writing by making the process of retrieval fasterand more straightforward.

      This discussion seems to miss the broader intellectual historical background of tags in prior generations. There's not even a nod to commonplaces, topic headings, subject headings, indices, etc.

  15. Aug 2022
    1. In line with the much-requested (and long-longed-for) feature of highlights in different colors (an exhaustive list given in #198), I would like to suggest allowing (automatic) coloring of highlights based on tags with designated patterns (like code:critiques, code:non-ergodicity in psychology, etc.), or alternatively, all tags (i.e., without specific patterns).
  16. Jul 2022
    1. Worth taking a look at the various affordances of folders vs. links vs. tags.

      Some of these functionalities may be highly dependent on the particular tool in question and what affordances the tool allows for these ideas.

      Has anyone done this comprehensively across a number of tools other than threads in fora like reddit, zettelkasten.de, etc.?


  17. Jun 2022
    1. Tags can overcomethis limitation by infusing your Second Brain with connections,making it easier to see cross-disciplinary themes and patterns thatdefy simple categorization.

      Forte frames things primarily from a digital perspective so he talks about folders and tags, but seems to wholly forget the grand power of having an subject index. While they're broadly the same, it's as if he's forgoing two thousand years of rhetorical tradition to have something that seems new and innovative, but which are paths that are incredibly well travelled.

  18. May 2022
    1. You can now tag citations in @CiteULike with #CITO! Add the tag "cito--(relationship)--permalink". Example:"cito--usesmethodin--423382".
    1. Machine Tags

      A new kind of tags — machine tags — are supported now. A machine tag, e.g. meta:language=python consists of a namespace (meta), a key (language) and a value (python). Everyone can created machine tags, but the meta: namespace is protected and tags in there will be created by the site itself.

      The codesite itself uses machine tags to make various properties of recipes accessible to the search:

      • meta:language

        The programming language of the recipe, e.g. python, perl or tcl.

      • meta:min_$lang_$majorver

        Those tags describe the minimum language version. If a recipe requires Python 2.5 it would have the tag meta:min_python_2=5.

      • meta:license

        The license that was selected by the author, e.g. psf, mit or gpl.

      • meta:loc

        This tag contains a number describing the lines of code in a recipes. It counts only the number of lines in the code block but not any lines in the discussion of in comments. This makes it possible to search for short recipes with less than ten lines or very large ones.

      • meta:score

        The current score of the recipe. This is the same number that is displayed besides the recipe title and can only be influenced by voting on recipes. That way you could even search for down-voted recipes

      • meta:requires

        Stores information about additional requirements of the recipes, e.g. required python modules. You can find recipes using python's collections module that way.

      All those tags cannot be changed directly because they are generated from a recipe's properties.

    1. We also support machine tags that follow the pattern NAMESPACE:KEY=VALUE. For example: geo:lat=43.555 camel:size=medium machine:tag=with space Machine tags are not revealed to the user on the track pages.

  19. Apr 2022
  20. Mar 2022
    1. These: Aus einer Umweltperspektive können wir auf die Räume schauen, in denen besondere Kreativität Platz findet/stattfindet. Diese Räume macht aus, dass sie ein Austausch für hunches sind - wie Johnson sagt. Für Ahnungen, Ideefragmente. Bspw. die Kaffeehäuser der Aufklärung. Ich denke wir haben heute zusätzlich die Möglichkeit Räume zu etablieren, in denen wir über Raum-Zeit-Grenzen hinweg ein mingling und colliding von hunches (auch mithilfe von Algorithmen und zB tags) vollziehen können.

    1. So my idea was to create a machine-tag format based on Wikipedia topics, allowing any content creator to tag content with any topic in Wikipedia. By using Wikipedia as an index, this format provides very specific identification of content across a vast knowledge domain. Call it the Dewey Decimal System for the web: “The Wiki Decimal System.” In general, the problem with machine tags is how to make them easy to add for regular folks. Although the format itself is simple, the tags are typically lengthy and require you to know the data ID for what you want to tag. Enter my hack: A web page that takes your text and builds the list of Wikipedia machine tags automatically.
  21. Feb 2022
    1. template types or because when i exercise i do specific body parts on specific days so one day i'll do arms one day i'll do like 00:13:57 torso or one day i'll do like legs and so i have them all um split up in that same way uh so the files will be the same file title but it'll have an 00:14:09 additional initial to help me figure out which one is leg day which one is torso day

      WL journaling with specific body parts or yoga methods in title

      eg. padmasana as y-pdma planck as arm-p

    2. dream in paragraphs just writing down what happened and i'll give it some tags just uh 00:13:06 basically describing what it is sometimes i'll have dreams about like shows or whatever or sometimes i'll have dreams with like people in my life and so that's what i'll put in these two uh

      Tagging dream journals with "my" tags

      eg. my childhood, my schooling my collegemates, my pallipattu, my wife, etc

  22. Jan 2022
      • astro:name=NGC 4565
      • astro:orientation=11.73
      • astro:RA=189.083922302

      The metadata is structured. So structured that we can represent the example machine tags in a table:

      <table> <thead><tr> <th style="text-align:center">namespace</th> <th style="text-align:center">predicate</th> <th style="text-align:center">value</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:center">astro</td> <td style="text-align:center">name</td> <td style="text-align:center">NGC 4565</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:center">astro</td> <td style="text-align:center">orientation</td> <td style="text-align:center">11.73</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:center">astro</td> <td style="text-align:center">RA</td> <td style="text-align:center">189.083922302</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

      Or in a tree:

        |-- name
        |   `-- NGC 4565
        |-- orientation
        |   `-- 11.73
        `-- RA
            `-- 189.083922302
    1. CTDO Magazine How Much Do You Value Learning? By Paula Ketter

      ALT tags are clear and consise. Giving a great explaination of the Image.

      "Five three-dimensional stars are in a line, each rising taller than the previous."

  23. Dec 2021
  24. Nov 2021
  25. Oct 2021
    1. DIRECTORY (in progress): This post is my directory. This post will be tagged with all tags I ever use (in chronological order). It allows people to see all my tags, not just the top 50. Additionally, this allows me to keep track. I plan on sorting tags in categories in reply to this comment.

      External links:

      Tags categories will be posted in comments of this post.

  26. Jun 2021
  27. Mar 2021
    1. Categorizing your ideas with different tags allows you to find relevant information in a note-taking system quickly. And because one idea may have more than one tag, you can easily find the relevant idea from any number of search terms.


  28. Feb 2021
  29. Oct 2020
    1. hyperscript is more concise because it's just a function call and doesn't require a closing tag. Using it will greatly simplify your tooling chain.

      I suppose this is also an argument that Python tries to make? That other languages have this con:

      • cons: closing tags make it more verbose / increase duplication and that Python is simpler / more concise because it uses indentation instead of closing delimiters like end or } ?
    1. The tags for objects are much more precise and reveal real connections. They narrow down the search way more which is hugely important if your archive grows. They only give you what you want, and not the topic which also contains what you want.
    1. It isn't rocket science, but as Jon indicates, it's incredibly powerful.

      I use my personal website with several levels of taxonomy for tagging and categorizing a variety of things for later search and research.

      Much like the example of the Public Radio International producer, I've created what I call a "faux-cast" because I tag everything I listen to online and save it to my website including the appropriate <audio> link to the.mp3 file so that anyone who wants to follow the feed of my listens can have a playlist of all the podcast and internet-related audio I'm listening to.

      A visual version of my "listened to" tags can be found at https://boffosocko.com/kind/listen/ with the RSS feed at https://boffosocko.com/kind/listen/feed/

  30. Aug 2020
  31. May 2020
    1. git describe [--tags] describes the current branch in terms of the commits since the most recent [possibly lightweight] tag in this branch's history. Thus, the tag referenced by git describe may NOT reflect the most recently created tag overall.
  32. Mar 2020
    1. There are two different types of tags: Tags for topics. You use tags to group notes under a topic. Tags for objects. You use tags to group notes around an object, real or conceptual.
  33. Dec 2019
    1. view-helpers form-helpers form-helper view-helper button buttons form forms

      Since I didn't know which variant was canonical, I tagged with both/all variants. Gross.

    1. Alexander Samuel reflects on tagging and its origins as a backbone to the social web. Along with RSS, tags allowed users to connect and collate content using such tools as feed readers. This all changed with the advent of social media and the algorithmically curated news feed.

      Tags were used for discovery of specific types of content. Who needs that now that our new overlords of artificial intelligence and algorithmic feeds can tell us what we want to see?!

      Of course we still need tags!!! How are you going to know serendipitously that you need more poetry in your life until you run into the tag on a service like IndieWeb.xyz? An algorithmic feed is unlikely to notice--or at least in my decade of living with them I've yet to run into poetry in one.

  34. Aug 2019
    1. Each note is also given tags for classification. Good tagging helps with accuracy when searching. The method’s recommendation is to use tags for objects, and not for subjects4. In the same note, I write down the ideas I had in mind when highlighting the paragraph, or any connection that comes to mind during this process.
    2. The basic idea behind Zettelkasten is to build a repository of the knowledge you gain through the years. The idea is similar to what Paul Jun, of Creative Mastery, writes about keeping a Commonplace Book, or Ryan Holiday’s notecard system. Zettelkasten adds the powerful idea of linking notes to create a web of interlinked knowledge.
  35. Jul 2019
    1. We add the target property _blank to force the target file to open in a separate window or tab. Another common target is _self, which will open in the same tab, replacing the current page. Check out W3 Schools for more info on the target attribute.

  36. Jan 2019
    1. enforce some kind of coherence

      This is where the Enlightenment, which thinks of divisions and categories as things discovered by the rational mind, is in trouble, because those rational minds start turning inward on themselves.

  37. Dec 2018
  38. Jun 2018
  39. May 2018
  40. Nov 2017
    1. It is possible to use optical discs (CDs and DVDs) to create both minimal boot media and full installation media. However, it is important to note that due to the large size of the full installation ISO image (between 4 and 4.5 GB), only a DVD can be used to create a full installation disc. Minimal boot ISO is roughly 300 MB, allowing it to be burned to either a CD or a DVD.

      Red Hat can you fix this?

  41. Sep 2017
    1. Analyze, interpret, and evaluate a variety of texts for the ethical and logical uses of evidence

      This could be a series of tags determined by prof.

    1. Identify key ideas, representative authors and works, significant historical or cultural events, and characteristic perspectives or attitudes expressed in the literature of different periods or regions.2.Analyze literary works as expressions of individual or communal values within the social, political, cultural, or religious contexts of different literary periods.3.Demonstrate knowledge of the development of characteristic forms or styles of expression during different historical periods or in different regions.4.Articulate the aesthetic principles that guide the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities

      Each of these could be sets and then subsets of controlled tags input by teacher as part of course and used by students in their annotations throughout.

  42. May 2017
    1. p tăng tốc độ phát triển phần mềm bằng cách đưa ra các mô hình test, mô hình phát triển đã qua kiểm nghiệm. Thiết kế phần mềm hiệu quả đòi hỏi phải cân nhắc các vấn


  43. Apr 2017
    1. University of Oklahoma

      Sarah and David Wrobel's project here is so cool: they leveraged the Hypothes.is tag feature to have students explore the "layers" of John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath. While the idea of such layers could perhaps be said about any literary text, for Steinbeck there was something explicit about the layers of that particular novel. As he wrote to his editor at the time:

      "The Grapes of Wrath" was published, Steinbeck wrote: "There are five layers in this book, a reader will find as many as he can and he won't find more than he has in himself."

    1. People stink at tagging. They often forget.

      I don't think it's just forgetfulness. Tagging requires exact resolution of an idea to a tag. But when doing exploratory reading, deciding on the correct tag to use is often difficult and time-consuming (and rarely consistent across time).

      A tag recommender would be a cool extension.

  44. Aug 2016
    1. Voalavo is a genus of rodent in the subfamily Nesomyinae, found only in Madagascar. Two species are known, both of which occur in mountain forest above 1250 m (4100 ft) altitude; Voalavo gymnocaudus lives in northern Madagascar and Voalavo antsahabensis is restricted to a small area in the central part of the island. The genus was discovered in 1994 and formally described in 1998. Within Nesomyinae, it is most closely related to the genus Eliurus, and DNA sequence data suggest that the current definitions of these two genera need to be changed.

      adding info

  45. Apr 2016
    1. Here’s the URL of annotations tagged wikipedia: https://hypothes.is/stream?q=tag:%27wikipedia%27 (Actually that doesn’t seem to work yet, but I’d love to see this become a next-gen delicious with all the taggy goodness.)

      I would love to see a worthy successor to delicious. Is hypothesis it?

  46. Jun 2015
    1. Inclusion Guidelines for Webmasters

      This documentation describes the technology behind indexing of websites with scholarly articles in Google Scholar. It's written for webmasters who would like their papers included in Google Scholar search results. Detailed technical information is helpful if you're trying to fix an error in indexing of your own website, or you need to make sure that your article hosting product is compatible with Google and Google Scholar search services.

  47. Mar 2015
    1. veda

      le eş ve kardeşleri boşalan yerlere talip oldu. AKP yönetiminin, milletvekili aday adaylığı için başvuran bu isimlerden sadece birkaçına vize vereceği iddia ediliyor.

  48. Feb 2015
  49. Mar 2014
    1. Intended Audience Developers, Quality Engineers User Interface Eclipse, Java SWT
  50. Feb 2014
    1. Ho w to R ead a Judicia l Opin ion: A G uid e for N ew L aw Stu den ts Professor Orin S. Kerr George Washington University Law School Washington, DC Version 2.0 (August 2005) This essay is desig ned to help entering law students understand ho w to read cas es for class. It explains what judicial opinions are, how they are structured, and what you should look for when you read them. Part I explains the various ingredients found in a typical judicial opinion, and is the most essential section of the essay . Par t II discusses what you should look for when you re ad an opinion for class. Part II I con clu des with a brief discussion of why law schools use the case method.

      I need a way to add tags to a document that will apply to all annotations in a particular document (except where explicitly canceled).

      The problem is that I often want to query all annotations related to a specific document, collection of documents, or type of activity.

      Type of activity requires further explanation: Given a document or collection of documents I may annotate the document for different reasons at different times.

      For example, while annotating the reading materials, video transcripts, and related documents for the CopyrightX course there are certain types of annotations that may be "bundled together" so that when I search for those things later I can easily narrow my searches to just that subset of annotations; but at the same time I need a way to globally group things together.

      While reading judicial opinions the first activity/mode of interaction with a particular document may be to identify the structure of the judicial opinion (the document attached to this annotation describes the parts of the judicial opinion I might want to identify: *caption, case citation, author, facts of the case, law of the case, disposition, concurring and/or dissenting opinions, etc).

      The above-described mode I may use for multiple documents in one session related to the course syllabus for the week.

      To connect each of these documents together I might add the tags: copyx (my shorthand for the name of the course, CopyrightX), week 1 (how far into the course syllabus), foundations (the subject matter in the syllabus which may span week 1, week 2, etc), judicial opinions (the specific topic I am focused on learning at the moment (may or may not be related to the syllabus).

      Later on another day I might update my existing annotations or add new ones when I am preparing to study for an exam. I might add tags like to study, on midterm, on final to mark areas I need to review.

      After the exam I might add more tags based on my test score, especially focusing on areas that received a poor score so I can study that section more or, if I missed some sections so didn't study and it resulted in a poor score in that area, add tags to study for later if necessary.

      I have many more examples and modes of interaction in mind that I can explain more later, but it all hinges on a rich and flexible tagging system that:

      • allows tagging a document once in a way that applies to all annotations in a document
      • allows tagging a session once in a way that applies to all annotations in all documents connected to a particular session
      • allows tagging a session and/or a document that bundles together new tags added to an annotation (e.g. tags for grammar/spelling, tags for rhetological fallacy classification, etc)
      • fast keyboard-based selection of content
      • batch selection of annotation areas with incremental filling-- I may want to simply select all the parts of a document to annotate first and then increment through each of those placeholders to fill in tags and commentary
      • Mark multiple sections of the document at once to combine into a single annotation
      • Excerpting only parts of a text selection, but still carry the surrounding textual context with the excerpt to easily expose the surrounding context when necessary
      • A summary view of a document that is the result of remixing parts of the original document with both clarifications or self-containing summary re-writes and/or commentary from the reader
      • structural tagging vs content tagging
  51. Jan 2014
    1. For a rapidly changing page, such as a heavily edited wiki, reframeit could prove somewhat redundant as content is removed or heavily edited, but for core content the power of this tool is evident.

      Need for editing tool integration or issue tracking workflow tags

    2. Comments can be framed as a General Comment, Question, Counter or Supporting Argument, Suggestion, Explanation, Answer, Cause or Effect from a pull down menu above the field where you type your comments.

      Common categories for tags

    1. People may use merge commits to represent the last deployed version of production code. That’s an antipattern. Use tags.
  52. Dec 2013
    1. annotation modes

      This might be enabled by the planned "groups" feature, along with common hashtags for that group added through the group admin interface.

  53. Sep 2013
    1. Some specific points Use the 'active' voice: don’t write “I was able to see…” when you could write “I saw…” or "the cells were incubated" when you could write "I incubated the cells". Use first names rather than titles to help personalise the research. Only include important and relevant information. Readers are restless and will stop reading if you include information that is important only to fellow scientists. Always bear in mind what is interesting to your reader. Avoid acronyms if at all possible — even if a protein is known as ABC2D among scientists, it is more appropriate and understandable to use a different name for a public audience. If you use any technical terms, do so sparingly and consistently and provide explanations if necessary. Be careful with grammar, especially punctuation and especially commas and semi-colons. Don’t use a semi-colon unless you are sure it is appropriate. Double check your use of commas too — don't pepper the text with them at random but use them when you need them. Break up your paragraphs. It is hard work to read paragraphs of more than, say, 100 words. There’s no hard and fast rule for word count in paragraphs (or sentences) but if in doubt, put in a break. Don’t berate the media for not covering your disease area or research interest in the past — not only is this undiplomatic, as you are potentially being featured in the Times Higher Education, it is irrelevant: your reader is reading about it now.
  54. Aug 2013