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www.jthjournal.org www.jthjournal.org
Disease: Von Willebrand Disease (VWD)
Patient(s): Found in 2 families
Variant: VWF NM_000552.5: c.2311A>G, p.(M771V Homozygous variant in exon 18 (VWF D' domain; 8 residues down from proteolytic VWFpp furin cleavage site)
Family: In family 1 there are 4 homozygous patients (2 male and 2 female), and one heterozygous patient (1 female). The affected females are denoted as person 1 and person 4 and the affected males are person 2 and person 3. There are three WT family members (1 female and 2 male), grandparents of these members are of unknown genotype including a daughter of an affected female and a WT male. Note here that in the family a p.R2663P variant has co-segregated with the above-mentioned variant but is not suspected to be the pathogenic driver of resulting bleeding tendency.
In family 2 the parents of the homozygous affected male are of unknown genotype. The affected male is denoted as person 7.
Phenotypes: Person 1- nose bleed, skin bleed, GI bleeding, oral cavity bleeds, Menorrhagia, muscle bleeding, and joint bleeding. Receives on-demand treatment for bleeding.
Person 2-Nose bleed, skin bleed, bleeding from small wounds, oral cavity bleeds, bleeding after tooth extraction, joint bleeding. Received prophylactic treatment, reduced to on-demand treatment after a few years.
Person 3-Nose bleed, skin bleed, oral cavity bleeds, bleeding after tooth extraction, muscle bleeding. Receives on-demand treatment for bleeding phenotype.
Person 4- Nose bleed, bleeding from small wounds, oral cavity bleed, bleeding after tooth extraction, joint bleeding. Received prophylactic treatment that was increased after her menarche.
Person 7- Nose bleed, oral cavity bleeds, bleeding after surgery or trauma, joint bleeding. Previously on prophylaxis, now managing bleeding with on-demand treatment.
Note that both the p.R2663P co-segregated variant and p.M771V variant are reported in NCBI dbSNP database but functional effect not yet established.
NGS confirmed the genotype of all study participants.
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