- Sep 2024
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
So fork is fast, unsafe, and maybe bloated.
- Jul 2024
wordtothewise.com wordtothewise.com
This behaviour may affect one-click unsubscribe links. If clicking the link in an email automatically processes the unsubscribe, then Barracuda may unsubscribe users without their knowledge.
This behaviour may affect opt-in confirmation links.
www.investopedia.com www.investopedia.com
NAFTA displays the classic free-trade quandary: Diffuse benefits with concentrated costs.
for - key insight - free trade - from - Backfire: How the Rise of Neoliberalism Facilitated the Rise of The Far-Right
quote - free trade - (see below)
key insight - free trade - NAFTA displays the classic free-trade quandary: - Diffuse benefits with - concentrated costs - While the economy as a whole may have seen a slight boost, - certain sectors and communities experienced profound disruption. - A town in the Southeast loses hundreds of jobs when a textile mill closes, - but hundreds of thousands of people find their clothes marginally cheaper. - Depending on how you quantify it, the overall economic gain is probably greater but barely perceptible at the individual level; - the overall economic loss is small in the grand scheme of things, - but devastating for those it affects directly.
from - Backfire: How the Rise of Neoliberalism Facilitated the Rise of The Far-Right - https://hyp.is/F6XYujyREe-TaldInE8OGA/scholarworks.arcadia.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1066&context=thecompass
- May 2024
blockchains are too expensive, too complex, too hard to scale, and too slow-moving in their governance
- Sep 2023
IMAP's main downside is that you have to trust your email provider to not lose your email.
- Jun 2023
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Practically speaking, if you can't think of a reason why it would be dangerous then theres more to be gained by opting for extensibility.
- May 2023
maggieappleton.com maggieappleton.com
study done this past December to get a sense of how possible this is: Comparing scientific abstracts generated by ChatGPT to original abstracts using an artificial intelligence output detector, plagiarism detector, and blinded human reviewers" – Catherine Gao, et al. (2022)Blinded human reviewers were given a mix of real paper abstracts and ChatGPT-generated abstracts for submission to 5 of the highest-impact medical journals.
I think these types of tests can only result in showing human failing at them. Because the test is reduced to judging only the single artefact as a thing in itself, no context etc. That's the basic element of all cons: make you focus narrowly on something, where the facade is, and not where you would find out it's fake. Turing isn't about whether something's human, but whether we can be made to believe it is human. And humans can be made to believe a lot. Turing needs to keep you from looking behind the curtain / in the room to make the test work, even in its shape as a thought experiment. The study (judging by the sentences here) is a Turing test in the real world. Why would you not look behind the curtain? This is the equivalent of MIT's tedious trolley problem fixation and calling it ethics of technology, without ever realising that the way out of their false dilemma's is acknowledging nothing is ever a di-lemma but always a multi-lemma, there are always myriad options to go for.
- Dec 2022
support.google.com support.google.com
You can find some benefits and limitations of each kind of space organization below.
- Sep 2022
Local file Local file
tions will not always fit without inconvenience intotheir proper place ; and the scheme of classification,once adopted, is rigid, and can only be modifiedwith difficulty. Many librarians used to draw uptheir catalogues on this plan, which is now uni-versally condemned.
Others, well understanding the advantages of systematic classification, have proposed to fit their materials, as fast as collected, into their appropriate places in a prearranged scheme. For this purpose they use notebooks of which every page has first been provided with a heading. Thus all the entries of the same kind are close to one another. This system leaves something to be desired; for addi
The use of a commonplace method for historical research is marked as a poor choice because:<br /> The topics with similar headings may be close together, but ideas may not ultimately fit into their pre-allotted spaces.<br /> The classification system may be too rigid as ideas change and get modified over time.
They mention that librarians used to catalog books in this method, but that they realized that their system would be out of date almost immediately. (I've got some notes on this particular idea to which this could be directly linked as evidence.)
- Aug 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Using git remote set-head has the advantage of updating a cached answer, which you can then use for some set period. A direct query with git ls-remote has the advantage of getting a fresh answer and being fairly robust. The git remote show method seems like a compromise between these two that has most of their disadvantages with few of their advantages, so that's the one I would avoid.)
- Jun 2022
www-sciencedirect-com.proxy.consortiumlibrary.org www-sciencedirect-com.proxy.consortiumlibrary.org
However, although the performances of long tethers are attractive, the cost in terms of mass penalty, risk of arching and space debris impact might be too high for reliable operations.
drawabacks of long tether design
- Apr 2022
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
So you can’t apply a background and know it will cover that whole grid area anymore.
- Jan 2022
- Nov 2021
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
The negative indirect effects of additional land-use change may outweigh the positive direct effects on global climate and biodiversity, so that a large-scale switch to organic farming in the EU could possibly turn out to be a disservice to global sustainability.
github.com github.com
con: doesn't let you define after_transaction callbacks anywhere like ar_after_transaction does (outside of the after_commit, etc. callbacks which only happen at certain points in the model's life cycle)
- Oct 2021
www.npr.org www.npr.org
The COVID-19 pandemic is still raging during the protests, and as we've reported, black people are dying from the virus at disproportionate rates.
this is a negative thing.
The notion that racism is always intentional, individual and overt feeds the false assumption that colorblindness is then the appropriate solution.
this is negative
- Sep 2021
www.queenbeeofhoneydos.com www.queenbeeofhoneydos.com
Melamine is considered the black sheep of the sheet goods’ family by most carpenters. Typically because it creates a lower quality cabinet than other materials. But, also because it is so darn hard to construct with without getting chips. However, melamine does have a place and a purpose, and if you know how to build with melamine, you can produce some budget-friendly spaces.
www.sanity.io www.sanity.io
React, on the other hand, often requires a fair amount of boilerplate code, even for simple interactions.
- Aug 2021
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.orgwith1
Performance pro & contra
- Jun 2021
graphql-ruby.org graphql-ruby.org
This kind of error handling does express error state (either via HTTP 500 or by the top-level "errors" key), but it doesn’t take advantage of GraphQL’s type system and can only express one error at a time.
github.com github.com
On existing projects, consider the global effort to change from origin/master to origin/main. The cost of being different than git convention and every book, tutorial, and blog post. Is the cost of change and being different worth it?
evilmartians.com evilmartians.com
That’s not the only way of writing end-to-end tests in Rails. For example, you can use Cypress JS framework and IDE. The only reason stopping me from trying this approach is the lack of multiple sessions support, which is required for testing real-time applications (i.e., those with AnyCable 😉).
disqus.com disqus.com
network requests are a big deal, and having to deal with this kind of thing is one of the prices of switching away from server-side rendering to a distributed system
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
When mocking is deemed profitable:
Global mocks introduce magic and technically can reduce test coverage.
social.msdn.microsoft.com social.msdn.microsoft.com
I'm not sure why MSFT decided to change these codes in the first place. While it might have been a noble goal to follow the IETF standard (though I'm not really familiar with this), the old codes were already out there, and most developers don't benefit by the new codes, nor care about what these codes are called (a code is a code). Just the opposite occurs in fact, since now everyone including MSFT itself has to deal with two codes that represent the same language (and the resulting problems). My own program needs to be fixed to handle this (after a customer contacted me with an issue), others have cited problems on the web (and far more probably haven't publicised theirs), and MSFT itself had to deal with this in their own code. This includes adding both codes to .NET even though they're actually the same language (in 4.0 they distinguished between the two by adding the name "legacy" to the full language name of the older codes), adding special documentation to highlight this situation in MSDN, making "zh-Hans" the parent culture of "zh-CHS" (not sure if it was always this way but it's a highly questionable relationship), and even adding special automated code to newly created "add-in" projects in Visual Studio 2008 (only to later remove this code in Visual Studio 2010, without explanation and therefore causing confusion for developers - long story). In any case, this is not your doing of course, but I don't see how anyone benefits from this change in practice. Only those developers who really care about following the IETF standard would be impacted, and that number is likely very low. For all others, the new codes are just an expensive headache. Again, not blaming you of cours
I'm not sure why MSFT decided to change these codes in the first place. While it might have been a noble goal to follow the IETF standard (though I'm not really familiar with this), the old codes were already out there, and most developers don't benefit by the new codes, nor care about what these codes are called (a code is a code).
www.postgresql-archive.org www.postgresql-archive.org
>> We have that already, it's named 'json_each_text' > Apparently you haven't looked at json parse/deparse costs ;P Well, a PL function is gonna be none too cheap either. Using something like JSON definitely has lots to recommend it --- eg, it probably won't break when you find out your initial spec for the transport format was too simplistic.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
It might be a pain because every time you modify function's arguments you'll need to recreate/drop types aswell tho.
- May 2021
github.com github.com
None of the existing repository filtering tools did what I wanted; they all came up short for my needs. No tool provided any of the first eight traits below I wanted, and all failed to provide at least one of the last four traits as well:
- Apr 2021
But in all this incongruous abundance you'll certanly find the links to expect It's just what is wanted: the tool, which is traditionally used to communicate automatically with interactive programs. And as it always occurs, there is unfortunately a little fault in it: expect needs the programming language TCL to be present. Nevertheless if it doesn't discourage you to install and learn one more, though very powerful language, then you can stop your search, because expect and TCL with or without TK have everything and even more for you to write scripts.
empty.sourceforge.net empty.sourceforge.net
In some cases empty can be the simplest replacement for TCL/expect or other similar programming tools because empty:
twitter.com twitter.com
Dr Duncan Robertson. ‘The JCVI/MHRA Recommendation to Restrict Oxford/AZ in under-30s in the UK (Where There Is “low” Exposure Risk) Is consistent with the EMA Recommendation Not to Do so in Europe (Where There Is “Medium” or “High” Exposure Risk) Meaning the Risk/Benefit Balance Changes. Https://T.Co/C6SS9oN3Vz’. Tweet. @Dr_D_Robertson (blog), 7 April 2021. https://twitter.com/Dr_D_Robertson/status/1379808945750085643.
- Mar 2021
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
definitely less rough to work with than Devise
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In a 1772 letter to Joseph Priestley, Franklin lays out the earliest known description of the Pro & Con list,[100] a common decision-making technique, now sometimes called a decisional balance sheet:
I still use this method today. In my job, we use it to decide on possible courses of action - weighing the pros and cons of each against another.
www.sitepoint.com www.sitepoint.com
JavaScript, as a language, has some fundamental shortcomings — I think the majority of us agree on that much. But everyone has a different opinion on what precisely the shortcomings are.
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
Sure, zero-config one-click installs are nice and all, but:
github.com github.com
STATSD_SAMPLE_RATE: (default: 1.0)
It's recommended to configure this library by setting environment variables.
The thing I don't like about configuration via environment variables is that everything is limited/reduced to the string type. You can't even use simple numeric types, let alone nice rich value objects like you could if configuration were done in the native language (Ruby).
If you try to, you get:
ENV['STATSD_SAMPLE_RATE'] = 1 config/initializers/statsd.rb:8:in `[]=': no implicit conversion of Integer into String (TypeError)
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
despite initially appearing to be an appropriate and effective response to a problem, has more bad consequences than good ones
www.morozov.is www.morozov.is
The Result object that we pass around keeps accumulating data and becomes enormous, so we have to use **rest in our function signatures
The DSL has a weaker control over the program’s flow — we can’t have conditions unless we add a special step
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
The new 2.1 version comes with a few necessary but reasonable changes in method signatures. As painful as that might sound to your Rails-spoiled ears, we preferred to fix design mistakes now before dragging them on forever.
- do it right/well the first time because it may be too hard to clean up/fix later if you don't
- fix design/API mistakes as early as you can (since it will be more difficult to correct it and make a breaking change later)
- learn from your mistakes
- pointing out gaps/downsides/cons in competition/alternatives
github.com github.com
@adisos if reform-rails will not match, I suggest to use: https://github.com/orgsync/active_interaction I've switched to it after reform-rails as it was not fully detached from the activerecord, code is a bit hacky and complex to modify, and in overall reform not so flexible as active_interaction. It has multiple params as well: https://github.com/orgsync/active_interaction/blob/master/spec/active_interaction/modules/input_processor_spec.rb#L41
I'm not sure what he meant by:
fully detached from the activerecord I didn't think it was tied to ActiveRecord.
But I definitely agree with:
code is a bit hacky and complex to modify
- active_interaction
- recommended software
- pointing out gaps/downsides/cons in competition/alternatives
- evaluating software options
- reform (Ruby)
- flexibility
- recommended option/alternative
- I agree
- switching/migrating to something different
- too complicated
- too coupled/dependent
- hard to understand
ifenglishthenlogic.blogspot.com ifenglishthenlogic.blogspot.com
Fans of e-readers and e-books are a point down in the print v digital reading debate. E-books make a poor background in Zoom meetings.
but there is some things I don't like in reform
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The downside is that if you introduce multiple layers of scrolling (one for the browser, one for the iframe) your users will get frustrated. Like adzm said, you don't want to use an iframe for primary navigation
- Jan 2021
forums.theregister.com forums.theregister.com
It won't work if $HOME is not under /home. Really. Not even if you softlink. You need a bind mount
github.com github.com
Popper for Svelte with actions, no wrapper components or component bindings required! Other Popper libraries for Svelte (including the official @popperjs/svelte library) use a wrapper component that takes the required DOM elements as props. Not only does this require multiple bind:this, you also have to pollute your script tag with multiple DOM references. We can do better with Svelte actions!
www.dennisdeacon.com www.dennisdeacon.com
However, one of the drawbacks of this property is that the line intersects descenders of the characters.
I think it actually looks great/better because it intersects descenders of the characters.
www.howtogeek.com www.howtogeek.com
The downside is the installation files are bigger than the traditional Debian package manager (DEB) files. They also use more hard drive real estate. With snaps, every application that needs a particular resource installs its own copy. This isn’t the most efficient use of hard drive space. Although hard drives are getting bigger and cheaper, traditionalists still balk at the extravagance of each application running in its own mini-container. Launching applications is slower, too.
discourse.ubuntu.com discourse.ubuntu.com
Progress is made of compromises, this implies that we have to consider not only disadvantages, but also the advantages. Advantages do very clearly outweigh disadvantages. This doesn’t mean it perfect, or that work shouldn’t continue to minimize and reduce the disadvantages, but just considering disadvantages is not the correct way.
I had one issue with snap and that involved VLC but I can see how it would lead to issues with other packages. I hav the libdvdcss2 package installed to allow me to watch DVDs on my laptop. The snap version of VLC was not aware of that and wouldn’t play the DVD. I had to uninstall the snap and install the .deb package. Just one example, but I know there will be others. Due to the quasi-legal nature of libdvdcss2, I doubt it’ll ever be bundled in a VLC snap package.
Moreover, due to the confinement, snap does not allow Chromium to download by default in another folder than /home : “it won’t let the application see files on the host system (save for a few exceptions, like $HOME)”. Is it a definitive point for snap ? If yes, it means that when all apps will be converted to snap without possible backport to debs (if installed without --classic and perhaps excepted Nautilus), it will be impossible to save files issued from them elsewhere than in /home ? Absolutely all my datas (documents, music, videos, photos) are on other partitions, this would be prohibitive…
If folks want to get together and create a snap-free remix, you are welcome to do so. Ubuntu thrives on such contribution and leadership by community members. Do be aware that you will be retreading territory that Ubuntu developers trod in 2010-14, and that you will encounter some of the same issues that led them to embrace snap-based solutions. Perhaps your solutions will be different. .debs are not perfect, snaps are not perfect. Each have advantages and disadvantages. Ubuntu tries to use the strengths of both.
- challenges
- improving one's process
- the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
- forking: you can always fork it if you want
- moving/changing in a different direction than users want
- constant evolution/improvement of software/practices/solutions
- focus on ways/what you can improve
- compromise
- progress requires compromises
- advantages/merits/pros
- disadvantages/drawbacks/cons
- do pros outweigh/cover cons?
- progress
- Snap
- trade-offs
- problems
- good point
www.addictivetips.com www.addictivetips.com
Sadly, unlike Apt, it isn’t possible to uninstall all of these packages in bulk. You must manually remove each one of these packages by hand.
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
There are actually 3 other libraries that implements material in svelte, i hope this to become the community favorite because using MDC underneath it implements correctly Material guidelines.
geoexamples.com geoexamples.com
SVG has the advantage that integrates very well with Svelte, since it’s an XML and the nodes can be managed as if they were HTML. On the other hand, Canvas is more efficient, but it has to be generated entirely with JavaScript.
medium.com medium.com
The main point — each framework/library/instrument has some kind of flaw, something it handles a little worse than others. And Svelte is no exception.
boardgamegeek.com boardgamegeek.com
-0.2 Kingmaking
Kingmaking may occur
webpack.js.org webpack.js.orgConcepts2
Combining with minimizing is not possible as minimizers usually only emit a single line.
This prevents you from debugging execution on statement level and from settings breakpoints on columns of a line.
sass-lang.com sass-lang.com
The @import rule has a number of serious issues:
- Oct 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The only tricky part is that the error will come back as meta.submitError, so you need to check for both when displaying your error.
Of all the compile-to-languages, the one that strikes me as having the least merit is JSX. It's basically a ton of added complexity for the sake of what boils down to syntax. There are no real gains in terms of language semantics in JSX.
hyperscript is more concise because it's just a function call and doesn't require a closing tag. Using it will greatly simplify your tooling chain.
I suppose this is also an argument that Python tries to make? That other languages have this con:
- cons: closing tags make it more verbose / increase duplication
and that Python is simpler / more concise because it uses indentation instead of closing delimiters like
- cons: closing tags make it more verbose / increase duplication
and that Python is simpler / more concise because it uses indentation instead of closing delimiters like
- have a good reason
- advantages/merits/pros
- simplify
- Python
- cons: closing tags make it more verbose / increase duplication
- do pros outweigh/cover cons?
- not enough advantages/merits/pros to make it worthwhile
- not merited
- concise
- toolchain
- is it worth the effort?
- minimal benefits
tech.ebayinc.com tech.ebayinc.com
However, in practice I do not think these tradeoffs are enough to justify logic-less templates.
Cons aren't covered by pros.
It's sort of unfortunate that the justification for existence comes from pointing at gaps.
The only downside is that it tracks data access and not the data itself, which can be a source of bugs if you don't keep it in mind.
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
Would style .classInChild from your parent. The only drawback is that you might need an extra wrapping element.
codechips.me codechips.me
Also, Rollup, which I use in the article as a bundler is pretty slow. Why? Because it needs to re-compile the whole shebang every time you change a file. It produces very small and efficient bundles though.
- Jul 2020
www.pscp.tv www.pscp.tv
JAMA Network - Discussing preprint servers and social media.
blog.union.io blog.union.io
One problem—not a fatal one, but still an issue with any virtual DOM—is that embedding SVGs directly into your app can be a resource hog. No matter how much you compress, no matter how logical and streamlined your components, if you need to load up hundreds of very-complex SVGs, React will need to track all of their nodes, and updating them becomes a chore.
- Jun 2020
medium.com medium.com
What i dislike in Svelte 💔
notes.peter-baumgartner.net notes.peter-baumgartner.net
But with Disqus, these advantages are not valid anymore, because your blog text and its comments are hosted separately on different servers.
otr.cypherpunks.ca otr.cypherpunks.ca
most com-monly, systems such as PGP are used, which use long-livedencryption keys (subject to compromise) for confidentiality
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
The biggest advantage of matrix/megolm is that you can always add new client logins, that aren't tied to your mobile phone login (as opposed to whatsapp/signal).
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Bailey, R. (2020, May 19). Why we need the human touch in contact tracing for coronavirus. The Conversation. http://theconversation.com/why-we-need-the-human-touch-in-contact-tracing-for-coronavirus-137933
- May 2020
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
It’s an alternative to using YAML anchors and is a little more flexible and readable
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Note that this will pull the container if it exists. Pulling even the small alpine is quite an overhead just to get that information. Not mentioning the several GB-Image one often has in CI-Environments.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
using SSH is likely the best approach because personal access tokens have account level access
personal access tokens have account level access ... which is more access (possibly access to 10s of unrelated projects or even groups) than we'd like to give to our deploy script!
hub.docker.com hub.docker.com
See this Hacker News comment thread for more discussion of the issues that might arise and some pro/con comparisons of using Alpine-based images.
www.civicuk.com www.civicuk.com
JAVA based
They list this as if it is a selling point (pro), but to some of us with different backgrounds/biases, this may be the opposite: something to stay away from.
github.com github.com
Thank you for letting me know about this move by Google. Definitely something to watch. While I agree with Google's position from an end user experience perspective, it unfortunately puts Firefox at a further disadvantage since Mozilla does not have its own language translation initiatives.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Advantages and disadvantages
- Apr 2020
The words in the navigation must be short enough to fit in a narrow column without using an unreadable typeface
tenderlovemaking.com tenderlovemaking.com
But where is the helper method defined? What’s its visibility? Can I put it in a module? Can I use inheritance? Who can call it? Can I call super from the extracted method? If so, where does super go?
support.1password.com support.1password.com
The downside of this is that the Agile Keychain had to keep the titles and the web locations unencrypted. In the OPVault format, we found a way to work with all data encrypted.
queue.acm.org queue.acm.org
One mistake that we made when creating the import/export experience for Blogger was relying on one HTTP transaction for an import or an export. HTTP connections become fragile when the size of the data that you're transferring becomes large. Any interruption in that connection voids the action and can lead to incomplete exports or missing data upon import. These are extremely frustrating scenarios for users and, unfortunately, much more prevalent for power users with lots of blog data.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
This situation usually arises from external constraints not design choices such as my example with Sequel. My point is that assigning a value to a constant is allowed by Ruby in certain scopes and not others. It used to be up to the developer to choose wisely when to perform the assignment. Ruby changed on this. Not for everyone's good.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
JS drivers are generally meh, they're slow and not single one of them covers 100% of function, and they're often quirky and hard to debug, but I'm sure you've got that figured out by now.
- Mar 2020
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
this will only work from the second page view, when consent is already present on the page
you have less direct control as you must rely on the vendor’s adherence to IAB’s guidelines for compliance.
clearcode.cc clearcode.cc
stored in a first-party cookie, which means that users will be requested to give their consent again after deleting browser cookies or switching to another device or browser
To be honest, there’s no good reason to use ga.js anymore. Google is keeping it around for legacy, but hasn’t maintained it since 2014
Probably the greatest disadvantage is the issue of security. Because NFS is based on RPC, remote procedure calls, it is inherently insecure and should only be used on a trusted network behind a firewall.
www.time-travellers.org www.time-travellers.org
Also, if a host is having network problems, it may stop logging, making it difficult for the administrator to determine what chain of events led up to the current state. At the very least, the administrator will not be able to access these logs from that host.
arstechnica.com arstechnica.com
Another problem with simple login-based authentication is that there is no way to control how much access an individual third-party application gets: it's an all-or-nothing deal based on whether you are willing to give the program your password.
When third-party software runs amok with your login information for a Web application, the only way to stop it in some cases is to change your password
- Jan 2020
- Dec 2019
github.com github.com
Using Todo.txt for Android requires a Dropbox account in order to sync your file across devices.
Shouldn't be tied to a specific, proprietary service
unixwiz.net unixwiz.net
Pro: easy to set up Con: allows brute-force password guessing Con: requires password entry every time
opensource.com opensource.com
The only real trouble with rsync (underlying), is that it can still take considerable time with large file systems and remote systems over slow links. You might want to think about snapshots as well (not just the rsnapshot ones, but file system ones).
Might be a little too low-level (even with GUIs) for some teams of users. GPG and Git both require some setup and experience in these tools, or the willingness to learn. Porting a GPG key from machine to machine is not trivial.
- Nov 2019
www.robinwieruch.de www.robinwieruch.de
However, in this case you would lose the possibility to render something in between. You are strictly coupled to the higher-order component's render method. If you need to add something in between of the currency components, you would have to do it in the higher-order component. It would be quite similar as you have done it previously by rendering the currency components straight away in the Amount component. If using a render prop component instead, you would be flexible in your composition.
- May 2019
engl201.opened.ca engl201.opened.ca
- I wanted to highlight the previous sentence as well, but for some reason it wouldn't let me*
I understand why the author is troubled by the campaign's opinion of "It's not the search engines fault". It makes it seem as if there was nothing that could be done to stop promoting those ideas, and that if something is popular it will just have to be the result at the top.
This can be problematic, as people who were not initially searching that specific phrase may click through to read racist, sexist, homophobic, or biased information (to just name a few) that perpetuates inaccuracies and negative stereotypes. It provides easier access into dangerous thinking built on the foundations of racism, sexism, etc.
If the algorithms are changed or monitored to remove those negative searches, the people exposed to those ideas would decrease, which could help tear down the extreme communities that can build up from them.
While I do understand this view, I also think that system can be helpful too. All the search engine does is reflect the most popular searches, and if negative ideals are what people are searching, then we can become aware and direct their paths to more educational and unbiased sources. It could be interesting to see what would happen if someone clicked on a link that said "Women belong in the kitchen", that led them to results that spoke about equality and feminism.
- Nov 2017
www.frontiersin.org www.frontiersin.org
I believe this ideas may be somewhat similar to the mind as a "sixth" sense for perceiving thoughts and cognitions of Buddhism
we argue that “consciousness” contains no top-down control processes and that “consciousness” involves no executive, causal, or controlling relationship with any of the familiar psychological processes conventionally attributed to it.
I think this ideas is somewhat similar to the mind as a "sixth" sense of Buddhism, that allows for perceptions of thoughts and awareness.
- Jan 2017
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
"My rule is to behave equally toward all of my wives," he said. "But the first wife was very, very jealous when the second wife came. When the third arrived, the first two created an alliance against her. So I have to be a good diplomat."
This is huge con of having man wives