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Seit 2019 hat sich die Zahl der Malaria Kranken weltweit von um 20 Millionen auf 249 Millionen im Jahr erhöht Punkt ein Hauptgrund dafür sind die Folgen der globalen Erhitzung. In Pakistan sind nach dem großen Überschwemmungen des vergangenen Jahres mehr Menschen an Malaria gestorben, als den Überflutungen direkt zuvor zum Opfer gefallen sind Punkt Interview mit...https://www.liberation.fr/international/paludisme-les-phenomenes-meteorologiques-extremes-provoquent-une-recrudescence-des-cas-20231216_QIG4KWG4NRHZ3CT5GYQKEO6K2Y/
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When public health emergencies break out, social bots are often seen as the disseminator of misleading information and the instigator of public sentiment (Broniatowski et al., 2018; Shi et al., 2020). Given this research status, this study attempts to explore how social bots influence information diffusion and emotional contagion in social networks.
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highlights the need for public health officials to disseminate information via multiple media channels to increase the chances of accessing vaccine resistant or hesitant individuals.
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- study
- vaccination
- lang:en
- mortality risk
- infection
- COVID-19
- damage
- is:news
- following year
- severe
- hospitalization
- dying
- long-term health
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- disablism
- health economy
- ableism
- COVID-19
- children
- vulnerable
- is:article
- chronic
- mortality
- history
- acute
- morbidity
- hospitalization
- risk
- policymaker
- long influenza
- COVID-induced disability
- policy
- brain damage
- lang:en
- pre-existing condition
- neurological symptoms
- flu
- disability rights
- long covid
- disability
- pandemic
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- public health
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- Pfizer
- booster
- recommendation
- risk
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- Australia
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- identity leadership
- strategy
- leadership
- engagement
- coercive leadership
- vaccination programme
- COVID-19
- UK
- authority
- social distancing
- societal level
- punishment
- interdependence
- safety
- responsibility
- risk
- public health measures
- mandate
- policy
- laissez faire leadership
- public
- lang:en
- coercion
- society
- ventilation
- psychology
- common sense
- collective response
- is:blog
- mitigation
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- funding
- Asia
- UK
- COVID-19
- workplace safety
- global
- mortality
- risk
- government
- healthcare worker
- lang:en
- protection
- management
- long-term
- mental health
- is:blog
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- COVID-19
- anti-vaccine
- social media
- disinformation
- trust
- mortality
- online
- immunization
- vaccine effectiveness
- vaccination rate
- campaign
- safety
- risk
- vaccine confidence
- young people
- public confidence
- speaking engagement
- vaccine
- infodemic
- lang:en
- health information
- misinformation
- misconception
- is:webpage
- data
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- COVID-19
- anti-vaccine
- infection rate
- UK
- children
- statistics
- mortality
- vaccine hesitancy
- hospitalization
- side effects
- safety
- risk perception
- young people
- adolescence
- vaccination uptake
- government
- health threat
- vaccine
- lang:en
- protection
- transmission
- herd immunity
- public health authority
- is:blog
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- vaccination
- younger
- COVID-19
- is:news
- rare
- health agency
- peer review
- risk
- Sweden
- vaccine
- lang:en
- Denmark
- Moderna
- side effect
- report
- stop
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- travel
- COVID-19
- UK
- wellbeing
- risk assessment
- key worker
- inequality
- public transport
- face mask
- hospitalization
- safety
- response
- risk
- government
- resources
- lang:en
- ventilation
- transmission
- protection
- mental health
- frontline staff
- work exposure
- London underground
- is:blog
- People's Covid Inquiry
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- vaccine
- lang:en
- surcharge
- COVID-19
- Delta
- transmission
- health insurance
- is:news
- airline
- Delta Airlines
- financial risk
- fully vaccinated
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