- Dec 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Thinking, Fast and Slow is a 2011 popular science book by psychologist Daniel Kahneman. The book's main thesis is a differentiation between two modes of thought: "System 1" is fast, instinctive and emotional; "System 2" is slower, more deliberative, and more logical.
for - similar to - - Daniel Kahnaman's system 1 fast, instinctive, emotional and system 2 slow, deliberative, logical is similar to - Ian McGilhirist's left brain, right brain
- Oct 2024
fathom.video fathom.video
fast capitalism versus slow, you know, organic mutualism.
Very deep meme for us at this time fast capitalism alongisde slow mutualism
or perhaps we can say slow capaitalism alongside fast mutualism
- May 2024
As of right now the full build takes over an hour to run, and this makes cycling for PRs and quick iterative development very difficult.
- Dec 2023
newrepublic.com newrepublic.com
the underlying tenets of wellness culture also set the stage for a paranoid individualism: Neoliberal wellness culture’s message “that individuals must take charge over their own bodies as their primary sites of influence, control, and competitive edge” and “that those who don’t exercise that control deserve what they get” has turned out to be “all too compatible with far-right notions of natural hierarchies, genetic superiority, and disposable people.”A collection of resentments
for: quote - wellness industry - far right ideals
- the underlying tenets of wellness culture also set the stage for a paranoid individualism: Neoliberal wellness culture’s message “that individuals must take charge over their own bodies as their primary sites of influence, control, and competitive edge” and “that those who don’t exercise that control deserve what they get” has turned out to be “all too compatible with far-right notions of natural hierarchies, genetic superiority, and disposable people.”
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Exciting new report from Project Drawdown shows how changing your bank might be one of the most effective hashtag#climate solution levers we can pull.
to: [Fast Company article on bank emissions] (https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fastcompany.com%2F90996425%2Fhow-to-break-up-with-your-bank&group=world)
- Nov 2023
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
Not every note box with paper slips in it is a Zettelkasten.
Sascha Fast takes a hard line on what is and is not a zettelkasten.
- Oct 2023
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
In both cases, it's up to us now to discipline ourselves to avoid the fats in junk food, and the breaking news and dopamine thrill-ride of social media.
A nice encapsulation of evolutionary challenges that humans are facing.
tinlizzie.org tinlizzie.org
called thinking fast and slow by daniel
- Aug 2023
ajv.js.org ajv.js.org
Serializing the data with a function specialized to your data shape can be more than 10x compared with JSON.stringify.
climateuncensored.com climateuncensored.com
fertiliser, the challenge is more real, but there is still an important and obvious first step – eat less meat. A large part of the world’s agricultural system is dedicated to growing crops and vegetables to feed animals, which we then eat. Reduce the last part of this equation (i.e. eat less meat), and the huge inefficiencies in the system mean far less fertiliser is required.
- for: energy diet, energy fast, degrowth, agriculture emissions, food system emissions
However, CCS on a powerstation is not going to stop CO2 being released from burning kerosene in an aircraft. The only near-medium term answer for this sector is a rapid, massive and fair cut in aviation use – at least until zero-carbon aircraft have replaced most of the current fleet.
- for: energy diet, energy fast, degrowth, aircraft emissions, travel emissions
- May 2023
covell.ca covell.ca
Typewriters, Stencils, and Carbon Copies by Tim Covell
- Apr 2023
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
Fast, Sascha. “Field Report #5: How I Prepare Reading and Processing Effective Notetaking by Fiona McPherson.” Zettelkasten Method (blog), March 29, 2022. https://zettelkasten.de/posts/field-report-5-reading-processing-effective-notetaking-mcpherson/.
Sascha Fast's conceptual diagram of Human and Zettelkasten
- Mar 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
‘‘I think it lets us be more thoughtful and more deliberate about safety issues,’’ Altman says. ‘‘Part of our strategy is: Gradual change in the world is better than sudden change.’’
What are the long term effects of fast breaking changes and gradual changes for evolved entities?
twitter.com twitter.com
The beauty of FAST framework Overloaded with information → Filter Drowning in busywork → Automate Descending into chaos → Structure Doing things over and over → Templatize
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>The beauty of FAST framework<br><br>Overloaded with information → Filter<br><br>Drowning in busywork → Automate<br><br>Descending into chaos → Structure<br><br>Doing things over and over → Templatize pic.twitter.com/kn6Gi27DLG
— Andrew Altshuler (@1eo) February 4, 2023
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
A Zettelkasten is a system of notes that fit the criteria of being a system. Being alive vs. being a machine is a good metaphor to understand the difference. A Zettelkasten is alive, a conventional note taking system is a machine.
I'm not the only one to think of zettelkasten as "living"...
That entails that Luhmann had to close the system–environment border of the Zettelkasten in order to make it a system. The Zettelkasten had to be autopoietic, it reproduces only with its own elements. It can only connect to its own operations.
I don't think I buy any of this argument even on the surface level...
- Feb 2023
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
I don’t think it is the best choice to realize Luhmann’s principles. Yet it is the best application adapting his techniques I know so far.
Sascha Fast appreciated Lüdecke's ZKN3 application as one of the best for adapting Luhmann's techniques to a digital space, but felt that it could have gone further in realizing Luhmann's principles.
Some of the tension in this debate is that between the affordances of analog (paper) versus digital information storage and tagging.
Paper lacks easy corpus text search while simultaneously requiring additional manual indexing to make up for it. Paper also doesn't have the discovery value of autocomplete. On the opposite end paper forces one to more regularly review physical associative trails through one's past work while digital allows one to skip over some of this review process.
One piece of clutter was the concept of Folgezettel.
Sascha Fast felt in 2015 that the idea of Folgezettel within a zettelkasten was unnecessary "clutter".
Did he later change his mind after further discussion?
check this for further arguments: https://hypothes.is/a/xzuclLbBEe2Ov4viA3XOkQ
During my journey of developing the Zettelkasten Method,
Seems like he's saying he developed the Zettelkasten Method... perhaps his version of the method based on Luhmann's? Commodifying the version "created" by Luhmann?
Credit here for native German speaker writing in English....
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
I keep a wholly separate section of one of my boxes as a journal/diary as well, but it's less significant and is ordered only by date with very sparse indexing and an almost non-existent amount of linking. I have a bit of @Sascha's practice going on there, though certainly not as deep as his excellent description. I would caution newcomers to the practice of ZK to be very conscious of what, how, and why they're integrating a journaling practice into their workflow so that they don't risk what I call "zettelkasten overreach". Guarding against this sort of overreach can very easily be seen in my separate/distinct "journal on index cards" versus Sascha's more explicitly thought out "journal within a zettelkasten".
The reason is that the journaling is in part an accumulative method: There is a long period of low-structured input which benefits manifest first acutely (writing in itself seems to be healing through understanding). After you amassed a time-line of thoughts you can try to find throughlines and patterns which then gives you access to deep insights if you have the right tools. Most of the time people use psychologists which I think is in a similar way problematic that people use physical therapists for too much of their problems: Many problems are best solved by the person that has immediate access to the ego-perspective (phenomenological layer, subjective access, etc.) of the problem. This is of course dependent on self-education on basic concepts of what I call true self-care. Self-care seems to be associated with stuff like doing pleasant things (hot bath, nice walks in the sun) nowadays. If you take the antifragile nature of us humans into account this is just another way of the modern hedonist to keep stuck. (This is important for my approach to incorporate journaling into the Zettelkasten Method)
—Sasha Fast https://forum.zettelkasten.de/profile/Sascha
I love the deeper definition and distinction of self-care here.
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
If you treat a metaphor as a second order perception (first order perception = senses) you can create Pseudo-Synesthesia which may increase divergent thinking.
Mull on this...
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I started analog 08/09, went digital 09/10, went software-agnostic 11. All dates within 6month margin of error.
- Nov 2022
publish.obsidian.md publish.obsidian.md
niklas-luhmann-archiv.de niklas-luhmann-archiv.de
Sascha Fast has translated section 9/8 of Luhmann's zettelkasten into English.
- Jul 2022
x28newblog.wordpress.com x28newblog.wordpress.com
“Associations among concepts is thinking” (p. 43)
A book with this sentence is just the sort that I'm after.
- Jun 2022
the human brain is an energy hog like and you can learn a lot about a lot of our uh biases and problems from the kinds of shortcuts that the brain takes 00:06:41 in the name of energy conservation well it looks like estimating group consensus is one of those shortcuts right because all it's equal your brain tends to assume that the loudest voices repeated 00:06:53 the most are the majority and and i think about that i think wow that doesn't seem like a good a good shortcut at all but i guess if you go back and f through evolution and when most of our time was spent and like 00:07:05 seeing like the dumbar number kind of you know groups it probably it obviously had to work well enough right to just be here with us but now when you think about with social media 00:07:18 and these massive imaginary communities like nations where you're never going to meet more than a tiny tiny percentage of the people in your group that shortcut becomes problematic um and 00:07:31 we can talk about it like i mean social media in particular makes it very very easy to distort perceived group consensus
This is the key problem that makes current social media dangerous, it can be easily gamed due to this evolutionary shortcut of the brain, the fast system of biases aka Daniel Kahneman's research.
- May 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
in my experience it has its head has a similar pattern to what henry ford did to the automobile 01:20:31 industry so before him it was basically like a few people built one car at a time and he basically broke up the process so you had like i don't know how many but 01:20:43 like dozens people a dozen people and each individual had just one one motion to do and the industrialization specialization right yeah and the the result was that 01:20:56 each individual didn't know anything and all the knowledge was in the process and my suspicion is that the promise of the settle custom that the paper 01:21:08 just write themselves it's like a very prominent process a promise around the telecast method lead to the to the thinking that you basically reduce your 01:21:20 the need for yourself and all the intelligence all the proficiency is put into a system and you have something doing for you and you treat yourself more like a like a 01:21:33 worker on a an assembly line just being and having all just a simple a simple motion that you have to do and then the end product will be 01:21:45 but will be very complex and very sophisticated because the intelligence is embedded in the process
Sascha Fast analogizes the writing process using a zettelkasten to Henry Ford's assembly line for building cars. Each worker on the assembly line has a limited bit of knowledge for their individual part of the process, but most of the knowledge and value is built into the overarching process itself. This makes the overall system quicker and more efficient.
Similarly with note taking, each individual portion of the process is simple and self-contained, but it allows the writer to create a much more creative and complex piece in the end. Here an individual can accomplish all of the individual steps in a self-contained way while focusing on individual steps without becoming lost in the subsequent steps which would otherwise require a tremendous additional amount of energy.
like when i was uh with um yeah like 12 years ago i started my telecast no it's wrong like 13 years ago i'm an old dude it was like around in 00:13:24 2014 or 15 that you started it ah no no i started my first uh i might sell custom when it was like half a year uh it was 20 00:13:37 2008 i think okay 2008 2009
Sascha Fast started his zettelkasten in 2008 or 2009 and went to plain text around 2010.
- Apr 2022
Gerard Tellis and Peter Golder, both professors of marketing, conducted ahistorical analysis of fifty consumer product categories (including diapers, fromwhich the Pampers versus Chux example was taken). Their results showed thatthe failure rate of “market pioneers” is an alarming 47 percent, while the meanmarket share they capture is only 10 percent. Far better than being first, Tellisand Golder concluded, is being what some have called a “fast second”: an agileimitator. Companies that capitalize on others’ innovations have “a minimalfailure rate” and “an average market share almost three times that of marketpioneers,” they found. In this category they include Timex, Gillette, and Ford,firms that are often recalled—wrongly—as being first in their field.
- Mar 2022
www.cs.umd.edu www.cs.umd.edu
The danger of working at "internet time" is that hasty decisions may be poor, and rapid changes may cause troubling turbulence for many users.
In 1998, Ben Shneiderman wrote "The danger of working at "internet time" is that hasty decisions may be poor, and rapid changes may cause troubling turbulence for many users." He's essentially admonishing against the dangerous and anti-social idea of what Mark Zuckerberg would later encourage at Facebook when he said "move fast and break things."
- Jan 2022
- attention
- racist ideas
- attention economy
- moral panic
- read
- social media
- #DLINQDigDetox
- psychology
- tech solutionism
- racist policies
- diversity equity and inclusion
- biological determinism
- technochauvinism
- move fast and break things
- structural racism
- mental health
- diversity
- marginalized groups
- Dec 2021
Fiber optic WiFi vs. ADSL: which is better?
Fiber optic WiFi vs. ADSL: which is better? https://en.itpedia.nl/2021/10/08/glasvezel-wifi-versus-adsl-wat-is-beter/ An unreliable or slow Internet can lead to slow transaction processing, such as bill failures, video conferences that often lag or buffer, or business orders that take too long to process. There are several options for fast internet. Two of these options are fiber optic WiFi and ADSL. Which of these two can better meet our need for fast internet?
- Sep 2021
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Rosselli, R., Martini, M., & Bragazzi, N. L. (2016). The old and the new: Vaccine hesitancy in the era of the Web 2.0. Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, 57(1), E47–E50.
www.lboro.ac.uk www.lboro.ac.uk
Developing this argument, Bauman (2000) talks of the super-rich as the 'new cosmopolitans', suggesting that the fundamental consumption cleavage in contemporary society is between these 'fast subjects' who dwell in transnational space and those 'slow subjects' whose lives remain localised and parochial. The fast world is one consisting of airports, top level business districts, top of the line hotels and restaurants, chic boutiques, art galleries and exclusive gyms - in brief, a sort of glamour zone that is fundamentally disconnected from the life worlds of the vast majority of the world's population. Bauman thus equates power with mobility, echoing Massey's notion of unequal 'power-geometries'
Formal, sharply defined terminology to describe this class for academic writing.
www.newscientist.com www.newscientist.com
Klein, Alice. “Cheap Covid-19 Antibody Test Shows If You Have Immunity in 5 Minutes.” New Scientist. Accessed September 20, 2021. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2290120-cheap-covid-19-antibody-test-shows-if-you-have-immunity-in-5-minutes/.
- antibody
- Coronavirus
- immunity
- saliva
- approval
- accuracy
- is:news
- blood
- infection
- protection
- COVID-19
- vaccination
- lang:en
- fast
- cheap
- clinical trial
- Aug 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
This still would not eliminate all delay, but I think this could be faster (no render blocking), and cleaner than having inline scripts scattered all over the parent document.
- Jul 2021
jamanetwork.com jamanetwork.com
If we had truly robust standards for electronic data interchange and less anxiety about privacy, these kinds of data could be moved around more freely in a structured format. Of course, there are regional exchanges where they do. The data could also be created in structured format to begin with.
This does exist. Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR; pronounced 'fire') is an open standard that describes data formats and elements (the 'resources' in the name), as well as an application programming interface (API) for exchanging electronic health records.
See more here: https://hl7.org/fhir/
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
it's much faster—the stack frame does not have to be carried along the "thrown symbol", and no object is created. Lightweight nonlinear flow control.
www.migrationencounters.org www.migrationencounters.org
Sergio: Did you ever work in the US?Rodolfo: Yeah, I worked all the time, I never stopped. One of the first jobs I had…My uncle worked at a restaurant called, Baker's Square in Chicago. It was on the corner of Tui and Pratt. I really, really, really wanted—I think I was in fifth or sixth grade—a phone. I wanted a phone, it’s called the Psychic Slide. Phones used to flip, but this one slides. I wasn't gonna ask my mom for it, so I asked my uncle. "Hey man, I know you work at Baker's Square and I know around the holiday season it gets really busy. Can I help you? Can I go?" He's like, "Well, yeah, if you want." I used to wake up like 3:00 in the morning, and I used to go and help him out. After that, I really liked making money and I really liked dressing nice, I liked having my nice haircut or whatever. My very, very first job was in Wilmette, Illinois. I was a caddie. Yeah, and then—Sergio: On the golf course?Rodolfo: On the golf course, yeah. Wilmette Golf Course actually. I remember I was always the first one there. They used to choose us, when everybody got there, "Okay, you come with me, you come with me." I used to always go there and there was a gentleman by the name of... Man, I forgot his name. Like the President, Gerald Ford, that was his name Gerald Ford! The only reason I remembered was because of the President. He used to always get there around the same time I got there. He finally asked me, "Do you want to be my personal caddie? I don't want you working anymore with all these other kids, because nobody wants to work. Do you want to be my personal caddie?" I'm like, "Yeah, absolutely." It was going really, really well and everything.Rodolfo: I got to high school, I had a number of jobs. I worked at Subway, I worked at Chili's, I worked at... What was it? Outback Steak House, but then I finally just got to the Cheesecake Factory, and that's where I stayed the remainder of my time. The remainder of my time I stayed there, and I started from the busboy and I finally ended up being a bartender. One of the head bartenders, one of the head servers, they used to pay-out people and everything. Obviously, I didn't have my social or anything, but I was a little bit older than what I really was. When I first got there, when I first, first started working I think I was like 14. Obviously you can't work that young, I think actually, I was 18, at 14.Rodolfo: I didn't see it as anything bad. I knew that if I got caught with my fake ID and my fake social security card I'd get in trouble, but that's why we're there, that's why we worked. I didn't get a fake ID to go party or go get into clubs or bars or anything. The main purpose of it was for me to be able to get a job, and so my mom wouldn't have to work all those hours that she used to work. She used to work at a Burger King, overnight. I used to barely see her, and I didn't want that anymore. I told her, "You don't have to work that much if I start working. We can help each other out, we can, we're a team.” It was only my mother and I until I turned 14, when she met my stepdad. All throughout that, it was just my mother and I.
Time in the US, Jobs/employment/work, Documents, Careers, Food services, Athletics
- Jun 2021
github.com github.com
Why does test suite performance matter? First of all, testing is a part of a developer's feedback loop (see @searls talk) and, secondly, it is a part of a deployment cycle.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
You can return the record directly from the UPDATE, which is much faster than calling an additional SELECT statement. Use RETURN QUERY and UPDATE with a RETURNING clause.
- Apr 2021
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
After about five minutes — the length of Chapman’s original — O’Rourke starts to tinker with variables of sound, and you might begin to question audible reality.
The driving motif here also sounds a bit like the droning of a banjo or a bagpipe here too.
- Mar 2021
Here are my thoughts: making vim startup time shorter is GOOD added complexity - BAD my main concern is with the complexity that gets added to get startup time improvements. User has to tag scripts, and then manually BundleBind to get scripts loaded. This seems like too much hassle(manual involvement) to me. Fixing 1 time thing (startup) we're adding many more (like BundleBinding required scripts once they're used) For instance in my case i don't start Vim often because i'm using --remote-tab-silent option. So i'll get no benefit along with complexity (
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
You could also use the NodeIterator API, but TreeWalker is faster
All those 'modern' and 'super-modern' querySelectorAll("*") need to process all nodes and do string comparisons on every node.
the fastest solution because the main workload is done by the Browser Engine NOT the JavaScript Engine
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
Unit tests for operations: They test all edge cases in a nice, fast unit test environment without any HTTP involved.
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
Since we're not passing any inputs to ListAccounts, it makes sense to use .run! instead of .run. If it failed, that would mean we probably messed up writing the interaction.
www.schneems.com www.schneems.com
The alternative was to have multiple scripts or stylesheet links on one page, which would trigger multiple HTTP requests. Multiple requests mean multiple connection handshakes for each link “hey, I want some data”, “okay, I have the data”, “alright I heard that you have the data, give it to me” (SYN, ACK, SYNACK). Even once the connection is created there is a feature of TCP called TCP slow start that will throttle the speed of the data being sent at the beginning of a request to a slower speed than the end of the request. All of this means transferring one large request is faster than transferring the same data split up into several smaller requests.
- Jan 2021
Save time with AutomationsAutomate the repetitive work in seconds so you can avoid human error and focus on what matters
It gives the impression of software that its highly automated which implies that it is good for client for who want to save time and manage team members easily.
- Dec 2020
www.bio-rad.com www.bio-rad.com
Using a lower concentration running buffer (0.25x TAE) and higher voltage (300 V), agarose gels can be run 33% faster.
github.com github.com
The template language's restrictions compared to JavaScript/JSX-built views are part of Svelte's performance story. It's able to optimize things ahead of time that are impossible with dynamic code because of the constraints. Here's a couple tweets from the author about that
jamstack.org jamstack.org
Because Jamstack projects don’t rely on server-side code, they can be distributed instead of living on a single server. Serving directly from a CDN unlocks speeds and performance that can’t be beat. The more of your app you can push to the edge, the better the user experience.
jamstack.org jamstack.org
Better PerformanceWhy wait for pages to build on the fly when you can generate them at deploy time? When it comes to minimizing the time to first byte, nothing beats pre-built files served over a CDN.
github.com github.com
It won't affect your startup time, as scripts are loaded only on demand*.
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
It's fast. The Dart VM is highly optimized, and getting faster all the time (for the latest performance numbers, see perf.md). It's much faster than Ruby, and close to par with C++.
- Oct 2020
2ality.com 2ality.com
trusktr herman willems • 2 years ago Haha. Maybe React should focus on a template-string syntax and follow standards (and provide options for pre-compiling in Webpack, etc).
Well anywho, there's other projects now like hyperHTML, lit-html, etc, plus some really fast ones: https://www.stefankrause.ne...
React seems a little old now (and the new Hooks API is also resource heavy).
• Share ›  Michael Calkins trusktr • 4 years ago • edited That's a micro optimization. There isn't a big enough difference to matter unless you are building a game or something extraordinarily odd.
• Share › −  trusktr Michael Calkins • 2 years ago True, it matters if you're re-rendering the template at 60fps (f.e. for animations, or for games). If you're just changing views one time (f.e. a URL route change), then 100ms won't hurt at all.
medium.com medium.com
Virtual DOM is valuable because it allows you to build apps without thinking about state transitions, with performance that is generally good enough
In the vast majority of cases there’s nothing wrong about wasted renders. They take so little resources that it is simply undetectable for a human eye. In fact, comparing each component’s props to its previous props shallowly (I’m not even talking about deeply) can be more resource extensive then simply re-rendering the entire subtree.
- Sep 2020
archive.theincline.com archive.theincline.com
rollupjs.org rollupjs.orgRollup1
If you need to call the function repeatedly, this is much, much faster than using eval.
You can also find a therapist through “fast therapy” apps like TalkSpace, which connects you to a licensed therapist through not just video chat, but texting, too. Out-of-pocket TalkSpace subscriptions start at $260 per month — which sounds like a lot up front, but it gets you unlimited text, video, and audio access to a therapist five days a week. For comparison, IRL therapy might cost $200 per month in insurance copays for one 45-minute session once a week.
[[TalkSpace]] has had some questionable pratices around ethics recently - source
- Aug 2020
pragmaticpineapple.com pragmaticpineapple.com
For example, to search for text occurrences, I used ack-grep. Later on, I found that there is a faster approach using ag. Then, there is an even faster alternative called ripgrep.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Speed example -- over 829 files, the "find -exec" method took 26 seconds while the "find -print0 | xargs --null" method tool 0.7 seconds. Significant difference.
- Jul 2020
amp.dev amp.dev
The problem is that this is an external stylesheet reference. In AMP, to keep the load times of documents as fast as possible, you cannot include external stylesheets.
amp.dev amp.dev
Building blocks that ensure performance It takes a lot of time and effort to build a great website. AMP components are already optimized for the best performance.
Webpacker opens the door to JavaScript unit test runners that can run in a Node.js process instead of a real browser (typically for speed). Jest, for example, executes tests against a "browser-like" environment called jsdom by default.
- Jun 2020
github.com github.com
a technique that enable a test suite to perform as well as using fixtures (or better if you're running just a few tests from the suite) and read as good as you are used to when using factories
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
uses a pre-clone step to seed the project with a recent archive of the repository. This is done for several reasons: It speeds up builds because a 800 MB download only takes seconds, as opposed to a full Git clone.
gitlab.com gitlab.com
GIT_DEPTH: '1' helps a little bit but we could speed up our pipelines massively for jobs that only rely on an image that is the sole dependency to run the job.
edgeguides.rubyonrails.org edgeguides.rubyonrails.org
It is not customary in Rails to run the full test suite before pushing changes. The railties test suite in particular takes a long time, and takes an especially long time if the source code is mounted in /vagrant as happens in the recommended workflow with the rails-dev-box.As a compromise, test what your code obviously affects, and if the change is not in railties, run the whole test suite of the affected component. If all tests are passing, that's enough to propose your contribution.
- May 2020
kellysutton.com kellysutton.com
www.catb.org www.catb.org
Rule of Repair: When you must fail, fail noisily and as soon as possible.
Fast Science and Philosophy of Science | Jacob Stegenga. (2020, May 11). BSPS. http://www.thebsps.org/auxhyp/fast-science-stegenga/
- Apr 2020
falcon.readthedocs.io falcon.readthedocs.io
“I feel like I’m just talking HTTP at last, with nothing in the middle. Falcon seems like the requests of backend.”
- Mar 2020
www-sciencedirect-com.ezproxy.rice.edu www-sciencedirect-com.ezproxy.rice.edu
the start-up (achieving 70% TN removal) was shortened from 21 days to 5 days when Anammox sludge concentration increased from 0.02 g VSS L−1 to 0.2 g VSS L−1 with 2 g VSS L−1 AS as inoculum
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Hydrazine addition resulted in much higher anammox biomass enrichment observed as higher nitrogen removal rate [0.512 kgN (m3 d)−1 with hydrazine versus 0.256 kgN (m3 d)−1 without reagent]
- Dec 2019
everythingsysadmin.com everythingsysadmin.com
The upside is that your phone will charge faster! The PortaPow brand has an extra little circuit that tells the device to go into fast-charge mode!
- Nov 2019
I always prefer strictness, bad behavior should be uncovered as soon as possible or you are effectively encouraging it, which means they'll soon be back asking why it doesn't work for X and Y. Fix the problem at the source. I don't really care, but IMHO doing this seems like a charitable thing but it's actually the opposite.
- Aug 2019
journals.plos.org journals.plos.org
we observed that codon usage biases are better correlates of growth rates than any other trait, including rRNA copy number
www.leanstartuplife.com www.leanstartuplife.com
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- Sep 2018
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- Mar 2017
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Those who hold facts and truths to be the sole norms for guiding opinions will endeavor to at-tach their convictions to some form of evidence that is indubitable and beyond discussion.
Willard might be interesting to bring in here. The "indubitable evidence" she argues against is based on male-dominated exegesis practices. She suggests that we should detach ourselves from that supposed set-in-stone evidence and open the discussion back up to women preaching.
- Feb 2017
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fast and loose
The definitions of "fast and loose" as unreliable, irresponsible, and deceitful seem important to Willard's approach throughout most of her professional life. She uses the phrase throughout this section specifically to describe the patterns of exegesis, but it might be applicable to how she sees most human endeavors.
In other words, Willard suggests throughout much of her work, per the introduction and excerpts, that society's major problems can all be linked to a lack of self-control and responsibility (two characteristics that seem to be more common in women, so obvs they should be more publicly powerful).
- Feb 2014
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what does that mean?