- Jan 2025
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
he is the most powerful person in the world himself he is the elite of all Elites so this elitist cabal if there were one he'd be a part of it right and and that's what breaks down their framework If there really were this deep state globalist cabal
for - youtube - Trump's Epstein Problem just got much worse! - polycrisis - misinformation - conspiracy theory - inconsistency with Trump now in power - If Deep State cabal existed and had all this power, why allow Trump to win? - Luke Beasley - 2025, Jan 30
www.academia.edu www.academia.edu
this leads to the undermining of every aspect of the nation-state: the welfare state; the power of the legal system; the national economy; the corporatist systems that connected one with the other; and the parliamentary democracy that governed the whole.
// - comment - reflexive modernization appears to be a very good description of the world right now in 2025 //
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- Dec 2024
www.techradar.com www.techradar.com
for - article - Techradar - Top AI researcher says AI will end humanity and we should stop developing it now — but don't worry, Elon Musk disagrees - 2024, April 7 - AI safety researcher Roman Yampolskiy disagrees with industry leaders and claims 99.999999% chance that AGI will destroy and embed humanity // - comment - another article whose heading is backwards - it was Musk who spoke it first, then AI safety expert Roman Yampolskiy commented on Musk's claim afterwards!
- AI safety researcher Roman Yampolskiy disagrees with industry leaders and claims 99.999999% chance that AGI will destroy and embed humanity
- article - Techradar - Top AI researcher says AI will end humanity and we should stop developing it now — but don't worry, Elon Musk disagrees - 2024, April 7
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the fourth pillar of well-being we call purpose
for - fourth of four pillars of wellbeing - purpose - finding it in our everyday life here and now - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson - comparison - intention vs attention
comment - Davidson does not provide much rich commentary on purpose, although it is quite an important idea to consider. - Intention is synonymous with purpose - The reason we consider the word intention instead is that we can compare to attention - intention - purpose or focus direction of future work (fourth pillar) - attention - focus awareness (first pillar) - Both of these acts are acts of constraining from the infinite field of our reality to a very narrow one - intention - among the infinite things I CAN do, I choose to do THIS specific one - attention - among all the infinite things I can sense, I choose to sense THIS specific one
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
when I've worked with pre and perinal psychology people think oh well this is psychology this is mental health but really it's not it's more than that it's a holistic Body Mind practice where implicit somatic memory is alive and active and actually informing how we behave and choices that we make in the present
for - prenatal and perinatal psychology - is not just mental health - it's holistic mind body practice - somatic memories are alive in our body right now - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
www.resilience.org www.resilience.org
Transcendence requires that we begin where we are – here, today
for - transcendence - rapid whole system change - starts here and now - Dil Green
www.ordinarymind.com www.ordinarymind.com
The great koan collection, Mumonkan, means The Gateless Gate. Gateless Gate means you can enter the Way anywhere, even here, even now, even like this. The great dualism in our lives as lay people is to imagine this divide between us and the real thing, to feel that the gate is a monastery gate, the gate right here.
for - Zen - meaning of the Mumonkan koan collection - the Gateless Gate - anyone can enter the Way anywhere - even here and now - Barry Magid - adjacency - Mumonkan - Deep Humanity - generalized Gateless Gate for all cultures ensnared by the - polycrisis - spiral dynamics
adjacency - between - Zen Mumonkan Koan collection - generalized Gateless Gate - Deep Humanity - Spiral Dynamics - polycrisis - adjacency relationship - Spiral dynamics - revisiting Mumonkan koans many decades later, I can see how my aspirations with Deep Humanity has been connected to the Gateless Gate - I've always conceived of open source praxis of Deep Humanity as a kind of Gateless Gate, - In this way, it has its roots in it - Mumonkan had to evolve for the context of the polycrisis, which touches EVERY culture so - the culture of one particular esoteric spiritual path would be frowned upon by many other established traditions - In this case, having a generalized Gateless Gate is necessary to address the polycrisis so that everyone is included - Deep Humanity is best seen as the Gateless Gate for any human INTERbeCOMing, anywhere and anyone can enter the way that defines our species
- Nov 2024
wedocs.unep.org wedocs.unep.org
Since greenhouse gas emissions grew 1.3 per cent year-on-year to 57.1 gigatonsof carbon dioxide equivalent in 2023, the task has become harder; 7.5 per centmust be shaved off emissions every year until 2035 for 1.5°C
for - stats - GHG emissions grew 1.3 % year-on-year to 57.1 Gton CO2 eq in 2023 - UN Emissions Gap Report 2024 - Key Messages - stats - 7.5% decarbonization rate is now required every year to stay under 1.5 Deg C - UN Emissions Gap Report 2024 - Key Messages
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
working group three does exons and the fossil fuel companies for them by delaying action by stuffing their models full of all sorts of spuris pseudo Tech to mean we don't have to do things by well but now by the literally within a few years I mean what really matters now is what we actually do between now and 2030 that's the time frame of action not the time frame to bring about action the time frame in which to act
for - climate crisis - IPCC - working group 3 - Oil companies delay action through fake Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) technologies - We need to act before 2030 - CDR technologies create inaction now when we most need it - Kevin Anderson
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - climate crisis - Youtube - climate Doomsday 6 years from now - Jerry Kroth - to - climate clock - adjacency - Tipping Point Festival - Indyweb / SRG complexity mapping tool - Integration of many fragmented bottom-up initiatives - The Great Weaving - Cosmolocal organization - Michel Bauwens - Peer-to-Peer Foundation - A third option - Islands of Coherency - Otto Scharmer Presencing Institute - U-labs - Love-based (sacred-based) mini-assemblies interventions to address growing fascism, populism and polarization - Roger Hallam - Ending the US / China Cold War - Yanis Varoufakis
YouTube details - title: climate Doomsday 6 years from now - author: Jerry Kroth, pyschologist
summary - Psychologist Jerry Kroth makes a claim that the 1.5 Deg C and 2.0 Deg C thresholds will be reached sooner than expected - due to acceleration of climate change impacts. - He backs up his argument with papers and recent talks of climate thought leaders using their youtube presentations. - This presentation succinctly summarized a lot of the climate news I've been following recently. - It reminded me of the urgency of climate change, my work trying to find a way to integrate the work of the Climate Clock project into other projects. - This work was still incomplete but now I have incentive to complete it.
adjacency - between - Tipping Point Festival - Indyweb / SRG complexity mapping tool - Integration of many fragmented bottom-up initiatives - The Great Weaving - Cosmolocal organization - Michel Bauwens - Peer-to-Peer Foundation - Islands of Coherency - Otto Scharmer - Presencing Institute - U-labs - Love-based (sacred-based) mini-assemblies interventions to address growing fascism, populism and polarization - Roger Hallam - Ending the US / China Cold War - Yanis Varoufakis - and many others - adjacency relationship - I have been holding many fragmented projects in my mind and they are all orbiting around the Tipping Point Festival for the past decade. - When Indyweb Alpha is done, - especially with the new Wikinizer update - We can collectively weave all these ideas together into one coherent whole using Stop Reset Go complexity mapping as a plexmarked Mark-In notation - Then apply cascading social tipping point theory to invite each project to a form a global coherent, bottom-up commons-based movement for rapid whole system change - Currently, there are a lot of jigsaw puzzle pieces to put together! - I think this video served as a reminder of the urgency emerged of our situation and it emerged adjacencies and associations between recent ideas I've been annotating, specifically: - Yanis Varoufakis - Need to end the US-led cold war with China due to US felt threat of losing their US dollar reserve currency status - that Trump wants to escalate to the next stage with major tariffs - MIchel Bauwens - Cosmolocal organization as an alternative to current governance systems - Roger Hallam - love-based strategy intervention for mitigating fascism, polarization and the climate crisis - Otto Scharmer - Emerging a third option to democracy - small islands of coherency can unite nonlinearly to have a significant impact - Climate Clock - a visual means to show how much time we have left - It is noteworthy that: - Yanis Varoufakis and Roger Hallam are both articulating a higher Common Human Denominator - creating a drive to come together rather than separate - which requires looking past the differences and into the fundamental similarities that make us human - the Common Human Denominators (CHD) - In both of their respective articles, Yanis Varoufakis and Otto Scharmer both recognize the facade of the two party system - in the backend, it's only ruled by one party - the oligarchs, the party of the elites (see references below) - Once Indyweb is ready, and SRG complexity mapping and sense-making tool applied within Indyweb, we will already be curating all the most current information from all the fragmented projects together in one place regardless of whether any projects wants to use the Indyweb or not - The most current information from each project is already converged, associated and updated here - This makes it a valuable resource for them because it expands the reach of each and every project
to - climate clock - https://hyp.is/R_kJHKGQEe28r-doGn-djg/climateclock.world/ - love-based intervention to address fascism, populism and polarization - Roger Hallam - https://hyp.is/wUDpaKsAEe-DM9fteMUtzw/www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiKWCHAcS7E - ending the US / China cold war - Yanis Varoufakis - https://hyp.is/Yy0juqmrEe-ERhtaafWWHw/www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BsAa_94dao - Cosmolocal coordination of the commons as an alternative to current governance and a leverage point to unite fragmented communities - Michel Bauwens - https://hyp.is/AvtJYqitEe-f_EtI6TJRVg/4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com/p/a-global-history-of-societal-regulation - A third option for democracy - Uniting small islands of coherency in a time of chaos - Otto Scharmer - https://hyp.is/JlLzuKusEe-xkG-YfcRoyg/medium.com/presencing-institute-blog/an-emerging-third-option-reclaiming-democracy-from-dark-money-dark-tech-3886bcd0469b - One party system - oligarchs - Yanis Varoufakis - https://hyp.is/CVXzAKnWEe-PBBcP5GE8TA/www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BsAa_94dao - What's missing is a third option (in the two party system) - Otto Scharmer - https://hyp.is/M3S6VKuxEe-pG-Myu6VW1A/medium.com/presencing-institute-blog/an-emerging-third-option-reclaiming-democracy-from-dark-money-dark-tech-3886bcd0469b
- to - Cosmolocal coordination of the commons as an alternative to current governance and a leverage point to unite fragmented communities - Michel Bauwens
- to - A third option for democracy - Uniting small islands of coherency in a time of chaos - Otto Scharmer
- to - Climate Clock
- adjacency - Tipping Point Festival - Indyweb / SRG complexity mapping tool - Integration of many fragmented bottom-up initiatives - The Great Weaving - Cosmolocal organization - Michel Bauwens - Peer-to-Peer Foundation - A third option - Islands of Coherency - Otto Scharmer Presencing Institute - U-labs - Love-based (sacred-based) mini-assemblies interventions to address growing fascism, populism and polarization - Roger Hallam - Ending the US / China Cold War - Yanis Varoufakis
- climate crisis - Youtube - climate Doomsday 6 years from now - Jerry Kroth
- to - ending the US / China cold war - Yanis Varoufakis
- to - love-based intervention to address fascism, populism and polarization - Roger Hallam
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the United States is not a democracy it's an oligarchy with elections that are providing the legitimacy for this one party state to continue to exist
for - quote - US politics - one party state - Yanis Varoufakis - observation - Trump was groomed by toxic US corporate culture and only now is the US is experiencing the blowback of that - new meme - hostile corporate takeover of the US government - from - Climate doomsday 6 years from now - Jerry Kroth
quote - US politics - one party state - Yanis Varoufakis - (see below) - The United States is not a democracy - It's an oligarchy with elections that are providing the legitimacy for this one part state to continue to exist
comment - With Trumps win and the nomination of a slate filled with many billionaires to lead major US departments, it's more obvious than ever that what Trump is doing is:
new meme - A hostile corporate takeover of the US government - We shouldn't be surprised as Trump was groomed by the out-of-control corptocracy in the United States - Remember that NBC made him famous with his show "The Apprentice" and during that time, he was celebrated by American corporate culture. Why else did his show reach top position in Nelson ratings? - Trump is the child of the toxic corporate culture of America where money is king, the metric that rules over everything - people and the environment - Trump is merely running the government the way he ran his companies (into the ground), with total control. - On the apprentice, he made famous the phrase "your fired" - We should not be surprised that he is making the US government in the image of himself that he has well publicized for decades.
from - Climate doomsday 6 years from now - Jerry Kroth - from - Youtube - Climate Doomsday 6 years from now - Jerry Kroth - https://hyp.is/OfL17KukEe-u2rfUpknrTg/www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZ0JDk1p6Zg
What’s missing obviously is a viable third option that would disrupt and transform the status quo by leaning into and operating from an awareness of the emerging future.
for - two party system - third viable option is missing - Otto Scharmer - from - Youtube - Climate Doomsday 6 years from now - Jerry Kroth
from - Youtube - Climate Doomsday 6 years from now - Jerry Kroth - https://hyp.is/OfL17KukEe-u2rfUpknrTg/www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZ0JDk1p6Zg
climateclock.world climateclock.world
erect an iconic climate clock in your own locale
great idea!
from - Youtube - climate doomsday 6 years from now - https://hyp.is/OfL17KukEe-u2rfUpknrTg/www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZ0JDk1p6Zg
illuminem.com illuminem.com
To effectively combat the roots of fascism, it is crucial to integrate both horizontal and vertical decentralized decision-making structures.
for - commons - new definition - pathological conservatism - new definition - benign conservatism - new definition - beneficial conservatism - adjacency - citizen assemblies - cosmolocal - community organization - horizontal and vertical decision-making as cosmolocal - Fair Share Commons - FSC - pathological conservatism - hypocrisy of modern conservatism that cannot acknowledge first nations - TPF as a vehicle for citizen assembly in each ward and district of a city - to - Youtube - Trump won, now what? - Roger Hallam - to - Substack article - - A global history of societal regulation - metacrisis, polycrisis - role of the commons and cosmolocal coordination - Michel Bauwens
adjacency - between - citizen assemblies - cosmolocal - community organization - citizen assemblies - horizontal and vertical - Fair Share Commons - FSC - town anywhere - TPF - one per city ward or district - progress traps - wicked problem - pathological conservatism - deep conservatism - ECOnomy is a subset of ECOlogy - Modernity has many forms of shallow, pathological conservatism - Indigenous and first nations peoples practice deep, beneficial conservatism - adjacency relationship - One of the biggest progress traps is pathological conservatism when - a technology has become popular and ubiquitous but an unintended consequence becomes exposed - In that case, incumbents who profit from the established supply chain will defend it at great cost, even if the harm it causes becomes increasingly obvious. - They will do this until it reaches a point that the harm is so great that it can no longer be defended. - Often, great harm is done before that point is reached, if it is reached. - Misinformation, gaslighting and fascism can emerge as a form of pathological conservatism in an attempt to preserve the harmful aspect of the status quo. - Fossil fuels, internal combustion engines and the climate change they cause are an example of this, creating a wicked problem in which those trying to solve the problem are also contributing to it - Citizen assemblies are a bottom up response and counterweight to centralized power that is driving pathological conservatism - In contrast to the pathological conservatism, environmental awareness is a practice of benign and beneficial conservatism - the conservation of our natural environment - In fact, many who call themselves conservatives and nationalists are hypocritical because - if they went further in their conservativism logic, they would have to acknowledge the first nations people who came before them - The natural resources that were part of indigenous peoples lives for millenia that colonialists have built their entire fortune on represents even greater degree of conservatism, yet the hypocrisy is that - modern conservatives often cannot acknowledge this reality of a deeper form of conservatism as it threatens their false entitlement - This brings into question their claim of practicing conservatism - pathological conservatives act as if the ECOlogy is subordinate to the ECOnomy when in fact, the ECOnomy cannot exist without a functioning ECOlogy - citizen assemblies can be implemented in each ward and district of a large city - On top of these, Fair Share Commons and community cooperatives can be built as formal structures to drive specific projects - In order for participatory democracy to work effectively requires education on Deep Humanity and conflict resolution, otherwise risks low resiliency due to internal conflicts and derailment of vision - In order to scale, it requires both horizontal and vertical components or organization. This implies a cosmolocal strategy: - horizontal decision-making with local group is local, whilst - vertical decision-making with non-local groups based on broader issues is cosmo - A global Tipping Point Festival that employs social tipping point theory to emerge a global network of citizen assemblies / commons assemblies / people's assemblies in each ward and district of a city to relocate healthy power back to the people
to - Youtube - Trump won, now what? - a love-based approach to replace power-based approach for dealing with fascism and polarization - Roger Hallam - https://hyp.is/wUDpaKsAEe-DM9fteMUtzw/www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiKWCHAcS7E - Substack article - A global history of societal regulation - metacrisis, polycrisis - role of the commons and cosmolocal coordination - Michel Bauwens - https://hyp.is/wlywbqkTEe-ROXfhSmA3bA/4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com/p/a-global-history-of-societal-regulation
- to - Substack article - A global history of societal regulation - metacrisis, polycrisis - role of the commons and cosmolocal coordination - Michel Bauwens
- to - Youtube - Trump won, now what? - a love-based approach to replace power-based approach for dealing with fascism and polarization - Roger Hallam
- adjacency - citizen assemblies - cosmolocal - community organization - horizontal and vertical decision-making as cosmolocal - Fair Share Commons - FSC - pathological conservatism - hypocrisy of modern conservatism that cannot acknowledge first nations - TPF as a vehicle for citizen assembly in each ward and district of a city
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
between 1944 and 1971 the Americans had a surplus the money that they were making from the Surplus they were giving to Europe and Japan that was what's happening until up until 197 71 after that the Americans had a deficit which they used to suck into the United States the surplus of Germany of France of Japan and then China this is what kept capitalism alive
for - quote - American surplus monetary flows kept capitalism alive til now - Yanis Varoufakis
quote - American surplus monetary flows kept capitalism alive til now - Yanis Varoufakis - (see below) - Between 1944 and 1971 the Americans had a surplus - The money that they were making from the Surplus they were giving to Europe and Japan that was what's happening until up until 1971 -After that, the Americans had a deficit, - which they used to suck into the United States the surplus: - of Germany - of France - of Japan and then - of China - This is what kept capitalism alive
michael-hudson.com michael-hudson.com
for - book - The Destiny of Civilization - from - Substack article - A global history of societal regulation - Why commons-based institutions now need to regulate the market and state, ‘cosmo-locally’ - Michel Bauwens
from - Substack article - A global history of societal regulation - Why commons-based institutions now need to regulate the market and state, ‘cosmo-locally’ - Michel Bauwens - https://hyp.is/ID3F7KiwEe-26QsBOrdtlQ/4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com/p/a-global-history-of-societal-regulation
Local file Local file
Desmond, Matthew. Poverty, by America. 1st ed. New York: Crown, 2023. https://amzn.to/40Aqzlp
Annotation URL: urn:x-pdf:eefd847a2a1723651d1d863de5153292
Alternate annotation link: https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?user=chrisaldrich&max=100&exactTagSearch=true&expanded=true&url=urn%3Ax-pdf%3Aeefd847a2a1723651d1d863de5153292
- zoning laws
- Mollie Orshansky
- buy-now-pay-later (BNPL) companies
- universal basic income (UBI)
- poverty
- Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)
- workforce
- Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
- labor market
- banking sector
- capitalism
- eviction
- Black Americans
- landlords
- opportunity commodification
- minimum wage
- child poverty
- Poverty, by America
- payday loan industry
- welfare
- poverty abolitionism
- References
- welfare system
- Dan Allosso Book Club 2024-11-09
- empowerment
- means-tested transfer programs
- toxic capitalism
- unemployment insurance
- unions
- War on Poverty
- Ronald Reagan
- Dan Allosso Book Club
- wages
- sociology
- opportunity
- National Labor Relations Act
- mortgages
- taxes
- taxing the poor
- wage stagnation
- deconcentrating poverty
- work
- Matthew Desmond
- Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
- Democrats
- opportunity hoarding
- poverty prevention
- housing market
- policy
- food stamps
- class
- neighborhoods
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Western Civilization suppressed dreams suppressed sexuality
We now add sexual healing to our ALterative healing Practices
you're synchronizing with that time
Novel point - Synchronicity is coming into awareness of an eternal now
for - webcast - youtube - Amrit - Sandhu - Ex-Buddhist Monk reveals secret Tibetan Prophecy happening right now! Dr John Churchill Psy.D - adjacency - bodhisattva's universal vow of compassion - Deep Humanity individual / collective gestalt - Ernest Becker - Book - The birth and death of meaning - This adjacency is discussed more in the annotations
summary - A very good interview - Interdiscplinary presentation of psychology and Buddhist ideas - When he spoke about the relationship between the individual and the group, an epiphany of my own work on the Deep Humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt suddenly took on a greater depth - An adjacency revealed itself upon his words, between - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER
source - referral from @Gyuri
to - Karuna Mandala - - https://hyp.is/Ghid4JwcEe-PK7OOKz5Vig/www.karunamandala.org/directors-advisors
- We now add sexual healing to our ALterative healing Practices
- Novel point - Synchronicity is coming into awareness of an eternal now
- webcast - youtube - Amrit - Sandhu - Ex-Buddhist Monk reveals secret Tibetan Prophecy happening right now! Dr John Churchill Psy.D
- adjacency - bodhisattva's universal vow of compassion - Deep Humanity individual / collective gestalt - Ernest Becker - Book - The birth and death of meaning
- buddhism and pyschology
- interview - John Churchill
www.karunamandala.org www.karunamandala.org
for - from - webcast - youtube - Amrit Sandhu - Ex-Buddhist monk reveals Tibetan Prophecy happening right now! John Churchill
from - webcast - youtube - Amrit Sandhu - Ex-Buddhist monk reveals Tibetan Prophecy happening right now! John Churchill - https://hyp.is/luGcaJq6Ee-Q2XM0CeRs0Q/www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vJKuxMdhvE
- Oct 2024
ageoftransformation.org ageoftransformation.org
the emergence of greater vulnerability because of the increasing number of interconnections that link that wealth, and those who control it, in efforts to sustain it
for - quote / insight - decreased resiliency due to tight network of elites - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change
quote / insight - decreased resiliency due to tight network of elites - (see quote below) - The front-loop phase is more predictable, - with higher degrees of certainty. - In both the natural and social worlds, - it maximizes production and accumulation. - We have been in that mode since World War II. - The consequence of this is not only an accumulation and concentration of wealth, - but also the emergence of greater vulnerability because of - the increasing number of interconnections that link that wealth, and - those who control it, - in efforts to sustain it. - Little time and few resources are available for alternatives that explore different visions or opportunities. - Emergence and novelty is inhibited. - This growing connectedness leads to increasing rigidity in its goal to retain control, - and the system becomes ever more tightly bound together. - This reduces resilience and the capacity of the system to absorb change, - thus increasing the threat of abrupt change. - We can recognize the need for change but become politically stifled in our capacity to act effectively.
to - quote - we are now in a back-loop of a planetary adaptive cycle - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - https://hyp.is/FTRDoJFuEe-rsvdKeYjr0g/www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol9/iss1/art11/main.html?ref=ageoftransformation.org
comment - These ideas are quite important for those change actors working to emerge creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change
- quote / insight - decreased resiliency due to tight network of elites - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004
- creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change
- to - quote - we are now in a back-loop of a planetary adaptive cycle - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004
- Sep 2024
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Must we expect someone to conquer Zeus?
Then let him do so. He cannot surprise me.
- Sometimes even close people around Prometheus who are sometimes supporting him will play with his emotions in order to make him lose his temper. Now I feel apologetic how cruel surrounding can be around Prometheus although fairly he is not trusting everyone . That is the main notion that helped him to go further his journey
- Prometheus is fearless he will not be surprised by other tortures that Zeus will conduct for him. Hermes notify him that Zeus could inflict pains worse than those he is suffering right now although Prometheus is plucky and perseverant by nature
- Aug 2024
Yielding to that temptation has become ever more frequent; nowadays it is standard practice. Modern proprietary software is typically an opportunity to be tricked, harmed, bullied or swindled.
- Jul 2024
www.straightdope.com www.straightdope.com
Who originated, “Now is the time for all good men …” by [[Cecil Adams]] dated 1977-09-15 in The Straight Dope
- May 2024
how exactly has Europe managed to avoid an American style opioid crisis surprisingly it 00:06:18 turns out we can thank authentic Afghan heroin for the relative lack of deaths
for - question - how EU avoided synthetic opiod crisis until now?
question - how did EU avoid synthetic opiod crisis until now? - answer - authentic Afghan Heroin - but with the crackdown on poppy in Afghanistan, EU drug users are primed to start using synthetic opiods
- Mar 2024
www.pasadenanow.com www.pasadenanow.com
- Jan 2024
Local file Local file
Danny is also a highly regarded futurist who thinkslong-term—four years ago he started the Long Now Foundation
Die 20 größten Unternehmen der Welt sind in den vergangenen Jahren noch mächtiger geworden. Das zeigt eine neue Studie mehrerer NGOs. Diese Unternehmen können Marktpreise und Produktlinien diktieren, weil sie fast keine Konkurrenz haben. Sie betreiben intensives Lobbying. https://taz.de/Warnung-vor-Macht-der-Grossunternehmen/!5986399/
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Der Standard über die megalomane Dystopie Neom, die der Kashoggi-Mörder Mohammed bin Salman vorantreibt: das materialisierte Greenwashing des ölreichsten Petrostaats. Beteiligt ist auch der in Graz immer noch gefeierte Architekt Peter Cook, der aber in diesem Artikel nicht erwähnt wird. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000202323/the-line-utopia-auf-sand-wird-mit-blut-bezahlt
- Dec 2023
romantic view of the enlightenment
- for: Steven Pinker - Enlightenment Now - critique - violence during Enlightenment, violence during Industrial Revolution
i look at pinker's books his latest one enlightenment now and i read very carefully his section on climate change he takes climate change seriously but for me this is a litmus test
- for: Steven Pinker - critique - climate change - Enlightenment Now
- Nov 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Das britische Climate Change Committee empfiehlt dem Land, den Energy Charter-Vertrag zu verlassen, so wie es die meisten Industrieländer bereits beschlossen haben. Die vorgeschlagenen Reformen gingen nicht weit genug und würden Öl- und Gasprojekte weitere 10 Jahre schützen.
- May 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
PR-Beauftragte der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate und des COP-Präsidenten Sultan Al Jaber haben systematisch versucht, die Wikipedi- Informationen über Al Jaber zu manipulieren. Dabei soll der Ölminister der Emirate als Vorkämpfer der Energiewende dargestellt werden. Hinweise auf Investitionen in neue fossil-projekte, die mit dem Pariser Abkommen nicht vereinbar sind, und mit Investoren wie Blackrock vereinbart wurden, werden getilgt.
- Apr 2023
- Mar 2023
pressbooks.online.ucf.edu pressbooks.online.ucf.edu
Or, did you ever see a dog with a marrowbone in his mouth,—the beast of all other, says Plato, lib. 2, de Republica, the most philosophical? If you have seen him, you might have remarked with what devotion and circumspectness he wards and watcheth it: with what care he keeps it: how fervently he holds it: how prudently he gobbets it: with what affection he breaks it: and with what diligence he sucks it. To what end all this? What moveth him to take all these pains? What are the hopes of his labour? What doth he expect to reap thereby? Nothing but a little marrow
The description of this scene is insinuating on the importance of the little things which I believe is what the author was trying to convey when asking such questions to seeing a dog with a bone. He even refers to Plato at one point who was known as a philosophical speaker who was wise in such ideas. "Plato says that true and reliable knowledge rests only with those who can comprehend the true reality behind the world of everyday experience." (Macintosh) Platos theory of forms suggested that there is a different reality to everything for each person. That would insinuate that for a dog, that bone is big thing worth his time, while as humans, we see the dog with his bone and think "why bother?".
- Nov 2022
citationgecko.azurewebsites.net citationgecko.azurewebsites.net
meta.stackoverflow.com meta.stackoverflow.com
I don't think a new tag makes sense here, at least not yet.
Once "Containerfile" starts becoming less of a whisper and more of the topic, then perhaps we can talk about a synonym. But definitely not now.
- Sep 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
A partir del minuto 41 se aborda el uso de las bases de datos https://youtu.be/_1r2vUUzdjI?t=2469
- En NCBI Genome hay cuatro niveles de calidad:
- Anotación
- Gene Ontology
- Jul 2022
www.judithragir.org www.judithragir.org
The place of the here and now IS the true reality and that can’t be described by any of the words above or by language.
Hence, the here and now is actually indescribable. Also can be called the nameless but already therein is the contradiction. To name the nameless as "the nameless" already creates contradiction. Hence, contradictions will always persist in using language to point to the indescribable.
And yet, the indescribable is all around, and language and concepts refer to things that are exactly in this space. Hence the inherent contradiction of using concepts and language...all words, all concepts essentially describe the indescribable. We can feel into this situation by applying Vervaeke's 4 P's.
www.zylstra.org www.zylstra.org
I've been thinking about this sort of thing off and on myself.
I too almost immediately thought of Fraidyc.at and its nudge at shifting the importance of content based on time and recency. I'd love to have a social reader with additional affordances for both this time shifting and Ton's idea of reading based on social distance.
I'm struck by the seemingly related idea of @peterhagen's LindyLearn platform and annotations: https://annotations.lindylearn.io/new/ which focuses on taking some of the longer term interesting ideas as the basis for browsing and chewing on. Though even here, one needs some of the odd, the cutting edge, and the avant garde in their balanced internet diet. Would Spring '83 provide some of this?
I'm also struck by some similarities this has with the idea of Derek Siver's /now page movement. I see some updating regularly while others have let it slip by the wayside. Still the "board" of users exists, though one must click through a sea of mostly smiling and welcoming faces to get to it the individual pieces of content. (The smiling faces are more inviting and personal than the cacophony of yelling and chaos I see in models for Spring '83.) This reminds me of Stanley Meyers' frequent assertion that he attempted to design a certain "sense of quiet" into the early television show Dragnet to balance the seeming loudness of the everyday as well as the noise of other contemporaneous television programming.
The form reminds me a bit of the signature pages of one's high school year book. But here, instead of the goal being timeless scribbles, one has the opportunity to change the message over time. Does the potential commercialization of the form (you know it will happen in a VC world crazed with surveillance capitalism) follow the same trajectory of the old college paper facebook? Next up, Yearbook.com!
Beyond the thing as a standard, I wondered what the actual form of Spring '83 adds to a broader conversation? What does it add to the diversity of voices that we don't already see in other spaces. How might it be abused? Would people come back to it regularly? What might be its emergent properties?
It definitely seems quirky and fun in and old school web sort of way, but it also stresses me out looking at the zany busyness of some of the examples of magazine stands. The general form reminds me of the bargain bins at book stores which have the promise of finding valuable hidden gems and at an excellent price, but often the ideas and quality of what I find usually isn't worth the discounted price and the return on investment is rarely worth the effort. How might this get beyond these forms?
It also brings up the idea of what other online forms we may have had with this same sort of raw experimentation? How might the internet have looked if there had been a bigger rise of the wiki before that of the blog? What would the world be like if Webmention had existed before social media rose to prominence? Did we somehow miss some interesting digital animals because the web rose so quickly to prominence without more early experimentation before its "Cambrian explosion"?
I've been thinking about distilled note taking forms recently and what a network of atomic ideas on index cards look like and what emerges from them. What if the standard were digital index cards that linked and cross linked to each other, particularly in a world without adherence to time based orders and streams? What does a new story look like if I can pull out a card either at random or based on a single topic and only see it or perhaps some short linked chain of ideas (mine or others) which come along with it? Does the choice of a random "Markov monkey" change my thinking or perspective? What comes out of this jar of Pandora? Is it just a new form of cadavre exquis?
This standard has been out for a bit and presumably folks are experimenting with it. What do the early results look like? How are they using it? Do they like it? Does it need more scale? What do small changes make to the overall form?
For more on these related ideas, see: https://hypothes.is/search?q=tag%3A%22spring+%2783%22
- alternate universes
- cadavre exquis
- atomic notes
- Now Now Now
- index cards
- Dragnet
- yearbooks
- Lindy library
- experimental media
- Spring '83
- media studies
- narrative forms
- web standards
- Markov monkey
- atomic idea links
- read
- Derek Sivers
- experimental fiction
- Fraidyc.at
- combinatorial creativity
- Pandora's box
- calmness
- quiet
- Jun 2022
www.etsi.org www.etsi.org
genius.com genius.com
Baby, I'm cookin' with gas
A lyric from "I Can Cook Too" written by Leonard Bernstein which appears in the 1944 Broadway musical "On the Town" sung by Nancy Walker and later in the 1949 film.
I heard it last night at the end of the final episode of Julia S1, E8 Chocolate Souffle (May 5, 2022).
www.waltongas.com www.waltongas.com
The phrase "now you're coking with gas" was coined by American Gas Association publicist Carroll Everard "Deke" Houlgate. Deke's son indicated that his father "planted it with Bob Hope's writers" and it was ultimately used in one of his radio shows. From there it turned into one of his catchphrases and it was adopted by others including The Jack Benny Program and Maxwell House Coffee Time.
Incidentally, Houlgate was also a football journalist who devised the first college football rankings methodology that determined the national champions from 1929 to 1958.
Is this the same Houlgate, or perhaps his son who played for USC Trojans in the 1931 and 1932 Rose Bowl games?
References: (see also and check...) - A Way With Words co-host Martha Barnette https://soundcloud.com/waywordradio/now-youre-cooking-with-gas
www.b98.tv www.b98.tv
"Say. Now you're cooking with gas." Daffy Duck in an oven bathing himself in gravy.
The Wise Quacking Duck Warner Bros. (1943)<br /> Looney Tunes cartoon directed by Bob Clampett. <br /> Released on May 1, 1943
- Mar 2022
In 1994, The Unix-Haters Handbook was published containing a long list of missives about the software—everything from overly-cryptic command names that were optimized for Teletype machines, to irreversible file deletion, to unintuitive programs with far too many options. Over twenty years later, an overwhelming majority of these complaints are still valid even across the dozens of modern derivatives. Unix had become so widely used that changing its behavior would have challenging implications. For better
- Feb 2022
github.com github.com
I just thought that if there was any time to improve the naming it would be now, before rolling it out to thousands of devs/projects. I don't think of that as bikeshedding, personally.
- Nov 2021
www.democracynow.org www.democracynow.org
I am just realizing that I was not listening to The New York Times about the strikes spreading across the United States of America. Of course, the editors would not want to be causing this mass panic or a labour movement.
I was learning about this from Democracy Now!
- Sep 2021
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
If you want to check that the "usual" resolution is working (i.e. the way specified in /etc/nsswitch.conf) you can use getent: getent hosts www.winaproduct.com
Turns out, you have to use Alt+` to switch between windows of the same applications.
- Aug 2021
www.law.cornell.edu www.law.cornell.edu
If two or more persons conspire to violate section 1111, 1114, 1116, or 1119 of this title, and one or more of such persons do any overt act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be punished by imprisonment for any term of years or for life.
Saving Heaven starts with saving America .
and Adam Marshall Dobrin
This statute applies to "Corporations" as well which can be sued for monetary compensation. It is probably necessary and proper for me and others to take legal action against several public corporations, specifically insurers as well as the Federal government to properly oversee the pharmaceutical and medical industries.
I am seeking an attorney to assist with this matter, please contact me directly at 954-667-8083 or 0xc514f094370cFc5eE45a1Dd9B72bb9675efE266f@ethmail.cc if you are capable and willing, or know someone who is. The firm must be well decorated and have multiple attorneys on staff. Venue is not an issue, the lawsuit could be filed in Nevada, California, Arizona, or Florida.
Florida is probably the appropriate venue, according to my "non attorney" spokesman, JFC.
http://plemma.cc for further information and videos regarding the suits.
In addition to 18 USC 1117, I have a personal workers compensation suit as well as a personal suit against SSA & HUD and whatever agencies are responsible for Section 8 and low income housing avoidance.
Following is the current markdown of plemma.cc
I am accepting charitable donations,.\ ETH: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434 | BTC: 38B6vGaqNvMyTtoFEZPmNvMS7icV6ZnPMm | xDAI: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434
There is as Revolution afoot--it's in every single persons heart, and in the heart of every corporation. It's the heart and soul of the Spirit of America, and the Gaian "spirit of the man known as fire incarnate"\ \ -on the Ruach Hakodesh of Yehsua, speaking https://t.co/n9moPjiDDS
--- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) December 21, 2020
| Adam Marshall Dobrin adam@fromthemachine.org |
| Fear [not loathing] of Skynet, the Singularity, and Freedom delivered by and through the American Renaissance and the résolu "few and proudest of all [or they should be, and will be]" ... and "on why" I NEEDED to email 3 million people to fix the problem.\ 1 message |
| Adam Marshall Dobrin adam@fromthemachine.org | Tue, Aug 24, 2021 at 4:04 AM | |
To: TRYING TO GET TO SYSADMINS TO RELAY 2ALL abuse@fromthemachine.org, abuse@reddit.com, XM XM@liber-t.xyz
Bcc: are@fromthemachine.org, am@fromthemachine.org, kin kin@fromthemachine.org, Salud as is ter Y saludas@reallyhim.com, soluderity soluder@reallyhim.com, "More... family" mas@reallyhim.com, R U Y MONEY whymany@lamc.la, CONTACT A REPORTER car@lamc.la, page@publishthis.email
| |
- https://hardbin.com/ipfs/QmTjU3muh9fhR6fjo9ciWvy3FeCfsNq6DwaVfXR8HS45N2/
- https://hardbin.com/ipfs/QmaW5h4n5QTCkurbMpvnsZ3Drc9jb5ZPgWFseioNGED4Nr/
- https://hardbin.com/ipfs/QmNPSW3TrpQnHzJX9wAkztK1HSzPnkWhkVS1eaBuPfQzPo/
- https://hardbin.com/ipfs/QmWsonRZ2FevfFjjfLcSCHELzkkZQDSsF7iHEFJQjpoZqJ/
- https://hardbin.com/ipfs/QmewcUZZivxia5v53PUApFozKmYuwuBsqCiAB18eLnmiZe/
- https://hardbin.com/ipfs/QmQYv9SWm24xcieknYDWgzB6FNPii932tpugD7yz5NncBb/
The problem with American Silence is ... it's keeping America from being America. Reddit was the heartland of social news, and even here--I can't seem to get the most simple and succinct explanation of what I'm trying to accomplish to even overcome their "censorwall." See there's a problem with the media, with the medicine, really with "the all and the wall... all in all"
This is exactly what I and we ... we you ... are trying to overcome--literally not being able to speak to each other, because of "all wall" a/k/a "Skynet Unsane."
AutoModeratorAutoModerator notification
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Mark Unread
Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/venturecapital.
Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose.
Here's my link to my schpiel below, attached to what spawned it, the page of my "free church produced and distributed web-tome"
- https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffromthemachine.org%2FMOLASSES.html&group=__world__
Here's the sunbiz.org [florida business] registration and documents for my Church, which I haven't been able to keep current because of practically no donations at all--I spend most of my income keeping this content [and copies of wikipedia and many other important things] "available" for the public to view at plemma.cc [which will be live within the week, I hope].
To the best of my knowledge Church donations are tax exempt, but I haven't been able to hire a lawyer to file for 501(c)(3) status so you might not be able to claim donations as a tax exemption, I'm not a lawyer and can't give advice related to "IRS regulations."
I'm in the process of forming two new corporations, SUEZ CORP, and XCALIBER DAO; which I hope to be the future of ... social media, email, online voting, and more. I hope it ends the "secret unsacred silence" ... I'm pretty sure it'll work,but we can't tell. It's going to build software based on IPFS and it's derivatives, existing cloud services, and hypothes.is ... which is the newest and best yet incarnation of "reddit comment on anything on the web" in a long list of predecessors I remember starting with StumbleUpon and Flock and DIssenter and gab-ai) ... just writing this showed me StumbleUpon has "turned into Mix" which might be worth a look at.
I have lots of unique ideas to make these things better, and I could really use the help of programmers familiar with python, IPFS and "big data" technology. Let me know if you are interested in providing financial or programming "charity" ... thanks for reading.
Pretty sure we can start a "new wave" of democracy; with just a little bit of work and a little bit of money. and I hope we get to do it before I'm homeless, which is practically today.
You can contact me here: 0xc514f094370cFc5eE45a1Dd9B72bb9675efE266f@ethmail.cc or just donate Ethereum to that address, that series of technologies and products is a big part of the puzzle I'm trying to put together. Just like you, reddit and readers like you, a big part of the movement I hope will start a wave of corporate and national "rennesaince/revolutions."
Here's to today, and hoping what we want to do tomorrow is ... way better.
Best of luck, to all and the future. This is Adam, and this post is my last best hope--so far.
As it is ... Heaven appears to have been built in the heart of America, the heart of Jerusalem, by the Ori of Florida and Stargate SG-1: the heart of the "message."
Supergate, activate--unlock, speak! https://hyp.is/go?url=https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/&group=__world__ ... you're bound to be noticed as "Number 1." This is Agent #00 of the Naval Office of Superintellgience, on the Singularity, and the day ... 8/23.
I'm going to throw it out there and say "who knew it wasn't me'--so I'm pretty sure it's BSO, @BSO__AZAD .. and like they say only the father knew the day-- if you're with me here and you know what #hispa" means,\ \ I mean hopefully I'm "with you" too. https://t.co/Irl9RPsa5H pic.twitter.com/WEq2Rzso6q
--- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 24, 2021
the day is somewhere between the 23rd and the 24th of August, 2021 A.D. ... or so I think.
when 2021 came around, A.D. disappeared and I c'd what I call "annos inconcinnus" ... the years of our heroes
looking for a girl friend, investors, .. "a single friend" that actually will buy me a "kava" or a "drink"\ \ or call their little sister, or ex-wife--@jesse, frank and jorge ;) heaven was born here today; really**\ \ today. 8/25 5:19 PM EST, #laudat ... at a @Seven11 on Sunrise&A1A pic.twitter.com/rxxq8JAnlD
--- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 25, 2021
... @losesta2uni2 needs to be protected from @SCMPNews CHINESE OVERSITE that is causing torture via their financial interest in @ATTHelp @AsurionCares https://t.co/spet8dYbQI
--- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 26, 2021
#IGNATION is what I named the "fifth through nineojuneteenth horses of the riders of the apolagetic sparkalypse ... #gjallarhorn is like a "shofar" but held by #heimdallr at the base of "asgardian of the bifrost ..." I explain, my father @idobrin1 hopefully has the #arrorigenal pic.twitter.com/TElbROyNTH
--- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 25, 2021
18 USC 1117: Conspiracy to Commit Murder, specifically against Jesus F. Krisst
I am looking for a professional and competent legal firm in order to engage a suit against the United States FED, and a number of private corporations for hiding fiscal and operational control from Chinese investment which has left America in ruins.
#gjallarhorn @ICCT_TheHague @FBI @FBIWFO @FBIMiamiFL @fgcu pic.twitter.com/RsAoitfuKP
--- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 26, 2021
Adam vs. Heaven, the Eloheem and you
Holy Laws are being violated every day, leaving America and the skies and space in grave danger of losing sanity and our prosperous future. We are allowing pain and attrition and disgusting lack of scientific thought to continue to be the "norm" everywhere I see across the continental United States. I am looking to move to Australia. If anyone there would like to provide lodging, I'd prefer to live with a rich and beautiful female between the ages of 25 and 35.-a
I am willing to offer a proposal for marriage upon meeting you and consumating "premarital coitus", assuming things go well you could be the sole heir of a fortune of millions due to the several lawsuits I should have no problem finding legal aid to begin ... "should" being the peratove word, not "hace"
- Jul 2021
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
an ever-changing “now,”
- Apr 2021
At first you feel confused because usual pipe constructions such as: $ echo luser && echo TopSecret | telnet foo.bar.com fail you and the problem which seemed so plain on the face of it grows into “mission impossible”.
- Mar 2021
blog.codinghorror.com blog.codinghorror.com
If you've ever talked about regular expressions with another programmer, you've invariably heard this 1997 chestnut: Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems.
gitlab.gnome.org gitlab.gnome.org
Sorry you’re surprised. Issues are filed at about a rate of 1 per day against GLib. Merge requests at a rate of about 1 per 2 days. Each issue or merge request takes a minimum of about 30 minutes (across at least 2 people) to analyse, put together a fix, test it, review it, fix it, review it and merge it. I’d estimate the average is closer to 3 hours than 30 minutes. Even at the fastest rate, it would take 3 working months to clear the backlog of ~1000 issues. I get a small proportion of my working time to spend on GLib (not full time).
Age of a ticket is completely irrelevant as anyone can request anything but the number of developers is limited. If you'd like to see something implemented, please consider providing a patch. Thanks!
www.inuse.se www.inuse.se
Even if the damned thing would be really helpful in the long run, I can't give it the time and attention needed to make it work again ... Not right now. And ultimately never.
jangawolof.org jangawolof.orgPhrases2
Alxemes jiy ñów la lekkool di ubbi.
C'est jeudi prochain la rentrée des classes.
alxemes -- (Arabic) Thursday.
jiy -- (?).
ñów v. -- to come, to arrive.
la -- can mean a lot of different things depending on context.
lekkool bi -- (French: l'école) school. 🏫
di v. -- be; mark of the imperfective affirmative not inactual.
ubbi v. -- open, to start, begin, inaugurate.
Sëriñ boobu aj na daaw, doomam a ko wuutu léegi.
Ce marabout est décédé l'an dernier, c'est son fils qui le remplace maintenant.
sëriñ bi -- marabout.
boobu -- this.
aj (Arabic: Hajj) v. -- make the pilgrimage to Mecca. 🕋; deceased ☠️ (for a religious personality).
na -- he (?).
daaw n. -- last year. 🗓
doom+am (doom) ji -- child by descent 👶🏽; doll🪆; to have a child.
- Feb 2021
My only concern with this approach is that if someone calls #valid? on the form object afterwards, it would under the hood currently delete the existing errors on the form object and revalidate. The could have unexpected side effects where the errors added by the models passed in or the service called will be lost.
My concern with this approach is still that it's somewhat brittle with the current implementation of valid? because whilst valid? appears to be a predicate and should have no side effects, this is not the case and could remove the errors applied by one of the steps above.
- Jan 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
But, I am a little bit confused about what to do now, mark your answer as correct and create new question, or create and EDIT block to this post?
- Dec 2020
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
You can afford to make a proper PR to upstream.
- Oct 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
If you have a better/simpler/"more official" solution, I'd still love to see it!
The "official" solution is to use submitErrors (see Erik's answer).
In other words, I do not want an error to appear/disappear as a user types the text that swaps it from invalid to valid.
github.com github.com
In React 0.12 time frame we did a bunch of small changes to how key, ref and defaultProps works. Particularly, they get resolved early on in the React.createElement(...) call. This made sense when everything was classes, but since then, we've introduced function components. Hooks have also make function components more prevalent. It might be time to reevaluate some of those designs to simplify things (at least for function components).
dylanvann.com dylanvann.com
Disclaimer: I’m new to Svelte so this isn’t so much a recommendation as it is a “I guess this is a way to do it 🤷♂️”
- Sep 2020
devblogs.microsoft.com devblogs.microsoft.com
This is so common that ECMAScript 2020 recently added a new syntax to support this pattern!export * as utilities from "./utilities.js";This is a nice quality-of-life improvement to JavaScript, and TypeScript 3.8 implements this syntax. When your module target is earlier than es2020, TypeScript will output something along the lines of the first code snippet.
- Aug 2020
github.com github.com
I really can't see how we can trust browsers accept headers. :'( More about the situation than about your statement.
github.com github.com
Safari sends following order application/xml (q is 1) application/xhtml+xml (q is 1) image/png (q is 1) text/html (q is 0.9) text/plain (q is 0.8) \*/\* (q is 0.5) So you visit www.myappp.com in safari and if the app supports .xml then Rails should render .xml file. This is not what user wants to see. User wants to see .html page not .xml page.
- Jul 2020
github.com github.com
Currently, if we have an invalid mouse association that was previously saved at some point in the past (eg. with mouse.save! validate: false)
In the Set class we already called this - and difference, which it is ok but not really accurate because of the previous explanation, but probably not worthwhile to change it.
Is this saying that the name difference is inaccurate?
Why is it inaccurate? You even called it the "theoretic difference" above.
Is that because "relative complement" would be better? Or because the full phrase "theoretic difference" [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/set-theoretic_difference] is required in order for it to be accurate rather than just "difference"?
colab.plymouthcreate.net colab.plymouthcreate.net
This model is the most flexible and open-ended of the four; your goal as an instructor is not to design a full-fledged semester of material, activities, and assessments. Rather, your goal is to work with your class to design and become a learning community, working collaboratively and individually towards your determined learning goals. For this to work you should have: a set of possible/preferred learning objectives for your classa library of course materials, preferably with as much as possible in digital formata suggested list of digital tools and technologies that you’re comfortable from with a list of possible assignment/project/assessment ideas that are related to your learning objectivesa willingness to experiment and invite your students into the teaching & learning process. At the onset of class you will need to facilitate a conversation among you and your students about how the class will unfold. This can be done in small groups f2f, via an online communication tool, or in a hybrid mix of both. As a community you should plan on addressing the following: what are our objectives as a learning community? what kind of work could we engage in to meet these objectives? what physical/virtual spaces would we like to work in? how/when do we want to meet in these spaces?how do we want to measure (assess) if an objective has been met?what rules and policies should govern our work? how will we work virtually and respect everyone’s boundaries and personal situations? how will we work f2f and respect public health recommendations and personal situations? You will probably need to spend at least the first 1-2 weeks answering these questions together and then designing a plan for your course. Make sure you and your students talk through various complications: what if the university’s policies about meeting f2f change? what if classes are forced to move entirely virtual/remote? what someone (students or professor!) gets sick?
This is the one for me!!!!
Apologies for highlighting whole swaths of paragraphs but it can't be helped sometimes lol.
Finally, these are NOT meant to be comprehensive. Instead, imagine these models along a continuum of opportunity. Your challenge is to determine where your courses could fit between and among the proposals.
I'm wondering how much or how little faculty will need to change their curriculum/delivery depending on the various inevitable changes that we can't exactly predict will happen this school year. For those faculty member purposefully switching online, what changes have they made already, and what changes will become necessary in the near future?
- May 2020
www.typescriptlang.org www.typescriptlang.org
you honestly don’t have the time to decide which of these options is better.
- Apr 2020
users.ox.ac.uk users.ox.ac.uk
Bird, S., Nielsen, B. (2020 April 20). Now-casting of Covid-19 deaths in English Hospitals. http://users.ox.ac.uk/~nuff0078/Covid/index.htm
- Jan 2020
write.as write.as
they call learning
I wanted to change this to "Y'all call learning".
Or a little more explicitly with 2Pac
- Dec 2019
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Basically, the standard said something, interpreters ignored it because the standard seemed illogical, but now interpreters like Bash have really confusing semantics, and no-one wants to fix it.
- May 2019
niklasblog.com niklasblog.com
Apocalypse Now
Apocalypse Now is a 1979 American epic war film about the Vietnam War, directed, produced and co-written by Francis Ford Coppola.
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Can anyone shed light on how this word functions in rhet studies in general, and in this paragraph in particular?
As it is, I'm reading it as a source or well or magnet that a culture exaptates toward or "adexaptates" to.
- Apr 2018
orbitaloperations.cmail19.com orbitaloperations.cmail19.com
The present is sticky. The Long Now became the Long Right Now, somehow. This is not what we had in mind when we philosophised about atemporality, but it's probably what we deserved.
- Dec 2017
engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu
Statics, respect matter generally, in a state of rest, and include Hydrostatics, or the Laws of fluids particularly, at rest or in equilibrio Dynamics, used as a general term include Dynamics proper, or the Laws of solids in Motion and Hydrodynamics, or Hydraulics, those of fluids in Motion Pneumatics teach the theory of air, its Weight, Motion, condensation, rarifaction &c Acoustics or Phonics, the theory of sound Optics the Laws of Light & vision Physics or Physiology in a general sense, mean the doctrine of the Physical objects of our senses
It is interesting to note that all these subjects, so succinctly explained here, are all under the umbrella term "Physics" now. During Jefferson's time, there probably wasn't a standard of learning to follow, so he had to list out the specifics here. We've come far in that now mentioning to physics to someone with some schooling will mean them considering some of these things instead of just "the doctrine of Physical objects of our senses."
- Nov 2017
simonwillison.net simonwillison.net
At some point in the following decade json-head.appspot.com stopped working. Today I’m bringing it back, mainly as an excuse to try out the combination of Python 3.5 async, the Sanic microframework and Zeit’s brilliant Now deployment platform.
Oh neat, I had no idea now supported Python. Another option available!
- Oct 2017
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
In fact, members of the Long Now would have me say that it was founded in the year 01996, a way of writing dates that presently accommodates a further 97,985 years. To put this into perspective—50,000 years before the Long Now runs out of digits, Niagara Falls will have eroded its remaining 32 kilometers to Lake Erie. That communion will occur a full 30,000 years after, according to one lexico-statistical model, the point at which human languages will have retained only one percent of their present-day words. By the time the Long Now has a Y100k problem, the constellations you recognize will be gone from the sky. I lay this out to make the point that Long Now folks embed a puckishly provocative optimism in everything they do.
Is it just me, or am I detecting an underlying disdain from the author towards The Long Now Foundation? If so, I would not blame her as the beliefs The Long Now hold appear surreal and unbelievable to me. I was unaware that their was a group that held such views.
Long Now
Long Now Foundation : Fostering Long Term Thinking ???? [] (https://www.facebook.com/longnow/)
[] (https://www.youtube.com/user/longnow) Not quite sure of my thoughts on this! 'Genetic Rescue'
- May 2017
theinterval.org theinterval.org
A bar, cafe, museum, and the home of The Long Now Foundation
This is where we had drinks the other night!
- Mar 2017
blog.outsider.ne.kr blog.outsider.ne.kr
Docker Swarm을 이용한 쉽고 빠른 분산 서버 관리 : Docker Swarm으로 서버 오케스트레이션 하는 방법을 설명한 글이다. 현재 사용 가능한 오케스트레이션 도구들의 장단점도 정리되어 있고 Swarm이 제공하는 기능을 설명한 후 실제로 따라 해 보면서 테스트해볼 수 있게 글이 작성되어 있어서 오케스트레이션 도구를 검토하고 있다면 찬찬히 읽어봐야 할 글이다. 얼마 전에 Docker Swarm을 보고 간단하면서 기능이 강력해서 꽤 좋은 인상을 받았는데 정리된 글이 나와서 반갑다.(한국어)
- Nov 2016
Three people died
At least three people died, others are still missing
www.georgeellalyon.com www.georgeellalyon.com
the forsythia bush
Another thing in a certain place in the neighborhood where she lived. Now I think the poem's first 2 1/2 lines were purposely provocative. They keep you guessing, and make you keep reading.
under the back porch
Oh. I guess she's listing things and places in her life.
I am from clothespins, from Clorox and carbon-tetrachloride.
What? How can you be from clothespins?
- Jul 2016
hackeducation.com hackeducation.com
our education system is controlling, exploitative, imperialist
- Feb 2014
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
what does that mean?