107 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
  2. Nov 2024
    1. Daniela Pajtašová z Ústavu hematologie a krevní transfuze:

      [P]o užití marihuany je třeba dodržet minimálně týden odstup, než půjdete darovat krev. Užití musí být výjimečné, pravidelné užívání se s dárcovstvím neslučuje.

      [Užívání marihuany] více jak 1x za půl roku [je považováno za pravidelné].

      [Krev od lidí, kteří užívají marihuanu pravidelně, není žádoucí] především [proto, že] je to známka dalšího možného rizikového chování.

      Darovat krev tedy mohu, pokud jsem v posledním půlroce užil marihuanu maximálně jednou a od tohoto užití uplynul nejméně týden. Častější užívání marihuany je považováno za rizikové, protože značí další možné rizikové chování.

    1. Mohu darovat krev, když občas užívám marihuanu?

      Daniela Pajtašová z Ústavu hematologie a krevní transfuze:

      [P]o užití marihuany je třeba dodržet minimálně týden odstup, než půjdete darovat krev. Užití musí být výjimečné, pravidelné užívání se s dárcovstvím neslučuje.

      [Užívání marihuany] více jak 1x za půl roku [je považováno za pravidelné].

      [Krev od lidí, kteří užívají marihuanu pravidelně, není žádoucí] především [proto, že] je to známka dalšího možného rizikového chování.

      Darovat krev tedy mohu, pokud jsem v posledním půlroce užil marihuanu maximálně jednou a od tohoto užití uplynul nejméně týden. Častější užívání marihuany je považováno za rizikové, protože značí další možné rizikové chování.

  3. Jul 2024
  4. May 2024
  5. Mar 2024
    1. 'Tis my breedingThat gives me this bold show of courtesy

      A show of cause and effect of race and blood to behavior



  6. Jan 2024
    1. once an avascular or bloodless cancer 00:22:48 is able to get vessels to touch it that moment that touch is that the cancer can grow 16 000 times in two weeks

      for - avascular (bloodless) cancer - angiogenesis creates malignancy - stats - angiogenesis and avascular cancer

      stats - angiogenisis and avascular cancer - During research, the research lab that William Li worked in discovered that once blood vessesl touch a harmless avascular (bloodless) cancer - it transforms it into a deadly, malignant tumor that grows 16,000x in two weeks

  7. Nov 2023
    1. when you have sleep apnea this is something that is called dipping and non-dipping people who have no apnea in the blue notice 00:07:11 what happens their blood pressures go down at nights here in the 3 A.M to 6 a.m goes down at night they're systolic and diastolic but the people who have apnea they don't get the benefit of that dipping they're not getting the benefit 00:07:25 of rest at night it's because of sympathetic nervous system activity
      • for: sleep apnea - blood pressure comparison, dipping vs nondipping

      • interesting fact: sleep apnea

        • dipping and non-dipping
        • normal person relaxes blood pressure at night (dipping)
        • sleep apnea patient has elevated blood pressure at night (non-dipping)
    1. conventional mouthwashes are very harmful it's been well documented if you use a conventional mouthwash your blood 01:32:00 pressure goes up for a long time because you've eradicated oral microbes that you needed that were producing such things as night uh as nitrosamine not sorry as nitric oxide that reduces blood 01:32:12 pressure uh and and they're not selective for bad microbes they kill everything including good ones
      • for: Progress trap - mouthwash, mouthwash - blood pressure
  8. Sep 2022
    1. Ideally, the green and digital transitions reinforce each other. For example, distributed ledger technology, which underlies blockchain and thus cryptocurrencies, can be used in material tracing, aiding the circular economy by better maintenance and recycling.
  9. Aug 2022
  10. May 2022
  11. Apr 2022
    1. ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘many aspects to the vaccine pauses are worthy of discussion, but am I alone in thinking that undermining public perception of the regulators can only increase vaccine hesitancy? Can promoting trust in vaccine safety by publicly condemning decision really be a viable strategy?’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 17 March 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1372142352941379584

  12. Mar 2022
    1. Eric Topol. (2022, February 28). A multimodal #AI study of ~54 million blood cells from Covid patients @YaleMedicine for predicting mortality risk highlights protective T cell role (not TH17), poor outcomes of granulocytes, monocytes, and has 83% accuracy https://nature.com/articles/s41587-021-01186-x @NatureBiotech @KrishnaswamyLab https://t.co/V32Kq0Q5ez [Tweet]. @EricTopol. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1498373229097799680

    1. Actually asking people to do this would be something of a last resort, said Ben McWilliams, a climate and energy analyst at Bruegel.<img alt="These US cities tried to cut natural gas from new homes. Republicans and the gas lobby stepped in" class="media__image" src="//viahtml.hypothes.is/proxy/im_///cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/220217094013-01-cities-fossil-fuel-emissions-large-169.jpg">These US cities tried to cut natural gas from new homes. Republicans and the gas lobby stepped in"But who knows? It's an unprecedented situation. I could imagine a kind of political campaign, a real push by European leaders saying, look, if you can help us by turning down 1 degree on your thermostat, it's going to help. And you can see people uniting behind this, against Russian gas," he told CNN. "But ultimately, you'll need much more than this in response."One approach would be to replace around half the gas from other sources, McWilliams said. The United States is already shipping Iiquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe, and EU officials are also looking to countries like Azerbaijan and Qatar. The other half will need to come from cutting demand, McWilliams said, especially as Europe prepares for next winter.Heavy industries, like steelmaking and chemical production, will need to reduce their operations. Homeowners investing in solar panels and heat pumps could help take some pressure off heating systems.Tara Connolly, a campaigner with the international NGO Global Witness who specializes in gas, says that Europe must launch an emergency program to insulate homes, replace gas boilers with heat pumps and accelerate the transition to renewable energy."It is abundantly clear that Europe's gas dependence has provided Putin with the resources to engage in his bloody venture in Ukraine, whilst hampering Europe's response,"

      A feasibility study would be informative.

  13. Dec 2021
  14. Nov 2021
    1. The average circulating blood volume in schizo-phrenia is 3917 cc. as compared with 4573 cc. in manic-depressivepsychosi

      That's nearly a 15% reduction! It's also comparable to reductions seen in CFS (though CFS was per weight rather than per surface area, they should be comparable metrics). However, this is in comparison to bipolar, who themselves probably lack normal blood volume, so it's possible schizophrenia is a more extreme version of CFS where the blood volume is radically reduced. Will need more studies.

  15. Oct 2021
    1. 59 (8)

      I notice the standard deviation is low for their sample size. Normally smaller sample sizes increase SD. However, comparing to a study with 30 subject per group, we can see the expected SD for blood volume (ml/kg) in this sample size of 20 should be greater than ±22.

      The reason for this small SD is probably that subjects with ME/CFS are scrunched up against the lower end of the curve. The body simply will not allow blood volumes below a certain level. Judging by this study, I'd say around 50 ml/kg is the lowest possible number.

    1. Wenzel, J., Lampe, J., Müller-Fielitz, H., Schuster, R., Zille, M., Müller, K., Krohn, M., Körbelin, J., Zhang, L., Özorhan, Ü., Neve, V., Wagner, J. U. G., Bojkova, D., Shumliakivska, M., Jiang, Y., Fähnrich, A., Ott, F., Sencio, V., Robil, C., … Schwaninger, M. (2021). The SARS-CoV-2 main protease Mpro causes microvascular brain pathology by cleaving NEMO in brain endothelial cells. Nature Neuroscience, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-021-00926-1

  16. Sep 2021
  17. Aug 2021
  18. Jul 2021
  19. Jun 2021
  20. May 2021
    1. with 4 catatonic, 2 hebephrenic and 2 paranoid subjects having a systolic tension less than 100.

      That's not a large enough sample to draw conclusions out subtypes. Interesting nonetheless.

  21. Apr 2021
    1. Céline Gounder, MD, ScM, FIDSA. (2021, April 14). With all due respect to @NateSilver538, he is not an expert on the psychology of vaccine confidence. He is a poll aggregator and political pundit. He is not an infectious disease specialist, epidemiologist, vaccinologist, virologist, immunologist, or behavioral scientist. Https://t.co/HBrI6zj9aa [Tweet]. @celinegounder. https://twitter.com/celinegounder/status/1382299663269761024

  22. Mar 2021
    1. James Hamblin. (2021, March 17). Whenever you vaccinate millions and millions of people, some will inevitably die shortly after. Others will get blood clots. Others will crash cars, or fall down stairs. None of this is newsworthy until there’s reason to believe these things are connected. [Tweet]. @jameshamblin. https://twitter.com/jameshamblin/status/1371993047261667329

  23. Feb 2021
    1. He explains that many COVID-19 patients also have bleeding or clotting abnormalities as well saying, “COVID-19 seems to have a really high propensity to lead to clots either in deep veins or in the brain or in the lungs, for example

      The formation of blood clots in deep veins, the brain, or the lungs can occur.

  24. Oct 2020
    1. Cholesterol

      This is a fat-like substance found in every single cell in the body. It aides the body to create hormones, vitamin D, and it also helps to digest food. Many dairy products are rich in Cholesterol which can be harmful if intaking high levels of it. This is due to fat deposits in the blood vessels which increases the risks of heart disease.

  25. Sep 2020
  26. Aug 2020
  27. Jul 2020
  28. Jun 2020
  29. May 2020
  30. Apr 2020
  31. Jan 2020
    1. RESULTS: In the hypothyroid state, the plasma volume measured by dilution of 125I-albumin (APV) was higher than the calculated plasma volume (CPV) from packed red cell mass, suggesting an extravascular escape of albumin. After substitutive therapy, the CPV showed a statistical increase (P < 0.05), whereas APV remained unchanged. Both ERPF and GFR increased after thyroxine therapy (p < 0.05). In the subclinical group, blood volumes and renal function were similar to those found in the other group of patients when in the euthyroid state.

      If this holds true, I'd expect rapid blood volume expansion from thyroid hormone. I'm also interested in whether thyroid hormone stimulates the production of albumin, given its anabolic properties.

    1. Thyrotoxicosis creates a hyperdynamic circulatory state because of a marked fall in peripheral vascular resistance and associated increase in venous return, increased total blood volume, increased cardiac contractility and heart rate.

      If the mechanism is really the same as alpha blockers, then the blood volume expansion may be expected to be similar in constitution. However, I would expect more red blood cells in thyroid mediated volume expansion compared to alpha blockers. The reason, obviously, is because of the increased oxygen demand from thyroid hormone.

  32. Oct 2019
    1. A highly interesting article where a well-known company prefers blood money to allowing employees to talk about politics. This is capitalism at its core: all profit, no empathy.

    2. GitLab, a San Francisco-based provider of hosted git software, recently changed its company handbook to declare it won't ban potential customers on "moral/value grounds," and that employees should not discuss politics at work.
    3. If you can see how people might respond to IBM, infamous for providing technology that helped the Nazis in World War II, saying, "Who has time to look into the source of this hard German currency?" you can imagine how GitLab's policy amendment has been received.
  33. Aug 2019
  34. Mar 2019
    1. SBP, DBP, RR, and weight did not change following T3 administration

      Liothyronine does not raise blood pressure despite the rise in heart rate. The reason that respiratory rate (RR) was not changed may be because the increased cardiac output compensates for the increased oxygen demand.

  35. Feb 2019
    1. Office-based devices that permit multiple automated measurements after a pre-programmed rest period produce blood pressure readings that are independent of digit preference bias and the “white coat” phenomenon (where blood pressure is elevated in the clinic but normal at home)

      This is a great recommendation.

  36. Dec 2018
  37. Aug 2018
    1. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that higher standing BP is a biomarker that helps identify persons with combat PTSD who are likely to benefit from prazosin. These results also are consistent with α1AR activation contributing to PTSD pathophysiology in a subgroup of patients.

      This is precisely the results I would expect. However, I completely disagree with their interpretation.

      People with high blood pressure (BP) can tolerate a reduction in BP without instigating compensatory mechanisms. People with normal or low BP would invoke compensation by the sympathetic nervous system in response to alpha blockade. This would counteract the depressant effects of adrenergic antagonism. Indeed, adrenaline and noradrenaline elevate in response to standing, which I find to be an obvious prediction. Thus, the lack of benefit from prazosin in these subjects may be mediated by an increase in adrenergic receptor activation other than the apha1-adrenoreceptor; in particular, the beta-adrenergic receptors are likely at fault. Propranolol, a beta-blocker, is used for PTSD, so this mechanism seems well substantiated.

      The study apparently found benefit for patients with BP over 110 (with more benefit for higher BP). Thus, I would conclude that systolic pressure below 110 induce compensation.

    1. Graph 2 shows the trend for the diastolic pressure.

      Post-exercise, diastolic pressure is higher than baseline; compression garments exaggerate this effect

    2. Graph 1 shows the systolic pressure data (x-axis in mmHg). It can be noted that the test subjects start from an equal baseline condition, but after performing the swimming test the athletes not wearing the costume in the first control (20-30 mins) have an average systolic pressure that has dropped to approximately 90 mmHg.

      Thus, compression garments may prevent circumstantial hypotension. In this case, one possibility is that the compression is delivering blood to the heart that would otherwise be shunted to the skin for heat dissipation.