- Mar 2024
www.gnu.org www.gnu.orggnu.org1
To emphasize that “free software” refers to freedom and not to price, we sometimes write or say “free (libre) software,” adding the French or Spanish word that means free in the sense of freedom. In some contexts, it works to use just “libre software.”
My second language is Spanish, and I understand quite well what 'Libre' means. In my view, there's no real difference between FLOSS and FOSS, since 'Free' translates to 'Libre'. However, when 'Free' pertains solely to 'price', it's more accurate to use 'Gratis', which means 'No Cost'.
Additionally, considering that words can have multiple meanings in English as well, I question the necessity of incorporating an 'L' from another language into an English acronym. Instead of complicating the acronym, I believe in giving a clear explanation.
- Dec 2022
techpolicy.press techpolicy.press
This is a case of what Paul Keller and I have called the Paradox of Open: the existence of power imbalances that leads to, at best, ambivalent outcomes of openness. It is a paradox that the success of open code software, both in terms of the reach of the technology and in economic terms, has happened through underfunded or entirely volunteer work of individual coders. This shows the limits of the open source development model that will affect the future growth of the Fediverse as well.
The Paradox of Open (Source) is as Keller and Tarkowski formulate it, that the clear socio-economic value and tech impact of open source comes from underfunded / volunteer work. Vgl [[Bootstrapping 20201007204011]] and the role of precarity in it. Makes me think about 1937 Ronald Coase's transaction costs which in [[Here Comes Everybody by Clay Shirky]] is used to derive a Cosean Floor (and Cosean Ceiling). Openness allows you to operate below the Cosean Floor, but it seems that to bootstrap beyond that first stage is harder. Are such projects incapable of finding a spot above the Floor further down the chain, or are they pushed aside (or rather 'harvested') by those already positioned and operating above that Floor? Perhaps your spot above the floor needs to be part of the design of the work done below the floor. What's the link with my [[Openheid en haar grenzen 20130131154227]] in which I position openness as necessity to operate in a networked environment, and as necessarily limited by human group dynamics and keeping those healthy? Balancing both is the sweetspot in the complex domain. Are we any good at doing that in other terms than just social group behaviour in a room? #openvraag what's the online/bootstrapping equiv of it? How did we do that for my company 11 yrs ago (in part by operating something else above the Floor alongside)?
- Nov 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
To add some other intermediary services:
- ko-fi (site for contribution)
- GitHub sponsors (for GitPages)
- itch.io (for games)
- Gumroad (for sites and repositories)
- Patreon (for fan interaction)
To add a service for groups:
To add a service that enables fans to support the creators directly and anonymously via microdonations or small donations by pre-charging their Coil account to spend on content streaming or tipping the creators' wallets via a layer containing JS script following the Interledger Protocol proposed to W3C:
If you want to know more, head to Web Monetization or Community or Explainer
Disclaimer: I am a recipient of a grant from the Interledger Foundation, so there would be a Conflict of Interest if I edited directly. Plus, sharing on Hypothesis allows other users to chime in.
- subscriptions
- open source
- dev.to
- wordpress
- contribution
- browser
- micro-donation
- svelte
- microdonation
- online ledger
- games
- hugo
- model
- monetization
- web monetization
- video
- gftw
- Consortium
- open-source
- revenue
- tessy
- open collective
- privacy
- pricing
- mozilla festival
- youtube
- coil
- micropayment
- gatsby
- art
- sponsors
- pricing strategies
- gatehub
- vuepress
- pay-what-you-want
- nonprofit
- gratuity
- moodle
- donation
- Interledger
- payment
- wallet
- pwyw
- gumroad
- tips
- mozilla
- education
- stream
- collective
- gridsome
- community
- pipe web
- open
- fans
- ko-fi
- mozfest
- github
- Interledger Protocol
- premium
- revenue sharing
- business
- uphold
- Patreon
- film
- pay what you want
- payment pointer
- ngx
- plug-in
- 11ty
- web
- extension
- protocol
- exclusive
- w3c
- gaming
- strategies
- podcast
- freemium
- web standards
- tools
- research
- jekyll
- open web
- Oct 2022
18 MLOps FOSS tools. The Q remains: how some of these combine all together?
simplephone.tech simplephone.tech
On the other end, there was The Good Phone Foundation, a not-for-profit organization founded with a mission to create an open, transparent, and secure mobile ecosystem outside of Big Tech’s reach, who just released their own Android-based mobile OS and were looking for apps to rely on. They contacted me, and after a couple of calls, we realized that partnering up on the smartphone makes a lot of sense for both of us. So, here we are, introducing you to our brand new Simple Phone. Only having control over both software and hardware ensures the ultimate privacy and security. The target audience consists of more privacy-oriented people that do not want to be tracked or rely on big corporations, Google Play, etc. It focuses on people who just want to get things done in a simple way without having to keep closing ads and wondering what does the system do in the background. Not to mention consistency again as the core apps are developed by us. Hope you will like it just like we do 🙂
Simple Phone's effort to release its own mobile OS is promising for ordinary users. Because Simple Mobile Tools represents a full suite of basic Android applications, in can, ideally, provide a privacy-friendly and user-friendly alternative to stock Android by providing a unified suite of apps. /e/ OS (aka Murena) is attempting something similar, but its app collection is not quite as unified as the Simple Mobile suite.
- Nov 2021
privacy.ellak.gr privacy.ellak.gr
Τα δίκτυα του Fediverse και τα πλεονεκτήματά τους
- Infographic with all fediverse apps.
- Nice "central vs distributed" image.
- Twister is missing.
Local file Local file
They keep our options open. They will allow the Commission to choose non-open technologies where there are good reasons to do so, while encouraging us to plan for future open-source alternatives.
This point is EC;s FOSS strategy has been criticized by [[FSFE]].
thanks a lot thanks a lot for this very passionate presentation and talk
The usual passive-aggressive reaction from Commission's stuff when confronted with a challenging viewpoint for their activities.
then with this paper um they said we want to have open source whenever it makes sense so without explaining when it is like this and also they
Critique is head for this paragraph of EC's Open Source strategy (PDF hostin site)
free software also the european union followed us there's the e health
Some cases and sayings proving the world is coming to FOSS due to #covid19.
alternativeto.net alternativeto.net
<3 15
Duplicity Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup using the rsync algorithm.
Free•Open SourceMacLinux
alternativeto.net alternativeto.net
Rsnapshot rsnapshot is a rsync based backup utillity
- Oct 2021
gen.medium.com gen.medium.com
Do you despair because you’ve been writing free/open source software for decades but all your friends are still locked in walled gardens? Maybe you need to switch to volunteering at the local library or maker space to teach people how to use free software (from code to norms); or maybe you need to help a refurbisher outfit laptops with Ubuntu or another free OS (from code to markets); or maybe you need to talk to your town council, school board, or other local authority about changing their procurement rules so favor free/open code (from code to law).
Nice real-world example on how to escape fatalism on [[FOSS]].
- Sep 2021
A potentially interesting task management plugin for obsidian. I'm a little worried about long-term support. I'm going to wait and see what happens.
forum.obsidian.md forum.obsidian.md
I use https://hypothes.is/ 55 to annotate web sites and web based pdf’s. I want to easily import them into Obsidian. This script uses the Templater template.
This is another good possibility to hide most of the machinery of connecting hypothesis to obsidian. I like that it takes advantage of relatively robust existing bits of obsidian.
github.com github.com
Export/takeout for your personal Hypothes.is data: annotations and profile information.
Python batch-file approach for exporting from hypothesis.
github.com github.com
exporting hypothesis annotations to obsidian (markdown files)
CLI-based method for batch exporting hypothesis annotations in markdown suitable for adding to Obsidian. I'm not sure I like it; the idea of batch-filing the process irks me. I would prefer for it to all happen in the background.
github.com github.com
This is a plugin for Obsidian (https://obsidian.md). It allows you to open and annotate PDF and EPUB files. The plugin is based on https://web.hypothes.is/, but modified to store the annotations in a local markdown file instead of on the internet.
This has possibilities because it backgrounds a lot of the heavy lifting by saving the annotation to a local markdown file.
- Jun 2021
www.zdnet.com www.zdnet.com
Enter the AudioPiLe: The Hardware
Is this the Sonos-killer box?
- May 2021
forum.cloudron.io forum.cloudron.io
Project management alternatives
citnet.tech.ec.europa.eu citnet.tech.ec.europa.eu
On 10 May 2021, new projects created on CITnet will provide 'read access' by default to authenticated CITnet users. (There are no changes to commit or 'write access'.)The new default shows the support of commission management for open source."Read access will help Commission software developers discover, reuse and contribute to software tools and components created by other teams, across Directorates-General and Agencies. An increase in cooperation, standardisations and interoperability are obvious benefits," Thomas Gageik, director for Digital Business Solutions (DIGIT B), wrote to the information resource managers at the Commission and Executive Agencies, in an ARES note sent on 15 April. The day before, Mr Gageik had already announced the new default at the digital stakeholder forum (DSF).
Change of policy, open-by-default for all CITnet users.
- Mar 2021
adainitiative.org adainitiative.org
Conference anti-harassment Inspired by multiple reports of groping, sexual assault, and pornography at open tech/culture conferences, the Ada Initiative co-founders helped write and promote an example conference anti-harassment policy for modification and reuse by conference organizers. Since the publication of the example anti-harassment policy in late 2010, hundreds of conferences have adopted an anti-harassment policy and several organizations have adopted a policy for all their events.
- Aug 2020
GitLab is moving all development for both GitLab Community Edition and Enterprise Edition into a single codebase. The current gitlab-ce repository will become a read-only mirror, without any proprietary code. All development is moved to the current gitlab-ee repository, which we will rename to just gitlab in the coming weeks. As part of this migration, issues will be moved to the current gitlab-ee project.
How does the licensing work in this new setup? Everything in the ee/ directory is proprietary. Everything else is free and open source software. If your merge request does not change anything in the ee/ directory, the process of contributing changes is the same as when using the gitlab-ce repository.
- Oct 2019
foss2serve.org foss2serve.org
- Jun 2018
binarioetico.it binarioetico.it
Azienda allo stato dell'arte per soluzioni IT in ambienti OpenSource.
- Aug 2017
Librem 5, the phone that focuses on security by design and privacy protection by default. Running Free/Libre and Open Source software and a GNU+Linux Operating System designed to create an open development utopia, rather than the walled gardens from all other phone providers.
This is relevant to anyone uncomfortable with the degree of control multinational corporations have over their digital identity, which is increasingly becoming peoples' main identity.
- May 2015
webodf.org webodf.orgWebODF1
WebODF is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to add Open Document Format (ODF) support to your website and to your mobile or desktop application. It uses HTML and CSS to display ODF documents.
- Nov 2014
sailfishos.org sailfishos.org
i should try this.