57 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
  2. Apr 2024
  3. Mar 2024
    1. Empower doesn't allow you to import legacy data from other sources (like Mint) or input manual transactions such as cash. The latter isn't important to me, but the former certainly is. I have 16 years of transaction data in Mint that I want to preserve.
  4. Dec 2023
  5. Nov 2023
    1. Heptabase is only able to offer both ease of creation and administratin on the same note because it breaks with both Zettlr and Obsidian in having the version of the markdown note safe for a human (as opposed to a computer) to edit be an export only format. But that of course breaks with a fundamental paradigm in Obsidian that your notes are always just a bunch of markdown files importable and exportable to anything. In Heptabase they aren't. Heptabase simplifies the workflow by making the data structure of notes too exacting for a human.

      Sounds like the Heptabase markdown export content isn't easily readable and editable? Would be a huge concern for Heptabase-and-Obsidian interoperability, or Heptabase with any other markdown-compatible tools.

    2. when you export from Heptabase the export filename is the current card name, while in the actual production local directory Heptabase uses the card/filename is the guid. The card "Synology pricing" can be renamed "Synology 2022/3 systems retail pricing" if I discover I do want to also look at the used market, and on my "Which NAS to buy card" updates the name in the text automatically. That doesn't happen in Obsidian.
  6. Sep 2023
  7. Aug 2023
  8. Jul 2023
  9. Dec 2022
    1. In advance of deleting my Twitter account, I made this web page that lets you search my tweets, link to an archived version, and read whole threads I wrote.https://tinysubversions.com/twitter-archive/I will eventually release this as a website I host where you drop your Twitter zip archive in and it spits out the 100% static site you see here. Then you can just upload it somewhere and you have an archive that is also easy to style how you like it.


  10. Nov 2022
    1. I also think being able to self-host and export parts of your data to share with others would be great.

      This might be achievable through Holochain application framework. One promising project built on Holochain is Neighbourhoods. Their "Social-Sensemaker Architecture" across "neighbourhoods" is intriguing

  11. Sep 2022
    1. no

      Saying that Microsoft Word doesn't have export seems disingenuous as the program defaults to file ownership from the start.

    2. Google Forms and Sheets allow users toannotate using customizable tools. Google Forms offers a graphicorganizer that can prompt student-determined categorical input andthen feeds the information into a Sheets database. Sheetsdatabases are taggable, shareable, and exportable to other software,such as Overleaf (London, UK) for writing and Python for coding.The result is a flexible, dynamic knowledge base with many learningapplications for individual and group work

      Who is using these forms in practice? I'd love to see some examples.

      This sort of set up could be used with some outlining functionality to streamline the content creation end of common note taking practices.

      Is anyone using a spreadsheet program (Excel, Google Sheets) as the basis for their zettelkasten?

      Link to examples of zettelkasten as database (Webb, Seignobos suggestions)

      syndication link

  12. Aug 2022
    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2021, November 26). vaccine equity has been a disaster, but I do wonder whether the exclusive focus on donations does the US/EU comparison justice. The EU allowed the export of huge numbers of EU produced doses at a time when the US did not (and EU itself was struggling to meet demand). [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1464255575416520749

  13. Jul 2022
    1. I wonder if Scott P. Scheper has done any videos on his writing/composing process for getting material out of his card file for creating his book for which I've seen portions of a few chapters floating around. I've loosely followed his YouTube channel and his r/antinet community on Reddit, but I haven't seen this portion of his process in any detail.

      This (export) part also seems like one of the more intense, manual, and heaving lifting pieces of the process. I've yet to see any digital tools which automate or make this portion of the work easier.

      Perhaps a graph view of connected nodes with titles in which one can highlight nodes as a selection method and then export them in some process to a space where they might be potentially reordered or shuffled into a linear order for further editing and ultimately publishing, might be useful? Even saying this takes forever much less doing it easily with an inspiring user interface..

      Link to: https://hyp.is/9PV1jP5OEeyPumNKyckR1A/danallosso.substack.com/p/zettelkasten-on-paper

      Syndication links: - https://danallosso.substack.com/p/zettelkasten-on-paper/comment/7610486

  14. May 2022
    1. Facebook provides some data portability, but makes an odd plea for regulation to make more functionality possible.

      Why do this when they could choose to do the right thing? They don't need to be forced and could certainly try to enforce security. It wouldn't be any worse than unveiling the tons of personal data they've managed not to protect in the past.

    1. The European Commission has prepared to legislate to require interoperability, and it calls being able to use your data wherever and whenever you like “multi-homing”. (Not many other people like this term, but it describes something important – the ability for people to move easily between platforms

      an interesting neologism to describe something that many want

  15. Apr 2022
  16. Mar 2022
  17. Feb 2022
  18. gingkowriter.com gingkowriter.com
    1. https://gingkowriter.com/

      This looks like an interesting tool for moving from notes to an outline to a written document. Could be interesting for dovetailing with a zettelkasten.

      How to move data from something like Obsidian to Ginko Writer though?

  19. Sep 2021
  20. May 2021
    1. Google Authenticator

      I've heard that Google Authenticator now allows data to be exported, but I'm not sure about how easy it is.

      The Verge posted this about the matter in late 2020.

  21. Apr 2021
  22. Mar 2021
    1. Gita Gopinath. (2021, March 26). Here is a snapshot of the largest producers of vaccines. Much more supply is in the pipeline but all countries will need to share. It is essential to vaccinate the most vulnerable in the world now for the benefit of everyone. The pandemic is not over until it is over everywhere https://t.co/udBMkw6Pnl [Tweet]. @GitaGopinath. https://twitter.com/GitaGopinath/status/1375557532224225282

  23. Dec 2020
  24. Nov 2020
    1. Controlled tagging for groups

      Hi Jon, I would need for our group both the ability of controlled tagging and the exporting feature - the latter would be a replacement of the (nonexisting?) feature of archiving a note instead of deleting. Thanks a lot in advance!

    1. The rule is written @forward "<url>". It loads the module at the given URL just like @use, but it makes the public members of the loaded module available to users of your module as though they were defined directly in your module. Those members aren’t available in your module, though—if you want that, you’ll need to write a @use rule as well.

      Just like how you have to also import (@use) a JS module if you want to use it locally, even if you export (@forward) it.

  25. Oct 2020
    1. Maybe of interest for some readers here: With your plugin, it's also straightforward to import the "tweets.csv" file from the official Twitter archive, which contains all the tweets (and a lot of metadata) from one's personal account. Still don't know what to do with this in TiddlyWiki, but there is certainly potential...
  26. Aug 2020
  27. May 2020
    1. Now personal data exports include users session information and users location data from the community events widget. Plus, a table of contents!See progress as you process export and erasure requests through the privacy tools.
  28. Apr 2020
    1. One mistake that we made when creating the import/export experience for Blogger was relying on one HTTP transaction for an import or an export. HTTP connections become fragile when the size of the data that you're transferring becomes large. Any interruption in that connection voids the action and can lead to incomplete exports or missing data upon import. These are extremely frustrating scenarios for users and, unfortunately, much more prevalent for power users with lots of blog data.
  29. Oct 2018
  30. Sep 2018
    1. module.exports属性表示当前模块对外输出的接口,其他文件加载该模块,实际上就是读取module.exports变量。


      1. require 获得的是 module.export 对象;
      2. export === modue.export 指向同一块内存;export 是一个快捷方式,覆盖就没有意义;
      3. module.export 可以覆盖,这取决与需要暴露什么对象或方法;覆盖后 export 无效,因为 第 1 条;
  31. Mar 2018
  32. Jan 2018
  33. Nov 2014
    1. the possibility of exporting comments from an on-line Hypothes.is application to a desktop application (which could be an extension of the pdf viewer) and back, might be a crucial point for the further development of hypothes.is.