60 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. For Sacks, wrestling with the meaning of experience — his own, his patients’ — continued until the very end. One folder, with the jaunty title “Some Deaths I’ve Liked,” contains the wry and humorous last words of scientists and others, starting with his brother Michael, whose lifelong struggle with schizophrenia greatly affected Sacks. In his telling, Michael sat up abruptly in his hospital gurney and announced, “I’m going outside to smoke a cigarette,” before immediately falling dead.
  2. Aug 2024
    1. 144. See Chris Aldrich’s writings for a comprehensive history of zettelkasten use over the yearsand around the world. https://boosocko.com/

      I love the fact that my personal website is physically the last word in the book and therefore "gets the last word."



  3. May 2024
    1. In den Ländern, die sich in Paris 2015 einer Initiative gegen das Verbrennen von nicht genutztem Erdgas (flaring) angeschlossen hatten, wird das Verbrennen mit offener Flamme oft nur durch Verbrennung in geschlossenen Anlagen ersetzt, wie eine investigative journalistische Recherche ergab. Die Menge der Emissionen sinkt dadurch nicht wesentlich, aber diese Anlagen sind für Satelliten nicht äußerlich erkennbar. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/may/02/methane-emissions-gas-flaring-hidden-satellite-monitors-oil-gas

      Ressourcen für die Recherche zu Methan-Emissionen: https://gijn.org/resource/new-tools-investigate-methane-emissions/

  4. Feb 2024
  5. Jan 2024
  6. Dec 2023
    1. we are certainly special I mean 00:02:57 no other animal rich the moon or know how to build atom bombs so we are definitely quite different from chimpanzees and elephants and and all the rest of the animals but we are still 00:03:09 animals you know many of our most basic emotions much of our society is still run on Stone Age code
      • for: stone age code, similar to - Ronald Wright - computer metaphor, evolutionary psychology - examples, evolutionary paradox of modernity, evolution - last mile link, major evolutionary transition - full spectrum in modern humans, example - MET - full spectrum embedded in modern humans

      • comment

      • insights

        • evolutionary paradox of modernity
          • modern humans , like all the living species we share the world with, are the last mile link of the evolution of life we've made it to the present, so all species of the present are, in an evolutionary sense, winners of their respective evolutionary game
          • this means that all our present behaviors contain the full spectrum of the evolutionary history of 4 billion years of life
          • the modern human embodies all major evolutionary transitions of the past
          • so our behavior, at all levels of our being is a complex and heterogenous mixture of evolutionary adaptations from different time periods of the 4 billion years that life has taken to evolve.
          • Some behaviors may have originated billions of years ago, and others hundred thousand years ago.
      • Examples: humans embody full spectrum of METs in our evolutionary past

        • fight and flight response
          • early hominids on African Savannah hundreds of thousands to millions of years ago when hominids were predated upon by wild predators
        • cancer
          • normative intercell communication breaks down and reverts to individual cell behavior from billions of years ago
            • see Michael Levin's research on how to make metastatic cancer cells return to normative collective, cooperative behavior
        • children afraid to sleep in the dark
          • evolutionary adaptation against dangerous animals that might have hid in the dark - dangerous insiects, snakes, etc, which in the past may have resulted in human fatalities
        • obesity
          • hunter gatherer hominid attraction to rich sources of fruit. Eating as much of it as we can and maybe harvesting as much as we can and carrying that with us.
            • like squirrels storing away for the winter.
  7. Oct 2023
    1. What is it with index cards ? .t3_17ck5la._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; } So I posted a while ago about my journey into the zettlekasten and I have to admit I still enjoy using this system for notes.I must say, I am an avid note taker for a long time. I write ideas, notes from books, novels, poems and so much more. I mainly used to use notebooks, struggle a while with note taking apps and now I mainly use two kind of things : index cards (A6) and an e-ink tablet (the supernote) for different purpose of course, the index cards for the zettelkasten and the e-ink tablet for organization and my work. To be honest I used to consider myself more a notebooks kind of person than an index cards one (and I am from France we don't use index cards but "fiche bristol" which are bigger than A6 notecards, closer to an A5 format)Still, there is something about index cards, I cannot tell what it is, but it feels something else to write on this, like my mind is at ease and I could write about ideas, life and so many stuff covering dozens of cards. I realize that after not touching my zettelkasten for a few week (lack of time) and coming back to it. It feels so much easier to write on notecards than on notebooks (or any other place) and I can't explain it.Anyone feeling the same thing ?

      reply to u/Sensitive-Binding at https://www.reddit.com/r/antinet/comments/17ck5la/what_is_it_with_index_cards/

      Some of it may involve the difference in available space versus other forms of writing on larger pages of paper. Similarly, many find that there is less pressure to write something short on Twitter or similar social media platforms because there is less space in the user interface that your mind feels the need to fill up. One can become paralyzed by looking at the larger open space on a platform like WordPress with the need to feel like they should write more.

      With index cards you fill one up easily enough, and if there's more, you just grab another card and repeat.

      cross reference with Fermat's Last Theorem being easier to suggest in a margin than actually writing it out in full.

  8. Jul 2023
  9. Jun 2023
    1. Wow, I didn't know there was a song with "Idyll" in the Last Samurai. (this is big coindence, because I am writing an essay on Tennyson's Idylls of the King)

    1. Jesus celebrated the Passover meal with his beloved twelve apostles at the end of his three-year ministry. At this Last Supper, he initiated the ordinance of the sacrament. All three of the synoptic Gospels bear record of this event, which occurred on the evening of the first day of unleavened bread.

      1) is this the first instance in history when Jesus administered the sacrament to the Twelve?

      2) if so, why did He choose to do so only towards the end of his earthly life?

      3) it's fascinating to ruminate how the passover and the sacrament coincided on this particular occasion. typically, we do not associate the sacrament with meals (of course this is not to reduce the whole event of passover to simply gathering and eating)

    2. And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.

      it's interesting that the accounts of matthew and mark do not include the specific mention of the remembrance aspect in relation to the ordinance they describe. luke and mark are both not part of the original 12 apostles, but the remembrance part of this ordinance is such a crucial detail.

    3. The Book of Mormon clarifies the real purpose and significance of partaking of the bread and wine. Although among the Nephites Jesus first gave the sacrament to the Twelve and then to the multitude, the only instructions he gave concerning the ordinance were regarding the multitude: “And when the multitude had eaten and were filled, he said unto the disciples: Behold there shall one be ordained among you, and to him will I give power that he shall break bread and bless it and give it unto the people of my church, unto all those who shall believe and be baptized in my name. And this shall ye always observe to do, even as I have done, even as I have broken bread and blessed it and given it unto you. And this shall ye do in remembrance of my body, which I have shown unto you. And it shall be a testimony unto the Father that ye do always remember me. And if ye do always remember me ye shall have my Spirit to be with you” (3 Ne. 18:5–7).

      i feel that the essence of the sacrament ordinance lies in its profound reminder to center our attention on jesus christ and his atonement, along with the multitude of good things associated with it.

      considering that only luke included the explicit mention of the remembrance aspect during the last supper, i wonder if our understanding of this element derives solely from that fragmentary piece of information absent in other accounts. does this imply that the apostles failed to grasp the significance of what they had just done which would actually evolve into an ordained ritual?

  10. May 2023
  11. Mar 2023
  12. Jan 2023
    1. if sustainability requires a sustainable democracy, then cities may be the places where democracy is most sustainable. Democratic states are seriously compromised and increasingly dysfunctional in addressing climate change. Democratic cities still hold the promise of real change. They kindle optimism in citizens who are pessimistic about political parties and national politics. In sustaining the planet, the world’s cities may be its last best hope.

      !- claim : coordinated action among cities and their citizens may be our best last hope for effective climate and other action at global scale

  13. Dec 2022
    1. Funders could use the ecosystem map to identify specific challenges. Technology companies coulduse it to decide which standards to integrate into their products (on both issuing and verificationsides). The map could also describe the progressive rollout of new types of credentials andcredential-linked services

      The WHY of a credentials ecosystem map

    2. Develop Credential Quality Guidelines and Processes

      Noteworthy that the recommendations for quality prioritize 1) The granularity of documenting learning outcomes; and 2) that credentials use standards that can be independently verified and validated.

    3. credentials need to be enhanced with additional data aboutindividual courses/modules a person has studied, together with the learning outcomes(skills/knowledge) obtained in each of those modules and other documentation of ability.Credentials should also be used to connect to evidence of achievement such as architecturalportfolios or coding projects. Wherever possible, credentials should refer to occupational standardsor sectoral competence frameworks to increase the ability to interpret them in a specific context

      Transparency is an equity issue. Adding common language and richer data on skills and competencies to credentials means: * More data about courses/module * Learning outcomes from those modules * Connect to evidence of achievement * Refer to occupational standards/competency frameworks

    4. Multiple initiatives have tried to make various kinds of social recommendations by issuingcredentials. However, up to this point they have worked better in closed social networks rather thanas open credentials due to the ability of social networks to tie a recommendation with the profile(and identity) of the recommender. There are also several nascent initiatives to create open linkeddata around which skills, credentials and issuers are valued by employers.

      Clearly, the LinkedIn recommendations use case is an example of one of these initiatives. It has not succeeded in creating strong social signals anchored in trust models. We are wise to consider what's missing from efforts like this. An even greater concern however, and one that I believe is an essential if we are to realize the transformative potential of digital credentials, is how to design social signals built on trust models that help all people. In a world long-governed by "it's not what you know, it's who you know," the social signals and trust models are overweighted in favor of people with connections to other people, organizations and brands that are all to some degree legacies of exclusionary and inequitable systems. We are likely to build new systems that perpetuate the same problems if we do not intentionally design them to function otherwise. For people (especially those from historically underserved populations) worthy of the recommendations but lacking in social connections, how do they access social recommendations built on trust models?

  14. Nov 2022
    1. publishedassessment procedures,

      Transparency about the assessment procedure for determining if an learner has earned a credential adds trust to the credential.

    2. Alternative issuers tend to offer shorter, targeted learning experiences, which are specificallydesigned to address skill gaps. This by default makes their credentials more granular than thoseissued by traditional academic institutions. That said, research shows that a large percentage ofalternative credentials are designed with the same limitations as traditional ones—they containonly short descriptions of the title of a learning program, with little additional metadata or evidenceof the learning achievement provided

      Fascinating: alternative issuers have a built-in advantage yet take the path of emulating traditional issuers' processes. This gifts time to traditional issuers to adapt and erase that advantage by including more granular metadata. Will they?

    3. many applicants for aposition will not have direct experience of the work in their target profession. Nor will they havegained a title that is explicitly targeted toward that new position. To be able to assess these kinds ofapplicants, employers want insight into which specific skills and experiences of a presenter may betransferable to new contexts. This includes skills a candidate may have gained outside of formaleducation, for example through professional development programs, on-the-job training,volunteering experience or experiences in their other professions

      A big part of the WHY that too many issuers do not address. Authoring metadata with the consumer in mind will give our Earners a competitive advantage.

    1. it became clear that Fermat's Last Theorem could be proven as a corollary of a limited form of the modularity theorem (unproven at the time and then known as the "Taniyama–Shimura–Weil conjecture"). The modularity theorem involved elliptic curves, which was also Wiles's own specialist area.[15][16]

      Elliptical curves are also use in Ed25519 which are purportedly more robust to side channel attacks. Could there been some useful insight from Wiles and the modularity theorem?

  15. May 2022
  16. Jan 2022
  17. Sep 2021
    1. The world opened up, and it was with great joy that I responded, "I know the thing what you speak exact now.Talk me more, plus, please, plus."

      i think he realizes that to speak a language doesnt only mean you have to know basic words. you have to undersatnd the flow of it the reasoning behind it. just becasue it sounds insulting doesnt mean that it is.

    2. You exhaust me with your foolishness and reward my efforts with nothing but pain, do you understand me?"

      does she mean im sick of you not understanding what i mean but understand what i say ?

    3. he teacher proceeded to belittle everyone from German Eva, who hated laziness, to Japanese Yukari, who lovedpaintbrushes and soap. Italian, Thai, Dutch, Korean, Chinese--we all left class foolishly believing that the worstwas over. We didn't know it then, but the coming months would teach us what it is like to spend time in thepresence of a wild animal. We soon learned to dodge chalk and to cover our heads and stomachs whenever sheapproached us with a question. She hadn't yet punched anyone, but it seemed wise to prepare ourselves againstthe inevitable.

      he is transitioning from what he is going through to what he went through through the class. teacher seems pretty mean towards the students and a little bit aggressive

    4. While the optimist struggled to defend herself, I scrambled to think of an answer to what had obviously becomea trick question. How often are you asked what you love in this world? More important, how often are you askedand then publicly ridiculed for your answer? I recalled my mother, ushed with wine, pounding the table lateone night, saying, "Love? I love a good steak cooked rare. I love my cat, and I love . . ." My sisters and I leanedforward, waiting to hear our names. "Tums," our mother said. "I love Tums.

      he realized at this moment he was screwed becasue of the teachers attitude towards everyone. he was reminded of his childhood and how he felt towards his mother.

  18. Mar 2021
    1. Sëriñ boobu aj na daaw, doomam a ko wuutu léegi.

      Ce marabout est décédé l'an dernier, c'est son fils qui le remplace maintenant.

      sëriñ bi -- marabout.

      boobu -- this.

      aj (Arabic: Hajj) v. -- make the pilgrimage to Mecca. 🕋; deceased ☠️ (for a religious personality).

      na -- he (?).

      daaw n. -- last year. 🗓

      doom+am (doom) ji -- child by descent 👶🏽; doll🪆; to have a child.

  19. Feb 2021
  20. Oct 2020
  21. Sep 2020
    1. “The Last Rose of Summer”

      I looked up a recording of “The Last Rose of Summer”, and the rose in the lyrics/story of the song seem to fit Rosanna (who obviously has “rose” in her name)...the story is about the last rose of summer that has survived all the other roses that have died and faded. Ultimately though, the narrator decides to kill it because it seems so sad that the rose is the last one, saying in the last stanza that they would choose a quick death than to be like the friendless, lonely rose. Could this be parallel to Rosanna being the rose and somehow the narrator being Betteredge/Lady Verinder breaking her off into being with people she doesn’t fit in with as some twisted Christian act in the name of helping the poor?

  22. Aug 2020
  23. Jan 2020
  24. Jun 2019
  25. mitpressonpubpub.mitpress.mit.edu mitpressonpubpub.mitpress.mit.edu
    1. Or do you recall jotting down formulae for molecules and compounds in the margins of your chemistry textbook?

      I can't help but think of one of the biggest and longest standing puzzles in mathematics in Fermat's Last Theorem. He famously wrote in the margin of a book that he had a proof. but that it was too large to fit in the margin.


  26. Nov 2018
    1. Duffy points to the increase in health care interactions online and adds that he would like to see a pervasive culture of in-person care as last resort. “If every organizational decision, technology decision, process decision — assuming all the payment stuff, that’s kind of ticket of entry, transpires — if you view in-person as last resort, that will help pull systems across the country to a more consumer-forward Uber-like experience,” he says

      Biggest challenges to redesigning the health care system in a way that would work better for patients and improve health

  27. Jul 2017
    1. How Often Can You Take Dayquil

      Vicks Dayquil is a common medication to treat cold and flu symptoms in home remedies. How long does it takes and severe dosage of dayquil is works better.

      dayquil severe dosage