830 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2023
    1. Er wordt onderzoek gedaan naar mensen die potentieel fraude plegen met studiefinanciering nadat het wordt teruggebracht in 2023 (vooral buitenlanders)

    1. The Holy Grail" is symbolic of the Round Table being broken apart, a key reason for the doom of Camelot.

      The holy grail caused the members of the round table to leave in search for it. The theme to of giving into your passions (see Excalibur) seems to recur.

    2. “The old order changeth, yielding place to new.” This phrase is repeated by Arthur throughout the work. Tennyson's use of the phrase in both the first and last Idyll, and throughout the work, is indicative of the change in Britain's, and Arthur's, fortunes. At this point, the phrase indicates the passing of Rome and the Heathens; In The Passing of Arthur, it indicates the downfall of Arthur's kingdom.

      This seems to represent the cycle of life, that the old will make place for the new, and will be forgotten or remembered. The new comes, trying to make inroads, and tries to be remembered? (work on this further...)

    1. Conrad Gessner was born on 26 March 1516, in Zürich, Switzerland, the son of Ursus Gessner, a poor Zürich furrier.

      16th century (Gessner)

    1. Noam Chomsky’s backpocket classic on wartime propaganda and opinion control

      Media control is actually a definition/term (that has been coined by Noam Chomsky)

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQXMl4GycD0

      • (intro & title) Studying is not the same as learning
      • Higher order learning is interweaving information (interconnecting, building knowledge in networks and graphs) [a zettelkasten and a commonplace book stimulate higher order learning]
    1. A zettelkasten involves a lot of layers in Bloom's taxonomy (see third annotation with context)

    2. In the 1956 original version of the taxonomy, the cognitive domain is broken into the six levels of objectives listed below.[10] In the 2001 revised edition of Bloom's taxonomy, the levels have slightly different names and their order was revised: Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, and Create (rather than Synthesize)
      • The model changed over time (I will focus on model of 1956)
      • The model exists of:
      • Knowing (without understanding)
      • Comprehension (understanding the thing to some degree)
      • Application (applying the knowledge)
      • Analysis (breaking up info, connecting them, contrasting them, relations etc.) [A zettelkasten lends it self for analysis within Bloom's taxonomy]
      • Synthesis (similar to analysis: but you bring things together, to form a whole) [A structure note and similar notes allow for synthesis within a zettelkasten]
      • Evaluation (judging information, which idea is better, what/how to defend info, how valid they are etc.)
    3. The models were named after Benjamin Bloom, who chaired the committee of educators that devised the taxonomy. He also edited the first volume of the standard text, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals

      Benjamin Bloom was the originator (and the taxonomy was named after him)

    4. Bloom's taxonomy is a set of three hierarchical models used for classification of educational learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity. The three lists cover the learning objectives in cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. The cognitive domain list has been the primary focus of most traditional education and is frequently used to structure curriculum learning objectives, assessments and activities.

      Bloom's taxonomy is actually a list of three (the cognitive one being the most dominant: me thinking this was the only "taxonomy")

    1. Okay. I saw two comments here about thawing with water and both were slightly wrong. Hi. I’m a professional and here’s how this works: take the fish and put in a bag (like a ziploc) but NOT the bag it’s vacuum sealed in the freezer. Put in a bowl and run COLD water over it in a stream. (This doesn’t have to be full blast, just over a trickle will do) Do not use hot water. Do not just chuck it in a bowl of cold water.You can mostly leave it alone but if you turn it over so the water is running over both sides it’ll thaw a little quicker. For fish, it can be as little as 5-10 minutes depending on thickness.Additionally: you CAN use the microwave to defrost things/meats as long as you are going to immediately use them in whatever cooking you’re going to do. It’s not ideal for fish but it is possible.Happy cooking!
      • Thaw fish with a seal over it, in slightly running water
      • reduce perceived exertion (change positions) & reduce perceived effort (change places)
      • main environment for (1) sitting (2) standing (3) walking
      • standing set-up: motion board (& budget standing desk with books etc.)
      • changing walking set-ups
      • change working environments that are different from each other (for novelty)
      • (1) three main environments to change positions (dip in energy/work is getting hard) (2) three additional environments to change places (when fatigue kicks in)
      • take breaks that are "boring" (do nothing, stare at wall, break activities: stretching, breathing, meditating)
    1. (4 pillars of flow) 1. flow blockers 2. flow proneness 3. flow triggers 4. flow cycle

    1. 13:00 talks on finding a (1) zone of fascination, (2) go into a congregation (a community, a discours), and (3) master the thing (and fulfil the hero's journey), and (4) add these to the congregation - Scott relates this to the hero's journey

      • release from flow, go into recovery, don't snap
      • less hours forces the person the be more effective, you also get obligations done within 3/4 hour block, and afterward, you can process and think about deeper things, be spontaneous, still do work, but it is not a obligation (work as leisure, as well?)
      • waking up in 90 sec doing most important work bec mornings your "flow proneness" is high
      • recovery is important, as well (morning routines should help with flow proneness and recovery, but bec you are flow prone in the morning, do the work, and do recovery in other parts)
      • plan most important task (thing you will do after waking) the night before
    1. Conditioning can be done in conjunction with strength work. Use low recovery periods with multiple sets.

    1. Apollonian and Dionysian juxtapositions appear in the interplay of tragedy: the tragic hero of the drama, the main protagonist, struggles to make (Apollonian) order of his unjust and chaotic (Dionysian) fate, though he dies unfulfilled.

      The hero in a story, like Arthur, dies unfulfilled, knowing that he never reached unity.

    2. Apollo represents harmony, progress, clarity, logic and the principle of individuation, whereas Dionysus represents disorder, intoxication, emotion, ecstasy and unity (hence the omission of the principle of individuation). Nietzsche used these two forces because, for him, the world of mind and order on one side, and passion and chaos on the other, formed principles that were fundamental to the Greek culture:[3][4] the Apollonian a dreaming state, full of illusions; and Dionysian a state of intoxication, representing the liberations of instinct and dissolution of boundaries. In this mould, a man appears as the satyr

      Apollo as representing order, clarity, a dream-state of life, an illusion.

      Dionysus, on the other hand, represent chaos, and the dissolution of this dream.

    1. 12:00 Allen talks about the science of flow, but doesn't coin the term explicitly, he only refers to it as being in the zone. This makes sense: gtd makes you know your commitments, and helps you to focus on one thing at a time, undistracted, which gets you into flow.

    1. Set a domino habit (the central point of your day): a habit that makes everything else better for the rest of the day.

      Then, make temporal landmarks (and set alarms as reminders, hinges) which function as beacon to transition throughout the day, to make sure you can hit your domino habit.