- Dec 2023
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華語的「給」兩種意思: 1 臺語的「予」(讓), 2 臺語的「共」(把)
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
北京話 >> 普通話, 臺語 >> 國語
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
漢字很麻煩。多麻煩?從食物就可以看得出來。台灣有一道宴客名菜叫「雞卷」(ㄐ一 ㄐㄩㄢˇ),步驟繁瑣,是可以擺上過年和婚宴桌上的手路菜。
The evolution is like the Telephone game, also known as "Chinese whispers" 電話遊戲,又稱中國話耳語
tw.news.yahoo.com tw.news.yahoo.com
EMI (English as the medium of Instruction) 全英語教育
Accurate transcription of the source language (SL) is still a bottleneck. 源語語音辨識仍是瓶頸
ckarchive.com ckarchive.com
瓦基的相反立場 opposite stance to Waji's.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Unreliable import from Evernote .t3_q9bw68._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #edeeef; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #6f7071; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #6f7071; } QuestionTrying to migrate to Notion from Evernote, I've tried automatic import from "My connected apps", but with that I was missing some notes. After some unsuccessful tries and investigation, I've found out that the import only processes 400 notes at a time, and I've had 756 notes in my Evernote. "Okay", thought I, "I'll just delete all the notes that's been imported already and re-import again". So I've manually went through all my notes (!) in Evernote and removed the ones that's been exported to Notion, tried import again, only to find out that the limit was shortened to 40.As much as I love Notion, its team does not make it easy to migrate to it. Does anyone have a recipe for reliable Evernote import?Update: after moving those 40 notes to trash in Evernote and restarting the import, it is now just stuck at "Importing 1 notebook from Evernote". I mean, as google shows, this problem is at least few years old, perhaps it is worth fixing now?
Exactly my experience: no transparency as to how many notes were imported into Notion. I had 35K and the results were at most the most updated couple of hundreds. Successive attempts of reimporting did not help.
fortelabs.com fortelabs.com
Test-Driving a New Generation of Second Brain Apps: Obsidian, Tana, and Mem
I'm a bit surprised at the conclusion: Evernote still the best and can't be supplanted easily. Seriously?
But there are some naked truths about Tana and Mem (and Mem X). The Second Brain guy didn't mince words.
I think he is too harsh on Obsidian. You can't have your cake and eat it. If local-first philosophy is of utmost importance to you, you've got to learn where the vaults are stored locally. Duh!
avenue 管道,方法, not "venue"
I'm actually not sure what this means.
- Nov 2023
forum.obsidian.md forum.obsidian.md
Just to understand well Obsidian/Heptabase, if we take the example of Card in Heptabase = Note in Osbidian, and Whiteboard in Heptabase = Canva in Obsidian, what Heptabase do that Obsidian do not? What is your view about that?
My questions too.
Excited to share a sneak peek of my new @obsdmd plugin :) • Browse the web spatially on an infinite canvas 💠 • Visually organize and connect your notes, videos, pdfs and websites 🛸 • Sketch and mind-map over a whiteboard
Heptabase is the most promising note-taking app for me in recent years. The idea of combining bi-directional links, cards, and whiteboards together is mind-blowing. The word note-taking or knowledge base is not accurate to define it, in fact, it’s more like a tool that aims for boosting the process of thinking. Traditional note-taking tools are keen on providing more than enough ways for dumping your thoughts into notes, but lack methodologies on how to retrieve and use notes. The way Heptabase organizes and interacts with the data is what really empowers the user to think and write more efficiently. Back to the video at the beginning, after watching it I noticed a very interesting feature. I can’t stop thinking of it and really wish to have something similar in other note-taking or PMK tools like Obsidian (yeah, I’m an Obsidian fan).
Exactly how I felt after watching the video!
Heptabase’s split writing experience
I was lead here, and quickly I watched the video by Alan (cofounder) at the top -- very worthy! From the video, I learned what "split view/split writing" is, and that is the basis for reading this article.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Heptabase review
A heavy-weight in-depth look at Heptabase, comparing with other PKMs.
Heptabase is not designed to do anything useful with 100, much less 5000, .pdfs thrown in all at once. And that's the first big difference with say Obsidian, it doesn't really try to pretend it is good at large volume collecting, it wants a curated set of Topic Notes as input. Of course it can collect, but that is not the speciality.What Heptabase does focus on is converting Topic Notes into quality Zettles, Contexts, MOCs and Permanent Notes. That is stages (3) and (4).
Great analysis
I'm going to call these "Topic Notes" for the rest of the post.Tiago Forte's decomposition of systemsIf you look at the Gardener style products (Zettlekasten software) they are aimed at deep understanding and analysis of a topic.
Embedded picture in quoted stuff. Check how it seems in Hypothesis.
I’m in the early days yet in Obsidian but was really taken with the workflow that Heptabase affords for research and synthesis of new information. Nothing else I’ve seen is as clean in terms of the workflow to extract bits of information to manipulate and digest on a whiteboard. Very strongly inclined to include it to be my research and learning ground, while Obsidian serves as my polished topic notes repository. I’d been looking for a direct comparison of the two and hadn’t yet found anything out there.
Heptabase advantage
Anything temporal.Todo tracking. Hepta has todo lists and a daily journal l, Todos aren't treated any differently than other data. Journal is lacking a lot of journal features.Dependency trackingOngoing activity trackingIn short a project is a MOC / whiteboard... no different than any area of interest with very little in the way to time management.Coordination between multiple people. Heptabase offers a nice sharing system but that's it. It encourages an idiosyncratic non-standard way of working which will be difficult for other people to consume.An authoring system. Most good note taking systems have the problem of creating an idiosyncratic system. Many though have tools for export into public forms (Scrivener for book length documents, Ulysses for articles, Dendron a codebase, Zettlr an academic paper...). Heptabase lacks an export authoring system. It would pair wonderfully with most of the systems that do have this (the Obsidian -> Zettlr above would work equally well with Heptabase).Bulk operations. In particular mass document archival and manipulation. There is no easy way to get a lot of information into Heptabase nor any easy way to manipulate it once it is in there. I discussed this in the review. I should mention many PKMS are not good at this, you see these features a lot more in the KMS space (departmental or enterprise knowledge management).On a related note: handling of sound, photos.... is poor you can attach to a note and that's about it.No graph view. Not really needed but it would be nice. I've thought about importing to Obsidian just for the graph.Creative design. Doesn't matter to me but for the very right brained who like to draw...Total information preserving export. This one does worry me a bit. I'm experiencing the pain of partial but pretty good information preservation in moving notes out of VoodooPad.So what I'm doing is pairing with:Work systems / client specifictodo systemOngoing areas where activities and notes are both required. May or may not be in my todo, still deciding.retention / archival systemarea specific solutions (example music).
Heptabase disadvantages
Heptabase is only able to offer both ease of creation and administratin on the same note because it breaks with both Zettlr and Obsidian in having the version of the markdown note safe for a human (as opposed to a computer) to edit be an export only format. But that of course breaks with a fundamental paradigm in Obsidian that your notes are always just a bunch of markdown files importable and exportable to anything. In Heptabase they aren't. Heptabase simplifies the workflow by making the data structure of notes too exacting for a human.
Sounds like the Heptabase markdown export content isn't easily readable and editable? Would be a huge concern for Heptabase-and-Obsidian interoperability, or Heptabase with any other markdown-compatible tools.
when you export from Heptabase the export filename is the current card name, while in the actual production local directory Heptabase uses the card/filename is the guid. The card "Synology pricing" can be renamed "Synology 2022/3 systems retail pricing" if I discover I do want to also look at the used market, and on my "Which NAS to buy card" updates the name in the text automatically. That doesn't happen in Obsidian.
github.com github.com
使用 Heptabase 管理数字花园
Wow! Heptabase digital garden is possible with this plugin from Jiang (GitHub) 數位花園 網站 部落格 blog website
Try using Heptabase; learn of its pros and cons against Obsidian #todo
Couldn't agree more! Digital Garden vs Blogging: key difference
博客 vs 数字花园 数字花园的理念与我正在使用的卡片笔记法、Heptabase 的设计哲学更加贴近,所以放弃了持续 1 年的博客,改用数字花园的方式维护自己的个人站点,下面会详细介绍一下原因。
I concur!
尝试过 HUGO 和 Notion 等方式、研究了 obsidian publish,也实践用 Notion 维护了一年的博客,但一直没有找到比较理想的方案。
想知道這些其他方案的缺點在哪。我自己用的是免費的Obsidian digital garden來Publish部落格。
It added it was committed to delivering the safest possible service.
官腔 perfunctory bureaucratese/officialese
NHS interpreting service problems contributed to patient deaths
This being BBC, and me being also a medical interpreter, I trust that this is true.
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
剛剛 在 一英英字典裡 看到 這個例句, 我很是納悶.We're dealing wiht decades of bad decisions that are coming back to roost now.一般來說, 若我要翻譯, 看到of我會由後往前翻, 但這裡的 decades of bad decisions 若這樣翻, 會很奇怪. 所以 來請教大家.
這應該是填鴨式教育(rote learning)的遺害吧?看到「of」就自動由後往前翻,分明就是不問理由,只被教導要這樣做、這樣解題,我彷彿可以聽到某某國中英語老師或某補習班名師如此耳提面命:
看到 A of B,意思就是 (屬於)B 的 A B 要先翻出來 不要問爲什麼,老師是教你如何秒殺 OF 介系詞。
This is a doozy of an example of rote learning. 這是最棒的一個填鴨式教育的範例。
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
最近,我教過的學生們,有幾位開始變成中小學老師。這些同學們在我的課堂上到課率很低。我一直都不想去要求學生來上課,因為我自己當年到課率也是超低。所以我很早就用網路教學,一開始是用 YouTube 錄影後上傳,後來變直播,現在則改用 facebook 直播。奇特的是,他們說受我影響很深,教學的方法與理念都從我這裡獲益良多 ....這讓我想起一句話:If you would like to be good at something, teach it !
If you would like to be good at something, teach it.
我的微積分老師是應用數學系的博士生,他完全把數學系那一套拿來教我們,一直在 delta / epsilon 個沒完,所以微積分只有分析沒有應用。
點頭如搗蒜 T_T
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
Yuen-Hsien Tseng「During the pre-training phase, GPT predicts missing words in sentences based on the surrounding context.」預測句子中缺失的單詞來學習上下文的關係,是BERT,不是GPT。
zh.wikipedia.org zh.wikipedia.org
基於變換器的雙向編碼器表示技術(英語:Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers,BERT)是用於自然語言處理(NLP)的預訓練技術,由Google提出。[1][2]2018年,雅各布·德夫林和同事建立並發布了BERT。Google正在利用BERT來更好地理解使用者搜尋語句的語意。[3] 2020年的一項文獻調查得出結論:「在一年多一點的時間裡,BERT已經成為NLP實驗中無處不在的基線」,算上分析和改進模型的研究出版物超過150篇。[4] 最初的英語BERT發布時提供兩種類型的預訓練模型[1]:(1)BERTBASE模型,一個12層,768維,12個自注意頭(self attention head),110M參數的神經網路結構;(2)BERTLARGE模型,一個24層,1024維,16個自注意頭,340M參數的神經網路結構。兩者的訓練語料都是BooksCorpus[5]以及英語維基百科語料,單詞量分別是8億以及25億。
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catch me if I stray
"Evolving from violent language" (picture, see Obsidian)
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《The Tech Contracts Handbook 》(暫譯:科技合約口袋書)
handbook 口袋書
glasp.co glasp.co
楣樑(柱頂楣構) Note: 主要用於古典建築物,是古典柱頭頂部三大主要部份中位置最低的一個,擱在圓柱頂板上,包含以過樑方式橫跨圓柱或角柱的水平橫樑。古典柱頭頂部的另外兩個部份為挑檐和檐壁。環繞門或窗,類似柱頂過樑的鑄模框架,稱為「楣樑飾邊」。環繞拱門外部弧線的裝飾板條,則稱「拱門緣飾」。
example of meta/hypothesis-on-glasp annotation
entablature 楣樑;柱頂楣構
order: 古典建築柱式(style, rule) e.g. Doric order
omnivore.app omnivore.app
城市蔓延(英語:urban sprawl),或稱郊區蔓延(suburban sprawl),俗稱攤大餅,是指郊區城市化過程中,都市人口大幅向外發展,侵佔都市邊緣的鄉郊地區並形成低密度、單功能,且通常依賴小汽車的社區。除了描述特定的城市化過程的模式外,該術語也常常涉及其社會和環境上的後果。歐洲大陸常用「邊緣城市化」(peri-urbanisation)一詞來表示類似的過程,而歐洲環境署仍使用術語「城市蔓延」(urban sprawl)。關於何為蔓延以及如何量化蔓延存在廣泛分歧,例如一些評論員只用每英畝的居住單位數來度量蔓延,但也有人認為蔓延與非中心化(沒有明顯的中心,人口分散)、不連續性(蛙跳式發展,如下定義)和功能分離等有關。
example of meta/hypothesis-on-omnivore annotation
楣樑(柱頂楣構) Note: 主要用於古典建築物,是古典柱頭頂部三大主要部份中位置最低的一個,擱在圓柱頂板上,包含以過樑方式橫跨圓柱或角柱的水平橫樑。古典柱頭頂部的另外兩個部份為挑檐和檐壁。環繞門或窗,類似柱頂過樑的鑄模框架,稱為「楣樑飾邊」。環繞拱門外部弧線的裝飾板條,則稱「拱門緣飾」。
entablature 楣樑;柱頂楣構
order: 古典建築柱式(style, rule) e.g. Doric order
www.thoughtco.com www.thoughtco.com
Ancient builders developed several Orders, or rules, for the design and proportion of buildings, including the columns. Doric is one of the earliest and most simple of the Classical Orders set down in ancient Greece. An Order includes the vertical column and the horizontal entablature.
cf wiki : Doric order
The Doric order was one of the three orders of ancient Greek and later Roman architecture; the other two canonical orders were the Ionic and the Corinthian. The Doric is most easily recognized by the simple circular capitals at the top of columns. Originating in the western Doric region of Greece, it is the earliest and, in its essence, the simplest of the orders, though still with complex details in the entablature above.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
you have to pay for auto caption in davinci resolve so if you're willing to spend the 300 bucks fine if you're not and you want and you need and you absolutely love to do auto caption for free cap cut it is
OK, super important: free version of DaVinci Resolve doesn't offer auto captioning. Confirmed by a second source.
trying to edit a super small video a short actually on DaVinci Resolve and I cannot do anything anything it's like the weirdest thing uh so I guess there is a super uh deep learning curve to start using this software
www.businessreview.global www.businessreview.global
tw: 行李箱 cn: 後備箱 US: trunk UK: boot
NO TRADITION IS sacred—not even trick-or-treating. In recent Halloween festivities, many Americans switched to trunk-or-treating. Instead of going door-to-door on neighbourhood streets, children shuffled between cars in parking lots and collected candy from their open boots, which were bedecked by giant spiders and terrible ghouls. It was the latest demonstration of something that has long been true: cars have a remarkably tight grip on American life. America is far more car-reliant than any other big country, averaging roughly two vehicles per household. This, in turn, is linked to many ills: obesity, pollution, suburban sprawl and so on.沒有什麼傳統是神聖不可改變的,就連“不給糖就搗蛋”也不例外。在最近的萬聖節活動中,許多美國人把它改成了“後備箱討糖”。孩子們不再在街區里挨家挨戶地敲門,而是在停車場的汽車之間穿梭,從裝飾着巨型蜘蛛和可怕鬼怪的敞開的後備箱裡收集糖果。這再次反映了長期以來的一個事實:汽車在美國人的生活中擁有驚人的支配力。美國對汽車的依賴遠遠超過任何其他大國,平均每個家庭大約擁有兩輛車。而這又與許多弊病相關聯:肥胖、污染、郊區無序擴張等。
urban/suburban sprawl 郊區無序擴張 (wiki: 城市/郊區蔓延)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
cap cut their Auto caption uh feature works much much quicker and oftentimes a lot more accurately
Auto Caption: especially if CapCut 剪映 jianying, jian ying (made by ByteDance, think TikTok) also offers Chinese caption, I'm sold!
there is a feature that both cap cut desktop and DaVinci Resolve both have but in my opinion and most importantly in my experience cap cut does this better than DaVinci Resolve
Can't wait to find out
zh.wikipedia.org zh.wikipedia.org
Nice. I recently learned of 可及性 from a court interpreter colleague.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
The best way to use Descript is to edit the waveform with the text as a guide. You really cant edit straight in the text as the results are bad.
Right on! Going with the text only is asking for trouble. The waveform is still irreplaceable; the words are a guide.
I'm a big fan. Here are a few videos that show my workflow:https://youtu.be/N41v30oLM2ohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGAz7q_ralkI figure it's actually saved me a ton of time and $, because my time spent editing has gone way down.
Good argument for it. If one does enough podcasting or vlogging, the $24/month is nothing for all that it can do.
I'm using it currently. I'd say its a mixed bag, but mostly positive. I Um and Err ALOT and wanted a program to help with that. After using it for 6 weeks, I think it works but takes time to utilize properly. The best course of action long term is likely to just learn better speaking habits.Its VERY easy to remove filler words, which is mainly what I use it for. At times it will cut out another word next to the filler word, so you still have to listen to the edit and make sure everything is good. Its not a click once and done type of thing.The transcription itself is pretty good considering I have not provided it with any voice samples. Editing the text and seeing it reflected in the video edit is super cool. It has trouble with words that are unique or proper nouns, but that is to be expected.There is a feature that can recreate your voice - because you need to provide voice samples for that, I have not tried this and therefore cannot speak to how well it works. Again I suspect it would have problems translating proper nouns.Overall, I think it generally does what it advertises well, but people expecting a sliver bullet will be disappointed. My recommendation would be to buy it for a few months first, then sign up for an annual plan if you like it. Its worth a $50 to see if helps you enough to justify the cost.
Good suggestion. I feel it's going to be a mixed bag too. The AI voice overdubbing part is always going to be iffy.
I have a lot to say about Descript after a month. I've edited five episodes so far, spent about fifteen hours with their support team, trained two overdub voices, and watched about twenty hours of tutorials, and picked apart help.descript.com.Descript doesn't learn. So you'll constantly be fixing the same thing regarding edit boundaries, word boundaries, gaps, etc. The transcription glossary is helpful but not perfect.Overdub doesn't learn automatically, but a few steps means you can use your regular podcast content to train it with every track you make. You get what you put into overdub.Their help articles don't actually help with anything beyond step 1 of any process. They have no workflows anywhere and you can't see anyone editing anything live. All the YouTube content I can find is paid referrals.Their YouTube content has no timestamps, and everything covers the wow factor of removing text to edit. Their hour long livestreams are very bland, filled with terrible repeated filler words, and the social media manager does way too much talking while the helpful technician takes a backseat in every one I've watchedTranscriptions are done together in compositions, not on individual tracks, so there can be absolutely no cross talk.In the case of cross talk, or descript simply thinking it knows better than you, it will prevent you making changes. Like full stop it will change what you change, back to what's incorrect. Support knows about this.The automated tools don't work great, and you'll need to make manual passes anyway, so you might as well not use them.The stock overdub voices are usable right now in content you're selling, but they've said they might change this in the future, so using them may risk your content.Gap remover removes anything that isn't in a "word boundary" so laughing is gone.The filler word tools also rely on "word boundaries" which aren't frequently accurate, and require the most editing aside from dead air, I've found. Again, descript doesn't learn as it goes, so these changes will be constant and repeated.Overdub can't handle accents. My British co-host has done the 90 minute script and I've ran a few episodes in to train it, and he's come out very comically American. It's actually changed his voice. We all find this very amusing.If you're running a single person, narrative podcast, I can see huge, huge benefit to Descript. But if you're having a conversation, or more than one person in a room- all their YouTube content is using zoom- you'll have big issues. As in, 90% of descript isn't usable.Transcripts are done on the source track, so Studio sound and mic bleed remover don't help with accuracy.Their discord isnt very helpful- usually advising to file a support ticket. There's a message every few days usually.Livechat support hours are 9-5ish PST. Email responses can take a week or more.There are no best practices listed anywhere 18 they don't have device compatibility listed anywhere. The podtrak p4 can't record multitrack into descript for example.They have some odd ui choices regarding the timeline editor, ctrl+alt+e, and starting and stopping playbackDescript transcribes each track separately, so if your podcast is 30 minutes with three people, that's 90 minutes of transcription time you're being chargedIf you want to see what the program is missing, check out their feature request page. It's got 1500 articles of requests by users.Ultimately, I haven't got a single usable transcript, so I'm paying to slide words around and use studio sound. Which, thankfully is very handy compared to waveforms and making these changes manually in a program like audacity. Do I think it's worth $30 a month for that, forever, though? Great question.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
a noun, not an adjective
forgo a lifetime of job security
forgo, not forego
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
agenda really quickly we'll start out with talking about what social annotation is and what udl is um again
test YT
forum.babyhome.com.tw forum.babyhome.com.tw
這讓我想到英文發音的一個類比實例:很多 wh- 開頭的字,原初的發音,也是我國一開始學英語時老師教的唯一發音,是 /hw-/,帶有/h/音。但我們很快發現,美式英語中,這個/h/經常省略,剩下一個/w/音,what、 when、where 都是如此。
我何時念 /hw-/ 何時念 /w-/ 是說不定的,唯一可以確定的,是我想強調一個字時,必然會念成/hw/,因爲那樣的發音編碼(encode)了更多訊息。
有一次在我固定參加的週末逐步筆譯筆記練習會上,一位較年輕的口譯員同事竟然糾正我的when /hwEn/發音,說這個字的「正確」發音是/wEn/。
support.apple.com support.apple.com
Apple Watch supports a VO2 max range of 14-65 mL/kg/min that is validated for users 20 years or older
validation 驗證爲有效
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Verification, analytical validation, and clinical validation (V3): the foundation of determining fit-for-purpose for Biometric Monitoring Technologies (BioMeTs)
驗證、分析驗證和臨床驗證(V3):確定生物測量技術(BioMeTs)是否合適用途的基礎。 #gpt
這裡,GPT 把verification、validation 都翻做「驗證」。我覺得verification是初步驗證、確認安全,validation是在verification基礎上,確立該方法一定的有效度。也許,臨時起意的話,validate我會翻「驗證/確立/確證/證明 有效」。
另外,會起意查詢validate這個特別用法,是因爲iOS Health app中,出現如「<某某測量/方法/app> is validated for <age group>」的說明。見官網。
ceciliadigiarty.medium.com ceciliadigiarty.medium.com
Is Downloading Videos from YouTube and Other Sites LegalAnother common concern about 4K Video Downloader is whether it is legal to download videos from YouTube and other sites. The answer is yes, but with some caveats. According to the Fair Use Doctrine, it is legal to download videos for personal use, such as watching them offline or creating a backup copy. However, it is illegal to distribute or share downloaded videos without the consent of the copyright owner.
Fair Use Doctrine 公平使用原則
www.vocabulary.com www.vocabulary.com
Because peak means the top, the maximum, it's possible to understand how people, even professional writers, confuse it with pique, as in the following examples: Revealing this new information to the police peaks their interest and now paints Shaw as a person of interest in Sophie's disappearance. (Washington Times) Sharon said he comes across many people who don't think opera is for them, but he hopes hearing about these kinds of "audacious experiments" will peak their interest. (Time)
If Washington Times and Time writers got it wrong, it's no wonder a transciptionist for Amanpour and Company did too:
www.axios.com www.axios.com
Move over "LOL": Gen Z embraces "IJBOL"
www.axios.com www.axios.com
Gen Z shakes up workplace communication
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Gen Alpha Is Here. Can You Understand Their Slang?
Gen Alpha 「阿法時代」「A世代」 2010-2020中期出生者:頂多14歲
cn.nytimes.com cn.nytimes.com
ur-capitalist 的「Ur- / ur-」不是超級 (über-, super-, ultra-),而是典型的、代表性的,換句話說,也可說是知名的,但不見得極端、超級。
"net good" 怎麼變成「只有好處」?
zh.wikipedia.org zh.wikipedia.org
2020年11月11日,蘋果公司發布基於ARM晶片(Apple M1)的蘋果桌上型電腦和筆記型電腦
Apple Silicon (M1, M2, M3) is ARM-based.
developer.apple.com developer.apple.com
Rosetta is a translation process that allows users to run apps that contain x86_64 instructions on Apple silicon. Rosetta is meant to ease the transition to Apple silicon, giving you time to create a universal binary for your app. It is not a substitute for creating a native version of your app.To the user, Rosetta is mostly transparent. If an executable contains only Intel instructions, macOS automatically launches Rosetta and begins the translation process. When translation finishes, the system launches the translated executable in place of the original. However, the translation process takes time, so users might perceive that translated apps launch or run more slowly at times.The system prefers to execute an app’s arm64 instructions on Apple silicon. If a binary includes both arm64 and x86_64 instructions, the user can tell the system to launch the app using Rosetta translation from the app’s Get Info window in the Finder. For example, a user might enable Rosetta translation to allow the app to run older plug-ins that don’t yet support the arm64 architecture.
"Get Info" popup contains option to use Rosetta
zhuanlan.zhihu.com zhuanlan.zhihu.com渐进阅读的必然性1
The Inevitability of Incremental Reading 漸進閱讀的必然性
這是此頁的簡中翻譯: https://supermemo.guru/wiki/Inevitability_of_incremental_reading
supermemo.guru supermemo.guru
Inevitability of incremental reading
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www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
收到廠商改回的英文作文模擬考成績中,發現驚人的規律,「學生作文寫的行數除以 2,就會是獲得英文作文的成績
Unscrupulous. Grading is time-consuming, but it's their job!
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
If you have a Thunderbolt Display, this is what you want.
Another (of many) good confirmation.
Does not work with 27-inch LED Mini-DisplayPort Apple Cinema Display.
OK. Mini-display doesn't work. As indicated on the product's box with a glaring red X.
I have 2 27 inch Apple Cinema displays, both identical in everything except for the technology in their display connections. One is Thunderbolt 2 and the other is Mini Display port, both share the same exact connection but use different tech for signal throughput.
Nice to know: Thunderbolt 2 vs. Mini Display port.
One thing I hate about upgrading computers is wondering if my peripherals will work.
It was advertised not to work on a mac pro M1 with an old apple cinema display
Beware of contradicting advertisement.
Guess I have to pa the "Apple Tax" for full functionality
Apple Tax :-)
TLDR; you have to set your video camera and microphone to your laptop sources to get good quality when in a video conference.
Too bad. I was excited to learn it would for my new M3 laptop. But I need the display's camera to work for Zoom conferences.
when using Teams for video conferencing my video signal from the camera in the display gets severely crushed/pixelated by the dongle. It’s like it only has enough throughput to send the image to the monitor, not back to the computer from the camera. I just use the laptop camera. Otherwise works great.
Wow. Good to know. Probably another overpriced made-in-China product making a huge profit in the Apple ecosystem.
"Low throughput"?
thunderbolt apple cinema 27” thunderbolt 2 monitor (the one with the lightning icon on the video plug, not the mini dvi box looking thing)
Wonderful! This is also my monitor.
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
UPTab USB C to Mini DisplayPort Adapter (4K@60Hz) USB-C/Thunderbolt 3 to MDP Adapter with Power Port for New M2 MacBook Pro/Air, iPad Pro, Mac Mini M1/M2, iMac and More (Silver)
Recommended by an Amazon user. It works for "mini displayPort" and M1/M2/M3 laptop.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Mini DisplayPort (MiniDP or mDP)
cf. Mini DVI (different, but has the same icon: a box with a horizontal line)
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只在乎成本 競爭大
Monday morning quarterback
美國國家美式足球聯盟(National Football League,NFL)的觀賞人次是遠高於籃球、棒球、冰球
An example of a piece of knowledge to acquire.
針對口譯的第二個元素:背景知識,Tony 其實引用了蘋果公司創辦人賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)的話「Stay hungry, stay foolish」來表達其實求知欲其實是口譯員重要的人格特質,Tony 為台灣新聞電視台口譯2016美國總統辯論和美國前總統川普(Donald John Trump)轉播的勝選演講是他難忘的經歷之一,中途也曾遇過secretariat 一字的翻譯困難,但最後是曾經讀過了一篇賽馬文章救了他,原來是一匹馬的名字。
You never know when you'll reap the benefits. Plant the seeds of curiosity now!
It shows.
opinion.cw.com.tw opinion.cw.com.tw
恐怖谷/詭異谷 uncanny valley
www.thenewslens.com www.thenewslens.com
www.facebook.com www.facebook.comFacebook1
Learning English American Way
唉,一個教「道地」英文的粉專,英文名 Learning English American Way 大剌剌少了一個重要的定冠詞 THE (應作 Learning English the American Way,真的「道地」不起來啊。
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
They only will see
"People won't see your struggles. They only will see your success."
Actually, I will place "only" only before "your success". No other position is precise enough.
這裡的only,我只會放在 your success 前面,因它修飾的對象是名詞 your success,不是 people,不是 will,也不是 see。
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
在 AI 還沒取代我們之前,不需要害怕在 AI 取代了我們之後,也不需要害怕了
等著領全民基本收入UBI,趕快推! UBI, here I come!
www.books.com.tw www.books.com.tw
原文:Thai and Burmese are alphasyllabaries, or abugidas.
其實,這「or」的意思是「或稱」,表示alphasyllabary 和 abugida 是一種東西的兩種稱法,中文可以翻成「,或稱」、「,又稱」、「,也叫做」,無論怎麼翻,都勝過一個單獨的、令人混淆的「或」字。注意,這種意思的 or,前面必定有一個逗號。
有點吹毛求疵了。中譯讀起來像是有兩個原因(「也非」後面帶出第二個原因),但原文表達的是一個原因: for one critical reason。「也非」後面闡述的是同一個原因(強勢語言的霸權)的進一步說明。
幾小段試讀的翻譯看下來,這個譯本很忠於原文,亦步亦趨採取相對直譯的策略來行文。但以此句而言,遺漏了一些重要的表達程度和強調的字眼:nothing short of、once and for all,這些詞並非空虛無意義,作者的用心處,如果能譯出來,讀者更能體會何以這道難題必須儘快破解。
原文(強調部分是我加的):This puzzle would have to be solved quickly, though, for it constituted nothing short of a civilizational trial by which to judge once and for all whether Chinese script was compatible with Modernity with a capital M.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Posted byu/[deleted]3 years agoArchivedHow do you politely tell someone they’re breathing heavily into their microphone?
This is a problem with one new participant of a session I take part in regularly. I have been too polite to say anything, but the breathing is constant and loud. I am sure everyone is annoyed but no-one wants to be the bad guy. I wish the meeting's host would do everyone a favor and say something or mute the offender, thus creating a less distracting environment for all.
When people aren't aware of basic mic etiquette and don't develop the habit of turning off their mic except when talking, this happens. Reminding people to turn off mic or enforcing it is in my opinion squarely the host's responsibility.
I think those who participate in online meetings (this means many of us) should develop greater self-awareness and learn proper online etiquette.
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
張 > 毫末 > 宋
宋的「流變」在譯movements,「與聞其一」在譯take part in any one of,只是文字太高調、賣弄,裝高雅。張的「有助於」雖然不好,但沒有到搞錯的程度。
the apocryphal frog in the slowly boiling pot of water
apocrypha. The story is said to be false: the frog is smarter than staying and getting boiled to death.
Algorithmocene noun /ˈalɡərɪð mə si:n/ — presumably the next geological epoch following our short-lived Anthropocene
I'm beginning to prefer the term Algorithmocene to Robotocene.
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Measures of heart rate variability index language knowledge
index: 動詞,反映 #terp;掛鉤(A值隨B值變動、調整)
Participants were asked to listen to 40 short English speech samples, half of which contained grammatical errors against articles (e.g., a/an, the).
Only grammatical articles of English (the, a/an) are used for measurement in this study. While valid, it's a rather small (though important) subset of grammar. (note using Hypothesis)
2nd para added (testing 3-min auto sync)
cn.nytimes.com cn.nytimes.com
www.economist.com www.economist.com
More welcoming migration policies require borders that are secureLet more people in legally, swiftly exclude those who come illegally
www.tegbr.com www.tegbr.com经济学人·商论1
www.uscourts.gov www.uscourts.gov
Writ of certiorari An order issued by the U.S. Supreme Court directing the lower court to transmit records for a case which it will hear on appeal.
abbreviated "cert" e.g. The supreme court has granted cert on the controversial case.
www.mdek12.org www.mdek12.org
dverbial: Any structure (word, phrase, or clause) that functions as a modifier ofa verb and fills the role of an adverb.
根據CamGEL的定義: adverbial 是 function (功能) adverb 是 category (詞類)
www.huayuqiao.org www.huayuqiao.org
blog.glasp.co blog.glasp.co
Glasp supports web-hosted PDF files to annotate at this moment. So, please open a PDF on the web browser.
The operative phrase: web-hosted PDF, and only that. Still better than nothing :-)