725 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2020
    1. I'm suggesting there should be a way to write lifecycle related code that also responds to changing props, like how useEffect works. I think how React handles this could be a good source of inspiration.
    2. Svelte right now has a lot of opportunities to have component state become out of sync with props.
    3. I'm suggesting this is a problem generally. Users will not think of being out of sync with props
    4. Svelte doesn't re-render, so you need to respond to component mount/dismount and prop changes separately as they are distinct concepts and never tied together, unlike in React.
    1. While you could use a map function for loops they aren't optimized.
    2. Solid supports spread operator on native elements and Components.
    3. In general it is recommended you handle forms in this "controlled" manner. In some cases it might make sense to manage the form state outside of Solid via refs. These "uncontrolled" forms can also work. Just be conscious of the difference as mixing approaches can lead to unexpected results.
    1. Wait what? No runtime. How does that work? Well, obviously JavaScript executes at runtime, so was he saying he doesn't reuse any code? Well as it turns out the message here has changed. I looked and sure enough there was a runtime. Of course there was.
    1. A library is a set of functions you can use in your project. It does not care how and where you use that functionality. A framework tells you how to write code with the framework you are working with so you can make the best use of patterns, architecture, and functions in a framework. A framework can encompass a library.
  2. Sep 2020
    1. Rollup builds atop Browserify and Webpack's lineage to make it possible to easily consume those packages, while looking to the future of JS modules.
    2. When you publish this module, you do not want to bundle React, for the reasons described above. (It would be even worse to bundle React in a library, because then its copy would duplicate that loaded by the application!) But the fix is slightly different for a library than an application. In this library's Rollup configuration, we only want to specify external, not globals:
    1. As you've probably already figured out it's the last output definition that should be by legacy apps. With the above output configuration we allow consuming the component both from a modern app with a Node.js-based environment and from legacy apps.
    1. I don't understand why it just launches the mutation once and then it throws the error Function called outside component initialization, the only way to make it work is to do something like $: result = mutation(...) but it doesn't make sense, I don't want to run the mutation after each keystroke.
    2. We’re still working on idiomatic Svelte APIs so this one’s also on our list to figure out what the best way forward is
    3. For context, the previous API had a lazy promise. Currently I’m thinking we could just return a closure like in the React API
    1. urql/packages/svelte-urql/ Go to file Add file Go to file Create new file Upload files urql/packages/svelte-urql/
    1. I assume that soon developers will publish more components for svelte, and any possible class conflict is problematic. Yeah, it's rare case, but it is.
    1. Svelte will not offer a generic way to support style customizing via contextual class overrides (as we'd do it in plain HTML). Instead we'll invent something new that is entirely different. If a child component is provided and does not anticipate some contextual usage scenario (style wise) you'd need to copy it or hack around that via :global hacks.
    2. The main rationale for this PR is that, in my hones opinion, Svelte needs a way to support style overrides in an intuitive and close to plain HTML/CSS way. What I regard as intuitive is: Looking at how customizing of styles is being done when applying a typical CSS component framework, and making that possible with Svelte.
    3. Explicit interfaces are preferable, even if it places greater demand on library authors to design both their components and their style interfaces with these things in mind.
    4. The RFC is more appropriate because it does not allow a parent to abritrarily control anything below it, that responsibility still relies on the component itself. Just because people have been passing classes round and overriding child styles for years doesn't mean it is a good choice and isn't something we wnat to encourage.
    1. This has already forced me to forgo Svelte Material because I would like to add some actions to their components but I cannot and it does not make sense for them to cater to my specific use-case by baking random stuff into the library used by everyone.
    2. The point of the feature is to not rely on the third-party author of the child component to add a prop for every action under the sun. Rather, they could just mark a recipient for actions on the component (assuming there is a viable target element), and then consumers of the library could extend the component using whatever actions they desire.
    1. Does it look like a decorator plugin in Ractive, right
    2. Your LazyLoad image is now inextensible. What if you want to add a class? Perhaps the author of LazyLoad thought of that and sets className onto the <img>. But will the author consider everything? Perhaps if we get {...state} attributes.
    3. I totally get not wanting to extend the syntax. I tried doing these things and in practice it was not easy or pretty. Actions provide a much cleaner and easier way to accomplish a certain set of functionality that would be much more difficult without it.
    4. Actions add additional functionality to elements within your component's template that may be difficult to add with other mechanisms. Examples of functionality which actions makes trivial to attach are:
    1. The more I think about this, the more I think that maybe React already has the right solution to this particular issue, and we're tying ourselves in knots trying to avoid unnecessary re-rendering. Basically, this JSX... <Foo {...a} b={1} {...c} d={2}/> ...translates to this JS: React.createElement(Foo, _extends({}, a, { b: 1 }, c, { d: 2 })); If we did the same thing (i.e. bail out of the optimisation allowed by knowing the attribute names ahead of time), our lives would get a lot simpler, and the performance characteristics would be pretty similar in all but somewhat contrived scenarios, I think. (It'll still be faster than React, anyway!)
    1. Extend ActionConfig interface in rfc-extended.d.ts file with new params: import * as RFC from 'react-fetching-library'; declare module 'react-fetching-library' { export interface ActionConfig { // Only new params skipAuth: boolean; params: any; }; }
  3. Aug 2020
    1. Knowing all this, what would you do? Which path would you choose and why? The answer might seem obvious now that you come from the future - React
  4. Jul 2020
  5. Jun 2020
  6. May 2020
    1. How do I find my bookmarks? To find a page that you've bookmarked, just start typing its name in the address bar. As you type, a list of web pages that you've bookmarked, tagged and visited will appear. Bookmarked pages will have a star next to them. Simply click one of the pages and you'll be taken there instantly. To learn more, see Address bar autocomplete in Firefox - Search your bookmarks, history and tabs.
  7. Apr 2020
    1. IMSLP stands for International Music Score Library Project and started on February 16, 2006. It is a project for the creation of a virtual library of public domain music scores based on the wiki principle; it is also more than that. Users can exchange musical ideas through the site, submit their own compositions, or listen to other people's composition; this makes IMSLP an ever-growing musical community of music lovers for music lovers.
    1. The Open Music Archive aims to gather together information about and recordings of public domain music. This is music whose copyright has expired. This music can be used by anyone for any purpose.
    1. How Long Does Copyright Protection Last? How long does a copyright last? The term of copyright for a particular work depends on several factors, including whether it has been published, and, if so, the date of first publication. As a general rule, for works created after January 1, 1978, copyright protection lasts for the life of the author plus an additional 70 years. For an anonymous work, a pseudonymous work, or a work made for hire, the copyright endures for a term of 95 years from the year of its first publication or a term of 120 years from the year of its creation, whichever expires first. For works first published prior to 1978, the term will vary depending on several factors. To determine the length of copyright protection for a particular work, consult chapter 3 of the Copyright Act (title 17 of the United States Code). More information on the term of copyright can be found in Circular 15a, Duration of Copyright, and Circular 1, Copyright Basics. Do I have to renew my copyright? No. Works created on or after January 1, 1978, are not subject to renewal registration. As to works published or registered prior to January 1, 1978, renewal registration is optional after 28 years but does provide certain legal advantages. For information on how to file a renewal application as well as the legal benefit for doing so, see Circular 15, Renewal of Copyright, and Circular 15a, Duration of Copyright.
    1. Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie Andrew CARNEGIE (1835 - 1919) This autobiography of Andrew Carnegie is a very well written and interesting history of one of the most wealthy men in the United states. He was born in Scotland in 1835 and emigrated to America in 1848. Among his many accomplishments and philanthropic works, he was an author, having written, besides this autobiography, Triumphant Democracy (1886; rev. ed. 1893), The Gospel of Wealth, a collection of essays (1900), The Empire of Business (1902), and Problems of To-day (1908)]. Although this autobiography was written in 1919, it was published posthumously in 1920. (Summary by William Tomcho)
    1. About LibriVox LibriVox Objective To make all books in the public domain available, for free, in audio format on the internet. Our Fundamental Principles Librivox is a non-commercial, non-profit and ad-free project Librivox donates its recordings to the public domain Librivox is powered by volunteers Librivox maintains a loose and open structure Librivox welcomes all volunteers from across the globe, in all languages
    1. Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world's great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for enjoyment and education.
    1. The future of eBooks is not in the production of digital photocopies you can read by the pool. The future of eBooks lies in re-imagining the book as an open, easily accessible, immersive experience; a connected community of discovery. Scott Abel The Content Wrangler
    1. There are, indeed, at least two projects independent of us, which are developing software that can read 1Password data (once you’ve given them your Master Password.). James Brown (@RogueLazer) has developed some Python libraries which can – given the Master Password – read both the Agile Keychain Format (1Password 2 and 3 for Mac, 1Password for Windows) and the Cloud Keychain Format (1Password 4). Indeed, RogueLazer’s efforts and queries have led to substantial improvements in our documentation.
    1. minitest doesn't reinvent anything that ruby already provides, like: classes, modules, inheritance, methods. This means you only have to learn ruby to use minitest and all of your regular OO practices like extract-method refactorings still apply.
  8. Mar 2020
    1. ~1.3 billi

      the 1.3 billion compounds consist of both Enamine REAL and ZINC



  9. Feb 2020
  10. Jan 2020
    1. A good library is filled with mostly unread books. That’s the point.
    2. Some questions are only asked by people with a fundamental misunderstanding. The friends who walk into my office and ask, “have you read all of these” miss the point of books.
    3. a private library is not an ego-boosting appendages but a research tool. The library should contain as much of what you do not know as your financial means … allow you to put there. You will accumulate more knowledge and more books as you grow older, and the growing number of unread books on the shelves will look at you menacingly. Indeed, the more you know, the larger the rows of unread books. Let us call this collection of unread books an antilibrary.
    4. The antidote to this overconfidence boils down to our relationship with knowledge. The anti-scholar, as Taleb refers to it, is “someone who focuses on the unread books, and makes an attempt not to treat his knowledge as a treasure, or even a possession, or even a self-esteem enhancement device — a skeptical empiricist.
  11. Dec 2019
    1. If you are using a JavaScript library, chances are it comes with a client HTTP API. jQuery’s $.ajax() function, for example, has been particularly popular with frontend developers. But as developers move away from such libraries in favor of native APIs, dedicated HTTP clients have emerged to fill the gap.
  12. Nov 2019
    1. Component Registration components A map of component names to plain JavaScript components. frameworkComponents A map of component names to framework (React, Angular etc) components.
    1. When the grid is initialised, it will fire the gridReady event. If you want to use the API of the grid, you should put an onGridReady(params) callback onto the grid and grab the api from the params. You can then call this api at a later stage to interact with the grid (on top of the interaction that can be done by setting and changing the props).
    1. President Trump distanced himself from Gordon D. Sondland after the ambassador said multiple top officials, including Mike Pompeo, Mike Pence and Mick Mulvaney, knew about the campaign to pressure Ukraine to announce investigations of Democrats. Mr. Sondland confirmed there was a “clear quid pro quo” for a White House meeting between Mr. Trump and Ukraine’s president.

      Very damaging testimony for Trump

    1. Since the checkbox is rendering an input I would work with it rather than focusing on the image. You could do something like this: const checkbox = getByTestId('checkbox-1234').querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]') expect(checkbox).toHaveProperty('checked', true)
    2. the way Material UI works is it renders a different SVG when the checkbox is clicked, and not changing the attributes or anything on the actual input element. So how do I actually test that the element is checked in line with the react-testing-library philosophy?

      These tags belong to entire page. This quote is just supporting evidence for the tags.

  13. Oct 2019
    1. If you're given a set of factories (say, from a gem developer) but want to change them to fit into your application better, you can modify that factory instead of creating a child factory and adding attributes there.
    1. Currently, untenured librarians get 30 days ( 6 weeks) of research leave in an academic year for five years. Can someone explain how this will change in the new contract. I am so sorry to ask this question. It is very confusing to me. Thank you.

  14. eastcentraluniversity-my.sharepoint.com eastcentraluniversity-my.sharepoint.com
    1. access to required and recommended course materials

      Although buying every required textbook would probably break the bank at most libraries, I wonder whether faculty could help by requiring the publisher to provide a desk copy and then donating it to the library?

  15. Sep 2019
  16. Aug 2019