963 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2022
    1. Much of Barthes’ intellectual and pedagogical work was producedusing his cards, not just his published texts. For example, Barthes’Collège de France seminar on the topic of the Neutral, thepenultimate course he would take prior to his death, consisted offour bundles of about 800 cards on which was recorded everythingfrom ‘bibliographic indications, some summaries, notes, andprojects on abandoned figures’ (Clerc, 2005: xxi-xxii).

      In addition to using his card index for producing his published works, Barthes also used his note taking system for teaching as well. His final course on the topic of the Neutral, which he taught as a seminar at Collège de France, was contained in four bundles consisting of 800 cards which contained everything from notes, summaries, figures, and bibliographic entries.

      Given this and the easy portability of index cards, should we instead of recommending notebooks, laptops, or systems like Cornell notes, recommend students take notes directly on their note cards and revise them from there? The physicality of the medium may also have other benefits in terms of touch, smell, use of colors on them, etc. for memory and easy regular use. They could also be used physically for spaced repetition relatively quickly.

      Teachers using their index cards of notes physically in class or in discussions has the benefit of modeling the sort of note taking behaviors we might ask of our students. Imagine a classroom that has access to a teacher's public notes (electronic perhaps) which could be searched and cross linked by the students in real-time. This would also allow students to go beyond the immediate topic at hand, but see how that topic may dovetail with the teachers' other research work and interests. This also gives greater meaning to introductory coursework to allow students to see how it underpins other related and advanced intellectual endeavors and invites the student into those spaces as well. This sort of practice could bring to bear the full weight of the literacy space which we center in Western culture, for compare this with the primarily oral interactions that most teachers have with students. It's only in a small subset of suggested or required readings that students can use for leveraging the knowledge of their teachers while all the remainder of the interactions focus on conversation with the instructor and questions that they might put to them. With access to a teacher's card index, they would have so much more as they might also query that separately without making demands of time and attention to their professors. Even if answers aren't immediately forthcoming from the file, then there might at least be bibliographic entries that could be useful.

      I recently had the experience of asking a colleague for some basic references about the history and culture of the ancient Near East. Knowing that he had some significant expertise in the space, it would have been easier to query his proverbial card index for the lived experience and references than to bother him with the burden of doing work to pull them up.

      What sorts of digital systems could help to center these practices? Hypothes.is quickly comes to mind, though many teachers and even students will prefer to keep their notes private and not public where they're searchable.

      Another potential pathway here are systems like FedWiki or anagora.org which provide shared and interlinked note spaces. Have any educators attempted to use these for coursework? The closest I've seen recently are public groups using shared Roam Research or Obsidian-based collections for book clubs.

    2. The filing cards or slipsthat Barthes inserted into his index-card system adhered to a ‘strictformat’: they had to be precisely one quarter the size of his usualsheet of writing paper. Barthes (1991: 180) records that this systemchanged when standards were readjusted as part of moves towardsEuropean unification. Within the collection there was considerable‘interior mobility’ (Hollier, 2005: 40), with cards constantlyreordered. There were also multiple layerings of text on each card,with original text frequently annotated and altered.

      Barthes kept his system to a 'strict format' of cards which were one quarter the size of his usual sheet of writing paper, though he did adjust the size over time as paper sizes standardized within Europe. Hollier indicates that the collection had considerable 'interior mobility' and the cards were constantly reordered with use. Barthes also apparently frequently annotated and altered his notes on cards, so they were also changing with use over time.

      Did he make his own cards or purchase them? The sizing of his paper with respect to his cards might indicate that he made his own as it would have been relatively easy to fold his own paper in half twice and cut it up.

      Were his cards numbered or marked so as to be able to put them into some sort of standard order? There's a mention of 'interior mobility' and if this was the case were they just floating around internally or were they somehow indexed and tethered (linked) together?

      The fact that they were regularly used, revise, and easily reordered means that they could definitely have been used to elicit creativity in the same manner as Raymond Llull's combinatorial art, though done externally rather than within one's own mind.

    3. Barthes’ use of these cards goes back tohis first readin g of Michelet in 1943, which, as Hollier (2005: 40)notes, is more or less also the time of his very first articles. By 1945,Barthes had already amassed over 1,000 index cards on Michelet’swork alone, which he reportedly transported with him everywhere,from Romania to Egypt (Calvet, 1994: 113).

      Note the idea here about how easily portable a 1,000 card index must have been or alternately how important it must have been that Barthes traveled with it.

    4. I am speaking here of what appear to be Barthes’ fichier boîte or indexcard boxes which are visible on the shelf above and behind his head.

      First time I've run across the French term fichier boîte (literally 'file box') for index card boxes or files.

      As someone looking into note taking practices and aware of the idea of the zettelkasten, the suspense is building for me. I'm hoping this paper will have the payoff I'm looking for: a description of Roland Barthes' note taking methods!

    1. Henri Cartier-Bresson, Roland Barthes, 1963. © PAR79520 Henri CartierBresson/Magnum Photos.

      A photo of Roland Barthes from 1963 featured in Picturing Barthes: The Photographic Construction of Authorship (Oxford University Press, 2020) DOI: 10.5871/bacad/9780197266670.003.0007

      There appears to be in index card file behind him in the photo, which he may have used for note taking in the mode of a zettelkasten.

      link to journal article notes on:

      Wilken, Rowan. “The Card Index as Creativity Machine.” Culture Machine 11 (2010): 7–30. https://culturemachine.net/creative-media/

  2. Feb 2022
    1. Chapter 3: The First Card Index?

      Markus Krajewski outlines some of the history of the creation of the first library card catalog and structures it in such a way as to create parallels between its structure and that of the structure of a modern day computer.

      He covers the creation of catalogs at the court of Vienna, the Vienna University Library, an an attempted but failed national cataloging effort in France called the Bureau de Bibliographie at the Louvre. By 1974 the French effort had at least 1.2 million cards for 3 million volumes.

    2. In preparing these instructions, Gaspard-Michel LeBlond, one of their authors, urges the use of uniform media for registering titles, suggesting that “ catalog materials are not diffi cult to assemble; it is suffi cient to use playing cards [. . .] Whether one writes lengthwise or across the backs of cards, one should pick one way and stick with it to preserve uniformity. ” 110 Presumably LeBlond was familiar with the work of Abb é Rozier fi fteen years earlier; it is unknown whether precisely cut cards had been used before Rozier. The activity of cutting up pages is often mentioned in prior descrip-tions.

      In published instructions issued on May 8, 1791 in France, Gaspard-Michel LeBlond by way of standardization for library catalogs suggests using playing cards either vertically or horizontally but admonishing catalogers to pick one orientation and stick with it. He was likely familiar with the use of playing cards for this purpose by Abbé Rozier fifteen years earlier.

    3. 4. What follows is the compilation of the basic catalog; that is, all book titles are copied on a piece of paper (whose pagina aversa must remain blank) according to a specifi c order, so that together with the title of every book and the name of the author, the place, year, and format of the printing, the volume, and the place of the same in the library is marked.

      Benedictine abbot Franz Stephan Rautenstrauch (1734 – 1785) in creating the Catalogo Topographico for the Vienna University Library created a nine point instruction set for cataloging, describing, and ordering books which included using paper slips.

      Interesting to note that the admonishment to leave the backs of the slips (pagina aversa), in the 1780's seems to make its way into 20th century practice by Luhmann and others.

    4. Indeed, the Jose-phinian card index owes its continued use to the failure to achieve a bound

      catalog, until a successor card catalog comes along in 1848. Only the<br /> absence of a bound repertory allows the paper slip aggregate to answer all inquiries about a book ’ s whereabouts after 1781. Thus, a failed undertaking tacitly turns into a success story.

      The Josephinian card index was created, in part on the ideas of Konrad Gessner's slip method, by accumulating slips which could be rearranged and then copied down permanently. While there was the chance that the original cards could be disordered, the fact that the approximately 300,000 cards in 205 small boxes were estimated to fill 50 to 60 folio volumes with time and expense to print it dissuaded the creation of a long desired compiled book of books. These problems along with the fact that new books being added later was sure to only compound problems of having a single reference. This failure to have a bound catalog of books unwittingly resulted in the success of the index card catalog.

    5. The undertaking that begins on May 22, 1780, later to be called the Jose-phinian catalog , is extant in “ 205 small boxes ” in an airtight locker in the

      Austrian National Library; it is widely, and often proudly, considered the first card catalog in library history.

      The first card catalogue in library history, later known as the Josephinian catalog, began on May 22, 1780 in the Austrian National Library.

    6. Rozier chances upon the labor-saving idea of producing catalogs according to Gessner ’ s procedures — that is, transferring titles onto one side of a piece of paper before copying them into tabular form. Yet he optimizes this process by dint of a small refi nement, with regard to the paper itself: instead of copying data onto specially cut octavo sheets, he uses uniformly and precisely cut paper whose ordinary purpose obeys the contingent pleasure of being shuffl ed, ordered, and exchanged: “ cartes à jouer. ” 35 In sticking strictly to the playing card sizes available in prerevolutionary France (either 83 × 43 mm or 70 × 43 mm), Rozier cast his bibliographical specifi cations into a standardized and therefore easily handled format.

      Abbé François Rozier cleverly transferred book titles onto the blank side of French playing cards instead of cut octavo sheets as a means of indexing after being appointed in 1775 to index the holdings of the Académie des Sciences in Paris.

  3. Jan 2022
    1. A fine grained security mechanism


    2. Bulk requests allow for multiple JMX operations with a single remote server roundtrip


    3. This opens a whole new world for different


    4. but uses the much more open HTTP for its transport business where the data payload is serialized in JSON.

      但是对外传输业务使用更开放的HTTP, 数据载荷使用反序列化的JSON

    5. side by side

      肩并肩 living side by side with JSR-160

    6. It is an agent based approach


    7. not usable outside the Java world.


    8. Add-on standards like JSR-77 didn't received the adoption level they deserved


    9. Especially the various levels of sophistications for implementing MBeans


    10. impressive

      Especially the various levels of sophistications for implementing MBeans, starting with dead simple Standard MBeans and ending in very flexible Open MBeans and MXBeans, are impressive. 令人影响深刻

    11. Even more than ten years after its incubation


    12. crafted specification

      I love JMX. It is a well crafted specification, #card

      • 设计精心的规范
    13. failed spectacularly


    1. the card index functions as an en-gine of variety rather than as an engine of redundancy.
    2. Christoph Meinel, ‘Enzyklopädie der Welt und Verzettelung des Wissens: Aporien der Empirie bei Joachim Jungius’, in Enzyklopädien der frühen Neuzeit. Beiträge zu ihrer Er-forschung, ed. Franz M. Eybl (Tübingen, 1995), 162–87; Richard Yeo, ‘Loose Notes and Ca-pacious Memory: Robert Boyle’s Note-Taking and its Rationale’, Intellectual History Review 20 (2010), 335–54; Alberto Cevolini, ‘The Art of trascegliere e notare in Early Modern Ital-ian Culture’, Intellectual History Review 29 (2019), forthcoming.
    1. The essay is most famous for its description of a hypothetical information-retrieval system, the Memex, a kind of mechanical Evernote, in which a person's every "book, record, or communication" was microfilmed and cataloged.

      It really kills me that there's so much hero worship of all this, particularly given the information processing power of index card systems at the time. I don't really think it took such a leap to image automating such a system given the technological bent of the time.

      Of course actually doing it is another thing, but conceptualizing the idea at the time would have be de rigueur.

  4. Dec 2021
    1. Through an inner structure of recursive links and semantic pointers, a card index achieves a proper autonomy; it behaves as a ‘communication partner’ who can recommend unexpected associations among different ideas. I suggest that in this respect pre-adaptive advances took root in early modern Europe, and that this basic requisite for information pro-cessing machines was formulated largely by the keyword ‘order’.

      aliases for "topical headings": headwords keywords tags categories

    1. From 1676 onward, he follows an excerpting practice that directly refers to Jungius (via one of his students). Regarding Leibniz ’ s Excerpt Cabinet He wrote on slips of paper whatever occurred to him — in part when perusing books, in part during meditation or travel or out on walks — yet he did not let the paper slips (particularly the excerpts) cover each other in a mess; it was his habit to sort through them every now and then.

      According to one of his students, Leibniz used his note cabinet both for excerpts that he took from his reading as well as notes an ideas he came up separately from his reading.

      Most of the commonplace book tradition consisted of excerpting, but when did note taking practice begin to aggregate de novo notes with commonplaces?

    2. Leibniz ’ s propos-als for an indispensable library guide that mark the beginning of his activity in Wolfenb ü ttel in December 1690 include ideas on the form of cataloging: “ paper slips of all books, sorted pro materia et autoribus. ” 57 The plan antici-pates registering every book merely once, precisely on a slip of paper, so that the slip only has to be placed in the right order for any catalog organized alphabetically, by subject, or in any other way. Theoretically, this procedure could have successfully made numerous catalogs with the same data set. However, the plan is never carried out. In fact, the librarians supervised by Leibniz manage merely to assemble an alphabetical catalog; all the other plans fail for lack of employees and funding

      Leibnitz created a plan for creating a library card catalog for Wolfenbüttel in December 1690, which would have been similar in form to 20th century card catalogs, but the idea was never carried out for lack of employees and funding.

    3. Hugo Blotius, whose term in offi ce in the dusty halls of the Vienna court library lasted from 1575 to 1608.

      Hugo Blotius was a librarian at the Vienna court library from 1575 to 1608.

    4. The processing of excerpts follows the simplest algorithm: 1. When reading, everything of importance and whatever appears useful should be copied onto a good sheet of paper. 2. A new line should be used for every idea. 3. “ Finally, cut out everything you have copied with a pair of scissors; arrange the slips as you desire, fi rst into larger clusters which can then be subdivided again as often as necessary. ” 21 4. As soon as the desired order is produced, arranged, and sorted on tables or in small boxes, it should be fi xed or copied directly. 22

      This algorithm described in Gessner, 1548 fol. 19-20 is precisely that of a zettelkasten, though effectuated with slips of paper either glued or held by thread rails into a book.

      The last point number 4, even takes it so far as to arrange the individual notes into a logical order and copy them into something fixed, which one could readily view as an article.

      Gessner, Konrad. 1548. Pandectarum sive Partitionum Universalium. Zurich: Christoph Froschauer.

    5. list-sorted management on an index card basis is coupled with the organizational discourse of scientifi c management, which discovers the card index as an economic optimization tool and develops it into an instrument of rationalization.
    6. the United States has its own home-grown technique. In 1817, William Croswell ’ s

      unfortunate project of devising a comprehensive catalog for the Harvard College Library marks the birth of the American card index—out of a spirit of sloth.

      William Croswell's work at creating a comprehensive catalog for the Harvard College Library results in the first card index in America.

    7. the box of paper slips reaches the East Coast of the United States through librarians who study in Europe and then apply the practice to the cataloging of their growing collections in the course of the nineteenth century.

      In the 19th century, the box of paper slips (zettelkasten) as a technology reaches the east coast of the United states by way of librarians who study in Europe and then apply the practice of cataloguing their own collections.

    8. the fi rst card catalog in library history in Vienna around 1780.

      The first card catalogue dates to Vienna around 1780.

    9. Here, I also briefl y digress and examine two coinciding addressing logics: In the same decade and in the same town, the origin of the card index cooccurs with the invention of the house number. This establishes the possibility of abstract representation of (and controlled access to) both texts and inhabitants.

      Curiously, and possibly coincidently, the idea of the index card and the invention of the house number co-occur in the same decade and the same town. This creates the potential of abstracting the representation of information and people into numbers for easier access and linking.

    10. This comparison is not to claim that the index catalog is already a Turing machine. Comparisons, transfers, and analogies are not that simple. If the elements of a universal discrete machine are present, they still lack the computational logic of an operating system, the development of which constitutes Turing ’ s foundational achievement. What is described here is merely the fact that the card catalog is liter-ally a paper machine, similar to a nontrivial Turing machine only in having similar components — no more, no less.

      I felt some of this missing piece and so included the idea of human interaction as part of the process to make up the balance.

    11. What differs here from other data storage (as in the medium of the codex book) is a simple and obvious principle: information is available on separate, uniform, and mobile carriers and can be further arranged and processed according to strict systems of order.

      The primary value of the card catalogue and index cards as tools for thought is that it is a self-contained, uniform and mobile carrier that can be arranged and processed based on strict systems of order. Books have many of these properties, but the information isn't as atomic or as easily re-ordered.

    12. s Alan Turing proved only years later, these machines merely need (1) a (theoretically infi nite) partitioned paper tape, (2) a writing and reading head, and (3) an exact

      procedure for the writing and reading head to move over the paper segments. This book seeks to map the three basic logical components of every computer onto the card catalog as a “ paper machine,” analyzing its data processing and interfaces that may justify the claim, “Card catalogs can do anything!”

      Purpose of the book.

      A card catalog of index cards used by a human meets all the basic criteria of a Turing machine, or abstract computer, as defined by Alan Turing.

    13. “ Card catalogs can do anything ” — this is the slogan Fortschritt GmbH

      What a great quote to start off a book like this!

  5. Nov 2021
    1. on advocate for the index card in the early twentieth century called for animitation of “accountants of the modern schoolY”1

      Paul Chavigny, Organisation du travail intellectuel: Recettes pratiques a` l’usage des e ́tudiants de toutes les faculte ́s et de tous les travailleurs (Paris, 1920)

      Chavigny was an advocate for the index card in note taking in imitation of "accountants of the modern school". We know that the rise of the index card was hastened by the innovation of Melvil Dewey's company using index cards as part of their internal accounting system, which they actively exported to other companies as a product.

  6. Oct 2021
    1. GET A BLANK ATM CARD AND BECOME RICH TODAY You can hack and break into a bank’s security ATM Machine without carrying guns or any weapon. First of all we have to learn about the manual hacking of ATM MACHINES and BANKING ACCOUNTS HOW THE ATM MACHINE WORKS. If you have been to the bank you find out that the money in the ATM MACHINE is being filled right inside the house where the machine is built with enough security .to hack this machine We have develop the special blank ATM Card which you can use in any ATM Machine around the world. this card is been programmed and can withdraw 5,000 within 24 hours in any currency your country make use of there is no ATM MACHINES this BLANK ATM CARD CANNOT penetrate into it because it have been programmed with various tools and software before it will be send to you. The card will make the security camera malfunction at that particular time until you are done with the transaction you can never be trace. it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you, there are so many other hacker out there whom claim to be real you have to be very careful they can never create this card all they want is your money. no ATM card can be able to withdraw 50,000 usd each day that is impossible, getting the card you will forward the company your address details so we can proceed to send the card to you once you agree to the terms and conditions. contact us now email donarldjacksoncyberhost@gmail.com WhatsApp or text +1214 810 3457

  7. Sep 2021
    1. There are endless ways of organizing your notes—by book, by author, by topic, by the time of reading. It doesn’t matter which system you use as long as you will be able to find the notes in the future.

      Or by all of the above... Library card catalogues did all three, but most digital systems will effectuate all of them as well.

  8. Aug 2021
    1. Up to 1200 the contents list of a monastic library was usually merely an inventory: it marked the presence of a book, but not its location. The later Middle Ages saw a surge of real catalogues, listing books and their location. Some of these catalogues were written out in books (as we will see in a moment), while others were pasted to the wall in the library.
    1. Figure 10. ‘Pharmacopoea”, frontispiece in Carolus Linnaeus, Materia Medica(1749). Wellcome Library,London.

      Note the similarity of this filing cabinet system to the similar ideas of library card catalogs.

      Where does this fit into the timeline with respect to the publication date of 1749 on Pharmacopoea and Linnaeus' use of it?

  9. Jul 2021
    1. Claudia: I see. Did you like school? What did you get up to in the States?Yosell: In the States I finished my high school out there, and I was actually studying a little bit of college, but after the dumb Trump kind of thing came in place, I was just like, "Eh." And my mom had cancer at the time—she was fighting her cancer. So I ended up just saying, "I'm going back out to Mexico to live this time and actually live out here." I ended up just coming back, and just forgetting about college over there, and came back here to Mexico to actually live. And of course I was actually helping my mom with the cancer thing.Claudia: What did you do in the States? What did you like to do for fun?Yosell: Out in the States?Claudia: Yeah.Yosell: I actually had a sponsor for snowboarding and surfing.Claudia: Holy shit, that's awesome.Yosell: That's basically what I did. I just got paid to do that. And when I wasn't working with that, I would travel a lot with my dad. My dad would work with construction. I would just be with my dad or do my thing, and that's it, basically.Claudia: What did you like about snowboarding and surfing?Yosell: Let's see, snowboarding. I would always go back out to Utah, to Salt Lake, cause I loved snowboarding there and plus we'd always get free gear out there from the sponsor. The best part I probably like out there was camping out in the mountains. I really like camping a lot, I don't know why, it's just something I always did like. [Chuckle]. And from surfing, I don't know, it was always really into water.Yosell: I can remember when I was just a little kid, my dad would actually take me out to San Francisco and Venice Beach and all those kinds of beaches to just kick it. And I would see a bunch of my cousins surfing, so I think that's where it came on. I think I like almost any other sport, really, it's just like something that my dad put us into. He would take me, and I have two little brothers, out dirt biking a lot.Claudia: When you say you had a sponsorship, does that mean that you competed?Yosell: Yeah. It usually would take us out, and my dad would actually come with me, since I was still a minor, and it would just get a couple of videos into it, just do my stuff basically. That's all I would do.Claudia: Did you ever see yourself doing that when you were older?Yosell: I actually used to get paid for that out there, but just since I did end up just coming out to Mexico, I talked to my sponsor—which his name was called Jones, he was my manager out there—and I told him, "Hey, you know what? I'm going out to Mexico." And I got to say thanks and that's it. And he actually tried—when I got out to Mexico, I had contact with him a lot—he's telling me, "Hey, I want to see if we can get you a green card or something." I kind of didn't want to go back out to the States. I kind of just wanted to stay here. I really didn't even know Mexico, so that was part of it. I surfed a couple of times here in Mexico, but it's expensive out here to do something. You can't really do much.

      Time in the US, Jobs/employment/work, Careers, Athlete, Family, Friends, Hanging out;

    1. In 1780, two years after Linnaeus’s death, Vienna’s Court Library introduced a card catalog, the first of its kind. Describing all the books on the library’s shelves in one ordered system, it relied on a simple, flexible tool: paper slips. Around the same time that the library catalog appeared, says Krajewski, Europeans adopted banknotes as a universal medium of exchange. He believes this wasn’t a historical coincidence. Banknotes, like bibliographical slips of paper and the books they referred to, were material, representational, and mobile. Perhaps Linnaeus took the same mental leap from “free-floating banknotes” to “little paper slips” (or vice versa).

      I've read about the Vienna Court Library and their card catalogue. Perhaps worth reading Krajewski for more specifics to link these things together?

      Worth exploring the idea of paper money as a source of inspiration here too.

    1. Der Josephinische Katalog enthielt am Ende inklusive eines ausgefeilten Verweissystems ca. 300.000 Zettel. Dass er aber als erster Zettelkatalog Bibliotheksgeschichte schrieb, lag eher an einem Fehler im Programm. Eigentlich hätten nämlich nach van Swietens Vorstellungen am Ende des Vorgangs alle bibliographischen Angaben von den Zetteln in einen Bandkatalog übertragen werden sollen. Der Grund für diesen Programmierfehler bestand in ökonomischem Kalkül: Der geplante Katalog hätte gut und gerne 50 bis 60 Folio-Bände umfasst und wäre doch kurz nach Fertigstellung schon wieder veraltet gewesen. Darum wurden die Wiener Zettelkästen zur ersten relationalen Suchmaschine mit Erweiterungsfunktion.

      At the end of the Josephine catalog, including a sophisticated system of references, it contained around 300,000 pieces of paper. The fact that he was the first card catalog to write library history was more due to a bug in the program. Actually, according to [Gottfried Freiherr] van Swieten's ideas, at the end of the process all bibliographical information should have been transferred from the slips of paper to a volume catalog. The reason for this programming error was an economic calculation: the planned catalog would have easily comprised 50 to 60 folio volumes and would have been out of date shortly after completion. That is why the Vienna Zettelkästen became the first relational search engine with an expansion function.

      Description of the invention of the first library card catalog?

  10. Jun 2021
    1. We explore them in other chapters and in particular in Macroeconomic Policy Around the World.

      Reference to OS 19 (not currently mapped in our AL)--remove?

    2. The European Union has strong programs to invest in scientific research. Researchers Abraham García and Pierre Mohnen demonstrate that firms who received support from the Austrian government actually increased their research intensity and had more sales. Governments can support scientific research and technical training that helps to create and spread new technologies. Governments can also provide a legal environment that protects the ability of inventors to profit from their inventions.

      From OS

    3. Scientific Research

      This would be an excellent place to mention the US funding of COVID vaccine research--maybe a link to learning after this card?

    4. For example, saver's credits make certain retirement savings tax-exempt, meaning savers get to keep more of the interest they earn on savings investments.

      This example is pulled from Giacomo's slides. Possible replacement: education fund accounts? (Same concept of tax-exemption, less common)

    5. In the United States and many other countries, the government taxes gains from private investment. Low capital gains taxes encourage investment and so also economic growth.

      This sentence is from OS

    6. Government Action: Education

      First paragraph is Giacomo adaptation, second paragraph is OS text

    7. EducationSavings and investmentScientific researchHealthcareInternational tradeInfrastructureSpecial economic zones

      This is a combo of Giacomo's list and OS's list. I've devoted one explanation card to each item on this list. Education, savings/investment, and scientific research are featured by both Giacomo & OS; we may want to cut some of the others

    8. A Healthy Climate for Economic Growth

      From OS 7.3

    9. empirical evidence

      It would be great if we could pull empirical evidence to support this

    1. Capital Deepening

      Start of OS content (late 7.3), runs to the end of the section

    2. image

      Caption: "Figure 7.6 Physical Capital per Worker in the United States The value of the physical capital, measured by plant and equipment, used by the average worker in the U.S. economy has risen over the decades. The increase may have leveled off a bit in the 1970s and 1980s, which were, not coincidentally, times of slower-than-usual growth in worker productivity. We see a renewed increase in physical capital per worker in the late 1990s, followed by a flattening in the early 2000s. (Source: Center for International Comparisons of Production, Income and Prices, University of Pennsylvania)"

    3. image

      Caption: "Figure 7.5 Human Capital Deepening in the U.S. Rising levels of education for persons 25 and older show the deepening of human capital in the U.S. economy. Even today, under one-third of U.S. adults have completed a four-year college degree. There is clearly room for additional deepening of human capital to occur. (Source: US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics)"

    4. explosive growth

      Key term?

    5. .

      In the lecture notes, Giacomo says "The logic behind decreasing returns is that, if K increases while holding L fixed machines per worker and worker productivity falls." I don't have great clarity on what "worker productivity falls" truly means and don't want to put something incorrect--fill in once lecture videos are out

    6. hen a new technology is created to increase productivity, many firms can benefit from the new technology aside from the firm that created it.

      This example is taken from lecture (the pollution example is from OS Micro)

    7. Spillover

      We should actually define spillover somewhere

    8. nternal forces create the potential for a production function with increasing returns.

      This is a shortened version of the full definition to avoid vocab words we haven't defined yet

    9. Growth Comes From Within

      Starting off with Giacomo's slide content

    1. website

      This link to learning is a NYT article behind a paywall, we should look for a replacement that is truly free

    2. Lesson Text

      For this card & the others in this section--if we keep capital deepening defined in the later section, we should revise the wording to avoid referencing capital deepening or heavily edit this section

    3. image

      Figure 7.7 Capital Deepening and New Technology Imagine that the economy starts at point R, with the level of physical and human capital C1 and the output per capita at G1. If the economy relies only on capital deepening, while remaining at the technology level shown by the Technology 1 line, then it would face diminishing marginal returns as it moved from point R to point U to point W. However, now imagine that capital deepening is combined with improvements in technology. Then, as capital deepens from C1 to C2, technology improves from Technology 1 to Technology 2, and the economy moves from R to S. Similarly, as capital deepens from C2 to C3, technology increases from Technology 2 to Technology 3, and the economy moves from S to T. With improvements in technology, there is no longer any reason that economic growth must necessarily slow down.

    4. Arguments Favoring Convergence

      Back to OS 7.4

  11. May 2021
    1. Humanists had the tools and even the concepts to invent the cross-referenced thematic library catalogue, but they did not do so. We do not know why it took several hundred years and the Italian director of the British Museum, Antonio Panizzi, to create a truly modern reference catalogue through his “Ninety-One Cataloguing Rules” in 1841.

      Origin of the modern reference catalogue...

    2. The great library of Alexandria, which began around 300 B.C.E., created a cataloguing system called Pinakes to manage the estimated 500,000 books in the collection of the Ptolemaic pharaohs. The Pinakes were sophisticated bibliographical lists containing title, incipit (the first few lines of each text), the number of lines for each work, and a subject and author index.


    1. Media theorist Markus Krajewski has devoted a book specifically to the paper machinery of cards and catalogs. He traces the origins of this machinery back to sixteenth-century attempts at indexing books, and through the twists and turns of library technology in Europe and the U.S. over the following centuries.
  12. Apr 2021
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  13. Feb 2021
    1. Can I transfer money from the Direct Express® card to a checking or savings account?
    2. Can I get cash when I need it with my Direct Express® card?
    3. How do I get cash at a bank teller window?
    4. How does the free Low Balance Alert work?
    5. How does the free Deposit Notification work?
    6. How can I protect my PIN?
    7. Do I always need to use my PIN? Can I use my card without a PIN?
    8. What if I forget my PIN?
    9. Can I change my PIN?
    10. What is a PIN?
    11. Can I pay my bills or pay for Internet purchases with my Direct Express® card?
    12. How do I check my balance on my Direct Express® card?
    13. Where can I use my Direct Express® card?
    14. How do I make purchases with my card?
    15. How much will people be charged for going to an out-of-network ATM?
    16. What if I don't live near a Direct Express® card surcharge-free network ATM?
    17. How do I find a surcharge free network?
    18. Is there a fee to use the ATM?
    19. How does my free ATM cash withdrawal work?
    20. How do I avoid transaction fees while using my Direct Express® card?
    21. How much do I have to pay for the Direct Express® card?
    22. What are my options if the Direct Express® card is just not for me?
    23. I plan to retire in the near future. Can I request a Direct Express® card as soon as I sign up for my Social Security benefits?
    24. Can I sign up for the Direct Express® card even if I have a bank account?
    25. Can recipients who have a Direct Express® card switch to a traditional checking or savings account and receive their payment by direct deposit?
    26. Are federal benefit recipients residing in a healthcare facility eligible for the Direct Express® card?
    27. I am a representative payee who receives another type of federal benefit payment on behalf of someone else. Can I sign up for a Direct Express® card?
    28. I am a representative payee who receives Social Security benefits on behalf of more than one person. Can I receive all of the benefits on one Direct Express® card?
    29. I am a representative payee who receives Social Security benefits for someone else. Can I sign up for a Direct Express® card?
    30. Do I need to give my federal paying agency my card information in order to receive benefits?
    31. How do I activate my Direct Express® card?
    32. How do I sign up for the Direct Express® card?
    33. What are the benefits of the Direct Express® card?
    34. How is the Direct Express® debit card different from a credit card?
    35. Will my Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, and other federal benefits be safe?
    36. How does the Direct Express® card work?
    37. What type of federal payments can I have on the Direct Express® card account?
    38. What is the Direct Express® card?
    1. Full Card Number
    2. Last 4 of the Card
    3. provide information for the following call type ONLY: New Enrollment Card Not Received
    4. refer to the New Enrollment Card Not Received call type in the DCFC
    5. select IVR State and Card Verification
    6. you have confirmed the card is Active
    7. If Yes
    8. If No
    9. Ask the cardholder if they have received their Direct Express Card
    1. It’s kind of like putting a SIM card in a cell phone – the SIM card tells that phone, “Hey, you work with this particular phone number now.” Just like you can switch out a phone’s SIM card and make the phone work with a different phone number, your domain can be set to work with a different web hosting service.
  14. Nov 2020
  15. Oct 2020
    1. Introducing the notecard<picture><source type='image/webp' srcset="https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/1c9fc6f4219b130b82a6f7727ee74acecbe8b7a4/b4243/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/9e195/cardannotated.webp 200w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/f66b657967d2e34e758cb77fc59714a285319279/7a3d6/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/40a1d/cardannotated.webp 400w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/47d622ef46121005ad91293c7ee458a90d04b4fa/7fe2f/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/b0751/cardannotated.webp 800w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/6504d2ec44fb8a647fe5b79334af8ec4952253f7/8e755/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/a7c53/cardannotated.webp 1200w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/f69c4512b7a44c58464b2aef88aa47bf6a0bb66f/5c714/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/009c1/cardannotated.webp 1500w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" /><source srcset="https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/d8560f7fcbf605ba3971dd25a26be6d61cc4cd0e/f1b18/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/4fa6c/cardannotated.jpg 200w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/eed5c3fa61adc2053cdbf49591157f1aaafcb163/00ee5/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/64b17/cardannotated.jpg 400w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/0a571025bfd13a5d0047fe36963562de5f20bd00/a556c/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/a1eb1/cardannotated.jpg 800w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/167359409657f272c354c8550a2c2e7f53ddd34a/27ba4/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/a6c62/cardannotated.jpg 1200w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/5250e9e013f951c51b8e0e5e41da294776ec9f35/e54ea/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/08276/cardannotated.jpg 1500w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" /><img loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" srcset="https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/d8560f7fcbf605ba3971dd25a26be6d61cc4cd0e/f1b18/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/4fa6c/cardannotated.jpg 200w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/eed5c3fa61adc2053cdbf49591157f1aaafcb163/00ee5/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/64b17/cardannotated.jpg 400w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/0a571025bfd13a5d0047fe36963562de5f20bd00/a556c/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/a1eb1/cardannotated.jpg 800w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/167359409657f272c354c8550a2c2e7f53ddd34a/27ba4/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/a6c62/cardannotated.jpg 1200w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/5250e9e013f951c51b8e0e5e41da294776ec9f35/e54ea/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/08276/cardannotated.jpg 1500w" src="https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/0a571025bfd13a5d0047fe36963562de5f20bd00/a556c/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/a1eb1/cardannotated.jpg" alt="Introducing the notecard" title="Introducing the notecard" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;opacity:1;width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:center"/></picture>No more bloated files for taking notes. Create simple yet powerful digital note-cards with rich and varied content, like math equations, tables, images, checklists, and emojis.
    1. Later in the thread just cited, John Meador quoted another text, 1594, attesting to something more astounding: ...two especial uses, I have often exercised this art for the better help of my own memory, and the same as yet has never failed me. Although I have heard some of Master Dickson, his schollers, that have prooved such cunning Cardplayers hereby, that they could tell the course of all the Cards and what every gamester had in his hand. So ready we are to turn an honest and commendable invention into craft and cousenage." -Hugh Platt: The Jewell House of Art and Nature 1594 This art, or at least its claims, goes somewhat beyond remembering what cards have been played: they actually can use it to know what the other players have in their hand, before playing the cards. Platt considers this a kind of cheating (usually "cozenage", from "cozen", first use 1573, probably from the Italian cozzone, horse trader, per http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cozen).
    2. In his play Il Candelaio he mentions the tarot: an innkeeper asks a scoundrel in his establishment if he likes to play tarot; the scoundrel replies ”A questo maldetto gioco non posso vincere, per che ho una pessima memoria”. (“At this cursed game I cannot win, because I have a terrible memory”)
  16. Aug 2020
  17. Jun 2020
  18. Feb 2020
  19. Dec 2019
    1. In a nutshell, the King's Keys deck started as an experiment to see what card games would be like if you rebuilt playing cards from the ground up. Instead of using ranks and suits, each card has a number (from one to four), one of four items, and one of four colors. The result is what I call a 4x4x4 deck where 64 playing cards each have a unique combination of these three parts.
  20. Aug 2019
  21. Jul 2017
  22. Dec 2016
    1. The Viet Nam era draft card is also known by its legal description, the status card. The draft card was an aspect of the Selective Service Act, the federal legislation that legalized the conscription of eligible males into the American armed services during the Viet Nam war (1962–1973).

      Vietnam Card Burning (PRIMARY PICTURES)

  23. May 2016