- Jan 2021
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
However, the W3C provides us with an important clue as to who is right: the download attribute.
There seems to be a lot of confusion over when to use buttons and when to use links. Much like tabs versus spaces or pullover hoodies versus zip-ups, this debate might rage without end.
The debate about whether a button or link should be used to download a file is a bit silly, as the whole purpose of a link has always been to download content. HTML is a file, and like all other files, it needs to be retrieved from a server and downloaded before it can be presented to a user. The difference between a Photoshop file, HTML, and other understood media files, is that a browser automatically displays the latter two. If one were to link to a Photoshop .psd file, the browser would initiate a document change to render the file, likely be all like, “lol wut?” and then just initiate the OS download prompt. The confusion seems to come from developers getting super literal with the “links go places, buttons perform actions.” Yes, that is true, but links don’t actually go anywhere. They retrieve information and download it. Buttons perform actions, but they don’t inherently “get” documents. While they can be used to get data, it’s often to change state of a current document, not to retrieve and render a new one. They can get data, in regards to the functionality of forms, but it continues to be within the context of updating a web document, not downloading an individual file. Long story short, the download attribute is unique to anchor links for a reason. download augments the inherent functionality of the link retrieving data. It side steps the attempt to render the file in the browser and instead says, “You know what? I’m just going to save this for later…”
- Dec 2020
tools.ietf.org tools.ietf.org
2.3.1. Mail Objects SMTP transports a mail object. A mail object contains an envelope and content. The SMTP envelope is sent as a series of SMTP protocol units (described in Section 3). It consists of an originator address (to Klensin Standards Track [Page 11] RFC 5321 SMTP October 2008 which error reports should be directed), one or more recipient addresses, and optional protocol extension material
The SMTP envelope is sent as a series of SMTP protocol units (described in Section 3). It consists of
- an originator address (to which error reports should be directed),
that refers to the originator (a.k.a., reverse path, backward-pointing address) of the request- one or more recipient addresses,
for each "to:" rfc822 message header in the mail data (see annotation)- and optional protocol extension material.
(see below)
(See also
tags.) -
When the RFC 822 format ([28], [4]) is being used, the mail data include the header fields such as those named Date, Subject, To, Cc, and From.
This just answered my question regarding the quote from "Postfix: The Definitive Guide":
ENVELOPE ADDRESSES AND MESSAGE HEADERS A common source of confusion for email users is the fact that the To: address in email message headers has nothing to do with where a message is actually delivered. The envelope address controls message delivery. In practice, when you compose a message and provide your MUA with a To: address, your MUA uses that same address as the envelope destination address, but this is not required nor is it always the case. From the MTA’s point of view, message headers are part of the content of an email message. The delivery of a message is determined by the addresses specified during the SMTP conversation. These addresses are the envelope addresses , and they are the only thing that determine where messages go. See Section 2.2.8 later in the chapter for an explanation of the SMTP protocol.
Mailing lists and spam are common examples of when the envelope destination address differs from the To: address of the message headers.
Also an answer to this question.
An SMTP-capable host SHOULD support both the alias and the list models of address expansion for multiple delivery. When a message is delivered or forwarded to each address of an expanded list form, the return address in the envelope ("MAIL FROM:") MUST be changed to be the address of a person or other entity who administers the list. However, in this case, the message header section (RFC 5322 [4]) MUST be left unchanged; in particular, the "From" field of the header section is unaffected.
Another section that serves well to understand the difference between email data and SMTP envelope.
To expand an alias, the recipient mailer simply replaces the pseudo- mailbox address in the envelope with each of the expanded addresses in turn; the rest of the envelope and the message body are left unchanged. The message is then delivered or forwarded to each expanded address.
This annotation explains what this paragraph means and dispels my confusion regarding how 3mails with multiple recipients will get processed (also, SMTP envelope vs mail data).
MS Outlook's "distribution list" is the same as an rfc5321 alias.
The return (backward-pointing) address in the envelope is changed so that all error messages generated by the final deliveries will be returned to a list administrator, not to the message originator, who generally has no control over the contents of the list and will typically find error messages annoying.
- This the only difference between an SMTP alias and list; expanding recipients to RCPT commands is the same.
- Another great example to highlight the difference between SMTP envelope and mail data: the envelope's
(see annotation) is different from to the mail data's rfc822From:
If the Klensin Standards Track [Page 19] RFC 5321 SMTP October 2008 recipient is known not to be a deliverable address, the SMTP server returns a 550 reply, typically with a string such as "no such user - " and the mailbox name (other circumstances and reply codes are possible).
Will the entire transaction be canceled? "Transaction" in the name of this a section implies yes, but what if all the recipients are valid?
See replies below but the answer is no; an
command is specified for each recipient in the mail data, theseRCPT
commands will be evaluated in sequence,, and any SMTP (error) notifications will be sent to the address in theMAIL FROM
command (which is not necessarily the same as the mail data'sFrom:
sapper.svelte.dev sapper.svelte.dev
Note that preload will run both on the server side and on the client side. It may therefore not reference any APIs only present in the browser.
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
You can afford to make a proper PR to upstream.
The change would be useful to other people as-is.
The change is too consequential to be developed in situ.
Patches can be reviewed as part of your normal review process, forks probably can't
Get told in big red letters when the dependency changed and you need to check that your fix is still valid.
Keep your patches colocated with the code that depends on them.
Sometimes forks need extra build steps, e.g. with react-native for Android. Forget that noise.
You can use --save-dev if you don't need to run npm in production, e.g. if you're making a web frontend.
- limited time: not right now (maybe later)
- taking the time to do it right/properly
- too hard/complicated/non-trivial
- errors/warnings are helpful for development
- helpful
- patching (patching vs. forking)
- review process
- patching vs. forking
- proper
- pull request
- advantages/merits/pros
- forking (patching vs. forking)
- devDependencies vs. (production) dependencies
- code organization: co-location
- doing it right/properly
- when to _
github.com github.com
As a workaround for the need of having more than 1 root nodes for the same slot, we can introduce the <svelte:slot> as a wrapper:
github.com github.com
Got a bit sidetracked into refactoring the Element visitor code, so haven't actually started on the event handler stuff per se, but that'll come soon. Element stuff is starting to feel a bit more logical and easier to follow.
- Nov 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
If you want a reference to the global object that works in any context, you can read this from a directly-called function. const global = (function() {return this})();. This evaluates to window in the browser, self in a service worker and global in nodejs.
emphasizing that 'this' and 'global object' are two different things not only in Node.js but in JavaScript in general
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
The Object.getPrototypeOf() method returns the prototype (i.e. the value of the internal [[Prototype]] property) of the specified object.
internal: [[Prototype]]
Other times we see something used to indicate it is internal. In fact, this even supersedes proto__. So why did they use a different naming convention? Did they decide [[ ]] is a better naming convention?
uxdesign.cc uxdesign.cc
Sentence case, e.g. ‘Next section’. I use sentence case for more ‘friendly’ or ‘conversational’ platforms.
Sharp edge buttons look more serious, while buttons with a rounder radius look more playful.
github.com github.com
This sort of library probably should be communitized so there's really just a single library.
github.com github.com
// DO NOT INLINE this variable. For backward compatibility, foundations take a Partial<MDCFooAdapter>. // To ensure we don't accidentally omit any methods, we need a separate, strongly typed adapter variable.
I wish I understood what they meant and why this is necessary
opinionatedgamers.com opinionatedgamers.com
Certainly during the first few turns in a less developed game, you are taking more strategic gambles, and later you are more tactically choosing who will mail off their Form 1120 on time.
ell.stackexchange.com ell.stackexchange.com
Warning: Many native English speakers find who versus whom difficult and frequently get it wrong. This is also due to the fact that it is falling out of fashion and is often seen as archaic.
laniewski.me laniewski.me
It is important to notice that if you are planning on making your application a PWA, you don’t have to rewrite all the logic.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I'd say it's better overall because it replaces paths at compile-time. It means there is no runtime dependency or any performance overhead.
www.typescriptlang.org www.typescriptlang.org
Loaders use a mapping configuration to map module names to files at run-time, see RequireJs documentation and SystemJS documentation.
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
This module should not be used in other npm modules since it modifies the default require behavior! It is designed to be used for development of final projects i.e. web-sites, applications etc.
In short, I think the idea of public methods being actions works just fine as an api.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
webpack.js.org webpack.js.orgConcepts2
The following options are ideal for development:
Some of these values are suited for development and some for production. For development you typically want fast Source Maps at the cost of bundle size, but for production you want separate Source Maps that are accurate and support minimizing.
github.com github.com
Note that you can also use dynamic partials, that conditionally select the partial to render based on the value in the JSON.
github.com github.com
I'm looking at https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#attributes-3 right now, and it seems that there are a few others that ought to be boolean but are not currently in this list: allowpaymentrequest, formnovalidate, hidden (is on the original list in the master branch), itemscope, nomodule, and playsinline.
Some of the verbs implemented by systemctl are designed to provide a high-level overview in a human readable format. All that information is available over dbus, and/or journalctl, systemctl show. We could provide that information in json format, but there's a second problem. Information and format of information printed by e.g. systemctl status is not stable. Since the output is not suitable for programmatic consumption anyway, there's no need to provide it in a machine readable format.
opensource.com opensource.com
Now let me get back to your question. The FBI presents its conflict with Apple over locked phones as a case as of privacy versus security. Yes, smartphones carry a lot of personal data—photos, texts, email, and the like. But they also carry business and account information; keeping that secure is really important. The problem is that if you make it easier for law enforcement to access a locked device, you also make it easier for a bad actor—a criminal, a hacker, a determined nation-state—to do so as well. And that's why this is a security vs. security issue.
The debate should not be framed as privacy-vs-security because when you make it easier for law enforcement to access a locked device, you also make it easier for bad actors to do so as well. Thus it is a security-vs-security issue.
- Oct 2020
guides.rubyonrails.org guides.rubyonrails.org
It is only soft-deprecated, which means that your code will not break at the moment and no deprecation warning will be displayed, but this constant will be removed in the future.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
If you don't like to create an extra function and remove the items 'inline'
However, this will only walk the object shallowly. To do it deeply, you can use recursion:
Note that if you're willing to use a library like lodash/underscore.js, you can use _.pick instead. However, you will still need to use recursion to filter deeply, since neither library provides a deep filter function.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
we update the validation schema on the fly (we had a similar case with a validation that needs to be included whenever some fetch operation was completed)
codesandbox.io codesandbox.io
export const validationSchema = { field: { account: [Validators.required.validator, iban.validator, ibanBlackList], name: [Validators.required.validator], integerAmount: [
Able to update this schema on the fly, with:
React.useEffect(() => { getDisabledCountryIBANCollection().then(countries => { const newValidationSchema = { ...validationSchema, field: { ...validationSchema.field, account: [ ...validationSchema.field.account, { validator: countryBlackList, customArgs: { countries, }, }, ], }, }; formValidation.updateValidationSchema(newValidationSchema); }); }, []);
www.basefactor.com www.basefactor.com
Ubiquity: you can also run your validation on the server side (e.g. nodejs)
What would happen if we get the list from a rest api when the form component is mounted? That's an interesting topic, you can add a rule once a component has been mounted and update the associated validation schema.
Ok, I have seen that there are lot of built-in and third party validations, but sooner or later I will face a validation rule not covered by this buffet. Can I build a custom one? Of course you can!
www.hackingwithswift.com www.hackingwithswift.com
SwiftUI is a user interface toolkit that lets us design apps in a declarative way. That’s a fancy way of saying that we tell SwiftUI how we want our UI to look and work, and it figures out how to make that happen as the user interacts with it.
Imperative UI causes all sorts of problems, most of which revolve around state, which is another fancy term meaning “values we store in our code”. We need to track what state our code is in, and make sure our user interface correctly reflects that state.
github.com github.com
Doing so also means adding empty import statements to guarantee correct order of evaluation of modules (in ES modules, evaluation order is determined statically by the order of import declarations, whereas in CommonJS – and environments that simulate CommonJS by shipping a module loader, i.e. Browserify and Webpack – evaluation order is determined at runtime by the order in which require statements are encountered).
Here: dynamic loading (libraries/functions) meaning: at run time
This PR replaces nested require statements in files in vendor/postcss with import declarations, so that they can be properly resolved at build time.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Don't sacrifice clarity for brevity when creating a minimal example.
Note that these are not hyperlinks; these URIs are used for identification. This is a machine-readable way to say “this is HTML”. In particular, software does not usually need to fetch these resources, and certainly does not need to fetch the same one over and over!
danielmiessler.com danielmiessler.com
A URI is an identifier.A URL is an identifier that tells you how to get to it.
www.guru99.com www.guru99.com
Every URL is a URI; Every URN is a URI; URI and URL are NOT interchangeable – a URL is a URI, but a URI is not always a URL; URLs always contain an access mechanism.
Roles are element types and authors MUST NOT change role values over time or with user actions. Authors wishing to change a role MUST do so by deleting the associated element and its children and replacing it with a new element with the appropriate role.
marketplace.visualstudio.com marketplace.visualstudio.com
marketplace.visualstudio.com marketplace.visualstudio.com
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
Their trailer said "A video game for the home computer". Not sure why they said that instead of PC, but it was a refreshing new term for it.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Longstanding controversy surrounds the meaning of the term "hacker". In this controversy, computer programmers reclaim the term hacker, arguing that it refers simply to someone with an advanced understanding of computers and computer networks[5] and that cracker is the more appropriate term for those who break into computers, whether computer criminals (black hats) or computer security experts (white hats).
final-form.org final-form.org
Returns a Promise<?Object> that resolves with no value on success or resolves with an Object of submission errors on failure. The reason it resolves with errors is to leave rejection for when there is a server or communications error.
hyperscript is much simpler to refactor and DRY up your code than with JSX, because, being vanilla javascript, its easier to work with variable assignment, loops and conditionals.
- hyperscript
- template language: bad: by not reusing existing language constructs; forced to reinvent equivalents which are inferior and unfamiliar
- comparison with:
- it's just _
- template language vs. reusing existing language constructs
- javascript
- reuse existing language constructs
- making it easy for later refactoring
github.com github.com
Use a node-style require() to organize your browser code and load modules installed by npm.
github.com github.com
browserify is a tool for compiling node-flavored commonjs modules for the browser.
www.agileconnection.com www.agileconnection.com
In highlighting the dangers of big-up-front-design (BUFD) and waterfall development, Agilists seem to advocate no-up-front-design (NUFD) or no-up-front-requirements (NUFR) or no-up-front-architecture (NUFA).
Think of JavaScript. In the browser you don't have direct access to the file system. In Node.js you have. Same programming language. Different APIs.
In a declarative language like Svelte's HTMLx, you're not writing a program so much as describing a graph.
reisub0.github.io reisub0.github.io
Most people seem to follow one of two strategies - and these strategies come under the umbrella of tree-traversal algorithms in computer science.
Deciding whether you want to go deep into one topic, or explore more topics, can be seen as a choice between two types of tree-traversal algorithms: depth-first and breadth-first.
This also reminds me of the Explore-Exploit problem in machine learning, which I believe is related to the Multi-Armed Bandit Problem.
github.com github.com
In general it is recommended you handle forms in this "controlled" manner. In some cases it might make sense to manage the form state outside of Solid via refs. These "uncontrolled" forms can also work. Just be conscious of the difference as mixing approaches can lead to unexpected results.
www.idioms4you.com www.idioms4you.com
levelup.gitconnected.com levelup.gitconnected.com
This is just a library not a Framework.
Templates are prone to unnoticed runtime errors, are hard to test, and are not easy to restructure or decompose.
In contrast, Javascript-made templates can be organised into components with nicely decomposed and DRY code that is more reusable and testable.
In contrast, React apps shun templates and require the developer to create their DOM in Javascript, typically aided with JSX.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Node.js code must be run by the node process, not the browser (the code must run in the server).
t’s not clear why the sequence of the vaccines only mattered in girls, partly because there has been very little research into how male and female immune systems are different. “Somehow immunology has been blind to sex,” says Aaby. “If you read research about mortality in low income countries, there is no such thing as boys and girls – there are children. So we perceive that they have to be the same, and they are definitely not the same.”
Take away: "Immune training" or bystander effects from other vaccinations may help to fight off Covid-19 or other infections, in spite of not being specific to that pathogen. Some of these effects are sex-specific.
Claim: "Somehow immunology has been blind to sex"
The evidence: This is not entirely true- there is actually a LOT of research into sex differences in the immune response, and it is well-known that women can generally mount stronger Th1-type immune responses against viral infections than men. This is thought to be partially linked to estrogen cycling, and partly due to the fact that women have 2 active copies of genes associated with immunity because those are encoded on the X chromosomes. Men only have 1 copy, and thus they don't generally mount as strong an inflammatory response. However, women are also more prone to autoimmune diseases as a consequence of having stronger inflammatory responses than men, which is seen in diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus.
Sources: (https://www.nature.com/articles/nri.2016.90).
But maybe this PR should still be merged until he finds time for that?
- open-source software: progress seems slow
- iterative process
- waiting for maintainers to review / merge pull request / give feedback
- big change/rewrite vs. continuous improvements / smaller refactorings
- not a blocker (issue dependency)
- pull request stalled
- don't let big plans/goals get in the way of integrating/releasing smaller changes/improvements
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
detach, as an api, should be declarative (ensure the node is detached) instead of imperative (detach the node), allowing it to be called multiple times by performing a noop if the node is already detached. This way, it won't matter if the node is removed from the DOM from outside of svelte.
github.com github.com
Please also make sure svelte is installed as a devDependency and not an actual dependency. Svelte itself should never be bundled with your application code.
devblogs.microsoft.com devblogs.microsoft.com
If you’ve used Flow before, the syntax is fairly similar. One difference is that we’ve added a few restrictions to avoid code that might appear ambiguous.
www.techiepixel.com www.techiepixel.com
Let’s take a look at some facts and figures related to iOS vs. Android, which can help you choose one of two operating systems:
medium.com medium.com
Modules using code that doesn’t exist in browsers such as process.env.NODE_ENV and forcing you to convert or polyfill it.
rollupjs.org rollupjs.orgRollup1
Some modules, like events or util, are built in to Node.js. If you want to include those (for example, so that your bundle runs in the browser), you may need to include rollup-plugin-node-polyfills.
flaviocopes.com flaviocopes.com
dependencies are the packages your project depends on. devDependencies are the packages that are needed during the development phase. Say a testing framework like Jest or other utilities like Babel or ESLint.
github.com github.com
Having the bundler config bundle dev deps and leave prod deps as external seems to be the sanest thing it could default to, and I don't see us wanting to change that.
github.com github.com
Svelte will not offer a generic way to support style customizing via contextual class overrides (as we'd do it in plain HTML). Instead we'll invent something new that is entirely different. If a child component is provided and does not anticipate some contextual usage scenario (style wise) you'd need to copy it or hack around that via :global hacks.
Explicit interfaces are preferable, even if it places greater demand on library authors to design both their components and their style interfaces with these things in mind.
- run-time dynamicness/generics vs. having to explicitly list/hard-code all options ahead of time
- workarounds
- maintenance burden to explicitly define/enumerate/hard-code possible options (explicit interface)
- explicit interfaces
- forking to add a desired missing feature/change
- being explicit
- component/library author can't consider/know ahead of time all of the ways users may want to use it
- Svelte: how to affect child component styles
- maintenance burden
- ugly/kludgey
- burden
- forced to fork/copy and paste library code because it didn't provide enough customizability/extensibility / didn't foresee some specific prop/behavior that needed to be overridable/configurable (explicit interface)
- trying to prevent one bad thing leading to people doing/choosing an even worse option
github.com github.com
The point of the feature is to not rely on the third-party author of the child component to add a prop for every action under the sun. Rather, they could just mark a recipient for actions on the component (assuming there is a viable target element), and then consumers of the library could extend the component using whatever actions they desire.
- extensibility
- run-time dynamicness/generics vs. having to explicitly list/hard-code all options ahead of time
- Svelte: action (use:)
- component/library author can't consider/know ahead of time all of the ways users may want to use it
- pass-through arguments/props/options
- flexibility
github.com github.com
Your LazyLoad image is now inextensible. What if you want to add a class? Perhaps the author of LazyLoad thought of that and sets className onto the <img>. But will the author consider everything? Perhaps if we get {...state} attributes.
You'll have to create a new component that brings in the functionality of both. TooltipButton, TooltipLink, Link, and TooltipRoutedLink. We're starting to get a lot of components to handle a bit of added functionality.
For the tooltip example, if you had a whole bunch of tooltips on different elements, it would be annoying to have different event listeners and "should it be shown" variables for each one.
Perhaps at that point we're better off settling on a way to pass components through as parameters? <!-- App.html --> <Outer contents={Inner}/> <!-- Outer.html --> <div> <div>Something</div> <[contents] foo='bar'/> </div>
I would hope for it to come with React-like behavior where I could pass in a string (like div or a) and have it show up as a normal div/a element when the child component used it.
github.com github.com
Use case: Wrapper components that need to render an element (e.g. because they attach event listeners). You'd probably use a <div> there by default but there may be places where this is not desirable for semantic reasons (e.g. in lists).
const components = { Label, Tree, Menu };
github.com github.com
The lack of spread continues to be a big pain for me, adding lots of difficult-to-maintain cruft in my components. Having to maintain a list of all possible attributes that I might ever need to pass through a component is causing me a lot of friction in my most composable components.
As a general rule, I would recommend reading the article in it's entirety. With that said, if you wish to "cut to the chase", I have summarized my findings at the end ... feel free to jump ahead to the Summary!
github.com github.com
In general, I'm unpersuaded by these arguments (learning curve is determined not just by unfamiliar syntax, but by unfamiliar semantics and APIs as well, and the frameworks in question excel at adding complexity in those areas).
github.com github.com
Svelte currently has no opinion as to what you store in an exported class prop of a component. It will not necessarily be used a class attribute.
quod.lib.umich.edu quod.lib.umich.edu
Yow loveres axe I now this questioun: 1347 Who hath the worse, arcite or palamoun? 1348
The Knight’s Tale The question of what is the lesser of the two evils seems tobe a running theme in Chaucer’s The Knight’s Tale. This theme is most apparentat the end of part one of The Knight’s Tale when the question is asked ”Yowloveres axe I now this questioun:/ Who hath the worse, Arcite or Palamoun?” (lines1347/48).In other words, it poses the question, what is worse Arcite being exiled andunable to see Emelye or the positionthat Palamoun finds himself in as a prisoner, but has access to Emelye? I wouldargue that Palamoun’s position is the worse of the two. Arcite, can romanticizethe past or move on in a way that Palamoun is unable to. Palmoun, on the otherhand, is confined in a cell making it difficult to romanticize the past or moveforward. This idea of the lesser of thetwo evils also appears in lines 1318-23, although not as directly in theprevious lines:Ther as a beest may al his lust fulfille.And whan a beest is deed he hath no peyne;But man after his deeth moot wepe and pleyne,Though in this world he have care and wo.Withouten doute it may stonden so. The answere of thislete I to dyvynys, In these lines, a beast can act on his desires and can makedecisions without considering an afterlife. However, the opposite is true forman. Chaucer’s use of these juxtapositions to allows him to continue this themeof the lesser of the two evils.What is Chaucer’s intention in having his reader contemplateone side or the other in such a direct way?
jsreport.io jsreport.io
A paradigm is a model or pattern. In JavaScript, there are a number of popular paradigms including object-oriented programming (OOP) and functional programming (FP). Paradigms are more important than is sometimes recognized. They help form mental models for solving problems. Becoming well-versed in the principles of a given paradigm can help accelerate development by providing mental shortcuts for solving the challenges that arise while building applications. They can also help produce higher quality software.
exploringjs.com exploringjs.com
Ways of delivering JavaScript source code
You are not sure which path to take between the big re-write or continuous improvements(using refactoring)
- Aug 2020
pragmaticpineapple.com pragmaticpineapple.com
It’s 2020, doesn’t everyone use VSCode already?
hyperlink.academy hyperlink.academy
Facilitators don't have to be experts in the topic — they can be learners too!
yup, and I think having this distinction and also being clear/honest about it - and being transparent in our own learning process.
I think a challenge we've had with some online educators, is they have positioned themselves as an expert, and shared content from a place of 'authority' that was a bit rocky.
The advice then gets taken as 'set in stone', next thing you know a rough idea goes viral and becomes 'best practice' when it was really 'some person trying to figure something out'
By being more transparent in where you are at, it can then encourage more feedback and discussion, and also a deepening of the facilitators understanding.
Online courses tend to be based around linear playlists of videos, along with associated readings and other activities. These often look like university courses filmed and translated more or less directly to online form. More internet native courses tend to be shorter and more focused, but still just as linear and video-centric.
agree with this.
I've often thought that at times learning feels more like the Path fo Exile skill spider-web than a linear path.
Many 'road maps', 'how to' feels like a ladder - and then it's not always clear how much you need to learn about a certain step before moving onto the next step, while also failing to realize that you may have learned the outcomes from the step in another way.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Stallman has also stated that considering the practical advantages of free software is like considering the practical advantages of not being handcuffed, in that it is not necessary for an individual to consider practical reasons in order to realize that being handcuffed is undesirable in itself.
- Jul 2020
www.w3.org www.w3.org
RDFa is intended to solve the problem of marking up machine-readable data in HTML documents. RDFa provides a set of HTML attributes to augment visual data with machine-readable hints. Using RDFa, authors may turn their existing human-visible text and links into machine-readable data without repeating content.
lwn.net lwn.net
This is very irresponsible of them, with respect to the number of downloads. They should finally realize this and just redirect people to LO. Continuing like this hurts the Apache Foundation credibility as well as the open source community as a whole.
icla2020.jonreeve.com icla2020.jonreeve.com
He had put the case (without mentioning names) to an eminent physician; and the eminent physician had smiled, had shaken his head, and had said–nothing. On these grounds, Mr. Bruff entered his protest, and left it there.
So to say nothing is enough proof that there is no merit to this experiment? Isn't Ezra's thoughts inspired by textbooks/an intention to mimic the scientific process?
I feel like such ignorance towards science is relevant today *cough*,*cough* people who refuse to wear face masks *cough*,*cough*
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
It does, however, provide the --porcelain option, which causes the output of git status --porcelain to be formatted in an easy-to-parse format for scripts, and will remain stable across Git versions and regardless of user configuration.
Parsing the output of git status is a bad idea because the output is intended to be human readable, not machine-readable. There's no guarantee that the output will remain the same in future versions of Git or in differently configured environments.
- Jun 2020
The chief justice explained that he continues to think the Texas case was wrongly decided, but believes it’s important for the court to stand by its prior decisions.
Security agency frustration at the lack of lawful interception for encrypted messaging is understandable, but the problem with global over-the-top platforms is that once those weaknesses are inbuilt, they become potentially available to bad actors as well as good.
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
EFF describes this as “a major threat,” warning that “the privacy and security of all users will suffer if U.S. law enforcement achieves its dream of breaking encryption.”
Once the platforms introduce backdoors, those arguing against such a move say, bad guys will inevitably steal the keys. Lawmakers have been clever. No mention of backdoors at all in the proposed legislation or the need to break encryption. If you transmit illegal or dangerous content, they argue, you will be held responsible. You decide how to do that. Clearly there are no options to some form of backdoor.
While this debate has been raging for a year, the current “EARN-IT’ bill working its way through the U.S. legislative process is the biggest test yet for the survival of end-to-end encryption in its current form. In short, this would enforce best practices on the industry to “prevent, reduce and respond to” illicit material. There is no way they can do that without breaking their own encryption. QED.
Governments led by the U.S., U.K. and Australia are battling the industry to open up “warrant-proof” encryption to law enforcement agencies. The industry argues this will weaken security for all users around the world. The debate has polarized opinion and is intensifying.
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
Such is the security of this architecture, that it has prompted law enforcement agencies around the world to complain that they now cannot access a user’s messages, even with a warrant. There is no backdoor—the only option is to compromise one of the endpoints and access messages in their decrypted state.
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
As EFF has warned, “undermining free speech and privacy is not the way to protect children.”
“not only jeopardizes privacy and threatens the right to free expression, but also fails to effectively protect children from online exploitation.”
news.sky.com news.sky.com
The US president has claimed the social media platform is "interfering in the 2020 presidential election" and "completely stifling FREE SPEECH" after it added a warning to two of his tweets on Tuesday.
- May 2020
github.com github.com
This starter takes advantage of Typescript and Emotion. This is a personal choice, and I'd encourage you to give it a shot. If you're interested in using plain ES6 and regular scss styling, see release v1 of this library.
2020.kent.wordcamp.org 2020.kent.wordcamp.org
Certified Ethical Hacker
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
Out of Scope The following details what is outside of the scope of support for GitLab.com customers with a subscription.
The GitLab.com support team does offer support for: Account specific issues (unable to log in, GDPR, etc.) Broken features/states for specific users or repositories Issues with GitLab.com availability
Out of Scope The following details what is outside of the scope of support for self-managed instances with a license.
support.gitlab.com support.gitlab.com
Community Forum For free and trial users, or if the question is out of scope.
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
In short
notes.andymatuschak.org notes.andymatuschak.org
WhyGeneral infrastructure simply takes time to build. You have to carefully design interfaces, write documentation and tests, and make sure that your systems will handle load. All of that is rival with experimentation, and not just because it takes time to build: it also makes the system much more rigid.Once you have lots of users with lots of use cases, it’s more difficult to change anything or to pursue radical experiments. You’ve got to make sure you don’t break things for people or else carefully communicate and manage change.Those same varied users simply consume a great deal of time day-to-day: a fault which occurs for 1% of people will present no real problem in a small prototype, but it’ll be high-priority when you have 100k users.Once this playbook becomes the primary goal, your incentives change: your goal will naturally become making the graphs go up, rather than answering fundamental questions about your system.
The reason the conceptual architecture tends to freeze is because there is a tradeoff between a large user base and the ability to run radical experiments. If you've got a lot of users, there will always be a critical mass of complaints when the experiment blows up.
Secondly, it takes a lot of time to scale up. This is time that you cannot spend experimenting.
Andy here is basically advocating remaining in Explore mode a little bit longer than is usually recommended. Doing so will increase your chances of climbing the highest peak during the Exploit mode.
extensionworkshop.com extensionworkshop.com
You can now distribute your add-on. Note, however, that your add-on may still be subject to further review, if it is you’ll receive notification of the outcome of the review later.
- Apr 2020
github.com github.com
The idea behind the app is to allow people to rent something that they would only use once or very rarely. Rather than buying that expensive drill that you will only use for 15 mins, why not rent it from your neighbor?
github.com github.com
estimated crack time
in order to track the always-improving upstream project, we continuously rebase our patches on top of the upstream master
www.techrepublic.com www.techrepublic.com
In mainstream press, the word "hacker" is often used to refer to a malicious security cracker. There is a classic definition of the term "hacker", arising from its first documented uses related to information technologies at MIT, that is at odds with the way the term is usually used by journalists. The inheritors of the technical tradition of the word "hacker" as it was used at MIT sometimes take offense at the sloppy use of the term by journalists and others who are influenced by journalistic inaccuracy.
there's no reasonable way to communicate effectively with the less technically minded without acquiescing to the nontechnical misuse of the term "hacker"
- precision of terms/words
- language: misuse of word
- communicating with less technical people
- popular misconceptions
- misconception
- precision
- alternative to mainstream way
- hoping/trying to convince others that your view/opinion/way is right by consistently sticking to it despite many being ignorant/mistaken/unaware/holding different opinion
- "hacker" vs. "cracker"
- acquiescing/giving in
github.com github.com
that can be partially automated but still require human oversight and occasional intervention
but then have a tool that will show you each of the change sites one at a time and ask you either to accept the change, reject the change, or manually intervene using your editor of choice.
- Mar 2020
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
The truth is that building an innovative organization from top-down is a dynamic process. It often involves people at all levels of the company. But, the fundamental narrative across the board with innovative organizations is the culture. The company culture has to include employees who feel connected to the organization and want to contribute value.
- Jan 2020
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
(A)–(C) Changes in markers of thyroid status over the course of the study (mean ± standard error). (D) Changes in treatment preference.
Looks like preference for T3 increased as the number of hyperthyroid symptoms increased. It would be interesting to know if those are the same patients.
www.drugwiki.net www.drugwiki.netCytomel1
L-T3 has proven to be 4-5 times more biologically active and to take effect more quickly than L-thyroxine (L-T4).
Will need to check up on that. I recall T4 being less potent.
www.audioverse.org www.audioverse.org
46: Lean not on your own understanding.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Following this observation, the same group conducted a cross-sectional analysis to assess the association among 140 patients with EE and TH replacement hypothyroid treated with LT4. In this study population, REE did not differ significantly between patients achieving low-normal (TSH ≤ 2.5 μIU/mL) vs high normal TSH (TSH >2.5 μIU/mL). Conversely, free T3 level showed a direct correlation with EE, but also with indices of adiposity including body mass index (BMI), body composition, and fat free mass [49]. This latter observation is consistent with other cross-sectional studies that have clearly defined the positive association between circulating levels of T3 and adiposity [50, 51].
This is consistent with my previous assertion that T3 may result in greater energy expenditure than T4.
The authors demonstrated an inverse correlation between TSH and REE with a change of 15% for a TSH ranging from 0.1 to 10 μIU/mL. Of interest, free T4 remained within the normal range in all of the study volunteers. Nonetheless, the changes in REE with different LT4 doses were demonstrated in every patient [46].
Thus, a 15% expected increase would be reasonable for a euthyroid subject such as myself. However, since T3 reduces weight compared to T4, it is possible the weight loss indicates greater energy expenditure.
www.ruby-lang.org www.ruby-lang.org
We don’t use merge commits.
- Dec 2019
rpadgett.butler.edu rpadgett.butler.edu
Th ough cautions are oft en expressed [e.g., Plomin, DeFries, McClearn, & Rutter, 1997], the fact that reported biological mothers-adopted children correlations are higher than adoptive mothers-adopted children correlations has had a big impact in psychology and on theories of development. Most usually, the correlations have been computed into heritability
This does suggest some of the supposed heritability is actually prenatal environment (or some other analogous factor). It's also possible that e.g. mitochondrial DNA plays a bigger role than previously recognized, much how thyroid status is the #1 predictor of mental retardation. Perhaps IVF will shed further light on the issue.
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
Conclusion / TLDR
rvm.io rvm.io
do not run the installer directly as/from the 'root' account! Always use the sudo command from a non-privileged user account. This is due to variables that are different between root's environment and a user's that aren't affected by an EUID change, as well as code checks in the install itself.
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
sudo, especially combined with NOPASSWD as recommended in the comments, has no security benefits over just using the root account.
Well, there is at least one security benefit: security through obscurity. Every hacker will try to ssh root@host. But they may not think to attempt rsyncuser@host.
(Same argument used for using non-standard port instead port 22)
Now using sudo to work around the root account is not only pointless, it's also dangerous: at first glance rsyncuser looks like an ordinary unprivileged account. But as I've already explained, it would be very easy for an attacker to gain full root access if he had already gained rsyncuser access. So essentially, you now have an additional root account that doesn't look like a root account at all, which is not a good thing.
No, clumsily working around the root account in situations where it is absolutely appropriate to use it is not for good reasons. This is just another form of cargo cult programming - you don't really understand the concept behind sudo vs root, you just blindly apply the belief "root is bad, sudo is good" because you've read that somewhere.
It's confusing whether one should put things in gemspec development_dependencies or in Gemfile or in both.
Duplication is bad since the lists could get out of sync. And the gemspec's development_dependencies should be a complete list. Therefore, my opinion is that that should be the canonical list and therefore the only list.
Actually, what good is gemspec's development_dependencies? A contributor should clone the repo, run bundle, and get the dev dependencies that way. Therefore development_dependencies is unneeded and you should only list them in Gemfile.
It is simpler to just use Gemfile, since it is a more familiar format. You can copy and paste content into it. For example, if you extract a gem out of an app, you may wan to copy/move some gems from app's Gemfile into new gem's Gemfile. It also generates a Gemfile.lock (which you shouldn't add to git).
Comparison Between: Design Contest, Freelancer & AgenciesSushmachoudharyDec 7 · 3 min readWe all compare and inspect the best way to get a job done. We read reviews, talk to people and research online about the product or service. When you are seeking design help you often become confused about what to choose- Design contest, Freelance or an Agency.You can design a graphic by yourself using an online tool but the problem with those graphics is unprofessional. You can pretty much design something that does not attract people if you do not know what you are doing.Brainstorming about what to choose can be difficult but when you define your requirements then you can find the best design within your budget.In this article, we will discuss what’s the difference between design contests, freelancers and agencies, guide you on what to choose and why? Before that, let’s find out why you need a graphic design.Why Do You Need a Graphic Design?Graphic Design is a medium through which you can convey a message. Professional graphic designers know the importance of the designs. The design conveys specific meaning, a story, and a message which are interpreted in the form of emotions. People react differently to certain imagery. This reaction can be negative as well as positive. Graphic design helps the content to get delivered easily.Design Contest V/S Freelancer V/S AgenciesCostingDesign ContestA design contest can cost you somewhere from 99$ to 1000$ depending on your graphics. For Example- a logo design contest can cost you $99 to $600 on averageFreelancerA freelancer can be hired for cheap starting from $5 and going up for 150$ range on an hourly basis and the amount charged by them is per hour.AgenciesAgencies are fallen under the high end and can cost a lot of money. The design agency can charge $10000–20000+ for a design project. Some agencies charge less than $10000 but for smaller projects.Design Concept OptionsDesign ContestYou can get multiple design concepts as anyone can participate in the contest. On average 50+ designs are guaranteed.FreelancerFreelancers can provide you with many options but it is limited to the creativity and experience of the designer.AgenciesAgency can also provide multiple options and generally, the designs are so great that you do not need multiple designs.QualityDesign ContestThe quality of the logo can be good as the contest winner is decided by the clients themselves.FreelancerThe quality of the logo depends on the experience and creativity of the designer hired by you.AgenciesThe highest quality is guaranteed and you get a design that you paid for.Time frameDesign ContestThe design contest is organized for at most 10 days and you will be provided with multiple options up until the winner is chosen or the contest is withdrawn.FreelancerFreelancer can deliver you the options within 2 days but the final graphic could take more days.AgenciesIt depends on the design project.What to Choose?Now the overwhelming question comes, what to choose?There is no perfect answer as everyone has their own preferences. Freelancing, Graphic design contest, and agencies all have their disadvantages and advantages of their own.The very first factor that affects your choice is the project budget. If your budget is high then you can opt the agency to get the professional designs, but if you find yourself short on the budget then choose a design contest.The quality of the design concept also plays a very important role. The best option to choose when it comes to quality is an agency as they only equip professional designers who have years of experience in their field.In the end, it depends on your preference and your budget. So, choose those options that fit your pocket as well as lure your eyes.
It can be really confusing what to choose when it come to custom graphic design services. There are three options to go for- Freelancer, Agency and Graphic design contest. This article will help you in filtering the best option for your business logo design
- Nov 2019
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
Onivim 2 leverages the VSCode Extension Host process in its entirety - meaning, eventually, complete support for VSCode extensions and configuration.
legacy.reactjs.org legacy.reactjs.org
In the React rendering lifecycle, the value attribute on form elements will override the value in the DOM. With an uncontrolled component, you often want React to specify the initial value, but leave subsequent updates uncontrolled. To handle this case, you can specify a defaultValue attribute instead of value.
The terms “controlled” and “uncontrolled” usually refer to form inputs, but they can also describe where any component’s data lives. Data passed in as props can be thought of as controlled (because the parent component controls that data). Data that exists only in internal state can be thought of as uncontrolled (because the parent can’t directly change it).
If you used browser JS DOM APIs (that have nothing to do with React itself), you know they don’t automatically update attributes
- Oct 2019
www-nature-com.ezproxy.rice.edu www-nature-com.ezproxy.rice.edu
observations are consistent with a previous report showing that AHLs preferentially partition to the biofilm, reaching concentrations 600-fold in excess of the signal concentration in the surrounding bulk liquid medium
github.com github.com
Project is written in TypeScript and provides type safety out of the box. No Flow Type support is planned at this moment, but feel free to contribute.
mutabit.com mutabit.com
Selección comunitaria de temas para Data Weeks o Data Rodas. Apoyo de proyectos de los participantes de la comunidad. Reuniones periódicas de la Comunidad, algo así como Data Roda el primer viernes de cada mes, así sea para saludarnos síncronamente y ver en qué andamos y hacer un encera - brilla de bacanes.
Estos tres puntos se podrían juntar con la idea de que los participantes propongan sus propios proyectos y se apropien de la planeación y ejecución de las Data Rodas o Data Weeks venideros.
Sólo quitaría el carácter periódico, pues creo que una de las potencias de nuestra comunidad es responder flexiblemente a lo eventual. Por ejemplo, ahora tenemos un periodo electoral en Colombia. De allí surgió mi preocupación por visualizar financiación de campañas, pero los eventos de la semana pasada derivaron en blikis, con soporte de comentarios. Una reacción ágil a la contingencia y no el seguimiento riguroso de algo pre-planeado (a mi me gustaría retomar lo de financiación de campañas, pero será luego).
De nuevo la sugerencia, como dije en mi entrada de respuesta a esta, y en otras ocasiones es sustituir la planeación por la coordinación. Mi propuesta de coordinación es la siguiente:
- Los miembros que quieren ver otras temáticas las proponen en los canales comunitarios y se apersonan de su preparación y ejecución.
- Los otros miembros respondemos a esas iniciativas autónomas, en solidaridad, acompañando esas sesiones y aportándoles.
- Al final de cada evento, miramos hacia dónde podemos llevar los otros.
github.com github.com
However, if more control is needed, you can pass any of these pieces of state as a prop (as indicated above) and that state becomes controlled. As soon as this.props[statePropKey] !== undefined, internally, downshift will determine its state based on your prop's value rather than its own internal state.
- Sep 2019
github.com github.com
You can control the following props by providing values for them. If you don't, react-select will manage them for you. value / onChange - specify the current value of the control menuIsOpen / onMenuOpen / onMenuClose - control whether the menu is open inputValue / onInputChange - control the value of the search input (changing this will update the available options) If you don't provide these props, you can set the initial value of the state they control: defaultValue - set the initial value of the control defaultMenuIsOpen - set the initial open value of the menu defaultInputValue - set the initial value of the search input
Example of having props for both ways: value or defaultValue, depending on whether you want it to be controlled or not.
- Aug 2019
Local file Local file
truthout.org truthout.org
Its aim is producing students who can think critically, be considerate of others, take risks, think dangerously and imagine a future that extends and deepens what it means to be an engaged citizen capable of living in a substantive democracy.
What does Giroux's "be considerate of others" look and feel like in practice? How is it related to the problematic calls for civility?
- Jul 2019
www.excellentwebworld.com www.excellentwebworld.com
Backend Vs Frontend: Guide to Development for Developers
What's the difference between Frontend Vs Backend? The backend consists of a server, application, and database. The frontend is the look & feel of website or application
www.excellentwebworld.com www.excellentwebworld.com
Firebase Vs MongoDB : Battle of the Best Databases 2019You are here:HomeDev & DesignFirebase Vs MongoDB : Battle…
Now that you may have found that NoSQL database is the best option for you to set up your servers, you must find the best NoSQL database. Likewise, there are two prominent candidates for you to choose from Firebase Vs MongoDB.
- Jun 2019
Distributed App (dApp)
A distributed application (Dapp) in this context is refers to an ordinary real world application that runs on an arbitrary platform (desktop, web, mobile) and that utilizes a smart contract to use blockchain technology
- May 2019
link-springer-com.ezp3.lib.umn.edu link-springer-com.ezp3.lib.umn.edu
At the individual level, this principle supports reflection on and reuse of one’s earlier ideas. At the group level, thisprinciple facilitates collaborative discourse by enabling learners to incorporate peers’ ideas to solve new problems
Students can watch their ideas evolve and a class can trace changes across a series of readings.
spatiotemporally distributed on the web.
So maybe the more reasonable long-term strategy is to build these web-based linkages rather than try to capture all these network-resident learning elements within an LMS.
- Apr 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
I think that this is an important aspect to distinguish here between action and reflection.
- Mar 2019
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
We'll stick to working with prose text in our examples—most people can grasp easily enough what we are doing there without having to have special backgrounds in mathematics or science as they would to gain equal comprehension for some of the similar sorts of things we do with diagrams and mathematical equations.
I think this sentence is one of the most overlooked key points. This virtual, and in '68 the live demo was a quantum leap in managing text and locked the attention on that level. However, the essence of this framework is managing symbols and making statements by them directly - not editing texts on pages and navigate around them. For example, seeing and managing the following statements in parallel: 1: there is an idea of "Locatable" represented by an entity. 2: "Locatable" in this environment contains X and Y attributes represented by their respective entity instances. 3: Another entity (be it a mouse pointer, a window or a car on a street) can or must be "Locatable" (among many other possible aspects). 4: "My car" entity is "Locatable" at 40, 20. We need a system that allows managing such statements and allow other systems behave according to them.
- Feb 2019
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
to give direct aid to an individual in comprehending complex situations, isolating the significant factors, and solving problems
This is where most modern technology deviates from the Engelbartian norm. Instead of broadening our horizons today's platforms often seek to constrain them because it is through constraint that control and profit can be had. Many platforms from Facebook to Learning Management Systems are more interested in locking you into their ecosystems than drinking in the wider panoply of human creativity and knowledge. The more I think about this, the more see evidence of it everywhere in our world today. In education alone, the aforementioned LMSes are being complemented by even more restrictive (and exploitative) textbook publisher "online supplements." I'm hoping both of these are the endgames of obsolete modes of thought but they have sustained themselves long after we wrote them off. I remember Bryan Alexander bemoaning this facet of the LMS as far back as 2006. That was 13 years ago - a geologic era in technology terms - and yet they are still with us.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
abstraction is in itself but a dull and inert thing
That "in itself" is an important qualifier. My initial thought was how this idea contrasts with Hume's discussion of the uses of general concepts, but the "in itself" poses abstractions by themselves, when not employed to a particular use. When abstractions are put to work, do they do something similar to Hume's generalities? (How closely related are abstractions and general principles?)
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
deas, says Locke, arc the signs of real things
Signs Vs. Symbols.
- Jan 2019
www.at-the-intersection.com www.at-the-intersection.com
So I'd rather have, you know, five of these tabs open with the order book and trade history for something that I'm, uh, watching imminently than just have the chart open on one page and then the exchange with the order book, trade history on, on another tab. You know what I mean?
Kind of the technical philosophy is everything that happens in the market is captured in the data and so any headline moves will be captured pretty much instantaneously or in a few minutes in the charts.
Yeah, uh, I would say for reallocating, I'm, yeah. So I would say on Gemini I do Bitcoin, ethereum, and that's kind of like the longer term things.
no, and I was talking to her at the meetup and find it very useful to see all my accounts on these three exchanges on one screen. I don't want to have to log in to each one separately and keep track of how much coins I have on each. I would rather see this on one screen every morning. I pull up the screen easy to see. I don't necessarily need to trade from that screen, but I can just an idea of what holdings I have because I'm constantly rebalancing.
So that's what I, that's why I had many exchanges, but then it became a hassle to manage and like anyway, I profited off that that was good. But in 2018 when it, when it became a bear market, that same strategy didn't work. And just because there was just the overabundance of coins, new coins, and they weren't blowing up like they used to. So I was like, why am I keeping all of this bitcoin scattered across diff or ether or rather scattered across different exchanges?
Uh, I definitely have some other, you know, mostly it's mostly I use ta very, very ta heavy. Um, I will, but I'll always keep the fundamentals in mind, especially for the medium to long term.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
The machine-beings that emerge from these couplings thus demon-strate a different form of identity, o
I had to come back to this when I had a memory flash-back. My oldest daughter had Polio before we adopted her from China. For years she had to wear a full leg brace (KAFO) to keep her from hyper-extending her weak and somewhat underdeveloped leg. At first people assumed the brace was temporary, but eventually she started calling it her "bionic leg." It worked. People laughed. It opened up a conversation about her leg rather than making it an object of negative conjecture.
So, to diffuse ideas about disability, difference, and "other," she took on the identity of a cyborg, which acted rhetorically and psychologically on herself and others to diminish the "other" distinction. Calling herself a cyborg became a rhetoric of inclusion.
. In eXistenZ, however, the characters are notall cyborg-style hybrids, wherein the category of the human must first beimagined as relatively discrete in order for it to be connected to (andpotentially troubled by) its Others (human plus machine). Many of thehuman characters in this film exist simply as sites of information ex-change—material entities produced by and teeming with swarms ofothers (codes, identities, technologies, knowledges, and so forth). In
As opposed to the robots in WestWorld: they look human, they have skin and blood, but the emphasis is mostly on the code that makes them behave in certain ways.
I wouldn't say that I consider the "hosts" in WestWorld to be cyborgs--they are not part machine, part human-- they are all machine. Or is skin the definition of human? How much human material does it take to be cyborg?