1,056 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2020
    1. Some of these values are suited for development and some for production. For development you typically want fast Source Maps at the cost of bundle size, but for production you want separate Source Maps that are accurate and support minimizing.
    1. I'm looking at https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#attributes-3 right now, and it seems that there are a few others that ought to be boolean but are not currently in this list: allowpaymentrequest, formnovalidate, hidden (is on the original list in the master branch), itemscope, nomodule, and playsinline.
    1. Some of the verbs implemented by systemctl are designed to provide a high-level overview in a human readable format. All that information is available over dbus, and/or journalctl, systemctl show. We could provide that information in json format, but there's a second problem. Information and format of information printed by e.g. systemctl status is not stable. Since the output is not suitable for programmatic consumption anyway, there's no need to provide it in a machine readable format.
    1. Now let me get back to your question. The FBI presents its conflict with Apple over locked phones as a case as of privacy versus security. Yes, smartphones carry a lot of personal data—photos, texts, email, and the like. But they also carry business and account information; keeping that secure is really important. The problem is that if you make it easier for law enforcement to access a locked device, you also make it easier for a bad actor—a criminal, a hacker, a determined nation-state—to do so as well. And that's why this is a security vs. security issue.

      The debate should not be framed as privacy-vs-security because when you make it easier for law enforcement to access a locked device, you also make it easier for bad actors to do so as well. Thus it is a security-vs-security issue.

  2. Oct 2020
    1. It is only soft-deprecated, which means that your code will not break at the moment and no deprecation warning will be displayed, but this constant will be removed in the future.
    1. If you don't like to create an extra function and remove the items 'inline'
    2. However, this will only walk the object shallowly. To do it deeply, you can use recursion:
    3. Note that if you're willing to use a library like lodash/underscore.js, you can use _.pick instead. However, you will still need to use recursion to filter deeply, since neither library provides a deep filter function.
    1. export const validationSchema = {
        field: {
          account: [Validators.required.validator, iban.validator, ibanBlackList],
          name: [Validators.required.validator],
          integerAmount: [

      Able to update this schema on the fly, with:

        React.useEffect(() => {
          getDisabledCountryIBANCollection().then(countries => {
            const newValidationSchema = {
              field: {
                account: [
                    validator: countryBlackList,
                    customArgs: {
        }, []);
    1. SwiftUI is a user interface toolkit that lets us design apps in a declarative way. That’s a fancy way of saying that we tell SwiftUI how we want our UI to look and work, and it figures out how to make that happen as the user interacts with it.
    2. Imperative UI causes all sorts of problems, most of which revolve around state, which is another fancy term meaning “values we store in our code”. We need to track what state our code is in, and make sure our user interface correctly reflects that state.
    1. Doing so also means adding empty import statements to guarantee correct order of evaluation of modules (in ES modules, evaluation order is determined statically by the order of import declarations, whereas in CommonJS – and environments that simulate CommonJS by shipping a module loader, i.e. Browserify and Webpack – evaluation order is determined at runtime by the order in which require statements are encountered).

      Here: dynamic loading (libraries/functions) meaning: at run time

    2. This PR replaces nested require statements in files in vendor/postcss with import declarations, so that they can be properly resolved at build time.
    1. Note that these are not hyperlinks; these URIs are used for identification. This is a machine-readable way to say “this is HTML”. In particular, software does not usually need to fetch these resources, and certainly does not need to fetch the same one over and over!
    1. Every URL is a URI; Every URN is a URI; URI and URL are NOT interchangeable – a URL is a URI, but a URI is not always a URL; URLs always contain an access mechanism.
    1. Roles are element types and authors MUST NOT change role values over time or with user actions. Authors wishing to change a role MUST do so by deleting the associated element and its children and replacing it with a new element with the appropriate role.
    1. Their trailer said "A video game for the home computer". Not sure why they said that instead of PC, but it was a refreshing new term for it.

    1. Longstanding controversy surrounds the meaning of the term "hacker". In this controversy, computer programmers reclaim the term hacker, arguing that it refers simply to someone with an advanced understanding of computers and computer networks[5] and that cracker is the more appropriate term for those who break into computers, whether computer criminals (black hats) or computer security experts (white hats).
    1. Returns a Promise<?Object> that resolves with no value on success or resolves with an Object of submission errors on failure. The reason it resolves with errors is to leave rejection for when there is a server or communications error.
    1. In highlighting the dangers of big-up-front-design (BUFD) and waterfall development, Agilists seem to advocate no-up-front-design (NUFD) or no-up-front-requirements (NUFR) or no-up-front-architecture (NUFA).
    1. Most people seem to follow one of two strategies - and these strategies come under the umbrella of tree-traversal algorithms in computer science.

      Deciding whether you want to go deep into one topic, or explore more topics, can be seen as a choice between two types of tree-traversal algorithms: depth-first and breadth-first.

      This also reminds me of the Explore-Exploit problem in machine learning, which I believe is related to the Multi-Armed Bandit Problem.

    1. In general it is recommended you handle forms in this "controlled" manner. In some cases it might make sense to manage the form state outside of Solid via refs. These "uncontrolled" forms can also work. Just be conscious of the difference as mixing approaches can lead to unexpected results.
    1. t’s not clear why the sequence of the vaccines only mattered in girls, partly because there has been very little research into how male and female immune systems are different. “Somehow immunology has been blind to sex,” says Aaby. “If you read research about mortality in low income countries, there is no such thing as boys and girls – there are children. So we perceive that they have to be the same, and they are definitely not the same.”

      Take away: "Immune training" or bystander effects from other vaccinations may help to fight off Covid-19 or other infections, in spite of not being specific to that pathogen. Some of these effects are sex-specific.

      Claim: "Somehow immunology has been blind to sex"

      The evidence: This is not entirely true- there is actually a LOT of research into sex differences in the immune response, and it is well-known that women can generally mount stronger Th1-type immune responses against viral infections than men. This is thought to be partially linked to estrogen cycling, and partly due to the fact that women have 2 active copies of genes associated with immunity because those are encoded on the X chromosomes. Men only have 1 copy, and thus they don't generally mount as strong an inflammatory response. However, women are also more prone to autoimmune diseases as a consequence of having stronger inflammatory responses than men, which is seen in diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus.

      Sources: (https://www.nature.com/articles/nri.2016.90).

  3. Sep 2020
    1. detach, as an api, should be declarative (ensure the node is detached) instead of imperative (detach the node), allowing it to be called multiple times by performing a noop if the node is already detached. This way, it won't matter if the node is removed from the DOM from outside of svelte.
    1. Let’s take a look at some facts and figures related to iOS vs. Android, which can help you choose one of two operating systems:
    1. Some modules, like events or util, are built in to Node.js. If you want to include those (for example, so that your bundle runs in the browser), you may need to include rollup-plugin-node-polyfills.
    1. dependencies are the packages your project depends on. devDependencies are the packages that are needed during the development phase. Say a testing framework like Jest or other utilities like Babel or ESLint.
    1. Svelte will not offer a generic way to support style customizing via contextual class overrides (as we'd do it in plain HTML). Instead we'll invent something new that is entirely different. If a child component is provided and does not anticipate some contextual usage scenario (style wise) you'd need to copy it or hack around that via :global hacks.
    2. Explicit interfaces are preferable, even if it places greater demand on library authors to design both their components and their style interfaces with these things in mind.
    1. You'll have to create a new component that brings in the functionality of both. TooltipButton, TooltipLink, Link, and TooltipRoutedLink. We're starting to get a lot of components to handle a bit of added functionality.
    2. For the tooltip example, if you had a whole bunch of tooltips on different elements, it would be annoying to have different event listeners and "should it be shown" variables for each one.
    1. Perhaps at that point we're better off settling on a way to pass components through as parameters? <!-- App.html --> <Outer contents={Inner}/> <!-- Outer.html --> <div> <div>Something</div> <[contents] foo='bar'/> </div>
    2. I would hope for it to come with React-like behavior where I could pass in a string (like div or a) and have it show up as a normal div/a element when the child component used it.
    1. The lack of spread continues to be a big pain for me, adding lots of difficult-to-maintain cruft in my components. Having to maintain a list of all possible attributes that I might ever need to pass through a component is causing me a lot of friction in my most composable components.
    1. As a general rule, I would recommend reading the article in it's entirety. With that said, if you wish to "cut to the chase", I have summarized my findings at the end ... feel free to jump ahead to the Summary!
    1. Yow loveres axe I now this questioun:      1347 Who hath the worse, arcite or palamoun?      1348

      The Knight’s Tale The question of what is the lesser of the two evils seems tobe a running theme in Chaucer’s The Knight’s Tale. This theme is most apparentat the end of part one of The Knight’s Tale when the question is asked ”Yowloveres axe I now this questioun:/ Who hath the worse, Arcite or Palamoun?” (lines1347/48).In other words, it poses the question, what is worse Arcite being exiled andunable to see Emelye or  the positionthat Palamoun finds himself in as a prisoner, but has access to Emelye? I wouldargue that Palamoun’s position is the worse of the two. Arcite, can romanticizethe past or move on in a way that Palamoun is unable to. Palmoun, on the otherhand, is confined in a cell making it difficult to romanticize the past or moveforward.  This idea of the lesser of thetwo evils also appears in lines 1318-23, although not as directly in theprevious lines:Ther as a beest may al his lust fulfille.And whan a beest is deed he hath no peyne;But man after his deeth moot wepe and pleyne,Though in this world he have care and wo.Withouten doute it may stonden so. The answere of thislete I to dyvynys,          In these lines, a beast can act on his desires and can makedecisions without considering an afterlife. However, the opposite is true forman. Chaucer’s use of these juxtapositions to allows him to continue this themeof the lesser of the two evils.What is Chaucer’s intention in having his reader contemplateone side or the other in such a direct way?

    1. A paradigm is a model or pattern. In JavaScript, there are a number of popular paradigms including object-oriented programming (OOP) and functional programming (FP). Paradigms are more important than is sometimes recognized. They help form mental models for solving problems. Becoming well-versed in the principles of a given paradigm can help accelerate development by providing mental shortcuts for solving the challenges that arise while building applications. They can also help produce higher quality software.
  4. Aug 2020
    1. Facilitators don't have to be experts in the topic — they can be learners too!

      yup, and I think having this distinction and also being clear/honest about it - and being transparent in our own learning process.

      I think a challenge we've had with some online educators, is they have positioned themselves as an expert, and shared content from a place of 'authority' that was a bit rocky.

      The advice then gets taken as 'set in stone', next thing you know a rough idea goes viral and becomes 'best practice' when it was really 'some person trying to figure something out'

      By being more transparent in where you are at, it can then encourage more feedback and discussion, and also a deepening of the facilitators understanding.

    2. Online courses tend to be based around linear playlists of videos, along with associated readings and other activities. These often look like university courses filmed and translated more or less directly to online form. More internet native courses tend to be shorter and more focused, but still just as linear and video-centric.

      agree with this.

      I've often thought that at times learning feels more like the Path fo Exile skill spider-web than a linear path.

      Many 'road maps', 'how to' feels like a ladder - and then it's not always clear how much you need to learn about a certain step before moving onto the next step, while also failing to realize that you may have learned the outcomes from the step in another way.

    1. Stallman has also stated that considering the practical advantages of free software is like considering the practical advantages of not being handcuffed, in that it is not necessary for an individual to consider practical reasons in order to realize that being handcuffed is undesirable in itself.
  5. Jul 2020
    1. RDFa is intended to solve the problem of marking up machine-readable data in HTML documents. RDFa provides a set of HTML attributes to augment visual data with machine-readable hints. Using RDFa, authors may turn their existing human-visible text and links into machine-readable data without repeating content.
    1. This is very irresponsible of them, with respect to the number of downloads. They should finally realize this and just redirect people to LO. Continuing like this hurts the Apache Foundation credibility as well as the open source community as a whole.
    1. He had put the case (without mentioning names) to an eminent physician; and the eminent physician had smiled, had shaken his head, and had said–nothing. On these grounds, Mr. Bruff entered his protest, and left it there.

      So to say nothing is enough proof that there is no merit to this experiment? Isn't Ezra's thoughts inspired by textbooks/an intention to mimic the scientific process?

      I feel like such ignorance towards science is relevant today *cough*,*cough* people who refuse to wear face masks *cough*,*cough*

    1. It does, however, provide the --porcelain option, which causes the output of git status --porcelain to be formatted in an easy-to-parse format for scripts, and will remain stable across Git versions and regardless of user configuration.
    2. Parsing the output of git status is a bad idea because the output is intended to be human readable, not machine-readable. There's no guarantee that the output will remain the same in future versions of Git or in differently configured environments.
  6. Jun 2020
    1. The chief justice explained that he continues to think the Texas case was wrongly decided, but believes it’s important for the court to stand by its prior decisions.


    1. EFF describes this as “a major threat,” warning that “the privacy and security of all users will suffer if U.S. law enforcement achieves its dream of breaking encryption.”
    2. Once the platforms introduce backdoors, those arguing against such a move say, bad guys will inevitably steal the keys. Lawmakers have been clever. No mention of backdoors at all in the proposed legislation or the need to break encryption. If you transmit illegal or dangerous content, they argue, you will be held responsible. You decide how to do that. Clearly there are no options to some form of backdoor.
    3. While this debate has been raging for a year, the current “EARN-IT’ bill working its way through the U.S. legislative process is the biggest test yet for the survival of end-to-end encryption in its current form. In short, this would enforce best practices on the industry to “prevent, reduce and respond to” illicit material. There is no way they can do that without breaking their own encryption. QED.
    4. Governments led by the U.S., U.K. and Australia are battling the industry to open up “warrant-proof” encryption to law enforcement agencies. The industry argues this will weaken security for all users around the world. The debate has polarized opinion and is intensifying.
    1. Such is the security of this architecture, that it has prompted law enforcement agencies around the world to complain that they now cannot access a user’s messages, even with a warrant. There is no backdoor—the only option is to compromise one of the endpoints and access messages in their decrypted state.
  7. May 2020
    1. This starter takes advantage of Typescript and Emotion. This is a personal choice, and I'd encourage you to give it a shot. If you're interested in using plain ES6 and regular scss styling, see release v1 of this library.
    1. Out of Scope The following details what is outside of the scope of support for GitLab.com customers with a subscription.
    2. The GitLab.com support team does offer support for: Account specific issues (unable to log in, GDPR, etc.) Broken features/states for specific users or repositories Issues with GitLab.com availability
    3. Out of Scope The following details what is outside of the scope of support for self-managed instances with a license.
    1. WhyGeneral infrastructure simply takes time to build. You have to carefully design interfaces, write documentation and tests, and make sure that your systems will handle load. All of that is rival with experimentation, and not just because it takes time to build: it also makes the system much more rigid.Once you have lots of users with lots of use cases, it’s more difficult to change anything or to pursue radical experiments. You’ve got to make sure you don’t break things for people or else carefully communicate and manage change.Those same varied users simply consume a great deal of time day-to-day: a fault which occurs for 1% of people will present no real problem in a small prototype, but it’ll be high-priority when you have 100k users.Once this playbook becomes the primary goal, your incentives change: your goal will naturally become making the graphs go up, rather than answering fundamental questions about your system.

      The reason the conceptual architecture tends to freeze is because there is a tradeoff between a large user base and the ability to run radical experiments. If you've got a lot of users, there will always be a critical mass of complaints when the experiment blows up.

      Secondly, it takes a lot of time to scale up. This is time that you cannot spend experimenting.

      Andy here is basically advocating remaining in Explore mode a little bit longer than is usually recommended. Doing so will increase your chances of climbing the highest peak during the Exploit mode.

  8. Apr 2020
    1. The idea behind the app is to allow people to rent something that they would only use once or very rarely. Rather than buying that expensive drill that you will only use for 15 mins, why not rent it from your neighbor?
    1. In mainstream press, the word "hacker" is often used to refer to a malicious security cracker. There is a classic definition of the term "hacker", arising from its first documented uses related to information technologies at MIT, that is at odds with the way the term is usually used by journalists. The inheritors of the technical tradition of the word "hacker" as it was used at MIT sometimes take offense at the sloppy use of the term by journalists and others who are influenced by journalistic inaccuracy.
    2. there's no reasonable way to communicate effectively with the less technically minded without acquiescing to the nontechnical misuse of the term "hacker"
    1. that can be partially automated but still require human oversight and occasional intervention
    2. but then have a tool that will show you each of the change sites one at a time and ask you either to accept the change, reject the change, or manually intervene using your editor of choice.
  9. Mar 2020
    1. The truth is that building an innovative organization from top-down is a dynamic process.  It often involves people at all levels of the company. But, the fundamental narrative across the board with innovative organizations is the culture. The company culture has to include employees who feel connected to the organization and want to contribute value.
  10. Jan 2020
    1. (A)–(C) Changes in markers of thyroid status over the course of the study (mean ± standard error). (D) Changes in treatment preference.

      Looks like preference for T3 increased as the number of hyperthyroid symptoms increased. It would be interesting to know if those are the same patients.

  11. www.drugwiki.net www.drugwiki.net
    1. L-T3 has proven to be 4-5 times more biologically active and to take effect more quickly than L-thyroxine (L-T4).

      Will need to check up on that. I recall T4 being less potent.

    1. Following this observation, the same group conducted a cross-sectional analysis to assess the association among 140 patients with EE and TH replacement hypothyroid treated with LT4. In this study population, REE did not differ significantly between patients achieving low-normal (TSH ≤ 2.5 μIU/mL) vs high normal TSH (TSH >2.5 μIU/mL). Conversely, free T3 level showed a direct correlation with EE, but also with indices of adiposity including body mass index (BMI), body composition, and fat free mass [49]. This latter observation is consistent with other cross-sectional studies that have clearly defined the positive association between circulating levels of T3 and adiposity [50, 51].

      This is consistent with my previous assertion that T3 may result in greater energy expenditure than T4.

    2. The authors demonstrated an inverse correlation between TSH and REE with a change of 15% for a TSH ranging from 0.1 to 10 μIU/mL. Of interest, free T4 remained within the normal range in all of the study volunteers. Nonetheless, the changes in REE with different LT4 doses were demonstrated in every patient [46].

      Thus, a 15% expected increase would be reasonable for a euthyroid subject such as myself. However, since T3 reduces weight compared to T4, it is possible the weight loss indicates greater energy expenditure.

  12. Dec 2019
    1. Th ough cautions are oft en expressed [e.g., Plomin, DeFries, McClearn, & Rutter, 1997], the fact that reported biological mothers-adopted children correlations are higher than adoptive mothers-adopted children correlations has had a big impact in psychology and on theories of development. Most usually, the correlations have been computed into heritability

      This does suggest some of the supposed heritability is actually prenatal environment (or some other analogous factor). It's also possible that e.g. mitochondrial DNA plays a bigger role than previously recognized, much how thyroid status is the #1 predictor of mental retardation. Perhaps IVF will shed further light on the issue.

    1. do not run the installer directly as/from the 'root' account! Always use the sudo command from a non-privileged user account. This is due to variables that are different between root's environment and a user's that aren't affected by an EUID change, as well as code checks in the install itself.
    1. sudo, especially combined with NOPASSWD as recommended in the comments, has no security benefits over just using the root account.

      Well, there is at least one security benefit: security through obscurity. Every hacker will try to ssh root@host. But they may not think to attempt rsyncuser@host.

      (Same argument used for using non-standard port instead port 22)

    2. Now using sudo to work around the root account is not only pointless, it's also dangerous: at first glance rsyncuser looks like an ordinary unprivileged account. But as I've already explained, it would be very easy for an attacker to gain full root access if he had already gained rsyncuser access. So essentially, you now have an additional root account that doesn't look like a root account at all, which is not a good thing.
    3. No, clumsily working around the root account in situations where it is absolutely appropriate to use it is not for good reasons. This is just another form of cargo cult programming - you don't really understand the concept behind sudo vs root, you just blindly apply the belief "root is bad, sudo is good" because you've read that somewhere.
    1. It's confusing whether one should put things in gemspec development_dependencies or in Gemfile or in both.

      Duplication is bad since the lists could get out of sync. And the gemspec's development_dependencies should be a complete list. Therefore, my opinion is that that should be the canonical list and therefore the only list.

      Actually, what good is gemspec's development_dependencies? A contributor should clone the repo, run bundle, and get the dev dependencies that way. Therefore development_dependencies is unneeded and you should only list them in Gemfile.

      It is simpler to just use Gemfile, since it is a more familiar format. You can copy and paste content into it. For example, if you extract a gem out of an app, you may wan to copy/move some gems from app's Gemfile into new gem's Gemfile. It also generates a Gemfile.lock (which you shouldn't add to git).

    1. Comparison Between: Design Contest, Freelancer & AgenciesSushmachoudharyDec 7 · 3 min readWe all compare and inspect the best way to get a job done. We read reviews, talk to people and research online about the product or service. When you are seeking design help you often become confused about what to choose- Design contest, Freelance or an Agency.You can design a graphic by yourself using an online tool but the problem with those graphics is unprofessional. You can pretty much design something that does not attract people if you do not know what you are doing.Brainstorming about what to choose can be difficult but when you define your requirements then you can find the best design within your budget.In this article, we will discuss what’s the difference between design contests, freelancers and agencies, guide you on what to choose and why? Before that, let’s find out why you need a graphic design.Why Do You Need a Graphic Design?Graphic Design is a medium through which you can convey a message. Professional graphic designers know the importance of the designs. The design conveys specific meaning, a story, and a message which are interpreted in the form of emotions. People react differently to certain imagery. This reaction can be negative as well as positive. Graphic design helps the content to get delivered easily.Design Contest V/S Freelancer V/S AgenciesCostingDesign ContestA design contest can cost you somewhere from 99$ to 1000$ depending on your graphics. For Example- a logo design contest can cost you $99 to $600 on averageFreelancerA freelancer can be hired for cheap starting from $5 and going up for 150$ range on an hourly basis and the amount charged by them is per hour.AgenciesAgencies are fallen under the high end and can cost a lot of money. The design agency can charge $10000–20000+ for a design project. Some agencies charge less than $10000 but for smaller projects.Design Concept OptionsDesign ContestYou can get multiple design concepts as anyone can participate in the contest. On average 50+ designs are guaranteed.FreelancerFreelancers can provide you with many options but it is limited to the creativity and experience of the designer.AgenciesAgency can also provide multiple options and generally, the designs are so great that you do not need multiple designs.QualityDesign ContestThe quality of the logo can be good as the contest winner is decided by the clients themselves.FreelancerThe quality of the logo depends on the experience and creativity of the designer hired by you.AgenciesThe highest quality is guaranteed and you get a design that you paid for.Time frameDesign ContestThe design contest is organized for at most 10 days and you will be provided with multiple options up until the winner is chosen or the contest is withdrawn.FreelancerFreelancer can deliver you the options within 2 days but the final graphic could take more days.AgenciesIt depends on the design project.What to Choose?Now the overwhelming question comes, what to choose?There is no perfect answer as everyone has their own preferences. Freelancing, Graphic design contest, and agencies all have their disadvantages and advantages of their own.The very first factor that affects your choice is the project budget. If your budget is high then you can opt the agency to get the professional designs, but if you find yourself short on the budget then choose a design contest.The quality of the design concept also plays a very important role. The best option to choose when it comes to quality is an agency as they only equip professional designers who have years of experience in their field.In the end, it depends on your preference and your budget. So, choose those options that fit your pocket as well as lure your eyes.

      It can be really confusing what to choose when it come to custom graphic design services. There are three options to go for- Freelancer, Agency and Graphic design contest. This article will help you in filtering the best option for your business logo design

  13. Nov 2019
    1. Onivim 2 leverages the VSCode Extension Host process in its entirety - meaning, eventually, complete support for VSCode extensions and configuration.
    1. In the React rendering lifecycle, the value attribute on form elements will override the value in the DOM. With an uncontrolled component, you often want React to specify the initial value, but leave subsequent updates uncontrolled. To handle this case, you can specify a defaultValue attribute instead of value.
    1. The terms “controlled” and “uncontrolled” usually refer to form inputs, but they can also describe where any component’s data lives. Data passed in as props can be thought of as controlled (because the parent component controls that data). Data that exists only in internal state can be thought of as uncontrolled (because the parent can’t directly change it).
  14. Oct 2019
    1. observations are consistent with a previous report showing that AHLs preferentially partition to the biofilm, reaching concentrations 600-fold in excess of the signal concentration in the surrounding bulk liquid medium
    1. Project is written in TypeScript and provides type safety out of the box. No Flow Type support is planned at this moment, but feel free to contribute.
    1. Selección comunitaria de temas para Data Weeks o Data Rodas. Apoyo de proyectos de los participantes de la comunidad. Reuniones periódicas de la Comunidad, algo así como Data Roda el primer viernes de cada mes, así sea para saludarnos síncronamente y ver en qué andamos y hacer un encera - brilla de bacanes.

      Estos tres puntos se podrían juntar con la idea de que los participantes propongan sus propios proyectos y se apropien de la planeación y ejecución de las Data Rodas o Data Weeks venideros.

      Sólo quitaría el carácter periódico, pues creo que una de las potencias de nuestra comunidad es responder flexiblemente a lo eventual. Por ejemplo, ahora tenemos un periodo electoral en Colombia. De allí surgió mi preocupación por visualizar financiación de campañas, pero los eventos de la semana pasada derivaron en blikis, con soporte de comentarios. Una reacción ágil a la contingencia y no el seguimiento riguroso de algo pre-planeado (a mi me gustaría retomar lo de financiación de campañas, pero será luego).

      De nuevo la sugerencia, como dije en mi entrada de respuesta a esta, y en otras ocasiones es sustituir la planeación por la coordinación. Mi propuesta de coordinación es la siguiente:

      • Los miembros que quieren ver otras temáticas las proponen en los canales comunitarios y se apersonan de su preparación y ejecución.
      • Los otros miembros respondemos a esas iniciativas autónomas, en solidaridad, acompañando esas sesiones y aportándoles.
      • Al final de cada evento, miramos hacia dónde podemos llevar los otros.
    1. However, if more control is needed, you can pass any of these pieces of state as a prop (as indicated above) and that state becomes controlled. As soon as this.props[statePropKey] !== undefined, internally, downshift will determine its state based on your prop's value rather than its own internal state.
  15. Sep 2019
    1. You can control the following props by providing values for them. If you don't, react-select will manage them for you. value / onChange - specify the current value of the control menuIsOpen / onMenuOpen / onMenuClose - control whether the menu is open inputValue / onInputChange - control the value of the search input (changing this will update the available options) If you don't provide these props, you can set the initial value of the state they control: defaultValue - set the initial value of the control defaultMenuIsOpen - set the initial open value of the menu defaultInputValue - set the initial value of the search input

      Example of having props for both ways: value or defaultValue, depending on whether you want it to be controlled or not.

  16. Aug 2019
    1. Its aim is producing students who can think critically, be considerate of others, take risks, think dangerously and imagine a future that extends and deepens what it means to be an engaged citizen capable of living in a substantive democracy.

      What does Giroux's "be considerate of others" look and feel like in practice? How is it related to the problematic calls for civility?

  17. Jul 2019
    1. Backend Vs Frontend: Guide to Development for Developers

      What's the difference between Frontend Vs Backend? The backend consists of a server, application, and database. The frontend is the look & feel of website or application

    1. Firebase Vs MongoDB : Battle of the Best Databases 2019You are here:HomeDev & DesignFirebase Vs MongoDB : Battle…

      Now that you may have found that NoSQL database is the best option for you to set up your servers, you must find the best NoSQL database. Likewise, there are two prominent candidates for you to choose from Firebase Vs MongoDB.

  18. Jun 2019
    1. Distributed App (dApp)

      A distributed application (Dapp) in this context is refers to an ordinary real world application that runs on an arbitrary platform (desktop, web, mobile) and that utilizes a smart contract to use blockchain technology

  19. May 2019
    1. At the individual level, this principle supports reflection on and reuse of one’s earlier ideas. At the group level, thisprinciple facilitates collaborative discourse by enabling learners to incorporate peers’ ideas to solve new problems

      Students can watch their ideas evolve and a class can trace changes across a series of readings.

    2. spatiotemporally distributed on the web.

      So maybe the more reasonable long-term strategy is to build these web-based linkages rather than try to capture all these network-resident learning elements within an LMS.

  20. Apr 2019
  21. Mar 2019
    1. We'll stick to working with prose text in our examples—most people can grasp easily enough what we are doing there without having to have special backgrounds in mathematics or science as they would to gain equal comprehension for some of the similar sorts of things we do with diagrams and mathematical equations.

      I think this sentence is one of the most overlooked key points. This virtual, and in '68 the live demo was a quantum leap in managing text and locked the attention on that level. However, the essence of this framework is managing symbols and making statements by them directly - not editing texts on pages and navigate around them. For example, seeing and managing the following statements in parallel: 1: there is an idea of "Locatable" represented by an entity. 2: "Locatable" in this environment contains X and Y attributes represented by their respective entity instances. 3: Another entity (be it a mouse pointer, a window or a car on a street) can or must be "Locatable" (among many other possible aspects). 4: "My car" entity is "Locatable" at 40, 20. We need a system that allows managing such statements and allow other systems behave according to them.

  22. Feb 2019
    1. to give direct aid to an individual in comprehending complex situations, isolating the significant factors, and solving problems

      This is where most modern technology deviates from the Engelbartian norm. Instead of broadening our horizons today's platforms often seek to constrain them because it is through constraint that control and profit can be had. Many platforms from Facebook to Learning Management Systems are more interested in locking you into their ecosystems than drinking in the wider panoply of human creativity and knowledge. The more I think about this, the more see evidence of it everywhere in our world today. In education alone, the aforementioned LMSes are being complemented by even more restrictive (and exploitative) textbook publisher "online supplements." I'm hoping both of these are the endgames of obsolete modes of thought but they have sustained themselves long after we wrote them off. I remember Bryan Alexander bemoaning this facet of the LMS as far back as 2006. That was 13 years ago - a geologic era in technology terms - and yet they are still with us.

    1. abstraction is in itself but a dull and inert thing

      That "in itself" is an important qualifier. My initial thought was how this idea contrasts with Hume's discussion of the uses of general concepts, but the "in itself" poses abstractions by themselves, when not employed to a particular use. When abstractions are put to work, do they do something similar to Hume's generalities? (How closely related are abstractions and general principles?)

  23. Jan 2019
  24. www.at-the-intersection.com www.at-the-intersection.com
    1. So I'd rather have, you know, five of these tabs open with the order book and trade history for something that I'm, uh, watching imminently than just have the chart open on one page and then the exchange with the order book, trade history on, on another tab. You know what I mean?
    2. Kind of the technical philosophy is everything that happens in the market is captured in the data and so any headline moves will be captured pretty much instantaneously or in a few minutes in the charts.
    3. Yeah, uh, I would say for reallocating, I'm, yeah. So I would say on Gemini I do Bitcoin, ethereum, and that's kind of like the longer term things.
    4. no, and I was talking to her at the meetup and find it very useful to see all my accounts on these three exchanges on one screen. I don't want to have to log in to each one separately and keep track of how much coins I have on each. I would rather see this on one screen every morning. I pull up the screen easy to see. I don't necessarily need to trade from that screen, but I can just an idea of what holdings I have because I'm constantly rebalancing.
    5. So that's what I, that's why I had many exchanges, but then it became a hassle to manage and like anyway, I profited off that that was good. But in 2018 when it, when it became a bear market, that same strategy didn't work. And just because there was just the overabundance of coins, new coins, and they weren't blowing up like they used to. So I was like, why am I keeping all of this bitcoin scattered across diff or ether or rather scattered across different exchanges?
    6. Uh, I definitely have some other, you know, mostly it's mostly I use ta very, very ta heavy. Um, I will, but I'll always keep the fundamentals in mind, especially for the medium to long term.
    7. I really try to focus on technicals cause I mean, yeah, the technicals is, is supposed to be representative, at least from an historical standpoint of the sentiment, right? Like if it's, if it's losing, if people are losing faith in it, then you'll probably see where did it go down? You'll see the price get affected by it. Um, and I tried to just trade on that. I try to minimize my sources all over the place.
    8. Then once of use various tools to basically identify a potential trade, then I will basically figure out what the risk to reward is going to be for that trade.
    9. say try to focus on something that's really gonna drive you away from the competition, that people need. Because like I pay for multiple tools.
    10. So depending on where you're trading, you could put more emphasis on where the other, when when you're doing fundamental analysis on a stock, there's a lot more information going into that, you know, potential company valuation. Um, whereas I would argue most cryptocurrencies heavily lack fundamentals at all.
    11. I personally try to trade based on technicals only. I'll read stuff for more general and for information. Um, but I guess the way I look at is like technical is this more short term? And fundamentals is more longterm.
    12. Uh, yeah, I'm in a few groups. There's a couple of the crypto focused, uh, the also have been just, I wouldn't say [inaudible], but have put more emphasis on, you know, since we're technical traders, there's a reason not to take advantage of, uh, the market opportunities and traditional as they pop up. So we've been focused mainly on just very few inverse etfs to short the s&p to short some major Chinese stocks, um, doing some stuff with, uh, oil, gas. And then there's some groups that I'm in that are specifically focused on just traditional, uh, that are broken up or categorized by what they're trading.
    13. Yeah, I mean, so if you have one tool, I mean, in theory it makes more sense because you're not all over the place.
    14. So, you know, it's just, it's a, it's a little repetitive.
    15. e? I use individualized applications for exc
    1. The machine-beings that emerge from these couplings thus demon-strate a different form of identity, o

      I had to come back to this when I had a memory flash-back. My oldest daughter had Polio before we adopted her from China. For years she had to wear a full leg brace (KAFO) to keep her from hyper-extending her weak and somewhat underdeveloped leg. At first people assumed the brace was temporary, but eventually she started calling it her "bionic leg." It worked. People laughed. It opened up a conversation about her leg rather than making it an object of negative conjecture.

      So, to diffuse ideas about disability, difference, and "other," she took on the identity of a cyborg, which acted rhetorically and psychologically on herself and others to diminish the "other" distinction. Calling herself a cyborg became a rhetoric of inclusion.

    2. . In eXistenZ, however, the characters are notall cyborg-style hybrids, wherein the category of the human must first beimagined as relatively discrete in order for it to be connected to (andpotentially troubled by) its Others (human plus machine). Many of thehuman characters in this film exist simply as sites of information ex-change—material entities produced by and teeming with swarms ofothers (codes, identities, technologies, knowledges, and so forth). In

      As opposed to the robots in WestWorld: they look human, they have skin and blood, but the emphasis is mostly on the code that makes them behave in certain ways.

      I wouldn't say that I consider the "hosts" in WestWorld to be cyborgs--they are not part machine, part human-- they are all machine. Or is skin the definition of human? How much human material does it take to be cyborg?

    1. The We Defense argues that there are two kinds of rhetoric, good and bad. The good kind is used in good causes, the bad kind in bad causes. Our kind is the good kind; the bad kindjs used by our opponents

      Is Lanham suggesting that the "Weak Defense" argues that rhetoricians have an "us" vs. "them" mentality?

    1. Coming back to the two ‘FreeSync’ settings in the monitor OSD, they differ in the variable refresh rate range that they support. ‘Standard Engine’ supports 90 – 144Hz (90 – 119Hz via HDMI) whilst ‘Ultimate Engine’ gives a broader variable refresh rate range of 70 – 144Hz (62 – 119Hz via HDMI). We didn’t notice any adverse effects when using ‘Ultimate Engine’, so we’d suggest users simply stick to that option.

      In my tests using Standard Engine, in combo with G-Sync Compatible Driver, I get more screen flickering during menus.

    1. Although IQ is hard to coach, EQ and CQ can be developed.

      This one is an interesting phrasing -- there's a lot of debate going on about IQ being an outdated metric already.

      For example, N. Taleb is very vocal that IQ simply does not make sense in today's society.

      What do you think? Is IQ overrated?

  25. Nov 2018
    1. OER matters not because textbooks matter. OER matters because it highlights an example of how something central to our public missions, the transfer of our foundational disciplinary knowledge from one generation of scholars to the next, has been co-opted by private profit. And OER is not a solution, but a systemic shift from private to public architecture in how we deliver learning.

      I love this framing of OER as public infrastructure to facilitate the transfer of knowledge. I think it is not only generational, but also more broadly to the public. OER use is not limited to just students within our institutions, but are available freely and openly more broadly to the public. To anyone. I think we need to make that point more widely known. Every OER that is made freely available is making knowledge more open to not only students in our institutions, but to anyone, anywhere. It truly is "public" infrastructure.

  26. Oct 2018
    1. Der Gerichtshof muss jedoch angesichts der Gefahr, dass ein System der geheimen Überwachung zum Schutz der nationalen Sicherheit unter dem Vorwand, die Demokratie zu verteidigen, diese unterminieren oder sogar zerstören könnte, davon überzeugt sein, dass angemessene und wirksame Garantien gegen Missbrauch vorgesehen sind
    2. Mindestgarantien entwickelt, die zur Vermeidung von Machtmissbrauch in den gesetzlichen Regelungen enthalten sein sollten: Die Art der Straftaten, die eine Überwa­chungsanordnung rechtfertigen können; eine Beschreibung der Personengruppen, bei denen Telefongespräche abgehört werden können; die Begrenzung der Dauer der Abhörmaß­nahme; das Verfahren für die Auswertung, Verwendung und Speicherung der erlangten Da­ten; die bei der Übermittlung der Daten an andere Parteien zu beachtenden Vorsichtsmaß­nahmen und die Umstände, unter denen die Aufzeichnungen gelöscht und die Bänder ver­nichtet werden müssen oder dürfen

      The six basic requirements

    3. Jedoch ist insbesondere bei der geheimen Ausübung einer der Exekutive zustehenden Befugnis die Gefahr der Willkür offensichtlich (siehe u. a. Malone, a.a.O., S. 32 Nr. 67; Huvig, a.a.O., S. 54-55, Nr. 29; und Rotaru, a.a.O., Nr. 55). Daher ist für die Überwachung von Telefonge­sprächen eine klare, detaillierte Regelung unerlässlich, insbesondere wegen der ständigen Weiterentwicklung der verfügbaren Technik (siehe Urteil Kopp ./. Schweiz vom 25. März 1998, Urteils- und Entscheidungssammlung 1998-II, S. 542-43, Nr. 72, und Urteil Valenzuela Contreras ./. Spanien vom 30. Juli 1998, Urteils- und Entscheidungssammlung 1998-V, S. 1924-25, Nr. 46). Das innerstaatliche Recht muss hinreichend klar und für die Bürger in an­gemessener Weise erkennbar darlegen, unter welchen Umständen und Bedingungen die öffentlichen Behörden befugt sind, auf solche Maßnahmen zurückzugreifen (siehe Malone, a.a.O.; Kopp, a.a.O., S. 541, Nr. 64; Huvig, a.a.O., S. 54-55, Nr. 29; und Valenzuela Contreras, a.a.O.).
  27. Sep 2018
    1. No. It’s not you. You were different before. – I’m still the same person, Lin. – I wasn’t, when I was on it. I did things I would never do. – Those things saved your life. – But they weren’t me. – Yes, they were. No, the way it works… – I know how it works. I get it. I totally get it. You feel invincible.

      The rhetoric of this passage raises a very important question. Are the people who are taking this drug really themselves still? If this was just a thought enhancing drug then perhaps this would be the case, however it does more than just make the user hyper-intelligent. The fact that this drug changes people's attitudes and their personalities proves that these people aren't themselves. On the other hand a hyper-intelligence may not directly change the person, but may enable them because a higher intelligence could reasonably lead to a higher confidence and a higher rationale of thinking.

    1. The case marked one of the highest-profile clashes in the debate over encryption and data privacy between the government and a technology company. Law enforcement authorities say that encryption used by the likes of Apple makes it harder for them to solve cases and stop terrorist attacks.

      It makes it harder for the government to catch terrorist if they can't get access to their cell phones.

    2. . Apple declined to help the FBI.

      The company doesn't want to have a bad reputation and lose money from selling phones do to the lack of trust from its clients if they give a client privacy away.

    1. But we are also hopeful that, by informing and moderating our desires, and by grasping the limits of our new powers, we can keep in mind the true meaning of our founding ideals—and thus find the means to savor the fruits of the age of biotechnology, without succumbing to its most dangerous temptations.

      This idea in the text might also largely reference the uses of drugs and medications as one means of seizing happiness---a "founding ideal". The narrator of this quote, however, emphasizes the importance in not "succumbing to its most dangerous temptations" by means of remembering the "true meaning of our founding ideals".

  28. Aug 2018
    1. The cry was pinched off short as the blood-warm waters of the Caribbean Sea dosed over his head.

      This is an example of a man vs. nature conflict, because the sea water is making it hard for him to stay above and breathe.

    2. The cry was pinched off short as the blood-warm waters of the Caribbean Sea dosed over his head.He struggled up to the surface and tried to cry out, but the wash from the speeding yacht slapped him in the face and the salt water in his open mouth made him gag and strangle.

      This is a Man vs. Nature conflict because Rainsford is struggling to stay above water after he has fallen into the ocean and the salt water engulfs him making it impossible to breathe.

    3. "Tonight," said the general, "we will hunt--you and I."Rainsford shook his head. "No, general," he said. "I will not hunt."The general shrugged his shoulders and delicately ate a hothouse grape. "As you wish, my friend," he said. "The choice rests entirely with you. But may I not venture to suggest that you will find my idea of sport more diverting than Ivan's?"

      This is a Man vs. Self conflict becuast Rainsford is giving the choice to either be given to Ivan to be taken care of or to go against the general in a hunting game and it is a dicision he has to make himself.

    1. 6 key principles of experts' knowledge

      1. experts notice features and manful patterns of info
      2. experts have abilities to make sense of the content based on prior knowledge that is organized in some ways
      3. experts' knowledge is not isolated and it related to context.
      4. experts have abilities to flexibly retrieve important aspects of their knowledge.
      5. experts may not have abilities to teach others
      6. experts have flexibilities in their approach to apply to new situations.
  29. Jul 2018
  30. May 2018
    1. er. Kay ultimately attempted toclose his own ontological circle and find object-computers recursively defining eachother and infinitively deferring any concrete representation. It is striking how much thisvision anticipated the current world of networked computers with large cloud-basedtasks spread across multiple individual machin

      Ideas de Maturana y Varela respecto a la clausura operacional dialogarían fuertemente con este enfoque de la computación.

    2. cts. There isan important difference, except in trivial cases, between:the inside view of an object,understood in terms of local variables, possibly initialising operations establishingan invariant, and implemented proceduresoperating on the variables maintainingthe invariant, andthe outside view,as presented by the remotely accessible proce-dures, including some generatingmechanism, dealing with moreBabstract^entities
    1. They can enable individuals to reflect on the personal and social impact of new technologies, and provide a provocative, speculative, and rich vision of our technological future that avoids the clichés of consumerist-oriented industrial design.

      Although this article emphasized the difference between critical design and critical making, the later being more process oriented and involving information systems than only physical objects I wish the author could have illustrated that with an example. How to make a digital object critically? How to think of UI design patterns critically? All the tacit knowledge a UI and UXer is expected to have in order to get hired and that they use everyday. If the aim of critical making of information systems concern is to uncover the embedded values in software and the process of designing of software than it also needs to question the industry jargon and process which forms the lived experience of designers everyday.

  31. Apr 2018
    1. Thus the grass my horse has bit; the turfs my servant has cut; and the ore I have digged in any place, where I have a right to them in common with others, become my property, without the assignation or consent of any body. The labour that was mine, removing them out of that common state they were in, hath fixed my property in them.

      It would be very interesting to discuss this and the surrounding passages in light of the armed standoff that occurred in either Oregon or Washington about a year ago regarding the use of federal lands for grazing purposes by the local ranchers.

    1. There was a boy who was born with congenital hypothyroidism and was raised on traditional T3 (Cytomel). He was never treated with a T4-containing medicine, and so essentially never had a molecule of T4 in his body. By age 26 he had developed normally with no problems.

      This is precisely the type of information I was looking for. Wikipedia implied T4 should be taken with long-term T3, but the reasoning was poorly explained. However, I'd like a more official source for this case report.

      This case would also express no rT3 (reverse-T3). Thus, it appears that neither T4 nor rT3 serve any vital functions.

  32. Mar 2018
    1. That, on the other hand, is a system all by itself, and it’s rather restricted in its range. It only forms restrictive relative clauses, and then only in a narrow range of syntactic constructions. It can’t follow a preposition (the book of which I spoke rather than *the book of that I spoke) or the demonstrative that (they want that which they can’t have rather than *they want that that they can’t have), and it usually doesn’t occur after coordinating conjunctions. But it doesn’t make the same personhood distinction that who and which do, and it functions as a relative adverb sometimes. In short, the distribution of that is a subset of the distribution of the wh words. They are simply two different ways to make relative clauses, one of which is more constrained.

      One of the best explanations of why relative "that" isn't a pronoun.

  33. Feb 2018
    1. Una serie de ‘Laboratorios Cali’ destinada a determinar el rango de respuestas a la pregunta ‘¿qué quiere que sea Cali?’, seguida por la construcción de escenarios en donde las diversas visiones se puedan exponer, junto con la transición potencial y los imaginarios de diseño especulativo desarrollados por el equipo de co-diseño —para que cada vez más gente juegue con la idea de Cali como un espacio verdaderamente acogedor para vivir y no como una máquina de insostenibilidad—.

      Algo similar se intentó con la plataforma Bogotá Abierta, localmente y en Medellín, pero dichas plataformas no son abiertas, paradógicamente, ni trazables.

    1. The mental energy required for readers to constantly jump from the present text to an older one is considerable, and if readers must supply the gaps in their ‘allusive competency’ by engaging in ‘textual archaeology,’35or going outside the text to research its allusions, the demand is indeed extreme.

      This demand seems especially daunting in poetry, with few words as it is. Does the novel or film have an easier go of connecting the reader to the demands of allusion? Less of a loss in understanding the idea of the work if the reader doesn't bat a thousand with the allusions because other elements carry the storyline.

  34. Jan 2018
    1. Otherwise, changes in the school institution and tradition will be looked at as the arbitrary inventions of particular teachers; at the worst transitory fads, and at the best merely improvements in certain details—and this is the plane upon which it is too customary to consider school changes.

      I think this quote serves as counterpoint to the Connected Learning and Research Agenda quote on Page 14 (Connected learning recognizes a tension... ... competition for scarce opportunities.) The tension that the Agenda describes is an incomplete implementation of connected learning that some may consider as a fad in the eyes of Dewey. Again, to make sure that the Agenda policy makers can implement the alternative connected learning pathways, policymakers must take on Dewey's broader social view that we must undertake the learning paradigms that enhance student learning...

    1. Hola David,

      Contesto a tu comentario acá, pues estoy intentando depender de infraestructuras abiertas y libres para ello (no me gusta que los comentarios de mi blog estén en Disqus, pero no he tenido tiempo de migrarlos).

      Creo que para que la frase no sea lapidaría, lo primero que deben hacer las instituciones es abrir el código fuente de sus proyectos y las infraestructuras detrás, para que se puedan extender más allá de sus breves tiempos y miradas parciales, mucho más si se trata de instituciones académicas y/o financiadas con dineros públicos.

      Esto es algo que hemos logrado con suficiente consistencia en los últimos años, desde 2013. Hay algunas triquiñuelas, que hay que manerar respecto a la formualación del proyecto y las cláusulas contractuales, pero se puede hacer.

      Si se prioriza la apertura antes mencionada, tanto desde el planteamiento del proyecto, como de su ejecución contractual y tecnológica, creo que se logrará disminuir esto.

  35. Oct 2017
    1. inHabboHotelcontrolismodulatedwherenewactionsareconstantlybeingincorporated,aninventivepowerthatisworkingbyinclusion,asFoucaultillustrated,and‘whoseeffectwillbegreaterthanthesumofitscomponentparts’,asDeleuzeargued.
    2. EvgenyMorozov,forexample,arguesthatopennessisconfiguredbypoliticalchoicesandinrelationtospecific‘digitaltechnologies’andthatthosechoicesshouldbebothresistedandpoliticallydebated.Butlikethemisfiresofcriticswenotedattheendofchapter4,controlisgivenovertohowdigitaltechnologiesareconfiguredwithoutaccountingforhowpeopleactthroughtheInternet,theconventionstheyrepeat,iterate,cite,orresignify,andtheperformativeforceoftheirengagements
    3. Soifopennessisanimaginarythatcallsuponcitizensubjectstoparticipate,thenclosingsseektofurtherconfiguretheactionsthroughwhichparticipationisdone.Butthisisneversettled.Thetworemainintension.

      En la medida en que leo y tengo que combinar distintas tecnologías para hacerlo (Docear, Linux, Hypothesis), principalmente porque ellas no se integran bien entre sí, pienso en cómo Grafoscopio soportaría estas formas de lectura integrada. Quizás asumiendo el papel de Docear, implementando funcionalidades de mapas mentales, extendíendose hacia los mapas argumentativos y comunicándose con Hypothesis para leer la tabla de contenido, hacer lecturas anotadas y visualizaciones de datos de lo leído.

      Avanzar en esta línea me distraería de la escritura de la tesis misma, por lo que estas características serían implementadas y exploradas de manera orgánica, desde las que más fácilmente se integran al cotidiano (ejp: visualizar datos de lecturas), hacia las más demandantes/esotéricas (reemplazar Docear).

      La pregunta por cómo cambiamos los artefactos digitales que nos cambian ha permeado el cotidiano no sólo desde sus posibilidades teóricas, sino desde sus implementaciones prácticas, ahora que cuento con un artefacto prototipo para dichos cambios.

    4. JonathanFranzenaccusesAmazonofturningliterarycultureintoshallowformsofsocialengagementconsistingof‘yakkersandtweetersandbraggers’andTwitterasthe‘ultimateirresponsiblemedium.’[89]Thesemisfiresproduceatleasttwoinfelicities.First,inadvertentlytheyendupascribingmorepowertosuchcorporationsasAmazonorGooglethantheyactuallyhave.WhilemuchattentionisgiventotheautomatedandcomputationalaspectsofGoogle,theworkingsofthesearchengineareunstableandrelyonthedistributed,heterogeneous,anddynamicactionsofnotonlyalgorithmsbutalsoengineers,operators,webmasters,andusers.[90]Second,theyascribelesspowertopeoplethantheyactuallyhave.WhiletherulesofGoogle’salgorithmandfunctionssuchasautocompleteareatightlyheldsecret,Google’soperationisshapedandmediatedbythesearch-and-findbehavioursofcitizensubjects
    5. Ifwefocusoncallingsandtheactionstheymobilizeandhowtheymakeactspossible,wealsoshiftourfocusfromafreedomversuscontroldichotomytotheplayofobedience,submission,andsubversion.Thisisaplayconfiguredbytheforcesoflegality,performativity,andimaginarywhichcalluponsubjectstobeopenandresponsibleandthroughwhichmostlygovernmentalbutalsocommercialandnongovernmentalauthoritiestrytomaintaintheirgripontheconductofthosewhoaretheirsubjects.