- Sep 2023
- for: bio-buddhism, buddhism - AI, care as the driver of intelligence, Michael Levin, Thomas Doctor, Olaf Witkowski, Elizaveta Solomonova, Bill Duane, care drive, care light cone, multiscale competency architecture of life, nonduality, no-self, self - illusion, self - constructed, self - deconstruction, Bodhisattva vow
- title: Biology, Buddhism, and AI: Care as the Driver of Intelligence
- author: Michael Levin, Thomas Doctor, Olaf Witkowski, Elizaveta Solomonova, Bill Duane, AI - ethics
- date: May 16, 2022
- a trans-disciplinary attempt to develop a framework to deal with a diversity of emerging non-traditional intelligence from new bio-engineered species to AI based on the Buddhist conception of care and compassion for the other.
- very thought-provoking and some of the explanations and comparisons to evolution actually help to cast a new light on old Buddhist ideas.
- this is a trans-disciplinary paper synthesizing Buddhist concepts with evolutionary biology
- care drive
- bodhisattva vow
- AI - ethics
- Bill Duane
- cognitive light cone
- self - constructed
- no-self
- emptiness
- care light cone
- Thomas Doctor
- self - deconstruction
- Elizaveta Solomonova
- Buddhism - AI
- nonduality
- multiscale competency architecture of life
- self- illusion
- Olaf Witkowski
- Care as the Driver of Intelligence
- Michael Levin
- bio-buddhism
- Feb 2023
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
The reason is that the journaling is in part an accumulative method: There is a long period of low-structured input which benefits manifest first acutely (writing in itself seems to be healing through understanding). After you amassed a time-line of thoughts you can try to find throughlines and patterns which then gives you access to deep insights if you have the right tools. Most of the time people use psychologists which I think is in a similar way problematic that people use physical therapists for too much of their problems: Many problems are best solved by the person that has immediate access to the ego-perspective (phenomenological layer, subjective access, etc.) of the problem. This is of course dependent on self-education on basic concepts of what I call true self-care. Self-care seems to be associated with stuff like doing pleasant things (hot bath, nice walks in the sun) nowadays. If you take the antifragile nature of us humans into account this is just another way of the modern hedonist to keep stuck. (This is important for my approach to incorporate journaling into the Zettelkasten Method)
—Sasha Fast https://forum.zettelkasten.de/profile/Sascha
I love the deeper definition and distinction of self-care here.
- Dec 2022
zephoria.medium.com zephoria.medium.com
engineers will get tired, mistakes will happen, and maintenance will get kicked down the road. Teams need buffer as much as systems do.
- Oct 2022
archive.org archive.org
Unlike many note taking manuals, Goutor advises that within the small list of rules and standards which he's laid out, one should otherwise default to maximizing the comfort of their note taking system. This may be as small as using one's favorite writing instruments or inks. (p28)
It's nice to see him centering self-care and small things which contribute to the researchers' mental health within note taking design and user interface.
- Aug 2022
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Most of the existing self-care guidelines, however, are specifically tailored towards practitioners, humanitarian workers, service-providers and front-line staff (Frey et al., 2017; Williamson et al., 2020).
There are self care guides for those who are enmeshed in the field but not for those who spend a brief time in processing these
- Apr 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
Allyson Pollock [@AllysonPollock]. (2022, January 4). The health care crisis is of governments making over three decades. Closing half general and acute beds, closing acute hospitals and community services,eviscerating public health, no service planning. Plus unevidenced policies on testing and self isolation of contacts. @dthroat [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/AllysonPollock/status/1478326352516460544
- Feb 2022
ohsonline.com ohsonline.com
Nursing professionals are facing with severe sleep problems during the covid 19 pandemic time. Nurses were asked to work in an environment that had a more increased level of risk than ever before. Depression and anxiety from the workplace could affect the confidence of healthcare workers in themselves as well as general trust in the healthcare system. This will lead to their turnover intention which may undermine the efforts of the governments to control the COVID-19 pandemic. The rising concern may change the working schedules of healthcare workers, offering more occupational healthcare support.
- Jan 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
Dr Ed. (2022, January 8). You get the public health outcomes that your system is willing to support https://t.co/amcWBlraK2 [Tweet]. @notdred. https://twitter.com/notdred/status/1479791237108539393
- Aug 2021
www.frontiersin.org www.frontiersin.org
Kaloeti, D. V. S., Ardhiani, L. N., & Stück, M. (2021). The Consequences of COVID-19 Toward Human Growth: The Role of Traumatic Event and Coping Strategies Among Indonesian Sample. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 685115. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.685115
- May 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Disabato, D., Aurora, P., Sidney, P. G., Taber, J. M., Thompson, C. A., & Coifman, K. (2021). Taking care with self-care during COVID-19: Affect-behavior associations during early stages of the pandemic. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/eycmj
- Apr 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Ahuvia, I., Sung, J., Dobias, M., Nelson, B., Richmond, L., London, B., & Schleider, J. L. (2021, April 25). College student interest in teletherapy and self-guided mental health supports during the COVID-19 pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/8unfx
- Feb 2021
Mansfield, K. E., Mathur, R., Tazare, J., Henderson, A. D., Mulick, A., Carreira, H., Matthews, A. A., Bidulka, P., Gayle, A., Forbes, H., Cook, S., Wong, A. Y., Strongman, H., Wing, K., Warren-Gash, C., Cadogan, S. L., Smeeth, L., Hayes, J. F., Quint, J. K., … Langan, S. M. (2020). COVID-19 collateral: Indirect acute effects of the pandemic on physical and mental health in the UK. MedRxiv, 2020.10.29.20222174. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.10.29.20222174
- Oct 2020
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Why, though, do we not romanticize our preservation? The same matter of chance, of the fleeting nature of fate exists on the other side of the coin. What would have happened if we were better rested, if our energy was better preserved, if we managed our time and said what we really mean? Rarely do we approach whether we get eight hours of sleep with the same guilt as we do whether or not we attended a party, even when, according to sleep expert Matthew Walker, sleep deprivation prevents the brain from remembering information, creating new memories, and sustaining emotional well-being.
A great observation!
- Jul 2020
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
Kalenkoski, C. M., & Pabilonia, S. W. (2020). Initial Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Employment and Hours of Self-Employed Coupled and Single Workers by Gender and Parental Status. IZA Discussion Paper, 13443.
- Jun 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Fiebig, J. H., Gould, E. R., Ming, S., & Watson, R. A. (2020). An Invitation to Act on the Value of Self-Care: Being a whole person in all that you do [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/k72vd
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Beachum, L., national, closeLateshia B. assignment reporter E. H. closeAlex H. assignment reporter covering, & newsEmailEmailBioBioFollowFollow, breaking. (n.d.). Is social isolation getting to you? Here’s how to know — and what experts say to do. Washington Post. Retrieved April 9, 2020, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/04/04/social-isolation-mental-health-help/
twitter.com twitter.com
Katie Mack RT Mark Richardson - Twitter
- May 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Youngstrom, E. A., Ph.D., Hinshaw, S. P., Stefana, A., Chen, J., Michael, K., Van Meter, A., … Vieta, E. (2020, April 20). Working with Bipolar Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Both Crisis and Opportunity. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/wg4bj
- telehealth
- physical distancing
- comorbidity
- medical service
- lang:en
- social connection
- is:preprint
- lockdown
- stigma
- bipolar disorder
- mental health
- complication
- mental illness
- quarentine
- vulnerable groups
- resilience
- infection
- self-care
- psychiatry
- COVID-19
- treatment
- social distancing
- risk
- assessment
- Feb 2015
www.slate.com www.slate.com
The disaggregation of news in the Internet age has inverted this relationship, and made news outlets hypersensitive to the interests of their readers. This is a positive development. It’s good that the media covers stories that its constituents are interested in and want to read about. It’s good when news outlets are connected to the communities they serve.
I'm not so sure this is the case across the board. Our desires don't always serve us.
I sometimes do want gatekeepers to prevent me from hurting myself.
I don't know how to translate this into advice for the next generation of media, though.