123 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. There is the handy rails server -d that starts a development Rails as a daemon. The annoying thing is that the scheduler as seen above is started in the main process that then gets forked and daemonized. The rufus-scheduler thread (and any other thread) gets lost, no scheduling happens.
    1. But fork does not copy the parent process's threads. Thus locks (in memory) that in the parent process were held by other threads are stuck in the child without owning threads to unlock them, ready to cause a deadlock when code tries to acquire any of them. Also any native library with forked threads will be in a broken state.
  2. Feb 2024
  3. Dec 2023
  4. Oct 2023
  5. Jul 2023
  6. Jun 2023
    1. They create a lot of useful content on there site, which they are happy for users to copy and paste for use elsewhere. They wanted to know how often this was happening, on which pages, and what text.
  7. May 2023
    1. was digested with PstI (TaKaRa, Japan) to prevent the copy number from being underestimated (66).

      Why does digestion improve the estimation of plasmid vs the chromosome? I would assume the chromosome is more tightly supercoiled and inaccessible unless digested right?

  8. Mar 2023
    1. cierto contenido que compartas o subas, como fotos o videos, esté protegido por leyes de propiedad intelectual. Eres el propietario de los derechos de propiedad intelectual (como derechos de autor o marcas comerciales) de todo el contenido que crees y compartas en Facebook y en los demás Productos de las empresas de Meta que uses. Ninguna disposición en estas Condiciones anula los derechos que tienes sobre tu propio contenido. Puedes compartir libremente tu

      Al suscribirse a cualquiera de las filiales de Meta, automáticamente se otorgan derechos en común con todas las redes sociales pertenecientes a este conglomerado digital, ya que si bien solo se otorgan permiso a una sola red social, una vez la persona decide no pertenecer más, no es tan fácil desligarse de estas, ya que por ejemplo en el momento que una persona fallece, si nadie tiene acceso a sus perfiles, éste sigue activo, y por lo tanto, su contenido se puede seguir usando, al igual que pueden hacer base de datos y venderla a cualquier compañía que decida comprarla. Estos términos legales de una u otra manera son abusivos, ya que muchas personas no leemos al detalle por el solo hecho de pertenecer a la era digital. Otro claro ejemplo de esto, son las cookies que no sabemos lo que son, pero que, para poder acceder, debemos si p sí aceptarlas sin saber el riesgo que se corre a la hora del robo de datos personales. Hay otros casos en los que, cuando se denuncia una publicación, por más que ésta no cumpla con las reglas comunitarias, no es bajada de la red, tal vez, porque los algoritmos no detectan una infracción, cosa que si sucede con publicaciones sin mala intención, pero que, por una simple palabra que esté dentro de lo prohibido y que sea detectada como no permitida, se bajan publicaciones, y se restringen cuentas. Un caso reciente, fue el de la plataforma zoom en donde, si bien sirvió mucho para acercar a las personas durante la época de pandemia, se detectó que la privacidad estaba siendo vulnerada, por lo que mucha gente migró a otras plataformas como telegram, donde en teoría, había un poco más de intimidad y reserva.

  9. Dec 2022
    1. In advance of deleting my Twitter account, I made this web page that lets you search my tweets, link to an archived version, and read whole threads I wrote.https://tinysubversions.com/twitter-archive/I will eventually release this as a website I host where you drop your Twitter zip archive in and it spits out the 100% static site you see here. Then you can just upload it somewhere and you have an archive that is also easy to style how you like it.


    1. DanAllosso · 36 min. agoThanks, Scott! I'll have a Scrintal "board" with photographed analog notes to show soon, too. Solved the fire and flood problem.
    2. ephemeral sources .t3_znbvw3._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; }

      reply to: https://www.reddit.com/r/antinet/comments/znbvw3/ephemeral_sources/

      If it makes you feel better, this is a long standing problem of document and source loss. As just a small historical example from a fellow, but very early, note taker and practitioner of the ars excerpendi (art of excerpting):

      Presumed to have been written in the fifth century Stobaeus compiled an extensive two volume manuscript commonly known as The Anthologies of excerpts containing 1,430 poetry and prose quotations of classical ancient works from Greece and Rome of which only 315 original sources are still extant in the 21st century.[1] Large portions of our knowledge of many famous classical texts and plays are the result of his notes. Perhaps your notes will one day serve as the only references to famous documents of our time?

      Often for digital copies of things, I'll use a browser bookmarklet to quickly save archive copies of pages to the Internet Archive as I'm excerpting or annotating them. See https://help.archive.org/help/save-pages-in-the-wayback-machine/ for some ways of doing this.

      [1] Moller, Violet. The Map of Knowledge: A Thousand-Year History of How Classical Ideas Were Lost and Found. 1st ed. New York: Doubleday, 2019. https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/546484/the-map-of-knowledge-by-violet-moller/.

  10. Nov 2022
    1. Primers to target the DXS gene24 (one copy per genome) and the ampicillin resistance gene on the plasmid were created using the Primer3Plus design tool
    1. The Console now supports redeclaration of const variables across separate REPL scripts (such as when you run a statement in the Console), in addition to the existing let and class redeclarations. This support allows you to experiment with different declarations for const variables without refreshing the page. Previously, DevTools threw a syntax error if you redeclared a const binding.

      Edge version of this matching release note from the matching Chrome feature:


      Interesting, they're copying some content, but not all of it verbatim.

    1. 在基于fork的多进程实现中,每次fork会让子进程得到不同的虚拟空间地址,但此时其映射的还是父进程的物理内存空间,可以让子进程高效率读取父进程的memory数据。一旦子进程有写操作就会触发操作系统的copy-on-write异常,系统会拷贝出另一块空间供子进程使用。

      什么情况下会触发 copy-on-write?

  11. Oct 2022
    1. Kyle McCann has always prided himself in his ability to make the best of any situation. So when his boss fired him from the job he started just eight weeks earlier, McCann held back tears and decided to focus on the bright side. 
  12. Sep 2022
    1. The manuscript, mostly a Fair Copy, from which the present text has been faithfully printed, consists of eighty medium-sized index cards, on each of which Shade reserved the pink upper line for headings (canto number, date) and used the fourteen light-blue lines for writing out with a fine nib in a minute, tidy, remarkably clear hand, the text of this poem, skipping a line to indicate double space, and always using a fresh card to begin a new canto. Pale Fire (1962) [From Charles Kinbote's foreword to his edition of John Shade's poem.]
  13. Aug 2022
    1. 也就是数据从磁盘经过总线直接发送到目标文件,无需经过内存和 CPU 进行数据中转:
    1. Here’s some text about weddings at Oakland. Here’s some text about weddings at Oakland. Here’s some text about weddings at Oakland.Here’s some text about weddings at Oakland. Here’s some text about weddings at Oakland. Here’s some text about weddings at Oakland.Here’s some text about weddings at Oakland. Here’s some text about weddings at Oakland. Here’s some text about weddings at Oakland.Here’s some text about weddings at Oakland. Here’s some text about weddings at Oakland. Here’s some text about weddings at Oakland. Here’s some text about weddings at Oakland. Here’s some text about weddings at Oakland.Here’s some text about weddings at Oakland. 

      With beautiful garden vistas and historic buildings and monuments, Oakland Cemetery is one of Atlanta's most unique places to create meaningful moments.

      Located in the heart of Atlanta with dramatic downtown views, it is 48 acres are full of treasures – history and gardens, sculpture and architecture, towering oaks and magnolias. Complete with gardens, mausolea, and historic buildings, Oakland Cemetery offers a variety of indoor and outdoor venues for wedding-related events.

      Oakland is available for all types of wedding-related events from engagement parties, intimate elopements, vow renewal celebrations to rehearsal dinners, ceremonies and receptions.

  14. Jul 2022
    1. Here is some intro text about planning a wedding. Here is some intro text about planning a wedding. Here is some intro text about planning a wedding. Here is some intro text about planning a wedding. Here is some intro text about planning a wedding. Here is some intro text about planning a wedding.

      Our Private Events team will work with you to help ensure that everything goes well. Need a caterer? We’ve got connections! Assistance with logistics? We’re here to help!

    2. ere is some intro text about planning a wedding. Here is some intro text about planning a wedding. Here is some intro text about planning a wedding. Here is some intro text about planning a wedding. Here is some intro text about planning a wedding.

      Oakland is available for a variety of wedding-related events from engagement parties, intimate elopements, vow renewal celebrations, rehearsal dinners, ceremonies and receptions.

    3. Rawson Mausoleum


    4. Here is some text about Richards Mausoleum. Here is some text about Richards Mausoleum. Here is some text about Richards Mausoleum. Here is some text about Richards Mausoleum.

      Located near our historic Bell Tower, this striking mausoleum is the idea space for an intimate ceremony.

    5. Here is some text about Richards Mausoleum. Here is some text about Richards Mausoleum. Here is some text about Richards Mausoleum. Here is some text about Richards Mausoleum.

      One of Oakland's most iconic structures, Richards Mausoleum combines Romanesque and Gothic accents creating a stunning focal point for your wedding ceremony.

    6. 50


    7. Indoor


    8. Oakland Bell Tower

      Women's Comfort Station

    9. Here is some intro text about wedding venues at Oakland. Here is some intro text about wedding venues at Oakland. Here is some intro text about wedding venues at Oakland. Here is some intro text about wedding venues at Oakland.

      Remove sub- intro

    10. Oakland Bell Tower

      North Public Grounds

  15. May 2022
    1. This came in the context of weighing what she stood to gain and lose in leaving a staff job at BuzzFeed. She knew the worth of what editors, fact-checkers, designers, and other colleagues brought to a piece of writing. At the same time, she was tired of working around the “imperatives of social media sharing.” Clarity and concision are not metrics imposed by the Facebook algorithm, of course — but perhaps such concerns lose some of their urgency when readers have already pledged their support.

      Continuing with the idea above about the shift of Sunday morning talk shows and the influence of Hard Copy, is social media exerting a negative influence on mainstream content and conversation as a result of their algorithmic gut reaction pressure? How can we fight this effect?

    2. Matt Taibbi asked his subscribers in April. Since they were “now functionally my editor,” he was seeking their advice on potential reporting projects. One suggestion — that he write about Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo — swiftly gave way to a long debate among readers over whether race was biological.

      There's something here that's akin to the idea of bikeshedding? Online communities flock to the low lying ideas upon which they can proffer an opinion and play at the idea of debate. If they really cared, wouldn't they instead delve into the research and topics themselves? Do they really want Taibbi's specific take? Do they want or need his opinion on the topic? What do they really want?

      Compare and cross reference this with the ideas presented by Ibram X. Kendi's article There Is No Debate Over Critical Race Theory.

      Are people looking for the social equivalent of a simple "system one" conversation or are they ready, willing, and able to delve into a "system two" presentation?

      Compare this also with the modern day version of the Sunday morning news (analysis) shows? They would seem to be interested in substantive policy and debate, but they also require a lot of prior context to participate. In essence, most speakers don't actually engage, but spew out talking points instead and rely on gut reactions and fear, uncertainty and doubt to make their presentations. What happened to the actual discourse? Has there been a shift in how these shows work and present since the rise of the Hard Copy sensationalist presentation? Is the competition for eyeballs weakening these analysis shows?

      How might this all relate to low level mansplaining as well? What are men really trying to communicate in demonstrating this behavior? What do they gain in the long run? What is the evolutionary benefit?

      All these topics seem related somehow within the spectrum of communication and what people look for and choose in what and how they consume content.

  16. Apr 2022
    1. The bookitself participates in the history it recounts: it has a title page, table of contents,footnotes, a bibliography and an index to assist the reader, while the digitalcopy enables the reader to search for individual words and phrases as well asto copy-and-paste without disfiguring a material object.

      Some scholars study annotations as part of material culture. Are they leaving out too much by solely studying those physically left in the books about which they were made, or should we instead also be looking at other sources like commonplace books, notebooks, note cards, digital spaces like e-readers that allow annotation, social media where texts are discussed, or even digital marginalia in services like Hypothes.is or Perusall?

      Some of these forms of annotation allow a digital version of cut and paste which doesn't cause damage to the original text, which should be thought of as a good thing though it may separate the annotations from the original physical object.

    1. Because std::unique_ptr is designed with move semantics in mind, copy initialization and copy assignment are disabled. If you want to transfer the contents managed by std::unique_ptr, you must use move semantics.

      std::unique_ptr 可以使用 copy 初始化吗?

    1. std::move can be used whenever we want to treat an l-value like an r-value for the purpose of invoking move semantics instead of copy semantics.

      std::move 在什么情况下可以使用?

    1. By default, C++ will provide a copy constructor and copy assignment operator if one is not explicitly provided. These compiler-provided functions do shallow copies, which may cause problems for classes that allocate dynamic memory. So classes that deal with dynamic memory should override these functions to do deep copies.

      c++ 默认提供什么样的 copy constructor,这会导致什么问题?

  17. Mar 2022
  18. Feb 2022
  19. Nov 2021
  20. Aug 2021
    1. Dots and lines are particularly common ingredients of such footnote symbols. Interestingly, their first appearance is not as a connector of comment and text, but as an insertion mark that added an omitted line into the text.

      In a version similar to a footnote, a line and a dot were first used much as we use the carot symbol (^) today for editing to indicate the insertion of a missing line.

  21. Jun 2021
    1. The basic thing I do with col-34 THE NEW 'I'ORKEI\, APRIL 29. 2013 lege students is pretend that fm their editor and their copy editor.

      Teaching writing...



  22. Mar 2021
  23. Feb 2021
    1. Now, it may well be true that Apple, and The Times, and The Journal intend to add extensive tools that encourage the textual productivity of their apps. If that happens, I will be delighted. The iPad is only about two weeks old, after all, and it famously took Apple two years to introduce copy-and-paste to the iPhone OS.

      By not providing the ability to select text, copy it, or share it, some digital applications are dramatically lowering the textual productivity of their content.

    1. The Rights Retention Strategy provides a challenge to the vital income that is necessary to fund the resources, time, and effort to provide not only the many checks, corrections, and editorial inputs required but also the management and support of a rigorous peer review process

      This is an untested statement and does not take into account the perspectives of those contributing to the publishers' revenue. The Rights Retention Strategy (RRS) relies on the author's accepted manuscript (AAM) and for an AAM to exist and to have the added value from peer-review a Version of Record (VoR) must exist. Libraries recognise this fundamental principle and continue to subscribe to individual journals of merit and support lucrative deals with publishers. From some (not all) librarians' and possibly funders' perspectives these statements could undermine any mutual respect.

  24. Jan 2021
    1. RSF1010 is maintained at a copy-number of about 10-12 per chromosome in E coli, P. aeruginosa and S. enterica sv.Typhimurium (Frey and Bagdasarian, 1989)
  25. Nov 2020
    1. Copy numbers of the oriV region and gfp gene on the plasmid relative to a chromosomal gene were determined by qPCR. The chromosomal gene dapA was set up as the reference gene
    1. Designed probes were modified at the 5′ end with the fluorophore FAM for the reference gene cysG and HEX for the plasmid marker oriT, and furthermore modified at the 3′ end with the quencher BHQ-1

      plasmid copy number qPCR assay.

      Why cysG: Siroheme synthase gene?

  26. Oct 2020
    1. every page on my blog contains a link to its archive in the page footer. This ensures that you can not only browse the latest version of all of my blog articles in case of a server breakdown. This also enables you to browse all previous version, probably changed over time. Go ahead, try a few "Archive" links of my articles. If any of my articles start with an "Updates:" section, you know for sure that there are older versions accessible via the Internet Archive.

      This is an interesting pattern. How could one make this more obvious from a uI perspective?

    1. we are ending the HuffPost contributor platform

      Just another site-death...

      Ben Walsh of the LA Times Data Desk has created a simple web interface at www.SaveMy.News that journalists can use to archive their stories to The Internet Archive and WebCite. One can log into the service via Twitter and later download a .csv file with a running list of all their works with links to the archived copies.

  27. Sep 2020
    1. (and often proprietary) environment of learning/content management systems

      Simplify - optional or alternative copy seems indicate that we're not confident about what we want to say.

    1. Svelte will not offer a generic way to support style customizing via contextual class overrides (as we'd do it in plain HTML). Instead we'll invent something new that is entirely different. If a child component is provided and does not anticipate some contextual usage scenario (style wise) you'd need to copy it or hack around that via :global hacks.
    1. yet when I thought of my beloved Elizabeth, of her tears and endless sorrow, when she should find her lover so barbarously snatched from her, tears, the first I had shed for many months, streamed from my eyes,

      It's interesting to me that Victor only cries when thinking of how upset Elizabeth is going to be when he's the one who's going to die. He fits the whole "man be rational and women emotional" cultural phenomenon of the time to a tee. He's stone faced going into losing battle, but Elizabeth will be just soooooooooo sad and sooooooooo sorrowful. While I'm on the topic, the characterization of Elizabeth TOTALLY fits in while the "passive wife who's in charge of the emotional side of family," to a point where Mary Shelley is a satirist. Also the use of barbarous to describe the Creature is just textbook Othering in the way that demotes the Creature to a irrational and animalistic creature.

  28. Jul 2020
  29. Jun 2020
    1. copy editing

      I'd like to strike a blow for line editing. From Peter Ginna's brilliant What Editors Do:

      A line edit dials down to the paragraph/sentence/word level. As we said, it’s usually a much more expensive job than a developmental edit. A line editor will go through the pages of your book with a fine-toothed comb, looking for dialogue that feels awkward, sentences that don’t quite work, repetition, and more. Obviously this happens when the bulk of the work in terms of plot, character, beginnings, middles, and ends is done. It’s not that a line edit can’t address the bigger picture. But in most publishing houses an editor simply won’t do a line edit until the bigger issues are addressed, so as not to have to do the same work twice. It’s smart to stick with that order in self-publishing too. Line edits may or may not come with an editorial letter. But be sure that the fee includes time for you to meet in person or talk on the phone once you’ve had a chance to digest the edits. Often the same person could do both a developmental edit and line edit, if that’s what you decide to pay for, but you will also need a copyeditor. Copyeditors are the grammarians, the fact-checkers, the formatting gurus, the identifiers of repetitive words and phrases. They are the ones who make a book as smooth as a fresh jar of Skippy. The one instance where you might not need a separate copyeditor is if you hire someone to do a line edit who does a copyedit simultaneously. Some people have both skills and can pull this off, though it’s rare.

    1. If you’re working in spreadsheet software (for example, Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or Apple Numbers), you can copy from a spreadsheet, and GitLab will paste it as a Markdown table. For example, suppose you have the following spreadsheet:
  30. Oct 2019
    1. Avanade delivers innovative digital and cloud-based services, business solutions, and design-led experiences through the power of people and the Microsoft ecosystem. Its

      update to, blah blah and that that

  31. Mar 2019
    1. The fact is, though, it is often genuinely difficult for users without a decent amount of technical experience to find the right balance. Many systems don’t make it easy to find, organize and back up valuable files, while shunting more ephemeral data to the digital trash heap. Social networking sites are notoriously difficult to search, let alone download content from. Cloud services shut down or change policies often with little notice, said the Archive Team’s Jason Scott, like Tumblr’s about-face on erotic pictures, Google’s move to shut down social network Google+ or the venerable photo-sharing site Flickr’s recent announcement it would begin purging images from legacy free accounts with more than 1,000 pictures uploaded as of March 12.
  32. Feb 2019
    1. You may seen on Inside

      This is getting worse than a high school essay.

    2. “Having played in that offense, they don’t have an answer for all-out pressure,” Hoyer says. “Their answer is for the quarterback to make a play.” BENOIT: Super Bowl LIII Tale of the Tape: Two Dominant Defenses, Gurley’s Disappearance and the Real MVP The flip side? In this cat-and-mouse game, the Patriots knew McVay’s offense had different ways it could crush all-out pressure, so Flores had to be judicious about calling it. New England showed pressure a ton, but didn’t send everyone much at all.

      What the hell? This totally contradicts itself, it seems. I've read it now three times, and I still can't figure out the hell it means.

    3. At Devin McCourty’s kitchen table on Friday, the the brothers brought up Hoyer’s value, Devin remembers a moment a moment during the team’s preparation for Kansas City in October when the first defense showed the scout team a blitz look that had all 11 defenders within 10 yards of the line of scrimmage.

      What the hell?

  33. Jan 2019
    1. epresentations and entities to be represented.

      Cf. Muckelbauer's Future of Invention, where the Model is an entity to be represented and representations are Copies or Simulacra.

      Muckelbauer points out that a Copy, while true (or truer) to the Model to a certain extent, does less than a Simulacrum, which is just 'off' enough from the Model to have a distinct existence, to function in a different way. When Barad (a few lines below) questions whether these representations function accurately, she's questioning the purpose of the Copy, where its only role is to emulate the original. To me, it seems that an inaccurate representation might prove more interesting, to take on life of its own, separate from the Model.

    1. epresentations and entities to be represented

      Cf. Muckelbauer's Future of Invention, where the Model is an entity to be represented and representations are Copies or Simulacra.

      Muckelbauer points out that a Copy, while true (or truer) to the Model to a certain extent, does less than a Simulacrum, which is just 'off' enough from the Model to have a distinct existence, to function in a different way. When Barad (a few lines below) questions whether these representations function accurately, she's questioning the purpose of the Copy, where its only role is to emulate the original. To me, it seems that an inaccurate representation might prove more interesting, to take on life of its own, separate from the Model.

    1. Seneca dwells for a moment on the ethical problem of resemblance, of faithfulness and originality.

      As does Muckelbauer in Future of Invention, where one must be on the lookout for resemblances, dangerous because it is "difficult to tell them [resemblances] apart" from the things they resemble--the "two different things exist, two different and discrete identities, which blend with each other" (89). Of those resemblances, some are 'true'/faithful copies while others are "resemblance-effects," simulacra (88-90).

      What I felt was interesting about Muckelbauer's examination is that he ultimately seems to say that the Simulacrum is the more compelling of the two (Copy vs Simulacrum) as it does more than the copy. Instead of existing only as imitation (as the Copy does), the Simulacrum has an existence which exceeds that.

    1. Isaacson pointed out that more than 7,000 pages from Da Vinci’s notebooks survived to today–a stretch of 500 years. He asked how many of our tweets and Facebook posts will survive even 50 years. Paper, it turns out, is a durable medium of information storage.
  34. Mar 2018
  35. Aug 2017
    1. Google docs which shown in the editor can only accept “Page notes” Note that the URL of the Google doc can depend on the identify of the logged-in Google user.

      Not clear what this means?

  36. Oct 2016
    1. Way back in 2010 Karl Staib started Domino Connection to help purpose driven business owners improve their ability to connect with their customer. As I grew the company he realized he had a superpower. I helped companies understand their customers better through helping them collect and analyze their data. I became the “Analytics Growth Guy”. I enjoyed this work, but I felt something was missing from my ability to help his clients. I knew that it’s much cheaper and easier to retain a customer then it is to find a new one. That’s where the idea of Domino Feedback and the Domino Promoter System started. I knew that a happy customer was hard to achieve, but delivered the best results for business growth. It’s 10x easier to retain a current customer than it is to let them go somewhere else and have to spend money on marketing to bring in a new customer. Most companies spend 900% more on their marketing than they do on improving their customer experience. If they focused more on customer experience much of the marketing will take care of itself in our hyper connected world. Communication is the biggest reason someone loved your company or hated it. Capturing this information helps a company improve the customer relationship that is on rocky ground or help turn someone into a fan of the business. That’s the goal of Domino Feedback. To help you turn as many of your customers into fans. Use Domino Feedback to Collect, Track, and Convert your customers into fans. Recent Posts How Your Customers Define Your Brand The Secret to Great Customer Service Why Companies Should Focus On Customer Service How I Use Customer Feedback for Growth Why I Created Domino Feedback

      Domino Connection was started by Karl Staib in 2011 to help purpose-driven business owners improve their ability to connect with customers.

      As Domino Connection grew as a company, Karl Staib realized that data feedback and analysis from customers could help companies understand their customers better.

      For many companies, it is much easier and cheaper to retain a customer than it is to find a new customer. That's where the idea of Domino Feedback started because happy, customers that are retained over time often delivers the best results for business growth.

      Customer retention also helps companies save money on marketing when the customer experience is improved. If the focus is shifted more to customer experience than on marketing, organic growth from customer experience is much more beneficial in our hyper-connected world.

      Capturing customer feedback helps improve the customer relationship that is on rocky ground, or helps turn a dissatisfied customer into a fan. That's our goal at Domino Feedback to help you turn as many of your customers into fans with actionable insights.

    1. Our system is based the Net Promoter Score categorizes your customers into three categories: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors. We added the category of fans because anyone who loves what you do should have their own category. It’s good to give yourself a benchmark to improve, but more importantly getting feedback is about building a stronger relationship. That’s where we improved on NPS. We help you see each category as it’s own and how you can turn passive customers into fans. It’s the fans of your business that will make up 80% of your referrals. That’s why we created their own category. We wanted you to be able to learn from them and encourage them to help you grow your business.

      Re-write this:

      "Our system is based on the original Net Promoter Score which puts your customers into three categories: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors. We've modernized that with an new category of fans because anyone who loves what you do should have their own category. In addition to that, we help you see each category as its own, and show you how you can turn passive customers into fans.

      Learn from your customers, encourage them to root for your product or service, and grow your business's success from your customer feedback."

    2. You want promoters, but the businesses that thrive during the rough times have fans. Every great company leans on these people to help spread the word about how much they love your product or service. Feedback is a way to build a better relationship with your customers. If you have trouble listening to feedback then you’ll need to work on improving your mindset around negative and positive feedback. Negative feedback is where you’ll find the most growth for your company. Positive feedback is where you’ll be able to celebrate as a team and encourage more results like this. Both negative and positive feedback can be used to help you. That’s why mindset is so important. You can’t take anything personal, but just use it to improve your company.

      Re-organize this:

      "Every great company leans on great fans to spread the word about how much they love your product or service. Both negative and positive feedback can be used to help build a better relationship with your customers, including ones that aren't yet current fans. Take the feedback that matters most o you in your surveys to improve your company."

    3. Too often businesses only respond to negative feedback. Again and again I’ve seen my clients receive a low rating and they jump on it to make it better, which is awesome, but they neglect the other people. Any customer that is willing to take the time to give you feedback to improve your business is amazing. This extra effort they give must be given back to them. That means thanking them for their feedback and helping fix their problem or thanking them for their feedback.

      Remove the personalization. Would instead write, "Do your customers know they matter to your business? All too often, customers only hear back when they give negative feedback. We help you respond effectively to both negative and positive feedback with our Domino Feedback tools."

    4. How your customers feel about your product truly matters. If they love it they tell all their friends, if they have a terrible experience they tell all their friends on social media. Domino Engagement System helps you put out the fires before they happen on social media. If they had a bad experience and they get an email from you asking for their feedback. They can vent to you before they vent on social media. It gives you a chance to fix the problem before it becomes a bigger problem.

      Know what your customers think about your product. Their feedback truly matters to you. After all, your sales depend on your customers coming back. A lost customer is lost revenue.

      Use Domino Feedback to give you the insights that truly matter to your business, and to keep revenue growing for you.

    5. Is There A Demo I Can See?Karl would be happy to show you how easy it is to send an email as well as how easy it is for your customers to fill out your survey.

      Remove the personalization. Use instead, "Yes, you can check out our free demo to see Domino Feedback in action in sending emails, and how your customers fill out your survey."

    6. The Domino Engagement System helps you show your customers how much you care. We classify each person, so you understand their needs and how you can learn from them. If a customer gives your business an 8 then the next step is to find out how can you turn this customer into a 10. Dominoing them from an 8 into a fan of your business.

      The Domino Engagement System -- consider changing it to Domino Feedback? Should keep branding consistent.

      "Domino Feedback is the only online survey you need, simplified, easy to use, and provides you with actionable insights on your customers. Use our scale to learn from your customers what you need to domino them from an 8 to 10, helping them become fans of your business."

  37. Apr 2016
  38. Feb 2016
    1. Use HTML Builder to drag and drop your way to a beautiful and functional site!

      Please change the title text to the following:

      Use HTML Builder to build your website




      Image Description

      The image should also link to this page

      Please push the above edits live once complete.



    1. individual choices are progressing faster than national polic

      This part isn't clear to me; I felt a little confused.

      Two questions to help clarify the meaning (briefly) :

      1. What sorts of choices?
      2. How are they progressing?

      If, by adding one or two words (or very short phrases), you can specify those two things (or both in the same shot), I think that would improve the readability for me dramatically.

    2. , who brought a snowball into the Senate, demonstrated

      I would love a source article (or video) linked here, for me to read/watch -- sounds very amusing!!

    3. hint, r

      I felt a little (slightly) uncomfortable reading this -- my brain evaluates it as a bit snarky or know-it-all-ish.

      I think I would take it more sincerely, and feel more... deep appreciation, and gratitude & resonance for the message, if the word "hint" were removed (or it were otherwise rephrased or reframed).

      While I (as a reader who likes to think of himself as intelligent and well-informed, as I think many of us do) know that recycling isn't the answer..., it's not clear to me whether the writer (and I read, think of, and receive this article as an anonymous / arbitrary speaker; not as you, Aaron, personally) knows & trust that me, his audience, knows this.

      So having some sense the person directing their message at me /trusts/ me to some degree is really important for me to feel resonance with, and trust and confidence in, the article.

    4. tly IS Climate Change? Throughout

      [this annotation is actually for the above green bar, stating: "The Oil Industry Is Certainly Willing to 'Win Ugly'"]

      It was not clear to me that that green bar with text contained a link -- I only discovered it by accident, when I moused-over it, and noticed the cursor changed to a hand. I'm not sure how to make this more apparent -- maybe add "(article here: {URL})" or somesuch?

    5. Dr. Mitloehner

      re: The photo on the right: (Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to highlight the picture, so I'm adding the annotation here.)

      I think it would be useful to add a caption (below the photo, in small / italic) describing what the photo is (e.g., "Dr. Frank Mitloehner, on his farm in...")

    6. “The dinosaurs didn’t believe in climate change either.”


      Reading this at the beginning, I felt a bit like I was being hit over the head with a bludgeon (not in a good way).

      My reaction: "He's attacking me! Why is he targeting me? I'm even on the same side as him!"

      Since I'm assuming (hoping?) your target audience is folks who already are confident that human industrialization has caused climate change...

      .... consider moving this caption to after the introductory paragraph (so I, reading this, know that you're not attacking nor targeting me as a reader -- but rather, I think your point is, talking about those other people who are part of the challenge that we (as readers, in this together) are facing).

      Does that any sense?

      Another possibility:

      Consider adding a header before this paragraph, along the lines of: "The Psychology of Climate Change" [optionally add: "in the US / America," if you like]

      That will give folks some heads-up as to where the next bit is coming from; prepares the audience a bit.

    7. on so that you too, can make choices that will ease your conscience and allow you to live a healthier, happier life

      [see also thoughts in previous annotation on "both"]

      I like the first part -- "I welcome you to join me in this exploration."

      Reading the latter, it seems to me somewhat prescriptive (what I should do), which I think is less effective (doesn't meet my need for autonomy / self-determination).

      One possibility, which (for me) would read very well and nicely, is to eliminate the rest of the sentence altogether (principle of "less is more").

      Another possibility: I'm wondering how this can be rephrased or reframed, such that it is truly an unattached invitation, rather than (how it seems to me) a moral recommendation.

    8. both

      Consider removing the underline on "both." I think this may read better (and possibly be more influential) without it -- my sense is that with the underline, I receive it as more prescriptive (what one should do), whereas without, I imagine it would feel less prescriptive & more descriptive (making an observation, not recommending action). .... Side note: Dale Carnegie's research seems to indicate, "Let people think it's their idea" (when choosing an action or decision) is a more effective approach in 'conversion.'

    9. then it occured to me

      My thoughts: This seems a little out-of-the-blue. Two points: One, the transition for me as a reader was (slightly) abrupt; and two, my inner skeptic says, "Really? You just suddenly woke up one day and realized this?" It begs the question of "How did this occur to you?", and leaves a little to be desired (for me at least). Some context, e.g. hearing friends/community talk about this, learning more, etc., may be of use for the reader here. I'm wondering whether telling a (brief) story or anecdote (maybe 1 to 3 paragraphs?) about how this occurred to you in the first place (or whether you'd thought about it for a while, etc.), may be worthwhile.

  39. Dec 2015
    1. I guess we’ll see if that’s something other people want too.” At press time, it was to early to tell

      1) TYPO: 'it was to early to tell.': change the first instance of 'to' -> 'too'

      It will then read: 'it was too early to tell.'

      2) Given the close proximity of two instances of 'too' (the first being the last word in the speaker's quotation, the second being our now-corrected typo)... consider replacing one of those instances with some other equivalent.

      The first instance would be easier, but less casual-sounding, to replace; options include:

      • 'also'
      • 'as well'

      The second instance would be a bit trickier; options include:

      • '{As of this writing | At press time}, that's still an open question.'
      • ', it was yet unclear.'
      • ', it was yet unclear what the outcome would be.'
      • ', it wasn't yet clear.'

      .... This said, my immediate thought is that 'it was too early to tell' is an open, receptive/neutral, and -- importantly -- potentially optimistic phrasing. I.e., "We don't know yet! The future could hold anything!"

      That's a much more optimistic outlook, compared to terms like 'unclear' -- that seems murky and potentially doubtful to my mind.

      So I like the way you phrased it initially.

    2. It is a question; a challenge.

      Strictly speaking, semi-colons are only used to separate clauses which could, on their own (as they stand), each be a grammatically complete sentence. The test? [You'll notice that last remark wasn't a grammatically complete sentence, by the way.]

      Replace the semi-colon with a period; see if it works.

      Replace the semi-colon with a period. See if it works.

      "A challenge" isn't a grammatically complete sentence. Of course, stylistic licenses are sometimes taken to defy the rule of "every clause between two periods must be a complete sentence."

      In this case, though, I'd suggest:

      • adding a repetition of "it is" after the semi-colon (to make it complete-sentence-worthy): 'It is a question; it is a challenge.', OR
      • replacing the semi-colon and substituting a colon in its place. (This also has the advantage, in my mind, of making it a 'stronger' statement: throwing down a challenge.): 'It is a question: a challenge.', OR
      • both: 'It is a question: it is a challenge.'

      Either or both should work. (Personally, I like the second option best: 'It is a question: a challenge.' ) That said, if you prefer it the way it is for style, go for it. It just stuck out in my mind, but I am a fiend for proper (or obsessive) semi-colon usage.

    3. NEWS PAGE 2

      OK, all the other boxes at the bottom work great, e.g. 'CULTURE PAGE 2'.

      Here, however... my brain immediately read this as "NEWS-PAGE" rather than "News. Comma (or colon). Page 2." I think this is because words like "newspaper" are common in our vocabulary. (Is "newspage" a common term?)


      • insert a comma after 'NEWS' and/or
      • change 'PAGE' to lower-case (but then be sure to do this for all boxes).

      Personally, I like the first option at a minimum, and maybe or maybe not combined with the second option.

    4. Each volunteer seemed to have a different personal reason for participating. What they all seemed to share, however, was the firm belief that we can make the world drastically better for everyone.

      Consider replacing this with: 'Each volunteer seems to have had a different'

      I'm concerned about shift in (temporal) tense here.

      To me, the use of that tense seems to flow better with the temporal-tense of starting-in-recent-past and continuing-into-the-present. (I.e., that this movement is still occurring: in particular, that folks' reasons-cited are still active and are shaping their work and actions, rather than simply being in the past.... But it's your call, and a stylistic concern slightly more than a strictly grammatical one...)

    5. RSVP @ TomoRRowToday.newS/RSVP

      My concern is primarily a reader or "user-interface" note: Folks may be confused by the use of the '@' symbol. (I've seen people attempt to put them into website URLs where they shouldn't be.)

      In addition, since top-level domains (e.g. '.news') are relatively new -- AND given the odd type-face / all-caps font, plus or minus other factors -- I'm concerned about the greenest 'joe schmoe' user reading this, and not realizing either that it's a website address, or at least where it starts and ends.

      I may be over-simplifying it for the major of users; that said, you may wish to consider either or both of:

      • removing the '@' symbol
      • adding a colon

      So it could look like any of:

      • 'RSVP at:'
      • 'RSVP by going to:' (again with a colon)
      • 'Commit here:'

      In the URL, also consider:

      • prefixing http://


      • lower-casing at least the first T (in Tomorrow), OR changing the entire URL to a different font-type (although I'm unsure which to recommend, here)
    6. WE CAN DO BETTER!Action is the antidote to despair.> NEWS PAGE 2

      OK, all the other boxes at the bottom work great, e.g. 'CULTURE PAGE 2'.

      Here, however... my brain immediately read this as "NEWS-PAGE" rather than "News. Comma (or colon). Page 2." I think this is because words like "newspaper" are common in our vocabulary. (Is "newspage" a common term?)


      • insert a comma after 'NEWS' and/or
      • change 'PAGE' to lower-case (but then be sure to do this for all boxes).

      Personally, I like the first option at a minimum, and optionally combined with the second option.

    7. to wel-come new volunteers, and to generate independent media to document and share everything online as rapidly and widely as possible.

      consider revising:

      • one possibility: 'to generate independent media, documenting and sharing everything online as rapidly and widely as possible.' (There are other ways of doing so -- I'm not sure what the best approach is, here....)
    8. “It’s a creative challenge,” said another volunteer. “There is no right answer. Anyone can participate just by doing or cre-ating something, and then shar-ing what they learn. The right answer for one community might not be the right answer for another community. The point is accepting the challenge. It’s about tackling an impossi-ble goal and pushing ourselves to get better at it.

      Given the slight shift here:

      "The point is accepting the challenge. It’s about tackling an impossi-ble goal and pushing ourselves to get better at it."

      .... I'd love to see the period replaced with a colon, because the flow of observations/evidence-statements being made has now shifted to a conclusion being stated.

      Purely a judgment call; my personal opinion is that it would read better this way: "There is no right answer. Anyone can participate just by doing or cre-ating something, and then shar-ing what they learn. The right answer for one community might not be the right answer for another community. The point is accepting the challenge: It’s about tackling an impossi-ble goal and pushing ourselves to get better at it."

  40. Aug 2015
    1. As soon as computer data entry moved from punch-cards to online files (in the mid/late 1960s) there were "commands" for accomplishing this operation.
  41. Dec 2014
    1. Paste Out Overview Share your cloud clipboard within your devices and computers What can Paste Out do for you? You can rapidly paste out your content from your mobile device to your computer cursor. We have an impressive use case for you: Free voice recognition on your desktop.

      Paste out is a very productive system for sharing clipboard

  42. Nov 2013
    1. The free intellect copies human life, but it considers this life to be something good and seems to be quite satisfied with it.
    2. What is a word? It is the copy in sound of a nerve stimulus
  43. Oct 2013
    1. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor.

      Need copy


