- Dec 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
43:50 HIV virus was created in year 1981<br /> 45:18 mysteriously, nature decided to have somebody have sex with a monkey<br /> -> South Park S24E01 The Pandemic Special 7:30 randy fucks a bat in wuhan china
- Dec 2022
www.opensocietyfoundations.org www.opensocietyfoundations.org
The Open Society Foundations extend our condolences to the friends and family of loved ones on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17. We are deeply saddened to learn of the loss of the HIV/AIDS researchers and advocates onboard traveling to the 20th International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia, along with all the other people who perished.
- Mar 2022
www.pharmaceutical-technology.com www.pharmaceutical-technology.com
Pharmaceutical Technology. ‘Infectious Diseases Trends: Covid-19 Most Mentioned on Twitter Feb. 2022’, 4 March 2022. https://www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/comment/infectious-diseases-trends-covid-most-mentioned-twitter-february/.
- Nov 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Fauci, A. (2021). Victories against AIDS have lessons for COVID-19. Nature, 600(7887), 9–9. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-03569-1
- Aug 2021
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Madhi, S. A., Koen, A. L., Izu, A., Fairlie, L., Cutland, C. L., Baillie, V., Padayachee, S. D., Dheda, K., Barnabas, S. L., Bhorat, Q. E., Briner, C., Aley, P. K., Bhikha, S., Hermanus, T., Horne, E., Jose, A., Kgagudi, P., Lambe, T., Masenya, M., … Kwatra, G. (2021). Safety and immunogenicity of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 in people living with and without HIV in South Africa: An interim analysis of a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 1B/2A trial. The Lancet HIV, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S2352-3018(21)00157-0
- Jul 2021
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
UNAIDS Data Dashboard https://kpatlas.unaids.org/dashboard
- Jun 2021
www.npr.org www.npr.org
At the second Wall Street action, "over a hundred people got arrested," Barr says. Many of them were people who had never contemplated civil disobedience before. "It was such a terrific feeling to be arrested with my yoga teacher," Petrelis recalls with a chuckle. And it was profoundly affirming. "All those men and women screaming at the top of their lungs — I felt they were taking my anger and putting it out there to the world."
queer people try and get heard in so many ways, at times the only way we get noticed is when we stop being polite and start screaming.
But as central as anger was to ACT UP's success, it would also prove a force for division. "It was a war zone" All this was unimaginable to Petrelis back in 1985. As furious as he was with the government, he was just as indignant that so few other gay men around him seemed to echo his rage. "I just thought because I was so angry that there should have been more angry people," he recalls.
anger can be useful to spark the fire, but it can not sustain the flame - but that anger we feel is very real, and needs to be recognized.
- May 2021
www.reuters.com www.reuters.com
Staff, R. (2020, October 5). HIV treatment has no benefit for hospitalised COVID-19 patients: Study. Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-hiv-idUKKBN26Q37E
- Mar 2021
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Moutsiakis, D. L., & Chin, P. N. (2007). Why blacks do not take part in HIV vaccine trials. Journal of the National Medical Association, 99(3), 254–257.
www.ahri.org www.ahri.org
New Covid-19 lockdown study shows drop in child health visits but resilience of HIV care systems in rural KZN. (2020, May 25). Africa Health Research Institute. https://www.ahri.org/new-covid-19-lockdown-study-shows-drop-in-child-health-visits-but-resilience-of-hiv-care-systems-in-rural-kzn/
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Dolgin, E. (2021). How COVID unlocked the power of RNA vaccines. Nature, 589(7841), 189–191. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-00019-wq
- Feb 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Susan Cole-Haley on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved 17 February 2021, from https://twitter.com/susancolehaley/status/1340231804431773699
- Sep 2020
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
Haseltine, W. A. (n.d.). Lessons from AIDS for the COVID-19 Pandemic. Scientific American. https://doi.org/10.1038/scientificamerican1020-35
www.reuters.com www.reuters.com
Exclusive: In Russia, a black market for HIV drug to try on coronavirus. (2020, April 20). Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-russia-hiv-exclusi-idUSKBN2220W1
- Aug 2020
osf.io osf.io
Ferreira, L. M. R., & Mostajo-Radji, M. A. (2020). Plasma-based COVID-19 treatments in low- and middle-income nations pose a high risk of an HIV epidemic [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/cyqx8
osf.io osf.io
Nepomuceno, M. (2020). Vulnerable groups at increased risk of COVID-19 in sub-Saharan Africa: The case of the HIV population [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/9gpw8
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Hogan, A. B., Jewell, B. L., Sherrard-Smith, E., Vesga, J. F., Watson, O. J., Whittaker, C., Hamlet, A., Smith, J. A., Winskill, P., Verity, R., Baguelin, M., Lees, J. A., Whittles, L. K., Ainslie, K. E. C., Bhatt, S., Boonyasiri, A., Brazeau, N. F., Cattarino, L., Cooper, L. V., … Hallett, T. B. (2020). Potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria in low-income and middle-income countries: A modelling study. The Lancet Global Health, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(20)30288-6
- Jul 2020
adams, jimi, & Light, R. (2020). What Role Does Collaboration have in Responding to COVID-19? [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/jqwyr
- Jun 2020
twitter.com twitter.com
Africa Health Research Institute. (2020, May 25). "New work from AHRI about the effect of the Level 5 #Covid19SA lockdown on access to healthcare has found a largely resilient primary healthcare system in rural KZN among adults, but some early warning signs for child health. https://ahri.org/new-covid-19-lockdown-study-shows-drop-in-child-health-visits-but-resilience-of-hiv-care-systems-in-rural-kzn/ @kznhealth" Twitter. https://twitter.com/AHRI_News/status/1264880940482007040
- May 2020
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Hargreaves, J., Davey, C., Hargreaves, J., Davey, C., Auerbach, J., Blanchard, J., Bond, V., Bonell, C., Burgess, R., Busza, J., Colbourn, T., Cowan, F., Doyle, A., Hakim, J., Hensen, B., Hosseinipour, M., Lin, L., Johnson, S., Masuka, N., … Yekeye, R. (2020). Three lessons for the COVID-19 response from pandemic HIV. The Lancet HIV, S2352301820301107. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2352-3018(20)30110-7
- social distancing
- inequality
- policy
- health equity
- collective behavior
- school closure
- pharmaceutical
- government
- socioeconomic status
- is:article
- trajectory
- response
- poverty
- physical distancing
- vaccine
- quarentine
- gender
- lang:en
- prediction
- health system
- behavior
- COVID-19
- infection
www.visualcapitalist.com www.visualcapitalist.com
LePan, N. (2020, March 14). Visualizing the History of Pandemics. Visual Capitalist. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/history-of-pandemics-deadliest/
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Makoni, M. (2020). Keeping COVID-19 at bay in Africa. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, S2213260020302198. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2213-2600(20)30219-8
- Jun 2018
febs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com febs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Alternative splicing: regulation of HIV‐1 multiplication as a target for therapeutic action
- Mar 2018
tronolab.epfl.ch tronolab.epfl.ch
- Oct 2017
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
CG dinucleotide suppression enables antiviral defence targeting non-self RNA
- May 2015
www.nhs.uk www.nhs.uk
Why is there no cure for HIV. How do the treatments help the infected person live longer?
www.nyaidsline.org www.nyaidsline.org
New York State AIDS Hotline, 1-800-541-2437 Recorded messages available 24 hours per day on topics of transmission, prevention, diagnosis, treatment of HIV/AIDS and general information on STDs. Referrals given for HIV Testing and other related services. New York State HIV Counseling Hotline, 1-800-872-2777 Counselors available to answer questions about HIV/AIDS/STDs and provide referrals for related services. New York State Deaf HIV Counseling Hotline, 1-800-369-2437 TDD Counselors available to answer questions about HIV/AIDS/STDs and provide referrals for related services.
www.avert.org www.avert.org
Protect yourself (and others) from HIV infection
www.avert.org www.avert.org
the antibody or ELISA test - detects HIV antibodies in a person's blood.
Certain test to detect HIV
This website has a great video about HIV/AIDS
www.plannedparenthood.org www.plannedparenthood.org
Has a lot of resources and useful information on HIV. Also, the website provides the user with phone numbers and websites to learn more about HIV.
www.who.int www.who.int
67% of all pregnant women living with HIV in low- and middle-income countries received medicines that prevent transmission to their babies in 2013
what about the other 33%
www.avert.org www.avert.org
Again, there are no ideal ways to cope. Discussing feelings with others including friends, family and support groups, learning about HIV, being healthy, and making space and time to relax and take part in other activities can help. “He found it incredibly difficult to handle and told me he was terrified. I saw another side to this person and for 2 days all he talked about was how is he going to cope? At first I found this startling as I was the one with the diagnosis, but in fact turned all my efforts in to helping him cope with his mental health. It took my mind away from what I was supposed to be dealing with. However 3 days later he told me he could cope no longer and I was sent on my merry way.” Trevor, Brisbane, Australia
People with HIV not only have to go through a lot of physical pain and take many precautions, but they also go through tremendous amount of emotional pain. It is very important that people with HIV are aware that they are not alone because many people with HIV isolate themselves from the world out of fear.
www.aids.gov www.aids.gov
Prevention Programs
Programs that bring awareness about HIV and other prevention programs for HIV/AIDS
aidssupport.aarogya.com aidssupport.aarogya.com
Read about people's stories who live with HIV for support and encouragement.
www.aids.gov www.aids.gov
A healthy diet is essential to maintaining good health across your life span. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration defines a healthy diet as one that provides enough of each essential nutrient, contains a variety of foods from all of the basic food groups, provides adequate energy to maintain a healthy weight, and does not contain excess fat, sugar, salt or alcohol
I agree with the idea of a healthy diet, even when you may be infected with HIV/AIDS it will help you maintain as much health as possible and will help your life span. A healthy diet is not the only important thing, since maintaining health also requires sleep and exercise as well.
aidsinfo.nih.gov aidsinfo.nih.gov
Some side effects, for example headache or occasional dizziness, may not be serious. Other side effects, such as swelling of the mouth and tongue or damage to the liver, can be life-threatening.
Some HIV medicine can be very dangerous.
www.hiv.va.gov www.hiv.va.gov
f you have sex, the best thing to do is to practice "safer sex" all the time. To do so, always use a condom, dental dam, or other latex barrier and avoid "rough sex" or other activities that might cause bleeding.
What is a dental dam? Is that like a mouth condom?
aidsinfo.nih.gov aidsinfo.nih.gov
You can’t get HIV by shaking hands with, hugging, or closed-mouth kissing a person infected with HIV. And you can’t get HIV from contact with objects such as toilet seats, doorknobs, or dishes used by a person infected with HIV.
These are some of the ways that HIV can't be transmitted
Oral sex is much less risky than anal or vaginal sex. Anal sex is the most risky type of sex for the spread of HIV.
Good info to help not get HIV! This will help me a lot! Yay!
www.avert.org www.avert.org
This website is helpful because it provides viewers with local hotlines and programs
www.ascnyc.org www.ascnyc.org
ASCNYC offers free and confidential HIV counseling and testing, in English and Spanish, at our main program office, the Keith Haring ASC Harlem Center, and CASA Washington Heights Community Center.
Some specific locations for testing
womenshealth.gov womenshealth.gov
Most women get HIV from having sex with a man who is HIV-positive.
Why does it only mention women? SEXISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hiv.supportgroups.com hiv.supportgroups.com
HIV support group for questions and concerns.
www.nyc.gov www.nyc.govHIV/AIDS4
Medications now enable people with HIV to live longer and healthier lives. But not all New Yorkers living with HIV are fully benefiting from antiretroviral treatment and supportive care. Each year, nearly 1,000 people in NYC don't find out they are HIV positive until they are already sick with AIDS.
HIV facts and information
ntiretroviral Therapy The Health Department now recommends offering antiretroviral treatment (ART) to any person living with HIV, regardless of the person’s CD4 cell count. The recommendation is based on evidence that ART can improve the health of people living with HIV and that ART can prevent transmission of HIV from an HIV-infected person to an uninfected sexual partner.
WOW, this is really great info.
Local resources for people with HIV in NYC
edications now enable people with HIV to live longer and healthier lives. But not all New Yorkers living with HIV are fully benefiting from antiretroviral treatment and supportive care. Each year, nearly 1,000 people in NYC don't find out they are HIV positive until they are already sick with AIDS.
Keeping a healthy body People living with HIV or AIDS need different foods from healthy people. HIV/AIDS and the medicines people have to take can make you lose a lot of weight, feel cold all the time and get serious stomach problems. This will make you weaker and more vulnerable to serious infections. Because you easily get infections, it is also very important to clean and cook food properly and to drink only clean water.
This is very important for people with HIV to know because with HIV one's immune system is already under risk, so eating right is extremely important. I did not know that they need to have different eating habits, why?
www.nyc.gov www.nyc.gov
AHI: Acute HIV Infection: Current Definition (PDF) Acute HIV Infection: Definition prior to October 23, 2009 (PDF) AIDS: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome HIV: Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1: HIV-1 is the retrovirus that is responsible for the majority of cases in the world AIDS pandemic. HIV-2: HIV-2 is a closely related but distinct virus that is found primarily in West Africa and countries with large West African immigrant populations. More in-depth information regarding HIV Type 2 IDU: Injection drug use or injecting drug user MSM: Men who have sex with men PWHA: Persons with HIV or AIDS PLWHA: Persons living with HIV or AIDS. For these tables, PLWHA refers to persons diagnosed and reported in New York City and presumed to be living with HIV/AIDS. UHF neighborhood: United Hospital Fund neighborhood Definitions Age: Age is calculated as age at diagnosis for HIV and AIDS diagnoses; age as of the end of the calendar year for PLWHA; and age at death for deaths. AIDS diagnosis: Persons are classified as having AIDS if they are HIV-infected and either have one or more AIDS-defining opportunistic illnesses (based on the 1993 CDC case definition) or a laboratory test indicating suppressed CD4+ cell counts (<200 cells/µL). Clinical status: Clinical status is determined as of the end of the calendar year or at date of death. Concurrent HIV/AIDS: An AIDS diagnosis within 31 days of an HIV diagnosis. Persons concurrently diagnosed with HIV and AIDS are included in the totals of both HIV diagnoses and AIDS diagnoses. HIV diagnosis: A diagnosis of HIV infection is generally based on a positive Western blot test in adults and a positive PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test in infants less than 18 months. Since June 1, 2000, laboratories and health care providers in New York State have been required to report HIV infection even in persons without AIDS. Race: Technical Notes on Race Transmission risk: HIV surveillance captures information about risk factors associated with HIV transmission. The primary risk factors are men who have sex with men, injection drug use, heterosexual sex and perinatal transmission. Men who have sex with men includes males with reported sexual contact with another male, and males with no definitive risk and with history of a rectal STD or proctitis. The injection drug use category includes persons who took nonprescribed drugs by injection, intravenously, intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The heterosexual category includes persons who had heterosexual sex with an HIV-infected person, an injection drug user, or a person who has received blood products; and for females only, women with a history of heterosexual prostitution, multiple sex partners of the opposite sex, sexually transmitted disease, crack/cocaine use, heterosexual sex with a bisexual male, or unspecified probable heterosexual transmission. Perinatal transmission is a risk factor for infants who were infected during gestation, birth or postpartum through breastfeeding to an HIV-infected mother. Other transmission risks include hemophilia, receipt of transfusions or transplants, and non-perinatal risk in pediatric cases (<13 years). Persons with a risk that is unknown have no risk information reported by the provider or an expanded investigation has not been completed for them. UHF neighborhood: This corresponds to a geographic area within New York City that is an aggregate of between 1 and 9 ZIP codes but that is smaller than a borough. UHF neighborhoods reflect catchment areas for certain healthcare facilities. (Table and map of UHF neighborhoods and corresponding ZIP codes, PDF)
WOW LookAtTheseDef.
Local help and assistance for people with HIV
www.health.ny.gov www.health.ny.gov
What is Pre-Exposure Propyhlaxis and how will it keep high-risk persons HIV negative?
www.hivaidstribe.com www.hivaidstribe.com
HIV is not spread by biting insects such as mosquitoes or bedbugs.
Why isn't HIV spread through insects but is spread through sharing needles if blood is being transferred either way?
www.nichd.nih.gov www.nichd.nih.gov
In the United States, new infections at birth are now very rare because of drugs that pregnant women can take that can block HIV transmission to the child. It is important to start these drugs early in pregnancy. I
This is a resource for teens that are pregnant because it will prevent from any further transmissions of HIV.
www.aids.gov www.aids.gov
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Exit Disclaimer there were approximately 35 million people worldwide living with HIV/AIDS in 2013. Of these, 3.2 million were children (<15 years old).
Useful info
portal.hud.gov portal.hud.gov
Why do people with HIV need special housing?