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- school
- homeschooling
- Omicron
- economic oppression
- ventilation
- systemic racism
- online learning
- in-person schooling
- economy
- safety
- is:webpage
- transmission
- disparity
- multigenerational family structure
- mortality
- white supremacy
- work from home
- paediatric hospitalization
- exposure
- people of colour
- race
- school closure
- remote learning
- low-income
- risk
- vaccine
- children
- lang:en
- perception
- priviledge
- COVID-19
- virtual learning
- education
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- social distancing
- inequality
- policy
- health equity
- collective behavior
- school closure
- pharmaceutical
- government
- socioeconomic status
- is:article
- trajectory
- response
- poverty
- physical distancing
- vaccine
- quarentine
- gender
- lang:en
- prediction
- health system
- behavior
- COVID-19
- infection
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- impact
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- elderly
- alcohol
- France
- Iran
- Spain
- modeling
- immigration
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- China
- health literacy
- public health
- disability
- isolation
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- resilience
- education
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