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- delaying lockdown
- transmission
- is:twitter
- vaccine
- reasoning
- herd immunity
- media narrative
- behavioural fatigue
- epidemiology
- COVID-19
- misinformation
- public communication
- government policy
- public health
- Boris Johnson
- spread infection
- pseudo-scientific justifications
- lang:en
- care homes
- asymptomatic
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- social media
- artificial account
- online misinformation
- bot
- transmission
- herd immunity
- misinformation
- conversation
- inorganic activity
- modeling
- one-sided automation
- lang:en
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- ivermectin
- India
- testing
- Omicron
- immunity
- data
- Uttar Pradesh
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- treatment
- COVID-19
- misinformation
- mortality
- confounding
- lockdown
- lang:en
- association
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- protection
- vaccination
- immune escape
- vaccine
- transmissibility
- testing
- immunity
- viral evolution
- antigenic escape
- COVID-19
- waning immunity
- surveillance
- UK
- variant
- scenario
- infection
- prediction
- antiviral drug resistance
- therapeutic
- is:report
- heterogeneity
- vaccine efficacy
- lang:en
- severity
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- elimination
- reinfection
- vaccine
- Omicron
- risk
- global coordination
- herd immunity
- immunity
- temporary immune response
- attitudes
- natural infection
- is:webpage
- airborne transmission
- COVID-19
- science
- hospital
- prevention
- variant
- mortality
- vaccine plus
- pandemic management
- global solidarity
- strategy
- equity
- lang:en
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- social media
- podcast
- conspiracy theory
- medicine
- vaccine
- defeat the mandate
- anti-vaxxer movement
- Green Our Vaccine
- anti-mandate
- anti-vaccine
- rally
- children
- politics
- is:webpage
- Joe Rogan
- COVID-19
- propaganda
- disinformation
- misinformation
- online platform
- vaccine mandate
- protest
- lang:en
- natural immunity
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- protection
- vaccine
- Omicron
- immunity
- data
- vaccination status
- Australia
- is:news
- government
- COVID-19
- booster
- death toll
- mortality
- age
- lang:en
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- ventilation
- protection
- previous infection
- vaccine
- Omicron
- transmissibility
- testing
- mask wearing
- immunity
- individualism
- healthcare
- rapid testing
- essential worker
- policy
- is:news
- society
- COVID-19
- South Africa
- booster
- hospital
- variant
- hospitalization
- mortality
- societal level
- prediction
- strategy
- lang:en
- severity
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Theo Sanderson. (2021, December 8). SGTF Regional data to Dec 6 from https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1039470/Omicron_SGTF_case_update.pdf (Last data point would be expected to be incomplete based on the dates and so to slightly understate growth. And also will already have moved substantially from the midpoint of that last week on 3rd Dec.) https://t.co/1L6tM0sXIZ [Tweet]. @theosanderson. https://twitter.com/theosanderson/status/1468648673668128775
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- protection
- vaccine
- Omicron
- transmissibility
- Pfizer
- immunity
- mutation
- is:news
- research
- variant-specific booster
- COVID-19
- booster
- escape variant
- spike protein
- science
- clinical trials
- development
- variant
- effectiveness
- lang:en
- BioNTech
theguardian.com/society/2021/nov/26/biontech-says-it-could-tweak-covid-vaccine-in-100-days-if-needed -
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- protection
- transmission
- vaccine
- Omicron
- testing
- mask wearing
- travel ban
- public health measures
- immunity
- mask mandate
- data
- is:news
- travel restrictions
- government
- COVID-19
- South Africa
- health outcome
- booster
- predominant strain
- science
- UK
- variant
- virus genome
- hospitalization
- mortality
- England
- home-testing kit
- vaccine efficacy
- strategy
- lang:en
- stock market
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- COVID-19
- protection
- previous infection
- vaccine
- Omicron
- immunology
- variant
- immunity
- mutation
- immune response
- vaccine efficacy
- lang:en
- is:news
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Harrison, V. (2021, December 2). Omicron variant fuelling ‘exponential’ rise in Covid cases, say South Africa officials. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/02/omicron-variant-fuelling-exponential-rise-in-covid-cases-say-south-africa-officials
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It remains unclear whether the reduction in the neutralization sensitivity of the N501Y.V2 strain to vaccine-induced antibodies is enough to seriously reduce vaccine efficacy. First, mRNA vaccines also induce virus-specific helper T cells and cytotoxic T cells, both of which might be involved in protection against challenge. Also, the mRNA vaccines, in particular, induce such a strong NAb response that there could be enough “spare capacity” to deal with reductions in the sensitivity of the variant to NAbs. In other words, N501Y.V2 (and the related virus from Brazil) may be less sensitive to NAbs, but not to an extent that will cause widespread vaccine failure.
Variants that show reduced sensitivity to NAbs don't necessarily mean mRNA vaccine failure
New variants may emerge that show reduced sensitivity to NAbs.
This may not result in vaccine failure because:
- The mRNA vaccines induce such a strong NAb response, there will be enough spare capacity to deal with the virus.
- The mRNA vaccines also induce other virus specific protection such as helper T cells and cytotoxic T cells, which may not be affected by the reduction in NAb sensitivity.
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