1,925 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2016
  2. screen.oxfordjournals.org screen.oxfordjournals.org
    1. ccording to Saint Jerome, there are four criteria:the texts that must be eliminated from the list of works attributedto a single author are those inferior to the others (thus, the authoris defined as a standard level of quality); those whose ideas conflictwith the doctrine expressed in the others( here the author is definedas a certain field of conceptual or theoretical coherence); thosewritten in a different style and containing words and phrases notordinarily found in the other works (the author is seen as a stylisticuniformity); and those referring to events of historical figures sub-sequent to the death of the author (the author is thus a definitehistorical figure in which a series of events converge). Alth

      Jerome's criteria that rule out an authorship attribution:

      1. Author as standard of quality (work is less good than you'd expect)
      2. Author is field of conceptual or theoretical coherence (i.e. this work disagrees with some other work by the person)
      3. Stylistic uniformity (written in different style)
      4. Temporal unit (i.e. written before or after the author's known life).
    2. There are, nevertheless, transhistorical constants in therules that govern the construction of an author.

      Argues that there are transhistorical contstraints on construction of author. Transgeneric as well?

    3. In addition, all these operations vary according to the periodand the form of discourse concerned. A 'philosopher' and a 'poet'are not constructed in the same manner; and the author of aneighteenth-century novel was formed differently from the modernnovelist.

      Argues that the construction and meaning of "the author" varies by time and genre.

    1. Throughout this paper, we use the phrase ‘machine actionable’ to indicate a continuum of possible states wherein a digital object provides increasingly more detailed information to an autonomously-acting, computational data explorer.

      Definition of machine actionable

    1. Statisti-cal power refers to the probability that a statistical test will correctly reject the nullhypothesis when it is false, given information about sample size, effect size, andlikely rates of false positives
  3. May 2016
    1. p. 4 makes a distinction between knowledge and information and seems to understand information as being organisation of knowledge (actually is maybe confused a little about the distinction)

      Information is not the same thing as knowledge, though the two concepts overlap. Knowledge refers to ideas and facts that a human mind has internalizedand understood: how to fix a flat tire, the names of a really good dentist, speaking French. Acquiring knowledge means absorbing a lot of information--for example, how to use French irregular verbs correctly. Often the mind acquires and organizes such information in a spontaneous and even subconscious fashion, the way a child learns to speak or a taxi driver knows her way around town. At other times, the acquisition of knowledge requires studying, a slow and difficult process. The amount of knowledge that a human mind can possess is truly extraordinary, but it is not infinite, nor is the mind reliable. Hence the need for information. As society becomes more complex and its interactions speed up, access to information becomes increasingly important. Education was once focused on learning, that is, on acquiring knowledge; it now stresses research skills. What matters is not knowing the answer, but knowing where to look it up. And that means the information is (one hopes) out there, readily accessible.

    1. Yet that Desire you feel in you is from Me, because it is born of My Idea, which I implanted inyour mind only that It might come forth into expression through you. Indeed, whatever youdesire is I, knocking at the door of your mind, announcing My Purpose of manifesting My Self inyou or through you in the particular form indicated by that Desire.What is called Desire in human personalities, is but the necessary Action of My Will pushingforth the expression of My Idea into outer Manifestation or Being.What to you would seem to be in Me a desire for expression, is but the Necessity of My Idea ofMy Self to Be, or Express Itself

      Desire is actually God in me wanting to express and manifest..

      "What is called Desire in human personalities, is but the necessary Action of My Will pushing forth the expression of My Idea into outer Manifestation or Being." Definition of human desire..

    2. You were also told that when man was thus possessed of My Breath he was given dominion overall the kingdoms of the Earth. Which means he was made lord of the Earth, the sea, the air andthe ethers, and all beings living in all these kingdoms paid him homage and were subject to hiswill.This naturally was so, for I, within man's consciousness and within all consciousness, AMalways manifesting My Will; and I, the lord and ruler of man's organism, AM likewise the lordand ruler of all organisms in which consciousness dwells. As all consciousness is MyConsciousness and It dwells wherever there is life , and as there is no substance in which there isnot life, then My Consciousness must be in everything, -- in Earth, water, air and fire, andtherefore must fill all space. In fact it is space, or that which man calls space.Then My Will, being the power latent in all consciousness, must reach everywhere. Thereforeman's will, which is but a focalization of My Will, must likewise reach everywhere; hence theconsciousness of all organisms, including his own, is subject to man's direction and control.All it needs is for him consciously to realize this, realize that I, the Impersonal Self within him,AM constantly directing, controlling and using the consciousness of all organisms every momentof every day of his life.I AM doing this by and through his thinking.I AM doing this with and through man's organism. Man thinks he thinks; but it is I, the Real I ofhim, who thinks through his organism. Through this thinking and his spoken word I accomplishall that man does, and make man and his world all that they are.It makes no difference if man and his world are not what he supposes they are.They are just what I created them to be for My Purpose.But, if I do all the thinking, man does not and cannot think, I hear you say.Yes, here seems a mystery, but it will be revealed to you, if you note carefully what follows:For I AM going to teach you -- man -- HOW to think

      "My Will, being the power latent in all consciousness, must reach everywhere. Therefore man's will, which is but a focalization of My Will."

      "Man thinks he thinks; but it is I, the Real I of him, who thinks through his organism." Yet this is not the 'thinking' I am familiar with in my human mind and I need to learn how to 'think'.

      "It makes no difference if man and his world are not what he supposes they are.They are just what I created them to be for My Purpose."

  4. annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
    1. chandler

      “A stand or support for a candle”; “[o]ne whose trade it is to make or sell candles”; or, “[i]n extended sense: [a] retail dealer in provisions, groceries, etc.: often somewhat contemptuous” (OED).<br> This implies that these were shops which primarily sold candles, but also sold various products like a convenience store.

  5. Apr 2016
  6. annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
    1. Lower Rooms

      Lower Room- The Lower Rooms, in Carey’s estimation, were “handsome, commodious, and capacious,” but the Upper Rooms “surpass[ed] every thing of that kind in any town or city in the three kingdoms” (Thompson). The size, the brilliance of the lighting, and all the elegant appointments of the Upper Rooms delighted visitors for several decades. Isabella couldn't help but show her gratitude for not being placed in the Lower Rooms . She goes off then to explain us the the of place that it is down there as well as the people. she calls them “creatures”, and wonders if they will be able to have a ball down there. This is also showing the people who were in the lower rooms and the people who were in the upper rooms. Carey wrote, for example, that Cheltenham boasted two assembly rooms: the upper ones “remarkably neat and elegant, the chandeliers and lustres peculiarly brilliant”; the lower ones “handsome, but inferior”.(Thompson)

  7. Jan 2016
    1. Raj: Paul, we have been addressing what needs to be addressed. The events of daily life will continue, but will not become the focal points to be addressed. The key here is Listening—and this does not mean letting down and resorting to instinct, memory, or personality patterns where you unthinkingly respond to the so-called stimulus of life. Listening is unthinking, but not un-Self-conscious, and actions arise out of Knowing—not inaction or reaction. Being is not responsive!

      Listening consciously from which actions arise out of Knowing.

  8. christmind.info christmind.info
    1. Arriving at an understanding is not the goal! This is because Life isn’t an unfolding of movement within concepts. It is a movement which reflects the absolutely original movement of Being.

      Life "is a movement which reflects the absolutely original movement of Being."

    2. So, in graduation, and the commitment to Knowing, it does indeed feel as though one is giving up that which is utterly meaningful—a sense of worth and meaning which is acquired through personal authorship. The process of thinking, reasoning, and coming to conclusions—which is another way of saying “making judgments”—will be replaced by Knowing. And the actions and words which followed the thinking, reasoning, and judgment will be replaced by expressing the Knowing as you are Knowing it—not as you have heard it and repeated it at a later time.

      Raj warns that there will be a sense of loss gained in ego through personal authorship.

      He defines judgement as "The process of thinking, reasoning, and coming to conclusions".

    1. I know. The ego suggests that that is a nice escape from dealing with what needs to be dealt with. It says, “Come back. You have a few loose ends to take care of.” But, as I have said before, your income, your abundance, comes from being Centered. I did not say it comes from taking care of loose ends which are perceived from uncenteredness. Now, we are talking about being Centered with a fuller meaning of Centeredness. Centeredness really means at-Homeness. It really means the conscious comprehension of the experience of being at Home, which now our communications are substantiating.

      "Now, we are talking about being Centered with a fuller meaning of Centeredness. Centeredness really means at-Homeness. It really means the conscious comprehension of the experience of being at Home, which now our communications are substantiating."

    1. association of poverty with progress is the great enigma of our times

      Definition of enigma: A person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand

      Clarification: Some people find it difficult to understand why there is a correlation between poverty and progress

      Question: Can there ever be a time when every person benefits from progress?

  9. Dec 2015
  10. cityheiress.sfsuenglishdh.net cityheiress.sfsuenglishdh.net
    1. plaguy Rogue

      Alternate spellings: Plaguey, plagie "Of the nature of or relating to bubonic plague or any other plague-like disease;" also a pestiferous idle vagrant or vagabond (OED).

    2. Earl, nor Marquess, nor Duke,

      Earl: "Anglo-Saxon England: a man of noble birth or rank, esp. as distinguished from a ceorl or freeman of the lowest class" (OED) Marquis: "a nobleman ranking below a duke and above a count" (OED) Duke: "In some European countries: A sovereign prince, the ruler of a small state called a duchy" (OED)

  11. cityheiress.sfsuenglishdh.net cityheiress.sfsuenglishdh.net
    1. run him through the Lungs

      The act of stabbing someone, with the intent to kill them.

      Image Description

    2. Gorget

      An ornament for the neck; a collar of beads, shells, etc.; a necklace. (OED)

    3. Coxcombs

      People who present themselves in a grandiose manner, but are seen as vain fools who lack true knowledge or valid achievements; fops.

    4. fisking and giggiting

      To move in a swift manner or to scamper about.

  12. cityheiress.sfsuenglishdh.net cityheiress.sfsuenglishdh.net
    1. Juncto

      Archaic form of "junto," indicating a political group or faction.

    2. Archaic form of "junto," indicating a political group or faction.

  13. cityheiress.sfsuenglishdh.net cityheiress.sfsuenglishdh.net
    1. Groat

      Any of various medieval European coins, in particular an English silver coin worth four old pence, issued between 1351 and 1662. (OED)

  14. cityheiress.sfsuenglishdh.net cityheiress.sfsuenglishdh.net
    1. pocky Doctors

      Pocky: Full of or marked with pocks or pustules; pitted; spec. infected with the pox, usually syphilis. (OED) A doctor who dealt with the pocky diseases

    1. It is true that you are not participating in spiritualism. You are not communicating with a soul that has “passed on.” You are not speaking to an individuality still befuddled by the three-dimensional illusion of birth and death who thinks that he was ever born or ever died. I am not the medium through which the Christ-consciousness is revealing Itself as your conscious experience of Being. But, I do exist, as does every other individualization who has existed as an infinite aspect of Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being. There is infinite progression, even beyond the partial, three-dimensional-only view. It is simply ignorance—the inability to see infinitely—which would make one think that once the “mortal dream” is grown out of, there does not continue to be the infinite unfolding of Being as Conscious Being. This is true before or after the experience called death.

      Definition: Ignorance - the inability to see infinitely.

      More about Raj - not caught in belief of birth and death.

      There is an infinite progression of the unfolding of Being as Conscious Being. "Death" does not end it - it never ends.

      This is implied by WOM when it speaks of *The journey to the Kingdom and the Journey within the Kingdom."

  15. Nov 2015
    1. To say that you should see Supply as Supply means to lift it out of the range of optics, out of the range of visibility, into the perception that Simply is the omnipresent Substance that constitutes the warp and woof of Consciousness. It is the “stuff” of Existence.

      Definition of Supply

    1. As I have explained Substance to you, it has only this connection in relation to substance as you experience it every day: It constitutes the Actual conscious experience of every single idea included in the conscious experience of Being as Conscious Being. This Reality of conscious experience is what is objectified as the three-dimensional universe, but none of it is happening in the objectification.

      Further description of Substance,

    1. PAUL: Thank you. How does Substance relate to health? RAJ: Health is the constituting Wholeness of Being, the Orderliness, Integrity, Indivisibility and, therefore, the Perfection of all Conscious Being. Being omnipotent in Its ability to fulfill Its Intent or Purpose, there is no delay or obstacle to that fulfillment. It is this unimpeded Omnipresencing of Substance which constitutes Supply in what is called health or Wholeness.

      "Health is the constituting Wholeness of Being, the Orderliness, Integrity, Indivisibility and, therefore, the Perfection of all Conscious Being."

      "Being omnipotent in Its ability to fulfill Its Intent or Purpose, there is no delay or obstacle to that fulfillment. It is this unimpeded Omnipresencing of Substance which constitutes Supply in what is called health or Wholeness."

    2. PAUL: In what way does Substance constitute Supply? RAJ: Let us first be clear that when we speak of Supply we are not speaking from a finite, three-dimensional standpoint. Supply is not something that comes from one point to another point, such as payment from a client or customer. Supply does not come from one thing to another, such as food value from wheat. Supply is not given or received. Supply is an Omnipresencing of That Which Is: God, the Life Principle, Divine Mind, Fourth-dimensional Being as Conscious Being. You must remember that Substance is Activity, not a static lump of stuff. We have already spoken in regard to the fact that It has intent or purpose. Substance is Being’s Ability to fulfill Itself successfully, Totally. Therefore, it should be clear that Substance is fulfillment—Supply in its truest meaning. Supply is inescapable, unavoidable, when understood.

      "Supply is an Omnipresencing of That Which Is: God, the Life Principle, Divine Mind, Fourth-dimensional Being as Conscious Being."

      "Substance is Being’s Ability to fulfill Itself successfully, Totally. Therefore, it should be clear that Substance is fulfillment."

    3. PAUL: What is the function of Substance? RAJ: Its function is congruency, integrity, confluency, and inseparable Oneness, the inviolable substantiality of Infinity, of Reality. It is the constituting indivisibility of Conscious Being. It is the Absolute Law of the intelligent, harmonious blending of the infinite manifestations which constitute the experience of being as Conscious Being. Substance is Omnipotence. There is nothing passive, whatsoever, about it. It is the adhesion, cohesion, and attraction which constitute the immutable orderliness of the Totality of Being.

      The function of Substance"is congruency, integrity, confluency, and inseparable Oneness, the inviolable substantiality of Infinity, of Reality. It is the constituting indivisibility of Conscious Being...."

    4. Law is intelligent Principle—principled Intelligence—and this constitutes the omniactive Nature of Substance. The Light which is divine, intelligent Love is the means by which divine Mind reveals Itself to Itself infinitely as the omnipresently active Experience of Revelation. It allows Soul to respond. “And, behold, it was very good.“2

      "Law is intelligent Principle—principled Intelligence—and this constitutes the omniactive Nature of Substance. The Light which is divine, intelligent Love is the means by which divine Mind reveals Itself to Itself infinitely as the omnipresently active Experience of Revelation. It allows Soul to respond. “And, behold, it was very good"

    5. Spirit is the substance of all of these, both nondimensionaly and dimensionally. It is the Light, Itself, which illuminates and is illumined. It is That which shines, and That which is shone upon. Spirit is, Itself, the Life Principle, the Life Force, the Initiator and Initiated, the Cause and the Effect.

      "Spirit is the substance of all of these, both nondimensionaly and dimensionally. It is the Light, Itself, which illuminates and is illumined. It is That which shines, and That which is shone upon. Spirit is, Itself, the Life Principle, the Life Force, the Initiator and Initiated, the Cause and the Effect."

    6. PAUL: How does Substance function? RAJ: It functions by being the omnipresent omniaction of Being. The substance of Mind is Consciousness. The substance of Truth is Principle. The substance of Principle is Intelligence/Law. The substance of Soul is Love. The substance of Love is Life. And the substance of Life is Mind.

      "Substance functions by being the omnipresent omniaction of Being. The substance of Mind is Consciousness. The substance of Truth is Principle. The substance of Principle is Intelligence/Law. The substance of Soul is Love. The substance of Love is Life. And the substance of Life is Mind."

    7. The Bible says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.“1 This means that no matter how deeply we may seem to be buried in the distortions of a personal, three-dimensional, finite frame of mind, the faith that we find everpresently abiding within us is our everpresent “connection” with the Actuality of our Being as It is really going on. In other words, it is our Actual experience of Substance, inviolably “held in trust” for us, you might say, so long as we indulge in attempting to experience the Reality of our Being from a partial view. This is why it is “the evidence of things not seen.” It is the evidence of Reality, present and undistorted, in spite of the distortions inherent in the partial view.

      “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.“ In 3d, 'finite frame of mind' faith is our connection with the 'Actuality of Being. The Reality of Substance, Reality, Being is held in trust while in 3d we may attempt to have partial view of it. Faith is the evidence/presence of Reality even if unseen in 3d.

    8. PAUL: Very well. My first question is: What is Substance? RAJ: Your first answer is that Substance is infinite, nondimensional, and pure Energy—the Life Force, as it were. It is Intelligence. It is Soul. It is Spirit. It is Principle. It is Love. It is Life. It is Truth. It is Mind. It is, in the final analysis, what is meant by the word God. It is omnipresent. It is omniactive. It is the nondimensional or Universal “stuff” of which all that is made is made. It is that which constitutes You and your entire experience as Conscious Being, whether you are being “out from Mind” or not.

      Substance is; Infinite, Nondimensional, Pure Energy, Life Force, Intelligence, Soul, Spirit, Principle, Love, Life, Truth, Mind, Omnipresent, Omniactive. Nondimensional or Universal “stuff” of which all that is made is made. That which constitutes You and your entire experience as Conscious Being, whether you are being “out from Mind” or not. It is GOD!

    9. PAUL: What is the function of Substance? RAJ: Its function is congruency, integrity, confluency, and inseparable Oneness, the inviolable substantiality of Infinity, of Reality. It is the constituting indivisibility of Conscious Being. It is the Absolute Law of the intelligent, harmonious blending of the infinite manifestations which constitute the experience of being as Conscious Being. Substance is Omnipotence. There is nothing passive, whatsoever, about it. It is the adhesion, cohesion, and attraction which constitute the immutable orderliness of the Totality of Being.

      The function of substance is; "congruency, integrity, confluency, and inseparable Oneness, the inviolable substantiality of Infinity, of Reality. It is the constituting indivisibility of Conscious Being. It is the Absolute Law of the intelligent, harmonious blending of the infinite manifestations which constitute the experience of being as Conscious Being. Substance is Omnipotence.There is nothing passive, whatsoever, about it. It is the adhesion, cohesion, and attraction which constitute the immutable orderliness of the Totality of Being."

      Totality of Being is the the Holy Idea for Enneagram 8 which is Holy Truth.

    1. The confrontation with technology at the level of creation is what distinguishes electronic literature from, for example, e-books, digitized versions of print works, and other products of print authors “going digital.” Electronic literature often intersects with conceptual and sound arts, but reading and writing remain central to the literary arts. These activities, unbound by pages and the printed book, now move freely through galleries, performance spaces, and museums. Electronic literature does not reside in any single medium or institution.

      I think this passage is THE clue. IRL I work on classic, 19th and 20th definitions of differents kinds of art. It usually turns around the limits of different arts, that come with the medium they are exposed in. The artist from the 20th century loved breaking that limits. From that point of view, e-lit has broken it all. It has improved the medium and it has even questioned the limits of creation itself. (I think analytic art critics wont like my point of view...). E-lit has lots of issues as an art and this is great. (Sorry for my awful english! Feel free to do as many corrections as you want!)

  16. Oct 2015
    1. There is no reason for you to feel that you must be able to understand the new view before you see it. There is no way for Revelation to mean the revealing of what you already know, except in the Absolute sense. Your Being has always moved beyond your present concepts of Reality, and you have always recognized it as a sudden influx of inspiration and understanding which went beyond what you had previously been aware of. You have simply never been aware of the process before, only the result. This time you are aware of the process—of the breakdown of the old concepts and the appearing of the Revelation. In actuality, the whole process of breakdown and the new view is the One, Total Function of Being called Revelation. It is happening in slow motion, so to speak, and you are having the opportunity to observe the process. You are, indeed, the Answer. I would stick with this Fact as constantly as you are able, even if it appears not to be so, and not to be evident. You are going to stick with something, and it might as well be the Fact.

      Being always moves beyond your present concept of Reality.

      Revelation is the breakdown of concepts resulting in a new view of Reality. It is the One, Total Function of Being.

      Question: is this saying that the function of Being is growth into a more expansive view of Reality? We call this Revelation.

    1. RAJ: This Light energy, which is constituted of the Christ-consciousness—God’s view of Himself—is what constitutes your consciousness and your experience, Totally and Completely. you must understand that there is nothing else going on—no other Presence but this Light. It is the Light of Living Love.

      Christ Consciousness is God's view of Himself, is what constitutes Light.

      Light constitutes your consciousness and experience totally and completely.

      There is nothing else going on - no other Presence but this Light, the Light of Living Love.

      This is a description of Christ and of Heaven.

    2. perspicacity

      Perspicacity is a penetrating discernment—a clarity of vision or intellect which provides a deep understanding and insight.

      Wiktionary Definition

      Pronunciation on Youtube

    1. Was ist mit "Änderungen" an wisssenschaftlichen Texten gemeint? Wie muss ich mir das vorstellen? Geht es nur um das Wiederveröffenltichen von Textteilen z.B. in Lehrbüchern oder tatsächlich um das Remixen von Sätzen?

    1. Until you become satisfactorily accustomed to what the experience is as Fourth-dimensional Man—which means Universal Being—you will not be in a cohesive, substantial position from which to be the Creative Process which will be experienced specifically as the resolution of the financial, school, and living problems that you seem to be faced with. You see, Paul, Practice is that Creative Process which spontaneously occurs when one is being out from Mind as Mind. Right now, it is not possible for you to practice it, because you are not sufficiently familiar with that Place where you are being out from Mind. In effect, it would be like trying to begin swimming before you have gotten in the water.

      Practice: The Creative Process which spontaneously occurs when one is being out from Mind as Mind.

      Universal Being: Fourth-dimensional Man

      There is a process in a journey - a sequence of experience. You can't swim until you get to the pool. You can't practice the Creative Process until you learn to be out from Mind as Mind.

      Image Test - the Mirror

  17. Sep 2015
    1. Precision medicine is an approach to disease treatment and prevention that seeks to maximize effectiveness by taking into account individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle.

      Definition of precision medicine.

    1. Nowadays, the term can mean anything from media studies to electronic art, from data mining to edutech, from scholarly editing to anarchic blogging, while inviting code junkies, digital artists, standards wonks, transhumanists, game theorists, free culture advocates, archivists, librarians, and edupunks under its capacious canvas.
  18. Aug 2015
    1. We would argue that the “true” capability model is the object-capability model, because all known major capability systems take the object-based approach (forexamples, see [1, 4, 9, 11, 16, 17, 19, 21]). In all ofthese systems, a capability is an object reference–not something that behaves like a key or ticket in the realworld. Definitive books on capability-based systems[6, 16] also describe these systems from the object-capability perspective, and explicitly characterize themas “object-based”.
  19. Jun 2015
    1. (15) "Wetlands" means land, including submerged land, not regulated pursuant to sections 22a-28 to 22a-35, inclusive, which consists of any of the soil types designated as poorly drained, very poorly drained, alluvial, and floodplain by the National Cooperative Soils Survey, as may be amended from time to time, of the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture;

      Definition of wetlands. Anything poorly drained and designated by U.S> Department of Agriculture. Does not include lakes or rivers.

    1. Rather, what concerns me is the symbolism by which populations and individuals are established as need- ing help, as being inferior, and the role played by disability in that sym- bolism, because it has a long history of being placed in the service of dis- crimination, inequality, and violence. What I am calling the aesthetics of human disqualification focuses on how ideas about appearance contrib- ute to these and other forms of oppression. My claim is that this symbol- ism depends on aesthetic representations that require further clarification
  20. Apr 2015
    1. a r g u m e n t a t i v e   g r a m m a r . ​   H e   d e f i n e s   a n   a r g u m e n t a t i v e   g r a m m a r   i s   “ t h e   l o g i c   t h a t   g u i d e s   t h e   u s e   o f   a   m e t h o d   a n d   t h a t   s u p p o r t s   r e a s o n i n g   a b o u t   i t s   d a t a ”

      Key definition of argumentative grammar.

  21. Mar 2015
    1. And as I grew in age, I began to discover that the old teachers who spoke of the need to, “Forgive seventy times seven,” knew something quite profound that had even become lost within the tradition, the Jewish and Essene traditions, of my day. For, you see, to forgive means “to choose to release another from the perceptions that you’ve been projecting upon them.” It is, therefore, an act of forgiving one’s self of one’s projections. And as we begin to forgive, even unto seventy times seven times, each time you forgive you take yourself deeper into the purity of your own consciousness. You begin to see how profoundly you have been coloring, and therefore affecting, all of your relationships, through the simple act of not being aware of the power of projection.

      Definition of Forgiveness

    1. reading might be described as the continual redisposition of levels of address in this manner

      Another useful (and cool) definition

    2. The book or physical instance, then, is one of many levels of address.

      Definition for manifestations of the text. Maybe useful in discussing interface as the encountered work?

    3. Now, we are discussing ideal objects here: addressability implies different levels of abstraction (character, word, phrase, line, etc) which are stipulative or nominal: such levels are not material properties of texts or Pythagorean ideals; they are, rather, conventions.

      Might be useful in thinking about what an “edition” is—must it include all items most editions currently include, or are those conventions or manifestations of values, and not necessary values themselves?

    4. a text is a text because it is massively addressable at different levels of scale

      I think this is my favorite definition of “text” (as humanities scholars use the term) that I’ve encountered.

  22. Jan 2015
  23. Dec 2014
    1. those that care and those that don’t care

      The problem for me is that this is a continuum of caring. They are oftentimes both. They define caring from each-their-own perspective. In other words the strategic students show how they care by honoring the system that assigns points to work and the intrinsic learners show they care by honoring their own inner compass. These 'definings' and 'honorings' are quite different from the way teachers and mentors define caring which are in turn quite variable.

    1. A real estate developer is interested in building a high rise apartment complex near an urban Ivy League university. To ensure the success of the project, a market research firm is hired to conduct focus groups with current students. Students are segmented by academic year (freshman, upper classmen, graduate studies) and amount of financial aid received. Study participants are given a series of index cards. Each card has 6 attributes to describe the potential building project (proximity to campus, cost, telecommunication packages, laundry options, floor plans, and security features offered). The estimated cost to construct the building described on each card is equivalent. Participants are asked to order the cards from least to most appealing. This forced ranking exercise will indirectly reveal the participants' priorities and preferences. Multi-variate regression analysis may be used to determine the strength of preferences across target market segments.

      Conjoint Analysis Example

  24. Apr 2014
  25. Feb 2014
    1. Meanwhile, in his Rhetoric (1367a) he defines a free man (eleutheros) as a masterless person who needs obey no one because he does not depend on having to produce or sell anything.

      interesting definition

    1. Well, this whole thing was cleared up by the logician Tarski, I guess, and some others, mayb e Russell or Peano. Anyhow, what you do is, you write down the axioms of your theory in a formal language with a given list of symb ols or alphab et. Then you write down the hyp othesis of your theorem in the same symb olism. Then you show that you can transform the hyp othesis step by step, using the rules of logic, till you get the conclusion. That's a pro of. Student : Really? That's amazing! I've taken elementary and ad- vanced calculus, basic algebra, and top ology, and I've never seen that done. I:M: : Oh, of course no one ever really do es it. It would take forever! You just show that you could do it, that's sucient.

      QED == 警策

    1. The limit of any property rights that can be claimed in this manner are defined in the ‘Lockean Proviso’ which states that the aforementioned process of establishing private property only operates “when there is enoug h, and as good, left in common for others” (Bogart, 1985, p. 828; Locke, 1690, Chap. V, Sect. 27).
    1. Indeed, the object, or res, of intellectual property may be so new that it is unknown to anyone else.
    2. A universal definition of intellectual property might begin by identifying it as nonphysical property which stems from, is identified as, and whose value is based upon some idea or ideas. Furthermore, there must be some additional element of novelty. Indeed, the object, or res, of intellectual property may be so new that it is unknown to anyone else. The novelty, however, does not have to be absolute. What is important is that at the time of propertization the idea is thought to be generally unknown. The re

      Intellectual property cannot be common currency in the intellectual life of the society at the time of propertization.

      What constitutes society at this point; do small groups and communities suffice or does it have to be popularly known beyond a small few?

  26. legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com
    1. Res [Latin, A thing.] An object, a subject matter, or a status against which legal proceedings have been instituted. For example, in a suit involving a captured ship, the seized vessel is the res, and proceedings of this nature are said to be in rem. Res, however, does not always refer to tangible Personal Property. In matrimonial actions, for example, the res is the marital status of the parties.

      Latin for: a thing

      An object, a subject matter, or a status against which legal proceedings have been instituted.

    1. Citators- A set of books and online sources that provide the subsequent judicial history and interpretation of reported cases or lists of cases and legislative enactments construing, applying, or affecting statutes. In America, the most widely used citators are Shepard's citations and Keycite.

      Definition of citators.

  27. Jan 2014
    1. In addition, the results imply that there is a lack of awareness about the importance of metadata among the scientific community –at least in practice– which is a serious problem as their involvement is quite crucial in dealing with problems regarding data management.

      Is there any reasonable agreement about what the term metadata means or includes? For example, how important is the unit of measure to scientists (feet vs meters) and is that information considered metadata or simply an implied part inherent in the data itself?

  28. Nov 2013
    1. Lived Experience: A term used to describe individuals who have lived through the experience of being given a mental health diagnosis, extreme states, trauma, being a 'client' or 'consumer' within the mental health system, and so on. It is meant to be an open term that includes a variety of experiences and allows individuals to self-identify the labels and language they do or don't want to use for themselves.

      I'm grateful for this definition of the term -- I've not found a formal definition in standard dictionaries on the web so far.

      I've been using "lived experience" to describe close introspective observations of one's own life in all its variety, including the mundane (instead of focusing on extreme states or trauma. Is my use of the term a useful one or should I find an appropriate alternative?

    1. We obtain the concept, as we do the form, by overlooking what is individual and actual
    2. Every concept arises from the equation of unequal things.
    3. It is this way with all of us concerning language; we believe that we know something about the things themselves when we speak of trees, colors, snow, and flowers; and yet we possess nothing but metaphors for things--metaphors which correspond in no way to the original entities.

      Truth = the original entities

    4. The "thing in itself" (which is precisely what the pure truth, apart from any of its consequences, would be) is likewise something quite incomprehensible to the creator of language and something not in the least worth striving for. This creator only designates the relations of things to men, and for expressing these relations he lays hold of the boldest metaphors.

      Language vs. Truth

    5. What is a word? It is the copy in sound of a nerve stimulus.

      The definition of a word.

    6. to wit, that which shall count as "truth" from now on is established. That is to say, a uniformly valid and binding designation is invented for things, and this legislation of language likewise establishes the first laws of truth. For the contrast between truth and lie arises here for the first time. The liar is a person who uses the valid designations, the wo rds, in order to make something which is unreal appear to be real.

      Truth vs. lie

    7. but we do know of countless individualized and consequently unequal actions which we equate by omitting the aspects in which they are unequal and which we now designate as "honest" actions.

      Well, how else are people supposed to function in a real world? Nothing's constant, so all we can do is make assumptions and generalizations in an attempt to make sense of our surroundings

    8. and yet we possess nothing but metaphors for things--metaphors which correspond in no way to the original entities

      definition of language

    9. first laws of truth


    1. Here Quintilian says that the dialecti-cians lay claim to invention and judgment (which contains a large part of arrangement in the con-clusions of each argument and in syllogisms). And finally in the second chapter of the eleventh book he says that if memory belongs to any art, then it belongs completely to arrangement and order. Therefore he should say that the dialecticians could rightly claim this part also, because in dialectic that has been rightly described, one should teach the truest theory of order and ar-rangement according to the precepts of the syl-logism and method.
    2. In the third chapter rhetoric is separated into five parts: invention, arrangement, style, mem-ory, delivery. I am now not at all surprised that Quintilian is so bereft of dialectic in this division, for he was unable to recognize that here he h is confused dialectic itself with rhetoric, since in-vention, arrangement, and memory belong to di-alectic and only style and delivery to rhetoric. Indeed, Quintilian's reason for dividing rhetoric into these five parts derived from the same single source of error as did the causes of the previous confusion. The orator, says Quintilian, cannot be perfected without virtue, without grammar, with-out mathematics, and without philosophy. There-fore, one must define the nature of the orator from all these subjects. The grammarian, the same man says, cannot be complete without mu-sic, astrology, philosophy, rhetoric, and history. Consequently there are two parts of grammar, methodology and literary interpretation. As a re-sult Quintilian now finally reasons that rhetoric cannot exist unless the subject matter is first of all discovered, next arranged, then embellished ' and finally committed to memory and delivered. Thus these are the five parts of rhetoric.

      Grammar may be necessary to use in rhetoric and virtue may be an important part of a good orator, but rhetoric is not about grammar or virtue. Rhetoric is about style and delivery.

    3. wretchedly spent on false conjectures about these disciplines?

      Disagrees with purpose and analysis of rhetoric as given by the Greeks - I'm interested to see how he defines rhetoric

    4. Maecenas

      a generous patron especially of literature or art

    5. invention is a process which supplies arguments, whereas arrangement is a different process which organizes arguments.

      The definitions of invention and arrangement.

    6. dialectic, that is to the natural use of reason

      The definition of dialectic.

  29. Oct 2013
    1. But these points may perhaps be left to the consideration of those who think that the substance of eloquence lies in the power to persuade. But if eloquence be the art of speaking well (the definition which I adopt), so that a true orator must be, above all, a good man, it must assuredly be acknowledged that it is a useful art.
    1. oratory is the art of speaking well
    2. that oratory is the art of speaking well, since when the best definition is found, he who seeks for another must seek for a worse
    3. With this character of it, the definition that oratory is the science of speaking well agrees excellently, for it embraces all the virtues of oratory at once and includes also the character of the true orator, as he cannot speak well unless he be a good man

      He seems hesitant to commit to one definition

    4. The most common definition therefore is that oratory is the power of persuading. What I call a power, some call a faculty and others a talent, but that this discrepancy may be attended with no ambiguity, I mean by "power" δύναμις (dynamis). 4. This opinion had its origin from Isocrates, if the treatise on the art which is in circulation under his name is really his. That rhetorician, though he had none of the feelings of those who defame the business of the orator, gives too rash a definition of the art when he says, "That rhetoric is the "worker of persuasion," πειθοῦς δημιουργός (peithous dēmiourgos), for I shall not allow myself to use the peculiar term that Ennius applies to Marcus Cethegus, suadae medulla, "marrow of persuasion." 5. In Plato too, Gorgias, in the dialogue inscribed with his name, says almost the same thing, but Plato wishes it to be received as the opinion of Gorgias, not as his own. Cicero, in several passages of his writings, has said that the duty of an orator is to speak in a way adapted to persuade. 6. In his books on rhetoric also, but with which, doubtless, he was not satisfied, he makes the end of eloquence to be persuasion.

      History of term and other defintions

    1. Rhetoric, then, (for we shall henceforth use this term without dread of sarcastic objections) will be best divided, in my opinion, in such a manner that we may speak first of the art, next of the artist, and then of the work. The art will be that which ought to be attained by study and is the knowledge how to speak well. The artificer is he who has thoroughly acquired the art, that is, the orator, whose business is to speak well. The work is what is achieved by the artificer, that is, good speaking. All these are to be considered under special heads, but of the particulars that are to follow, I shall speak in their several places; at present I shall proceed to consider what is to be said on the first general head.

      Quintilian's definition of rhetoric.

    2. or oratoria will be taken in the same sense as elocutoria, oratrix as elocutrix, but the word rhētorikē, of which we are speaking, is the same sort of word as eloquentia, and it is doubtless used in two senses by the Greeks. 3. In one acceptation, it is an adjective, ars rhetorica, as navis piratica: in the other a substantive, like philosophia or amicitia.

      Key concept--the words are not as interchangeable as I thought

    1. We must not, therefore, start from any and every accepted opinion, but only from those we have defined -- those accepted by our judges or by those whose authority they recognize

      "Truth" as defined by social opinion.

    1. (b) they invest a speech with moral character.

      Maybe the facade of moral character, but if used just because Aristotle's guidebook told the speaker to... I'd question that, anyway.

    2. make his audience feel

      I like that he stresses manipulating the audience's perception of the speaker, rather than actually seeking to possess positive qualities. ;)

    3. A maxim is a general statement about questions of practical conduct. It is an incomplete enthymeme. Four kinds of maxims. Maxims should be used (a) by elderly men, and (b) to controvert popular sayings. Advantages of maxims: (a) they enable a speaker to gratify his commonplace hearers by expressing as a universal truth the opinions which they themselves hold about particular cases; (b) they invest a speech with moral character.


    1. Four faults of prose style, with illustrative examples: (1) misuse of compound words; (2) employment of strange words; (3) long, unseasonable, or frequent epithets; (4) inappropriate metaphors.

      Rhetoric as a tool for communication - something that increases the understanding of the audience rather than confusing them until they agree.

    2. the right thing in speaking really is that we should fight our case with no help beyong the bare facts; and yet the arts of language cannot help having a small but real importance, whatever it is we have to expound to others

      Again, defining rhetoric not solely as style, but as the ability to persuade using solid arguments (with style in a place of major, but secondary, importance).

    1. powers of persuasion most of all enhanced by a knowledge

      Rhetoric not solely as skill in speaking, but also as being knowledgeable about a subject/having something real to say.

    1. Fear may be defined as a pain or disturbance due to a mental picture of some destructive or painful evil in the future. Of destructive or painful evils only; for there are some evils, e.g. wickedness or stupidity, the prospect of which does not frighten us: I mean only such as amount to great pains or losses.
    1. Rhetoric may be defined as the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion.

      Most common definition of rhetoric, widely used.

    1. We may define a good thing as that which ought to be chosen for its own sake; or as that for the sake of which we choose something else; or as that which is sought after by all things, or by all things that have sensation or reason, or which will be sought after by any things that acquire reason; or as that which must be prescribed for a given individual by reason generally, or is prescribed for him by his individual reason, this being his individual good; or as that whose presence brings anything into a satisfactory and self-sufficing condition; or as self-sufficiency; or as what produces, maintains, or entails characteristics of this kind, while preventing and destroying their opposites.

      The definition of a good thing.

    1. We may define happiness as prosperity combined with virtue; or as independence of life; or as the secure enjoyment of the maximum of pleasure; or as a good condition of property and body, together with the power of guarding one's property and body and making use of them. That happiness is one or more of these things, pretty well everybody agrees.

      The definition of happiness.

    1. It is clear, then, that rhetorical study, in its strict sense, is concerned with the modes of persuasion.
  30. Sep 2013
    1. But rhetoric we look upon as the power of observing the means of persuasion on almost any subject presented to us; and that is why we say that, in its technical character, it is not concerned with any special or definite class of subjects.

      further defined

    2. Rhetoric may be defined as the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion. This is not a function of any other art.

      definition and distinction

    1. Definition of pleasure, and analysis of things pleasant. -- The motives for wrongdoing, viz. advantage and pleasure, have thus been discussed in chapters 6, 7, 11.

      definitions of pleasure and motives for wrongdoing

    2. enthymeme

      enthymeme |ˈenθəˌmēm| noun Logic an argument in which one premise is not explicitly stated.

    3. Definition of rhetoric as "the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion.
    1. we are in no respect superior to other living creatures; nay, we are inferior to many in swiftness and in strength and in other resources; but, because there has been implanted in us the power to persuade each other and to make clear to each other whatever we desire, not only have we escaped the life of wild beasts, but we have come together and founded cities and made laws and invented arts; and, generally speaking, there is no institution devised by man which the power of speech has not helped us to establish.

      There's a TED talk about mirror neurons, neurons which allow humans to identify with and learn from the actions of others. The speaker credits these with the formation of human civilization and invention of language. In other words, the ability to communicate ideas, emotions, actions, and states of mind with others (rhetoric) may very well distinguish us from other living creatures.


    1. who devote themselves to disputation,(2) since they pretend to search for truth, but straightway at the beginning of their professions attempt to deceive us with lies?

      He sees strong distinctions between different rhetoricians - the philosophers, educators, and court speakers.

  31. caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
    1. Rhetoric, according to my view, is the ghost or counterfeit of a part of politics.

      Rhetoric defined as trickery; Socrates sees nothing noble about it. Because it's target audience is the ignorant, and it's purpose is to engender belief rather than truth, Socrates seems convinced that rhetoric can do nothing but deceive.

    2. GORGIAS: No: the definition seems to me very fair, Socrates; for persuasion is the chief end of rhetoric.

      Rhetoric is persuasion

    3. Then hear me, Gorgias, for I am quite sure that if there ever was a man who entered on the discussion of a matter from a pure love of knowing the truth

      Philosophy = love of knowledge = rhetoric? (as per Socrates)

    4. SOCRATES: Now I think, Gorgias, that you have very accurately explained what you conceive to be the art of rhetoric; and you mean to say, if I am not mistaken, that rhetoric is the artificer of persuasion, having this and no other business, and that this is her crown and end.

      Restating Gorigas' definition of rhetoric

    5. art of rhetoric; and you mean to say, if I am not mistaken, that rhetoric is the artificer of persuasion, having this and no other business, and that this is her crown and end. Do you know any other effect of rhetoric over and above that of producing persuasion

      Defining rhetoric as persuasion.

    6. it is not an art at all, in my opinion

      Socrates denies Gorgias's definition of rhetoric as an art.

    7. Rhetoric, according to my view, is the ghost or counterfeit of a part of politics.

      Definition of rhetoric as politics.

    8. that rhetoric is the artificer of persuasion

      This is also how I defined rhetoric as well. As articulated ad nauseum in this piece so far, Rhetoric is all encompassing and has a part in many things. While I might disagree that it is all powerful in all things as is hinted at, it is always there.

    9. Then rhetoric, as would appear, is the artificer of a persuasion which creates belief about the just and unjust, but gives no instruction about them?

      Definition of rhetoric (2 - revised).

    10. rhetoric is the artificer of persuasion

      Definition of rhetoric (1).

    11. rhetoric is the art of persuasion in courts of law and other assemblies, as I was just now saying, and about the just and unjust

      Definition of rhetoric (2).

    1. libido

      object-instincts: sadistic (affection replaced by cruelty) Neurosis struggle b/t self-preservation and demands of the libido--the ego won over libido at the price of sever sufferings and renunciation