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- Bristol University
- England
- hospitalization
- university
- is:news
- COVID-19
- indoors
- lang:en
- tough winter
- staff
- mask mandate
- student
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- infection rate
- UK
- epidemic
- Britain
- control
- vaccine certification
- plan B
- infection
- Europe
- mask
- winter
- government
- COVID-19
- lockdown
- lang:en
- Germany
- surge
- is:opinion
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- rapid action
- advisor
- winter
- government
- is:news
- COVID-19
- measure
- intervention
- lang:en
- warning
- infection
- harsh
- UK
- long-lasting
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- England
- resurgence
- is:blog
- hospital
- UK
- concern
- pandemic
- impact
- winter
- preparation
- variant
- COVID-19
- restriction
- pressure
- lang:en
- wave
- self isolating
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