169 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. Apr 2024
  3. Mar 2024
  4. Feb 2024
    1. Zwei neue Studien aufgrund einer genaueren Modellierung der Zusammenhänge von Erhitzung und Niederschlagen: Es lässt sich besser voraussagen, wie höhere Temperaturen die Bildung von Wolkenclustern in den Tropen und damit Starkregenereignisse fördern. Außerdem lässt sich erfassen, wie durch die Verbrennung von fossilen Brennstoffen festgesetzten Aerosole bisher die Niederschlagsmenge in den USA reduziert und damit einen Effekt der globalen Erhitzung verdeckt haben.



      Studie: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adj6801

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-45504-8

  5. Jan 2024
    1. I wash and dry my pan immediately after each use, but it’s what happens next that matters: I heat it gently over a low flame and add a bit of ghee. Then, I grab my dedicated “cast iron cloth” and rub the oil into the bottom and sides of the pan. I wait until the pan feels warm, but the ghee isn’t shimmering and snapping. Then I simply turn off the heat and let the pan cool naturally. This small step keeps it glossy and well-seasoned.
  6. Nov 2023
  7. Mar 2023
  8. Feb 2023
    1. Girdled now sit humbly at home, Munching beans, while you card wool and comb. For war from now on is the Women’s affair.

      At this time in the Greek world, women had little to no rights. Men controlled their lives and their only duties and value were to bear and raise children and maintain the household (Column). Here Lysistrata is passing her stereotypical womanly duties onto the Magistrate, declaring that war is the "women's affair" now.

  9. Dec 2022
    1. https://borretti.me/article/unbundling-tools-for-thought

      He covers much of what I observe in the zettelkasten overreach article.

      Missing is any discussion of exactly what problem he's trying to solve other than perhaps, I want to solve them all and have a personal log of everything I've ever done.

      Perhaps worth reviewing again to pull out specifics, but I just don't have the bandwidth today.

  10. Nov 2022
  11. Aug 2022
    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2021, December 9). a rather worrying development- a (local) newspaper “fact checking” the new German health minister simply by interviewing a virologist who happens to have a different view. There’s simply no established “fact” as to the severity of omicron in children at this point in time [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1469037817481334786

  12. Apr 2022
  13. Mar 2022
    1. writing a story worthy moment from the day before.

      You know Red Skelton did this every day— I forget all if it when we enjoyed an accidental breakfast together— but a few things each night: something interesting, something humorous, a bit of news. It provided the content of his shows, like you find the content of your life and your poetry. :)

  14. Feb 2022
    1. (((Howard Forman))). (2022, January 21). NYC update (GREAT news heading into weekend) Cases down 43% with positive rate 7.3% (Manhattan 6.2%). Lowest rate since December 15. Hospital census down 13% back to levels of January 2. All trends (except deaths) favorable. Thanks to everyone who has helped get us here. Https://t.co/MLmptWLxKv [Tweet]. @thehowie. https://twitter.com/thehowie/status/1484608013885480962

    1. BNO Newsroom. (2022, January 28). U.S. COVID update: Daily cases drop 13 days in a row, deaths still rising—New cases: 546,598—Average: 600,789 (-29,966)—States reporting: 46/50—In hospital: 143,574 (-2,881)—In ICU: 25,099 (-254)—New deaths: 3,061—Average: 2,525 (+88) Data: Https://newsnodes.com/us [Tweet]. @BNODesk. https://twitter.com/BNODesk/status/1486860664291446787

  15. Jan 2022
    1. Tom Wenseleers. (2022, January 30). Seems that the second Omicron subvariant BA.2 may soon be about to cause cases to start rising again in South Africa... Or at least to stop the decline in new infections. Shows how fast immunity wanes & evolution can catch up. Https://t.co/3y4xqPgZ0L [Tweet]. @TWenseleers. https://twitter.com/TWenseleers/status/1487919837670219781

  16. canvas.ucsc.edu canvas.ucsc.edu
    1. The Culture Industry: Mass Deception in Dialectic of Enlightenment

      The culture industry is any industry that is producing cultural products: news, beauty, music, fashion industry has one goal: generate profit. They will produce things that are produced like a factory. They are intended to produce consumerism. In the way that sex sells, rebellion also sells. The industries that are making our culture are feeding us our news so are corporaterized. Adorno and Horkheimer would not be suprised about YouTube. That cultural adversary may be dialectical.

      Academia. You know more about less and less.

      Backdrop context: Shaky ground of liberal democracy in the beginnings of WW2,rise of social movements, rise of nationalism and facism.

      Englightment: Reason & Individual liberty Bacon: a larger system that synthesized knowledge and power as one; a flipping of nature over man and man over nature; but A/H thought that this played out in a human global scale.

      If Enlightenment was supposed to create logic and reason why did we experience WW2, for A/H if we're to take Bacon seriously we have to consider DOMINATION in newer notions of freedom.

      Regression: Enlightenment as Myth. Englightenment becomes totalitarian it ABSTRACTS. Ex. Hitler youth, a difference among others yet they become homogenous sameness among each other.

      The result of the sacrifice continues that is far more reaching that MArx's alienation. --> UNFETTERED ACCEPTANCE

      Adorno/H say that positivism: 1) a system of philiospgy were every assertion can be proved 2) as ideoogy where eveyrthing is true by default and questioning it goes against objective foundations.

      Kant saw a short-sighted view of self-reason

      IDEOLOGY of defintiion #2 the process of Englightenment is brought into analysis of the Culture Industry.

      Context: AMerica is becoming global powerhouse, Soviet underwent their own Industrial Revolution, change was everywhere and revolutionary change with one large outlier thus the immediat question. Despite a global population of workers revolitng around the globe then why didnt the United States or Western Countries embrace similar post-capitalist systems seen across teh globe? And how is Soviet existing as a post-capitalist system alongside the capitalist system?

      Art is being systematized, newer technology is being synthesized into one and the same narrative. The same repackaged story; subject and authority. This mimics the governance of a few over many.

      A/H utilize Kant's idea of schemtaism (being how the midn communicates with objects and other structures aorund us, how to reason and cogantate; synthesize and bring Froyd into the mix, how we suppress ourselves and our desires to how we fit into society. We cognitively pick up how the world is presented to us. Viewership creates the bounds within which we can do art. A psychological realism that is difficult to break for a person who works a 9-5pm; to break it in a capitalist system is used to labor and build wealth. Art becomes the same even when it tries to stand out. There is a unifornm aethetic if you wnat to be different, the sameness and constant

      Art is now abstracted a fulfilmmnet of mere numbers rather than aesthetic work and utility. Regarding art in newer creation, A/H bring up autombiles as an example, a film must have a romatic sequence that the industry now demands. This is part of Mechanical reproduction. Art will become tailored to your class relation as well. But it's not only class and poleconomy but it's not just corporate art is entirely based oof profit but rather there is a cyclcial ideology that reinforces this ideology. see

      The focus isn't on marvel movies (for their thrist for profit) or to tell consumers to not consume this art but its the industry itself that reproduces the

      "Thirst" is not conscious it is a result of the structure that is capitalism the culture industry modling of our desires in the first place.

      It's not good enough to tell individuals to not consume said tailored art. Example anti-semitism is a result of essentialist notions of race. Largest incubators of anti-semitism stem from the bourigeoise themselves but a ruling class of people attempting to hide a ruling class domination. Here the bouregoise know the struggles of individuals and pins this to Jewish individuals.

      Thus its not really just pushing Jewish people out of certain borders this marks the downfall of bouregoise property.

      Look up: > Cultural education became....

      The whole world is made to pass through the filter of the culture industry...

      Culture is a paradoxical commodity. It is so completely subject to the law of exchange that it is no longer exchanged; it is so blindly equated with use that it can no longer be used. For this reason it merges with the adver­tisement. The more meaningless the latter appears under monopoly, the more omnipotent culture becomes. (pg 131).

      Unending sameness also governs the relationship to the past. What is new in the phase of mass culture compared to that of late liberalism is the exclusion of the new.

    1. Dr. Cecília Tomori. (2021, December 27). Maryland—Just awful to watch what’s unfolding. Now at 1714 hospitalizations ⬆️ 130 in 24 hrs. 16.5% test positivity. Some counties have acted but no statewide 😷 policy! No measures to slow the spread. Https://coronavirus.maryland.gov https://t.co/C03cSRO2AX [Tweet]. @DrTomori. https://twitter.com/DrTomori/status/1475503877977948166

    1. BNO Newsroom. (2021, December 30). BREAKING: U.S. reports 400,000 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase on record, with some states yet to report [Tweet]. @BNODesk. https://twitter.com/BNODesk/status/1476348049404436485

    1. Will Stancil. (2022, January 11). The US reported 1.4 million COVID cases yesterday and hospitalizations are the highest ever. We’re sailing into this hurricane with virtually no effort to change course because fancy people believe they have a god-given right to their normal lives, no matter how bad things get. [Tweet]. @whstancil. https://twitter.com/whstancil/status/1480914594243792904

    1. Hugh Pym. (2022, January 11). While U.K. daily reported cases fall, COVID deaths (379) up to 28 days after a positive test have sadly hit the highest level since February last year. [Tweet]. @BBCHughPym. https://twitter.com/BBCHughPym/status/1480959960653737992

    1. Tigran Avoundjian. (2022, January 3). Increases in hospitalizations routinely lag behind cases by a week (sometimes more). Deaths have an even longer lag. On 12/30, we had seen a 56% increase in 7-day hospitalization counts, and today we are seeing an 81% increase week-to-week. We have already passed the Sept peak. [Tweet]. @avoundji. https://twitter.com/avoundji/status/1478092404091588608

  17. Dec 2021
    1. Calculate Your Biological Prime Time  During the day, your energy fluctuates. This fluctuation is impacted by what you eat and when, how much caffeine or sugar you consume, how tired you are, how hard you work, what type of work you’re doing, how much you’re using your physical body, and a whole lot more. Sam Carpenter, in his book Work the System, coined the phrase “biological prime time.” He suggests charting our energy during the day for a few weeks. And not just noting your energy highs and lows between six a.m. and nine p.m. You want to jot down your peak times of focus and lack thereof as well as those bursts of motivation. You’d want to note when you exercise and for how long, what times you wake up and go to sleep. Basically you keep a journal with the emphasis on energy and concentration. Think about trying this.

      Biological Prime Time

      • I am trying do this already before through yaml and tags in my daily journal
    1. Colin Davis. (2021, December 20). Update for 20th Dec. The trend line still reflects 1.8 day doubling (it’s 1.7 days if we look at just the last week). Today’s number is down, but I wouldn’t read too much into that at this point. Https://t.co/kOCjxhRbop [Tweet]. @ProfColinDavis. https://twitter.com/ProfColinDavis/status/1472969632705392640

  18. Nov 2021
  19. Oct 2021
    1. The Daily is part of my ritual of learning through long-form journalism in an audio format what is top of mind for many Americans. I was raised on American exceptionalism that was piped into Canada through several media channels: TV, radio, music, books, movies, etc.

      Jacques Ellul called this Propaganda and The Technological Society.

  20. Sep 2021
  21. Aug 2021
  22. Jul 2021
    1. A Guide to Productive Online Commenting

      Productive feedback is important to myself and others.

  23. May 2021
  24. Apr 2021
    1. Bring up the board that shows the status of every item the team is working on.Starting in the right-most column, get an update for each ticket in the column.Be sure to ask: “What’s needed to move this ticket to the next stage of progress?”Highlight blockers that people bring up and define what’s needed to unblock work.Move to the next column to the left and get updates for each ticket in that column.Continue until you get to the left-most column.

      Format of "walk the board" daily standup

    2. More people brings more status updates.More updates mean more information that others won’t care about.The team may be working on multiple projects at once.If the team has customers, ad-hoc work will regularly come up.

      Problems of dailies when more people show up

    3. I start thinking about my update to prove I should keep my jobPeople zone out when a teammate starts talking about how they worked on something that doesn’t affect me.It’s finally my turn to give an update. No one is listening except for the facilitator.We go over our time and end when the next team starts lurking outside the room.

      That's how a typical daily usually looks like

    4. What did I complete yesterday that contributed to the team?What do I plan to complete today to contribute to the team?What impediments do I see that prevent me or the team from achieving its goals?

      3 questions to be answered during a daily meeting

  25. Mar 2021
  26. Feb 2021
  27. Dec 2020
  28. Nov 2020
    1. We encourage people to use the daily notes and to brainstorm and brain dump, and just write all the things they’re thinking. I think that the first thing that we’re interested in is, how do you build systems so that it’s easy for you to take those and gradually refine them?

      Conor is asking himself, how do you get people to take (daily) notes, and how do you get them to refine them.

  29. Oct 2020
  30. Sep 2020
  31. Aug 2020
  32. Jul 2020
  33. Jun 2020
  34. May 2020
  35. Apr 2020
  36. Aug 2019
    1. The Daily Beast got it right with a subhead about a recent right-wing terrorist, the one who blew himself up in his home full of bomb-making materials: “Friends and family say Ben Morrow was a Bible-toting lab worker. Investigators say he was a bomb-building white supremacist.”

      The Daily Beast quote is found here.

    2. women who have abortions should be hanged
  37. Jul 2016
    1. second DS106 Daily Create
    2. Daily Create
    3. second DS106 Daily Create
    4. Daily Create
    5. second DS106 Daily Create

      https://lfrappao.wordpress.com/2016/07/08/d-c-national-fk-the-patriarchy-day/ National F#*k the Patriarchy Day my second Daily Create

    6. first Daily Create
    7. second DS106 Daily Create
    8. second DS106 Daily Create
    9. first Daily Create
    1. second Daily Create

      So today I got to dance in a massive Zumba party at Fitness on the Rocks! I’ve been doing Zumba for over two years and I’m totally going to be an instructor one day. My specialty? SHADOW ZUMBA.

    2. Daily Create

      Transformation Tuesday came a little late...but really, has anything changed at all?

  38. Jun 2016
    1. Daily Create

      Selfies are funny. Why do we take them? I don't know, but apparently people will go to great lengths for one!

    1. DS106 Daily Create

      Dramatic sunset assignment. Just what I was looking for!

      © Emily Joan Wu

      Nimbostratus Photography Taken with Canon Rebel T3i Beijing, China

      April 24th, 2016

    2. Daily Create

      Ever wonder how J.K. Rowling came up with one of the most iconic quotes in modern fiction? Me too!

    1. Daily Create

      My Blog Here is my first DC for the week!!

    2. Daily Create

      TDC 1619 said to do whatever the heck I wanted, so I did TDC 1520, which was to make a cow GIF. So I made one for the road trip game My Cows. Yes, it's a real thing. Mooooooooooooooooooo.

    3. Daily Create

      My very literal interpretation of the cover art for Fifty Shades of Grey. Say hello to EL James's bestselling novel, Close Up of a Tie.

    4. Daily Create

      First time to use Pixel (free online photo editing tool). Daily Create!

    1. annotate this text right here with your creative media!

      Daily Create #1! Success with WeVideo! Inspired to keep on trying! http://wevideo.com/view/688299489

    2. In other words, annotate this text right here with your creative media!

      TDC 1614: Write a DS106 Slogan Using Gobblefunk

      "Don't get bopmuggered for snitching ideas. DS106 has a jumpsquiffling collection of phizz-whizzing projects!"

      Want the story behind the slogan? Check out my Week One blog post and scroll down to "Daily Create!"

    3. annotate this text right here with your creative media!

      TDC 1611: The Sounds of Five Animals Who Will Never Meet.

      With a mix this rough, it's no wonder they all ended up on different continents! Want to know which animals I used? Check out my Week One blog post and scroll down to "Daily Create!"

    4. annotate this text right here with your creative media!

      Posting here as well. Learning a lot about twitter! https://twitter.com/InnovateInMeta/status/740848608791166977

    5. annotate this text right here with your creative media!

      Three things that have made me happy recently can be found on my blog.

    6. annotate this text right here with your creative media!

      Things that make me happy!!

  39. May 2015
    1. How does it work? Practitioners claim homeopathy can help women with a variety of fertility problems from blocked tubes and endometriosis to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

      "Practitioners claim..." They have to claim this because they don't actually know. What they also won't tell you is that there are no good quality studies that support homeopathy having any effect at all.

    2. Homeopathic remedies - made from animal, minerals and plants - are diluted down thousands of times so that each remedy contains only a hint of the original essence.

      Actually diluted so much that there is so little it would be not inaccurate to say there is literally nothing left of the original source material. They forgot to mention the ritualistic "succusion" of the solution or, as I like to refer to it, "spanking the water".