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- community
- misinformation
- policy
- science
- health
- COVID-19
- public
- handbook
- guidance
- vaccine
- education
- lang:en
- communication
- practice
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- liberals
- recommendations
- ideological responses
- socialize
- public health
- behaviour
- judgements
- polariation
- ignored public health guidance
- outgroup flouting
- breaking rules
- COVID-19
- ingroup flouting
- condemn
- is:preprint
- Western democracies
- social distancing
- ideological symmetries
- conservatives
- ignored
- lang:en
- ideology
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- restriction
- rule
- policy
- COVID-19
- Boris Johnson
- UK
- face mask
- guidance
- public health
- clarification
- lang:en
- communication
- is:news
- government
- advice
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