109 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. . In thediscursive construction of creativity, the analysis reveals an emphasis on productive outcomesof creative efforts, positioning makers as designers, engineers, and the like, and raising ques-tions about other kinds of making that might be ignored in makerspaces. Finally, when dis-cussing learning, the analysis argues that polarized accounts present in the data set positionformal educational content, styles, and pedagogies in negative ways and oversimplify thedistinctions between formal and informal learning settings.

      This analysis finds that often, discussions of makerspaces in educational and library settings are contradictory, disjointed, and lack evidence to support their claims.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. Elizabeth Tunstall
    2. Bennett
    3. Suchman
    4. Turkle and Papert
    5. Marshall
    6. Star
    7. Mackay
    8. Ron Baecker
    9. Lucy Suchman
    10. Jacobs
    11. Xia
    12. Klemmer
    13. John Dewey
    14. Gibson
    15. Polanyi
    16. Sawyer
    17. Schon
    18. Wallas

      Graham Wallas' work was heavily influenced by many sources, including Aristotle, William James, John Dewey, Wilhelm Wundt, Sigmund Freud, Hermann von Helmholtz, Henri Poincaré; while Wallas' work is no doubt integral, it is important to note the structures of power and privilege that this list embodies.

    19. Coughlan

      Tim Coughlan, University at Bath; work is focused on the design and evaluation of systems that support inclusion, creativity, and openness in learning.

    20. Gabora

      cognitive scientist Lee Gabora's work looks at how culture changes over time, how people come up with new ideas, and how this helps culture change.

    21. Guilford

      Joy Paul Guildford, American Psychologist

    22. An example result of the creative cognition approach is a cognitive model called Geneplore
    23. Bacchi

      feminist political theory researcher Carol Bacchi is well known for her analytic strategy for policy theory.

    24. Shneiderman’s design principles for creativity support tools

      Ben Shneiderman's work is deeply influential in HCI; his work has assisted in creating strong connections between tech and creativity, especially when applied to fostering innovation.

      his 2007 national science foundation funded report on creativity support tools, led by UMD, provides a seminal overview of the definitions of creativity at that time.

    25. flow

      in this context, flow is a psychological state of being completely absorbed in a activity that feels both effortless and challenging.

      the full manuscript is dense, yet thoughtful and engaging.

    26. Csikszentmihalyi’s characterization of creativity as flow

      Mihaly Csikszentmihaly's work is deeply influential in psychology, education, and HCI because he discusses how one can achieve higher levels of happiness by engaging in activities they find meaningful.

    27. Boden’s conception of creativity as “exploration and play”

      Margaret Boden, research professor at University of Sussex, has provided pivotal work in the exploration of creativity using interdisciplinary research across music, game, story, physics, and artificial intelligence to explore human creativity in arts, science, and life.

      The Creative Mind is available to all on archive.org.

    28. Therefore, similar to Ribes et al. in their study of domain [113], the epistemic positions we propose aim to provide conceptual tools for reasoning about different styles of organizing creativity-oriented research practices in HCI.

      David Ribes' work explores the definition of domain in computing and data science; offers insight into how studying domains helps organize computational systems.

    29. Harding

      the authors cite Sarah Harding, a feminist, antiracist philosopher who pioneered 'standpoint theory' to describe research based on experiences of people who have been excluded from knowledge creation in the past.

    30. Cherry and Latulipe’s [30] work on the creativity support index (CSI)

      CSI allows researchers to understand not just how well a tool supports creative work overall, but what aspects of creativity support may need attention.

    31. a precise definition will adequately circumscribe creative work, marking out the part(s) of creative process or levels of expertise technology should support

      current research looks to define creativity in hopes of understanding what parts of creation (iteration, design, execution) tech should help enhance, as well as which level of skill (beginner, intermediate, etc) tech should be catered towards.

    32. Identifying this vagueness, Remy et al. [112] point out that creativity can simultaneously refer to the “creativity of the outcome”, “the usability of the tool itself”, or “the productivity of the process [as mediated through] CST”.

      creativity can mean different things at the same time.

    33. While not explicitly delineated, it can be gleaned from their literature review that different notions of creativity serve to encapsulate different epistemological commitments, which in turn influence the researchers’ analytical stance, objects of inquiry, methodological affinities, and design practices.
    34. As argued by Harding [68], every concept has a “subject” and that subject has a standpoint, or “a perspective involving assumptions and values based on the kinds of activities [the subject] engages in”

      the way one sees or understands something depends on their experiences, assumptions, and values;

    35. Frich et al. [54] for example, discuss the absence of consensus regarding goals for CST, attributing it to insufficiently bounded creativity definitions. Remy et al. [112] also highlight the lack of theoretical grounding in evaluations of CST, which further contributes to the conceptual vagueness around the roles of computing in creative work.

      Jonas Frich provides work on the intersection of creativity and HCI; discusses how technology advancements are redefining creative work; Christian Remy provides work on how one uses digital tools to enhance every day activities.

  3. Aug 2024
    1. Sunwest Charms offers a wide range of high-quality sterling silver spacer beads that are perfect for both professional jewelry makers. In this article, we will explore why spacer beads are a must-have in every designer’s toolkit and how Sunwest Charms can help raise your creations.

      In this article, described Sterling Silver Spacer Beads uses, benefits, designs and many more

    1. Jewelry findings are the building blocks that hold your designs together. They include components such as clasps, jump rings, earring hooks, and bails—each playing a vital role in the functionality and aesthetics of your pieces.

      This blog post highlights how investing in quality jewelry findings from Sunwest Charms can significantly elevate your creations. By focusing on durability, aesthetics, and versatility, these premium components ensure that your designs stand out and withstand the test of time.

  4. Feb 2024
    1. Indeed, research has shown that the addition of such exemplars can enhance attention, engagement, and behavioral intent (Kim et al., 2012; Niederdeppe et al., 2011), suggesting that nonfictional narratives may also increase impact.
    2. has been found in other studies (Kim et al., 2012; Murphy et al., 2011).
    3. Finally, our research question explored how the three theoretical constructs of transportation, identification with specific characters, and emotion relate to the dependent variables of knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intentions.
    4. Previous research has found identification with narrative characters is positively related to change in cognition (Banerjee & Greene, 2012), attitudes (de Graaf, Hoken, Sanders, & Beentjes, 2011; Igartua & Barrios, 2012), and interpersonal discussion (Sood, 2002), as well as intentions and actual behavior (Moyer-Gusé, Chung, & Jain, 2011). Across various studies, identification has been conceptualized and operationalized in a variety of ways
    5. nonnarratives “include expository and didactic styles of communication that present propositions in the form of reasons and evidence supporting a claim”
    6. Moreover, in recent years researchers have argued that narratives and storytelling may be particularly effective for minority populations and racial/ethnic groups with a rich tradition of storytelling

      Other studies findings.. what has been demonstrated over the years

  5. Mar 2023
    1. Our findings raise the issue of global policy choices, with this research confirming that targeting the high emitters will be key. Staying within temperature limits of 1.5 °C or 2.0 °C is difficult without addressing the consequences of wealth growth.

      key finding - staying within 1.5 or even 2 deg C will be difficult without addressing wealth growth - a significant share of the remaining carbon budget risks being depleted by a very small group of human beings

  6. Feb 2023
    1. However, it is often impossible to detect bottleneck events from song diversity due to the continued action of drift or withdrawal of learning

      Implication of findings

  7. Aug 2022
    1. In a longitudinalstudy of African American students (Study 1), cross-groupfriendships with majority-group peers buffered studentshigh in RS-race from lack of belonging and dissatisfactionat their university. An experimental intervention (Study 2)that induced cross-group friendship replicated the findingsand established their specificity for minority-group stu-dents.
  8. www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
    1. Cross-group friendship led to decreases incortisol reactivity (a hormonal correlate of stress; W. R. Lovallo & T. L. Thomas, 2000) over 3 friendshipmeetings among participants high in race-based rejection sensitivity (R. Mendoza-Denton, G. Downey,V. J. Purdie, A. Davis, & J. Pietrzak, 2002) and participants high in implicit prejudice (A. G. Greenwald,B. A. Nosek, & M. R. Banaji, 2003). Cross-group partners’ prior intergroup contact moderated therelationship between race-based rejection sensitivity and cortisol reactivity. Following the manipulation,participants kept daily diaries of their experiences in an ethnically diverse setting. Implicitly prejudicedparticipants initiated more intergroup interactions during the diary period after making a cross-groupfriend. Participants who had made a cross-group friend reported lower anxious mood during the diaryperiod, which compensated for greater anxious mood among participants high in race-based rejectionsensitivity.
  9. Dec 2021
    1. 5.1 Inter-organizational Relationships: Alignment and Mutuality

      Note how four major themes are presented on p. 284 and then the discussion and illustrations begin one by one.



  10. Oct 2021
    1. the concentration of power is posi- tively and significantly associated with ur- ban renewal success under virtually all con- ditions of control

      Strong positive correlation between concentrated power and urban renewal success.



  11. inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
    1. City Manager Michael O’Brien frequently notesthat PILOTs are based on mutual benefits andmutual goals; underlying the agreements is a recog-nition that the success of the city depends on thenonprofits and vice versa, and that both sides ben-efit from economic development, nicer parks, andsafer streets.

      Negotiations focus on the mutual production of public goods and services (growth and quality of life)

  12. Sep 2021
    1. Findings

      IDed three types, entry to comm deve in 1990 in 2000 and always doing it.

      traditional approach - student volunteerism and applied learning Econ dev Some comercial dev - not ided in literature Much off-campus housing development

      --- University as developer not covered in the lit. (bricks and mortar - place based.

      NOTE: Normative - a norm of behavior in "best practices" not present in identifcations P 87 Also not much concern or action in improving socioeconomic outcomes for neighborhood. -- though present in the models. Much emphasis on university as developer - not captured in lit.

    2. institution model, revealing key differences from the contemporary frameworks in the field.

      In practice the community revitalization of anchors are dif from the institutional models of anchors.



    1. et, while the WPI satis-fied many of Penn’s criteria for neighborhood improvement, the analysis is relatively ambiguous from the perspective of the community. Across University City, and especially inside of the PAS, the worst indicators showed some improvement between 1990 and 2010, in spite of worsening trends in West Philadelphia. Significant improvement, however, is not uniformly evident, and socioeconomic indicators outside the PAS remain well below those of the city, as well as nearby blocks located within the PAS catchment.

      The success of UPENN's WPI is tightly focused around the area of investment and there's not much spill over to other neighborhoods.

    2. often claimed more than its “share” of positive change and, as a result, buoyed the remainder of the neighborhood.

      Penn skewed the data for the neighborhood.

    3. As described earlier, a major thrust of the WPI was to increase homeown-ership, thereby mitigating abandonment and stabilizing blocks within University City. While 1,000 university-affiliated households have partici-pated in Penn’s homeownership and home rehabilitation programs since 1998, nearly 46,500 people lived in the neighborhood in 2010. How much of an effect could these programs have? The answer appears to be not very much.

      The WPI goal to increase home ownership in the area wasn't too significant. University City - renter majority with owner occupancy < 20%



    1. e limits were in the restricted possibilities for satisfying work and financial independence facing all the women in our study. The research process was not consciousness raising

      Finding 2

    2. esearch process as consciousness raising or emancipatory. Many of them told us that they experienced the inte

      Finding 1



  13. Mar 2021
  14. Jan 2021
  15. Nov 2020
    1. Capacity models acknowledge individual differences in attentional resources and the ability to allocate these resources between multiple tasks. In addition, and according to the capacity model, some individuals have greater attentional resources than others to begin with (Kane & Engle, 2002).

      This may help to explain some of the variation we saw in students.

    2. distraction in its various forms impairs learning and subsequent recall of information
    3. The top of the figure represents posttest scores in the no-distraction condition, and thus the bars reflect the amount of impairment from a student’s normal level of performance. Conversation had the largest negative effect, impairing performance by 30% from baseline, followed by high-arousal video, video game, and texting/social media. Unexpectedly, folding laundry impaired posttest performance by over 20%, which is equivalent to two full letter grades. Least impairing was the low-arousal video, yet this condition still lowered scores by 15%, or one and a half letter grades. These results indicate that the presence of distraction during learning can lower subsequent test scores by multiple letter grades.

      This study illustrates the educational impact of different types of distractions during learning. Conversation was the most distracting and resulted in the lowest levels of learning compared to a mild distraction like low-arousal video.

    4. Older students tended to do better than younger students in the distraction conditions (r[109] = .21, p = .003). However, there was no significant relationship between age and performance on the baseline posttest (r[109] = .08, p = .24), indicating that age may play specifically a role in the level of impairment caused by distraction during learning

      Adults may be better able to manage distractions as their lives becoming increasingly more complex with more responsibilities.

    5. One notable exception to the agreement between objective and subjective measures of learning was the high-arousal video, which was an exciting sword-fighting scene. Although students did not feel distracted by the high-arousal video, their performance was very poor. This indicates that students are unaware of how certain TV programs can capture attention and induce deficits in learning

      This is an important finding as students are not always a good judge of their learning and the impact of the distractions.

  16. Sep 2020
    1. The impact of global warming on population health is a growing concern. Solar energy workers often work in very hot weather; where OSHA supports that there exist some hazards attempting to the health and safety of the workforce. Among the heat-related effects defined as a consequence of exposures to hot environments are, dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and death. In order to ensure the safety of the solar workforce, the present study aims to provide with relevant information that could contribute to the development or improvement of safety procedures.The research paper briefly outlines the relation between sunny environments, heat load, heat-related occupational and safety, natural hazards, and climate change conditions. Followed by the description of the assessment method and safety limits. The assessment of levels of heat stress was based on a

      direct relation of results to health (not necessarily worker productivity however)

  17. Aug 2020
    1. Horby, P., Mafham, M., Linsell, L., Bell, J. L., Staplin, N., Emberson, J. R., Wiselka, M., Ustianowski, A., Elmahi, E., Prudon, B., Whitehouse, A., Felton, T., Williams, J., Faccenda, J., Underwood, J., Baillie, J. K., Chappell, L., Faust, S. N., Jaki, T., … Landray, M. J. (2020). Effect of Hydroxychloroquine in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: Preliminary results from a multi-centre, randomized, controlled trial. MedRxiv, 2020.07.15.20151852. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.07.15.20151852

  18. Jul 2020
    1. Furthermore, cultural practices that emphasize the value of nuclear family relationships (related to Component 2, nuclear family belongingness) are part of this strengths-based mindset that promotes belongingness and buffers youth against threats of poor mental health. This can be especially powerful for emigrants from racial and ethnic minority families when youth feel less supported by peers at school but feel strong belongingness in their nuclear families at home. This can encourage school personnel to improve family ties through parent outreach and more emphasis on conferences with families. It also encourages family inter-ventions in the community, such as family therapy, that move beyond the school.

      Findings: parent outreach by schools can be critical

    2. Also, potentially potent in strengthening belongingness is individual coun-seling that encourages adolescents to find strength in relationships with family members, such that they are able to maintain these relationships even as they move from school to school. For each of these interventions, a student’s ability to find belongingness through healthy relationships, and gain strength from them, can be emphasized. Thus, by building belongingness through building healthy relationships, students can become resilient against negative threats. These are the types of interventions that can be supported by the result that belongingness is an effective moderator of the influence of peer acceptance on loneliness. In this way, these findings support Gysbers’s (2004) and Forrest’s (2004) encouragement for counseling psychology research to be informative for school counselors

      Findings: For each of these interventions, a student’s ability to find belongingness through healthy relationships, and gain strength from them, can be emphasized. Thus, by building belongingness through building healthy relationships, students can become resilient against negative threats.

    3. for the outcome of loneliness, and revealed belongingness as a moderator for this outcome (Table 2), is valuable in the establishment of belongingness as noteworthy for the social lives of adolescents. The graphing of the post hoc analysis of this relationship (Figure 1) further clarifies the importance of belongingness. This informs an understanding of the social environment of a multicultural middle school by showing that while those who have low peer acceptance are at risk, those who are strong in belongingness are some-what buffered against such consequences. Thus, belongingness appears to be a protective factor. Because the loneliness questionnaire, the CLS, targeted loneliness in the school environment, it was logical to expect that peer acceptance would be significantly correlated to loneliness, which it was. That students with high belongingness levels showed essentially no impact from peer acceptance levels on loneliness at school is notable. It suggests that high levels of belongingness can buffer the negative effects of low peer acceptance. This begins to establish belongingness as important in the lives of adolescents and as a promising factor in promoting resilience.

      Findings: This begins to establish belongingness as important in the lives of adolescents and as a promising factor in promoting resilience

    4. The relationship between loneliness and depression was steeper for low belongingness than for high belongingness, meaning that students with low belongingness were more vulnerable to depression in relation to feelings of loneliness than were their high-belongingness counterparts

      Findings: students with low belongingness were more vulnerable to depression in relation to feelings of loneliness than were their high-belongingness counterparts.

    5. With only loneli-ness in the equation with depression, the relationship was significant (R2= .28, p< .001). When belongingness was introduced, there was an increase in the strength of the equation (R2 increased by .02, p= .005). Finally, the interaction between belongingness and loneliness was significant with levels of depres-sion (R2 increased by .03, p= .001). Thus, there is support for Hypothesis 2, that belongingness does moderate the influence of loneliness on depression.

      Findings: belongingness does moderate the influence of loneliness on depression.

    6. This shows that belongingness was a moderator of the influence of peer acceptance on loneliness, supporting Hypothesis 1

      Findings: belongingness was a moderator of the influence of peer acceptance on loneliness

    7. The relationship between loneliness and peer acceptance was plotted at three levels of belongingness: low (-1 SD), medium (M), and high belongingness (+1 SD). With low belong-ingness, there is a somewhat steep relationship between loneliness and peer acceptance. This means that students who had limited belongingness were highly vulnerable to feelings of loneliness from rejection by their peers. At medium levels of belongingness, the relationship between peer acceptance and loneliness was not as steep, yet peer acceptance still had a clear influ-ence on loneliness. At high levels of belongingness, the line representing the relationship between loneliness and peer acceptance was nearly horizontal. In regard to loneliness, this reveals that students who were high in belong-ingness were almost unaffected by their level of peer acceptance, whereas students who were low in belongingness were susceptible to experiencing loneliness at low levels of peer acceptance

      Findings: In regard to loneliness, this reveals that students who were high in belongingness were almost unaffected by their level of peer acceptance, whereas students who were low in belongingness were susceptible to experiencing loneliness at low levels of peer acceptance

  19. Jun 2020
    1. It is now the job of social workers to promote these sorts of relationships for low-income young people, so we can best support their economic success.

      Calls on social workers (particularly in schools) to promote capital mentorship for low-income youth to support their economic success

    2. Another limitation of the overall dissertation work is the limited attention paid to the role of race. Although we know that the racial ethnic makeup of a young person is strongly associated with their chances to be upwardly mobile (Chetty et al., 2018), this work focused on the role of their income instead, only considering race as a matching variable in all propensity score matching. This is because the income-based achievement gap is growing more rapidly than the race-based achievement gap, suggesting that income may have a stronger association with economic upward mobility

      Limited as research did not pay attention to the role of race

    3. This type of mentoring model has shown to provide a wide array of supports to young people who are traditionally harder to support through traditional mentoring programs, including those aging out of the foster care system and those involved in the juvenile justice system

      Youth-initiated mentoring can be an alternative option for those who are traditionally harder to support through traditional mentoring programs

    4. By addressing the issue of low-income youth not having capitalmentors by stocking the pond and teaching young people to "fish", social workerscan greatly contribute to low-income young people's economic successthrough the provision of capitalmentors.

      Culmination of "stocking" and "fishing" will contribute to economic success

    5. not wantingtotake any more of a teacher's time. These types of courses teach young people that they have every right to build a network of support, and should be motivated to do so by their own potential for success

      Low income youth do not feel privileged enough to seek out mentors or take up teachers' time; this course could teach them they deserve to build a network of support

    6. Teach Them to FishFindings from this dissertation highlighted that (1) low-income youth were less likely to be mentored than their middle-income peers and (2) when mentored, low-income youth were not likely to have the kinds of mentors that can promote upward mobility. Because of this, young people may need to be taught how to cultivate the specific type of mentoring relationships, capitalmentors, which can promote mobility. One model of how to do this is an actual course on how to identify and seek out this particular type of mentor

      "Teach them to Fish"

      • low-income youth were less likely to be mentored
      • low-income youth did not have the kinds of mentors that can promote upward mobility
      • solution: create a course on how to identify and seek out this type of capital mentor
    7. Because the majority (57%) of young people met their capitalmentor through school, focused efforts should be made to create "mentor-rich environments" (Freedman, 1993, p. xxiv) in and around school. Social workers are in a prime position to take on this task, as social workers are already working in the school setting and have relationships with key potential mentors, including teachers and other school personnel. To "stock the pond," social workers should consider trainingteachers and school personnel toacknowledge their potential asa capitalmentor. This could include trainingteachers andschool personnelto recognize the power they have to connect young people to resources they do not have access to in their current social circles, and to proactivelyengage with these young people. School social workers should also advocate for institutional support of informal mentorship, including the creation of opportunities for one-on-one connections and rewarding teachers for prioritizing mentorship

      "Stock the Pond" in schools.

      • 57% of young people met their capital mentor through school
      • schools should create "'mentor-rich environments'" in/around school
      • social workers are ideal to take on this position
      • social workers should train teachers and school personnel to acknowledge their potential as a capital mentor through training
      • school social workers should advocate for institutional support of informal mentorship, like creating opportunities for one-on-one connections and rewarding teachers for prioritizing mentorship
    8. The findings of the dissertation suggest that those who are interested in promoting economic mobility for low-income and other vulnerable youth should thus promote capitalmentoring relationships for these young people.

      Promoting economic mobility can be done by promoting capital mentoring relationships

    9. Low-income young people pursuing economic mobility may find themselves in situations that their core mentors and family members cannot help with and do not have experience with. These situations may include applying to college, pursuing financial aid for college, interviewing for a high-wage position and investing.Capitalmentors, who are more likely than other mentors to provide good advice, may help young people navigate these situations and help in to promoting upward mobility for low-income young people.

      Capital mentors can play a role in academics for low-income youth as they may not have anyone to assist them in certain situations

    10. Capitalmentors, however, were more likely to provide bonding capital. Capitalmentors range from close members of the community (neighbors, friends' parents, etc.) to associates far outside the young person's inner-most group (teachers, employers, etc.). Youth described these mentors in ways that indicated they had boosted their relationships with common networks, including neighborhoods, friend groups, school, and work. Paired with the fact that capitalmentors are also more likely to provide bridging capital, this finding highlights the importance of network manipulation in the pursuit of social capital. Although core mentors may be promoting all kindsof psychosocial benefits in young people, they are not adapting, bolstering, and expanding young people's social network, like capitalmentors are. This seems to be a key piece to promoting mobility, as capitalmentors are providing social capital and are associated with upward mobility for low-income youth.

      Capital mentors were more likely to provide bonding capital which boosted youth relationships with common networks, including school. Highlights need to adapt, bolster, and expand youth's social network.

    11. An unexpected finding was that capitalmentors provided both bridging and bonding capital. Previous research suggested that bonding capital would be likelier found in relationships with family,

      Capital mentors provided bridging and bonding capital

    12. The potentially promising finding from this dissertationis that although low-income youth were significantly less likely than their middle-income peers to report a capitalmentoring relationship, they were significantly likely to be upwardly mobile when they did. There is a type of mentor, the capitalmentor, whocan make a difference on economic upward mobility for those who need itmost.

      Low-income youth report capital mentors less often, but were significantly likely to be upwardly mobile when they did

    13. The capitalrelationship is likely with someone from outside the family, and is not marked by feelings of closeness or frequent communication.Young people go to capitalmentors for sound advice. These relationships connected young people to new resources and bolstered young peoples'feelingsof connectedness to a common group.

      Capital relationships "connected young people to new resources and bolstered young peoples' feelings of connectedness to a common group"

    14. in these data informal mentors were no more likely to promote upward mobility among youth living in areas of higher poverty than among those residing in other neighborhoods

      (inconclusive) Informal mentors were no more likely to promote upward mobility in more impoverished neighborhoods than any other neighborhoods

    15. Without this, I am unable to truly understand therelationship between neighborhood context and the informal mentor, and thus cannot truly test the mentor's ability to moderate neighborhood effects

      Cannot make conclusion on the connection between mobility and neighborhood because lack of context

    16. This dissertation found that while both core and capital mentors provide various forms of support that is meaningful to young people, only capital mentors were associated with upward mobility for low-income youth

      Capital mentors were associated with upward mobility for low-income youth

    17. This study found that havingan informal mentor was associated with economic mobility for middle income youth. These mentors are one of many resources these young people have that may contribute tothese youth beingmore likely to be mobile than their low-income peers (Putnam, 2015; Mitnik et al., 2015). This suggests that mentors fit well into the profile of resources middle-income youth have that promote economic mobility in adulthood

      Informal mentoring was more strongly associated with economic mobility for middle income youth as the data suggests that mentors fit well into the profile of resources middle-income youth have over their low-income peers

    18. Overall, this study found that some, but not all, mentors can promote upward mobility for low-income youth. Specifically, capital mentors, those from outside the family who provide social capital and informational support can promote economic mobility for those who are least likely to be mobile. This important finding acknowledges the potential impact of individual relationships in the promotion of individual economic mobility. This potentially promising finding is still, however, on the most-micro level of potential interventions for economic mobility, focusing on building blocks leading to mobility.

      Some mentors can provide upward mobility for low-income youth-- particularly capital mentors who provide social capital and informational support to youth



  20. Apr 2020
    1. In terms of radiologic findings, bilateral pneumonia (75 of 82 patients [91.5%] vs 236 of 334 patients [70.7%]) and multiple mottling and ground-glass opacity (53 [64.6%] vs 15 [4.5%]) were more prevalent in patients with than those without cardiac injury (both P < .001, Table 1).
  21. Sep 2019
    1. Results

      Results == Findings.

      I am aware that this section contains some statistical technique you did not learn in the course. Try to read the authors' descriptions, nonetheless, and see if you can make sense out of it. If the authors did their job, you should be able to understand their findings even if you might not appreciate the intricacies of their methodological choices.

      Please identify and highlight the key findings of this research.

  22. Nov 2017
    1. The most common eye finding in congenital toxoplasmosis is the presence of chorioretinal scars, reported in 79% of patients. These scars may occur anywhere in the retina but with a higher incidence in the macula.

      Ocular findings in Congenital Toxoplasomsis:

      • 79% patients have chorioretinal scars *Scar may involve macula with significant decrease in visual acuity
      • scar may involve periheral area with decreased acuity by dragging of macula

      Normal Retina

      Chorioretinal scar in congenital toxoplasmosis

      Other posterior ocular complications include:

      • retinal attachment and active chorioretinitis in 10%
      • Optic atrophy in 20%
      • Other findings may include: cataracts, microphtalmia, microcornea, nystagmus.
  23. Oct 2017
    1. participants are more likely to speak to people and organi-zations with large followings.

      This is interesting. Specifically in this case of healthcare conversation, people are definitely more likely to take advice or consultation from the organization or people with most following. It could be because we are inherently likely to believe those that are followed by many others.

  24. Jan 2014
    1. To summarize the survey's findings: Curation of digital data is a concern for a significant proportion of UCSB faculty and researchers. Curation of digital data is a concern for almost every department and unit on campus. Researchers almost universally view themselves as personally responsible for the curation of their data. Researchers view curation as a collaborative activity and collective responsibility. Departments have different curation requirements, and therefore may require different amounts and types of campus support. Researchers desire help with all data management activities related to curation, predominantly storage. Researchers may be underestimating the need for help using archival storage systems and dealing with attendant metadata issues. There are many sources of curation mandates, and researchers are increasingly under mandate to curate their data. Researchers under curation mandate are more likely to collaborate with other parties in curating their data, including with their local labs and departments. Researchers under curation mandate request more help with all curation-related activities; put another way, curation mandates are an effective means of raising curation awareness. The survey reflects the concerns of a broad cross-section of campus.

      Summary of survey findings.