46 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. That feels like the kind of distinction employers make between Princeton and The University of Phoenix. They know those providers and can make sound assumptions about job seekers holding credentials from these places and programs

      This is a description of common practice, not a valid point about making reliable judgements about credential meaning and quality.

    2. Because there were so many, because there was no regulation or oversight to assure quality or competency, because there was no standardization or segmentation of badges, people had no idea what they meant.

      How do we know that this has been a problem? It's conventional wisdom but what validates it?

  2. Dec 2024
    1. This lack of recognition is what I think ails the contemporary doctrinaire left. It does that because it has over time adopted the prejudices of capitalist liberalism, which sees only abstract individuals, not people rooted in histories and territories. By failing to protect the working majorities, the somewheres, it drives them to the populist right, and it does this because they are 'nowheres', unrooted. It is precisely this un-rootedness, this up-rootedness, that makes them blind to the issues of the somewheres, and it is also what drives identity politics.

      for - interrogate - bit of confusion here between somewheres and nowheres - need clarification - from - P2P Foundation Wiki - Somewheres, Nowheres and Everywheres - Michel Bauwens, 2022

      interrogate - bit of confusion here between somewheres and nowheres - need clarification - Is the article saying that the somewheres have effectively become nowheres? - Take the example of Trump's MAGA followers. Are they nowheres because they feel the threat of immigrants taking over their country? - somewheres are the legacy of cultural evolution in isolated pockets dues to natural geological barriers (See The Economist article in link below) - Question - How will the everywhere's help the nowheres when climate migration will become a huge stressor? - The postiive feedback loop of extreme right beliefs that are essentially climate denialist helps to create a lock condition of worsening migration and further alienation

      to - The Economist - Of all the geological periods, the Triassic was the most fabulous - 2024, Dec. 19 - https://hyp.is/SITIZL-REe-cHMN0eOD2xQ/www.economist.com/christmas-specials/2024/12/19/of-all-the-geological-periods-the-triassic-was-the-most-fabulous

  3. Jan 2024
    1. The word in Sanskrit is upeksa. It means to be able to look and see from all around, like you’re standing on the top of a mountain. You’re not caught in any one side, in any perspective.

      I love the image of looking at the top of a mountain all around for a full perspective, clear of emotional confusions

    1. minute * 100 / 60, the multiplication happens first, yielding 5900 / 60

      A minute is not 59 seconds though It's 60. So why is the problem saying dividing comes out to 5900?

  4. Dec 2023
    1. "In the general confusion of our time," Febvre wrote, "old ideas refuse to die and still find acceptance with the mass of the population."

      sourcing on this?

  5. Jan 2023
  6. Nov 2022
  7. Sep 2022
  8. Jun 2022
    1. Aristotle argues that virtue is achieved by maintaining the Mean, which is the balance between the two excesses. Aristotle’s doctrine of the Mean is reminiscent of Buddha’s Middle Path. Aristotle’s doctrine of virtue is “golden mean”. Courage, for example, is a mean regarding the feeling of fear, between the deficiency of rashness (too little fear) and the excess of cowardice (too much fear). Justice is a mean between getting or giving too much and getting or giving too little. Benevolence is a mean between giving to people who don’t deserve it and not giving to anyone at all. Similarly Buddhism aims not to eradicate all feelings but to liberate it from its attachment to false values. He gave the concept of the Middle Way, a path between the extremes of religious asceticism and worldly self-indulgence to move away from false values. Aristotle and the Buddha reached very similar conclusions as to how we should conduct our lives, if we wish to find happiness and fulfillment as human beings. However, for Aristotle the mean was a method of achieving virtue, but for Buddha the Middle Path referred to a peaceful way of life which negotiated the extremes of harsh asceticism and sensual pleasure seeking.

      Aristotle's theory of the golden mean is similar to Buddha's middle path

  9. May 2022
    1. Lines 1-7 represent quads, where the first element constitutes the graph IRI.

      Uh, it's the last element, though, not the first—right?

    2. Square brackets represent here a blank node. Predicate-object pairs within the square brackets are interpreted as triples with the blank node as subject. Lines starting with '#' represent comments.

      Bad idea to introduce this notation here at the same time as the (unexplained) use of square brackets to group a list of objects.

  10. Dec 2021
    1. Political authorities occasionally tried to inter-vene, both in Egypt and in Rome and in several cities. Their action did sometimes make a difference, especially in creating influential models for other to imitate

      I am not sure what a political figure could have done to "intervene". Would they try to blame the god for something? Punish the worshippers? Or claim they have been blessed by the god?

  11. Oct 2021
    1. it's a rare project which carries those notifications within the source files themselves

      That doesn't affect whether there is merit to the claim.

  12. Sep 2021
  13. inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
    1. None, to my knowledge, has asked the nature ofrhetorical situation.

      I'm having trouble distinguishing between the rhetorical situation that's failing to be sought after and the parts-- audience, subject, speaker, occasion, etc.-- that seem to collectively comprise that situation. It seems that a rhetorical situation is the interplay of those parts, perhaps in a manner similar to the Bakhtinian chronotope? I.e., a sort of contextual intersection?

  14. Jul 2021
    1. Rodolfo: Now I still haven't been pointed towards the right direction as to how to go about doing that. I mean, I've looked for help but I always come to a dead end. And it varies from city to city. Because somebody who I was with in the detention center—we left the same day and everything—but he's from Monterey and he actually he actually got 30,000 pesos from the Mexican government. I'm not sure what branch it was from or where exactly it came from, but he showed me everything. He proved it to me, so I know there is help, but I feel like there is not that much awareness.

      Feelings, despair, frustration

  15. Jun 2021
  16. May 2021
  17. Mar 2021
  18. Feb 2021
  19. Jan 2021
  20. Nov 2020
  21. Oct 2020
    1. We eventually hope to create affect-sensitive learning environments that respond constructively and effectively to boredom and confusion. When we do, we will have made significant progress towards improving students’ learning experiences, reducing problem behaviors such as gaming the system, managing students’ frustration and confusion in the face of impasses, and ultimately improving students’ learning.

      Researchers studied students cognitive-affective states doing online learning in 3 separate, very different studies, among different student populations, ranging from 12-year-olds to college students. They found that, contrary to prior assumptions, frustration did not necessarily have negative learning outcomes. Boredom tended to last longest of the cognitive-affective states covered, led to the greatest attempts to game the system, and had the least successful learning outcomes. Confusion was sometimes beneficial and sometimes harmful. Therefore, online learning environments should be developed that guard against boredom and perhaps confusion, rather than frustration. 8/10

  22. Aug 2020
  23. Jul 2020
  24. Jun 2020
  25. May 2020
  26. Mar 2020
  27. Feb 2020
  28. Aug 2019
  29. May 2019
    1. copying and pasting the direct links into the Google comment window

      What could this be?

  30. Oct 2018
    1. E data infrastructures need to be seen not just as technical programs but as practical relays of political objectives to reform the sector

      I am not entirely clear what this sentence really means?

  31. Sep 2018
    1. In Brave New World, by contrast, the evil is not so obvious because no one is hurt; indeed, this is a world in which everyone gets what they want.

      The author has created a great sense of ambiguity by using words such as Brave New World and evil. To say "evil is not obvious because no one is hurt" shows boldness in authors way of thinking. Evil has no real objective meaning and can create confusion in the minds of the readers. To say "this is a world which everyone gets what they want" sounds rather childish and unclear. Wouldn't such a world only lead to chaos?

  32. Sep 2017
    1. coherence, psychologists say, is a key source of meaning.

      This is confusing--how does anyone know the meaning of life?

  33. Mar 2017
    1. He focuses on writing, as opposed to speech, as the exemplary form of language use, exemplary because it exists apart from the context of utterance or reception and thereby reveals, under the form of scrutiny Derrida calls "deconstruction," its dis-tance from its apparent reference.

      I'm hoping that the reading from Derrida we're doing later this semester clears this up, because I had no idea what he meant with this in On Grammatology.

  34. Dec 2016
    1. when you say, "I create my reality," what you are saying is that you are creating an interpretation of what you can experience. If you can only experience this much of life, and it is all your interpretation, then you see your range of perception is very limited. But your Knowledge, which you carry within yourself, is capable of opening your perception completely. Without so much incessant thinking, wondering, asking, pondering, manipulating, planning and scheming, and so forth, the greater part of your mind, your Knowledge, can begin to show you things. It is not difficult to have direct experience. You simply must not be doing anything else.
    2. There are things you must apply yourself to very specifically because there are two aspects to life: There are concrete accomplishments and there is Mystery. You must approach both. Mystery opens you to a greater assistance than you could provide for yourself and saves you from condemning circumstances. Applying yourself to tangible things enables you to reclaim your self-respect and to build a foundation that is sound and firm. That is what personal growth is for-to build a foundation for Knowledge. What other value does it have? The person you are attempting to improve will be shed like a garment when you leave. As you become stable, then you can represent something greater. Without Knowledge, you are still profoundly confused and subject to miseries. Without purpose, meaning and direction, your life is still a desperate event.
  35. Sep 2016
  36. Feb 2016
    1. help

      This is confusing for Windows users following the tutorial. Does help pwd bring up the same options as in OS X/Linux? What about help ls, which didn't work using GitBash on Windows, rather ls --help brought up the manual options similar to man ls in OS X/Linux.

  37. Jan 2014
    1. When a law student briefs a case, he typically identifies several pieces of information: the parties, the procedural posture, the facts, the issue , the h olding, and the analysis. Although it seems foreign at first, identifying this information, understanding judicial opinions , and applying their reasoning to new cases becomes much easier with practice.

      The legal brief described here is a student brief, not to be confused with an appellate brief; the distinction is described in more detail in How To Brief a Case.

    1. Confusion often arises over the term “legal brief.” There are at least two different senses in which the term is used.

      Two different sense of the term legal brief are described here: appellate brief and student brief.

  38. Nov 2013
    1. Thus Quin-tilian here concludes nothing, solves nothing, but confuses himself.

      I hate it when that happens!