44 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. From the S-1 Registration Statement

      [[2004-04-29]] -- the year should probably be mentioned inline?

  2. Apr 2024
  3. Mar 2024
  4. Feb 2024
  5. Jun 2023
    1. Wow, I didn't know there was a song with "Idyll" in the Last Samurai. (this is big coindence, because I am writing an essay on Tennyson's Idylls of the King)

  6. May 2023
  7. Mar 2023
  8. Feb 2023
    1. He compiled hundreds of them over the course of his career. Some were lost or given away as souvenirs, but 91 were recently discovered at the Reagan Library, stored in boxes that contained the contents of Reagan’s desk at his Los Angeles office on the day he died in June 2004.

      Ronald Reagan compiled hundreds of index card-based notes over his career. Some were lost or given away as souvenirs, but 91 we discovered at the Reagan library (circa 2011). They were discovered among boxes which contained the contents of his Los Angeles office desk after his death in June 2004,

  9. Jan 2023
    1. May 19, 2004 #1 Hello everyone here at the forum. I want to thank everyone here for all of the helpful and informative advice on GTD. I am a beginner in the field of GTD and wish to give back some of what I have received. What is posted below is not much of tips-and-tricks I found it very helpful in understanding GTD. The paragraphs posted below are from the book Lila, by Robert Pirsig. Some of you may have read the book and some may have not. It’s an outstanding read on philosophy. Robert Pirsig wrote his philosophy using what David Allen does, basically getting everything out of his head. I found Robert Pirsigs writing on it fascinating and it gave me a wider perspective in using GTD. I hope you all enjoy it, and by all means check out the book, Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals. Thanks everyone. arthur

      Arthur introduces the topic of Robert Pirsig and slips into the GTD conversation on 2004-05-19.

      Was this a precursor link to the Pile of Index Cards in 2006?

      Note that there doesn't seem to be any discussion of any of the methods with respect to direct knowledge management until the very end in which arthur returns almost four months later to describe a 4 x 6" card index with various topics he's using for filing away his knowledge on cards. He's essentially recreated the index card based commonplace book suggested by Robert Pirsig in Lila.

  10. Oct 2022
    1. TiddlyWiki was inspired by @WardCunningham's glorious idea of wiki – more than anything by the way that wiki makes linking be part of the punctuation of writing.

      TiddlyWiki was inspired by @WardCunningham's glorious idea of wiki – more than anything by the way that wiki makes linking be part of the punctuation of writing. https://t.co/pLPfYcCJY2

      — TiddlyWiki (@TiddlyWiki) September 20, 2022
      <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  11. Oct 2021
  12. Oct 2020
    1. Une authentique dérogation est à noter: la loi du 15 mars 2004 a introduit l’interdiction du « port de signes ou de tenues » manifestant « ostensiblement une appartenance religieuse » pour les élèves des écoles, collèges et lycées publics, qui sont des usagers du service public de l’éducation. Ainsi, les signes et tenues interdits sont ceux dont le port conduit à se faire immédiatement reconnaître par son appartenance religieuse, tels que le foulard, la kippa ou une croix de dimension manifestement excessive. La loi ne remet pas en cause le droit des élèves de porter des signes religieux discrets.Il est à noter que cette interdiction, strictement limitée aux écoles collèges et lycées publics, ne s’applique pas dans l’enseignement supérieur,et notamment au sein de l’université, que les élèves, usagers, sont libres de fréquenter en revendiquant leur religion, sous réserve, classiquement, de ne pas troubler l’ordre public.
  13. Jun 2017
    1. Nowadays, it would be hard to find a humanist who doesn't use a com- puter in some aspect of his work. The computing humanist has evolved into a scholar who not only uses the computer in his work, but also engages with the methodological and theoretical aspects of computer use in humanities disciplines. The ways in which technology is used by humanists has diversi- fied to span everything from word processor use and web page creation to the development and use of complex software systems for analysis of a broad range of data types, including not only literary and historical texts but also databases of humanities information, images, and sound. As a result, in recent years CHum has come to serve an increasingly wide array of disci- plines and research areas - English, History, New Media, Music, Corpus Linguistics, Comlutational Linguistics, and many others - and received top- notch submissions in all of them. For most of its history, the diversity of disciplines and methodologies represented in CHum's articles enabled cross- fertilization of ideas which was highly valued by the community. However, as computer use in the humanities has come to span an increasingly broad range of activities, and as computational methodologies evolve and become more sophisticated and specialized, it has become more and more difficult to retain that diversity and at the same time provide enough articles relevant to a particular area of interest. It seems, then, that the time has come to narrow the journal's focus in order to best serve its readers

      On the narrowing of COmputing and the Humanities

  14. Apr 2017
    1. p. 1

      Peer review is a mechanism, then, for quality control; It protects us from contamination by error and poor argument, and affords us truth or contributions to attaining truth.

    2. Shatz, David. 2004. Peer Review: A Critical Inquiry. Issues in Academic Ethics. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield.

  15. Mar 2017
  16. Jan 2016
    1. In 2004, she was a student in the human-resources department at King Abdulaziz University, in Jeddah, when the university announced that it would be opening a degree program in law for female students. It was the first such program in the kingdom, and Zahran immediately switched her concentration to law.
    2. 2004, Saudi Arabia introduced reforms allowing women’s colleges and universities to offer degree programs in law.
  17. Sep 2015
    1. So a major challengefor future research is to investigate the use of task analysis techniques in context, assessing theefficiency and effectiveness of these techniques for particular tasks, situations, design problems and organizational structures

      Nice, so there's no single answer -- but these are a palette of techniques that are available, and how to use them.

    2. Empirical evidence is crucial here, but this research is still nascent, as many techniques have been proposed with littleempirical evaluation.

      A hint at further work?

    3. Usability engineers already rely on simple techniques such as cognitive walkthroughs andheuristic evaluation,but these approaches sacrifice the richness of true task analysis

      Is it unfair to criticize them introducing usability here without contextualizing it like other ideas in the paper?

    4. toolittle is beingsaid about the use of cognitive task analysis products in discussions of cognitive task analysis


    5. For task analysis to realize itspotential, researchers must improve its usabilityand degree ofintegration.

      Ok, this is good -- I kind of wish it was mentioned in the abstract and/or introduction -- or was it?

    6. HCI research has evolvedover the past fifty years from focusingon technical (ergonomic) aspects, to conceptual (information-processing) models, towork-process (contextual) models (Kuutti and Bannon, 1991; Grudin, 1990).

      I hope the whole paper so far been a regurgitation of Kuutti and Bannon.

    7. Activity theory anticipates and can help to model contemporary ecological approaches to cognitive psychology, such asdistributed cognition(Hollan et al., 2000)

      Distributed cognition sounds like a really interesting idea -- in the context of the distributed work of archivists.

    8. ctivities are not seen in isolation. They are under continuous development, so their historyaccumulates and serves to inform their evolution. This is possible because of the presence of artifacts. Artifacts carry culturein the form of “historical residue,” delivering the lessonsof the past to the future, mediatingbetween different elements of an activity, and enabling the coordinationof complex actions.

      Love this notion of activity and artifacts: it seems relevant to the information science, specifically with regard to materiality.

    9. Compared toHTA or cognitive modeling,CTA has increasedunderstanding of many important cognitive aspects ofmodern task environments. However, it is unclear how effective CTA techniques are in representing these aspects in a systematic and usefulway (Shepherd, 2001).

      This seems contradictory: how can it have increased understanding, but not been useful?

    10. CTA requires “making explicit theimplicit knowledge and cognitive-processing requirements ofjobs” (Dubois and Shalin, 2000:42)

      Importance of documentation again.

    11. GOMS analysis produces a descriptionof a task, often in the form of a hierarchical plan similar to those produced byHTA. However,while HTA generally describes high-level activity, GOMS typically works at the keystroke level. This low-levelfocus arises fromthe requirement that the lowest-level operators in a taskhaverigorousestimates of execution time.

      Do they mean keystroke in the way that it suggests ehre?

    12. HTA recognizes the responsibility of the operator (user) to planthe use of available resources to attain a given goal, but ittreats the operator’s cognitive processes as a black box: “howbehavior is actually organized is a question for cognitive psychology” (Shepherd 2001:16).

      This is an interesting disciplinary move here.

    13. The strengths and weaknesses of HTA flow from its strong system-centric stance

      Global view, rather than user view.

    14. HTAbreaks tasks into subtasks and operationsor actions

      The much feared GANTT chart.

    15. Task analysis nowincludes a range of techniques aimed at obtaining descriptions of what people do, representing those descriptions, predictingdifficulties, and evaluatingsystems against functional requirements(Jordan, 1998)

      The importance of documentation.

    16. failed to fully integrate technology with user needs to improve the tasks being performed

      What does this mean?

    17. analyzing the movement of individuals or material, theinteraction between human and machine, and body movement

      HCI and Materiality

    18. oncluded that performance was influencedmore strongly by the attention givento workers during the studies thanbyenvironmental effects such as lighting

      Observer effect at work :-)



    1. I share that bizarre thought with you because it underlines how difficult it is to decode imagery createdbya vanished culture.

      Reminds me of Gaiman's story about preserving the warnings about nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain, in his How Stories Last LongNow talk. In the end, the recommendation was to invent a culture.

    2. Attempting to read even the most seemingly obvious of these signs can lead us astray.

      Reminds me of the stories about Picasso and Lascaux.

    3. So, how can yougroup the symbols of a culture that no longer exists?

      The implication here is that they symbols do not meaningfully exist outside of culture?

    4. We, however, can change rapidly, through invention,discovery, and communication

      There's a lot bundled up in these words: invention, discovery and communication.

