- Jun 2024
“It’s harder to protect your reputation for reliability than to damage it. It turns out that, as usual, offence is cheaper than defence,” he says. “Everybody who cares about the preservation of any institution has to stop everything, ring the alarm bell, and start thinking about how to preserve that ‘membrane’ in a way that is morally permissible.”
- Apr 2024
Local file Local file
When you shall these unlucky deeds relate,Speak of me as I am. Nothing extenuate,Nor set down aught in malice. Then must you speakOf one that loved not wisely, but too well.Of one not easily jealous, but being wrought,Perplexed in the extreme.
He wants to be described of honestly and free of malice, because for once, when he is dead, his image can finally be free of Iago's influence.
- Mar 2024
Local file Local file
Good name in man and woman, dear my lord,Is the immediate jewel of their souls
Central theme, all is nothing but reputation and pride. These foolish constructs!
- Feb 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:17][^1^][1] - [00:35:18][^2^][2]:
La vidéo aborde le thème du mensonge et de la réputation dans le contexte philosophique et social. Elle explore pourquoi mentir est considéré comme grave, la relation entre vérité et mensonge, et comment la réputation et l'identité sociale sont construites et perçues.
Points clés: + [00:00:17][^3^][3] Le mensonge en philosophie * Importance du mensonge pour les philosophes * Impact du mensonge sur la réputation + [00:01:01][^4^][4] Publication sur la réputation * Livre à paraître sur le sujet * Séminaire sur la réputation + [00:01:30][^5^][5] La vérité et l'auto-tromperie * Tradition philosophique sur le mensonge à soi-même * Exemples historiques et contemporains + [00:14:14][^6^][6] L'image de soi et la réputation * Gestion de l'image personnelle * Influence de la réputation sur l'identité sociale + [00:19:18][^7^][7] Développement de l'ego social * Théories sur l'ego et la cognition sociale * Dualité de l'identité personnelle et sociale + [00:25:03][^8^][8] Gestion de la réputation * Travaux d'Erving Goffman sur l'image sociale * Négociation de l'image dans les interactions sociales
- Jan 2024
infullflow.net infullflow.net
Stable pseudonymity is helpful in maintaining civility. You can be anonymous, but you still have a reputation within a context or across several contexts. The mentioned article is based on Huffpost comment section account experiments. Strongly reminds me of Jimmy Wales on Wikipedia at Reboot7 in CPH 2005: [[Situationele identiteit vs absolute identiteit 20050621121100]] "I don’t need to know who you are exactly, as long as I am able to know you in Wikipedia. " I dubbed it 'situational identity' in 2005. The consistency of behaviour over time is enough for a reputation. This also connects to the importance of time dimension, Vgl [[Blogs als avatar 20030731084659]] where time is the key factor in id stability.
- Aug 2023
www.freitag.de www.freitag.de
Eine so demokratiefremde Haltung trägt zur sinkenden Zustimmung alias Zufriedenheit bei, die so neutral im Meinungsforschungsgewande daherkommt. Tatsächlich entstammt sie derselben Werbe- und Produktbewertungslogik, die die Welt auf Verkäufer und Kunden reduziert und immer mehr Lebensbereiche durchdringt. Auch politische Prozesse.
- Aug 2022
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Livan, G., Pappalardo, G., & Mantegna, R. N. (2021). Quantifying the relationship between specialisation and reputation in an online platform. ArXiv:2111.07144 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.07144
marker.medium.com marker.medium.com
If Hansson and Fried had been able to tolerate the dissenting opinions of their own employees, they might have been in for a difficult few weeks or months, but the long-term benefit of cultivating an atmosphere of trust would have been invaluable. Instead, they decided to make their tantrum international news. In doing so, they have all but dismantled the positive reputation they spent more than a decade carefully crafting.
a16zcrypto.com a16zcrypto.com
introduce frictions that make it harder for an attacker to exercise voting power even once they have acquired tokens.
could employ various social/network proofs, proof-of-humanity...
- Jul 2022
bafybeibbaxootewsjtggkv7vpuu5yluatzsk6l7x5yzmko6rivxzh6qna4.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeibbaxootewsjtggkv7vpuu5yluatzsk6l7x5yzmko6rivxzh6qna4.ipfs.dweb.link
But educational applications are merely the beginning: the recent development ofgamification applies the mechanisms of game design to enhance focus and motivation for nearlyany kind of activity (Deterding, Dixon, Khaled, & Nacke, 2011; Zichermann & Cunningham,2011). It is used in particular by businesses and organizations to goad people into performing tasksthat are useful for the organization—but not intrinsically rewarding for the individual. Examples areparticipating in surveys, filling in forms, or joining customer loyalty programs. While performingthese activities, respondents are given the kinds of points, “badges”, or bonuses that are used assymbolic rewards in games. This constant feedback motivates them to contribute additionally, so asto attain ever-higher total scores. Moreover, the more points they have gathered already, the lessthey are inclined to lose these points by prematurely stopping the activity—a psychological bias forcontinuity known as “sunk costs” (Garland & Newport, 1991).
Sunk costs are the time and other resource investments a participant has put into the game. Increasing reputation currency is also another motivator.
- Oct 2021
To create DAOs resilient to corruption, DAOstack’s first governance templates implement voting rights using a system called Reputation. Reputation is a score assigned to each user that represents that user’s voter power. Each DAO has a separate ledger of Reputation scores, and so Reputation cannot be directly transferred from peer to peer. Rather, it is distributed through the passing of proposals inside the DAO.Indirect transfers of Reputation that cannot be completely prevented, such as a user transferring selling control of their account, are discouraged by a DAO’s ability to slash Reputation: if DAO voters find that an account has indirectly transferred its voting power, the DAO can pass a proposal to set that account’s Reputation score to zero.
The selling of one’s personal account is an achilles heel of individual reputation scores. Bad actors could approach individuals and entice or coerce them, thereby reputation becomes misrepresented.
- Sep 2021
www.queenbeeofhoneydos.com www.queenbeeofhoneydos.com
Melamine is considered the black sheep of the sheet goods’ family by most carpenters. Typically because it creates a lower quality cabinet than other materials. But, also because it is so darn hard to construct with without getting chips. However, melamine does have a place and a purpose, and if you know how to build with melamine, you can produce some budget-friendly spaces.
- Jun 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Gronfeldt, B., Cichocka, A., Cislak, A., Sternisko, A., & Irem. (2021). A Small Price to Pay: National Narcissism Predicts Readiness to Sacrifice In-group Members to Defend the In-group’s Image [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/7fmrx
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
van Lange, P., & Rand, D. G. (2021). Human Cooperation and the Crises of Climate Change, COVID-19, and Misinformation [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/6tpa8
- May 2021
Trovò, B., & Massari, N. (2021). Ants-Review: A Protocol for Incentivized Open Peer-Reviews on Ethereum. ArXiv:2101.09378 [Cs]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2101.09378
- Feb 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Taylor, J. (2021, February 17). Treasurer says Facebook has ‘damaged its reputation’ with Australian news ban. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/feb/18/facebook-to-restrict-australian-users-sharing-news-content
eprint.iacr.org eprint.iacr.org1271.pdf1
- Jan 2021
troynikov.io troynikov.io
In fact, such small effectively closed scientific communities built on interpersonal relationships already exist to some extent
so the weights in the reputation graph are personal knowledge, not citations or whatever.
- Oct 2020
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
advanced query that does that: bipartisanreport.com -site:bipartisanreport.com
a useful web search that isn't often utilized
- Jul 2020
datamationcom.api.oneall.com datamationcom.api.oneall.com
Because of a vindictive move by the Evil EllisonCo, the Name OpenOffice, our once beloved OOo, has fallen into despair, disrepair, and relative abandonment
books.openedition.org books.openedition.org
the indexable nature of human beings themselves via the traces they consciously or unconsciously leave on the network, that is to say the question of their digital identity.
"Consciously or unconsciously" is interesting. The imposition of identity by others, as well as our own volition in crafting it.
icla2020.jonreeve.com icla2020.jonreeve.com
“Your reputation, dearest Rachel, is something too pure and too sacred to be trifled with.”
The importance of reputation seems to play an important part in this story. It is from reputation that Betterredge has such high esteem for the family. And it is reputation that caused the family to refuse the sergeant's help and better judgement. Saving face seems to be more important than the truth.
- Jun 2020
blog.thefactual.com blog.thefactual.com
Meylan, P. (2020, March 24). The Most Credible Journalists on COVID-19. The Factual. https://blog.thefactual.com/credible-journalists-covid-19
- May 2020
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Sorrell, M. J. (2020, May 15). Colleges Are Deluding Themselves. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/05/colleges-that-reopen-are-making-a-big-mistake/611485/
github.com github.com
These problems can put off your users from installing your app at all and can give you a bad reputation. Especially Chef has suffered a lot from this. A lot of people have had bad experience in the past with installing Chef through RubyGems. Chef has solved this problem for years by supplying platform-specific packages for years (DEBs, RPMs, etc), but the reputation stuck: there are still people out there who shun Chef because they think they have to install Ruby and use RubyGems.
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
Reputational damage Failure to comply with your legal obligations may lead to users negatively perceiving your business as either incompetent or malicious. This can lead to significant and lasting damage to public trust and the reputation of your organization.
It’s worth saying though that while the law may give you up to 30 days to honor these requests, most subscribers won’t. It is therefore prudent to honor opt-out requests promptly or risk being marked as spam and compromising the total legitimacy of your associated address.
- Apr 2020
www.openannotation.org www.openannotation.org
Meta-moderators are chosen by their reputation in the associated area. By domain proximity.
Meta-moderation: second level of comment moderation. A user is invited to rate a moderator's decision.
blogs.lse.ac.uk blogs.lse.ac.uk
says, D. S. (2020, April 7). “Inundated, overloaded and bombarded” – Seven insights for communicating research to busy policymakers. Impact of Social Sciences. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2020/04/07/inundated-overloaded-and-bombarded-seven-insights-for-communicating-research-to-busy-policymakers/
- synthesis
- lang:en
- support
- language
- policymaker
- research
- evidence
- decision
- is:blog
- UK
- network
- government
- policy
- communication
- reputation
- Oct 2019
gavinkellyblog.com gavinkellyblog.com
Give me my reputation back
www.thersa.org www.thersa.org
Moving platforms means leaving behind your reputation and starting again.
- Sep 2019
developer.riotgames.com developer.riotgames.com
You may choose to honor or glorify a player based on their performance, but we don’t allow for projects to make assumptions that could lead to negative preconceptions about a player (i.e., tilted, toxic, feeder, etc.).
I assume Riot don't want public shaming / collective bullying etc. Might hurt minors and bring flaming parents.
By rewarding virtue explicitly, you create incentives to game the signifiers of virtue in order to exploit the system.
Reputation measures value and this argument can be applied to any system dealing with value:
We incentivize robbers by putting gold into banks. If the bank is robbed, it goes bankrupt.
- Mar 2019
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
They could plan their forestry better and make it more ecologically friendly. They should log secondary forests that are not so valuable instead of virgin forestry. Ikea has the means to do this," Ilina told IPS.
The source is intellectually honest because it allows both sides of the argument to voice their opinions.
www.vanityfair.it www.vanityfair.it
Born in 1969, Turin, he has always nurtured a magnetic attraction towards art and creativity. This passion has sublimated her in her professional career in the Lavazza Group , of which she is a member of the board of directors.
www.prealpina.it www.prealpina.it
Ami Vitale has documented the wild nature and poachers of Africa, recounted the conflicts between man and the environment and engaged in initiatives to save the Northern white rhino and reintroduce pandas into their habitat. Her philosophy of "living history" brought her to over 100 countries, where she lived in mud huts and war zones, contracted malaria and disguised herself as a panda to tell her secret life (Ami Vitale is author of the best seller "Panda Love").
"Nature is the work of art par excellence - commented Francesca Lavazza, member of the company's Board of Directors
www.lanuovasardegna.it www.lanuovasardegna.it
For Ami Vitale, the Good to Earth calendar «is the dream project. After telling about war, poverty or health in over a hundred countries, what really struck me was that, in the end, the outcomes of any story are conditioned by nature - he says -. Losing a piece of nature has an effect on each of us, we need nature to survive, it is not nature that needs us. In a world with more than seven billion people we must begin to see ourselves as an integral part of the landscape and deal with it ».
www.pubblicitaitalia.it www.pubblicitaitalia.it
"Today there is a great need for a positive art that is not an end in itself, but capable of leaving a mark, inspiring, moving consciences. This is why the positive art of 'Good to Earth' opposes the one-way narration of the Earth as a 'sick patient' and chooses to tell examples of virtuous behavior and environmental requalification, which we hope will infect people, especially the younger ones, and inspire a direct commitment to safeguard our planet ", explains Francesca Lavazza
www.foodnavigator.com www.foodnavigator.com
“We still have many untapped opportunities to keep developing our markets, bring purpose into all of our brands, and that will translate into more opportunities for growth right across our considerable geographic footprint.”Jope stressed the need to deliver “quality” growth that is consistent, competitive, profitable and responsible.“To have consistent growth, we need to use the breadth of our portfolio to avoid or minimize the impact of onetime shocks. Competitive growth is simple, growing ahead of our markets. Profitable growth is going to require that we get the right balance of price and volume mix in any period as well as keep delivering strong savings and efficiency programs.“And finally, our growth will, of course, be responsible, which means putting purposes into our brands and making continued progress on the ambitious environmental and social roles that we set out in the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan.“It is not purpose ahead of profits. It's purpose that drives better profits.”
Again, an article that presents the conflicting nature of a purpose brand. This clearly states the new CEO of Unilver is going to put profit first. This is my last annotation. Overall, I would say that I still find the 50 foods campaign reliable. If you look at it simply as an informative document I think it is accurate, and a good publication However I think it is worth it to understand the authors as well. Unilever is not a perfect company, nor is WWF. Far from it. I hope that we can support this 50 foods campaign and other good choices while still holding Knorr Unilever and WWF accountable for their contradictions, hypocrisy, corruption, and bad choices.
“Unilever believes that complete transparency is needed for radical transformation,” Engel said in a statement posted on Unilever’s website. Advertisement“This is a big step toward greater transparency, but we know there is more work to be done to achieve a truly sustainable palm oil industry and we will continue our efforts to make this a reality.”
This is an interesting move. On the one hand, I wish Unilever woulds stop messing with products like whitening skin cream and pal oil. But if they are going to use palm oil I'd rather they be transparent about it. It makes me hope, perhaps naively that they will always be transparent about what they do. It's encouraging and discouraging at the same time.
www.eco-business.com www.eco-business.com
Fair & Lovely is not the only Unilever product to shore up problematic ideas about skin colour. In 2013 the company drew criticism for a body lotion promotion campaign in Thailand, which appeared to portray lighter skinned female students as smarter than dark-skinned ones. Its other brands such as Pond’s also contain whitening lotions. Unilever’s wares are also not the only ones on the market to run counter to the spirit of the SDGs; every single product that implies that any skin colour is inferior is guilty of this. (One might argue that tanning products also sell a way for people to temporarily change their skin colour, but pale skin carries much less socio-cultural baggage than dark skin does).
It's really horrifying that Unilever sells skin whitening products. It makes me trust them much less. It's such an ignorant thing for a supposedly smart and sustainable company to do.
While there have been some valid feminist critiques about Dove’s emphasis on beauty and empowerment through consumerism, Dove and Unilever’s other Sustainable Living Brands have, by and large, lived up to the spirit of the Sustainable Development Goals. But products such as Fair & Lovely contravene the goals on several counts. Goal 5, for instance, aims to empower all women and girls. While Fair & Lovely ostensibly wants to “give women the confidence to overcome their own hesitations and fears to achieve their true potential”, it has spent decades portraying dark-skinned women as people who are overlooked romantically and professionally, until they buy their way to fairer skin. If a company truly wants to empower women, surely a better way to do this is to break down stereotypes that perpetuate sexism and colourism—that is, discrimination on the basis of skin colour—rather than to sell people a product to pander to those insecurities?
At the beginning of the semester, we talked about how gender equality and female empowerment are part of sustainability. This is a very good point. If Unilever doesn't remember or care about things like this, it undermines their other goals.
newint.org newint.org
Unilever cannot be faulted for its dedication and good intentions. And as long as sustainability equals efficiency, all is well. Both Unilever and the world benefit, exactly the way Paul Polman likes it. Reducing the use of pesticides is good for both the environment and the company’s shareholders. The more fruit a palm oil tree can bear, the less land will have to be cleared. But win-win scenarios are not often as clear-cut. Personal care product sales are up and while this means sustainability brownie points for Unilever, it also causes environmental problems in the emerging economies. And the Roundtable which was supposed to promote sustainability, has become a lightning conductor for an unsustainable production model. Unilever’s proud boast is that it has managed to ‘decouple’ or separate higher revenue from environmental impact. It is a first move towards the beacon of sustainable growth. A closer look at the company’s Sustainable Living Plan shows Unilever is on schedule in most areas (although deadlines are moved about), except when it comes to the environmental impact of consumer use. That is where the bullets on the sustainability dashboard turn an angry red. Greenhouse gas emissions ‘per consumer unit' went up eight per cent from 2010. That poses a problem, since two thirds of Unilever’s total CO2 emissions stem from consumer use. So the business is growing – but not in a very green way. People want to consume responsibly but not less. Authorities are willing to go green as long as the public purse does not suffer. And companies are no longer bogey men but part of the solution. Paul Polman is a welcome guest because his message is a comfortable one. As head of a transnational company he is making the world a better place. But unlike his idols Ghandi and Mother Theresa, the Unilever boss, while looking after People and Planet, must never lose sight of Profit, as the recent Kraft-Heinz takeover attempt attests.
I think this is one of the most objective reviews of former CEO of Unilever, and is accurate about the current state of Unilever. I think we should always take what a company says about sustainability with a grain of salt because it is still trying to profit. But, we need people who care in business. Businesses contribute to pollution more than anyone else. Unilever is still kind of in a gray area, but I think their efforts still make them reputable overall, at least in the eyes of the public.
www.spiegel.de www.spiegel.de
Experts estimate that in Africa alone, conservation efforts have created 14 million "conservation refugees" since the colonial era. In this model, some of the indigenous people, if they were lucky enough, could work as park wardens, preventing their relatives from entering the protected zones.
This adds to the conflicting reputation and credibility of WWF. I think that sometimes they put animals above people when, in reality, we need to honor both animals and people for sustainability. We're all part of the ecosystem. Having 14 million displaced people is not sustainable. WWF is very complicated; they seem to have great intentions but sometimes poor execution. It's hard to say whether or not to trust them.
www.npr.org www.npr.org
You might expect global food conglomerates to resist such a diversity push. But Dorothy Shaver, who is head of sustainability for Knorr, says the company wants to be part of this movement. She says the shift in the amount and types of food people eat is inevitable and will also open new markets. "This actually gives us a major opportunity to identify some of the flavors that people are missing out on," she says. "And then we can get them on people's plates. We can get people to switch out one of their white potatoes that they eat potentially four or five times a week with a purple yam. Or in Indonesia make it an Indonesian sweet potato instead of white rice." Shaver says doing this all over the planet would have an enormous impact on the environment. She says Knorr will try to mainstream 10 or 15 of these so-called future foods in its dishes. She says its popular cheddar and broccoli rice dish will soon have versions featuring black beans and quinoa instead of rice.
Dorothy Shaver designed the report. This article shows she is personally committed to the cause.
www.buzzfeednews.com www.buzzfeednews.com
A yearlong BuzzFeed News investigation across six countries — based on more than 100 interviews and thousands of pages of documents, including confidential memos, internal budgets, and emails discussing weapons purchases — can reveal:Villagers have been whipped with belts, attacked with machetes, beaten unconscious with bamboo sticks, sexually assaulted, shot, and murdered by WWF-supported anti-poaching units, according to reports and documents obtained by BuzzFeed News.The charity’s field staff in Asia and Africa have organized anti-poaching missions with notoriously vicious shock troops, and signed off on a proposal to kill trespassers penned by a park director who presided over the killings of dozens of people.WWF has provided paramilitary forces with salaries, training, and supplies — including knives, night vision binoculars, riot gear, and batons — and funded raids on villages. In one African country, it embroiled itself in a botched arms deal to buy assault rifles from a brutal army that has paraded the streets with the severed heads of alleged “criminals.”The charity has operated like a global spymaster, organizing, financing, and running dangerous and secretive networks of informants motivated by “fear” and “revenge,” including within indigenous communities, to provide park officials with intelligence — all while publicly denying working with informants. { "id": 122412833 } Jorge Silva / Reuters World Wildlife Fund activists demonstrate on the sidelines of the UN Climate Change conference. { "id": 122247237 } WWF has launched an “independent review” led by human rights specialists into the evidence uncovered by BuzzFeed News. “We see it as our urgent responsibility to get to the bottom of the allegations BuzzFeed has made, and we recognize the importance of such scrutiny,” the charity said in a statement. “With this in mind, and while many of BuzzFeed’s assertions do not match our understanding of events, we have commissioned an independent review into the matters raised.” The charity declined to answer detailed questions sent by BuzzFeed News.
Again, this is very hard to ignore. This is the biggest thing cutting into the campaign. It makes me suspicious. Even if everything WWF said in the campaign was true and ethical, I think it's a bad idea to work with a company that's involved in such abuses. Hopefully Unilever was unaware of these problems. If they had known and collaborated with WWF anyway, that would be a serious knock to their credibility and reliability.
Shikharam’s alleged murder in 2006 was no isolated incident: It was part of a pattern that persists to this day. In national parks across Asia and Africa, the beloved nonprofit with the cuddly panda logo funds, equips, and works directly with paramilitary forces that have been accused of beating, torturing, sexually assaulting, and murdering scores of people. As recently as 2017, forest rangers at a WWF-funded park in Cameroon tortured an 11-year-old boy in front of his parents, the family told BuzzFeed News. Their village submitted a complaint to WWF, but months later, the family said they still hadn’t heard back. { "id": 122251936 } Tsering Dolker Gurung for BuzzFeed News People living near Nepal's Chitwan National Park. { "id": 122247237 } WWF said that it does not tolerate any brutality by its partners. “Human rights abuses are totally unacceptable and can never be justified in the name of conservation,” the charity said in a statement.But WWF has provided high-tech enforcement equipment, cash, and weapons to forces implicated in atrocities against indigenous communities. In the coming days, BuzzFeed News will reveal how the charity has continued funding and equipping rangers, even after higher-ups became aware of evidence of serious human rights abuses.
This shows that WWF breaks its own rules. It makes me wonder if their partnership with Unilever is about sustainability or money. Unfortunately I think very few people know of this scandal, so it hasn't impacted WWF's reputation. But I think it could.
www.just-food.com www.just-food.com
"Polman's corporate social responsibility agenda certainly did gripe with a number of investors and so we shall watch with interest to see if continuity persists in this arena; we would expect evolution rather than revolution though," Clive Black, the head of research at UK stockbrokers Shore Capital, says. Jefferies' Deboo agrees there will be some changes – and argues Jope should look to do so. "My logic would be it would be hard not to be less sustainability-focused than Polman. Polman was the absolute high priest. My sense of Jope is that he comes across as this sort of, straight-up, affable guy, who looks to me to be more of a commercial pragmatist. My sense is you'll probably see it dialled down. That's my instinct," Deboo says. "It may be my personal prejudice but I think it had gone too far anyway. Not only was it alienating shareholders but I also think the marketing execution at Unilever had become far too leaden and earnest and purpose-driven. The Sustainable Living Plan was squeezing the joy out of the marketing, in my view. I would hope that Jope would dial that back a bit."
This is one of the first things I've seen that makes me question Unilever. In 2018, a new CEO took over, and now it seems there may be some doubt about whether or not he continues to keep Unilever as sustainable as it was. I don't think it changes the brands reputation to most but it does introduce questions that might lower some peoples trust.
Polman was perhaps the most vocal advocate for the food industry – and business in general – to embed sustainability in how companies operate. On issues from climate change and water scarcity to energy use and ethical trading, the Dutchman was almost Polman the preacher. In 2010, Unilever launched its Sustainable Living Plan, a ten-year programme to reduce the company's impact on the environment and "decouple" that impact from its growth. "It's our business model. This is the way we do business. This is our permission to operate ten, 15 years from now," Polman just-food in an interview in 2012. Not everyone in the investor community welcomed Polman's position (nor, for that matter, those of peers like Danone CEO Emmanuel Faber), arguing the purpose-led approach to running the business was in danger of being at the expense of shareholders.
This description of the former CEO of Unilever shows that sustainability is not a new value for Unilever. Former CEO Polman introduced many, at the time, controversial practices that were more sustainable. This establishes a history of Unilever caring about ethics and sustainable food.
www.thedrum.com www.thedrum.com
Unilever brand Knorr is testing a new video ad format that allows viewers to choose a charity to benefit from the revenue it derives if they view an ad for at least 15 seconds.The technology was built by Good-Loop, which describes itself as an “ethical online video advertising platform seeking to fix the problems experienced in ad tech."
Unilever now has a way to help social media users donate to charity. Although it is mostly a clever way to push ads, it still shows that they care about ethics as well as business.
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
The firm, behind more than 400 brands from Ben & Jerry's ice-cream to Dove soap, has pledged to remove sexist stereotypes from its own ads and called on rivals to follow suit.Some 40% of women did not identify with their portrayal in adverts, it said.The firm spends £6bn a year on adverts.The figure makes it the second-biggest advertiser globally and chief marketing officer Keith Weed told the BBC this gave it a responsibility to push the change "on a broader society level". /**/ (function() { if (window.bbcdotcom && bbcdotcom.adverts && bbcdotcom.adverts.slotAsync) { bbcdotcom.adverts.slotAsync('mpu', [1,2,3]); } })(); /**/ He said the campaign, dubbed Unstereotype, was the culmination of two years of research.
Although this article is not related to sustainable food, it does discuss things on the UN goals like gender equality. The fact that Unilever cares about removing stereotypes from its ads shows that not only are they conscious of the current climate of gender discussions, they are also conscious of representing gender equality publicly. This enhances their reputation and credibility ethics-wise.
www.edie.net www.edie.net
In January 2017, corporate behemoth Unilever unveiled a new commitment to ensuring that all of its plastic packaging is fully reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025. The commitment was built on a recognition that the global plastics market was broken; nine months later, Blue Planet 2 aired, alerting the public to the environmental hazards of plastics.
This article describes Unilever's plans to change the way it uses plastic. It shows that Unilever cares about sustainability because they are transparent about the economic benefits of being more sustainable as well as the benefits to the planet.
www.poultryworld.net www.poultryworld.net
Animal welfare group Compassion in World Farming has welcomed a decision by Unilever’s Knorr brand to become the first company to sign up to the European Broiler Ask. The European Broiler Ask is calling on suppliers to meet a range of welfare requirements covering all fresh, frozen and processed chicken across the supply chain. These include: • Complying with all EU animal welfare laws and regulations, regardless of the country of production; • Implementing a maximum stocking density of 30kg/square metre and if practised thinning must be limited to one thin per flock; • Adopting breeds that demonstrate higher welfare outcomes – breeds should meet the RSPCA Broiler Breed Welfare Assessment Protocol; • Meeting improved environmental standards on natural lights, perch space and air quality. No cages or multi-tier systems are allowed; • Adopting controlled atmospheric stunning using inert gas or multi-phased systems, or effective electrical stunning without live inversion; • Demonstrating compliance with the standards through third-party auditing and annual public reporting.
Knorr is the first company to sign up for a new plan to raise chickens and kill its chickens more compassionately and sustainably. They plan to achieve all goals 2 years early. This shows they have a commitment to making more ethical choices.
sustainablebrands.com sustainablebrands.com
Knorr claims that addressing water waste is therefore “more important than ever,” and launched its new campaign during World Water Week in partnership with the Water Footprint Network (WFN). The brand is encouraging consumers to make simple changes to their buying habits and offers advice to help them be more water conscious. Knorr is offering a list of alternative food items with a lower water footprint, as well as asking consumers to buy food that is certified as sustainably sourced and limiting their food waste.
Parterning with WFN improves source reputation.
For its part, Knorr has been working closely with farmers in its supply chain to meet sustainable agricultural standards and to implement new techniques for mitigating water waste in its crop production, such as drip irrigation. Farmers who have been participating in Knorr’s program for three years have saved an average of 10.6 kilotons of water.
This demonstrates work Knorr has done to impact water usage in the food industry, with great results. It gives the company a great reputation and makes the content more reliable.
vermontbiz.com vermontbiz.com
The veteran marketing executive is not new to values-led business. At Unilever he has increased the social impact of a number of the company's leading brands, including Hellmann's, which has led the industry in using certified cage-free eggs in its mayonnaise. The project was executed three years ahead of plan and earned McCarthy and his team a Corporate Progress Award from the Humane Society of the US. The executive also committed Unilever's Knorr brand to higher welfare standards for its chickens, in collaboration with the Global Animal Partnership and Compassion in World Farming NGOs. Most recently, McCarthy and his team created Growing Roots, Unilever's first organic snacking brand with a mission to support urban farming in underserved communities. McCarthy also founded the Men's Working Group for Gender Equality at Unilever.
This article is about a former Unilever employee who worked at the company for 25 years. He spearheaded many projects for Unilever,making sustainable changes like using cage-free eggs, raising chickens more compassionately, and creating an organic snack line. This article shows that Unilever has a good reputation for making it's company more and more sustainable.
We Are Social and Doing dealt with digital and influence relations, Video content by Stand by Me .
“After the edition dedicated to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the Lavazza Calendar continues to be one of the highest symbols of the union between art and social commitment. With Good to Earth we have chosen to witness how there is good on Earth ”.
www.advertiser.it www.advertiser.it
For Armando Testa, under the creative executive direction of Michele Mariani, creative directors Andrea Lantelme and Federico Bonenti , copy Stefano Arrigoni and graphic designer Michela Repellino worked on the Lavazza campaign and calendar .
www.torinoggi.it www.torinoggi.it
"Human beings - says the photojournalist - need Nature, but Nature does not need us". In his 12 shots, six artists were involved, with their works, created in six different nations of the world, which were first photographed immersed in Nature, followed by the same landscape seen from another angle. The combination is breathtaking especially in
www.adcgroup.it www.adcgroup.it
“Good to Earth establishes an artistic balance between nature art and photographic narration. Thus, the structure is that of a leaf through magazine that tells, over the 12 months, six good projects for the Earth through the extraordinary photographs of Ami Vitale: six shots of the works immersed in nature and six emblematic shots of these places where the Good-to-Earth projects have come to life and the works have been realized ", declares Michele Mariani, Executive Creative Director of Armando Testa.
www.advertiser.it www.advertiser.it
"Today there is a great need for a positive art, not an end in itself, but capable of leaving a mark, inspiring, moving consciences. This is why the positive art of Good to Earth opposes the one-way narration of the Earth as a 'sick patient' and chooses to tell examples of virtuous behavior and environmental requalification, which we hope will infect people, especially the younger ones, and inspire a direct commitment to safeguard our planet ”.
The photographs of the photographer Ami Vitale document the works of the artists Hula (Switzerland), Mantra (Kenya), Saype (Colombia), Gomez (Thailand), Millo (Belgium) and Gerada (Morocco)
www.brand-news.it www.brand-news.it
Her philosophy of "living history" brought her to over 100 countries, where she lived in mud huts and war zones, contracted malaria and disguised herself as a panda to tell her secret life (Ami Vitale is author of the best seller "Panda Love").
Nature is the work of art par excellence, but in the Lavazza Calendar it also becomes a blank canvas on which you can engrave your love and commitment to the environment. So with an unconventional mix between the art photography of Ami Vitale and six works of nature art, a contemporary art form totally immersed in nature, we tell the Good to Earth projects that are good for the Earth. Good news of which today there is a great need: positive examples of virtuous behavior, stories of personal redemption and environmental redevelopment that we hope will infect people, especially the youngest, and inspire a direct commitment to safeguard our planet ", comments Francesca Lavazza, member of the company's board of directors.
impact.startupitalia.eu impact.startupitalia.eu
The Lavazza Calendar , now in its 27th edition, is created under the creative direction of the Armando Testa agency .
style.corriere.it style.corriere.it
to tell and share, despite what unfortunately happens on the environmental front, good news for the Earth, virtuous projects that are silently carried out in different areas of the world
"In a world with more than 7 billion people we must begin to see ourselves as an integral part of the landscape," comments Ami Vitale, American photographer of the National Geographic Magazine.
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Artist SAYPE artiste embodies our Good to Earth mission in a landscape painting set amongst the coffee plantations in the rolling hills of Huila, Colombia.
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aiming to spread the good news about efforts to protect the environment.
www.lavazza.co.uk www.lavazza.co.uk
The six works are inspired by six good projects for the Earth, identified by Lavazza and the United Nations Environment Program on four continents and six countries: from Colombia to Switzerland and from Kenya to Thailand, via Belgium and Morocco.
www.fnbnews.com www.fnbnews.com
In Colombia, Maria Paula is the young girl portrayed lying on the grass in a painting that measures 8,000sq m. She is using her hands to protect a coffee bush, symbolising the desire to take care of her own future and that of the local area as a whole.
The spaces have been identified throughout the world in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which can contribute to protecting nature and therefore the planet.
The photographs by Vitale document the nature art of Hula (Switzerland); Mantra (Kenya); Saype (Colombia); Gomez (Thailand), Millo (Belgium) and Gerada (Morocco).
gruppoarmandotesta.pr.co gruppoarmandotesta.pr.co
With executive creative direction from Michele Mariani, creative directors Andrea Lantelme and Federico Bonenti, copywriter Stefano Arrigoni and graphic designer Michela Repellino worked on the campaign and calendar for Armando Testa.
Their artistic endeavors viewed from the lens of the famous American photo reporter Ami Vitale reinforce important messages in defense of the planet, celebrating the places in the world where man’s intervention is bringing good news for the Earth.
- Dec 2018
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The Weblog community is basically a whole bunch of expert witnesses who increase their expertise constantly through a sort of reputation engine."
The trouble is how is this "reputation engine" built? What metrics does it include? Can it be gamed? Social media has gotten lots of this wrong and it has caused problems.
- Sep 2017
- Dec 2016
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Even if it's with someone that I'm not going to interact with again, if other people are observing that interaction, then it affects my reputation. It can be worth paying the cost of cooperating in order to earn a good reputation, and to attract new interaction partners.
- Aug 2015
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By constructing the network link adjacency matrix, we can compute the Eigenvalue centrality measure which measures the influence of each node. We can cluster the graph and find the influential subclusters of nodes and then sampling nodes from the subclusters can determine if global consensus has been reached.