526 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
    1. We do not want to change or remove additionalProperties. Providing a clear solution for the above use case will dramatically reduce or eliminate the misunderstandings around additionalProperties.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: - don't want to change or remove existing feature [because...] - solving problem B will reduce misunderstandings around feature A

    1. Why is this important in this history of psychology?

      "The present work will, I venture to think, prove that I both saw at the time the value and scope of the law which I had discovered, and have since been able to apply it to some purpose in a few original lines of investigation. But here my claims cease. I have felt all my life, and I still feel, the most sincere satisfaction that Mr. Darwin had been at work long before me, and that it was not left for me to attempt to write 'The Origin of Species.' I have long since measured my own strength, and know well that it would be quite unequal to that task. Far abler men than myself may confess that they have not that untiring patience in accumulating and that wonderful skill in using large masses of facts of the most varied kinds, -- that wide and accurate physiological knowledge, -- that acuteness in devising, and skill in carrying out, experiments, and that admirable style of composition, at once clear, persuasive, and judicial, -- qualities which, in their harmonious combination, mark out Mr. Darwin as the man, perhaps of all men now living, best fitted for the great work he has undertaken and accomplished." This comes from the Classics in the History of Psychology Limits of Natural Selection By Chauncey Wright (1870). This shows us the importamce of the limits including in theories like this one. Natural selection indicates that the strongest will be the ones that will survive and there for will be the ones that will be able to have offsprings and make their generation endure. But thjis has a limit due to the sexual selection because it shows that the natural selection can not be impossed to people in any way or form. I see this working in psychology in a very big way because now that we are in a generation that is so ruled out by the social media this concept wants to persist and endure no matter what. I can see natural selecetion slowly decreasing amd really another type of selection evolving with the next future generations.

      Angela Cruz Cubero (Christian Cruz Cubero)

    1. documentaries have been shown to “contain more imagery in close proximity to target words than narrative TV genres” [32].

      დოკ. ფილმებში უფრო მეტად არის ვიზუალი, რომელიც ახლოსაა გახმოვანების სიტყვებთან.

  2. Aug 2022
    1. The longer you walk a path the narrower it becomes. Eventually, it closes in on you, trapping you between two walls of cold, dark stone until you eventually realize you cannot advance anymore. You are stuck. You cannot go back and no crossroad lies ahead. You fear this. You know it is what lays ahead if you continue this path.

      Every day not spent living is a day spent dying

    1. Each AMC Preferred Equity Unit is a depositary share and represents an interest in one one-hundredth (1/100th) of a share of the Company’s Series A Convertible Participating Preferred Stock (the “Preferred Stock”). Each share of Preferred Stock in turn is potentially convertible into one hundred (100) shares of Common Stock.

      Represent interest in 1 out of 100 shares of class A convertible stock. Each share of preferred stock can turn into 100 shares of Common stock.

      1 $Ape is not the equal to 1 class A Convertible stock, 1 Ape is derived from 1% of 1 class A convertible stock. Important

  3. Jul 2022
  4. Jun 2022
    1. maximum amount of flexibility to incorporate different pricing options

      To keep in mind to use indices to help the RFP

  5. May 2022
    1. We document the order of hooks, but I don't think we document where in that order we integrate Rails helpers which makes this confusing, I do sort of think this is a bug but as we use RSpec to integrate Rails here and RSpec Core has no distinction that matches before / after teardown its sort of luck of the draw, we could possibly use prepend_after for Rails integrations which would sort of emulate these options.
  6. Apr 2022
    1. The lateral keyword allows us to access columns after the FROM statement, and reference these columns "earlier" in the query ("earlier" meaning "written higher in the query").
    1. This latter equivalence does not hold exactly when more than two tables appear, because JOIN binds more tightly than comma. For example FROM T1 CROSS JOIN T2 INNER JOIN T3 ON condition is not the same as FROM T1, T2 INNER JOIN T3 ON condition because the condition can reference T1 in the first case but not the second.
    2. A LATERAL item can appear at top level in the FROM list, or within a JOIN tree. In the latter case it can also refer to any items that are on the left-hand side of a JOIN that it is on the right-hand side of.

      Unlike with most joins (IIUC), order is important with lateral joins. Weird. Why?

      Maybe because it is equivalent to a cross join lateral (see example), and in an explicit cross join, you have a LHS and RHS?

    3. This allows them to reference columns provided by preceding FROM items.
    1. The focus of the students’ attention is the ‘problem-in-context’,rather than the problem itself.


    1. By default, app/models/concerns belongs to the autoload paths and therefore it is assumed to be a root directory. So, by default, app/models/concerns/foo.rb should define Foo, not Concerns::Foo.
    1. Will be executed right after outermost transaction have been successfully committed and data become available to other DBMS clients.

      Very good, pithy summary. Worth 100 words.

      The first half was good enough. But the addition of "and data become available to other DBMS clients" makes it real-world and makes it clear why it (the first part) even matters.

    2. after_commit { puts "We're all done!" }

      Notice the order: this is printed last, after the outer (real) transaction is committed, not when the inner "transaction" block finishes without error.

    3. We're all done!

      Notice the order: this is printed last

    1. These callbacks are smart enough to run after the final (outer) transaction* is committed. * Usually, there is one real transaction and nested transactions are implemented through savepoints (see, for example, PostgreSQL).

      important qualification: the outer transaction, the (only) real transaction

  7. Mar 2022
    1. Object hierarchies are very different from relational hierarchies. Relational hierarchies focus on data and its relationships, whereas objects manage not only data, but also their identity and the behavior centered around that data.
  8. Jan 2022
    1. Fundamentally, I think promise rejection is substantially different than "throwing" under normal synchronous flow.
    2. but has a critical difference: the expression console.log("before 2"); does not and cannot depend on the resolved value result. The throw propagates through all chained promises, and when it stops, there is no remaining undefined behavior! No piece of code is left in an unclear state, and therefore there is no reason to crash.
    1. The difference is what the server expects the client to do next.
    2. Meaning if you have your own roll-your-own login process and never use HTTP Authentication, 403 is always the proper response and 401 should never be used.
    3. So, for authorization I use the 403 Forbidden response. It’s permanent, it’s tied to my application logic, and it’s a more concrete response than a 401. Receiving a 403 response is the server telling you, “I’m sorry. I know who you are–I believe who you say you are–but you just don’t have permission to access this resource. Maybe if you ask the system administrator nicely, you’ll get permission. But please don’t bother me again until your predicament changes.”
    4. Checks are usually done in this order: 404 if resource is public and does not exist or 3xx redirection OTHERWISE: 401 if not logged-in or session expired 403 if user does not have permission to access resource (file, json, ...) 404 if resource does not exist or not willing to reveal anything, or 3xx redirection
    1. Code that is per-component instance should go into a second <script> tag.

      But this seems to conflict with https://hyp.is/NO4vMmzVEeylBfOiPbtB2w/kit.svelte.dev/docs

      The load function is reactive, and will re-run when its parameters change, but only if they are used in the function.

      which seems to imply that load is not just run once for the component statically, but rather, since it can be reactive to:

      url, params, fetch, session and stuff

      may be sufficiently like a per-instance callback, that it could be used instead of onMount?

  9. Nov 2021
    1. Long and short call or put options

      Can we have a long put and a short call ?? What is the difference between going long and buying a call ?

    2. Equal and opposite positions in the market for a fully hedged position (e.g., hedging one long position with an equally sized short position)

      Doesn't it just add up to nothing ? No profit can ba generated from this, it will always be 0 ?

    3. Generally speaking, with the exclusion of late entries, the higher the price of a long entry, the more aggressive in price and conservative in time of entry it becomes

      Can we have a situation that is conservative both in time and price ?

      Yes/No :

      • cf. Fig.26.9 for Yes
      • cf. Fig. 26.10 for No

      => Yes : cf. paragraph D. of page 843

    4. Support levels for longs and resistance levels for shorts

      Isn't there a problem if we long at a breached support ? Same for shorting a breached resisitance ? We want the price to go up for a long and down for a short so it seems to me that it's the inverse ???

    5. Very late short or long entries with respect to support or resistance ■ Very early or premature long entries above support in a downtrend (both aggressive) ■ Very early or premature short entries below resistance in an uptrend (both


    6. Long entries taken below resistance in an uptrend ■ Short entries taken above support in a downtrend ■ Long entries taken just below a failed support ■ Short entries taken just above a failed resistance

      Isn't it the inverse ? short entry taken just below/above a failed support (since we want to see price decline)?

    7. $2 per hour over a 10‐hour period.

      Why do we consider the time ?

    8. other third‐measure values over similar durations
      • What is a third-measure ?
      • Which third-measures are they talking about?
      • Is it that of stock B that they're talking about ?

      i.e. Compare third-measure of stock A to that of stock B over similar durations to find which one is the more volatile ?

    9. ncrease in Price Fluctuations over Equal Durations Indicating Potential Rise in Volatility

      Why is the first measure of volatilty satisfied ?

      Maybe because the time period is the "equal duration" ??

    10. over equal durations

      How do we pick the durations ?

    11. we could not determine which stock was more volatile since the maximum amount of price change over equal durations were the same for both
      • What about comparing over smaller time periods, if we do this, we'll clearly see that there are differences ?
      • How do we pick the timeframe ?
    12. bearish chart patterns within a falling channel and bullish chart patterns with a rising channel.

      Strange since it's the opposite for wedges, and wedges resemble channels quite a lot ?!

    13. Many of the failed buy signals found on the chart in Figure 12.15 would have been successfully avoided or filtered out had the reversal entry breakout tech-nique been employed

      WHY ???

      Reversal entry breakout -> return to the mean ?

    14. Figure 12.11 is an example of tuning the fixed percentage bands to a domi-nant cycle on the four‐hour chart of GBPUSD. The trough‐to‐trough cycle period was 133 bars. Using the third formula would also yield ((2×133) +3)/4 = 67.25. Rounding to the closest integer would give us 67 periods or bars

      Does this mean that the central line is the 67 lookback period and that we obtain the bands by fixed perccentage (here 1.3%, cf. Fig. 12.11) ?

    15. Notice that un-like double and triple detrending, which tends to remove lag between the oscillator and price, double and triple smoothing increases the price lag.

      What is the difference between detrending and smoothing ?

      • smoothing = prendre le MA d'un oscillateur. Ex. : %D = 3-period SMA of raw %K
      • detrending = faire la différence entre deux MA !
    16. double detrending reduces the lag components between price and the oscillators

      WHY ???

    17. seven-period

      Why 7 and not 3 as indicated page 260 ?

    18. nine-period

      what does a nine-period EMA mean ??

    19. Periods 2/Exponential Weighting Ratio 1
      • How do we get this formula ?
      • What does the term periods actually mean ?



  10. Oct 2021
    1. There were multiple and important jobs that could come out of crating A manuscript. you have scribes, Artist to create the drawings in the manuscript to keep the reader interested.

    1. Inflections go the other way around.In classic mode, given a missing constant Rails underscores its name and performs a file lookup. On the other hand, zeitwerk mode checks first the file system, and camelizes file names to know the constant those files are expected to define.While in common names these operations match, if acronyms or custom inflection rules are configured, they may not. For example, by default "HTMLParser".underscore is "html_parser", and "html_parser".camelize is "HtmlParser".
    2. It is very important to understand that Ruby does not have a way to truly reload classes and modules in memory, and have that reflected everywhere they are already used. Technically, "unloading" the User class means removing the User constant via Object.send(:remove_const, "User").
    1. Dans la tranche d’âge des 18-24 ans, 84% des « Gens du voyage » quittent le système scolaire avant ou juste après le collège, contre 9% pour la population globale.
    1. This was my first exposure to the "Systems Mindset." The idea that when faced with any kind of recurring task or process, there is usually some way to set up a system to handle it for you.

      automation is the key to productivity

  11. Sep 2021
    1. Anyone here should know it is of extraordinary importance to maintain trap (water) seals. The gas in the downstream is full of methane, odorless and colorless, and it will cause heart and lung problems if let loose inside and lived with. That should be written on the sky.
    1. I have always rooted for Mozilla in preventing Google from obtaining unequivocal control of what has become the most critical software platform in the modern era, one that holds relevance in nearly everyone's life: the web.
  12. Aug 2021
    1. keepschoolopeninordertoprovidethekindofeducationthatweunderstandisbest.

      Is "the kind of education that we understand is best" worth the loss of lives of teachers? Students? How many? What's the tolerance threshold for this?

      Are worksheets with no classroom content while quarantining a better kind of education than setting up a camera to allow students to remotely participate in classroom activities?

    1. Also note thet width: 100% is relative to it's first parent with a layout. So if you have an element with width:100% inside another element that has a specific width, the child element will only take up the total width of that parent.
  13. Jul 2021
  14. Jun 2021
    1. t a common foreign and security policy including the eventual framing of a common defence policy, which might in time lead to a common defence, thereby reinforcing the European identity and its independence in order to promote peace, security and progress in Europe and in the world,REAFFIRMING their objective to facilitate the free movement of persons, while ensuring the safety and security of their peoples, by including provisions on justice and home affairs in this Treaty,RESOLVED to continue the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe, in which decisions are taken as closely as possible to the citize
    1. Giving peers permission to engage in dialogue about race and holding a lofty expectation that they will stay engaged in these conversations throughout the semester or year is the first of the four agreements for courageous conversation. While initially, some participants may be eager to enter into these conversations, our experience indicates that the more personal and thus risky these topics get, the more difficult it is for participants to stay committed and engaged." Singleton and Hays

    1. -- The array on the right side is not considered contained within the -- array on the left, even though a similar array is nested within it: SELECT '[1, 2, [1, 3]]'::jsonb @> '[1, 3]'::jsonb; -- yields false -- But with a layer of nesting, it is contained: SELECT '[1, 2, [1, 3]]'::jsonb @> '[[1, 3]]'::jsonb;
    1. We need to be really careful about what's 'same origin' because the server has no idea what host/path the various cookies are associated with. It just has a list of cookies that the browser had determined to be relevant for this SSR'd page, and not for any other subrequests.
  15. May 2021
    1. As the token is unique and unpredictable, it also enforces proper sequence of events (e.g. screen 1, then 2, then 3) which raises usability problem (e.g. user opens multiple tabs). It can be relaxed by using per session CSRF token instead of per request CSRF token.
    1. The difference is that this happens in the email client, not at the subscription step. Why is this a big deal? Because, even though they just subscribed to your email, there’s a chance your email won’t get a thumbs up.
    1. The element that we are going to apply the shape to with the shape-outside property to has to be floated. It also has to have a defined width and height. That's really important to know!
  16. Apr 2021
    1. It has two very different meanings, that you would have to distinguish by context. One meaning is just expressing that we have limitations. If you don't know something, that's just tough, you don't know it and you have to live with that. You don't have information if you don't have that information. The other meaning is that not only are there gaps in our knowledge, but often we don't even know what the gaps in our knowledge are. I don't know how to speak Finnish. That's a gap in my knowledge that I know about. I know that I don't know how to speak Finnish. But there are gaps in my knowledge that I'm not even aware of. That's where you can say "You don't know what you don't know" meaning that you don't even know what knowledge you are missing.

      I had this thought too.

    1. Today, many users rely upon graphical user interfaces and menu-driven interactions. However, some programming and maintenance tasks may not have a graphical user interface and may still use a command line.
    1. Notice the use of Enter key after backslash in the sed command.
    2. Although echo "$@" prints the arguments with spaces in between, that's due to echo: it prints its arguments with spaces as separators.

      due to echo adding the spaces, not due to the spaces already being present

      Tag: not so much:

      whose responsibility is it? but more: what handles this / where does it come from? (how exactly should I word it?)

    1. A modified timestamp signifies the last time the contents of a file were modified. A program or process either edited or manipulated the file. “Modified” means something inside the file was amended or deleted, or new data was added. Changed timestamps aren’t referring to changes made to the contents of a file. Rather, it’s the time at which the metadata related to the file was changed. File permission changes, for example, will update the changed timestamp.

      They shouldn't use synonyms for this (modified = changed).

      It would be clearer if the word that differed between the terms indicated what changed:

      • "content modified" time (cctime)?
      • "meta modified" time (cmtime)?
    1. that can be played by up to 10 local players - turnwise.

      Description just said:

      Party mode brings Versus mode and Marathon mode where up to 10 players can play together and compete locally.

      Didn't mention whether it was at same time or in sequence. Hmm. Which is it? Video shows at least 2 can play at same time, so...

    1. CSS-generated content is not included in the DOM. Because of this, it will not be represented in the accessibility tree and certain assistive technology/browser combinations will not announce it. If the content conveys information that is critical to understanding the page's purpose, it is better to include it in the main document.
    1. Academy Games has always prided itself in the quality of its rules. Most of our rules are taught in stages, allowing you to start playing as soon as possible without needing to read everything. We are very careful about the order we teach rules and rely heavily on graphics and pictures to facilitate understanding. We also include a large number of detailed picture examples, often with 3D renders, that help you understand the context of the rules.
  17. Mar 2021
    1. Fiche 3.6 -  Travailler la communication interne au sein de l’établissement

      C'est le seul point ou l'on voit apparaitre à la marge les parents d'élèves. et aucunement des RPE et de leurs associations.

      voici les points cités comme à vérifier • Faciliter l’appropriation de l’information diffusée pour les personnels et les usagers : taux de sollicitation pour demander des informations au sujet de questions ayant déjà fait l’objet d’une communication, taux de réponses aux sollicitations de l’établissement avant d’éventuelles relances…

      • Indicateur de visibilité : nombre de connexion à l’ENT de l’établissement, nombre de contributeurs internes au site et autres outils de communication…
      • Indicateurs relatifs aux familles : taux de participation aux élections du conseil d’administration, aux réunions parents/professeurs, aux différentes actions, groupes de travail ou manifestations auxquelles elles sont invitées.
      • Indicateurs d’enquêtes de satisfaction (construites en interne).
      • Identification claire par l’ensemble des membres de la communauté scolaire des « référents communication » de l’établissement.
    1. The distinction in computer programming between classes and objects is related, though in this context, "class" sometimes refers to a set of objects (with class-level attribute or operations) rather than a description of an object in the set, as "type" would.
    1. Dictionary writers list polysemes under the same entry; homonyms are defined separately.

      This describes how you can tell which one it is by looking at the dictionary entry.

    2. Polysemy is thus distinct from homonymy—or homophony—which is an accidental similarity between two words (such as bear the animal, and the verb to bear); while homonymy is often a mere linguistic coincidence, polysemy is not.
    1. Third configurable block to run.

      I like how they identify in the description which order things run in: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and last.

      Though, it would be more readable to have a list of them, in chronological order, rather than having them listed in alphabetical order.

    2. Last configurable block to run. Called after frameworks initialize.
    1. Before a bug can be fixed, it has to be understood and reproduced. For every issue, a maintainer gets, they have to decipher what was supposed to happen and then spend minutes or hours piecing together their reproduction. Usually, they can’t get it right, so they have to ask for clarification. This back-and-forth process takes lots of energy and wastes everyone’s time. Instead, it’s better to provide an example app from the beginning. At the end of the day, would you rather maintainers spend their time making example apps or fixing issues?
    1. The :empty selector refers only to child nodes, not input values. [value=""] does work; but only for the initial state. This is because a node's value attribute (that CSS sees), is not the same as the node's value property (Changed by the user or DOM javascript, and submitted as form data).
    2. Generally, CSS selectors refer to markup or, in some cases, to element properties as set with scripting (client-side JavaScript), rather than user actions. For example, :empty matches element with empty content in markup; all input elements are unavoidably empty in this sense. The selector [value=""] tests whether the element has the value attribute in markup and has the empty string as its value. And :checked and :indeterminate are similar things. They are not affected by actual user input.
    3. The selector [value=""] tests whether the element has the value attribute in markup and has the empty string as its value.
  18. Feb 2021
    1. Using Track() with a new track semantic only makes sense when using the [:magnetic_to option] on other tasks.
    1. For example, what if your site has a customer interface and an “admin” interface? If the two have totally different designs and features, then it might be considerable overhead to ship the entirety of the admin interface to every customer on the regular site.
    1. If any of the inputs are invalid, #execute won't be run.

      It does staged/pipelined execution/validation.

      If any of these stages has any errors, then no other stages will be executed:

      1. validations on the inputs of the interaction itself
      2. run execute, which may:
      3. may use compose, which will (IIUC) abort the entire execute/run early if any of them fail, even if there are later composed interactions still to be run
      4. may try to save inputs into models, which themselves may have validation errors, which (assuming we use errors.merge), will show up on the interaction.errors (but won't abort the rest of the execute)
    2. There are times where it is useful to know whether a value was passed to run or the result of a filter default. In particular, it is useful when nil is an acceptable value.

      Yes! An illustration in ruby:

      main > h = {key_with_nil_value: nil}
      => {:key_with_nil_value=>nil}
      main > h[:key_with_nil_value]
      => nil
      main > h[:missing_key]  # this would be undefined in JavaScript (a useful distinction) rather than null, but in Ruby it's indistinguishable from the case where a nil value was actually explicitly _supplied_ by the caller/user
      => nil
      # so we have to check for "missingness" ("undefinedness"?) differently in Ruby
      main > h.key?(:key_with_nil_value)
      => true
      main > h.key?(:missing_key)
      => false

      This is one unfortunate side effect of Ruby having only nil and no built-in way to distinguish between null and undefined like in JavaScript.

    3. When you run this interaction, two things will happen. First ActiveInteraction will type check your inputs. Then ActiveModel will validate them. If both of those are happy, it will be executed.

      Failed type checks generate run-time errors. So it's up to the develop to fix these, permanently, since the user can't (99% of time) do anything to fix these.

      Failed validations add errors to interaction.errors object. These are for the user to fix.

    1. The problem is that you what you want is actually not de-structuring at all. You’re trying to go from 'arg1', { hash2: 'bar', hash3: 'baz' }, { hash1: 'foo' } (remember that 'arg1', foo: 'bar' is just shorthand for 'arg1', { foo: 'bar' }) to 'arg1', { hash1: 'foo', hash2: 'bar', hash3: 'baz' } which is, by definition, merging (note how the surrounding structure—the hash—is still there). Whereas de-structuring goes from 'arg1', [1, 2, 3] to 'arg1', 1, 2, 3
    1. DSLs can be problematic for the user since the user has to manage state (e.g. am I supposed to call valid? first or update_attributes?). This is exactly why the #validate is the only method to change state in Reform.
    2. The reason Reform does updating attributes and validation in the same step is because I wanna reduce public methods. This is to save users from having to remember state.

      I see what he means, but what would you call this (tag)? "have to remember state"? maybe "have to remember" is close enough

      Or maybe order is important / do things in the right order is all we need to describe the problem/need.

    1. cultural capital

      Introduced by Pierre Bourdieu in the 1970s, the concept has been utilized across a wide spectrum of contemporary sociological research. Cultural capital refers to ‘knowledge’ or ‘skills’ in the broadest sense. Thus, on the production side, cultural capital consists of knowledge about comportment (e.g., what are considered to be the right kinds of professional dress and attitude) and knowledge associated with educational achievement (e.g., rhetorical ability). On the consumption side, cultural capital consists of capacities for discernment or ‘taste’, e.g., the ability to appreciate fine art or fine wine—here, in other words, cultural capital refers to ‘social status acquired through the ability to make cultural distinctions,’ to the ability to recognize and discriminate between the often-subtle categories and signifiers of a highly articulated cultural code. I'm quoting here from (and also heavily paraphrasing) Scott Lash, ‘Pierre Bourdieu: Cultural Economy and Social Change’, in this reader.

  19. Jan 2021
    1. Blocks Don’t Need 100% Width When we understand the difference between block-level elements and inline elements, we’ll know that a block element (such as a <div>, <p>, or <ul>, to name a few) will, by default expand to fit the width of its containing, or parent, element (minus any margins it has or padding its parent has).
    1. Why is CORS important? Currently, client-side scripts (e.g., JavaScript) are prevented from accessing much of the Web of Linked Data due to "same origin" restrictions implemented in all major Web browsers. While enabling such access is important for all data, it is especially important for Linked Open Data and related services; without this, our data simply is not open to all clients. If you have public data which doesn't use require cookie or session based authentication to see, then please consider opening it up for universal JavaScript/browser access. For CORS access to anything other than simple, non auth protected resources
    1. A common and simplistic type of statistical testing is a z-test, which tests the statistical significance of a sample mean to the hypothesized population mean but requires that the standard deviation of the population be known, which is often not possible. The t-test is a more realistic type of test in that it requires only the standard deviation of the sample as opposed to the population's standard deviation.

      To perform the actual test, we do a z-test or a t-test. For t-tests you need to know the population standard deviation, which is often not possible. T-test only requires standard deviation of a sample, which is more realistic.

    2. if the P-test fails to reject the null hypothesis then the test is deemed to be inconclusive and is in no way meant to be an affirmation of the null hypothesis.


  20. staging.coursekata.org staging.coursekata.org
    1. You must use a laptop or desktop computer You must use Chrome as your browser (we recommend using the most current version) You must allow third-party cookies (a setting in Chrome)

      Double anotation

  21. Dec 2020
    1. This explains how much X varies from its mean when Y varies from its own mean.

      Covariance: How much does X vary from its mean when Y varies from its mean.

      • Notice that x_i and y_i can be +ve or -ve, therefore their product will also be +ve(x_i deviates in +ve direction away from mean and y_i also deviates in +ve direction away from mean or they both deviate negatively away from the mean) or -ve(x_i deviates +vely and y_i deviates -vely from the mean and viceversa). We then sum all of the products up. A +ve covariance will indicate that on average the values had a +ve linear relationship, -ve indicates a -ve linear relationship, and 0 indicates that all products cancelled out which means they were equally +ve and -ve relationships, and therefore no overall relatonship.
    1. People really don't stress enough the importance of enjoying what you're programming. It aids creativity, makes you a better teammate, and makes it significantly easier to enter a state of flow. It should be considered an important factor in choosing a web development framework (or lack thereof). Kudos!
  22. Nov 2020
    1. delete will only work on properties whose descriptor marks them as configurable.
    2. The delete operator does not directly free memory, and it differs from simply assigning the value of null or undefined to a property, in that the property itself is removed from the object.
    1. this in particular comes from the addressee

      I think the ruling's main point/distinction here is that while submitting a form might be getting consent from the addressee (the person submitting form might be the addressee, if they own the e-mail address they entered), but we can't know that for sure until they confirm by clicking a link in the e-mail.

      Only then do we know for sure that the actor submitting the form was the addressee and that the consent ostensibly received via the form was in fact from the addressee. But it could otherwise be the case that they entered someone else's address, and you can't give consent on behalf of someone else!

    1. This module should not be used in other npm modules since it modifies the default require behavior! It is designed to be used for development of final projects i.e. web-sites, applications etc.
    1. The resolving process is basically simple and distinguishes between three variants: absolute path: require("/home/me/file") relative path: require("../src/file") or require("./file") module path: require("module/lib/file")

      Very important distinction

    1. We expect a certain pattern when validate devtool name, pay attention and dont mix up the sequence of devtool string. The pattern is: [inline-|hidden-|eval-][nosources-][cheap-[module-]]source-map.
    1. Using as * adds a module to the root namespace, so no prefix is required, but those members are still locally scoped to the current document.


      • root namespace (so no prefix is required), but
      • locally scoped (to the current document)
  23. Oct 2020
    1. For performance reasons, $: reactive blocks are batched up and run in the next microtask. This is the expected behavior. This is one of the things that we should talk about when we figure out how and where we want to have a section in the docs that goes into more details about reactivity. If you want something that updates synchronously and depends on another value, you can use a derived store:
    1. In so doing, we argue that learning analytics needs to build on and better connect with the existing body of research knowledge about learning and teaching.

      That's the key.

    1. Yeah I see what you're saying. In my case, I had a group of classes that relied on each other but they were all part of one conceptual "module" so I made a new file that imports and exposes all of them. In that new file I put the imports in the right order and made sure no code accesses the classes except through the new interface.
    1. Doing so also means adding empty import statements to guarantee correct order of evaluation of modules (in ES modules, evaluation order is determined statically by the order of import declarations, whereas in CommonJS – and environments that simulate CommonJS by shipping a module loader, i.e. Browserify and Webpack – evaluation order is determined at runtime by the order in which require statements are encountered).

      Here: dynamic loading (libraries/functions) meaning: at run time

    2. Specifically, since Root, Rule and AtRule all extend Container, it's essential that Container is evaluated (and therefore, in the context of a Rollup bundle, included) first. In order to do this, input.js (which is the 'gateway' to all the PostCSS stuff) must import root.js, root.js must import rule.js before it imports container.js, and rule.js must import at-rule.js before it imports container.js. Having those imports ensures that container.js doesn't then try to place Root, Rule or AtRule ahead of itself in the bundle.
    3. Replaced nested `require` statements with `import` declarations for the sake of a leaner bundle. This entails adding empty imports to three files to guarantee correct ordering – see https://github.com/styled-components/styled-components/pull/100
    1. Omitted details change everything here. There won't be circular dependency because unused import is skipped. Consider providing stackoverflow.com/help/mcve .
    1. Note that the <WarningEngine/> component must be at the bottom of the form to guarantee that all the fields have registered.
    1. Our long-term vision is computational intelligence based on collective intelligence.

      Though, given the 1.5° C buffer, it may not be very suitable to have a "long term view" that doesn't take account of climate change & human adaptation. So, maybe this needs to be re-jigged around a "why" that is much more pressing than just the hedonistic interest in learning stuff. Furthermore part of an answer to this concern is going to be through "social networks" not just in "scientific computing."