- Feb 2025
warrenpaper.com warrenpaper.com
- Sep 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
- Jul 2024
newsletter.weskao.com newsletter.weskao.com
What's the hard part?What does success look like?Is the juice worth the squeeze?Who is this for? What is this for?What are potential reasons not to do this, i.e. counterpoints?What is our unfair advantage for doing this?What are areas of risk and how might we mitigate?Why is this likely to work and be a good investment?What evidence, data, and examples am I pulling from?What assets, levers, and constraints are we working with?Who do we need buy-in from in order to move forward?What’s the upside, downside, and trade-offs?Where might I be making an assumption or logical leap that doesn’t make sense?How can we test this in the lowest-overhead way possible?How does this stack rank against other ideas for driving the business?If we decided to move forward today, what would you need to bring this to life?Can we do this ourselves, or do we need to tap into other teams?Why would your target audience be excited to do the thing you want them to do?
In this world, you rarely say no to an idea, because it's not about saying yes or no. It's about vetting an idea. You ask strategic questions, so your employee ends up realizing themselves that the idea won't work in its current iteration.You work collaboratively to pressure test assumptions. They excitedly go back to the drawing board and come back to you with a stronger iteration and next steps. They hone their judgment and become more strategic over time, requiring less support from you.You have less decision fatigue and get better results. Direct reports feel empowered and take ownership.
- Apr 2024
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
This is not a discrete project but an ongoing process and should always be competing for focus in strategic decision making.
Absolutely agreed. One limitation of the Iron Triangle concept is that it often seems to be used to make decisions based on a snapshot in time (i.e. which two are we choosing now), when some choices have longer half-lives than others.
Local file Local file
Business In former years the account ledger representedLedger
Business Ledger
This section looks at index cards for communication to/from clients and appropriate follow up with respect to sales management in a manufacturing firm. It broadly represents some examples of how one would do larger scale project management and follow up with index cards.
- Dec 2023
o i come back to this issue of stories and how we organize our thinking 01:11:03 and worlds around stories and especially stories of ours of what our own purpose in life is uh how we respond to our desperate fear of mortality and death i draw on the work of the anthropologist 01:11:16 and social psychologist ernest becker which has been elaborated by social psychologists in something called terror management theory
- for: adjacency - Thomas Homer-Dixon - Ernest Becker, terror management theory, immortality project
- Sep 2023
Tiago Forte makes a “Hemingway bridge” for his projects
- see zk on trails of interest
thescimus.com thescimus.com
To build HIPAA compliant software, developers need to be aware of and comply with several key requirements outlined in the HIPAA Privacy Rule and Security Rule. These requirements are designed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of protected health information (PHI) and to prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of PHI.
Building software compliant with HIPAA standards necessitates a deep understanding of its Privacy and Security Rules to safeguard protected health information effectively.
- Jun 2023
calnewport.com calnewport.com
I currently inhabit four professional roles: writer, teacher, researcher, and director of graduate studies for my department. For each of these roles, I set up a Trello board that includes a column for: things I’m working on actively, thing I’m waiting to hear back about from someone else, things on my “back burner” that I’m not yet ready to tackle, and a list of ambiguous or complicated things that I need to spend some time on figuring out. Every email I receive immediately gets moved to one of these columns in one of my Trello boards.
adjacentpossible.substack.com adjacentpossible.substack.com
I’ve also found that Tailwind works extremely well as an extension of my memory. I’ve uploaded my “spark file” of personal notes that date back almost twenty years, and using that as a source, I can ask remarkably open-ended questions—“did I ever write anything about 19th-century urban planning” or “what was the deal with that story about Houdini and Conan Doyle?”—and Tailwind will give me a cogent summary weaving together information from multiple notes. And it’s all accompanied by citations if I want to refer to the original direct quotes for whatever reason.
This sounds like the sort of personalized AI tool I've been wishing for since the early ChatGPT models if not from even earlier dreams that predate that....
- May 2023
librarian.aedileworks.com librarian.aedileworks.com
Asking a computer to create a glossary for you doesn’t make you any smarter than having a book that comes with a glossary.
- Mar 2023
www.coursera.org www.coursera.org
archive.org archive.org
Watts, Charles J. The Cost of Production. Muskegon, MI: The Shaw-Walker Company, 1902. http://archive.org/details/costproduction01wattgoog.
Short book on managing manufacturing costs. Not too much of an advertisement for Shaw-Walker manufactured goods (files, file management, filing cabinets, etc.). Only 64 pages are the primary content and the balance (about half) are advertisements.
Given the publication date of 1902, this would have preceded the publication of System Magazine which began in 1903. This may have then been a prototype version of an early business magazine, but with a single author, no real editorial, and only one article.
Presumably it may also have served the marketing interests of Shaw-Walker as a marketing piece as well.
Tangentially, I'm a bit intrigued by the "Mr. Morse" mentioned on page 109 who is being touted as an in-house consultant for Shaw-Walker.... Is this the same Frank Morse who broke off to form the Browne-Morse Co.? (very likely)
see: see also: https://hypothes.is/a/Sp8s4sprEe24jitvkjkxzA for a snippet on Frank Morse.
- Feb 2023
candost.blog candost.blog
the NABC model from Stanford. The model starts with defining the Need, followed by Approach, Benefits, and lastly, Competitors. Separating the Need from the Approach is very smart. While writing the need, the authors have to understand it very well. The approach and benefits sections are pretty straightforward, where authors define their strategy and list down the advantages. Since most people focus on them when they talk about ideas, it's also easy to write. Then the competition section comes. It is the part the authors have to consider competitors of their proposal. Thinking about an alternative solution instead of their suggestion requires people to focus on the problem instead of blindly loving and defending their solutions. With these four parts, the NABC is a pretty good model. But it's not the only one.
- Jan 2023
richardcarter.com richardcarter.com
It’s far more complicated than that, obviously. Different parts of this process are going on all the time. While working on one chapter, I’m also capturing and working on unrelated—for the time being at least—notes on other topics that interest me, including stuff that might well end up in future books.
Because reading, annotating/note taking, and occasional outlining and writing can be broken down into small, concrete building blocks, each part of the process can be done separately and discretely with relatively easy ability to shift from one part of the process to another.
Importantly, one can be working on multiple different high level projects (content production: writing, audio, video, etc.) simultaneously in a way which doesn't break the flow of one's immediate reading. While a particular note within a piece may not come to fruition within a current imagined project, it may spark an idea for a future as yet unimagined project.
Aside: It would seem that Ryan Holiday's descriptions of his process are discrete with respect to each individual project. He's never mentioned using or reusing notes from past projects for current or future projects. He's even gone to the level that he creates custom note cards for his current project which have a title pre-printed on them.
Does this pre-titling help to provide him with more singular focus for his specific workflow? Some who may be prone to being side-tracked or with specific ADHD issues may need or be helped by these visual and workflow cues to stay on task, and as a result be helped by them. For others it may hinder their workflows and creativity.
This process may be different for beginning students or single project writers versus career writers (academics, journalists, fiction and non-fiction writers).
As a concrete example of the above, I personally made a note here about Darwin and Lamarck for a separate interest in evolution which falls outside of my immediate area of interest with respect to note taking and writing output.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
ernest becker has made a lot of is offered the same kind of argument which he calls terror management theory um shanti deva rather in the beginning of how to awaken uh how to lead an awakened 00:36:00 life talks about how terrified we are of death how terrified we are of being nothing how terrified we are what's going to happen after death becker doc talks about the same thing and shantideva 00:36:13 argues that in order to save ourselves from that terror what we do is we try to pause it make permanent and self safeguard this self becker does the same thing says we tend to reify ourselves as 00:36:24 a ball work um against terror to somehow manage our terror and but in any case self does seem the self illusion i think i think that idea is quite right by the way that the fear of death which is 00:36:36 deeply wired into us causes us to posit that self causes us to say hey maybe it can live forever maybe it can be reborn life after life after life maybe it can go to heaven things like that 00:36:48 but i also think the idea that affect is deeply related to our sense of self is really there shanti deva makes this point as well as does david hume um shanti deva uh points out that here's when you really decide you've got a self 00:37:02 it's when somebody insults you or hurts you right so somebody says garfield you idiot an and i immediately said wait a minute i'm a whole lot better than that how dare you talk to me like that i don't feel like my body's been 00:37:13 insulted i don't feel like my mind has been insulted i don't feel like my perceptions or sensations have been insulted i feel like i the thing that's got those things has been insulted and i want revenge at that point so that kind 00:37:27 of effect there or if you do something really cool like win the olympic gold medal in 100 meter sprint like i would love to do um with usain bolt's body um then you think when you're really proud of what you've done the pride 00:37:39 attaches not to my body not to my mind but to me so this idea that affect really brings up that sense of self i think is really important uh hume uh makes the same point in his treatise of human nature for those of 00:37:52 you who want to see this done in western philosophy he thinks that it's pride and shame that really bring up the idea of the self you know i mean when i'm ashamed of something that i'm done that i've done i'm not ashamed of my hand 00:38:04 that wrote badly i'm ashamed of me for having bad penmanship if i didn't give to a beggar i'm not ashamed that my mind did something wrong i'm ashamed that i did i was tight-fisted um and so the 00:38:16 idea that these and these aspects bring up the idea of self i think is very powerful and of course anger as i said earlier is another big one all of these involve egocentric attachment so it's when we're attached to things in a way that really fronts 00:38:29 our ego as the possessor then we find that we're positing that self and so this finishes the first of the three things i wanted to do this evening first was to convince you that you really do think yourself to explain what 00:38:42 that self is and to give some idea of why i think that you have why i think that you think that you have a self um no matter how much you might reject that idea on reflection
!- intrinsic fear of death : strong role in creation of a self illusion -Ernest Becker, David Hume, Shanti Devi all regard death as a major reason we create the self illusion - Becker cliams we reify the self as a bulwark against the terror of death - the fear of death is deeply wired in us - the story of a self allows it to posit a symbolic form of eternal life, hence resulting in immortality projects - we know we have fallen under the spell of the illusion of self when we can be insulted, when we get angry, when we feel shame - it is these affects which establish a self, hence why the self imputation is so strong and difficult to dislodge
- Nov 2022
danawanzer.com danawanzer.com
This is interesting! At some point I'd like a better way to have task management and project management all be in the same place (and have it be integrated with my calendar)... I'm always moving from Excel to a task manager to my calendar and back.
- Sep 2022
unclutterer.com unclutterer.com
This method, devised by Japanese economist Noguchi Yukio, utilizes manilla envelopes and the frequency with which you work on certain projects to organize your projects.
The Noguhchi Filing System is a method developed by Noguchi Yukio, a Japanese economist, that organizes one's projects using envelopes and sorts them based on the frequency upon which you work on them.
- Aug 2022
wiki.c2.com wiki.c2.com
used for project management. The logistics for the Gulf War were managed on index cards. Read "Moving Mountains" by Lt. General George Pagonis.
Example of index cards used for project management.
- Jul 2022
www.agraddy.com www.agraddy.com
I'm approaching the open source portion of this project strictly as "open source" not "open contribution" similar to the SQLite approach
- Jun 2022
Local file Local file
The Essential Habits ofDigital Organizers
This chapter is too entailed with productivity advice, which can be useful to some, but isn't as note taking focused for those who probably need more of that.
What is the differentiator between knowledge workers, knowledge creators, students, researchers, academics. How do we even clearly delineate knowledge worker as a concept. It feels far too nebulous which makes it more difficult to differentiate systems for them to use for improving productivity and efficiency.
Here are more specific examples of what those opportunitiesmight look like
He's got a very specific type of notes for productivity compared with the sort of notes a student, academic, or researcher might take. This has consequences to the sort of system one has and how productive or not it is.
At some point in the book he sounds as if he's talking about notes for content creation/production, but he's also mixing in work productivity sorts of notes which can be treated dramatically differently.
Modern systems need to better distinguish between these two sorts of modes. (Are there others?) What should we even call these things to distinguish them and how they might be differently handled?
What do the two things have in common that allow them to be conflated? What is different that suggests distinguishing them and separating them?
Which digital tools are better for each of these? Do some handle both well? Should there be a mental or physical separation of them?
Am I just wholly wrong here?
By dropping or reducing or postponing the least importantparts, we can unblock ourselves and move forward even when timeis scarce.
When working on a project, to stave off potential procrastination on finishing, one should focus on the minimum viable version and finish that. They can then progressively enhance portions and add on addition pieces which may be beneficial or even nice to have.
Spending too much time on the things that sound nice or that one "might want to have" in the future will be the death of the thing.
link to: - you ain't gonna need it - bikeshedding for procrastination
questions: - Does the misinterpreted-effort hypothesis play a role in creating our procrastination and/or lead to decision fatigue?
One of my favorite rules of thumb is to “Only start projects that are already 80percent done.” That might seem like a paradox, but committing to finishprojects only when I’ve already done most of the work to capture, organize,and distill the relevant material means I never run the risk of startingsomething I can’t finish.
This same sort of principle is seen in philanthropy circles where the group already has commitments for a large proportion of the end goal before they even announce the campaign.
Is there a rule of thumb for this in philanthropy? 50%? What is it called, ie does it have a specific name?
What relation does it have to the Pareto principle, if any?
By takingthat small extra step of putting a note into a folder (or tagging it*) fora specific project, such as a psychology paper you’re writing or apresentation you’re preparing, you’ll encounter that idea right at themoment it’s most relevant. Not a moment before, and not a momentafter.
But what about the unimagined future projects that may be our most important. Zettelkasten methods cover for this better perhaps?
It assumes only that you are currently working on acertain set of projects, and that your information should be organizedto support them.
This seems practical, but also means that it isn't necessarily re-usable and may not provide as much serendipity for creating new ideas.
Think about whether or not these are true.
- knowledge creators
- folders
- organization
- scope
- note taking advice
- reviews
- philanthropy
- fund raising campaigns
- fund raising goals
- progressive enhancement
- misinterpreted-effort hypothesis
- rules of thumb
- project management
- bikeshedding
- Pareto principle
- P.A.R.A.
- minimum viable product
- scope creep
- future self
- year in reviews
- knowledge work
- knowledge workers
- decision fatigue
- productivity fallacy
- taxonomies
- note taking
- actionability
- efficiency
- procrastination
- productivity
- decision making
- zettelkasten overreach
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
Collegial pedagogy, a term introduced by Lissa Soep and Vivian Chávez, describes a dynamic where both teacher and learner stand mutually invested in a shared project, where neither party could complete the work without the other. They need each other to get it right. “Collegiality is a relationship of shared collective responsibility.”
Sometimes the goal is nothing more than a personal mantra such as “keep itsimple” or “something perfect” or “economy” to remind me of what I was thinkingat the beginning if and when I lose my way. I write it down on a slip of paper and it’sthe first thing that goes into the box.
Everyone hashis or her own organizational system. Mine is a box, the kind you can buy at OfficeDepot for transferring files.I start every dance with a box. I write the project name on the box, and as thepiece progresses I fill it up with every item that went into the making of the dance.This means notebooks, news clippings, CDs, videotapes of me working alone in mystudio, videos of the dancers rehearsing, books and photographs and pieces of artthat may have inspired me.
While she keeps more than just slips of paper (or index cards) in it, Twyla Tharp definitely falls into the pattern of creative collection related to the zettelkasten tradition.
- Feb 2022
boffosocko.com boffosocko.com
It should be recognized that these basic note types are very different than the digital garden framing of 📤 (seedbox), 🌱 (seedling), 🪴 (sapling), 🌲 (evergreen), etc. which are another measure of the growth and expansion of not just one particular idea but potentially multiple ideas over time. These are a project management sort of tool for focusing on the growth of ideas. Within some tools, one might also use graph views and interconnectedness as means of charting this same sort of growth.
Sönke Ahrens' framing of fleeting note, literature note, and permanent note are a value assignation to the types of each of these notes with respect to generating new ideas and writing.
- Jan 2022
Defining the project scope means that you must have a clear vision and agreement on the outcomes of the project. This allows any deliverable of the project to remain on schedule.
This is how you determine the project scope Defining the project scope means that you must have a clear vision and agreement on the outcomes of the project. This allows any deliverable of the project to remain on schedule.
docs.rangelandsgateway.org docs.rangelandsgateway.org
The USDA engaged the Soil and Water Conservation Society in 2005 to assemble a panel of university scientists and conservation community leaders to recommend the most effective, proactive, and scientifically credible CEAP activities—thereby ensuring that
en.itpedia.nl en.itpedia.nl
Is ITIL Losing Importance Due To SaaS? ITIL is a set of procedures and practices of IT service management when we mistakenly believe that we don't have to worry about that in SaaS. However, ITIL has many aspects and facets that encompasses running IT in an organization. Moreover, it is not a checklist for the implementation of specific services in specific environments. For SaaS, we can just use a different toolset to follow the general ITIL guidelines.
docs.rangelandsgateway.org docs.rangelandsgateway.org
The Conservation Effects Assessment (Mausbach and Dedrick 2004). Project (CEAP) is a unique, multiagency effort designed to quantify conservation effects and to determine how conservation practices can be most effectively designed and implemented to protect and enhance environmental quality (Duriancik et al. CeaP Goals The primary goal of CEAP is to strengthen the scientific foundation underpinning conservation programs to protect and enhance environmental Rangelands represent non-cultivated, non-forested land that is extensively managed with ecological principles. (Photo: David Briske) 2008). CEAP was jointly initiated in 2003 by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in partnership with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) in response to requests from Congress and the Office of Management and Budget for greater accountability to US taxpayers following a near doubling of US Department of Agriculture (USDA) conservation program funding in the 2002 Farm Bill. These funds are allocated to multiple conservation practices through several USDA-sponsored conservation programs, including the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, Wetlands Reserve Program, Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program, Conservation Reserve Program, and NRCS Conservation Technical Assistance Program. This funding increase was concomitant with substantial modifications to
The Business Strategy stems from a detailed strategic planning process. However, the question we want to answer in this article is whether we can execute multiple strategies side by side while they do not interfere with each other. We compare multiple strategies for business, information provision and IT and focus on Strategic planning.
Business strategy alignment and the secrets of strategic planning https://en.itpedia.nl/2022/01/02/business-strategie-alignment-en-de-geheimen-van-strategische-planning/ The Business Strategy stems from a detailed strategic planning process. However, the question we want to answer in this article is whether we can execute multiple strategies side by side while they do not interfere with each other. We compare multiple strategies for business, information provision and IT and focus on Strategic planning.
- Dec 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
An Essay Upon Projects (1697)
- Nov 2021
sloboda-studio.com sloboda-studio.com
Project Management services
Do you want to put things in order with the company, systematize processes and make them as predictable as possible? Read more here
- Oct 2021
www.lucidchart.com www.lucidchart.com
Agile-Waterfall Hybrid: Is It Right for Your Team?
- Sep 2021
Areas of Integrated Governance
Major areas of integrated governance for enterprise architecture looks like Integrated Project Management Framework
- Jul 2021
- Mar 2021
pathologyprevention.com pathologyprevention.com
NOTE: Your strategy should be supported using project management best-practices found within the Management Practices. These practices have been developed by industry, spending billions of dollars each year in projects. Of course, they would want their projects to succeed. Your quality of life is at least this important. Take your efforts seriously and manage your efforts.
Don't Forget These 10 Project Management Best Practices: https://www.wrike.com/blog/project-management-best-practices-infographic/
- Feb 2021
reinteractive.com reinteractive.com
The great thing about working with reinteractive is you get to work directly with the developers, which is a huge plus. As a technical founder, I find proxying through a project manager adds unnecessary layers of complexity and creates opportunity for human error.
- Jan 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Nowogrodzki. A., (2020). Four tools that help researchers working in collaborations to see the big picture.nature. Retrieved from: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01918 utm_source=twt_nnc&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=naturenews&sf235555174=1
- Nov 2020
smartbear.com smartbear.com
This conflicts in very basic ways with what other engineering disciplines expect. Toyota's stylists might be able to sell their renderings in art galleries, but you can't drive to work in one. In software, you can.
I don't really understand the sentence. Does it mean that you can't really use a project's design until it's built, in classical engineering, while instead with software all that detailed design is actually the product?
- Oct 2020
www.agileconnection.com www.agileconnection.com
www.mobs-lab.org www.mobs-lab.org2019nCOV1
2019nCOV. (n.d.). MOBS Lab. Retrieved October 2, 2020, from https://www.mobs-lab.org/2019ncov.html
- Aug 2020
ropensci.org ropensci.org
‘OSF: A Project Management Service Built for Research - ROpenSci - Open Tools for Open Science’. Accessed 10 August 2020. https://ropensci.org/blog/2020/08/04/osf/.
- Jul 2020
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: “brief video describing the https://t.co/zDXjvZFtkM initiative here: https://t.co/8rJEuDj7B4” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved July 5, 2020, from https://twitter.com/scibeh/status/1279123525916405762
- Apr 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Mar 2020
- Dec 2019
blog.openlibrary.org blog.openlibrary.org
- Aug 2019
monday.com monday.com
- Nov 2018
www.yammer.com www.yammer.com
Yammer is Web 2.0 software which integrates with Microsoft 360 and allows users to communicate together and across the organization. It essentially functions as social networking software for corporations with the ability to collaborate on projects, maintain task lists, store files, documents and pictures all within a private enterprise network. In addition Yammer allows for the sharing of feedback and the management of group projects. Yammer is freemium software with a variety of custom add-ons. Licenses are currently issued for all learner participants and at this time no custom add-ons are necessary.
RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
- Dec 2017
www.safaribooksonline.com www.safaribooksonline.com
Brooks’ Law, which states “adding manpower to a late software project makes it later”
S. McConnell adds an interesting take on this in his: Brooks' Law Repealed? article.
- Nov 2017
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
Let's imagine a world in which universities, not vendors, designed and built our online learning environments.
- Mar 2017
trello.com trello.com
❤️ Trello
- Feb 2017
www.systems-thinking.org www.systems-thinking.org
As individual pursue implementation of the project they begin to learn more and more about what they didn't know when they started and they begin doing revisions to the project plan. Revisions which seldom represent decreases in cost or time.
I am myself experiencing this as I realize how much time I am taking to complete the tasks of the course
The project plan is at best an educated guess. An educated guess that can be improved upon by capitalizing on the expertise of others that have been previously involved in projects of this nature. And yet there are many projects for which there are exists no similar requisite expertise. As such, the project plan remains very much simply ones conscientious best guess at what needs to be done.
I believe here is where fear creeps in, since nobody in the team has encountered a situation with that problem set before. They literally have nothing to fall back on, no past knowledge or experience, they have to create knowledge.
- Nov 2015
www.infoworld.com www.infoworld.com
user innovation toolkit - a product malleable enough to let users adapt it to their own needs.
Trello is a project management tool that provides boards, lists, and cards. The cards represent tasks or items, and move across columns on the board as they progress to a new stage of development. No particular method is prescribed. The individual or team decides how to use Trello, and the method is likely to evolve. Different projects may require different methods.
Trello has an API to allow automation and customization. After agreeing on how to use the board, different team members might use the API to build interfaces that work best for them.