52 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. It was enclosed in scare quotes, a sort of acknowledgment that the author knew it was non-standard, but was too apt for the purpose to resist. I remember reading it and trying to think of the “real” word that would be employed there, but could not find a satisfactory alternative. Since then, I’ve found myself unable to resist using the word when appropriate, due to its utility!

      "too apt for the purpose to resist" :kiss:

  2. Mar 2024
  3. Oct 2023
  4. May 2023
  5. Nov 2022
    1. I've been told since the first day I started working at the Division of Hospital Medicine at @UCSF that my work doesn't bring in $ to cover my salary. It's a narrative of manufactured scarcity, a common tactic in capitalism. The CEO is making $1.85 million plus bonuses.

      — Rupa Marya, MD (@DrRupaMarya) November 4, 2022
      <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

      A Hospitalist’s economic value is in what we *save* the system in terms of quality-driven care and patient throughput (DC/unit time), not in how much we bring in through profees. Because of how the system is structured, you’ll only see our value when we aren’t there.

      — Rupa Marya, MD (@DrRupaMarya) November 4, 2022
      <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

      This sounds a lot like hospitalists fall under David Graeber's thesis in Bullshit Jobs that the more necessary and useful you are the less you're likely to get paid and be valued.

      I suspect the ability to track an employees' direct level of productivity also fits into this thesis. One can track the productivity of an Amazon warehouse worker or driver, but it's much more difficult to track the CEOs direct productivity.

  6. Sep 2022
    1. State governments in recent years have provided subsidies to stop closures. U.S. climate legislation signed into law this month offers tax credits to help nuclear reactors stay open, with an estimated cost of $30 billion over the next decade.

      nuclear gas is great for net zero

  7. Dec 2021
    1. In her book Meaning in Life and Why it Matters (2010), the US philosopher Susan Wolf has argued, against Taylor, that even if Sisyphus is feeling fulfilled, owing to the nature of the activity in which he is engaged, his feeling fulfilled is not reasonable. She argues that the object of an agent’s feeling of fulfilment is represented in the mind of the agent as being something that is objectively good. In the case of Sisyphus, even if he is fulfilled, he misrepresents the source of his fulfilment as good. So Wolf argues that the meaningfulness of an activity or goal is a function not only of one’s being fulfilled in engaging in it/pursuing it, but the feeling of fulfilment also needs to be a fitting response to the activity or goal. And it is only a fitting response if the activity or goal is objectively pursuit-worthy. What would render an activity or goal objectively pursuit-worthy? Objective pursuit-worthiness is in part owing to the value of the end or activity coming from outside of oneself. Wolf admits that determining objective pursuit-worthiness is not easy, and involves a process of discovery. A possibility not explicitly endorsed by Wolf (but not rejected by her, either) is that an activity or goal is objectively pursuit-worthy if engaging in that activity is conducive to the cultivation of virtues. My suggestion is that, so long as an activity is generally conducive to developing character traits and intellectual traits that will enhance and not impede the flourishing of both an agent and those with whom they interact, it is objectively pursuit-worthy.

      Intellectual and character growth holistically, in a positive manner. That is the objective worthiness of any task. These goals, must be outlined in any activity undertaken, and their worth must be scaled according to our own standards. Because time is limited, it serves us well to maximise the objective worthiness that we extract from any task/activity/job/career. Thus time frames must also be defined. A multifaceted growth mindset requires a constant reexamination of all these aspect- i.e.- objective worthiness and time frame. An unexamined life is not worth living, and this shall be applied ona daily basis. One must recognise where they lose time, fill those holes, and proceed to extract some meaning from it.

  8. Nov 2021
    1. Determine if the string's length is greater than num. Return the string truncated to the desired length, with '...' appended to the end of the original string. Copyconst ellipsis = (str: string, num: number = str.length, ellipsisStr = "...") => str.length >= num ? str.slice(0, num >= ellipsisStr.length ? num - ellipsisStr.length : num) + ellipsisStr : str;
  9. Oct 2021
    1. function applyDefaults(fetchFn: typeof fetch, defaults: Required<Parameters<typeof fetch>[1]>)
    2. In rare cases, the underlying types aren't exposed from the library. What shall we do then? Maybe we could also use the typeof operator here too and combine it with a TypeScript's built-in type Parameters. Parameters becomes useful whenever you want to extract the type of parameters from a function type:
  10. Jun 2021
    1. The problem is, algorithms were never designed to handle such tough choices. They are built to pursue a single mathematical goal, such as maximizing the number of soldiers’ lives saved or minimizing the number of civilian deaths. When you start dealing with multiple, often competing, objectives or try to account for intangibles like “freedom” and “well-being,” a satisfactory mathematical solution doesn’t always exist.

      We do better with algorithms where the utility function can be expressed mathematically. When we try to design for utility/goals that include human values, it's much more difficult.

  11. May 2021
    1. This is not to say that I don’t also cherish more traditionally precious heirlooms, it’s just that the objects with utility feel like they maybe have more of the life of the person in them.

      I love this idea about heirlooms and utility.

  12. Mar 2021
    1. Before the launch of the platform, the entity issues the tokens at a certain price and uses the proceeds of the sale as an alternative funding to finance the platform development (Chuen et al. 2017; Ehrsam 2016a). The issuing entity promotes the token sale with the prospect of an increase of the token value.

      incentive of UT

    2. The entity behind the platforms issues its own blockchain-enabled token (Bachmann et al. 2019; Fridgen et al. 2018; Lee et al. 2018). So far, various token designs enable different applications. One token type is the “utility token”, which represents the right to access the offered products or services on the platform (ICOscoring 2018). In the blockchain context, we refer to this representation as tokenization (Dale 2018).

      utility token

  13. Feb 2021
  14. Jan 2021
  15. Dec 2020
  16. Oct 2020
    1. I think most social networks, if they've made this journey, need to make a return to utility to be truly durable.

      This sounds to me like what the IndieWeb is doing. Utility for the site owner directly.

  17. Aug 2020
  18. Jun 2020
  19. May 2020
  20. Nov 2019
  21. Oct 2019
    1. type KeysOfType<A extends object, B extends { [key: string]: any }> = { [K in keyof A]: A[K] extends B ? string extends keyof A[K] ? K : never : never; }[keyof A];
    2. type KeysOfType<A extends object, B> = { [K in keyof A]-?: A[K] extends B ? K : never; }[keyof A];
  22. Sep 2017
  23. Feb 2017
    1. The most important justification for progressive tax rates is the idea of marginal utility.

      Utility is subjective and personal.

  24. Sep 2013
    1. Now the political or deliberative orator's aim is utility: deliberation seeks to determine not ends but the means to ends, i.e. what it is most useful to do. Further, utility is a good thing.

      We should seek to produce something with rhetoric. It is not just hot air, but useful and effective