29 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Algorithmic control of our lives is an expression of the rot at the heart of Western civilisation: quantitative values subsuming qualitative experience.

      for - key insight - algorithmic control - quantitative values subsuming qualitative experience - Substack article - Best Served Cold: Luigi Mangione and The Age of Breach - Alexander Beiner

  2. Nov 2024
  3. Nov 2022
    1. the positivist paradigm

      Based in the belief that there is a tangible reality. Everything can be understood, measured, and/or identified. In this paradigm the researcher should focus on facts and they should look for fundamental laws.

    1. Fundamentally, all real-time thermal cyclers are engineered to detect fluorescein (FAM) first and foremost, so dyes with longer wavelength emission may be detected less sensitively
  4. Aug 2022
  5. May 2022
    1. In part in order to heighten his praise of Aldus as the ideal printer, Erasmus noted by contrast that most printers, given the absence of regulations, “fill the world with pamphlets and books [that are] . . . foolish, ignorant, malig-nant, libellous, mad, impious and subversive; and such is the flood that even

      things that might have done some good lose all their goodness.”198 The overabundance of bad books drowned out even any good bits that might be present among them.

      And we now say these same sorts of things about the internet and social media.

  6. Jan 2022
  7. Oct 2021
    1. rank correlation analysis, using Kendall's tau-c. For this purpose the three urban renewal status classes are assumed to constitute a scale. Evidence that such an assumption is reasonable is present in Tables 1 and 3.

      Kendall's tau-c

      a non-parametric measure of relationships between columns of ranked data. The Tau correlation coefficient returns a value of 0 to 1, where: 0 is no relationship, 1 is a perfect relationship. source: https://www.statisticshowto.com/kendalls-tau/)



  8. Jul 2021
  9. May 2021
  10. Mar 2021
  11. Aug 2020
  12. Jun 2020
  13. May 2020
  14. Apr 2020
  15. Nov 2019
  16. Sep 2019
    1. Reflecting those divisions, officials decided not to enlarge significantly the pool of assets the bank can buy—though it did expand the kinds of corporate and mortgage bonds it can purchase. Without changing rules that prohibit the bank from buying more than a third of any government’s debt, Mr. Ducrozet estimated that the ECB can continue its bond purchases for only 9-12 months.
  17. Feb 2019
    1. As with neoliberalism more generally, New Public Management is invisible, part of a new “common sense” that has somehow become hegemonic, whereby the “entrepreneurial spirit” has infused the public sector, leading to “businesslike government”. As with the claims of neoliberalism more generally as to its positive outputs in terms of prosperity, NPM has never been shown to have been successful even in its own terms. NPM “introduced punishments and rewards to produce better services with lesser staff. Instead of having freed energies and creativity of employees formerly shackled by their bureaucratic turfs, NPM reforms have bound energies into theatrical audit performances at the cost of work and killed creativity in centralizing resources and hollowing out professional autonomy... Fundamental deprivation of the legitimacy of public employees . . .has traumatized many most-committed employees and driven others toward a Soviet-type double standard.” (Juha Siltala, New Public Management : The evidence-based worst practice?, Administration; Vol. 45, No. 4.; 2013 pp. 468-493) Sekera quotes Christopher Pollitt et al., who “after compiling a database of 518 studies of NPM in Europe, determined that “more than 90% of what are seen by experts as the most significant and relevant studies contain no data at all on outcomes” and that of the 10% that had outcomes information, only 44% of those, or 4% of the total, found any improvements in terms of outcomes.” But in the end, the point of NPM is less that of measureable outcomes, and more that of the ideological victory of turning the public and its good into customers exercising their “choices” (see tax revolt example in Duggan), along of course with the radical disempowering of public administration workers and their unions, instituting “cost savings” by cutting their real income and putting more and more of the public sector’s production directly into the profit-making market.
    2. “Public performance measurement systems often have unfortunate or disastrous unintended consequences. Most recently, a pay-for-performance scheme at the Veterans Health Administration (V.A.) led to falsified wait-time records and care so delayed that, in some cases, patients died awaiting medical attention. Twenty-five years of studies have shown that “pay-for-performance” doesn’t work in either the public or private sector: such systems smother creativity, crowd out intrinsic motivation and invite gaming and generally fail to achieve intended results.”
  18. Sep 2016
    1. Module 1: Quantitative Genetics

      Interesting module, introduces the base concepts needed to conduct the project, for instance the analysis of complex characters where both genetic and environment factors contribute to trait variation.

      Details annotated: https://via.hypothes.is/http://cnsgenomics.com/sisg/Module1.html