2,726 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2021
    1. The idea of a purely linear text is a myth; readers stitch together meanings in much more complex ways than we have traditionally imagined; the true text is more of a network than a single, fixed document.

      The internet isn't a new invention, it's just a more fixed version of the melange of text, ideas, and thought networks that have existed over human existence.

      First there was just the memory and indigenous peoples all over the world creating vast memory palaces to interconnect their thoughts. (cross reference the idea of ancients thinking much the way we do now from the fist episode or so of Literature and History)

      Then we invite writing and texts which help us in terms of greater storage without the work or relying solely on memory. This reaches it's pinnacle in the commonplace book and the ideas of Llull's combinatorial thought.

      Finally we've built the Internet which interconnects so much more.

      But now we need to go back and revisit the commonplace book and memory techniques to tie them altogether. Perhaps Lynne Kelly's concept of The Third Archive is what we should perfect next until another new instantiation comes to augment the system.

    1. They also turned their reading into writing, because commonplacing made them into authors. It forced them to write their own books; and by doing so they developed a still sharper sense of themselves as autonomous individuals. The authorial self took shape in the common man’s commonplace book, not merely in the works of great writers. It belonged to the general tendency that Stephen Greenblatt has called “Renaissance self-fashioning.”

      This fits into my broader developing thesis about thinking and writing as a means of evolving thought.

    1. “Media companies were investing a huge amount of time, money, and effort in building out these huge audiences on social media…but at the end of the day, they’re renting those audiences from social media [companies], as opposed to owning those relationships,” Donoghue said.

      Media companies are spending huge amounts of time investing in social media, but they're also simultaneously renting their audiences back.

      Who rents a $350/month apartment and then spends $5,000 a month sprucing it up?

    1. Why make A snow plow App?

      The snow plow business is central in regions where heavy snowfall is a common environment situation, like Canada, Europe, Russia, North America, and others. Right when such heavy snow hinders people's regular day to day existence, there is a constant demand for snow plow. There are two sorts of business models watching out. The essential model is the contract type in which an organization would offer a contract for the entire winter or unequivocal months for their administration. In the second model, the home or business owner would contact the expert center at whatever point they need the assistance.

      The contract model's obstacle is that, if there was only a couple of long stretches of heavy snowfall in the entire winter, the whole contract transforms into a bothersome expense. The on demand model prods a spike in interest during heavy snowfall, and the expenses for the equipment or the assist would be high with canning where the customer needs it. The chances for the stuff being out of reach during the hour of need are similarly high.

      Right when you choose to make a snow plow app, you can offer an on demand model of administration with more straightforwardness and down to earth. Right when a customer look "snow plow administration near me", it gets more straightforward for them to find the administrations closer to them, at whatever point they need it. The drivers and the customers get connected by methods for a comparable stage, allowing them to recognize the work effectively without an unnecessary measure of authoritative commotion.

      Do you need the online stage to help start your online Snow Plowing startup? Or on the other hand willing to make a tremendous proportion of advantage with authentic utilization of online Snow Plowing administrations? Hence, in this context, your answer or answer is confirmed, by then our discussion and article both will go probably as accommodating along with huge resource for you, as a business visionary, which will give the absolute nuances to dispatch your online Snow Plow On Demand administrations. Therefore, the present time and place range will wind up being the advantage or appropriate time for you as a business person to create the online mechanized presence in the overall market utilizing the latest and advanced web development apparatuses.

      How our on demand organizing app functions

      Pick A Service

      Plan It


      The snow plow app mobile app development has opened up promising conditions for the businesses just as for individuals looking for low support/regular occupation during the season. If, despite everything that you look at the business express bits of knowledge,

      The snow plowing industry gets around $22.7 billion yearly;

      The total business unequivocal pay addresses 25%;

      Snow and Ice the chiefs association is creating at a speed of 3.5% consistently;

      These figures clearly depict that it justifies placing assets into an undertaking overseeing snow plowing to bring most prominent pay for your business. An on demand snow plow app development urges you to attract your customers with less drudgery

      Starting with the benefits of snow plow app development:

      By developing a snow scooping and snow plow app, you will stop a ton of regulatory work that again consumes a lot of time.;

      You can enough arrangement with the entire gathering of plow bosses and monitor their working conduct.

      Since it is the ideal chance to move to the credit only example, you can get prompt portions into your record. You can allow the customers to pay for the administrations using either a Mastercard or a check card or through some other portion section;

      Your customers can see the assistance revives continuously;

      You can connect more customers and contact them out with no issue;

      Snow plow app development licenses you to meet your customer needs promptly in addition to in an exceptional way;

      It will give an effortlessness of administrations to liberating the hail from snow with several ticks;

      By giving strong, ensured, and top notch professionals, you can win the trust of incalculable customers;

      You can take off the arrangements by offering the customers some historic feature set.

      Like Uber and Lyft, each city has snow plow drivers who connect with customers, and give on demand administration. This revolutionizes the business, allowing drivers to help customers without massive contracts or the issue of phone calls.

      How should a mobile app help your snow plow business?

      Business expansion and web business integration

      It is essential to offer a one-stop solution for your administrations, which is smartphone reasonable. Beyond your middle thing or administration, a capable app will add additional impact to your picture regard. You can in like manner arrange it with a web business stage for selling plowing and grass care stuff and additional parts. This integration will give business availability consistently. Your application will transform into a phase for certain businesses and consultants to make a reliable transaction.

      Basic administration

      It is conceivable to manage different resources and handle various tasks by using an application. You can coordinate resource allocation, following, and portion through the application. Such straightforward administration will put aside time and money and besides improves the versatility of the business. Beyond these, the application grants continuous after of consumer unwaveringness, director execution, and control of various variables.

      10,000 foot see

      Your application will be your overall viewpoint all in all business measure. You can figure out your business and resources enough. The application energizes you track the recorded background of exercises, portions, and utilization of resources. You can make a polyline on your guide and make zones for straightforward administration of your business. Such an interaction will help in improving online advantage.

      So would you say you are set up to develop a snow plow app? don't hesitate to connect with our expert for startup consulting. Next time you or a companion wish getting your carport plowed was simpler, recall, there's an app for that!

      Source: Snow plow app

    1. unfamiliar—that is, a metaphorical Journey in which designers move into unchartered territory by attempting to formulate what hasn’t yet been formulated.

      Head Scratcher: using this simple explanation of "unfamiliar" we can see that it is difficult to navigate through territory that has not been properly formed yet or mapped out.

      How do we move forward as Instuctional Designers into the future of Education and Instruction?

      My best efforts so far have been to never be afraid to try new models or technology to lead your instruction.

    1. Critical and creative thinkers engage in active planning and forethought to set goals, outline strategies, and determine the best methods through which they can achieve their goals

      Head Scratcher: How are we promoting critical and creative thinkers in our instruction?

      As a high school math teacher this can be easier at times, and more difficult at times depending on the class and the course material. At times it is easy to promote creative when dealing with honors classing and higher math courses. But when working with remedial Algebra classes it can be more difficult to promote creativity and critical thinking because of high levels of apathy and prior knowledge. Sometimes the best way to promote success in those classes is through repetition and memeorization of steps to solve common test promblems.

    1. Are designers also wasting the time of the critics?

      Wow what a way to end the chapter. Are instcutional Designers wasting their time decorating their instruction or filling them with jargon that they miss the point of educating the learners.

      This is a wonderful story about something that anyone could be familiar with and understand how instrucitonal design can go at times. Lending to the attractiveness and lacking on the informing side.

    1. Mr./Mrs. Cardholder, please note that we’ll not be able to assist you if you have not entered your card information using the right prompts in our Automated Telephone System/IVR. Therefore, I am going to have to transfer you to the Automated Telephone System so you can enter your card information using the relevant prompts and, if needed, press the right option to talk to one of our customer service representatives.
    2. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you; however, your PIN must be verified in the automated system before I am able to share account specific information for your security.
    1. But all of these attempts misunderstand why the Open Source ecosystem is successful as a whole. The ecosystem of fairly standard licenses provides a level playing field that allows collaboration with low friction, and produces massive value for everyone involved – both to those that contribute and to those that don't. It is not without problems (there are many essential but unsexy projects that are struggling with funding), but introducing more friction won't improve the success of this ecosystem – it will just lead to some parts of the ecosystem to break off.
    1. Flexbox's strength is in its content-driven model. It doesn't need to know the content up-front. You can distribute items based on their content, allow boxes to wrap which is really handy for responsive design, you can even control the distribution of negative space separately to positive space.
    1. There is one situation where iframes are (almost) required: when the contents of the iframe is in a different domain, and you have to perform authentication or check cookies that are bound to that domain. It actually prevents security problems instead of creating them. For example, if you're writing a kind of plugin that can be used on any website, but the plugin has to authenticate on another domain, you could create a seamless iframe that runs and authenticates on the external domain.
    1. I normally try to figure out if that's a good solution for the problem before resorting to iframes. Sometimes, however, an iframe just does the job better. It maintains its own browser history, helps you segregate CSS styles if that's an issue with the content you're loading in.
  2. Jan 2021
    1. The courses span a suite of synthesis methods, including systematic review and systematic mapping, stakeholder engagement in evidence synthesis, and evidence synthesis technology.
    1. Because there is no time left for trial and error and since resources for organising a transformation into a carbon‐neutral world are inherently limited, decision‐making on climate solutions needs to be based on the best available evidence.
    1. Evidence synthesis, which collates, appraises, and summarises results from individual studies across an evidence base and makes them available for policy advice, is particularly well organised in the health sciences; a key role is played here by the global knowledge network Cochrane, founded in 1993 and seated in London. T
    1. Systemd problems might not have mattered that much, except that GNOME has a similar attitude; they only care for a small subset of the Linux desktop users, and they have historically abandoned some ways of interacting the Desktop in the interest of supporting touchscreen devices and to try to attract less technically sophisticated users. If you don't fall in the demographic of what GNOME supports, you're sadly out of luck.
    1. Ubuntu also supports ‘snap’ packages which are more suited for third-party applications and tools which evolve at their own speed, independently of Ubuntu. If you want to install a high-profile app like Skype or a toolchain like the latest version of Golang, you probably want the snap because it will give you fresher versions and more control of the specific major versions you want to track.
    1. Great, I can use vw to scale text so it doesn't look puny on a desktop! Perfect... Oh. Huh, now the text is too small to read when viewed on a phone. Okay, well I can just use "max(x,y)" to make sure it doesn't get shrunk beyond a minimum size. Perfect... Oh. Hmm. Looks like "max" isn't supported properly by Chrome. Okay, well guess I'll just use "px" again.
    1. Would you work for free? It is a simple but loaded question that requires additional context. Is it working to help a friend do something? Is it work that you would enjoy? Does the act of working for free give you some level of satisfaction? Your gut reaction to the question may have been a hearty, “No,” but many people volunteer for a variety of things all the time, so people will work for free when there is something in it they enjoy.
    2. Open source is fundamentally good with the transparency and flexibility it brings; however, as our reliance on it goes up, the overall investment back into the ecosystem has not. It can be easy to take for granted the time and effort many developers put into open source projects. Yet it is with their time and effort that we often save our own.
    3. These developers are not greedy or selfish for wanting funding for their projects. To the contrary, they want funding to keep the project alive. A person has to eat, after all. Funding the project is a means of changing the maintainer’s timeshare—allowing themselves to put time into the project that otherwise would be used for other employment. There is only so much time in a day that a person can otherwise give.
    4. Funding should not be a struggle for open source projects. We embrace open source into our codebases frequently but have yet to fully embrace the idea that funding it actually helps us too. The bug fixes and feature requests need to be implemented, tested, and reviewed by someone who themselves can only put so much time into the project.
    1. The benefits for developers do reflect on benefits for users, with more software delivered faster and more securely.
    2. What’s the use of ie. snap libreoffice if it can’t access documents on a samba server in my workplace ? Should I really re-organize years of storage and work in my office for being able to use snap ? A too high price to pay, for the moment.
    3. I - we all - totally agree about the benefits of snap for developers. But the loss of comfort and flexibility for end user is eventually a no-go option.
    4. I clearly understand why snap is a safety progress on server and IoT but in my « human » usage snap is just restricting how I use my data and computer.
    1. Hi, I Need some help regarding my Ubuntu, is there any way to reach out to you personally ? Vote: 0 0 Share Facebook Twitter Copy link to comment Reply to SAK Copy link to comment Abhishek Prakash People's Favorite with 100+ Upvotes 30 Replies 3 weeks ago This comment is awaiting moderation Use our community forum, please.
    1. I can hardly fault your English. It is actually very good. I take your statement as invitation for corrections. This (being corrected by others) was the most helpful when I came to live in this my country and had to learn English very quickly. Swim or Sink, I was told.
  3. Dec 2020
    1. Get told in big red letters when the dependency changed and you need to check that your fix is still valid.
    2. No more waiting around for pull requests to be merged and published. No more forking repos just to fix that one tiny thing preventing your app from working.

      This could be both good and bad.

      potential downside: If people only fix things locally, then they may be less inclined/likely to actually/also submit a merge request, and therefore it may be less likely that this actually (ever) gets fixed upstream. Which is kind of ironic, considering the stated goal "No more waiting around for pull requests to be merged and published." But if this obviates the need to create a pull request (does it), then this could backfire / work against that goal.

      Requiring someone to fork a repo and push up a fix commit -- although a little extra work compared to just fixing locally -- is actually a good thing overall, for the community/ecosystem.

      Ah, good, I see they touched on some of these points in the sections:

      • Benefits of patching over forking
      • When to fork instead
    1. locked and limited conversation to collaborators

      Why do they punish the rest of us (can't even add a thumb up reaction) just because someone was "talking too much" or something on this issue?

    1. Serving pages and assets as pre-generated files allows read-only hosting reducing attack vectors even further. Meanwhile dynamic tools and services can be provided by vendors with teams dedicated to securing their specific systems and providing high levels of service.
    1. Because Jamstack projects don’t rely on server-side code, they can be distributed instead of living on a single server. Serving directly from a CDN unlocks speeds and performance that can’t be beat. The more of your app you can push to the edge, the better the user experience.
    2. Because Jamstack markup is prebuilt, content changes won’t go live until you run another build.
    1. Better PerformanceWhy wait for pages to build on the fly when you can generate them at deploy time? When it comes to minimizing the time to first byte, nothing beats pre-built files served over a CDN.
    1. For safety reasons, certain pumps and sprayers cannot be returned to the store if opened.

      More likely: they don't want to deal with these returns because of risk to store and because they want to keep the money they made from the sale.

  4. Nov 2020
    1. I wouldn't use Flutter for web, mobile is good though.
    2. It's super promising for web apps, just maybe not for web pages. I went from React to Svelte to Flutter for my current app project, and every step felt like a major upgrade.Flutter provides the best developer experience bar none, and I think it also has the potential to provide the best user experience. But probably only for PWAs, which users are likely to install anyway. Or other self-contained experiences, like Facebook games. It does have some Flash vibes, but is far more suitable for proper app development than Flash ever was while still feeling more like a normal website to the average user. It won't be the right choice for everything, but I believe it will be for a lot of things.
    3. I also find that a lot of the complexity of Flutter can be avoided, and I mostly use it to define the UI as a more app-centric alternative to HTML/CSS.

      I mostly use it to define the UI as a more app-centric alternative to HTML/CSS.

    4. Svelte by itself is great, but doing a complete PWA (with service workers, etc) that runs and scales on multiple devices with high quality app-like UI controls quickly gets complex. Flutter just provides much better tooling for that out of the box IMO. You are not molding a website into an app, you are just building an app. If I was building a relatively simple web app that is only meant to run on the web, then I might still prefer Svelte in some cases.
    1. Many of you will not be able to use this if you depend on custom import types or other fancy loaders. This project is just not for you!
    1. Scenario

      Inshot Storytelling app, Video Editor & Video Maker InShot has a lot of photo and video editing features in one. There is a small learning curve. Many girls on the field have creatively combined photo and video content, applied effects and enhancements to specific sections and added transitions too. Harnessing the capabilities of InShot for storytelling has immense possibilities. It could potentially lead to a creators movement where people share details about their lives through videos and narration. It also could be used for product stories and marketing. InShot app runs on a phone and ASPi is used as a repository and exchange node - during COVID lockdown, a server online is also used so physical movement is reduced.

      Syncthing. A continuous file synchronization program Ever thought of connotations of sharing in today’s world. Well, Syncthing allows us to securely backup data without the need to trust a third-party cloud provider. Sharing and syncing files between devices on a local network or over the internet is made easier through Syncthing. This could help in fostering community archives as access to files over multiple devices can be made effortless. In localised sense, people can also look up resources or their queries and find answers with their peers.

    2. Scenario 1

      Kolibri The offline app for universal education Kolibri makes high quality education technology available in low-resource communities such as rural schools, refugee camps, orphanages, non-formal school systems, and prison systems. While the internet has thoroughly transformed the availability of educational content for much of the world, many people still live in places where online access is poor or even nonexistent. Kolibri is a great solution for these communities. It's an app that creates an offline server to deliver high-quality educational resources to learners. What makes Kolibri unique is that it offers a way to bring different content sources offline into a central repository in a structured way. Beyond that, it brings in a host of tools to help align the content with national and local curricular standards, and on the student side it offers a self-paced personalized learning experience with support tools for teachers to track student progress. Kolibri can be envisioned also for local teaching, DIY courses, self initiated inquiries, equal opportunities for 21st century skills etc.

    1. When you email me, please include a minimal bash script that demonstrates the problem in the body of the email (not as an attachment). Also very clearly state what the desired output or effect should be, and what error or failure you are getting instead. You are much more likely to get a response if your script isn't some giant monster with obtuse identifiers that I would have to spend all afternoon parsing.
    1. If the document is uncontroversial and agreement is reached quickly it might be committed directly with the "accepted" status. Likewise, if the proposal is rejected the status shall be "rejected". When a document is rejected a member of the core team should append a section describing the reasons for rejection.
    1. In Rust, we use the "No New Rationale" rule, which says that the decision to merge (or not merge) an RFC is based only on rationale that was presented and debated in public. This avoids accidents where the community feels blindsided by a decision.
    2. I'd like to go with an RFC-based governance model (similar to Rust, Ember or Swift) that looks something like this: new features go through a public RFC that describes the motivation for the change, a detailed implementation description, a description on how to document or teach the change (for kpm, that would roughly be focused around how it affected the usual workflows), any drawbacks or alternatives, and any open questions that should be addressed before merging. the change is discussed until all of the relevant arguments have been debated and the arguments are starting to become repetitive (they "reach a steady state") the RFC goes into "final comment period", allowing people who weren't paying close attention to every proposal to have a chance to weigh in with new arguments. assuming no new arguments are presented, the RFC is merged by consensus of the core team and the feature is implemented. All changes, regardless of their source, go through this process, giving active community members who aren't on the core team an opportunity to participate directly in the future direction of the project. (both because of proposals they submit and ones from the core team that they contribute to)
    1. Express - 19 $ 🏃‍♀️ Skip the Review Queue 🕒 Published in 3 days 💌 Full Customer Support 💚 Support the team

      Wow, after seeing how this site works, I don't like much like it anymore.

      Esp. this below:

      Choose your preferred publish date - 9 $ Feature your project on top for 14 days and get an additional tweet - 19 $

      I hope there is/will be soon a more open/free alternative (like the "awesome" lists that use GitHub PRs instead of an opaque/proprietary submisison form).

    1. Some of these values are suited for development and some for production. For development you typically want fast Source Maps at the cost of bundle size, but for production you want separate Source Maps that are accurate and support minimizing.
  5. Oct 2020
    1. Many individuals are sentenced without any due process of the law. 

      reasons why the mass incarceration is a thing and why many people are incarcerated in the us alone.

    1. Focus on your application: forget about forms details like I'm dirty, field touched...
    2. You can try to build a solution to tackle these issues on your own, but it will cost you time and money... why not use a battle-tested solution to handle all this complexity?
    3. If you want to implement a form with a superb User Experience, you have to take care of many variables:
    4. Form validation can get complex (synchronous validations, asynchronous validations, record validations, field validations, internationalization, schemas definitions...). To cope with these challenges we will leverage this into Fonk and Fonk Final Form adaptor for a React Final Form seamless integration.
    5. Managing Form State (holding field information, check if a control has been touched, if the user has clicked the submit button, who owns the current focus...) can be tedious and prone to errors. We can get help from React Final Form to handle these challenges for us.
    1. When using a method in a top-level object to modify its state, such object isn't updated either.
    2. There have been a number of issues opened about this, and a good deal of confusion. The docs indicate that if you mutate an object without there being a = involved, this doesn't trigger an update. But there's no mention that only assignments to certain variables trigger updates.
    1. When you apply this pattern for the first time, it might feel very contrived.

      My feel contrived, but it's actually not....

    2. How to fix nasty circular dependency issues once and for all
    3. In the many projects I have maintained so far, sooner or later I always run into the same issue: circular module dependencies. Although there are many strategies and best practices on how to avoid circular dependencies. There is very little on how to fix them in a consistent and predictable way.
    1. You might think something like “don’t request the same resource thousands of times a day, especially when it explicitly tells you it should be considered fresh for 90 days” would be obvious, but unfortunately it seems not.
    1. 1. The Omniscience Flaw:Reflection in practice requires teachers to effectively address whatever provokes them in the moment, yet sometimes the challenges that require action are not the ones teachers see or hear. For example, while working with a small group or helping an individual student, teachers may miss off-task students in other corners of the classroom. To maximize reflection in practice, teachers need extraordinary, all-knowing powers. While many teachers have superhero-like qualities, omniscience is not one of them.2. The Symptom-Treatment Flaw:Another inadequacy of situational thinking is that it does not provide time for the consideration of root causes. Because teachers must react in the moment, the critical pause required to conduct an “act of search or investigation” is not possible (Dewey, 1910).3. The Recollection Flaw:Reflection on practice relies on the accuracy of memory. Educators must recall the details of prior lessons to maximize their diagnosis, but those details often fade in memory. Reflection is best when specific, yet memory can only deliver an adumbrated version of what happened in any given hour.

      Structured self-reflection play an important role in self reflection. The three common flaws in self-reflection allow instructors to analyze specific challenges. Using this method of analysis offers teachers the opportunity for self-reflection and correction. Rating: 8/10

    1. Avid Bookshop in Athens, Ga., sends personalized URLs to customers with a list of handpicked recommendations.

      Perhaps if they went the step further to set up domains for their customers, they could ostensibly use them not only as book blogs, but also to replace their social media habits?

      An IndieWeb friendly platform run by your local bookseller might be out of their wheelhouse, but it could potentially help solve their proximal problem while also solving one of society's problems all while helping to build community.

    1. Sometimes we can’t implement a solution that’s fully spec-compliant, and in those cases using a polyfill might be the wrong answer. A polyfill would translate into telling the rest of the codebase that it’s okay to use the feature, that it’ll work just like in modern browsers, but it might not in edge cases.
    1. I'm okay with an overall design that allows people to plugin the parts they need in order to be able to generically support a compile-to-javascript language, but to bake in support for one singular solution because its popular is simply bad engineering.
    2. One of the primary tasks of engineers is to minimize complexity. JSX changes such a fundamental part (syntax and semantics of the language) that the complexity bubbles up to everything it touches. Pretty much every pipeline tool I've had to work with has become far more complex than necessary because of JSX. It affects AST parsers, it affects linters, it affects code coverage, it affects build systems. That tons and tons of additional code that I now need to wade through and mentally parse and ignore whenever I need to debug or want to contribute to a library that adds JSX support.
    3. hyperscript is much simpler to refactor and DRY up your code than with JSX, because, being vanilla javascript, its easier to work with variable assignment, loops and conditionals.
    4. @subfuzion That error looks unrelated to the existing discussion.

      I assume they locked it in reaction to someone posting something unrelated / off-topic.

    1. This is valid javascript! Or harmony or es6 or whatever, but importantly, it's not happening outside the js environment. This also allows us to use our standard tooling: the traceur compiler knows how to turn jsx`<div>Hello</div>`; into the equivalent browser compatible es3, and hence we can use anything the traceur compile accepts!
  6. developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
    1. using EventTarget.addEventListener(), and this generally replaces using the old HTML event handler attributes.
    1. This is a very dangerous practice as each optimization means making assumptions. If you are compressing an image you make an assumption that some payload can be cut out without seriously affecting the quality, if you are adding a cache to your backend you assume that the API will return same results. A correct assumption allows you to spare resources. A false assumption introduces a bug in your app. That’s why optimizations should be done consciously.
    1. Discussion is not necessary, but could be useful for critiquing a pattern. This would be useful for people who are proposing a pattern to the community or for people who want to gather feedback on an experiment.
    1. Espen Slettnes 3rd degree connection3rd Espen has a account BMC-Upper Monthly contest designer and local coordinator at Berkeley Math Circle
    1. They should see comments as part of that process. It’s not the product that matters, it’s the participation.

      Of course, reading this a decade+ along after the boom of social media, we'll now realize that it's even more than the participation. Part of it should also be where that participation occurs.

    1. Golwg360 will feature a rolling news service and will give businesses, public bodies and individuals the chance to set up their own micro-sites.

      This sounds a bit like the model that Greg McVerry and I have proposed for IndieWeb crossing with public libraries, and newspapers/journalism.

    1. However, a healthy news ecosystem doesn’t just require a thriving free press, it also needs a diversity of curators, newsletters and content discovery options that enable the weird and wonderful to surface. We want to use Nuzzel as a test kitchen to see what models works for curators as well as content creators. The simple goal is a sustainable open web where the goals of creators, curators and consumers are aligned around the best possible experience.

      This sounds exciting to me and could dovetail with efforts of many with respect to IndieWeb for Journalism.

    1. Republishing guidelines

      There was some conversation earlier today in the IndieWeb chat about comment policies, but this page presents an interesting case of repost policies.

      Is anyone doing this on their personal websites?

    1. Grant Potter

      Seeing the commentary from Greg McVerry and Aaron Davis, it's probably worthwhile to point you to the IndieWeb for Education wiki page which has some useful resources, pointers, and references. As you have time, feel free to add yourself to the list along with any brainstorming ideas you might have for using some of this technology within your work realm. Many hands make light work. Welcome to the new revolution!

    1. The architecture of the platform where I published allowed authorial control of content but could not control context collapse or social interactions.

      These are pieces which the IndieWeb should endeavor to experiment in and attempt to fix. Though I will admit that pieces of the IndieWeb layers on top of platforms like WordPress can help to mitigate some context collapse and aggregate social interactions better. (eg: reply context and POSSE)

    2. There is a sense that one can cobble together a common public by overlapping various social media platforms and audiences. Many of my colleagues are doing a fine job of problematizing the intersections of private social media and the university. The larger project from which this essay is drawn is part of that emerging conversation.

      I wonder here what role an IndieWeb-based version of academe looks like in which teachers all own their content on their own websites to make a more explicit appeal of work that they've done. Compare this with the concept that what they may be doing on Twitter isn't "work" and which isn't judged as such.

    1. When you can assume that all the materials you’re using in and with your class are open educational resources, here’s one way to remix the effective practices listed above with OER in order to provide you and your students with opportunities to spend your time and effort on work that makes the world a better place instead of wasting it on disposable assignments.

      As I think of remix, reuse, redistribute and things like git and version control, I also can't help but think that being able to send and receive webmentions in the process of reusing and redistribution with referential links back to the originals will allow the original creator to at least be aware of the changes and their existence to potentially manually add them to the original project. (Manually because they may not (yet) know how to keep their content under source control or allow others to do so and send pull requests.)

    1. Shopify-Ex would offer retailers something they don’t get from Amazon: partnership. Newco would provide merchants a lot of the great taste of Amazon (robust e-commerce tools and fulfillment) without the calories (merchants keep their data, control the customer, branding, no private label launches on backs of merchant data).

      Potentially an IndieWeb-ification for business?

    1. Professional blogging; whether that be funded by advertisers, subscribers, fans – is a big business. What are your thoughts on how Micro.blog helps or ignores people or businesses that may want to use the platform to share their content and earn a living from it?
    1. I just wrote a long, considered, friendly, and I hope helpful comment here but -- sorry, I have to see the irony in this once again -- your system wouldn't let me say anything longer tahn 1,500 characters. If you want more intelligent conversations, you might want to expand past soundbite.

      In 2008, even before Twitter had become a thing at 180 characters, here's a great reason that people should be posting their commentary on their own blogs.

      This example from 2008 is particularly rich as you'll find examples on this page of Derek Powazek and Jeff Jarvis posting comments with links to much richer content and commentary on their own websites.

      We're a decade+ on and we still haven't managed to improve on this problem. In fact, we may have actually made it worse.

      I'd love to see On the Media revisit this idea. (Of course their site doesn't have comments at all anymore either.)

    1. But note well, my friend, that all of these people are speaking to you with intelligence, experience, generosity, and civility. You know what’s missing? Two things: First, the sort of nasty comments your own piece decries. And second: You.


    1. It just makes sense that news outlets and libraries collaborate. That’s something we at the News Co/Lab have believed from the beginning, and it’s something we’ve seen work very well in our partnerships

      Perhaps this is a good incubator for the idea Greg McVerry and I have been contemplating in which these institutions help to provide some of the help and infrastructure for the future of IndieWeb.

    1. Mr. Duncombe published the results online using CommentPress, open-source software by the Institute for the Future of the Book. Online discussion and commenting is made possible by Social Book, a social-reading platform created by the institute.
    1. What if the best tools for thought have already been discovered? In other words, perhaps the 1960s and 1970s were an unrepeatable golden age, and all we can expect in the future is gradual incremental improvement, and perhaps the occasional major breakthrough, at a decreasing frequency?

      Many have been, but they've been forgotten and need to be rediscovered and repopularized as well as refined.

      Once this has happened, perhaps others may follow. Ideas like PAO are incredibly valuable ones that hadn't previously existed, but were specially built for remembering specific types of information. How can we combinatorially use some of these other methods to create new and interesting ones for other types of tools?

    2. Put another way, many tools for thought are public goods. They often cost a lot to develop initially, but it’s easy for others to duplicate and improve on them, free riding on the initial investment. While such duplication and improvement is good for our society as a whole, it’s bad for the companies that make that initial investment. And so such tools for thought suffer the fate of many public goods: our society collectively underinvests in them, relative to the benefits they provide
    1. In the meantime, stay in touch with Crosscut by: Liking us on Facebook  Following us on Twitter  Following us on Instagram Chatting with us on Reddit Signing up for one (or all) of our newsletters 

      It seems like they've chose a solution for their community that boils down to pushing the problem(s) off onto large corporations that have shown no serious efforts at moderation either?

      Sweeping the problem under the rug doesn't seem like a good long term answer. Without aggregating their community's responses, are they really serving their readers? How is the community to know what it looks like? Where is it reflected?

      I wonder what a moderated IndieWeb solution for them might look like?

    1. It's sort of unfortunate that the justification for existence comes from pointing at gaps.
    2. you expect some hyperbole during these presentations and you should of course question and verify the claims being made.
    3. helped me carve a niche for what would become SolidJS. I still see that space today, so I'm glad that I did.
    4. Very few were interested in furthering the platform in the places they just took for granted.
    5. Over time Adam, Surplus' creator, had less and less time to spend on the project and I decided to take my own shot.
    1. Those banners should really be reserved for the important stuff. Because they're not, I've developed a reflex to immediately close those banners without paying attention. It's almost the same as blocking it with an ad-blocker; which defies the (original) purpose of banners.
    1. Claire Du 2nd degree connection2nd Claire has a account Stanford '24 | AI4Youth Canada
    1. Riri Jiang 3rd degree connection3rd Riri has a account Student at Princeton University

      Bumped into this profile while looking for something. Impressive list of achievements at a young age. Model to emulate

    1. He says that he sees the combination of long form pieces and Q&A as a new level of support. “We used to have level one, which was sending a ticket to the help desk, and it was something we could easily resolve for you. Level two was a more complex problem that maybe required an engineer or specialist from a certain team to figure out. I look at this new system as a level zero.” Before sending us a ticket, folks can search Teams. If they find a question that solves the problem, great. If they need more details, they can follow links to in-depth articles or collections that bring together Q&A and article with the same tags.“
    2. no one wants to feel like their time is wasted
    3. There is this black hole syndrome where you spend hours working on something and get no feedback.
  7. Sep 2020
    1. I took the same approach with _layout.svelte and not just for the svelte-apollo client. Except I put all of that setup into another module (setup.js) and imported from _layout. I just couldn't stomach having all that code actually in my _layout file. It's for layout, supposedly, but it's the only component that is a parent to the whole app.
    1. for example, reactive declarations essentially do the work of React's useMemo, useCallback and useEffect without the boilerplate (or indeed the garbage collection overhead of creating inline functions and arrays on each state change).
    1. In my opinion, because Webpack was one of the first bundlers, is heavily packed with features, and has to support swathes of legacy code and legacy module systems, it can make configuring Webpack cumbersome and challenging to use. Over the years, I’ve written package managers, compilers, and bundlers, and I still find configuring Webpack to be messy and unintuitive.
    1. The node-resolve plugin doesn't like failing to resolve module IDs (because it usually indicates a bug, like you forgot to install the package in question), so it will throw an error rather than letting Rollup print a warning.
    1. using modulesOnly behaves exactly as expected when it warns you that the listed npm libraries do not use the ES6 format and are in fact ignored. This option is meant as a way to determine if you still have commonjs libraries in your dependencies that require special treatment via rollup-plugin-commonjs. Your code will probably not work since the listed dependencies will be missing. You should remove modulesOnly and instead add rollup-plugin-commonjs.
    1. You oftentimes see packages list react as a peer dependency. Since this prevents react from being installed into that package's node_modules, this is another way of preventing Rollup from bundling the module. This is also nice _if_ you want the application to install react from npm, because if an application forgets to install a peer dependency, npm will issue a warning.
    1. This is likely not desired for ES module dependencies: Here require should usually return the namespace to be compatible with how bundled modules are handled. If you set esmExternals to true, this plugins assumes that all external dependencies are ES modules and will adhere to the requireReturnsDefault option. If that option is not set, they will be rendered as namespace imports.