217 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2017
    1. teamed up with the BBC, Jane Goodall and Sesame Street to offer 50 “Voyager” stories, each of which offers an interactive exploration of a new part of the world.

      This could be cool!

  2. Oct 2016
  3. Aug 2016
    1. There are technical, scientific, and cultural factors that are instructive in exploring why humans, and Earth as currently constructed, aren’t well-suited to having a universal language.
  4. May 2016
    1. And the wisdom of having this influence, through the Serpent of Selfishness (the shape I causedit to assume in your mind), first generate in the passive, feeling, receptive part of You -- Desire,the mortal agent of My Will, which was to supply the motives and the power for the further andcomplete expression of My Attributes on Earth

      The feminine, the passive, feeling, receptive part was first generated....

    2. Also the necessity of these seeming Earth influences being brought to bear to draw Yourconsciousness from purely Celestial delights and to hold it in this new Dream condition, in orderto develop a mortal mind, that You might through its natural selfish tendencies become centeredentirely upon Your Earthly mission of mortal expression

      The purpose of falling asleep was to develop a mortal mind that was entirely focussed on the Earth mission of mortal expression......

    3. This, then, was the first condition into which You awakened when You entered into Earthexpression, and is what is called the Edenic state or dwelling in the Garden of Eden.This Edenic state represents the Celestial phase of Impersonal Consciousness, or that state inwhich You were still consciously One with Me, though now confined in a mortal medium ofexpression

      In the beginning even though in body mind, the human expression was still consciously solely guided by God.

    4. Shall I explain further? -- That the quickening power within My Idea (your Soul) proceeded toattract to it the various elements of life substance (dust), and, atom by atom, and cell by cell, indue course of time, to mold and shape each into substantial reality, after the pattern of theThought Image composing your Soul Body, thus forming an Earthly outer covering, as it were, --until finally your mortal form actually became manifest to the psychic sense, if not yet to what iscalled the physical sense. Whereupon, all being now prepared for this cyclic moment, You, MyAttribute, breathed into and then through its nostrils (from within) the breath of life, and Youthen made your first appearance of Earth as a human being-- a living Soul (My Idea now able toexpress consciously through a suitable Earth medium), containing within your Self all of MyAttributes, all of My Powers and all of My Possibilities

      My Soul is God's Idea...............

    5. So now we have, --First, I AM, expressing as You, one of My Divine Attributes;Second, My Idea of You, one of My Attributes, expressing in Earth conditions -- or Your Soul;Third, My Imaged Thought of You, forming the Temple of Your Soul -- or Your Soul Body inwhich You dwell.These three make up the Divine or Impersonal part of You, the Immortal Three-in-One -- You,My latent yet completely formulated thought, shaped in My Image and Likeness, as yetunquickened, and therefore having no connection with your human personality, which has notyet been born

      The Impersonal Self

      1. I AM, expressing as You, one of My Divine Attributes

      2. My Idea of You, one of My Attributes, expressing in Earth conditions -- or Your Soul

      3. My Imaged Thought of You, forming the Temple of Your Soul -- or Your Soul Body in which You dwell.

    6. So it was then that the first tendency to think yourself as separate from Me was born. Thecomplete consciousness of separation did not become established until long after.In the beginning, when You thus first entered into Earth expression, obeying the impulse I hadsent forth through My concentrated Thought, You, one of My Attributes, surrounded or clothedYour Self with My Idea of My Self in expression as the particular Attribute You represented.You being the animating Force of that Idea.In other words, My Idea of My Self expressing that particular Attribute then became the Soul ofYour particular expression. But that Idea or Soul is not You, remember, for You are really a partof Me, being My Self in expression through the medium of that particular Attribute.Having clothed Your Self with My Idea, this Idea then, through the necessity of Its be-ing,immediately began to attract to Itself the necessary Thought Substance requisite for theexpression of that particular Attribute, and to build and shape it into My Image and Likeness. Itthus became a Holy Temple, filled with My living Presence, because inhabited by You, one ofMy Divine Attributes

      First there was a tendency to think as being separate, however the consciousness of separation did not occur until later.... First entered the realm of Earth, one of Gods attributes.... Then became a particular expression and this attracted to itself "the necessary Thought Substance requisite for the expression of that particular Attribute, and to build and shape it into My Image and Likeness. It thus became a Holy Temple, filled with My living Presence, because inhabited by You, one of My Divine Attribute."

    7. This act of thinking produced only a vitalized thought-form of a planet, and its manifestation wasstill in a nebulous state in the thought realm.From a thought-form, however, the quickening power of the Idea within, with My Will focusedupon It, proceeded to mold, fashion and gradually to solidify into material form the variouselements of Life Substance; until My Idea finally shone forth in substantial manifestation in theworld of visible forms as the planet Earth, a medium ready for living expression, and nowcapable of both containing and expressing Me.This was the material body prepared by My Thinking, in which already dwelt all the potentialnature of My Being, by reason of the informing power of My Idea within.

      The manifestation of Earth............"a medium ready for living expression,"

    8. Therefore, every real desire you feel, every desire of your heart, comes from Me and must ofnecessity sometime, in some shape or other, be fulfilled.However, as I have no Desire, because I AM All Things, once this Idea of expressing My Self inthis new condition was born, I had but to think, that is, to concentrate or focus My Attentionupon My Idea and Will It to come forth into expression, or, as is told in My other Revelation, toSpeak the Creative Word, and at once did the Cosmic Forces of My BE-ing, set in vibration bythe concentrating of My Will, proceed to attract the necessary elements from the eternalstorehouse of My Mind, and, with My Idea as a nucleus, to combine, form and shape around Itthese elements into what is called a thought-form of a planet, filling it with My Life Substance --My Consciousness -- and endowing it with all the potentialities of My Being.

      All desire is of God (that is all there actually is), yet God does not have desire because God is already the ALL...... To birth the expression of Gods Self in/as the Earth God focussed attention, Will for such a manifestation............

    9. In the beginning, at the dawn of a new Cosmic Day, when the Word consciousness was justawakening and the stillness of Cosmic Night yet prevailed, I The THINKER, conceived MyIdea.This My Idea of My Self in manifestation in a new condition, called Earth expression, I sawcompletely pictured in the mirror of My Omniscient Mind. In this mirror I saw the real Earthshining forth brilliantly in the Cosmos, -- a perfect Sphere, where all the Infinite phases,attributes and powers of My Divine Nature were finding perfect expression through the mediumof Angels of Light, living Messengers of My Will, My Word in the Flesh, even as It is in theCelestial World of the Eternal.I saw My Self manifesting outwardly as Nature, and My Life as the vivifying and evolvingPrinciple back of all Manifestation. I saw Love, the Divine Creative Power, as the animating andvitalizing Force back of all Life, and My Desire to give perfect expression to that Love as thePotential and Real Cause and Reason of the birth of My Idea.All this I saw mirrored in My All-seeing and All-knowing Mind, which could see and reflectonly the Soul of things or their Reality. Therefore this that I saw pictured in My Mind was theReal Earth, in fact, its beginning, its conception into Cosmic being

      Gods inspiration .................

    10. You have been told that the Earth and all things belonging to it are but the outer manifestationsof My Idea, which is now in the process of being thought into perfect expression.You have been shown that My Idea is responsible for all created things, and that It is both theCause and the Reason for all manifestations, yourself and your brothers and sisters included, allof which have been thought into existence by Me, the One Original Thinker and Creator
  5. Apr 2016
    1. "Using visible wavelengths of light, it is difficult to tell if an asteroid is big and dark, or bright and small, because both combinations reflect the same amount of light," said Carrie Nugent, a NEOWISE scientist at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at California Institute of Technology, in Pasadena. "But when you look at an asteroid in the infrared with NEOWISE, the amount of infrared light corresponds with how big the asteroid is, and with some thermal models on a computer, you can figure out how big the asteroids are."
  6. Jan 2016
  7. Nov 2015
    1. RAJ: Paul, that statement was made within the illusion of three-dimensional existence. In the first place, there is no man separate from God for God to give anything to. Secondly, it is only from within the finite frame of reference that there can seem to be an “earth” separate from “man” for man to have dominion over. Any apparent success that the human concept (ego) has of being able to exercise dominion over an earth “out there” only succeeds in further deepening the illusion that life is going on objectively.

      Raj's description of Being and wholeness is so completely divergent to that of my lived experience of my world that I'm beginning to get a deeper appreciation for a statement he made earlier -

      No matter what you believe, it's wrong.

  8. Sep 2015
    1. 422 por persona

      yo me comprometo a plantar otros 422 en mis próximos 30 años, doblar mi cuota parte de árboles en el mundo, cambiar el futuro #422