597 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2019
    1. telles

      tels que

    2. à opter pour la première option qui leur est proposée dans le titre.

      formulation un peu bancale

    3. aiguille

      aiguillone ?

    4. L’importante dichotomie entre l’idée de boîte à outils et celle de Pandore encourage les lecteurs à percevoir comme pertinents et nécessaires les usages du wiki

      très bonne formulation des tensions

    5. au choix qui s’offre

      pluriels ici

    1. les informants


    2. initié


    3. géants,

      leurs chevilles vont enfler ....

    4. au préalable en prévision de cette lecture.


    5. mentionné

      mentionnés ou mentionnée

    6. on privilégie les guillemets français

    7. aux bien faits

      aspects positifs plutôt

    8. -là

      le déictique est incorrect ici

    9. progrèsse.

      pas d'accent

    10. tous les éléments qui ne fonctionnent pas causés par le numérique

      structure syntaxique trop complexe

    11. n’ômet


    12. géants

      Terme trop fort, vous allez rendre bien trop orgueilleux

    13. régner


    14. que de comprendre comment

      formule bancale

    15. virgule nécessaire ici

    16. à


    17. constitué


    18. apparait


    19. s, sociales,


    20. variés


    21. eut


    22. arctile


    23. constituent d’un point

      formulation bancale

    24. culturelle


    25. sociale,


    26. Telle est la réponse que cet article tend à résoudre.

      on résoud une énigme plutôt. L'article se consacre à cette question.

    27. selon laquelle

      deux points ici plutôt

    28. De la mème mânière qu’il propose une

      formulation bancale

    29. attraît

      a trait à (même si cela a en effet un pouvoir d'attraction)

    30. cette nouvelle ère de l’édition.

      c'est beaucoup dire : ils sont des membres actifs de la recherche en humanités numériques.

    31. hommes


    32. dans le cas de


    33. implications


    1. oe

      e dans l'o

    2. e propre,

      deux points pour introduire la citation longue

    3. se penche

      en recherche on ne se penche pas pour ne pas finir bossu à la fin de sa carrière

    4. oe

      e dans l'o

    5. dans

      toujours deux points pour introduire les citations longues

    6. « Pour une critique “humanistique” du numérique »

      manquent les espaces insécables

    7. « Pour une critique “ humanistique ” du numérique », dans Les humanités numériques : Une histoire critique, Pierre Mounier, Paris : Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme.

      il manque ici les espaces insécables

    8. “ humanistique 

      pas d'espace avec les guillemets anglais

  2. stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
    1. du coup

      formule à éviter

    2. est plus ou moins marquée de ces aspects.

      formulation bancale

    3. , comme quoi elle n’est pas révolution,

      formulation bancale

    4. ne précise point sur leur exhaustivité.

      se prononcer sur ?

    5. escamote

      terme vraiment trop fort...

    6. Par contre

      en revanche

    7. Pour terminer sur une note plus positive,

      est à éviter aussi le métadiscours

    8. se


    9. me semble limite dans son interprétation

      formulation bancale

    10. définit


    11. un des autres pivots de l’argumentation, ce sont les éléments culturels du numériques.

      formulation bancale entre le singulier et le pluriel

    12. Ensuite, Vitali-Rosati traite de littérature numérique. Pour le numérique, une citation claire est donnée en début de texte : « échantillonnage mathématiquement discret du flux continu du réel » (Marcello 2015) . Or, la littérature, second point central du texte, n’est jamais définit. Ensuite,

      deux ensuite(s) trop proches.

    13. définit.


    14. « autosourcé »

      autocité ? C'est un problème en effet dans l'absolu mais au vu du sujet abordé, ce problème est davantage contextuel à un domaine d'études : pas assez de références disponibles (ce qui est le cas des domaines d'études très spécifiques ou en émergence)

    15. m’

      évitez (même si cela reste votre compte-rendu) le "je" qui donne l'impression d'un avis personnel : un compte-rendu vise davantage à se définir comme une discussion scientifique (donc semblablement objective).

    16. et en plus

      une nouvelle phrase ici aurait été préférable

    17. mentionné

      mentionnés ?

    18. aux


    19. internent


    20. nous questionner si

      formulation bancale ici

    21. carrément

      à éviter carrément dans vos devoir

    22. rémédiation; von Neuman; commentaire la distinction entre ce qui serait ou ne serait pas possible sans ordinateurs; il ne s’agit pas ici de proposer une analyse exhaustive de cette œuvre : je vais me limiter à identifier et discuter certaines de structures littéraires…

      cités ainsi (sans guillemets ni contextualisation), ces exemples ne sont pas assez probants : on ne comprend pas en quoi ils sont des inepties. Il aurait été préfrable de se recentrer sur deux exemples pour les développer davantage.

    23. ’Electronic Literature Organization

      en italique

    24. pourquoi passe-t-on

      les raisons pour lesquelles

    25. vulgarisé,

      ce terme peut-être compris comme péjoratif, si telle était votre volonté : il aurait fallu l'expliciter davantage dans cette partie.

    26. Cet

      il est généralement déconseillé de commencer une étude avec un démonstratif

  3. stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
    1. développé


    2. on privilégie les guillemets français.

    3. se penche

      en recherche on ne se penche pas : au risque de devenir bossu...

    4. , dont celle de l’exploration pour ne pas la nommer.

      pourtant vous la nommer ...

    5. , je suis d’accord

      de préférence, évitez ces expressions dans un compt-rendu critique : il s'agit moins de donner son avis (même si c'est en quelques sortes le cas), que de discuter de un propos en mode objectif

    6. Bref,

      jamais dans un article scientifique : cela donne l'impression d'une lassitude ...

    7. entraine


    8. de

      sur ces compétences, ou plutôt phénomènes

    9. on fait face à de nouvelles méthodes.

      trop de nouveauté tue la nouveauté

    10. nouvelles pratiques de lecture et d’exploration nouvelles.

      répétition de nouvelle ici

    11. entraine


    12. l’auteure

      il faut harmoniser entre auteur ou autrice

    13. Rossana De Angelis

      l'article de

    14. à leur revue

      de la revue

    15. prix


    1. cas de figure

      hum plutôt "cas d'étude" ou "modèle de référence"

    2. parenthèses

      créer des parallèles de lecture plutôt.

    3. après la publication

      la post-publication

    4. vant la publication

      la pré-publication

    5. d’emblée numériques

      On préfére l'expression "nativement numériques".

    6. se penche maintenant

      Je vous répéterai ce qui m'a un jour été dit par une de mes professeures : en tant que chercheur.e.s, nous nous "penchons pas" au risque de finir bossu.e.s. De plus le temps de la lecture par votre professeur.e est différent de votre temps d'écriture : évitez au maximun les "maintenants"

  4. Oct 2019
    1. We have demonstrated that small RNAs can tightly repress their target genes when their synthesis rate is smaller than some threshold, but have little or no effect when the synthesis rate is much larger than that threshold
    1. In particular, small RNAs are shown to establish a threshold for the expression of their target, providing safety mechanism against random fluctuations and transient signals. The threshold level is set by the transcription rate of the small RNA and can thus be modulated dynamically to reflect changing environmental conditions.
    1. in the absence of tamoxifen, it exhibits some activity
    2. strong promoters capable of driving expression of microbial opsins or fluorescent proteins in specific populations can exhibit leaky expression elsewhere. This low-level leak may be virtually undetectable as light responsiveness or fluorescence but can be a serious issue when expressing Cre recombinase.
    1. We report the construction of a family of vectors that contain a reengineered lacIq-lac promoter-operator complex in which cloned genes are strongly repressed in the absence of inducer.
  5. Aug 2019
  6. Jul 2019
    1. Here we combined RNA-seq with an in vivo assay to identify the major transcriptional changes that occur in Escherichia coli when inducible synthetic constructs are expressed.
  7. Mar 2019
    1. UDL guidelines. As I post this, I do not know whether this website will be included in our future course readings or not. This website practices what it preaches and provides the same content in multiple forms. The viewer can select/choose the manner in which items are displayed. This has essential information, such as the need to provide "multiple means" of engagement, representation, action, and expression when teaching. Rating 5/5

  8. Feb 2019
    1. n they will share similar genes, but it 18is the phenotype –upon which selection acts –which is crucia

      There two important things to note.

      1. If the same genetic programme leads to two phenotypes because of the environment, this falls in the category of epigenetics. Epigenetic processes are usually not tree-like, hence, poorly modelled by inferring a tree.

      2. You implicitly assume (via your R-script) that homoiologies (in a strict sense, i.e. parallelism) are rare and not beneficial (neutral). But if the homoiology is beneficial (i.e. positively selected for), it will be much more common in a clade of close relatives than the primitive phenotype (the symplesiomorphy). We can further assume that beneficial homoiologies will accumulate in the most-derived, advanced, specialised taxa, in the worst case (from the mainstream cladistic viewpoint) mimicking or even outcompeting synapomorphies. A simply thought example: let's say we have a monophylum (fide Hennig) with two sublineages, each sublineage defined by a single synapormorphy. Both sublineages radiate and invade in parallel a new niche (geographically separated from each other) and fix (evolve) a set of homoiologies in adaptation to that new niche. The members of both sublineages with the homoiologies will be resolved as one clade, a pseudo-monophylum, supported by the homoiologies as pseudo-synapomorphies. And the actual synapomorphies will be resolved as plesiomorphies or autapomorphies.

      Without molecular (and sometime even with, many molecular trees are based on plastid in plants and mitochondria in animals, and both are maternally inherited, hence, geographically controlled) or ontological-physiological control it will be impossible to make a call what is derived (hence a potential homoiology) and what ancestral in a group of organisms sharing a relative recent common origin and a still similiar genetic programme.

  9. Jan 2019
    1. controllers that speak regular MIDI and MPE

      MPE support remains one of the distinctive features of Bitwig Studio since Ableton has yet to add it to Live, even after MPE became a standard. Maybe the connection to modularity isn’t clear to everyone. But it’s abundantly clear to ROLI and to some of us, musickers using DAW controllers and synths.

  10. Oct 2018
  11. Jul 2018
    1. repeat expansion at IIL1 leads to increased accumulation of 24-nt siRNAs in a temperature-dependent manner that correlates with the iil phenotype. We show that DCL3 and other components of the RNA-dependent DNA methylation (RdDM) pathway are essential for this siRNA-directed epigenetic gene silencing
  12. Mar 2018
  13. Feb 2018
    1. Different sets of ESR1 polymorphisms were associated with cognitive decline from CDR 0 to 0.5 and CDR 0.5 to 1. ESR1 polymorphisms (rs3853248, rs22334693 [ESR1+397], rs9340799 [ESR1+351], rs9397456, rs1801132 [ESR1+975], rs2179922, rs932477, and rs9341016) were associated with the deterioration of episodic memory among subjects with baseline CDR 0, indicating these polymorphisms might be markers for episodic memory decline at an earlier stage
      p(HGNC:ESR1) hasVariant g(dbSNP:rs3853248)
      p(HGNC:ESR1) hasVariant g(dbSNP:rs22334693)
      p(HGNC:ESR1) hasVariant g(dbSNP:rs9340799)
      p(HGNC:ESR1) hasVariant g(dbSNP:rs9397456)
      p(HGNC:ESR1) hasVariant g(dbSNP:rs1801132)
      p(HGNC:ESR1) hasVariant g(dbSNP:rs2179922)
      p(HGNC:ESR1) hasVariant g(dbSNP:rs932477)
      p(HGNC:ESR1) hasVariant g(dbSNP:rs9341016)
      a(NIFT:"Clinical dementia rating") pos g(dbSNP:rs3853248)
      a(NIFT:"Clinical dementia rating") pos g(dbSNP:rs22334693)
      a(NIFT:"Clinical dementia rating") pos g(dbSNP:rs9340799)
      a(NIFT:"Clinical dementia rating") pos g(dbSNP:rs9397456)
      a(NIFT:"Clinical dementia rating") pos g(dbSNP:rs1801132)
      a(NIFT:"Clinical dementia rating") pos g(dbSNP:rs2179922)
      a(NIFT:"Clinical dementia rating") pos g(dbSNP:rs932477)
      a(NIFT:"Clinical dementia rating") pos g(dbSNP:rs9341016)
    1. Although we observed no association between rs3785883 or rs1868402 alone and change in CDR-sb (P > .10), there was a significant association between a combined genotype model and change in CDR-sb: carriers of the high-risk genotypes at both loci progressed >2.9 times faster than noncarriers (P = .015)
      g(dbSNP:rs1868402) cnc a(CTO:"Clinical_Dementia_Rating_Scale-sum_of_boxes")
      g(dbSNP:rs3785883) cnc a(CTO:"Clinical_Dementia_Rating_Scale-sum_of_boxes")
      composite(g(dbSNP:rs1868402),g(dbSNP:rs3785883)) pos a(CTO:"Clinical_Dementia_Rating_Scale-sum_of_boxes")
  14. Nov 2017
    1. novel method developed within the MAQC-III project utilizing the expression distributions, corrected for noise and batch effects, and assisted by random resampling, to compute DEG scores related to the Wilcoxon U test (Magic, see Additional file 1: Supplementary Note 2)
  15. Sep 2017
  16. Jul 2017
    1. .

      This character should be escaped by a backslash. The complete command would then be:

      strings $PWD/bin/myapp | egrep '\.gcda$'
  17. Jun 2017
    1. Anyone working with the latest generation of MIDI musical instruments – like the Eigenharp, LinnStrument, ROLI Seaboard, Haken Continuum and the Madrona Soundplane – has probably encountered the work of Belgium-based programmer & electronic musician Geert Bevin.

      My thoughts exactly.

      And it carries over to much of the world of expressiveness in electronic music, centred around the emerging MPE standard: Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression.

      Let me geek out a minute. ;)

      Coming late to this MPE game, been really taken by the fact that Bevin’s name is everywhere. Given his work with many manufacturers, it’s no exaggeration to say that this type of musical expressiveness wouldn’t have expanded the way it did if it weren’t for Geert Bevin. Of course, MPE isn’t that mainstream, yet. You could even say that it’s a bit of a niche, in terms of the already peculiar world of electronic music. Besides, it’s just an implementation of some things which have been in the MIDI specifications from the start, over 30 years ago. But there’s more than smoke, here.

      A few days ago, ROLI has announced the Seaboard Block, which might be the most affordable MPE device as of yet. It’s also the missing piece of the puzzle in ROLI’s lineup, linking the Seaboard line of highly expressive keyboards with the Blocks line of modular controllers. Some have been saying that the Seaboard Block is the point at which the Blocks line starts to make sense. Both there are more dots to connect. One is that ROLI also owns JUCE, which is fast becoming the tool of choice to develop music apps on multiple platforms, including mobile. Not sure how sophisticated JUCE’s MPE support is, but it does have some MPE-specific classes. Another point, mentioned in the comments on this interview, is that Bevin was instrumental in the MPE support in Moog’s Model 15 and Animoog synths on iOS. As these apps are quite influential, their continued development can have a big impact on the iOS part of the MPE scene.

      Speaking of iOS, the fact that the latest version of Audiobus can route MIDI could open up interesting possibilities. Jesse Chappell, developer of two MPE-savvy iOS apps (ThumbJam and DrumJam) has been teasing a forthcoming app which would somehow deal with MPE in a thorough way.

      And there’s a broader context for all of this. Hardware and software devices for electronic music (controllers, synthesizers, loopers, etc.) have been integrating into complete solutions. Several manufacturers have been doing both hardware and software. There aren’t that many hardware solutions for the sound output from MPE, but it’d only take a fairly simple box (maybe Arduino-based?) to allow much of the hardware synth world to receive MPE in an appropriate way (something which is already possible in software).

      So it really is a fascinating time to be getting into musical expressiveness through digital means.

  18. May 2017
    1. audience's attention with an unusually striking expression

      Everyone needs their hook, right? But, I think this expression needs dynamic status as in the expression needs to match the audience to make sure it captures their attention

  19. Feb 2017
  20. Jan 2017
    1. Affiliations— memberships, formal and informal, in online communities centeredaround various forms of media, such as Friendster, Facebook, message boards,metagaming, game clans, or MySpace).Expressions— producing new creative forms, such as digital sampling, skinning andmodding, fan videomaking, fan fiction writing, zines, mash-ups).Collaborative Problem-solving— working together in teams, formal and informal,to complete tasks and develop new knowledge (such as through Wikipedia, alternativereality gaming, spoiling).Circulations — Shaping the flow of media (such as podcasting, blogging).

      It is very interesting to see just how applicable those terms are for our everyday life!

  21. Aug 2016
    1. all Desire to express in Words that Idea, without the consciousness of My Will being theOne and Only source of Inspiration, is futile. Likewise, all desire to express that Idea in livingacts, without losing all consciousness of your human personality -- of your personal part in theacts, and centering your self wholly in Me, -- is vain and fruitless and will end only in failure,disappointment and humiliation

      "all Desire to express in Words that Idea, without the consciousness of My Will being the One and Only source of Inspiration, is futile." "Likewise, all desire to express that Idea in living acts, without losing all consciousness of your human personality -- of your personal part in the acts, and centering your self wholly in Me, -- is vain and fruitless and will end only in failure,disappointment and humiliation."

    2. In time will the Great Awakening come-- that all Words are but Symbols of One Idea, and allIdeas of whatsoever nature are but phases of One Idea, My Idea of My Self in Expression,
    3. In the Impersonal there is no use or necessity for words. Ideas alone exist and express. Theysimply Are, for they are the expression of the various phases of My Be-ing.But in this Dream condition, where every expression in these early stages of outer being had tohave a form and substance that could be heard, seen, felt, smelled or tasted, in order that itsmeaning could be clearly apprehended, there naturally had to be provided organisms capable ofbeing used for the double purpose of expression and of understanding what was expressed

      To express while having the understanding of what is being expressed

    4. n Your search for the most favorable conditions for the manifestation of Your particularattributes, You gradually spread over the face of the Earth, each containing many words, and allborn of Desire in the human mind to express in Earthly terms the infinite phases of My Idea eversurging within.The more the human mind strove thus to express " in Words" My Idea, the greater and moreabject the failure

      The desire to express is all born of Gods desire, yet the more we tried to express in our humanity the more we failed to truly express.

    5. I, by so doing, provide My Idea with a suitableform for Earthly expression, -- I gave you the power to express Your Self, through a definiteorganism, by means of words

      I have the power to express from the Impersonal Self

  22. May 2016
    1. And so I Spake the Word, and drove You out of the Garden of Eden, and clothed You with a"coat of skin," or, in other words, with flesh, the same as other animals. For now, in order thatYou might enter into the heart of Earth conditions, into the real Earth, the Earth of My Idea, --not the one of your Dream, -- so as to quicken My Idea therein into active life expression, You,My Attribute, had to have an organism and a covering appropriate to the conditions in whichYou were to manifest in your Dream

      Humanity entered the dream of separation so as to manifest a form, an organism to be an active life expression of God....

    2. Thus was born Your human personality, and since its birth have I impelled You to nourish,support and strengthen it, by filling You with longings, hopes, ambitions, and aspirations, withall the various manifestations of Desire; which are but the human phases of My Will, operatingin the preparation and development of a medium capable of expressing perfectly My Attributeson Earth

      The human journey has been one of being strengthened by longings, hopes, ambitions, aspirations and manifestations so as to develop a vehicle capable of expressing God here on Earth.

    3. 29Now, perhaps, you can see why this all had to be, why You (Humanity) had to leave the Edenicstate of Impersonal Consciousness and lose Your Self wholly in the Earth illusions of this DreamWorld, in order to be able to create a body and develop in it a personal or self consciousnesscapable of fully expressing My Perfection.

      Humanity entered the Dream fully to create a body mind and develop in it a consciousness capable of fully expressing God here on Earth...

    4. And finally the necessity of Desire casting its complete spell over You (Humanity), that YourCelestial or Impersonal nature might be kept deep in sleep; until, in your Dream, by the free butignorant use of My Will, You could taste and fully eat of the fruit of the so-called Tree ofKnowledge of Good and Evil, and through the eating could learn properly to discriminate andknow its fruit for what it really is; and thus acquire the strength to use the knowledge thus gainedwisely and perfectly in the expression of My Idea onl

      Humanity entered full forgetfulness to learn "and know its fruit for what it really is" to develop the strength so as to use the knowledge as a perfect expression of God...

    5. And the wisdom of having this influence, through the Serpent of Selfishness (the shape I causedit to assume in your mind), first generate in the passive, feeling, receptive part of You -- Desire,the mortal agent of My Will, which was to supply the motives and the power for the further andcomplete expression of My Attributes on Earth

      The feminine, the passive, feeling, receptive part was first generated....

    6. This, then, was the first condition into which You awakened when You entered into Earthexpression, and is what is called the Edenic state or dwelling in the Garden of Eden.This Edenic state represents the Celestial phase of Impersonal Consciousness, or that state inwhich You were still consciously One with Me, though now confined in a mortal medium ofexpression

      In the beginning even though in body mind, the human expression was still consciously solely guided by God.

    7. Thus were now manifest all the various mediums for the Earth expression of My Idea; and You,being one of My Attributes, naturally had dominion over all of these mediums, or possessed thepower of utilizing any or all of them, if necessary, for the full and complete expression of Your --My Attributes -- powers and possibilities.In this manner and for this reason alone did You and Your Brothers and Sisters come into humanexpression. While in human form yet Your expression was so entirely Impersonal, that, thoughself-conscious, you still looked wholly to Me within for inspiration and guidance
    8. Shall I explain further? -- That the quickening power within My Idea (your Soul) proceeded toattract to it the various elements of life substance (dust), and, atom by atom, and cell by cell, indue course of time, to mold and shape each into substantial reality, after the pattern of theThought Image composing your Soul Body, thus forming an Earthly outer covering, as it were, --until finally your mortal form actually became manifest to the psychic sense, if not yet to what iscalled the physical sense. Whereupon, all being now prepared for this cyclic moment, You, MyAttribute, breathed into and then through its nostrils (from within) the breath of life, and Youthen made your first appearance of Earth as a human being-- a living Soul (My Idea now able toexpress consciously through a suitable Earth medium), containing within your Self all of MyAttributes, all of My Powers and all of My Possibilities

      My Soul is God's Idea...............

    9. So now we have, --First, I AM, expressing as You, one of My Divine Attributes;Second, My Idea of You, one of My Attributes, expressing in Earth conditions -- or Your Soul;Third, My Imaged Thought of You, forming the Temple of Your Soul -- or Your Soul Body inwhich You dwell.These three make up the Divine or Impersonal part of You, the Immortal Three-in-One -- You,My latent yet completely formulated thought, shaped in My Image and Likeness, as yetunquickened, and therefore having no connection with your human personality, which has notyet been born

      The Impersonal Self

      1. I AM, expressing as You, one of My Divine Attributes

      2. My Idea of You, one of My Attributes, expressing in Earth conditions -- or Your Soul

      3. My Imaged Thought of You, forming the Temple of Your Soul -- or Your Soul Body in which You dwell.

    10. 26This Temple, being in My Image and Likeness, and composed of My Thought Substance,surrounding and clothing My Idea, is consequently your Real body. It is therefore indestructible,immortal, perfect. It is My complete, imagined (imaged in) Thought, containing My LivingEssence, awaiting the time when it can come into outer expression and take on material form

      The body as a temple...

    11. So it was then that the first tendency to think yourself as separate from Me was born. Thecomplete consciousness of separation did not become established until long after.In the beginning, when You thus first entered into Earth expression, obeying the impulse I hadsent forth through My concentrated Thought, You, one of My Attributes, surrounded or clothedYour Self with My Idea of My Self in expression as the particular Attribute You represented.You being the animating Force of that Idea.In other words, My Idea of My Self expressing that particular Attribute then became the Soul ofYour particular expression. But that Idea or Soul is not You, remember, for You are really a partof Me, being My Self in expression through the medium of that particular Attribute.Having clothed Your Self with My Idea, this Idea then, through the necessity of Its be-ing,immediately began to attract to Itself the necessary Thought Substance requisite for theexpression of that particular Attribute, and to build and shape it into My Image and Likeness. Itthus became a Holy Temple, filled with My living Presence, because inhabited by You, one ofMy Divine Attributes

      First there was a tendency to think as being separate, however the consciousness of separation did not occur until later.... First entered the realm of Earth, one of Gods attributes.... Then became a particular expression and this attracted to itself "the necessary Thought Substance requisite for the expression of that particular Attribute, and to build and shape it into My Image and Likeness. It thus became a Holy Temple, filled with My living Presence, because inhabited by You, one of My Divine Attribute."

    12. saw You in perfect expression, even as I see You now -- the Real You, an Attribute of My Self-- perfect.For in Reality You are an Angel of Light, one of My Thought Rays, an Attribute of My Being,ensouled in Earth conditions, with no other purpose (which is no purpose at all, but a necessity ofMy Being) but the final complete expression of My Idea.

      "the Real You, an Attribute of My Self-- perfect.For in Reality You are an Angel of Light, one of My Thought Rays, an Attribute of My Being,ensouled in Earth conditions, with no other purpose (which is no purpose at all, but a necessity of My Being) but the final complete expression of My Idea."

    13. But there yet remained the final and culminating medium of expression.Up to this point, while each perfectly expressed some phase of My Nature, yet all existingmediums and avenues were unconscious of Me, and were mediums of expression only as a wireis a medium for conducting heat, light and power.The conditions were ripe, however, for the creation of mediums through which My DivineAttributes could find conscious expression, conscious not only of their relationship to Me, but oftheir ability and power to express My Idea.It was at this moment in Time that You and Your Brothers and Sisters were born into existenceas human expressions, coming into manifestation as you did, similarly with all other mediums, inresponse to My concentrated Thought, in which I saw all the infinite variety of My Attributes inactual expression in entitized forms, each manifesting in predominance some particular phase ofMy Being, and each conscious of Me, Its Creator and Expressor

      Humanity was birthed so God could have mediums that can express God consciously...

    14. Yet that Desire you feel in you is from Me, because it is born of My Idea, which I implanted inyour mind only that It might come forth into expression through you. Indeed, whatever youdesire is I, knocking at the door of your mind, announcing My Purpose of manifesting My Self inyou or through you in the particular form indicated by that Desire.What is called Desire in human personalities, is but the necessary Action of My Will pushingforth the expression of My Idea into outer Manifestation or Being.What to you would seem to be in Me a desire for expression, is but the Necessity of My Idea ofMy Self to Be, or Express Itself

      Desire is actually God in me wanting to express and manifest..

      "What is called Desire in human personalities, is but the necessary Action of My Will pushing forth the expression of My Idea into outer Manifestation or Being." Definition of human desire..

    15. Expressing what?What else could I express, if I AM All that Is, but My Self?You cannot yet see or comprehend when I inspire you with an Idea.Therefore, if I AM All there is, that Idea, which is direct from Me, must be part of or a phase ofMy Self in Being or Expression.Any Idea, once born within the realm of My Mind, as has been shown, immediately becomes aReality, for in the Eternality of My Being Time is not. With you, however, an Idea first createsDesire, a desire to express that Idea; then Desire compels Thinking, Thinking causes Action, andAction produces Results -- the Idea in actual outer manifestation.In Reality I have no Desire, for I AM All Things, and All Things are of Me. I need only to thinkand Speak the Word to produce results

      God is the very substance of all things............. expressing the very essence of substance........... all expression can only be God..........

    16. Now, My Consciousness is the inner essence of all Space and all Life. It is the real Substance ofMy All-comprehending and All-including Mind, whose informing and vitalizing Center iseverywhere and Its limit and circumference nowhere. Within the realm of My Mind alone I liveand move and have My Being. It both contains and fills all things, and Its every vibration andmanifestation is but the expression of some phase of My Be-ing.Be-ing is ex-pressing or out-pressing. You cannot imagine be-ing without expression. Therefore,I, All that Is, AM expressing, constantly and continuously expressing

      God is the substance that is everything

    17. You have been told that the Earth and all things belonging to it are but the outer manifestationsof My Idea, which is now in the process of being thought into perfect expression.You have been shown that My Idea is responsible for all created things, and that It is both theCause and the Reason for all manifestations, yourself and your brothers and sisters included, allof which have been thought into existence by Me, the One Original Thinker and Creator
    18. Just so will I develop and unfold all My mediums of expression, which shall finally, unitedly andcompletely picture forth My Idea from out their souls, in all the glory of Its perfection.At present these mediums are of such nature that they require many languages of many types,from the simplest to the most complex, composed of almost an infinite number of Words, toexpress My Idea.But when I shall have completely thought out My Idea, or shall have perfected My manymediums of expression, then shall My Idea shine forth in every Word, each, in fact, being aperfect part or phase of My Idea, all so chosen and arranged that they will really be as one Word,radiating the sublime significance of My Meaning.Then shall all languages have melted, merged, into one language, and all words into One Word;for all mediums shall have become One flesh, the now perfected medium for the completeexpression in One Word of My Idea, -- My SELF.Then shall My SELF, now capable of being expressed by these perfected Words, shine throughIts medium of expression, -- through the personalities, their bodies, minds and intellects; and theWord shall have become flesh, or shall BE the flesh

      I am being fashioned, as is everyone else to be clear conduits for the expression of Substance,the expression of the inspirations of God..............

    19. The Word that was in the beginning and that was with Me was then not only an Idea, but It wasMy Idea of My Self IN EXPRESSION in a new state or condition, which you call Earth life.This Idea was I, My Self, because It was part of Me, being as yet latent and unmanifest withinMe; for It was of the substance and essence of My BE-ing, which is Itself an Idea, the OneOriginal Idea.All things were made by Me by the vitalized action of this, My Idea, being thought and spokeninto expression; and nothing has been or ever can be expressed in Earth life without having MyIdea as the primary and fundamental cause and principle of its being.This, My Idea, therefore, is now in the process of unfoldment or of being thought into outerexpression -- some call it evolution -- just as is the flower when the bud puts forth from the stalkand finally opens into the blossom, obeying the urge to express My Idea hidden within its soul

      The Word in the beginning was God, Substance wanting to express in the inspiration of Earth Life.

      The unfolding expression of Substance is evolution!

    20. You shall learn herein how My Word was in the beginning, how It was with Me, and how It wasI, My Self; how all things were made by Me and by My Word, and that without Me and MyWord was nothing made that now exists.Now, a word to the human understanding is a symbol of an Idea; that is, it stands for, embodies,and represents an Idea.You are a Word, a symbol of an Idea, if you can see it. So is a diamond, a violet, a horse.When you can discern the idea back of the symbol, then you know the soul or the reality of themanifestation appearing as a man, a diamond, a horse, a violet.Hence, a word, as used in the above quotation, means an Idea, an Idea latent and unmanifest,however, waiting to be expressed, or thought and spoken forth, in some form or another

      Word is God, Substance!

      The meaning of the word 'word' in human language is a symbol of an Idea..

      The Word in this context is "an Idea latent and unmanifest, however, waiting to be expressed, or thought and spoken forth, in some form or another."

    21. Man, then, is only the organism I AM thus preparing through which to manifest the perfection ofMy Idea. He provides the personality, with its body, mind and intellect, through which I canexpress this Idea perfectly, the physical brain with which I can think and speak It into outermanifestation.I plant in man's brain an Idea -- any idea. That idea would grow, mature and speedily ripen intocomplete outer fruition or manifestation, -- if man only would let it, would give his mind and allits thoughts, his heart and all its desires wholly over to Me, and let Me come forth as the perfectfulfillment of that Idea

      The body and mind are forms made up from God through which God can express Him/Herself, manifest.....

      I need to surrender completely to God.

    22. I, the Creator, AM the Original THINKER, the One and Only THINKER.First know that.As previously stated, man does not think. It is I Who think through his organism. Man believeshe thinks, but before he has awakened to a realization of Me within he only takes the thoughts Iattract to or inspire in his mind, and, mistaking their real meaning and purpose, places a personalconstruction upon them and, through the selfish desires thus aroused, creates for himself all histroubles and brings upon himself all his woes.These apparent mistakes, misconstructions and interferences of man are in reality only theobstacles in his way to be overcome, that he may, through the overcoming, finally develop abody and mind strong and clean and capable enough to express perfectly and consciously thisIdea of Mine eternally working within his Soul.

      It is God that actually thinks..God inspires, yet I mistake their meaning, put a personal meaning to them........... if I let this go fully I will "develop a body mind strong and clean and capable enough to express perfectly and consciously this Idea of Mine eternally working within his Soul."

    23. finally how to control and utilizeyour desires so that they will always serve YOU, instead of your being a slave to them.You have within you all possibilities. For I AM there. My Idea must express, and It must expressthrough you. It will express itself perfectly --- if you but let it; if you will only still your humanmind, put aside all personal ideas, beliefs and opinions, and let if flow forth. All you need to dois to turn within to Me, and let Me direct your thinking and your desires, let Me express whateverI will, you personally accepting and doing what I desire you to do. Then will your desires cometrue, your life become one grand harmony, your world a heaven and your self one with My Self.When you have begun to realize this and have glimpsed somewhat of its inner meaning, then youwill be ready to grasp the real import of what follo

      I also need to learn how to use desire so it will serve the True Self.

      I need to go within, put aside all personal thoughts and beliefs and allow the True Self to flow, express

    24. When you can once realize this and can know that I AM Consciousness within you is one withthe consciousness of all animate and inanimate matter, and that Its will is one with your will,which is My Will, and that all your desires are My Desires, then will you begin to know and feelMe within, and will acknowledge the Power and Glory of My Idea, which is eternally expressingItself Impersonally through you.But it is first wholly necessary that you learn HOW to think, how to know Your thoughts, thosedirected by Me, from the thoughts of others;

      I need to learn HOW to think in the context it is meant here........ how to discern the Idea/inspiration, (to fully receive them) and the misperceptions that arise in the human mind.......

    25. This is the plan and process of all true thinking, and therefore of all Creation.Listen! You have now and always have had, through this power of thinking, dominion over allthe kingdoms of the Earth. If you but know it. You have now, this moment, only to Think andSPEAK THE WORD, -- realizing your power, and that I, God, your Omniscient, Omnipresent,Omnipotent Self, will bring about the results, -- and the waiting consciousness of the invisiblecells of all matter upon which your will and attention become focused, -- which waitingconsciousness is My consciousness, remember, -- will begin immediately to obey and do exactlyaccording to the image or plans you have prepared by you thinking.For all things are made by the Word, and without the Word was not anything made that wasmade.

      To allow the inspiration to be expressed brings it into manifestation.........

    26. 19So much for the relation. Now for the process of realization.In accordance with the definiteness with which the picture of the Idea is held in the mind, and theextent to which the Idea possesses the personality, does its creative Power, impelled by Desire,proceed with Its work. This It does by compelling the mortal mind to think out or to imagine(image in), or, in other words, to build mental forms into which I can pour, as into a vacuum, theImpersonal, elemental, vital substance of the Idea. When the Word is spoken, either silently oraudibly, consciously or unconsciously, this substance at once begins to materialize Itself, by firstdirecting and controlling the consciousness and all the activities of both mind and body, and ofall minds and all bodies connected with or related to the Idea, -- for remember, all consciousness,and all minds and all bodies are Mine, and are not separated but are One and wholly Impersonal,-- and then so attracting, directing, shaping and molding conditions, things and events that,sooner or later, the Idea actually comes forth into definite, tangible manifestation.So it is that every thing, every condition, every event that ever transpired, was first an Idea in themind. It was by desiring, by thinking, and by speaking forth the Word, that these ideas came intovisible manifestation.

      So first comes the inspiration/Idea, let it be fully received, held in the mind, than Desired ..............the extent to which it is received, held and desired determines it creative Power...

      If I allow my human mind to be a vacuum which the the very substance of God, of the inspiration can fill... then "When the Word is spoken, either silently or audibly, consciously or unconsciously, this substance at once begins to materialize Itself, by first directing and controlling the consciousness and all the activities of both mind and body, and of all minds and all bodies connected with or related to the Idea".......

      For all minds are joined and "wholly Impersonal".

      "by desiring, by thinking, and by speaking forth the Word, that these ideas came into visible manifestation."

    27. Always I AM there to pick you up, after the fall, although you do not know it at the time; firststraightening you out and then starting you onward again, by pointing out the reason for yourfall; and finally, when you are sufficiently humbled, causing you to see that these powersaccruing to you by the conscious use of My Will, My Intelligence and My Love, are allowed youonly for use in My Service, and not at all for your own personal ends.Do the cells of your body, the muscles of your arm, think to set themselves up as having aseparate will from your will, or a separate intelligence from your intelligence?No, they know no intelligence but yours, no will but yours.After a while it will be that you will realize you are only one of the cells of My Body; and thatyour will is not your will, but Mine; that what consciousness and what intelligence you have areMine wholly; and that there is no such person as you, you personally being only a physical formcontaining a human brain, which I created for the purpose of expressing in matter and Idea, acertain phase of which I could express best only in that particular form.All this may be difficult for you now to accept, and you may protest very strenuously that itcannot be, that every instinct of your nature rebels against such yielding and subordinatingyourself to an unseen and unknown power, however Impersonal or Divine.Fear not, it is only your personality that thus rebels. If you continue to follow and study MyWords, all will soon be made clear, and I will surely open up to your inner understanding manywonderful Truths that now are impossible for you to comprehend. Your Soul will rejoice singglad praises, and you will bless these words for the message they bring

      I am supported through my healing, growing, learning, fashioning..........

      to be able to be.. "a physical form containing a human brain, which I created for the purpose of expressing in matter and Idea, a certain phase of which I could express best only in that particular form."

      It is only my personality that resists Truth.

    28. I AM the Innermost, the Spirit, the animating Cause of your being, of all life, of all living things,both visible and invisible. There is nothing dead, for I, the Impersonal ONE, AM all that there is.I AM Infinite and wholly unconfined; the Universe is My Body, all the Intelligence there isemanates from My Mind, all the Love there is flows from My Heart, all the Power there is, is butMy Will in action.The threefold Force, manifesting as all Wisdom, all Love, all Power, or if you will, as Light,Heat, and Energy “ that which holds together all forms and is back of and in all expressions andphases of life, -- is but the manifestation of My Self in the act or state of Being.Nothing can Be without manifesting and expressing some phase of Me, Who AM not only theBuilder of all forms, but the Dweller in each. In the heart of each I dwell; in the heart of thehuman, in the heart of the animal, in the heart of the flower, in the heart of the stone. In the heartof each I live and move and have My Being, and from out the heart of each I send forth thatphase of Me I desire to express, and which manifests in the outer world as a stone, a flower, ananimal, a man

      God is the substance of all LIfe............

    29. that which you have read has awakened a response within, and the Soul of you yearns formore, -- then you are ready for what follows.If you still question or rebel at the seeming assumption of Divine authority for what is hereinwritten, your intellect telling you it is but another attempt to beguile your mind with cunningsuggestion and subtle sophistry, -- then you will receive no benefit from these words; for theirmeaning is as yet hidden from your mortal consciousness, and My Word must come to youthrough other avenues of expression.It is well if your personality with its intellect impels you thus to question and rebel againstauthority you do not yet know to be Mine. It is really I Who cause your personality thus to rebel;for your personality with its proud sense of individuality is still needed by Me to develop a mindand body strong enough that they can perfectly express Me. Until you have become prepared toknow Me it is but natural for your personality thus to question and rebel. Once you recognize MyAuthority, that moment the undermining of the authority of the personality has begun. The daysof its dominion are numbered, and you will more and more turn to Me for help and guidance.Therefore, be not dismayed. Read on, and mayhap the recognition will come. But know that youcan read or not, as you choose; but if you do it is really I Who choose, and not you.For you, who seemingly choose not to read further, I have plans, and in due season you shalllearn that whatever you do, or like, or desire, it is I leading you through all the fallacies andillusions of the personality, that you may finally awaken to their unreality and then turn to Me asthe one and only Reality. Then these words will find a response within:

      As I practice the mantra, I can feel the energy within of the Truth of it, yet I witness the egoic mind doubt that I can really allow this.......... yet I am aware that the part of me that doubts is simply the egoic mind itself..............

      And the amazing thing here is that even this that to me it says that there is 'no problem' in this as it simply means that the persona is "still needed by Me to develop a mind and body strong enough that they can perfectly express Me". This is powerful and it undermines the doubt........... I can relax, allow, surrender and know that my Being is unfolding me.

  23. Jan 2016
  24. christmind.info christmind.info
    1. Again, the goal is to be goal-less, present in the now, so as to always be standing in support of the movement of Being and Its Intent, which is never confined to concepts, but is always absolutely expressive of original fulfillment. So, be willing to stay at the threshold, the crest of the wave—as Susan brought out this morning—that point of instability where unpredictable originality is what is happening.

      "Again, the goal is to be goal-less, present in the now, so as to always be standing in support of the movement of Being and Its Intent, which is never confined to concepts, but is always absolutely expressive of original fulfillment. So, be willing to stay at the threshold, the crest of the wave......that point of instability where unpredictable originality is what is happening."

    2. You do not have to understand analytically, logically. It isn’t the understanding which is important. It is the experience of your Peace. It is the experience of your congruence. It is the experience of your Integrity—which is a feeling. And in the presence of that feeling, which is uncluttered by conflict, you are the transparency for Truth. You are “the understanding” expressed and expressing. But the understanding is not a possession. So, if you want to understand, don’t try to understand. Invite the Knowing.

      ":It is the experience of your Peace. It is the experience of your congruence. It is the experience of your Integrity—which is a feeling."

      The felt experience.... and in this the transparency of Truth!

      Knowing can only be invited...

    3. You drink coffee all day long, and you smoke cigarettes right through your conversations. That is movement. It is activity—internal and external. You do not interpret it as something which could interfere with your being Centered and Listening. And yet those are activities which are not apart of the communication. You scratch your head, you shift your position for comfort, and not as part of the communication. I bring this up because you assume that the mundane movements which are not directly associated with the expression of Knowing are somehow not susceptible to Centeredness. You are comfortable when a conversation or a Workshop is occurring, because it conveys what I will call a process of education, a very specific, focused expression of love. But, you are not able to identify Centeredness with relating to Chris, or to eating dinner, or to being with friends. You do not have much basis—outside of the scope of a Workshop or of a private conversation—for being in the world from your Center. And so I point out to you that being Centered has not inhibited you from scratching your head or removing a piece of food from your tongue just a moment ago which had become lodged in your tooth, nor of drinking coffee, nor, in the case of Christopher’s coming in the room, relating to him without “teaching.”

      Raj speaks of allowing oneself to consciously Be and come from ones Centre even with the mundane activities of life.

    4. It is absolutely correct that you are going to have to learn to be out from your Center with your eyes open. At this point, I wish to make it very clear that in spite of your experience with the bio-feedback equipment—which seemed to make it obvious that visual experience is of such a stimulating nature that it interferes with one’s being able to come out from a theta or delta frequency—the key is where you are placing your attention. The key is whether you are placing your attention at the threshold of Centeredness or at what I will call the “threshold of stimulation.” Mind you, that “threshold of stimulation” only seems to have meaning relative to a body which, in itself, has the capacity to be sensitive, the capacity to be aware—something which the body does not have, simply because it is the visibility and the tangibility of the expression of Meaning which is being experienced as a result of Knowing.

      "It is absolutely correct that you are going to have to learn to be out from your Center with your eyes open." I find this very interesting...

      Raj speaks again of the importance of where ones attention is focussed."The key is whether you are placing your attention at the threshold of Centeredness or at what I will call the “threshold of stimulation.”

      Raj goes on to say Mind you, that “threshold of stimulation” only seems to have meaning relative to a body which, in itself, has the capacity to be sensitive, the capacity to be aware—something which the body does not have, simply because it is the visibility and the tangibility of the expression of Meaning which is being experienced as a result of Knowing."

      So the importance of being consciously aware....the form, the body is only an 'expression of Meaning' of that which is know consciously.

    5. It is necessary for you not to argue against the possibility and accessibility of Guidance by assuming that certain conditions are not conducive to Listening and Hearing. One of these, of course, relates to your body, as though if you have been engaged in activity or movement, you will need to necessarily sit down and become unconscious of it. Indeed, you must rely heavily upon your experience of being centered and carrying on the activities of the Workshops. You will realize that movement of the body occurs during a Workshop—not just the movement of your lips, as is occurring at this moment—and that movement of the body is not inconsistent with being centered. Movement of the body is not, in itself, distracting to centeredness. The necessity is to give permission unconditionally. I will tell you that you can be jogging and still Hear. To be physically active does not constitute a block to Hearing. Physical activity can become part of the whole experience of centeredness and of Guidance, while not giving your focused attention to the movements, because in and of themselves they do not constitute appropriate “subject-matter,” if I can put it that way. The body, and the movements of the body, exist for the sole purpose of giving visibility and tangibility—expression—to what you find yourself Knowing as a result of Listening.

      Centred in Being does not require the body to be a certain way. Movement can be a part of being centred and hearing Guidance. Though focus is on Being.

      "The body, and the movements of the body, exist for the sole purpose of giving visibility and tangibility—expression—to what you find yourself Knowing as a result of Listening."

      A great definition of the purpose of the body.

    1. You do not know whether the observing of the events in the Mideast on TV is unworthy of your attention, but your experience of financial lack is worthy of your attention, because you grasp that they might both be of the same order of illusion. Is one or the other of them more worthy of your attention? Are they both? Or neither one? I will tell you something: If either one of them were the appropriate focus of your attention, that is what we would be talking about! But, you see, we are talking about letting go of the sidekick and its polarized, dualistic perceptions—confidences and doubts, fulfillments and lack of fulfillments—and, indeed, we are talking about anchoring yourself at Home by means of simply connecting with me, because it is literally that shift from the standpoint of the sidekick to the standpoint of your Being which separates the tares from the wheat, the illusion from the reality, the overlay of misperception from the underlying Reality which is being misperceived. Then the illusion of lack will not be present to deal with, and the experience of the Wholeness of You, the Wholeness of God’s Self-expression, will be what is being experienced.

      To focus ones attention on Being, 4d, Reality and in this there are NO PROBLEMS....... the experience is wholeness.

    1. unless it comes unasked out of your heart and your mind and your mouth and your gut, don't do it.

      From "So you want to be a writer" by Charles Bukowski

  25. Nov 2015
    1. Seeing out from Being is that perfect Awareness which Mind experiences of its own infinite Self-expression. All that actually happens is that the illusion, or misunderstanding, caused by conceptual thinking simply evaporates. One is left with a clear view of the Actuality of one’s own Being and the Harmony of it as one’s own experience.

      Reality is Reality, all else melts away...

    1. You don’t have control, and have never had control as a person—as a thinking mind—whereas your Being has always had complete Control in Its Self-expression. It will forever continue to do so.

      Again so clear and to the point...

  26. Nov 2013
    1. The various languages placed side by side show that with words it is never a question of truth, never a question of adequate expression; otherwise, there would not be so many languages

      We are only continually approximating out thoughts, not fully communicating

  27. Sep 2013
    1. Then why, if you call rhetoric the art which treats of discourse, and all the other arts treat of discourse, do you not call them arts of rhetoric?

      it is a fine distinction to classify art and other forms of expression as "arts of rhetoric". "A picture paints a thousand words"

    2. a maker of rhetoricians

      wouldn't that make him a sophist?

    3. exhibit


      what today we call a lecture, or presentation

    4. The wise man, as the proverb says, is late for a fray, but not for a feast

      The wise man is "a lover not a fighter" or, "call me anything but late for dinner". Early beginnings of contemporary expressions.