3,543 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
    1. As Thoreau said, “We do not ride on the railroad; it rides upon us”;and this is what we must fight, in our time. The question is, indeed,Which is to be master? Will we survive our technologies?

      another variation of Thoreau on tools... source?

      It's Walden. (see: https://hypothes.is/a/b10mJsGoEe6rgteMdxbwKQ)

      Joy may have more profitably quoted the earlier Walden piece from p.41: "But lo! men have become the tools of their tools."

      There also seems to be the idea of our slow evolution into cybernetic or Borg-like beings hiding not only in Joy's argument, but in Thoreau's. If we integrate so closely with our tools, where do they stop and we end and vice versa?

      Compare this with the infamous problem of the ship of Theseus.

    1. We do not ride on the railroad; it rides uponus. Did you ever think what those sleepers are thatunderlie the railroad ? Each one is a man, an Irish¬man, or a Yankee man. The rails are laid on them, andthey are covered with sand, and the cars run smoothlyover them. They are sound sleepers, I assure you.And every few years a new lot is laid down and runover; so that, if some have the pleasure of riding on arail, others have the misfortune to be ridden upon.


      This fits into the same sort of framing as Thoreau's earlier quote "men have become the tools of their tools." (p41)

      see: https://hypothes.is/a/vooPrPkwEe2r_4MIb6tlFw

    2. But lo!men have become the tools of their tools. The manwho independently plucked the fruits when he was hun¬gry is become a farmer; and he who stood under a treefor shelter, a housekeeper.


      This quote is fascinating when one realizes that the Thoreau family business was manufacturing pencils at John Thoreau & Co., one of the first major pencil companies in the United States. Thoreau's father was the titular John and Henry David worked in the factory and improved upon the hardness of their graphite. https://hypothes.is/a/sm7LUpazEe2tTq_GhGiVIg

      One might also then say that the man who manufactured pencils naturally should become a writer!

      This quote also bears some interesting resemblance to quotes about tools which shape us by Winston Churchill and John M. Culkin see: https://hypothes.is/a/6Znx6MiMEeu3ljcVBsKNOw

    1. one of the core ways that we're weird is that we think we have a self

      for - definition - Weird - stats - Weird countries - greatest sense of self - inspiration - introduce - Sarah Stein Lubrano - Rachell - Indyweb - Indranet

      definition - Weird - Western Educated Industrialized Rich Democratic

      inspiration - introduce Rachel and Sarah to Indyweb / Indranet - As soon as I heard Rachel and Sarah talk about the prominent and unique WEIRD feature of sense of self, - I immediately thought that we must introduce them to our work on the Indyweb / |ndranet as our system is designed based on the epistemology that - we are not a thing - we are a process - we are evolution in realtime action - the very use of the Indyweb / Indranet reinforces the reality that we are a process and not a fixed entity - so deconstructs the social construct of the self

    1. Not a web developer? Sucks to be you. The vast majority of the static site generator tools out there are run from the command line, powered by things you've never heard of like Node, Grunt, or Babel.
  2. Jan 2024
    1. Greek plays are not just about entertainment; they are invitations to the audience to discuss political events.

      Greek plays are either tragedies or comedies. There is a much deeper meaning to them than just entertaining the public. Keeping this in mind when reading the stories gives them a much deeper meaning.(https://www.worldhistory.org/Greek_Theatre/) To know the full extent of what they were really meant for is important to the readers. For this specific play, the meaning behind the story is that the men in charge are operating from an excessively limited perspective as they ignore their partners' informed advice. This is a huge political controversy to this day. Women are very overlooked in society especially considering how far back this is dated. Back when this play was written women were given tasks like cooking and cleaning and had little to no rights so this was a good political example of how they were treated and overlooked.

    1. what kind of character type might he fit?

      Krishna is the incarnation of Vishnu. He's supposed to be the embodiment of a godlike character and hold many powerful qualities. He has many different character types he portrays in this story and is extremely accomplished. He urges the reader in a way to think about reincarnation which is obviously a big part of his character. "The place of the infinite spirit" (line 851) Krishna fits a representation of love, duty, honor and self control. Learning what type of character type Krishna is this early on is important to keep in mind as the story is read. If the reader doesn't understand the true depth of his character the story may not be as powerful. He shows many attributes of a fully developed character that knows the true power of who they are. In HIndu culture, a character like Krishna is all powerful but also shows a variety of character traits that make him a very admirable character.

    1. Ausführlicher Artikel zum Hintergrund der Entscheidung der Biden-Adminstration, den Bau der LNG-Terminals CP2 nicht ohne Überprüfung der Klimawirkung zu genehmigen. Zur Zeit haben die USA sieben LNG-Export-Terminals, fünf sind in Bau. CP2 wäre das bisher größte; es ist eines von 17 Terminals im Planungsstadium. Die USA sind weltweit führend beim LNG-Export und bei der Öl- und Gasproduktion insgesamt. CP2 soll, bei Baukosten von 10 Milliarden Dollar, 20 Millionen Tonnen LNG im Jahr verschiffen, 20% der US- Exporte. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/24/climate/biden-lng-export-terminal-cp2.html

    1. Bee-and-Flower Logic

      for - Bee and Flower Logic - subconscious unity? - uniting without consciously uniting - agreement through actions, not words

      • Identify the types of strategic congruences
      • that do not require
        • people or organizations to be or
        • think the same: “bee-and-flower logic.”
      • The bee does not consciously know it is “exchanging a service for a product” (my pollen distribution for your pollen).
      • The flower does not know it is exchanging a product for a service (my pollen for your transport).
      • However, they sustain each other despite never entering into an agreement.
      • Cosmolocalism, for example, relies on this logic,
      • as people do not need to agree on an analysis or vision to share in the fruits of the virtuous cycle.
      • Let us look for all the places this bee-and-flower logic can be enacted.
    2. the various social movements that are driving and advocating for change have a variety of definitions of the problem

      for - aspectualization

    1. in most colonizing countries, powerful elites have exploited and abused their own people as well, and that in all countries, powerful elites still seek to dominate

      for - new SRG definition of global and local North or South respectively could be helpful here - https://medium.com/@gien_SRG/more-nuanced-terminology-for-post-colonialist-inequality-af2f1609635c

    1. inflammation sends the signals for wound healing for healing that for blood vessels to grow

      for - example - relationship between inflammation and angiogenesis

      example - relationship between inflammation and angiogenesis - when you cut your finger and start bleeding, your wound will swell up - that's inflammation, your bodies immune system russhing in to fight bad bacteria - after a day or so, inflammation stops and it sends a signal to your body to begin creating new blood vessels - angiogenesis begins. - after awhile that stops as well and your body returns to the normal setpoint

    2. let's take a look at just sort of something everybody recognizes and to show how inflammation and blood vessel growth are go hand in hand

      for - relationship - inflammation and angiogenesis

    3. can you speak a little bit about the relationship between inflammation and angiogenesis

      for - question - angiogenesis and inflammation

    1. But if we are downloaded into our technology, what are the chancesthat we will thereafter be ourselves or even human?

      reminiscent of the quote:

      Life imitates art. We shape our tools and thereafter they shape us.<br /> —John M. Culkin, “A Schoolman’s Guide to Marshall McLuhan” (The Saturday Review, March 1967) (Culkin was a friend and colleague of Marshall McLuhan)<br /> (see: https://hypothes.is/a/6Znx6MiMEeu3ljcVBsKNOw)

      or the earlier version:

      But lo! men have become the tools of their tools. The man who independently plucked the fruits when he was hungry is become a farmer; and he who stood under a tree for shelter, a housekeeper.<br /> —Henry David Thoreau, Walden, p41 <br /> (see: https://hypothes.is/a/vooPrPkwEe2r_4MIb6tlFw)

    1. I learned to read with a Superman comic book.

      The narrator's introduction to reading is tied to a Superman comic book

    1. Der grönländische Eisschild verliert aufgrund der globalen Erhitzung 30 Millionen Tonnen Eis pro Stunde und damit 20% mehr als bisher angenommen. Manche Forschende fürchten, dass damit das Risiko eines Kollaps des Amoc größer ist als bisher angenommen. Der Eisverlust ist außerdem relevant für die Berechnung des Energie-Ungleichgewichts der Erde durch Treibhausgas-Emissionen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/17/greenland-losing-30m-tonnes-of-ice-an-hour-study-reveals

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06863-2.epdf?sharing_token=iqz0ns4_X6P1af3896jdntRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0Pcew_aMz7qHMDjrF_9OLTexA24mQs8ERV-259eCQry-G1-OcR886jfHOICrWGcm8cGg2VLBlaWiYSzX6VygthHh72iiwkk1tHZcLD1G1oJIqdPha0A1oTMHLlfMAnTQrtd8PDFsj4xKAmTnOSL-6mrcbTbHbswhJaFji9IbAnyGW2pLAYwREeh-QWIL9xUFdsDBojJhNYWYoijtYUQx5YCyfzCJPGOEtlLO_PeIU9Tip8BaF24vqXfHcmad2_vz5eg0jcny8HHzO0uvDtSh_Bhym1eC8D25wZM6uZZ5vH9BA%3D%3D&tracking_referrer=www.theguardian.com

    1. by far the most illuminating to me is the idea that mental causation works from virtual futures towards the past 00:33:17 whereas physical causation works from the past towards the future and these two streams of causation sort of overlap in the present

      for - comparison - mental vs physical causation - adjacency - Michael Levin's definition of intelligence - Sheldrake's mental vs physical causation

      key insight - comparison - mental vs physical causation - mental causation works from virtual futures to past - physical causation works from past to future - this is an interesting way of seeing things

      adjacency - between - direction of mental vs physical causation - Michael Levin's definition of intelligence (adopting WIlliam James's idea) and cognition and cognitive light cones of living organisms:: - having a goal - having autonomy and agency to reach that goal - adjacency statement - Levin adopts a definition of cognition from scientific predecessors that relate to goal activity. - When an organism chooses one specific behavioral trajectory over all other possible ones in order to reach a goal - this is none other than choosing a virtual future that projects back to the present - In our species, innovation and design is based on this future-to-present backwards projection

    1. you have the slime mold and you put a piece of oat which the Slime wants to eat

      for - individual or collective behavior - slime mold - prisoner's dilemma and slime molds - slime molds - me vs we - me vs we - slime molds - adjacency - slime molds - me vs we - multicellular organisms

      • quote
        • You have the slime mold and you put a piece of oat which the Slime wants to eat and
        • it starts to crawl towards that oat and then
        • What you can do is you can take a razor blade and just cut off that leading edge
          • the little piece of it that's moving towards the oat
        • Now as soon as you've done that
        • that little piece is a new individual and
        • it has a decision to make
          • it can go in and get the oat and exploit that resource and not have to share it with this giant mass of faizaram that's back here or
          • it can first merge back and connect back to the original mass
            • because they can reconnect quite easily and then they go get the oat
        • Now the thing is that the the payoff Matrix looks quite different because
        • when it's by itself it can do this calculus of "well, it's better for me to go get the food instead of and not share it with this other thing"
        • but as soon as you connect, that payoff Matrix changes because there is no me and you
          • there's just we and at that point it doesn't make any sense to the fact that
          • you can't defect against yourself so that payoff table of actions and consequences looks quite different
          • because some of the actions change the number of players and
          • that's really weird

      adjacency between - slime molds - me vs we -multicellular organisms - social superorganism and societal breakdown - adjacency statement - A simple slime mold experiment could make an excellent BEing journey - to demonstrate how multicellular beings operate through higher order organizational principle of collaboration that - keeps cells aligned with a common purpose, - but that each cellular unit also comes equipped with - an evolutionarily inherited legacy of individual control system - normally, the evolutionarily later and higher order collaborative signaling that keeps the multi-cellular being unified overrides the lower order, evolutionarily more primitive autonomous cellular control system - however, pathological conditions can occur that disrupt the collaborative signaling, causing an override condition, and individual cells to revert back to their more primitive legacy survival system - The same principles happen at a societal level. - In a healthy, well-functioning society, the collaborative signaling keeps the society together - but if it is severely disrupted, social order breakdown ensues and - individual human beings and small groups resort to individual survival behavior

    1. If there’s a commonality between far Left and far Right,

      for - quote - commonality between far left and far right - key insight

      If there’s a commonality between far Left and far Right, says Lyons,

      • it’s a common opposition to the status quo
        • but one that’s based on fundamentally different reasons.
    1. Instance methods Instances of Models are documents. Documents have many of their own built-in instance methods. We may also define our own custom document instance methods. // define a schema const animalSchema = new Schema({ name: String, type: String }, { // Assign a function to the "methods" object of our animalSchema through schema options. // By following this approach, there is no need to create a separate TS type to define the type of the instance functions. methods: { findSimilarTypes(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); } } }); // Or, assign a function to the "methods" object of our animalSchema animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); }; Now all of our animal instances have a findSimilarTypes method available to them. const Animal = mongoose.model('Animal', animalSchema); const dog = new Animal({ type: 'dog' }); dog.findSimilarTypes((err, dogs) => { console.log(dogs); // woof }); Overwriting a default mongoose document method may lead to unpredictable results. See this for more details. The example above uses the Schema.methods object directly to save an instance method. You can also use the Schema.method() helper as described here. Do not declare methods using ES6 arrow functions (=>). Arrow functions explicitly prevent binding this, so your method will not have access to the document and the above examples will not work.

      Certainly! Let's break down the provided code snippets:

      1. What is it and why is it used?

      In Mongoose, a schema is a blueprint for defining the structure of documents within a collection. When you define a schema, you can also attach methods to it. These methods become instance methods, meaning they are available on the individual documents (instances) created from that schema.

      Instance methods are useful for encapsulating functionality related to a specific document or model instance. They allow you to define custom behavior that can be executed on a specific document. In the given example, the findSimilarTypes method is added to instances of the Animal model, making it easy to find other animals of the same type.

      2. Syntax:

      Using methods object directly in the schema options:

      javascript const animalSchema = new Schema( { name: String, type: String }, { methods: { findSimilarTypes(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); } } } );

      Using methods object directly in the schema:

      javascript animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); };

      Using Schema.method() helper:

      javascript animalSchema.method('findSimilarTypes', function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); });

      3. Explanation in Simple Words with Examples:

      Why it's Used:

      Imagine you have a collection of animals in your database, and you want to find other animals of the same type. Instead of writing the same logic repeatedly, you can define a method that can be called on each animal instance to find similar types. This helps in keeping your code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and makes it easier to maintain.


      ```javascript const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const { Schema } = mongoose;

      // Define a schema with a custom instance method const animalSchema = new Schema({ name: String, type: String });

      // Add a custom instance method to find similar types animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); };

      // Create the Animal model using the schema const Animal = mongoose.model('Animal', animalSchema);

      // Create an instance of Animal const dog = new Animal({ type: 'dog', name: 'Buddy' });

      // Use the custom method to find similar types dog.findSimilarTypes((err, similarAnimals) => { console.log(similarAnimals); }); ```

      In this example, findSimilarTypes is a custom instance method added to the Animal schema. When you create an instance of the Animal model (e.g., a dog), you can then call findSimilarTypes on that instance to find other animals with the same type. The method uses the this.type property, which refers to the type of the current animal instance. This allows you to easily reuse the logic for finding similar types across different instances of the Animal model.

      Certainly! Let's go through each part and explain it in simple terms: ### 1. `this` in Mongoose: - **What is `this`?** In JavaScript, `this` refers to the current context or object. In Mongoose, particularly within methods and middleware functions, `this` represents the instance (document) the function is currently operating on. - **Why is it used?** `this` is used to access and modify the properties of the current document. For example, in a Mongoose method, `this` allows you to refer to the fields of the specific document the method is called on. ### 2. Example: Let's use the `userSchema.pre("save", ...)`, which is a Mongoose middleware, as an example: ```javascript userSchema.pre("save", async function (next) { if (!this.isModified("password")) { next(); } else { this.password = await bcrypt.hash(this.password, 10); next(); } }); ``` - **Explanation in Simple Words:** - Imagine you have a system where users can sign up and set their password. - Before saving a new user to the database, you want to ensure that the password is securely encrypted (hashed) using a library like `bcrypt`. - The `userSchema.pre("save", ...)` is a special function that runs automatically before saving a user to the database. - In this function: - `this.isModified("password")`: Checks if the password field of the current user has been changed. - If the password is not modified, it means the user is not updating their password, so it just moves on to the next operation (saving the user). - If the password is modified, it means a new password is set or the existing one is changed. In this case, it uses `bcrypt.hash` to encrypt (hash) the password before saving it to the database. - The use of `this` here is crucial because it allows you to refer to the specific user document that's being saved. It ensures that the correct password is hashed for the current user being processed. In summary, `this` in Mongoose is a way to refer to the current document or instance, and it's commonly used to access and modify the properties of that document, especially in middleware functions like the one demonstrated here for password encryption before saving to the database.




    1. Die obersten 2000 m der Ozeane haben 2023 15 Zettajoule Wärme mehr absorbiert als 2022. Die Erwärmung dieser Schichten verringert den Austausch mit den kälteren unteren Schichten und belastet die marinen Ökosysteme dadurch zusätzlich. Bisher sind keine Zeichen für eine Beschleunigung der Zunahme des Wärmehinhalts im Verhältnis zu den Vorjahren zu erkennen. Die Oberflächentemperatur der Ozeane lag im ersten Halbjahr 0,1°, im zweiten Halbjahr aber für die Wissenschaft überraschende 0,3 Grad über der des Jahres 2022. Schwere Zyklone, darunter der längste bisher beobachtete überhaupt, trafen vor allem besonders vulnerable Gebiete.


      Study: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00376-024-3378-5

      Report: https://www.globalwater.online/#content

    1. Die ersten 60 Tage von Israels Krieg gegen die Hamas im Gaza-Streifen haben mindestens 281.000 Tonnen CO<sub>2</sub> freigesetzt, das entspricht 150.000 Tonnen Kohle. Die Zahlen stammen aus einer neuartigen, noch nicht peer-reviewten Studie und erfassen nur einen kleinen Teil der Gesamtemissionen. Der Wiederaufbau der zerstörten Gebäude dürfte so viele Emissionen verursachen, wie Neuseeland in einem Jahr erzeugt. Insgesamt ist das Militär für etwa 5,5% der weitweiten Emissionen verantwortlich. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/09/emissions-gaza-israel-hamas-war-climate-change

      Infografik: https://interactive.guim.co.uk/uploader/embed/2024/01/israel_gaza_war_emissions/giv-13425X8Z9JjArEXFO/Israel_Gaza_war_emissions-inArticle_620.png

    1. The model of Spotify in particular - paid tier alongside a free tier with ads - seems like the simplest sustainable solution I see. Having paid features is the most obvious way to make money, but you want to enable adoption as much as you can. It's the same idea as companies dangling "free trial" in front of you at every turn - in a competitive environment, you want to remove barriers for users to try your product or service. This is essentially the idea of a "loss leader" for a grocery store, or any business really.
    1. FireKing File Cabinet, 1-Hour Fire Protection, 6-Drawer, Small Document Size, 31" Deep<br /> https://www.filing.com/FireKing-Card-Check-Note-Cabinet-6-Drawer-p/6-2552-c.htm

      A modern index card catalog filing solution with locks and fireproofing offered by FireKing for $6,218.00 with shipment in 2-4 weeks. 6 Drawers with three sections each. Weighs 860 lbs.

      at 0.0072" per average card, with filing space of 25 15/16" per section with 18 sections, this should hold 64,843 index cards.

      • for: elephants in the room - financial industry at the heart of the polycrisis, polycrisis - key role of finance industry, Marjorie Kelly, Capitalism crisis, Laura Flanders show, book - Wealth Supremacy - how the Extractive Economy and the Biased Rules of Captialism Drive Today's Crises

      • Summary

        • This talk really emphasizes the need for the Stop Reset Go / Deep Humanity Wealth to Wellth program
        • Interviewee Marjorie Kelly started Business Ethics magainze in 1987 to show the positive side of business After 30 years, she found that it was still tinkering at the edges. Why? - because it wasn't addressing the fundamental issue.
        • Why there hasn't been noticeable change in spite of all these progressive efforts is because we avoided questioning the fundamental assumption that maximizing returns to shareholders and gains to shareholder portfolios is good for people and planet.**** It turns out that it isn't. It's fundamentally bad for civilization and has played a major role in shaping today's polycrisis.
        • Why wealth supremacy is entangled with white supremacy
        • Financial assets are the subject
          • Equity and bonds use to be equal to GDP in the 1950s.
          • Now it's 5 times as much
        • Financial assets extracts too much from common people
        • Question: Families are swimming in debt. Who owns all this financial debt? ...The financial elites do.
      • meme

        • wealth supremacy and white supremacy are entangled
    1. I was raised Catholic, you know, very, very devoutly Catholic. My family was. I went to eight years of Catholic schooling. I had to step away from the church when I realized I couldn't say all the things 00:21:39 that we were being asked to say. I've, these days I've been studying Buddhism for many years
      • for: Marjorie Kelly - spiritual background in Christianity and Buddhism
    2. Which is exactly what you do in the book. And what did you find? - So what I do, I take apart the operating system of capitalism, which is, and I look at seven myths, really that drive it.
      • for: book - wealth supremacy - 7 myths, 7 myths of Capitalism, capital bias, definition - capital bias


        • The Myth of Maximization
          • example of absurdity of maximization
            • Bill Gates had $10 billion. Then he invested it and got $300 billion. There's no limit to how much wealth an individual can accumulate. It is absurd.
        • Myth of the Income Statement
          • Gains to capital called profit is always to be increased and
          • Gains of labor is called an expense, is always to be decreased
        • Myth of Materiality (also called capital bias)
        • definition: capital bias
          • If something impacts capital, it matters
          • If something impacts society or ecology, it doesn't matter
        • With the capital bias, only accumulating more capital matters. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. This is how most accountants and CFO's view the world.
      • quote: Laura Flanders

        • The capital is what matters. We're aiming for more capital and nothing else really matters. That's the operating system of the economy. So the real world is immaterial to this world of wealth as held in stocks and shares and financial instruments.
    1. Zusammenfassender Artikel über Studien zu Klimafolgen in der Antarktis und zu dafür relevanten Ereignissen. 2023 sind Entwicklungen sichtbar geworden, die erst für wesentlich später in diesem Jahrhundert erwartet worden waren. Der enorme und möglicherweise dauerhafte Verlust an Merreis ist dafür genauso relevant wie die zunehmende Instabilität des westantarktischen und möglicherweise inzwischen auch des ostantarktischen Eisschilds. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/31/red-alert-in-antarctica-the-year-rapid-dramatic-change-hit-climate-scientists-like-a-punch-in-the-guts

    1. four different types of initiators of new community projectsbased in neighbourhoods:local government,governmental organisations,non-governmental organisations or activists andexisting communities.
      • for: types of initiators of community projects, SONEC - initiators of community projects, question - frameworks for community projects, suggestion - collaboration with My Climate Risk, suggestion - collaboration with U of Hawaii, suggestion - collaboration with ICICLE, suggestion - collaboration with earth commission, suggestion - collaboration with DEAL

      • question: frameworks for community projects

        • If our interest is to attempt to create a global collective action campaign to address our existential polycrisis, which includes the climate crisis, then how do we mobilize at the community level in a meaningful way?

        • I suggest that this must be a cosmolocal effort. Why? Knowledge sharing across all the communities will accelerate the transition of any participating local community.

        • This means that we cannot rely on citizens living in small communities to construct an effective coordination framework for rapid de-escalation of the polycrisis. The capacity does not exist within small communities to build such a complex system. The system can be more effectively built before the collective action campaign is started by a virtual community of experts and ready for trial with pilot communities.
        • To meet this enormous challenge, it cannot be done in an adhoc way. At this point in time, many people in many communities all around the globe know of the existential crisis we face, but if we look at the annual carbon emissions, none of the existing community efforts has made a difference in their continuing escalation.
        • The knowledge required to synchronize millions of communities to have a unified wartime-scale collective action mobilization to reach decarbonization goals that the mainstream approach has not even made a dent in will be a complex problem.
        • In other words, what is proposed is a partnership.
        • Since we are faced with global commons problems that pose existential threats if not mitigated in 5 to 8 years, the scope of the problem is enormous.
        • Super wicked problems require unprecedented levels of collaboration at every level.
        • The downscaling of global planetary boundaries and doughnut economics seems the most logical way to think global, act local.
        • Building such a collaboration system requires expert knowledge. Once built, however, it requires testing in pilot communities. This is where a partnership can take place

        • 2024, Jan. 1 Adder

          • My Climate Risk Regional Hubs
            • time 29:46 of https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Funfccc.int%2Fevent%2Flater-is-too-late-tipping-the-balance-from-negative-to-positive&group=world
            • https://www.wcrp-climate.org/mcr-hubs
            • Suggestion:
              • SRG has long entertained a collaborative open science project for grassroots polycrisis / climate crisis education - to measure and validate latest climate departure dates
              • This would make climate change far more salient to the average person because of the observable trends in disruption of local economic activity connected to the local ecology due to climate impacts
              • This would be a synergistic project between SRG, LCE, SoNeC, My Climate Risk hubs, ICICLE and U of Hawaii
              • Our community frameworks need to go BEYOND simply adaptation though, which is what "My Climate Risk" focuses exclusively on. We need to also engage equally in climate mitigation.
        • reference
        • I coedited this volume on examples of existing cosmolocal projects
  3. Dec 2023
    1. SDGs
      • for: recommendation - replace SDG with downscaled earth system boundaries / doughnut economics

      • recommendation

        • recommend syncing local actions to global impacts via downscaled earth system boundaries instead of just SDGs due to the urgent nature of the climate crisis
    2. Figure 4: In a SoNeC Network-Circle up to 20-40 SoNeCs in a local community will beconnected. Each SoNeC and their age-specific circles send one person tothis connecting circle.
      • for: Indyweb application - people-centered, interpersonal

      • comment

        • Indyweb indyvidual mindplex's interwoven interpersonally via trust networks
    3. Common objective on a local level, like a specific problemNeighbourhood cooperation to build better relationships, without a specific objectiveAn individual takes the initiative to build a neighbourhood community, driven by a visionof a better world.
      • for: question - SONEC alignment to earth system boundaries

      • question

        • Stop Reset Go's objective is to find global community partners who can help motivate a local community strategy aligned with the tight timeframe to stay under 1.5 Deg C.
        • Is SONEC open to working on a strategic to empower communities in this way?
        • We can offer it as an optional framework that the community can integrate into their final framework
    1. the underlying tenets of wellness culture also set the stage for a paranoid individualism: Neoliberal wellness culture’s message “that individuals must take charge over their own bodies as their primary sites of influence, control, and competitive edge” and “that those who don’t exercise that control deserve what they get” has turned out to be “all too compatible with far-right notions of natural hierarchies, genetic superiority, and disposable people.”A collection of resentments
      • for: quote - wellness industry - far right ideals

      • quote

        • the underlying tenets of wellness culture also set the stage for a paranoid individualism: Neoliberal wellness culture’s message “that individuals must take charge over their own bodies as their primary sites of influence, control, and competitive edge” and “that those who don’t exercise that control deserve what they get” has turned out to be “all too compatible with far-right notions of natural hierarchies, genetic superiority, and disposable people.”
    1. One of the benefits of having a separate working bibliography for a project is that it provides a back up copy in the case that one loses or misplaces one's original bibliography note cards. (p 50)

    1. at sixes and sevens arehopeless case


      Wells uses the same phrase in the preface to his The Outline of History (1919).

    2. They don't want their intimate convic-tions turned over and examined, and itis unfortunate that the emphasis put

      upon minor differences by men of science and belief in their strenuous search for the completest truth and the exactest expression sometimes gives color to this sort of misunderstanding.

      This emphasis on minor differences is exactly what many anti-science critics have done. See examples with respect to evolution and climate science denial.

    3. It is science and not men of sciencethat we want to enlighten and animateour politics and rule the world.
    4. Can scientific knowledge and specializedthought be brought into more effectiverelation to general affairs?
    5. Na-ture, from being specialist, has becomeworld-conscious, so that now it is almosthaunted week by week by the question:"What are we to do, before it is too late,to make what we know and our way ofthinking effective in world affairs?"
    1. There is now as big a disparity in carbon emissions within countries as there is between them
      • for: carbon emissions - within and between countries, Southern-North, Northern-South, Local North, Local South, Global North - Global South terminology - improving

      • comment

        • The wealth and carbon inequality both between and within countries can be better articulated using terminology developed by Stop Reset Go
          • Southern-North
          • Northern-South
          • Local North
          • Local South
      • reference

    1. I think part and you see this kind of delicate dance that when things are going uh uh too slow so people vote in a more 00:25:29 liberal Administration that will speed things up and will be more creative Bolder in its social experiments and when things go too fast then you say okay liberals you had your chance now 00:25:41 let's bring the conservatives to slow down a little and and have a bit of of a breath
      • for: insight - conservative vs liberal - speed of sdopting social norm

      • insight

        • liberals are voted in to speed up adoption of a new social -
        • conservatives are voted in to slow down the acceptance of a social norm
        • paradoxically, humans have both a conservative and a liberal nature. We naturally have a tendency to both conserve and to try new things.
    2. what you see in a lot of modern politics is this delicate dance between conservatives and 00:24:40 liberals which I think that uh uh for many generations they agreed on the basics their main disagreement was about the pace that both conservatives and 00:24:52 liberals they basically agree we need some rules and also we need the ability to to change the rules but the conservatives prefer a much slower Pace
      • for: quote - social constructs - liberals and conservatives, social norms - liberals and conservatives, insight - social norms

      • in other words

      • insight

        • the tug of war between liberals and conservatives is one of the difference in pace of accepting new social norms
      • adjacency between

        • social norms
        • liberal vs conservative
        • stories
      • adjacency statement
        • When stories are different between different cultural groups, the pace of accepting the new social norm can need quite different due b to the stories being very different
    3. there are good stories and bad stories uh good stories I mean this is very on a very very simplistic level but good stories 00:13:23 benefit people and bad stories can create you know Wars and genocides and and the most terrible crimes in history were committed in the name of some fictional story people believed very few 00:13:38 Wars in history are about objective material things people think that we fight like wolves or chimpanzees over food and territory this is not the case 00:13:52 at least not in the modern world if I look for instance at my country which is at present in at War the Israeli Palestinian conflict is not really about food and territory there is enough food 00:14:04 between the Jordan and Mediterranean to feed everybody there is enough territory to build houses and schools for everybody but you have two conflicting stories or more than two conflicting 00:14:17 stories in the minds of different people and they can't agree on the story they can't find a common story that everybody would be happy with and this is the the Deep source of the conflict
      • for: stories - consequences of good and bad stories, inisight - war and genocide - when people violently disagree on stories,

      • insight

        • disagreement of stories
          • not just wars, but climate change skeptics believe a different story than environmentalists
          • hyperobjects and evolution play a role as well in what we believe
    4. even religious people would openly tell 00:08:19 you that all the gods in the world are fictional stories invented by humans except one not my God my God is is true but Zeus and Shiva and whatever other 00:08:33 gods other people have they are fictions invented by humans and um I think that again the scientific consensus is is is just the same view with an addition of 00:08:46 one additional God my God is also like Zeus and and and like Jupiter and like Thor and like all these others it is also a fictional story created by humans
      • for: narratives - science and religion, stories - science and religion, symbolosphere, meaningverse, multi-meaningverse

      • comment

        • Harari is saying that both science and the diversity of religions are both telling a story. Both are fictional in the deeper sense that they are all stories and stories are all created by humans in the symbolosphere
        • Science, or religion, cannot be found merely in the books that write about them, no matter how many libraries or harddrives of 1s and 0s they take up
        • How do we know this? Easy. If an ant or butterfly or sunflower is exposed to a physical book or pdf on on ANY scientific subject, or ANY religious topic, will it understand it? No, of course not. Only a human fully conditioned into the symbolosphere will be able to interact with that physical or informational object and get something meaningful out of it. That is because we have all learned to co-participate in a collective meaningverse.
      • for: science and religion, flat earth misconception, DH, Deep Humanity - science and religion - historical relationship

      • summary

        • Dutch historian Jochem Boodt explains how fake news isn't something new, but as old as the history books!
        • Science and religion were not antagonist in early Western history, as is believed today. This was fake news fabricated in a fascinating way.
        • He uses the example of the common misconception that before Columbus, people thought the earth was flat.
    1. how do you reframe your idea of Hope to communities that this specific 01:19:33 conception that you've explained might not apply to as is specifically bipod communities and and just a side question if you have time how do you engage with degrowth theories 01:19:45 of capitalism in your work
      • for: question - colonialism and degrowth

      • question: how are colonialism and degrowth situated in his work?

    2. I think it could be an 00:43:52 enormously traumatic difficult process this Century potentially involving a huge amount of violence but I also think that it's a genuine possibility for these three reasons
      • for: Me2We, individual/ collective gestalt
    3. in terms of amplification and acceleration you can this waveform diagram is sort of a nice metaphor graphical metaphor for the increasing severity of crises and the increasing 00:13:44 frequency of crises within our world
      • for: waveform diagram - amplification and acceleration of crisis

      • comment

        • nice picture to illustrate increasing frequency and amplitude of the graphical wave representation of a crisis
    1. “come back next year and try again”. My response is that it will be the same old thing – they’ve had 26 chances already. The planet can’t afford any more. I think the time for the Cop process is over. We just can’t keep kicking the can down the road.
      • for: quote - COP - Rupert Read, quote - COP - come back next year and try again, quote - alternative COP

      • quote

        • come back next year and try again
      • author: Rupert Read
      • date: Dec. 4, 2021

      • quote

        • We just can't keep kicking the can down the road
      • author: Rupert Read
      • date: Dec 4, 2021

      • comment

        • Well, COP28 is over and just as Rupert Read predicted above, we will
          • kick the can down the road again
          • come back next year and try again
        • It's a perpetual groundhog day, until it isn't
    1. When the designer on the team, who also writes CSS, went to go make changes, it was a lot harder for them to implement them. They had to figure out which file to look in, open up command line, run a build step, check that it worked as expected, and then deploy the code.
    1. I hate npm so much. I had a situation where I couldn't work on a project because I couldn't get the dev environment running locally.
    1. you can see it all the time it's 00:41:37 unbelievably it's unbelievably painful we look at all the our institutions
      • for: polycrisis - entrenched institutional bias, examples - entrenched institutional bias - bank macro economic policy - lobbyist

      • paraphrase

        • James provides two examples of major institutional bias that has to be rapidly overcome if we are to stand a chance at facilitating rapid system change:
          • Bank of England controls macroeconomic policies that favour elites and not ordinary people and
            • these policies are beyond political contestation
          • In the normal political system, lobbyists through the revolving door between the top levels of the Civil Service and the corporate sector bias policies for elites and not ordinary citizens
    2. normal crisis in the system for most people is degrowth like 00:22:22 most people's living standards don't rise that's so it's it's divorced from the experience that that most people have in in in the UK you know where we're where we're speaking from wages at 00:22:36 the same level they were in 2005 rents aren't bills aren't your groceries aren't but your pay is so um you know most people have been experiencing 00:22:49 degrowth that's the comms reason why it's bad
      • for: degrowth - criticism - bad communication, suggestion - growth and degrowth simultaneously

      • suggestion

        • evolution / transition / transformation are better terms as it indicates something is dying at the same time diverging is being born
        • it is highly misleading to think one dimensionally as there are many things that have to degrow and many things that have to grow simultaneously
          • degrowth of carbon emissions, which implies pragmatically in the short time scale noe available a significant degrowth of fossil fuels
        • growth of a new energy system to replace much of it
        • degrowth of unnecessary and harmful consumption accompanied
          • growth of holistic network of root level wellbeing activities and the low carbon infrastructure to support it
    3. there are sort of 00:17:41 two broad um programs or ideas that deal with this or that try to engage with this issue they have pockets of support 00:17:52 one is the idea of a green New Deal or a global Green New Deal and the other one is degrowth and and I don't think that either of those work for different reasons
      • for: quote, climate futures - both green new deal and regrowth don't work, green new deal - criticism, degrowth - criticism
    1. One of these errors is the view of Callicles in Plato’s Gorgias, that maximum pleasure requires the expansion of desires that require ever-expanding resources.5 To find these resources

      rectifying virtue and pleasure

    1. https://werd.io/2023/doing-it-all

      Interesting to see what, in generations past, might have been a gendered (female) striving for "having it all" (entailing time with children, family and a career) has crossed over into the masculine space.

      Sounds like Ben's got some basic priorities set, which is really the only thing necessary. Beyond this, every parent, especially of new babies, in the W.E.I.R.D. culture is tired. By this measurement he's doing it "right". What is missing is an interpersonal culture around him of extended family and immediate community of daily interaction to help normalize his conditions. Missing this he's attempting to replace the lack of experience with this area by reaching out to his online community, which may provide a dramatically different and biased sample.

      Some of the "it takes a village" (to raise a child) still operates on many facets, but dramatically missing is the day-to-day direct care and help that many parents need.

      Our capitalistic culture has again, in this case of parenting in the W.E.I.R.D. world, managed to privatize the profits and socialize the losses. Here the losses in Ben's case are on his physical well-being (tiredness) and his mental state wondering if his case is "normal". A further loss is the erosion of his desire for a family unit and cohesion of community which the system is attempting to sever by playing on his desire to "have it all". Giving in to the pull of work at the expense of family only drives the system closer to collapse.

    1. A personalized button gives users a quick indication of the session status, both on Google's side and on your website, before they click the button. This is especially helpful to end users who visit your website only occasionally. They may forget whether an account has been created or not, and in which way. A personalized button reminds them that Sign In With Google has been used before. Thus, it helps to prevent unnecessary duplicate account creation on your website.

      first sighting: sign-in: problem: forgetting whether an account has been created or not, and in which way

  4. Nov 2023
      • for: commented on - Trump and failings of political system, poem - Trump a symptom of failing political system

      • commented on

        • I wrote a poem in the comment section of this video:

          • Oh what a web we weave, when we practice to deceive
          • What a distance Trump will fall, when Jack Smith and the other upholders of truth disentangles it all!
          • What lesson have we learned, what has hindsight allowed us to see
          • about the fragility of this gift called democracy?
          • Whose ideal is that men and women are all equal another way of saying we are all sacred?
          • We pay a heavy price for not taking care of our disenfranchised sisters and brothers
          • for without job and pay they may seem powerless but the minions of poor left behind,
          • not lifted by the rising tide of unequal prosperity
          • at least have a vote to vent their anger and victimhood of being forgot
          • and comes along the next power-hungry, fork-tongued, snake-oil salesman
          • who recognizes the strength in the weakness of the minion
          • enough to exploit for personal gain the aggregate vote of the disenfranchised many
          • plunging democracy and its constitutions into crisis
          • Not only in the US, but all around the world
          • we witness the same phenomena
          • as the failings of liberal democracies that have left masses behind,
          • unintentional failings of democracy,
          • is exploited by the opportunist to seize power
          • and institute intentional forms of non-democracy

          • The bottom line (below):

          • Regardless of political ideology,
          • genuine empathy for all
          • not just in theory, but in practice
          • is the path to a just, stable and thriving society
    1. Globally, 70% of today’s urban growth (PDF) occurs outside the formal planning process.
      • for: interesting fact - urban growth and slums, quote - urban growth and slums

      • interesting fact: urban growth and slums

      • quote: urban growth and slums

        • globally, 70% of today's urban growth occurs outside the formal planning process
      • comment

        • this is definitely a unique urban planning problem of large metros, especially in the Global South
    1. Economies that are heavily reliant on oil and gas revenues face some stark choices and pressures in energy transitions.
      • for: stats - oil and gas - steep drop in revenues of fossil fuel producer economies

      • stats: oil and gas - steep drop in revenues of fossil fuel reliant economies

        • per capita net income from oil and natural gas among producer economies will be 60% lower in 2030 in a 1.5 °C scenario.relative to revenues between 2010 and 2022.
      • question

        • many producer economies are not diversifying into clean energy fast enough to compensate for these steep revenue drops
    2. A productive debate about the oil and gas industry in transitions needs to avoid two common misconceptions. The first is that transitions can only be led by changes in demand.
      • for: double bind - oil and gas industry committing to clean energy, oil and gas industry - Mexican standoff - SIMPOL

      • comment

        • The oil and gas industry faces the dilemma of the first mover. Nobody wants to take the risk to commit
        • It's a Mexican standoff but maybe SIMPOL is the solution
      • reference

    3. For producers that choose to diversify and are looking to align with the aims of the Paris Agreement, our bottom-up analysis of cash flows in a 1.5 °C scenario suggests that a reasonable ambition is for 50% of capital expenditures to go towards clean energy projects by 2030, on top of the investment needed to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry - required investments in clean energy

      • stats: oil and gas industry - required investments in clean energy

        • 50 % of capital expenditure by 2030 and reduction in scope 1 and 2 emissions
      • comment

        • Wow, is it really possible for the industry to spend 50 % of their budget on clean energy in 7 years? This would be unprecedented, given that greenwashing is all we've ever seen in the past.
    4. Some 30% of the energy consumed in a net zero energy system in 2050 comes from low-emissions fuels and technologies that could benefit from the skills and resources of the oil and gas industry.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry - repurposing for clean energy

      • stats: oil and gas industry - repurposing for clean energy

        • only 30 % of the energy consumed in a clean energy future within 1.5 Deg C comes from low emission fuels and technologies that benefit from oil and gas industry resources
        • this leaves a huge deficit of 70 %.
      • question

        • How will the transition account for these human and technological resources?
    5. Many producers say they will be the ones to keep producing throughout transitions and beyond. They cannot all be right.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry - fight for survival

      • stats: oil and gas industry - fight for survival

        • competing oil producers will have to reach an agreement on who has the right to produce the remaining carbon budget
        • 24 million barrels a day are still produced in a 1.5 Deg C scenario but are largely uncombusted
          • 75 % of that will be used in petrochemical and other industry
          • 920 billion cubic meters of natural gas
            • 50% of this for hydrogen production
    6. In a scenario that hits global net zero emissions by 2050, declines in demand are sufficiently steep that no new long lead-time conventional oil and gas projects are required. Some existing production would even need to be shut in. In 2040, more than 7 million barrels per day of oil production is pushed out of operation before the end of its technical lifetime in a 1.5 °C scenario.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry - steep drop in production

      • stats - oil and gas industry - steep drop in production

        • no new fields can be developed to meet a 1.5 Deg C scenario
        • any new developments face the certain risk of being a stranded asset
        • by 2040, 7 million less barrels of oil are produced each day to meet a 1.5 Deg C scenario
    7. The production, transport and processing of oil and gas results in just under 15% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. This is a huge amount, equivalent to all energy-related greenhouse gas emissions from the United States.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry operational emissions

      • stats: oil and gas industry - operational emissions

        • 15% of all global emissions are from the production, transport and processing of fossil fuels
    8. Oil and gas producers account for only 1% of total clean energy investment globally.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry - clean energy investments

      • comment

        • Inclusive transformation
          • Clearly, transforming the dirty fossil fuel industry into clean energy industry requires migrating as much of those 12 million dirty energy jobs as possible. We can't alienate the fossil fuel industry.
          • the barometer to measure this paradigm shift in fossil fuel industry narrative is their investment into clean energy. Over the years, majors have acted like politicians, promising significant clean energy investment, then backsliding. There is no more time for that.
    9. This new IEA report explores what oil and gas companies can do to accelerate net zero transitions and what this might mean for an industry which currently provides more than half of global energy supply and employs nearly 12 million workers worldwide.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry - profit split, stats - oil and gas industry - reserves split

      • stats: oil and gas industry profit split

        • 50 % to governments
        • 40 % to investments
        • 10% to shareholders and debt
      • stats: oil and gas reserve splits

        • majors: 13 % production, 13 % reserves
        • National Oil Companies: 50% production, 60 % reserves
    10. Oil and gas projects currently produce slightly higher returns on investment, but those returns are less stable.
      • stats - oil and gas vs clean energy returns

      • stats: oil and gas vs clean energy returns between 2010 and 2022

        • 6 to 9 % for oil and gas
        • 6 % for clean energy
      • for: IEA 2023 report - exec summary - Fossil Fuel industry, IEA 2023 report - exec summary - Oil and Gas industry

      • summary

        • this is the IEA summary of the position of the Oil and Gas industry and what they must do in order to transition to a net zero world by 2050 and avert 1.5 Deg C global mean temperature.
        • it contains a lot of useful information and statistics
    11. To align with a 1.5 °C scenario, these emissions need to be cut by more than 60% by 2030 from today’s levels and the emissions intensity of global oil and gas operations must near zero by the early 2040s.
    12. The production, transport and processing of oil and gas results in just under 15% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.

      for: stats - oil and gas industry, stats - fossil fuel industry

      • stats: oil and gas industry
      • stats: fossil fuel industry
        • The fossil fuel industry's production, transport and processing operations accounts for 15% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.
    13. Oil and gas producers account for only 1% of total clean energy investment globally.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry, stats - fossil fuel industry

      • stats - oil and gas industry

      • stats - fossil fuel industry
        • Oil and gas producers account for approximately 1% of total clean energy investment
        • 60 % of that comes from 4 companies
    14. industry which currently provides more than half of global energy supply and employs nearly 12 million workers worldwide.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry, stats - fossil fuel industry

      • stats - oil and gas industry

      • stats - fossil fuel industry
        • supplies approximately 50% of all total global energy
        • employs 12 million people directly
        • Since 2018, annual revenues average 13 trillion USD
        • revenue split
          • 50 % to governments
          • 40% to investment
          • 10% to shareholders and debt
        • Major oil companies account for 13 % of all reserves
        • National Oil Companies (NOC) account for
          • over 50% of all production
          • close to 60% of all reserves
    1. This is:

      Taivalsaari, Antero, Tommi Mikkonen, Dan Ingalls, Krzysztof Palacz, Antero Taivalsaari, Tommi Mikkonen, Dan Ingalls, and Krzysztof Palacz. 2008. “Web Browser as an Application Platform: The Lively Kernel Experience.”



    1. This is:

      Weiher, Marcel, and Robert Hirschfeld. 2019. “Standard Object out: Streaming Objects with Polymorphic Write Streams.” In Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Dynamic Languages, 104–16. DLS 2019. Athens, Greece: Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3359619.3359748



    1. If you want notes and commentary op you gotta pick up editions with the original language. I recommend Aris and Philips (publisher) for you since the commentary is pegged to the English not the original language.
    1. hat that's going to mean is that a lot of the things um that again that this wealthy say onethird of our society has normalized will have to change the size of our houses 00:12:01 we shouldn't be building really huge houses anymore I would also go further and say if we are really serious about climate change we need to think about the very large properties that we have which there are many of in our society 00:12:12 that need to be divided to make good quality and reasonable sized houses for say three or four families rather than just one family no more second homes and where second homes are in areas where other 00:12:25 people need to live they are no longer allowed to exist so no more second homes
    2. if you look at somewhere like the UK 75% of all our flights are made by just 15% of the population and we know who that 15% are you know they're not the average person or the poor person so we're not talking about 00:12:49 someone who flies occasionally away on holiday we're talking about people who fly really regularly they have their second homes they have their big mansions they have their large cars and this particular group all of those 00:13:02 things will have to change
      • for: elites - lifestyle change, great simplification, worldview transition -materially-excessive and wonder-poor to materially- sufficient and wonder-rich, awakening wonder, Deep Humanity, BEing journeys

      • comment

      • possible way to have more than one home
      • a group can co-create and mutually invest in a regenerative timeshare
        • an example is to co-invest in a regenerative local community economy based around a regerative agroforestry system which has community owned and supported agriculture with year round Regenerative work and sustainable accommodations
        • Deep Humanity BEing journeys can play a role to re-awaken wonder
    1. The rejection of the provincial assemblies’ petition movement for a national parliament had already led many constitutionalists to accept the necessity of revolution, i

      they tried to get reform through legal processes but then had to resort to revolution when this didn't work

    2. unity of the five races advocated by the constitutionalists helped keep the border regions of the Qing Empire together.

      simultaneous ethnic/racial unity and disunity

    3. socially regressive, but recognizes the politically progressive contributions of the constitutionalist gentry in leading the transition to a republican form of government.

      proggress? or disruption

    4. revolutionaries may have both appealed to and created anti-Manchu sentiment through their propaganda.
    5. The revolution happened suddenly, unlike other revolutions that were long and protracted.
    1. This myth is mostly the blame of the novelist Washington Irving
      • for: Washington Irving, book - the History of New York, book - A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus

      • comment

        • Irving was a American writer who wrote fiction for the intent of stoking nationalism. He bent the truth in many ways.
        • Among his most famous and impactful historical lies that Irving fabricated in his book on Columbus was that prior to Columbus, the majority of educated people thought the earth was flat. In fact, most educated people believed the earth to be round during the time of Columbus.
      • interesting fact: knickerbocker

        • The term knickerbocker originated in the pseudonym Diedrich Knickerbocker that Irving chose for his book "A History of New York"
    1. the jarrow have even worse things to tell us they're offering us tobacco and they want to show us how to chew it 00:07:28 it's not good for us they give us alcohol we don't want that either but they still try and make us drink it we don't want any it's bad
      • for: example - cultural destruction - Jawara - cigarettes and alcohol, example - indigenous genocide, example - forced addiction

      • comment

      • example - cultural destruction
      • example - indigenous genocide
      • example: forced addiction
        • Growing up in Canada in an indigenous community, this struck a nerve.In my childhood, I experience how the Haida first nations people of the Queen Charlotte Islands were reduced from a once proud and self-reliant culture to a dependent one living in government housing, the land they lived on denied to them and forced to live on small parcels of "Indian Reservations", their dignity stripped, and made dependent on alcohol and cigarettes.
        • It seems that modernity is simply an arrogant and corrupting force on indigeneity.
        • We see the beginning of indigenous genocide by the attempted infection by ignorant modern citizens who interact with the Jawara by attempting to hook them on the extremely destructive and addictive substances of our culture, alcohol and cigarettes
    1. Roger Hardy erklärt in diesem Artikel über die von ihm in Großbritannien gegründete Organisation Round our Way, dass Arbeiterklassen-Communities von der globalen Erhitzung und ihren Folgen besonders stark betroffen sind und das auch wissen. Nur eine Klimabewegung für "ordinary people" könne das Fundament für einen gesellschaftlichen Konsens über Klimaschutz herstellen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/commentisfree/2023/nov/21/working-class-people-climate-crisis-policy

    1. militarized masculinities are sites where boundary lines are drawn – “one between good guys and bad guys and the other separating what we can look at from what we can’t”

      polarised identity formation

    2. “peacekeeping” over “peacemaking” in Afghanistan (the poll defined peacemaking as distinct from traditional peacekeeping because it involves combat).

      differing definitions of peace depends on gender based understandings

    3. white masculinity and perpetuated narratives of saving "brown women" in need of salvation.
    4. Female soldiers were depicted as tough but tender, exhibiting masculine qualities while helping others.

      females only good if masc, only used 'good' fem qualities for reputation

    5. combat activities would make Canada more respected and taken seriously by other countries.

      masc = serious IR

    6. believed that projecting warrior masculinity would enhance Canada's reputation internationally.


    7. "warrior creep," which refers to the spread of the warrior culture into non-combat roles and environments.

      affects culture

    8. The peacekeeping model emphasizes traits like impartiality, sensitivity, compassion, and empathy, which are sometimes seen as feminized and can lead to frustration among peacekeepers who feel they cannot prove their masculinity.

      combat (masc) vs peacekeeping (fem), gender dichotomy

    9. archetype obscures the violence and imperialism of war.

      helpful hero can obscure hidden real motives

    10. role of gender in legitimizing violence in the Global War on Terror.

      gender (save women etc) can used to justify military intervention and violence (seen an expression of desired masculinity).

    1. I'll find the language of Hope and hopefulness hope hopelessness 01:19:11 speak to me more in the sense of are there reasons to still get up clean up suit up and show up and I want to say yes even in the face 01:19:25 of extraordinary difficulty
      • for: comparison - hope and hopefulness vs optimism and pessimism
    1. My assumption was and is that early voting is not absentee/mail-in.

      This assumption is flat-out incorrect. Virginia statute explicitly refers to "early voting" as "[a]bsentee voting in person." Va. Code Ann. § 24.2-701.1. If Mr. Dreyer had been familiar with the terminology used by election officials, the answer Mr. Dreyer should have provided the officer of election when asked whether he had voted absentee would have been "yes." That would have avoided all of the ensuing confusion. With this context, an "unsettling Election Day story," becomes nothing more than another example of the system working.

    1. Hitzebedingte Todesfälle bei über 65-Jährigen haben seit den 90ern um 85% zugenommen. Senior:innen sind – wie kleine Kinder – zweimal soviel Hitzewellen-Tagen ausgesetzt wie 1986-2005. Extreme Hitze führte 2022 zu Produktivitätsverlusten von ca. 863 Milliarden USD. Alle Indikatoren für öffentliche Gesundheit haben sich in den letzten 9 Jahren verschlechtert. – Die NYT stellt den 2023 Report des Lancet Countdown ausführlich dar. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/14/climate/climate-change-health-effects-lancet.html

      Mehr zum Rreport: https://hypothes.is/search?q=tag%3A%222023%20report%20of%20the%20Lancet%20Countdown%20on%20health%20and%20climate%20change%22

    1. as I fight the system in which I live and think of all the people out marching for black lives matter and good on them for doing it but am i ignoring the system that lives 01:03:54 in me that is am i pretending that that system is out there and is evil and I'm pure or am i recognizing even as I proclaimed that black lives matter and 01:04:07 the system must change that I and those who march with me are part of that system and participate in it far more than we are there acknowledge
      • for: internal and external change, whole system change - internal and external, wicked problem, meme - the system that lives in me

      • meme

        • Am I ignoring the system that lives in me?
    1. Auf den Öl- und Gasfeldern der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, darunter vielen, die der staatlichen Gesellschaft Adnoc gehören, wurde in den vergangenen 20 Jahren in großem Umfang routinemäßig Gas abgefackelt, was zu hohen Methanemissionen führt. Die Emirate hatten sich verpflichtet, das Abfackeln schnell zu reduzieren. Die dieser Selbstverpflichtung krass widersprechende Praxis gilt bei NGO als weiterer Beleg dafür, dass Selbstverpflichtungen der Fossilindustrie nicht getraut werden kann. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/17/cop28-host-uae-breaking-its-own-ban-on-routine-gas-flaring-data-showsactor

    1. Ausführlicher Kommentar zu den 2,4 Billionen (Tausend Milliarden, im Artikel falsch übersetzt) Dollar, die laut dem COP27-Bericht von 2022 erforderlich sind, um Klimaschutz und -Anpassung in den Ländern des globalen Südens (außer China) zu finanzieren. Der auf Konsens ausgerichtete COP-Prozess sei außerstande, die nötigen Entscheidungen zu treffen. Der Betrag entspricht grob den aktuellen weltweiten Militärausgaben. https://www.repubblica.it/commenti/2023/11/19/news/cambiamenti_climatici_spesa_annua-420689085/?ref=RHRT-BG-I279994148-P4-S3-T1

    1. This post is a narrative rant (in the same vein of Dan Luu's "Everything is Broken" post) about my problems one afternoon getting a Fancy New Programming Language to work on my laptop.
    1. Some people are extremely gifted mathematicians with incredible talent for algorithmic thinking, yet can be totally shut down by build configuration bullshit.
    1. The repo was 3 years old. Surely it wouldn't be that hard to get running again? Ha!Here's what went well.Installing Android Studio. I remember when this was a chore - but I just installed the Flatpak, opened it, and let it update.Cloning the repo. Again, simple.Importing the project. Couple of clicks. Done.Then it all went to hell.
    1. My husband reviews papers. He works a 40h/wk industry job; he reviews papers on Saturday mornings when I talk to other people or do personal projects, pretty much out of the goodness of his heart. There is no way he would ever have time to download the required third party libraries for the average paper in his field, let alone figure out how to build and run it.
    1. I was trying to make it work with Python 2.7 but, after installing the required packages successfully I get the following error:
    2. Cidraque · 2016-Oct-23 Only linux? :( Matt Zucker · 2016-Oct-23 It should work on any system where you can install Python and the requirements, including windows.
    3. Hi there, I can't run the program, it gives me this output and I can't solve the problem by myself
    1. My first experience with Scheme involved trying and failing to install multiple Scheme distributions because I couldn’t get all the dependencies to work.
    1. Thereafter, I would need to build an executable, which, depending on the libraries upon which the project relies could be anything from straightforward to painful.
    1. Everything has a place so do better and find it. There is a certain belief that everything within app should be organized into functionally-named directories and any files placed in app/lib actually belongs in app/services or app/interactors or app/models or someplace if the developers just tried harder. The implication is that developers are bad developers if they don’t yet know what kind of constant they have and where its forever home should be. I reject this. Over the lifespan of an application, there will be constants that have not yet found their functional kin, if those kin ever come to exist at all; sometimes you simply need some code and a place to put it. app/lib can be the convention for where those constants can live temporarily or as long as necessary. Autoloading is really nice, let’s treat them to it.
    1. This is:

      Hsu, Hansen. 2009. “Connections between the Software Crisis and Object-Oriented Programming.” SIGCIS: Michael Mahoney and the Histories of Computing.



  5. medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com
    1. ptomaine [to´mān, to-mān´] any of several toxic bases formed by decarboxylation of an amino acid, often by bacterial action, such as cadaverine, muscarine, and putrescine.ptomaine poisoning a term commonly misapplied to food poisoning. Contrary to popular belief, ptomaines are not injurious to the human digestive system, which is quite capable of reducing them to harmless substances.


      I recall hearing ptomaine used in an Abbott and Costello bit with the connotation of foot poisoning. Charlie Chaplin also portrayed Adenoid Hynkel, Dictator of Tomania, in the picture The Great Dictator (1940).

      The implication of the country name Tomania outside of the "mania" meaning may be lost on audiences today.

      Lou Costello: Now look, Mr. Fields, don't get mad. Now, you can bring your kids to the party, and they can eat anything they want. They can have plenty of food. They can eat anything they want.<br /> Sid Fields: Sure, I can have my kids eat first, huh? Then if that broken-down, bad food you got doesn't give my kids ptomaine, then the other people will eat it, huh? You're gonna use my kids for guinea pigs. Say it! My kids are guinea pigs!<br /> Lou Costello: Mr. Fields, your kids are not guinea pigs.<br /> Sid Fields: Oh, they're just plain pigs?

      The Abbott and Costello Show, S1.E5 "The Birthday Party", Episode aired Jan 2, 1953, Running time: 00:27:00 <br /> (emphasis added)

    1. Rich in manuscripts and correspondence for Arendt’s productive years as a writer and lecturer after World War II, the papers are sparse before the mid-1940s because of Arendt’s forced departure from Nazi Germany in 1933 and her escape from occupied France in 1941.
    1. from the buddhist point of view it's about the nature of perception and conception usually our perception of the world that is to say the life that we have through our senses what is revealed through our senses is instantly merged with our conceptualization so that interpretation which is essentially the play of our imagination it's our mental activity when it gets as it were fused into the appearance
      • for: epoche, perceptual interpretation, perception - epoche, perception - bottom up sensation and top down conceptualisation, lebenswelt

      • key insight

        • Those is an important observation, namely that our ubiquitous, everyday act of perception, performed thousands of times a day is a near-instantaneous fusion of
          • sensory information and
          • conceptualising from our accumulated lebenswelt
        • in third context, Husserl's epoche or phenomenological reduction is a way to give us insight into this otherwise invisible process that normative social learning deeply conditions into us.
        • Indeed, one of the unique traits of our species is our individual and collective immersion into a virtual world of ideas, the symbolosphere.
        • The 24/7 immersion in this world would not be possible unless we institutionalised decades of education in our stake childhood years to steep use all in at m language training that forges ideas out of intention and symbols, creating the deep associations necessary for effortless meaning-making and linguistic participation as adults
    1. In dem sogenannten Trilog-Verfahren haben sich Vertreter:innen des europäischen Parlaments und der europäischen Kommission auf eine endgültige Version des Nature Restoration Laws geeinigt, durch die bis 2030 20% der Land- und Wasserflächen der-unter Schutz gestellt bzw. wiederhergestellt werden sollen. Vor allem aufgrund des Einflusses der europäischen Volkspartei wurde die von der Kommission vorgelegte Version des Gesetzes stark verwässert. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/10/eu-strikes-landmark-deal-nature-restoration-law

    1. Die englische Regierung hat in der letzten Oktoberwoche 27 Lizenzen zur Öl- und Gasförderung in der Nordsee vergeben. George Monbiot konfrontiert diese Entscheidung mit aktuellen Erkenntnissen zum sechsten Massenaussterben und dem drohenden Zusammenbruch lebensunterstützender Systeme des Planeten https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/31/flickering-earth-systems-warning-act-now-rishi-sunak-north-sea

    1. In the remainder of this paper, I will focus on the first move, by describing and comparing four different ways of looking at the world: two versions of materialism and two versions of phenomenology. It is my hope that these world views may serve to set a stage for further discussion between Husserlian philosophers and interested scientists.
      • for: worldviews - materialist and phenomenological

      • paraphrase

      • categories: scientific worldviews
        • materialism
          • elegant
            • a form of materialism that classifies the universe according to different levels, each with new properties that give rise to the emergence of specific and unique behaviors that the level below does not have.
          • radical
            • this is the current worldview of science that explains everything from the existing physical theories such as the standard model of the weak, strong and electromagnetic forces. The radical materialist does not take the idea of emergence seriously.
        • phenomenological
          • elegant
            • The annotator is not clear about what this category is.
          • radical
            • the radical phenomenologist does sees the hard problem of consciousness as insoluble by its very design, consciousness cannot emerge from behavior of atoms, molecules or quanta. Correlation is not causation.
            • like the radical materialist who threw away the ether, he radical phenomenologist does not seek to ground consciousness in anything at all.
    2. After I had been searching for ways to flesh out this parallel between contemplative and scientific research, through the common element of a lab method, I finally stumbled upon the Husserlian epoche as a stepping stone or connection piece between the two
      • for: bridge between - scientific and contemplative world

      • comment

        • this describes my current strong interest in the epoche as a potentially b transformative Deep Humanity BEing journey tool
    1. In einem Brief wollen mehr als 100 britische Energieunternehmen Premierminister Rishi Sunak warnen von der aktuellen Dekarbonisierungspolitik abzugehen. Gerade erst hat ein Gutachten gezeigt, mit welchen Gefahren die zu große Abhängigkeit Großbritanniens von gaslieferungen verbunden ist. Für das net sirocil sind diesen Bericht zufolge 327 Milliarden Pfund Investitionen nötig Punkt bisher haben sich die Regierung aber nur zu gut 22,5 Milliarden Pfund verpflichtet. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/16/top-uk-energy-firms-to-warn-rishi-sunak-dont-back-off-green-agenda

      Net Zero-Bericht von Chris Skidmore: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/review-of-net-zero

      Report des Office for Budget Stability: https://obr.uk/frs/fiscal-risks-and-sustainability-july-2023/#:~:text=In%20this%2C%20our%20second%20FRS,on%20the%20UK's%20public%20debt.

    1. there are people who are diminishers and they're illuminators the diminishers are not curious about other people they 00:11:09 stereotype they ignore they don't ask questions
      • for: personality types - diminishers and illuminators, definition - illuminator, definition - diminisher

      • definition: illuminator

        • a curious, empathetic person who genuinely listens to you, pays attention to you, asks questions, make you feel heard, seen and acknowledged. In short, they treat others as sacred
      • definition: diminisher

        • a person who has lost sight of the sacred and are not interested in others. They are not curious about others, stereotype, ignore and don't ask questions. They make you feel unheard, unseen and unacknowledged.
    1. I 01:00:30 think that a proper version of the concept of synchronicity would talk about multiscale patterns so that when you're looking at electrons in the computer you would say isn't it amazing that these electrons went over here and 01:00:42 those went over there but together that's an endgate and by the way that's part of this other calculation like amazing down below all they're doing is following Maxwell's equations but looked at at another level wow they just just 01:00:54 computed the weather in you know in in Chicago so I I I think what you know I it's not about well I was going to say it's not about us and uh and our human tendency to to to to pick out patterns 01:01:07 and things like but actually I I do think it's that too because if synchronicity is is simply how things look at other scales
      • for: adjacency - consciousness - multiscale context

      • adjacency between

        • Michael's example
        • my idea of how consciousness fits into a multiscale system
      • adjacency statement
        • from a Major Evolutionary Transition of Individuality perspective, consciousness might be seen as a high level governance system of a multicellular organism
        • this begs the question: consciousness is fundamentally related to individual cells that compose the body that the consciousness appears to be tethered to
        • question: Is there some way for consciousness to directly access the lower and more primitive MET levels of its own being?
    1. Data and analytics engineers for Gentrack Logical Data Model

      Are you thinking of transforming energy and utilities sector with the world’s leading solutions​​or or even almost ready to get down to business? If so, you need a trusted software development partner for this. And it's a tough decision. Meet our client - Gentrack -leading New Zealand technology company engaged in the development, integration, and support of interactive cleantech solutions for the utility and airport industries across the globe. Now, if you are interested, take a look on how Globaldev together with Gentrack has designed and developed a completely new data and analytics layer called Gentrack Logical Data Model (GLDM) to process a wealth of data.

    1. sumption of decreasing virulence with time is a double-edged sword in NativeAmerican disease history. Recent Native Americans have extreme susceptibility to oftenacute infections such as influenza and tuberculosis (Indian Health Service 1999; Koenig1921; Matthews 1886). Although, as detailed later in this paper, many factors, includingsocio-economic conditions, diet, and other concurrent infections, could be contributing tothis incidence, these factors seem to pale by comparison with disease history. Essentially,current incidence rates account for the absence of crowd infections prior to Columbus andabsence explains the present incidence rate


    2. se diseases, once introduced, severelywinnowed Native American populations.


    3. Since the mid-twentieth century it has been widely accepted that Old World populationsintroduced infectious diseases to Native Americans beginning with the Columbianvoyages of AD 149


  6. citeseerx.ist.psu.edu citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
    1. This is:

      Dahl, Ole-Johan, and Kristen Nygaard. “SIMULA: An ALGOL-Based Simulation Language.” Communications of the ACM 9, no. 9 (September 1966): 671–78. https://doi.org/10.1145/365813.365819

    1. Locke even grants absolute power to the master over them

      slaves seen as a necessary and embedded part of European life

    2. He argued against hereditary servitude, but the laws governing slavery in the New World allowed for it.
    3. t mentions that Locke strongly opposes slavery, he was involved in forming a colony where owning slaves was allowed.

      hypocritical, and contradiction

    4. This portrayal made them enemies of mankind and justified wars against them.
    5. He argued that colonization of America provided a solution to this problem, as it was seen as "free" land available for European settlers.

      idea that this is free to use as not being used for the proper purpose?

    6. It is important to note that Locke's theory only included certain individuals, propertied European men
    7. colonization in America was important for Locke's conceptualization of the state of nature and his defense of enclosure. Indigenous Americans were portrayed as hunter-gatherers, and only enclosed lands were seen as producing value.
    1. almost every other time I've had the misfortune of compiling a c(++) application from scratch it's gone wildly wrong with the most undiagnose-able wall of error messages I've ever seen (and often I never manyage to figure it out even after over a day of trying because C developers insist on using some of the most obtuse build systems conceivable)
    1. political actors and dynamics, not vague forces of development, are the central factor producing and mitigating inequalities in representation

      quotas still places female inclusion and recruitment in the hands of already established political elites, is this really fair? and it doesnt always reflect societal and economic changes in the status of women.

    2. option to pursue positive action in candidate selection.

      choice not made which means that most parties wont

    3. ausal heterogeneity and the interaction of different factors.

      linked to taking a different approach to political science

    4. International norms and organizations play a role in promoting quotas for women.
    5. Quotas tend to emerge during periods of democratic innovation, as a way to establish the legitimacy of the new political system.
    6. quotas for women are often seen as an extension of guarantees given to other groups based on factors like language, religion, and race.
    7. Quotas can be seen as compatible with ideas of equality and fair access, and left-wing parties are generally more open to implementing them.
    8. Some see them as a way to achieve justice and promote women's interests, while others adopt them strategically to compete with rival parties or maintain control within their own party.

      gender inclusion and feminist ideas can be used strategically

    9. egrees of dependence between women elected through quotas and the parties and elected officials who make their election possible.
    10. Quotas can increase women's representation even without social and economic prerequisites. The adoption of quotas highlights the role of political elites in recruitment practices and the production and mitigation of inequalities in representation
    11. including the mobilization of women's groups and the calculations of political elites