- May 2023
nzhistory.govt.nz nzhistory.govt.nz
More than 150,000 people took part in over 200 demonstrations in 28 centres, and 1500 were charged with offences stemming from these protests.
springbok tour 1981
- Feb 2023
designopendata.wordpress.com designopendata.wordpress.com
Every visual creative work is a manifestation of the character of thedesigner.
This emphasizes the importance of the designer understanding how their work ties into how people determine their level as designers.
The resulting International Style leapt from Europe to the United States, spreading valuesof neutrality, objectivity, and rationality expressed through tightly gridded layouts andrestricted typography.
The values that this style presented were impactful enough to reach the U.S thus foreshadowing it's importance.
turned revolutIonary avant-garde Ideals Into forMal Method–ologIes, detachIng desIgn froM a dIsruptIve aesthetIc agenda.
This can relate to their approaches to design and how they may relate to our approaches.
A movementcalled the New Typography emergedfrom the Bauhaus
This will be important to keep in mind for later in the reading.
- Jan 2022
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- Oct 2021
designopendata.wordpress.com designopendata.wordpress.com
raison d’être
Reason or justification for existence.
The typographer must take the greatest care to study how his work is read and ought to be read.
Absolutely, depending on the work and the intention behind it. You wouldn't want your audience to be confused about the readability of your work.
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- rapid immunodiagnostic tests
- immune response
- is:report
- rapid serology tests
- global cooperation
- community
- control programmes
- lang:en
- commercially available
- host response
- molecular diagnostics
- situational analysis
- symptomatic patients
- viral infectivity
- surveillance
- serology
- public health
- international solidarity
- COVID-19
- serology testing
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- international
- pandemic inquiry
- is:webpage
- hindsight
- interview
- lang:en
- Richard Horton
- lockdown
- risk assessment
- The Lancet
- COVID-19
- China
- response
- UK
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