- Nov 2024
Local file Local file
scientists Sendhil Mullainathan and Eldar Shafir call this “the bandwidthtax.” “Being poor,” they write, “reduces a person’s cognitive capacity morethan going a full night without sleep.” When we are preoccupied bypoverty, “we have less mind to give to the rest of life.” Poverty does not justdeprive people of security and comfort; it siphons off their brainpower, too.
- Feb 2024
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2:30 Not about deprivation — rather of removing everything else from essentials
- Nov 2023
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for: polysomnograph, oxygen saturation levels, graph - sleep apnea, sleep apnea - monitoring
description: sleep apnea oxygen saturation process
- oxygen saturation cycles through the night with peaks and troughs
- abdominal movement attempts to draw air in but is obstructed
- when a threshold of oxygen deprivation occurs, the brain wakes up and awakens the person to remove the obstruction
- Apr 2022
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- is:webpage
- decrease
- UK
- deprivation
- positive sentiment
- England
- London
- opinion
- vaccine hesitancy
- Government
- lang:en
- lifestyle
- ethnicity
- COVID-19
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- depression
- social health
- UK
- comorbidities
- risk factor
- physical health
- lang:en
- social isolation
- COVID-19
- United Kingdom
- is:preprint
- unhealthy lifestyle
- aging
- mental health
- vulnerable
- loneliness
- Biobank
- neuroticism
- cardiovascular risk
- socioeconomic conditions
- public health
- social deprivation
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