46 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. if you go to another culture and you don't go through the participatory transformation, right? If you don’t, and you're just experiencing culture shock - domicide - the agent arena relationship isn't in place! Then none of those other meaning systems can work for you. There'll be absurd. They won't make sense. That's what he means by it being a Meta-Meaning system.

      for - adjacency - culture shock - example of domicide - when the agent-arena relationship is not in place - participatory knowing - meta-meaning system - source - Meaning crisis - episode 33 - The Spirituality of Relevance Realization - Wonder/Awe/Mystery/Sacredness - John Vervaeke

  2. Dec 2024
    1. Historically, AI was a tool

      for - quote - AI: from tool b to agent - Roman Yampolskiy

      quote - AI: from tool b to agent - Roman Yampolskiy - (see below)

      • Historically, AI was a tool, like any other technology. Whether it was good or bad was up to the user of that tool.
      • You can use a hammer to build a house or kill someone.
      • The hammer is not in any way making decisions about it.
      • With advanced AI, we are switching the paradigm
        • **from tools
        • to agents**.
      • The software becomes capable of making its own decisions, working independently, learning, self-improving, modifying.
      • How do we stay in control?
      • How do we make sure the tool doesn’t become an agent that does something we don’t agree with or don’t support?
      • Maybe something against us
  3. Jun 2024
    1. by 2027 rather than a chatbot you're going to have something that looks more like an agent and more like a coworker

      for - AI evolution - prediction - 2027 - AI agent will replace AI chatbot

  4. Apr 2024
  5. Sep 2023
    1. the Bodhisattva vow can be seen as a method for control that is in alignment with, and informed by, the understanding that singular and enduring control agents do not actually exist. To see that, it is useful to consider what it might be like to have the freedom to control what thought one had next.
      • for: quote, quote - Michael Levin, quote - self as control agent, self - control agent, example, example - control agent - imperfection, spontaneous thought, spontaneous action, creativity - spontaneity
      • quote: Michael Levin

        • the Bodhisattva vow can be seen as a method for control that is in alignment with, and informed by, the understanding that singular and enduring control agents do not actually exist.
      • comment

        • adjacency between
          • nondual awareness
          • self-construct
          • self is illusion
          • singular, solid, enduring control agent
        • adjacency statement
          • nondual awareness is the deep insight that there is no solid, singular, enduring control agent.
          • creativity is unpredictable and spontaneous and would not be possible if there were perfect control
      • example - control agent - imperfection: start - the unpredictability of the realtime emergence of our next exact thought or action is a good example of this
      • example - control agent - imperfection: end

      • triggered insight: not only are thoughts and actions random, but dreams as well

        • I dreamt the night after this about something related to this paper (cannot remember what it is now!)
        • Obviously, I had no clue the idea in this paper would end up exactly as it did in next night's dream!
    2. According to the Bodhisattva model of intelligence, such deconstruction of the apparent foundations of cognition elicits a transformation of both the scope and acuity of the cognitive system that performs it.
      • for: deconstructing self, self - deconstruction, object agent action triplet, deconstructing cognition
      • comment
        • this is a necessary outcome of the self-reflective nature of human cognition.
        • English, and many other languages bake the (object, agent, action) triplet into its very structure, making it problematic to use language in the same way after the foundations of cognition have been so deconstructed.
        • Even though strictly speaking the self can be better interpreted as a psycho-social construct and an epiphenomena, it is still very compelling and practical in day-to-day living, including the use of languages which structurally embed the (object, agent, action) triplet.
  6. Jul 2023
    1. ```js // Log the full user-agent data navigator .userAgentData.getHighEntropyValues( ["architecture", "model", "bitness", "platformVersion", "fullVersionList"]) .then(ua => { console.log(ua) });

      // output { "architecture":"x86", "bitness":"64", "brands":[ { "brand":" Not A;Brand", "version":"99" }, { "brand":"Chromium", "version":"98" }, { "brand":"Google Chrome", "version":"98" } ], "fullVersionList":[ { "brand":" Not A;Brand", "version":"" }, { "brand":"Chromium", "version":"98.0.4738.0" }, { "brand":"Google Chrome", "version":"98.0.4738.0" } ], "mobile":false, "model":"", "platformVersion":"12.0.1" } ```

    1. ```idl dictionary NavigatorUABrandVersion { DOMString brand; DOMString version; };

      dictionary UADataValues { DOMString architecture; DOMString bitness; sequence<NavigatorUABrandVersion> brands; DOMString formFactor; sequence<NavigatorUABrandVersion> fullVersionList; DOMString model; boolean mobile; DOMString platform; DOMString platformVersion; DOMString uaFullVersion; // deprecated in favor of fullVersionList boolean wow64; };

      dictionary UALowEntropyJSON { sequence<NavigatorUABrandVersion> brands; boolean mobile; DOMString platform; };

      [Exposed=(Window,Worker)] interface NavigatorUAData { readonly attribute FrozenArray<NavigatorUABrandVersion> brands; readonly attribute boolean mobile; readonly attribute DOMString platform; Promise<UADataValues> getHighEntropyValues (sequence<DOMString> hints ); UALowEntropyJSON toJSON (); };

      interface mixin NavigatorUA { [SecureContext] readonly attribute NavigatorUAData userAgentData ; };

      Navigator includes NavigatorUA; WorkerNavigator includes NavigatorUA; ```

  7. May 2023
  8. Apr 2023
  9. Mar 2023
    1. // Insight Maker is used to model system dynamics and create agent based models by creating causal loop diagrams and allowing users to run simulations on those

  10. Dec 2022
  11. Nov 2022
    1. Page recommended by @wfinck. Seems @karlicoss is the author. This project seems similar to what I've been trying to do with Hypothes.is, Obsidian, Anki, Zotero, and PowerToys Run but goes beyond the scope of my endeavors to just quickly access whatever resource comes to mind (without creating duplicates). The things that Promnesia adds beyond my PKM stack is the following: - prioritize new info - keeping track of which device things were read and how long

  12. Sep 2022
    1. Right? You said... No, no, bullshit. Let's write it all down and we can go check it. Let's not argue about what was said. We've got this thing called writing. And once we do that, that means we can make an argument out of a much larger body of evidence than you can ever do in an oral society. It starts killing off stories, because stories don't refer back that much. And so anyway, a key book for people who are wary of McLuhan, to understand this, or one of the key books is by Elizabeth Eisenstein. It's a mighty tome. It's a two volume tome, called the "Printing Press as an Agent of Change." And this is kind of the way to think about it as a kind of catalyst. Because it happened. The printing press did not make the Renaissance happen. The Renaissance was already starting to happen, but it was a huge accelerant for what had already started happening and what Kenneth Clark called Big Thaw.

      !- for : difference between oral and written tradition - writing is an external memory, much larger than the small one humans are endowed with. Hence, it allowed for orders of magnitude more reasoning.

  13. Jul 2022
    1. A cognitiveagent is needed to perform this very action (that needs to be recurrent)—and another agent is neededto further build on that (again recurrently and irrespective to the particular agents involved).

      This appears to be setting up the conditions for an artificial cognitive agent to be able to play a role (ie Artificial Intelligence)

  14. Apr 2022
  15. Mar 2022
    1. Whether to inject behavior into a Web page is my choice. How I do so is nobody's business. If a need that can be met with a bookmarklet instead requires a set of browser-specific extensions, that's a tax on developers.
  16. Feb 2022
  17. www.geoffreylitt.com www.geoffreylitt.com
    1. browser extension

      I've spent a lot of time in frustrated conversations arguing the case for browser extensions being treated as a first class concern by browser makers (well, one browser maker). But more and more, I've come to settle on the conclusion that any browser extension of the sort that Wildcard is should also come with the option of using it (or possibly a stripped down version) as a bookmarklet, or a separate tool that can process offline data—no special permissions needed.

      (This isn't because I was wrong about browser extensions; it's precisely because extension APIs were drastically limited that this becomes a rational approach.)

  18. Jan 2022
  19. Nov 2021
    1. To be clear, I am not advocating overthrowing the state or any of the other fear-mongering mischaracterizations of anarchism. I am advocating ceasing to spend all of our resources focusing on the state as the agent of the change we seek. We no longer have the time to waste.
  20. Mar 2021
  21. Feb 2021
  22. Oct 2020
    1. Identify your user agents When deploying software that makes requests to other sites, you should set a custom User-Agent header to identify the software and provide a means to contact its maintainers. Many of the automated requests we receive have generic user-agent headers such as Java/1.6.0 or Python-urllib/2.1 which provide no information on the actual software responsible for making the requests.
  23. Jul 2020
  24. Jun 2020
  25. May 2020
    1. allows you to deploy "'strict-dynamic' in a backwards compatible way, without requiring user-agent sniffing
  26. Apr 2020
    1. Each request to the API must be accompanied by a user agent request header. Typically this should be the name of the app consuming the service.
  27. Feb 2020
  28. Jan 2020
  29. Dec 2019
  30. Mar 2019
    1. sentinel

      An agent tracking developments in human-specified, or agent-sensed, topics. Like a watchlist, google search, etc, It would need to be able to do topic mapping and merging.

  31. Oct 2018
  32. Apr 2018
  33. Jan 2018
  34. Oct 2017
  35. Apr 2017
    1. (like “nature itself,” notmerely our representations of it!) has a history

      RE: "Nature itself" having a history

      Nathaniel's in-class comments last week were very helpful to hear prior to the readings this week. It is particularly helpful to consider the paradox that some folks want to protect the Earth from humans and somehow return it to a point "before humans," as though the Earth exists outside of humans and we are pure agents acting upon it. (Which is where we get things like this video that has been going around Facebook because of Earth Day:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49w7GHVYoI0

      This video pretends the Earth is an agent, but it actually only reflecting human actions back on humans. There is an underlying argument that our relationship to the planet is only the things we do to it and not all the other relationships and existences on and in it.

  36. Feb 2014
    1. That changed with the end of WWII. Waves of discharged soldiers subsidized by the GI Bill, joined by the children of the expanding middle class, wanted or needed a college degree.