1,125 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2023
    1. The old wisdom "mark it private unless you have a good reason not to" made sense in days when it was written, before open source dominated the developer library space and VCS/dependency mgmt. became hyper collaborative thanks to Github, Maven, etc. Back then there was also money to be made by constraining the way(s) in which a library could be utilized. I spent probably the first 8 or 9 years of my career strictly adhering to this "best practice". Today, I believe it to be bad advice. Sometimes there's a reasonable argument to mark a method private, or a class final but it's exceedingly rare, and even then it's probably not improving anything.
  2. May 2023
    1. This ensures that GetResponse and our customers comply with Anti-Spam laws.

      IMHO, the customer should be able to opt out of this automatic adding if they want more/full control over the footer. Then they can take on the responsibility themselves.

    1. Figure 2.3 The fi xation of paper slips. (From Wellisch 1981, p. 12.)

      This is essentially a version of a modern pinboard with ribbons which are used to hold various pieces onto the board!

      Also similar in functionality to Post-it Notes, but with string instead of glue.

    1. Stop to think about "normal app" as like desktop app. Android isn't a desktop platform, there is no such this. A "normal" mobile app let the system control the lifecycle, not the dev. The system expect that, the users expect that. All you need to do is change your mindset and learn how to build on it. Don't try to clone a desktop app on mobile. Everything is completely different including UI/UX.

      depends on how you look at it: "normal"

    1. Bond

      A bond is a fixed-income instrument that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower (typically corporate or governmental). A bond could be thought of as an I.O.U. between the lender and borrower that includes the details of the loan and its payments. Bonds are used by companies, municipalities, states, and sovereign governments to finance projects and operations. Owners of bonds are debtholders, or creditors, of the issuer.

  3. Apr 2023
    1. In recent git versions, git restore is supposed to be a "better" way to revert undesired local changes than the overloaded checkout. Great, that sounds reasonable - a nice simple purpose-built tool for a common operation.
    1. will fail to give them credit for brilliant talents and excellent dispositions.

      I am confused on who Frederick Douglas referred to as the people who will fail to give these women credit for brilliant talents and excelent dispositons. Was he talking about the audience at the convention or was he talking about people in the general population?

    2. Among these was a declaration of sentiments, to be regarded as the basis of a grand movement for attaining all the civil, social, political and religious rights of woman.

      What were these sentiments? I am curious about how they constructed and pushed forth with their views and points. Fedrick Douglas mentioned that some of these women read their greivances; I have a question for these women. Were any of the sentiments more important than the others, and why?

    3. Many who have at last made the discovery that negroes have some rights as well as other members of the human family, have yet to be convinced that woman is entitled to any.

      So basically a black woman had to fight for her rights because she is black AND because she is a woman? A black woman had two barriers that held them from being treated like a decent human being, and not one or the other. Of course there were other circumstances and disadvantages but race and gender were big at this time.

  4. Mar 2023
    1. https://www.3m.co.uk/3M/en_GB/post-it-notes/ideas/articles/make-the-leap-from-to-do-to-done-with-the-scrum-methodology/

      "The Scrum method" described here, similar to the Kanban method, the Memindex method, tickler systems, or other card index as productivity systems, seems to be a productized name for selling Post-it Notes.

      Scrum method consists of a project broken down into "story" rows with "to do" items in columns which progress along to "in process", "to verify", and finally "done".

      Other productized names (particular to the note taking space): Antinet zettelkasten, Linking Your Thinking, Second Brain, etc.

    2. The Scrum method, which is powered by Post-it® Products, breaks up a project into bite-sized modules. It helps to track each task through various stages of completion, and ensures that everyone on the team is aware of progress and updates. It can help turn thoughts into actions, and actions into achievement.

      Seeing this, I can't help but think about some of the ads from the early 1900s for filing cabinets and card indexes which had similar named methodologies for productivity, but which were also advertisements for purchasing the associated physical goods.

      Examples: Shaw-Walker, Yawman & Erbe, etc.

    1. As I said above, the deciding factor is what is meant by syntax. If the request was sent with a Content Type of application/json, then yes, the request is syntactically valid because it's valid JSON syntax, but not semantically valid, since it doesn't match what's expected. (assuming a strict definition of what makes the request in question semantically valid or not). If, on the other hand, the request was sent with a more specific custom Content Type like application/vnd.mycorp.mydatatype+json that, perhaps, specifies exactly what fields are expected, then I would say that the request could easily be syntactically invalid, hence the 400 response.
    1. We now take an opinionated stance on which second factor you should set up first – you'll no longer be asked to choose between SMS or setting up an authenticator app (known as TOTP), and instead see the TOTP setup screen immediately when first setting up 2FA.
    1. discussions about SMS-2FA get heated very quickly. I've found that SMS-2FA deployment or advocacy has been a major professional project for some people, and they take questioning it's efficacy personally
    2. We have a finite pool of good will with which we can advocate for the implementation of new security technologies. If we spend all that good will on irritating attackers, then by the time we’re ready to actually implement a solution, developers are not going to be interested.
    1. the issues I've always had with it: No support. As in, no one in Google's support organization has any clue about what this app does. No support group discussions as far as I can tell ("Smart Lock" is too generic to really find anything). That's not surprising, because while I've figured out how it works/what it does in my use case, there's really no clear documentation on it - like what it even does, really.
    1. {{#discriminator.mappedModels}} {{#-first}} {{#vendorExtensions.x-useDeduction}} @JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.DEDUCTION) {{/vendorExtensions.x-useDeduction}} {{^vendorExtensions.x-useDeduction}}
    1. Small Collision Probabilities

      How probable is for some git hash-ids (some chars, not the full length) to collide:

      • for a small project with ~100 commits:

        • 8 digits (32bits): 1/million
        • 7 digits (28bits): 1/54,000
        • 6 digits (24bits): 1/3,400
      • for a big project: with ~10.000 commits:

        • 8 digits: 1/100
        • 7 digits: 1/6
        • 6 digits: ~1

      As confirmed with the vecto repo, with these ipython commands: ```ipython

      !git rev-list --all --count 14042 def collissions(k,N): ...: return 1 - e((-k(k-1)/(2N)))

      collissions(14042, 16**6) 0.9971938358691735 !git rev-list --all | cut -c -6 | sort | uniq -cd 2 5af40d 2 6a6c62 2 914c24 2 d83979 2 e8060f

      collissions(14042, 16**7) 0.3073608000674162 !git rev-list --all | cut -c -7 | sort | uniq -cd 2 e8060f9

      collissions(14042, 16**8) 0.022691464724788335 !git rev-list --all | cut -c -8 | sort | uniq -cd <nothing> ```

    1. In the new collection, The Good It Promises, The Harm It Does, activists and scholars address the deeper problems that EA poses to social justice efforts. Even when EA is pursued with what appears to be integrity, it damages social movements by asserting that it has top-down answers to complex, local problems, and promises to fund grass-roots organizations only if they can prove that they are effective on EA’s terms.
  5. Feb 2023
    1. De UvA gaat voorlopig geen nieuwe onderzoekssamenwerkingen met Shell of soortgelijke bedrijven aan.

      UvA gaat voorlopig geen nieuwe onderzoekssamenwerkingen met Shell of soorgelijke bedrijven aan.

  6. Jan 2023
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPqjgN-pNDw

      When did the switch in commonplace book framing did the idea of "second brain" hit? (This may be the first time I've seen it personally. Does it appear in other places?) Sift through r/commonplace books to see if there are mentions there.

      By keeping one's commonplace in an analog form, it forces a greater level of intentionality because it's harder to excerpt material by hand. Doing this requires greater work than arbitrarily excerpting almost everything digitally. Manual provides a higher bar of value and edits out the lower value material.

    1. 个人学习可能取决于他人行为的主张突出了将学习环境视为一个涉及多个互动参与者的系统的重要性
    1. https://omnivore.app/<br /> Open source version of readwise

      Originally bookmarked from phone on Sun 2023-01-15 11:25 PM

      updated: 2023-01-17 with tag: "accounts"

    1. The fate of Luetzerath embodies Germany's battle to ditch coal to meet its climate commitments and also keep the lights on following Russia's squeeze on gas supplies.

      Sky news on Luetzerath with strong picture

    1. Die Braunkohle unter dem Dorf Lützerath (Kreis Heinsberg) wird nicht benötigt, um die Energieversorgung in Deutschland sicherzustellen.

      Lützerath kohle nicht gebraucht

    1. Am 1. Dezember wurde im Bundestag der Deal des vorgezogenen Kohleausstiegs zwischen Robert Habeck, NRW-Ministerin Mona Neubaur und RWE-Chef Krebber angenommen(1).

      luetzerathlebt.info - aktuelle situation

    1. Wir sind die Initiative „Lützerath Lebt“ und mittlerweile seit circa zwei Jahren in Lützerath aktiv. Unser Protest vor Ort entstand als RWE im Juni 2020 die Landstraße (L277) zwischen Lützerath und Keyenberg abgerissen hat.

      Was ist Lützerath lebt?

    1. what i want you to do is to now imagine somebody whose body you would like to have 00:28:23 as your own either for a few minutes or maybe long term i'm not going to ask you why you want that body i don't want to get that deep into your psyche and that might be very personal um 00:28:35 but i'll tell you whose body i'd like to have and for how long just to give you a warm-up feel for this i really would like to have usain bolt's body of a few years ago for 9.6 seconds 00:28:47 because i would love to know what it feels like to run 100 meters that fast now when i form that does i think it's a coherent desire how do i why do i think that because i really do desire it i would love it i'd pay a lot of money to 00:28:59 do that um but what i don't want is to be usain bolt because usain bolt is already the same bolt and that doesn't do me any good um what i want is to be me 00:29:12 j with usain bolt's body so i can know what it feels like to run really really fast now i'm not claiming that this is a coherent desire i'm not claiming that it's 00:29:24 possible for me to remain jay and have usain bolt's body but i am claiming that i can desire it and if you are anything like me for some body or other you can desire to 00:29:36 have it for some time or other if you can form that desire then you in deep in your gut don't believe that you are your body you believe that you have a body and that 00:29:48 you might have a different body just like you might have a different hat or a different cat and if you believe that then you really do believe that whatever you are you are not your body 00:30:01 now you might think well that's obviously true i've never thought i was my body um but maybe on my mind i don't think you really believe that either and i want to do the same thought 00:30:13 experiment to convince you of that now i want you to think about somebody's mind that you'd really like to have maybe not for a long time maybe only for a few minutes um i'll tell you mine again i'm really 00:30:25 big and divulging you know hyper sharing over sharing personal secrets um i would really love to have stephen hawking's mind when he was still alive of course not now um and i'd like to have it only for about five or ten 00:30:36 minutes because what i would really like is to be able to really understand quantum gravity and i can't really understand it but if i had stephen hawking's mind for a few minutes then i could understand it now i obviously 00:30:48 don't want to be stephen hawking for one thing he's dead for another thing he was already stephen hawking and it didn't do me a damn bit of good what i want is to be me jay with his mind so that i can 00:31:00 use it to understand quantum gravity um i think that'd be really cool again i'm not claiming this is coherent i'm not claiming that it's possible but i am claiming that it's a 00:31:11 psychologically possible state to be in to crave somebody else's mind and if you like me can form that desire then you like me deep in your gut do not believe that you are your mind 00:31:25 you believe that you're something that has a mind just like you have a body um and that you possessed that mind and you could still be you with another mind and another body i mean just imagine having 00:31:37 the same bolts body in stephen hawking's mind that would be totally cool then i could understand quantum gravity while setting a new record for the 100 meter sprint um but that's not going to happen alas 00:31:50 um the moral of these experiments um takes us right back to chandragiri serpent i think the moral of these experiments is that deep down at an atavistic gut 00:32:02 level we believe that we are something that stands behind our minds and our bodies that thing is the self the thing that is not the mind in the body but possesses the mind in the body that's the thing 00:32:14 that sean decurity identifies as the serpent in the wall our arguments are going to be aimed at that not at our bodies not as our minds not as our personal identities they're 00:32:27 going to be aimed at that self that we really atavistically believe stands behind all of those that's the illusion that's the thing that causes us to be incompetent morally that causes us to be 00:32:41 confused about our own identities and to be confused about our role and our place in the world

      !- BEing journey Gedanken : imagine yourself to have different body, different mind - if you can imagine this, then you believe you ARE NOT the body or mind, but the SELF that HAS the body or mind - examples of imagining having another mind or body: what would it be like to be there mind of wife? My husband? My child? My friend? My enemy? My dog? My cat? A bat ( Thomas Hagel)? Isn't this imagination salient for empathising? To imagine being another person, don't we need to imagine being in their mind and body to imagined experiencing like they do?

  7. Dec 2022
    1. I have yet to see a Snapd or Flatpak build of Audacity that I'm happy with. Those builds are beyond our control as they are made by 3rd parties. I do find it mildly annoying that Flatpak direct users that have problems with their builds to us.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: the runaround?

    1. The only negative to this method is that it may not ALWAYS work. If the data is faulty, or the link is inaccurately provided by the sender, Gmail won’t be able to recognise and include the unsubscribe button in Gmail.
    2. You may find this link isn’t available straight away, after a few emails one should appear, this is a common technique with mailing list providers.
    1. Here are some recommended unsubscribe methods: Include a prominent link in the message that takes recipients to a page for unsubscribing. Let recipients review the individual mailing lists they’re subscribed to. Let them unsubscribe from lists individually, or all lists at once. Automatically unsubscribe recipients who have multiple bounced messages. Periodically send a confirmation message to recipients to make sure they still want to get your messages.
    2. Let recipients easily unsubscribe Always give recipients a way to unsubscribe from your messages. Make unsubscribing easy. Letting people opt out of your messages can improve message open rates, click-through rates, and sending efficiency.
    3. Make sure recipients can easily subscribe
    1. Many mail systems allow recipients to report mail as spam or junk, and mail streams from senders whose mail is often reported as junk tend to have poor deliverability. Hence, the mailers want to make it as easy as possible for recipients to unsubscribe; if an unsubscription process is too difficult, the recipient's alternative is to report mail from the sender as junk until the mail no longer appears in the recipient's inbox.
    1. If a contact ever reaches out and is no longer receiving messages because they accidentally marked one of your campaigns as spam, you can reach out to Product Support. We can remove them from the suppression list for you. 

      why not allow user to do it directly instead of force to contact support? If they'll remove it for you because you said the user asked you to... why not just let you remove the suppression yourself? Mailgun lets you directly delete suppressions via their API.

    1. Let’s say the recipient is considering unsubscribing. He or she may be too busy to search through the email to find the unsubscribe link, so he or she just clicks “Report as SPAM” to stop the emails from coming. This is the last thing any marketer wants to see happen. It negatively impacts sender reputation, requiring extra work to improve email deliverability. With the list-unsubscribe header, you will avoid getting into this kind of trouble in the first place.
  8. Nov 2022
    1. In our system, events are generated by physical hosts and follow different routes to the event storage. Therefore, the order in which they appear in the storage and become retrievable - via the events API - does not always correspond to the order in which they occur. Consequently, this system behavior makes straight forward implementation of event polling miss some events. The page of most recent events returned by the events API may not contain all the events that occurred at that time because some of them could still be on their way to the storage engine. When the events arrive and are eventually indexed, they are inserted into the already retrieved pages which could result in the event being missed if the pages are accessed too early (i.e. before all events for the page are available). To ensure that all your events are retrieved and accounted for please implement polling the following way:
    1. In v3, svelte-preprocess was able to type-check Svelte components. However, giving the specifics of the structure of a Svelte component and how the script and markup contents are related, type-checking was sub-optimal. In v4, your TypeScript code will only be transpiled into JavaScript, with no type-checking whatsoever. We're moving the responsibility of type-checking to tools better fit to handle it, such as svelte-check, for CLI and CI usage, and the VS Code extension, for type-checking while developing.
    1. engineers and product people just hate working on features “sold” by the sales department without asking them in an effort to meet objectives for bonuses.

      Allmost all corporations isolate sales from development, and that's a root cause of the decline (see Microsoft's dissapointing software products, eg. Teams).

    1. The most significant problem of a code review is asynchronous ping-pong of quite difficult questions/answers. This is inefficient, but also makes people frustrated.

      Indeed it's disheartening to await for a code-review.

    1. How to reveal if developers are micromanaged? Ask the following.How do you handle bugs? Do you handle these as a team or an individual solves them?What’s your on-call policy? Do you have one?Do developers feel in control of the tasks? Do you have clear task scopes?

      Nice Qs no2 to the interviewer (and to the team members!).

    2. What can you use to find out fake agile practices?Ask the following questions:How do you handle bugs? Are bugs resolved as a team or an individual handles them?How often do you release software? What’s your release cadence?Do you have a product owner, scrum masters? How is communication to the client done?What’s your code review process? How many required approvals do you have? What’s the last comment you left on a code review?What’s your take on tech debt? How would you classify tech debt?Tell me more about testing practices. Do you use Sonar or other static analysis tools? Do you use integration, unit tests? Do you have a dedicated team of testers?How do you handle issues? Do you have an issue tracker?

      Nice Qs no1 to the interviewer (and to the team members!).

    1. The answer lies in an important and helpful rule of reading that is generally overlooked.That rule is simply this: In tackling a difficult book for the firsttime, read it through without ever stopping to look up orponder the things you do not understand right away.
    1. highly recommended that the resulting image be just one concern per container; predominantly this means just one process per container, so there is no need for a full init system

      container images: whether to use full init process: implied here: don't need to if only using for single process (which doesn't fork, etc.)

    1. Doing everything PID 1 needs to do and nothing else. Things like reading environment files, changing users, process supervision are out of scope for Tini (there are other, better tools for those)
    2. As to whether you should be using Tini.
    1. If you want a queueing system that uses X, use a queuing system that uses X! Sidekiq's mantra is simple and efficient. Redis is both. Abstracting data storage is neither.
  9. Oct 2022
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI3yiPA6npA

      Generally interesting and useful, but is broadly an extended advertisement for JetPens products.

      Transparent sticky notes allow one to take notes on them, but the text is still visible through the paper.

      One can use separate pages to write notes and then use washi tape to tape the notes to the page in a hinge-like fashion similar to selectively interleaving one's books.

    1. Handwriting + Zettelkasten

      I've used Livescribe pens/paper for note taking (including with audio) before, and they've got OCR software to digital workflows. Or for the paper motivated, one could use their larger post it notes and just stick them to index cards as a substrate for your physical ZK with digitally searchable back ups? Now that I've thought about it and written this out, I may have to try it to see if it's better than my prior handwritten/digital experiments.

    1. I'm afraid you missed the joke ;-) While you believe spaces are required on both sides of an em dash, there is no consensus on this point. For example, most (but not all) American authorities say /no/ spaces should be used. That's the joke. In writing a line about "only one way to do it", I used a device (em dash) for which at least two ways to do it (with spaces, without spaces) are commonly used, neither of which is obvious -- and deliberately picked a third way just to rub it in. This will never change ;-)
    1. After the first week of the campaign, we realized what are the main problematic pillars and fixed them right away. Nevertheless, even with these improvements and strong support from the Gamefound team, we’re not even close to achieving the backer numbers with which we could safely promise to create a game of the quality we think it deserves.
    2. First and foremost, we need to acknowledge that even though the funding goal has been met–it does not meet the realistic costs of the project. Bluntly speaking, we did not have the confidence to showcase the real goal of ~1.5 million euros (which would be around 10k backers) in a crowdfunding world where “Funded in XY minutes!” is a regular highlight.

      new tag: pressure to understate the real cost/estimate

    1. The Ruby on Rails framework provides a builtin server tool, which you can access with the rails server command. The "rails server" is not an application server by itself, but just a small wrapper that launches your application in an application server. This is why people do not use "rails server" in production. They use an application server – such as Passenger – directly. "rails server" uses Puma by default as of Rails 5.
  10. Sep 2022
    1. To see if you are writing good code, you can question yourself. how long it will take to fully transfer this project to another person? If the answer is uff, I don’t know… a few months… your code is like a magic scroll. most people can run it, but no body understand how it works. Strangely, I’ve seen several places where the IT department consist in dark wizards that craft scrolls to magically do things. The less people that understand your scroll, the more powerfully it is. Just like if life were a video game.
    2. So make sure to write your documentation, but do not explain your spells.
    3. This is so clear that you don’t even need comments to explain it.
    4. Another type of comments are the ones trying to explain a spell.
    5. Do not explain your spells, rewrite them.
    1. Con un’affluenza al 64%, di dieci punti percentuali inferiore rispetto al 2018, sono state le elezioni politiche meno partecipate nella storia repubblicana.

      Questa è la vera, massima, più allarmante sconfitta.

    1. I have refactored the schema to use allOf, oneOf, and unevaluatedProperties, which not only dramatically shrank the file (1500 lines down to 845) but allowed a different approach consisting of a number of "mix-in" schemas grouping commonly used fields, which are then referenced throughout a set of object schemas.
  11. Aug 2022
  12. Jul 2022
    1. instead of inlining the images, the image URL’s (and captions) are read from a .yaml file. The URL of the yaml file is passed as an argument when loading the page. The .yaml file as well as the images should be publicly served.
    1. It really only takes one head scratching issue to suck up all the time it saves you over a year, and in my experience these head scratchers happen much more often than once a year. So in that sense it's not worth it, and the first time I run into an issue with it, I disable it completely.
    2. It feels like « removing spring » is one of those unchallenged truths like « always remove Turbolinks » or « never use fixtures ». It also feels like a confirmation bias when it goes wrong.

      "unchallenged truths" is not really accurate. More like unchallenged assumption.

    1. https://x28newblog.wordpress.com/2022/07/13/pruning-for-output/comment-page-1/#comment-4960

      I love that you're adding links to the responses back and forth for future reference. I remember doing this manually several years back, but its a practice I rarely see. Both Stephen and I are using the Webmention spec to do this for our selves in an automatic fashion. (Mine display on my site in the comments, though I don't think Stephen does presently.) On wordpress.com you'd likely need to have a higher paid tier to add the plugins to enable this for WordPress, though depending on how often you do this it may be worth it?

    1. the illusion that pervades our sense perception is that what we experience is something external to us that somehow 00:20:10 we've got a world that exists as it is independent of us and that we simply happen to be perfect world detectors and we wander through it detecting things just as they are

      This is a key statement of our illusion. We sense that what we experience is the way the world actually is, not seeing that our bodies play a huge role in what we observe. We don't know what it's like to be a bat!

    1. I'm trying to get info OUT of my note-taking system. It's not as easy as I'd like it to be.

      This is one of the biggest problems with any of the systems digital or analog. The workflows for this are all generally not great.

      I'm actually trying some advice from Konrad Gessner from the 1500s today. I've printed out some of my digital notes about Tiago Forte's new book to arrange and organize them in an attempt to reuse all my writing and thinking about it into a review of the book. It'll probably take a bit as I've left them for a week or two, but I'm curious to see what the manual process looks like here in an effort to help make the digital portion potentially easier.

  13. Jun 2022
    1. All this hoopla seems out of character for the sedate man who likes to say of his work: ''Whatever I did, there was always someone around who was better qualified. They just didn't bother to do it.''
    1. The paradox of hoarding isthat no matter how much we collect and accumulate, it’s neverenough.

      How is the paradox of hoarding related to the collector's fallacy?

      Regardless of how much you collect, you can't take it with you. So what's the value? - Having and using it to sustain you while you're alive. - Combining it in creative ways to leave behind new ideas and new innovations for those who follow you. - others?

    2. No one had to read or respond to what these peoplewrote down—the benefits came just from the act of writing

      Benefit of writing things down

      link this to - rubber duck debugging - https://hypothes.is/a/beiGPOFOEeySP3__4Mj_0w - benefits of talking to a therapist - others? - morning pages

    1. Francesca Benatti (Open University)


      Short Bio

      I joined The Open University in 2012 as a member of the Arts Faculty and I am now part of the School of Arts and Humanities and the English and Creative Writing Department. I hold a Laurea in Lettere Moderne from the University of Bologna, as well as an MA in Literature and Publishing and a PhD in English from the National University of Ireland, Galway.

      My main role in the Faculty is to promote research in the Digital Humanities as the co-leader of DH_OU, the Digital Humanities at The Open University Research Collaboration (web and Twitter) and of the OOC DTP Digital Humanities training programme.

      I am a member of the READ-IT project, the Reading Experience Database, the History of Books and Reading Research Group, the Gender and Otherness in the Humanities (GOTH) Research Centre, the European Romanticism in Association and RÊVE project and the Open Arts Archive.

      During 2014-2019 I led the Arts and Humanities in the Digital Age training programme for the CHASE doctoral training partnership. In 2017 I was the Principal Investigator of the A Question of Style project, which was funded by a Research Society for Victorian Periodicals Field Development Grant. In 2016-2019 I was a member of the Executive Committee of the British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS) and of the International Executive Council of centerNet.

      Select bibliography

      • Understanding the phenomenology of reading through modelling (2021-01-26) Antonini, Alessio; Suárez-Figueroa, Mari Carmen; Adamou, Alessandro; Benatti, Francesca; Vignale, François; Gravier, Guillaume and Lupi, Lucia Semantic Web Journal, 12(2) (pp. 191-217)
      • *ing the Written Word: Digital Humanities Methods for Book History (2020) Antonini, Alessio and Benatti, Francesca In : SHARP 2020: Power of the Written Word (11-15 Jul 2020, Amsterdam)
    2. Alessio Antonini (Open University)

      Dr Alessio Antonini is a Research Associate at the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi), Open University, and a member of KMi's Intelligent Systems and Data Science group. Before joining KMi, he was a post-doc researcher in Urban Computing at the University of Turin, Italy. His research is on Human-Data Interaction (HDI) in applicative context of Civic Technologies, Smart City and Digital Humanities (DH) applications, in which contributed with more than 30 peer-reviewed papers. Transdisciplinary problems emerging from real-life scenarios are the focus of his research, approached through interdisciplinary collaborations, ranging from urban planning, philosophy, law, humanities, history and geography. He has extensive experience in EU and national projects, leading activities and work-packages in 14 projects. With more than ten years of professional practice, he as broad experience in leading R&D projects.

      Select bibliography:

      • Antonini, A., Benatti, F., Watson, N., King, E. and Gibson, J. (2021) Death and Transmediations: Manuscripts in the Age of Hypertext, HT '21: Proceedings of the 32th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, Virtual Event USA
      • Vignale, F., Antonini, A. and Gravier, G. (2020) The Reading Experience Ontology (REO): Reusing and Extending CIDOC CRM, Digital Humanities Conference 2020, Ottawa
      • Antonini, A. and Brooker, S. (2020) Mediation as Calibration: A Framework for Evaluating the Author/Reader Relation, Proceedings of the 31st ACM HyperText, Orlando, Florida, USA
      • Antonini, A. and Benatti, F. (2020) *ing the Written Word: Digital Humanities Methods for Book History, SHARP 2020: Power of the Written Word, Amsterdam
      • Antonini, A., (2020) Understanding the phenomenology of reading through modelling Understanding the phenomenology of reading through modelling, pp. (Early Access)
      • Vignale, F., Benatti, F. and Antonini, A. (2019) Reading in Europe - Challenge and Case Studies of READ-IT Project, DH2019, Utrecht, Netherland
      • Antonini, A., Vignale, F., Guillaume, G. and Brigitte, O. (2019) The Model of Reading: Modelling principles, Definitions, Schema, Alignments
    1. Cloud costs can be up to 5X higher than traditional on-premise infrastructure. And that while the cloud promise is so beautiful. What is going on? This article gives you more insight into the other side of the coin and shows you that the cloud promise is not the full story.

      Cloud costs are 5X higher than on-premise costs

      Cloud costs can be up to 5X higher than traditional on-premise infrastructure. And that while the cloud promise is so beautiful. What is going on? This article gives you more insight into the other side of the coin and shows you that the cloud promise is not the full story.

  14. May 2022
    1. Where around hooks shine is when you want to run an example within a block. For instance, if your database library offers a transaction method that receives a block, you can use an around to cleanly open and close the transaction around the example.
    1. The 6 Business Objectives of SaaS

      The main business objectives of a company are to address the problems and needs of their customers with products or services that are a solution for them. The importance of technology in our daily lives means that we simply cannot ignore SaaS when it comes to running our business.

    1. What does an IT Consultant do?

      An IT consultant is a person who offers advice, guidelines and a roadmap for the sourcing, use and management of IT resources and resources. The IT consultant provides organizations with best practices for using IT solutions and services for their business objectives and in solving their problems. He also often gives organizational advice.

    1. "I'd want to learn a lot from Professor Zimmerman so that I may obtain as much information as possible and use it in reality. It's not about the work."

    2. "To summarize, I am prepared to conquer all hurdles in my path to achieving the career of my dreams so that I may contribute to my society. I am a firm believer in the concept of dreams coming true."

    1. Most of the early books for children were didactic rather than artistic, meant to teach letter sounds and words or to improve the child's moral and spiritual life. In the mid-1700s, however, British publisher John Newbery (1713–1767), influenced by John Locke's ideas that children should enjoy reading, began publishing books for children's amusement. Since that time there has been a gradual transition from the deliberate use of purely didactic literature to inculcate moral, spiritual, and ethical values in children to the provision of literature to entertain and inform. This does not imply that suitable literature for children is either immoral or amoral. On the contrary, suitable literature for today's children is influenced by the cultural and ethical values of its authors. These values are frequently revealed as the literary work unfolds, but they are a means to an end, not an end in themselves. Authors assume a degree of intelligence on the part of their audience that was not assumed in the past. In this respect, children's literature has changed dramatically since its earliest days.

      Children's Literature began as a means of teaching letter and sounds and words. It also began with the purpose to improve the child's moral and spiritual life.It began in John Newberry's idea that reading should be fun for children.

    1. At every step of the process we target a specific risk: the risk of not shipping on time. .... Improving your discovery process should come after regaining your ability to ship.

      You can have the best strategy in the world, but if you can't act on it, what good does it do?



    1. Is IT Maintenance the same as IT Management? For some it may be a semantic discussion while others consider these words synonymous.

      IT Maintenance and IT Management are not the same

      Is IT Maintenance the same as IT Management? For some it may be a semantic discussion while others consider these words synonymous.

  15. Apr 2022
    1. Which Components of IT Infrastructure do we need for DevOps?

      Many companies that want to move to DevOps eventually struggle with the question “What are the Components of IT Infrastructure we need? The use of DevOps stems from the desire to be able to release software more often and faster. The traditional Operations Team (OPS) however will not wholeheartedly embrace this because they would rather benefit from maintaining a stable infrastructure and its maintenance.

    1. Another elaborate site touching advanced C/C++ issues.

    1. How do you get your annotations into the rest of your workflow for notes and learning? How do you prevent that your social annotation tool is yet another separate place where one keeps stuff, cutting off the connections to the rest of one’s work and learning that would make it valuable?


      My annotations broadly flow into two spaces:


      My private Obsidian-based vault is where I collect the notes and actively work on, modify, edit, and expand them if and when necessary. This is also the space where I'm broadly attempting to densely interlink them together for future use and publication in other venues. If I could, I would publish these all on the web, but I've yet to find a set up with a low enough admin tax that I can publish them inexpensively in a way I'd like them to appear (primarily with properly linked [[WikiLinks]]) while still owning them in my own space.

      I've been experimenting around with using Blot.im as a solution to display them here https://notes.boffosocko.com/, but at present it's a very limited selection of my extant notes and doesn't include Webmention or other niceties I'd like to add. As it's a very alpha stage experiment I don't recommend anyone follow or use it and it may disappear altogether in the coming months.


      My main website uses WordPress. To a great extent, this is (now) primarily a back up location and the majority of the annotations are unpublished to the public, but are searchable to me on the back end.

      I do, however, use it occasionally for quickly publishing and syndicating select annotations which I think others may find interesting or upon which I'm looking for comments/feedback and don't expect that the audience I'd like these from will find them natively on Hypothes.is' platform. An example of this might be a paper I was reading this weekend on Roland Barthes which discusses his reasonably well documented zettelkasten-like note taking practice. The article can be found here: https://culturemachine.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/373-604-1-PB.pdf with the annotations seen here: https://docdrop.org/pdf/The-Card-Index-as-Creativity-Ma---Wilken-Rowan-upq8g.pdf/. To tip off others in the space, I made a post on my site with a bit of a puzzle and syndicated it to Twitter. A few hours later I posted a follow up with some additional details and links to my notes on hypothesis which got some useful feedback from Matthias Melcher on the Barthes paper as well as on a related paper I mentioned by Luhmann, particularly about German translation, with which I have little facility.

      Another recent illustrative example was this annotation on the Library of Congress website about Vladimir Nabokov which was picked up by my website (though unpublished/not public) but which I syndicated to Twitter primarily to be able to send a notification to Eleanor Konik who I know is interested in the idea of World Building using historical facts and uses Obsidian in her work. (The @mention in the tweet is hiding in the image of the index card so that I could save text space in the main tweet.) Several others interested in note taking and zettelkasten for writing also noticed it and "liked" it. Not being on Hypothes.is to my knowledge much less following me there, neither Eleanor nor the others would have seen it without the Tweet.

      Nabokov used index cards for his research & writing. In one index card for Lolita, he creates a "weight-heigh-age table for girls of school age" to be able to specify Lolita's measurements. He also researched the Colt catalog of 1940. #WorldBuildinghttps://t.co/i16Yc7CbJ8 pic.twitter.com/JSjXV50L3M

      — Chris Aldrich (@ChrisAldrich) April 10, 2022
      <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>



      Getting annotations from Hypothes.is to Obsidian is a short two-step process which is reasonably well automated so that I don't spend a lot of time cutting/pasting/formatting.

      I start with an IFTTT recipe that takes the RSS output of Hypothes.is and creates text files directly into my Obsidian vault. The results are quite rudimentary and only include the title of the document, the permalink of the Hypothes.is post, the highlighted text, and my annotation. It doesn't include the tags as RSS doesn't have a specification for these.

      Second, I've set up Hypothesidian which has a much higher fidelity dovetail with the Hypothes.is API to get all the data and even the formatting set up I'm looking for. A reasonably well laid out set of instructions with a low/no code approach for it can be found at https://forum.obsidian.md/t/retrieve-annotations-for-hypothes-is-via-templater-plugin-hypothes-idian/17225. It allows importing annotations by a variety of methods including by date and by document URL. I've also made a small modification to it so that tags on Hypothes.is are turned into [[wikilinks]] in Obsidian instead of #tags which I only use sparingly.

      All the IFTTT annotations will be ported individually into a specific Obsidian folder where I'll process them. I can then quickly use Hypothesidian to import the properly laid out version (using templates) of the notes with just a few keystrokes and then focus my time on revising my notes if necessary and then linking them to the appropriate notes already in my system. Finally I'll move them into the appropriate folder based on their content—typically one of the following: zettelkasten, wiki, commonplace, dictionary, or sources (for bibliographic use). Careful watchers will notice that I often use Hypothes.is' "page notes" functionality to create a bookmark-like annotation into which I will frequently post the URL of the page and occasionally a summary of a piece, these are imported into my system and are used as source/bibliographic information. I also have some dovetailing with Zotero as a bibliographic set up which feeds into this data as well.

      This version which I've cobbled together works well for me so that I'm not missing anything, but there are definitely other similar processes available out there both for Obsidian (with plugins or scripts) as well as for other platforms. If I'm not mistaken, I think Readwise (a paid solution) has a set up for note transfer and formatting.


      As there isn't an extant Micropub client for Hypothes.is I initially used RSS as a transport layer to get my notes from Hypothes.is into WordPress. The fidelity isn't great in part because RSS doesn't include any tags. To get some slightly better presentation I set up a workflow using RSS output from Hypothes.is as input into an IFTTT workflow which outputs to a webhook that stands in as a Micropub client targeting my websites Micropub server. Some of the display on my site is assisted by using the Post Kinds plugin, which I know you've been working around yourself. The details may be above some, but I've outlined most of the broad strokes of how this is done in a tutorial at https://boffosocko.com/2020/01/21/using-ifttt-to-syndicate-pesos-content-from-social-services-to-wordpress-using-micropub/. In that example, I use the service Pocket as an example, but Hypothes.is specific information could easily be swapped out on a 1-1 basis.

      A custom stand-alone or even an integrated micropub client for Hypothes.is would be a fantastic project if someone wanted to dig into the details and dovetail it with the Hypothes.is API.


      Ideally, I'm hoping that small pieces loosely joined and IndieWeb building blocks will allow me to use the tools and have the patterns I'm looking for, without a lot of work, so that I can easily make annotations with Hypothes.is but have and share (POSSE) my content on my own site in a way that works much the way many IndieWeb sites dovetail with Twitter or Mastodon.

      I'm doing some portions of it manually at present, without a lot of overhead, but it would be fun to see someone add micropub and webmention capabilities to Hypothes.is or other IndieWeb building blocks. (I suspect it won't be Hypothes.is themselves as their team is very small and they're already spread thin on multiple other mission critical projects.)

      In the end, I'm using Hypothes.is as a well designed and convenient tool for quickly making notes on digital documents. All the data is flowing to one of two other locations where I'm actually making use of it. While there is some social layer there, I'm getting email notifications through the Hypothes.is settings and the data from my responses just gets rolled back into my spaces which I try to keep open and IndieWeb friendly by default. At the same time, for those who want or need it, Hypothes.is' interface is a great way of reading, searching, sorting, and interacting with my notes in public, particularly until I get something specific and user friendly up to do it on my own domain.

    1. assistive technology

      We should place the definition of Assistive Technology here: Assistive Technology is technology used by individuals with disabilities in order to perform functions that might otherwise be difficult or impossible.

    1. In Rails, this is known as nested layouts, and it is a bit awkward to use. The standard Rails practice for nested layouts is complicated and involves these considerations:
  16. Mar 2022
    1. The last note is that when binding commands to keyboard shortcuts it is often necessary to only have one command, not two commands connected with a pipe like we use above. You can accomplish this by invoking your piped command as a command string argumetn to a new shell like this:
    1. The while(true) is not a problem because the loop contains sleep 0.5 which relinquishes half a second of CPU time in each of the loop's iterations. Because of that (and the lightweightness of the xsel command invocation which comprises the other part of the loop), the CPU resources taken up by the loop will be exceedingly tiny even on the slowest of Ubuntu machines.
  17. readlists.jim-nielsen.com readlists.jim-nielsen.com
    1. https://readlists.jim-nielsen.com/

      <small><cite class='h-cite via'> <span class='p-author h-card'>Jim Nielsen</span> in (Re)Introducing Readlists (<time class='dt-published'>03/25/2022 23:09:14</time>)</cite></small>

    1. The IT Equipment Room (MER, SER and DER) guidelines

      It is clear that the Equipment_Rooms (MER, SER and DER) are important spaces for a company. Much of the business depends on these spaces. That is why many companies draw up minimal guidelines to ensure continuity.

    1. level 1Fatal_Taco · 2 days ago · edited 2 days agoArch Linux, and likely most distros, are defined by these few things and are not limited to:The Linux Kernel, what type of config and modules it's been compiled with.The pre-packaged programs it comes with by default.The init.The package manager.The repositories it references.The slightly differing Linux Filesystem Hierarchy.The types of computers it runs on.
    2. Just like any other distribution, Arch Linux is just a collection of utilities strapped together running Linux kernel under the hood.
  18. inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
    1. insidious declamations should have no effect upon the wise legislators who have decreed liberty to humanity. The attacks the colonists propose against this liberty must be feared all the more insofar as they hide their detestable projects under the veil of patriotism. We know that illusory and specious descriptions have been made to you of the renewal of terrible violence. Already, perfidious emissaries have crept among us to foment destruction at the hands ofliberticides. They will not succeed, this 1 swear by all that is most sacred in liberty. My attachment to France, the gratitude that all the blacks conserve for her, make it my duty to hide from you neither the plans being fomented nor the oath that we renew to bury ourselves beneath the ruins of a country revived by liberty rather than suffer the return of slavery.

      Here Toussaint states that he refuses to let Vaublanc convince 'property' owners in St. Domingue to regress back to the use of enslavement. Toussaint also says that it he and other Blacks have gratitude to France and will not try to hide the fact they will all fight should, the "enemy of liberty" slavery return.

    1. Ruby Object Mapper (rom-rb) is a fast ruby persistence library with the goal of providing powerful object mapping capabilities without limiting the full power of the underlying datastore.
  19. Feb 2022
    1. Remember, our wizard controller is responsible for showing and updating steps, but our top-level controller is still responsible for managing our Pet models.
    1. Σημείο καμπής και ημερομηνία σταθμός είναι η 8η Δεκεμβρίου όπου για λόγους που όλοι μπορούμε να φανταστούμε, κόπηκε η πρόσβαση από το υπουργείο Ψηφιακής Πολιτικής.

      Ο Θεοδωρικάκος διαχειρίζεται KAI τα δεδομενα covid19!

  20. Jan 2022
    1. Defining the project scope means that you must have a clear vision and agreement on the outcomes of the project. This allows any deliverable of the project to remain on schedule.

      This is how you determine the project scope Defining the project scope means that you must have a clear vision and agreement on the outcomes of the project. This allows any deliverable of the project to remain on schedule.

    1. Is ITIL Losing Importance Due To SaaS? ITIL is a set of procedures and practices of IT service management when we mistakenly believe that we don't have to worry about that in SaaS. However, ITIL has many aspects and facets that encompasses running IT in an organization. Moreover, it is not a checklist for the implementation of specific services in specific environments. For SaaS, we can just use a different toolset to follow the general ITIL guidelines.

    1. The server generating a 401 response MUST send a WWW-Authenticate header field (Section 4.1) containing at least one challenge applicable to the target resource.

      Meaning that 99% of the people use it are using it "wrong" because they're not using it for HTTP authentication and don't send a WWW-Authenticate header field with their 401 response?

      Hmm. That's a tough one. On the one hand, the spec does say they must send it.

      Initial opinion

      But on the other hand, one could argue that that requirement only applies if using 401 for HTTP authentication. And that saying it's wrong to do so (as they claim at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3297048/403-forbidden-vs-401-unauthorized-http-responses/14713094#14713094 and https://hyp.is/JA45zHotEeybDdM_In4frQ/stackoverflow.com/questions/3297048/403-forbidden-vs-401-unauthorized-http-responses) is having a too strict/narrow/literal interpretation.

      HTTP is meant to be used widely in many very different uses and contexts, most of which do not use this very specific HTTP authentication scheme; my opinion is that they shouldn't be denied from using it, just because they don't have anything useful WWW-Authenticate header field. (Or (which is also fine with me), just put something "emptyish" in the field, like "Unused". Unless that would trigger a Basic auth modal in the browser, in which case we shouldn't, for practical reasons.)

      Why shouldn't we be able to repurpose this same status code for uses that are still authentication, but just not HTTP authentication per se?

      Is it really wrong to repurpose this useful status code for other contexts, like cookie-based app-defined authentication systems?

      I say that it's okay to repurpose/reuse 401 for any authentication system (that uses HTTP as a part of it, even though not using HTTP's own authentication system), as long as we try to maintain the same semantic as originally intended/described here. I think it's okay to use 401 as a response to a XHR request, and then have the client redirect to a login page, which provides a way to authenticate again (reattempt the authentication challenge), analogous to how it works for HTTP authentication.

      Revised opinion

      https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3297048/403-forbidden-vs-401-unauthorized-http-responses/14713094#14713094 has made me change my mind and convinced me that...

      Authentication by schemes outside of (not defined by) RFC7235: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Authentication should not use HTTP status 401, because 401 Unauthorized is only defined (by current RFCs) by RFC7235: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Authentication, and has semantics and requirements (such as the requirement that "A server generating a 401 (Unauthorized) response MUST send a WWW-Authenticate header field containing at least one challenge.") that simply don't make sense or cannot be fulfilled if using a non-HTTP authentication scheme.

      403 Forbidden, on the other hand, is defined by the broader HTTP standard, in RFC7231: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content and RFC7235: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Authentication.

      In conclusion, if you have your own roll-your-own login process and never use HTTP Authentication, 403 is always the proper response and 401 should never be used.

      Couldn't a custom auth system use WWW-Authenticate header?

      The question was asked:

      Doesn't RFC7235 provide for "roll-your-own" or alternate auth challenges? Why can't my app's login flow present its challenge in the form of a WWW-Authenticate header? Even if a browser doesn't support it, my React app can...

      And I would say sure, if you want (and if the browser doesn't automatically show a Basic auth modal in this case and thwart your plans).

      They might be on to something here with that question!

      But that should probably be the test of whether you can/should use 401: are you actually using WWW-Authenticate header?

      Indeed I found an example where it is used for OAuth2.

    1. Authentication by schemes outside of RFC2617 is not supported in HTTP status codes and are not considered when deciding whether to use 401 or 403.

      What does "are not considered when deciding whether to use 401 or 403" mean exactly? What exactly should not be considered, and what exactly should be considered instead? In other words, how did someone arrive at the conclusion that "if you have your own roll-your-own login process and never use HTTP Authentication, 403 is always the proper response and 401 should never be used."? Why is 403 okay to use for non-HTTP authentication, but not 401?

      Oh, I think I understand the difference now.

      They should have said:

      Authentication by schemes outside of (not defined by) RFC7235: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Authentication should not use HTTP status 401, because 401 Unauthorized is only defined (by current RFCs) by RFC7235: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Authentication, and has semantics and requirements (such as the requirement that "A server generating a 401 (Unauthorized) response MUST send a WWW-Authenticate header field containing at least one challenge.") that simply don't make sense or cannot be fulfilled if using a non-HTTP authentication scheme.

      403 Forbidden, on the other hand, is defined by the broader HTTP standard, in RFC7231: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content and RFC7235: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Authentication.

      In conclusion, if you have your own roll-your-own login process and never use HTTP Authentication, 403 is always the proper response and 401 should never be used.

      See also my comments in https://hyp.is/p1iCnnowEeyUPl9PxO8BuQ/www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7235

    2. Meaning if you have your own roll-your-own login process and never use HTTP Authentication, 403 is always the proper response and 401 should never be used.
    3. If HTTP authentication is not in use and the service has a cookie-based authentication scheme as is the norm nowadays, then a 403 or a 404 should be returned.
    1. APIs that simply map CRUD actions to HTTP verbs have nothing to do with Application State Transfer. You can call them Web APIs or HTTP APIs, but please don’t call them RESTful.
    1. Sorry, let me rephrase. Is this how it is supposed to work? Because right now it looks like a bug. The documentation is really terribly sparse on this topic.
    1. This is just one of those things in CSS that seems easy to understand (and really, it should be), but it’s sometimes not — because of the way that percentages work in CSS.
    1. The Business Strategy stems from a detailed strategic planning process. However, the question we want to answer in this article is whether we can execute multiple strategies side by side while they do not interfere with each other. We compare multiple strategies for business, information provision and IT and focus on Strategic planning.

      Business strategy alignment and the secrets of strategic planning https://en.itpedia.nl/2022/01/02/business-strategie-alignment-en-de-geheimen-van-strategische-planning/ The Business Strategy stems from a detailed strategic planning process. However, the question we want to answer in this article is whether we can execute multiple strategies side by side while they do not interfere with each other. We compare multiple strategies for business, information provision and IT and focus on Strategic planning.

  21. Dec 2021
    1. Do you blame individuals?How do you fix bugs?Do you assign all the bugs to one person?

      Interview Q for hiring project-managers & leads.

    2. What do you feel that your employer does well at, as a company, organization, or employer?Describe one thing that company did on your proposal?Does company hears your issues? How does company helps with your issues?What do you feel that your employer needs to improve on the most, as a company, organization, or employer?Would you recommend this company to your friends?Do you see yourself in this company in the future?What’s your turnover rate? How many people left the company last year and why?

      Interview Qs about previous employer revealing cooperation issues.

    1. Green computing, or green information technology, is the practice of environmentally sustainable computing. In this article we take a closer look at: * Greening the workplace. * A green workplace business case. * Opportunities to make Data Centers greener by: - ​​Other IT equipment. - The cooling of IT spaces. - The data center buildings.

      Green computing : Workplace and data center, a real business case https://en.itpedia.nl/2021/12/11/green-computing-werkplek-datacenter-business-case/ Green computing, or green information technology, is the practice of environmentally sustainable computing. In this article we take a closer look at: Greening the workplace. A green workplace business case. * Opportunities to make Data Centers greener by: - ​​Other IT equipment. - The cooling of IT spaces. - The data center buildings.

  22. Nov 2021
    1. The moment one gets into the ‘expert’ state of mind a great number of things become impossible.”

      Being an IT expert means always being arrogant.

    1. Finally, I think Actions are great for animations, because you will definitely need to apply the same logic to many different elements. One of my favorite examples are FLIP animations, where a change in DOM position can be animated. For example shuffling a list of items. I will not dive deep into the topic in this article: I've written about some techniques in this article about FLIP animations in React and in this article about how to create spring animations with Web Animation API. Although they are not about Svelte, at the end of the day it all boils down to manipulating the HTML element directly. And Svelte Actions are a great place to do it.
    1. Honestly, I don't know. Strictly speaking it's different to a window being opened at a specific size (I can see the difference). I don't know whether that difference is material. Seeing as these are tests, I'd like to remove as many unknowns as possible. If someone can tell me that it makes no difference then I'd be happy.
    1. Even if #foo is originally on the page and then removed and replaced with a #foo which contains baz after a short wait, Capybara will still figure this out.
    2. As long as you stick to the Capybara API, and have a basic grasp of how its waiting behaviour works, you should never have to use wait_until explicitly.
    3. Let’s make that really clear, Capybara is ridiculously good at waiting for content.
    4. apybara could have easily figured out how to wait for this content, without you muddying up your specs with tons of explicit calls to wait_until. Our developer could simply have done this: page.find("#foo").should have_content("login failed")
    5. Now after a long debugging session, our developer has found the timing issue. They now realize that there is a wait_until method in the API, and immediately think that, "hey, this sounds like what I need!"
    6. Its existence confuses people into thinking that it is necessary, when in fact it isn’t.
    1. apt-rdepends exists. This functionality should really reside in apt-cache itself.

      Update: Maybe it does already exist now. I was able to run this, for example without apt-rdepends being installed: apt-cache rdepends --installed libwebpmux3