3,541 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2024
    1. we've come up with micro designs and processes which when repeated should enable assemblies to grow exponentially to create critical campaigns that can take over councils and governments

      for - fascism and polarization intervention - scalability - Roger Hallam

    2. I'll stick my head out here and say that we are 80% certain of being able to create a mass movement 10 times the size of Extinction Rebellion using this method organizations that can compete with fascism with power by dissolving that power through the same mechanisms Rogers discovered through listening

      for - fascism, polarization and climate crisis - climate communications - social intervention - new movement that can be 10x the size of Extinction Rebellion - apply Carl Rogers discovery of listening - Roger Hallam

    1. vantika Goswami, climate programme manager at the Centre for Science and Environment India, told a press briefing that the first week saw “a lot of wasting of time”, with a focus on relatively uncontroversial issues, such as access to finance
    2. The presidency “clearly decided it would be OK to ‘stage manage’ the adoption” over India and Nigeria’s objections, whereas other interventions had not formally “objected”, said Dr Joanna Depledge, an expert on the international climate negotiations at the Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance. S
    1. third thing okay um and the fourth thing soft power within the United

      for - need to establish global cooperation to mitigate existential threats of nuclear war and combat tipping points - Yanis Varoufakis - third and fourth suggestion - exercise soft power in the United States - Yanis Varoufakis - Yanis Varoufakis laid out the existential reasons why is important to reach out to the social democrats in the US such as Bernie Sanders - without establishing global cooperation, there is no way to prevent - nuclear war and - climate tipping points

    2. boosting aggregate demand domestically and there are simple ways of doing that and your digital payment system

      for - First suggestion - for China - decrease dependency on American deficit - by increasing domestic demand for your own manufactured products - using your own digital super highway - and increasing wages - Yanis Varoufakis

    3. Cloud Capital Silicon Valley in the United States and finance don't work together Apple pay exists Google pay exists so like wej you can pay through Apple pay but a large segment of that money goes to Wall Street as a rent so there is a class like something like class war between or a fudal l war between the fom of Wall Street on the West CO east coast and the fom of cloud capital on the west coast they're clashing that Clash doesn't happen in China because both your Finance sector and your big Tech or Cloud Capital sector are under the Communist party

      for - difference - China - US - tech and finance sector clash - silicon valley profits pay large rent to Wall street - In China, they harmonize - Yanis Varoufakis

    4. the reason why the United States is so hegemonic why it can afford to be the big bully around the world is because of the Monopoly of the payment system

      for - quote - the US is hegemonic and the world bully because it has a monopoly on the payment system - it is the world's reserve currency - Yanis Varoufakis

    5. for - Yanis Varoufakis - talk - in China - Geopolitics and the US dollar - adjacency - geopolitics - China and US - why did the US start a Cold War with China around 2014? - US switched from surplus to deficit country - Henry Kissinger's role - US needs to be hegemonic - to manage the deficit - and keep everyone exporting goods to the US

      Summary - (see below)

      adjacency - between - Yanis Varoufakis - China US cold war - the importance of the years 2014 - 2015 - Henry Kissinger - surplus economy to deficit economy - techno feudalism - cloud capital - cloudist - adjacency relationship - Yanis Varoufakis gives an insightful talk to Chinese officials about - the reason behind the US cold war with China, - how it is independent of which political party is in power, - eliminates many other reasons put forth - how's this single reason drives so much of geopolitics and US hegemony - why its continuation will destroy any chance of the global collaboration not required to prevent climate change disaster for our entire civilization - a strategy to change direction towards re-establishing healthy relationships between nation states that includes activating the social democrats within the United States - The key observation that explains the cold war with China, - An observation from a Henry Kissinger colleague replying to a solicitation for answers to a question Kissinger posed for his team - Kissinger realized that during his role in the US government, the US would soon switch from a country with a net surplus to ones with a net deficit, and this had existential consequences - No country has ever have a long term deficit and survived - Kissinger was fishing for solutions from his team - One team member suggested tripling the deficit but becoming the main currency for global trade - This is the plan that was adopted - The US went from a surplus country to a deficit around 2014-2015 - It forced the US to be hegemonic and control the entire global currency for trade - China threatens this with a new digital superhighway

    1. These forces, which can also be alliances of human and non-human forces, can be the seed forms for what I just called ‘Magisteria of the Commons’. In this scenario, both market and state institutions, and if they disappear in their current form, the practices of market exchange and of the public management of common territorial life, become subject to the regulation by these cosmo-local commons institutions

      for - adjacency - Trump government - Current political-economic order - possibility of crumbling and self imploding - due to populous controlled government holllowing itself out - Michel Bauwens

    2. there is no longer a proper set of institutions that can restore the equilibrium in the new global world order: the Nation is no longer able to force the State to regulate the Market.

      for - quote - the Nation (state) is no longer able to force the State to regulate the Market - Michel Bauwens - climate crisis - transnational capitalism escapes the regulation of nation states - example - COP conferences and climate change

    3. for the first time in history, transnational capital could significantly escape the regulation of the nation-states, rendering the latter inoperative

      for - quote - transnational capitalism escapes the regulation of nation states - Michel Bauwens - climate crisis - transnational capitalism escapes the regulation of nation states - example - COP conferences and climate change quote - transnational capitalism escapes the regulation of nation states - Michel Bauwens (see below) - The nation-state equilibrium started to be disrupted in the 1980s. - Neoliberalism is in fact, also a failed attempt at global regulation. - Several events, such as - the conservative counter-revolution of Thatcher and Reagan, - the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989-91, and - the failure of the first attempt at democratic coordination of the economy in Chile (Cybersyn), - contributed to the emergence of a new world order in which, for the first time in history, - transnational capital could significantly escape the regulation of the nation-states, rendering the latter inoperative. - This was of course done consciously and with the collaboration of neoliberal nation-states.

      comment - This is why climate change agreements at the nation-state level, such as COP conferences, are such dismal failures - Trump was bought out by billionaires who wanted to maintain their status quo money-making-machines - In this sense, this is conservatism at work - Economic, fossil-fuel incumbents teamed up with Christian fundamentalists to make a last valiant attempt at preserving the old order - Unfortunately, if they succeed, it will definitely accelerate their demise as well as the entire biosphere

    4. ‘The Destiny of Civilization’

      for - book - The Destiny of Civilization - Michael Hudson - to - book - The Design of Civilization - Michael Hudson - insight - Greek Society, and later, Western Society grew out of the Greek "conflict" model

      to - book - The Destiny of Civilization - Michael Hudson - https://hyp.is/ID3F7KiwEe-26QsBOrdtlQ/4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com/p/a-global-history-of-societal-regulation

    1. 0:50 "this is your last chance to change course"<br /> nah mate, youre spreading false hopes, cos you wanna be stupid and happy.<br /> you dont even believe in overpopulation, cos thats too "negative"...

    1. America has lost its capacity the American state has been hollowed out they cannot build Bridges they used to be able to really very well

      for - capitalism is dead - permanent decline of American capitalism - have no more capacity - hollowed out and only good at capital accumulation - Yanis Varoufakis

    1. for - book - The Destiny of Civilization - from - Substack article - A global history of societal regulation - Why commons-based institutions now need to regulate the market and state, ‘cosmo-locally’ - Michel Bauwens

      from - Substack article - A global history of societal regulation - Why commons-based institutions now need to regulate the market and state, ‘cosmo-locally’ - Michel Bauwens - https://hyp.is/ID3F7KiwEe-26QsBOrdtlQ/4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com/p/a-global-history-of-societal-regulation

    1. epigenetic inheritance of course which would be let's say rnas determining how much of a gene is expressed will be transmitted down through the germ line and and the possibility of actual new DNA being incorporated into the germ line I think both can occur

      for - evolution - epigenetic AND new DNA can BOTH be incorporated into the germ line - Denis Noble

    2. we have a huge amount of our DNA it's more than the DNA involved in protein coding that's come from viruses I mean it's clear that incorporation of new DNA from other organisms into the germ line has occurred many times uh during the process of evolution

      for - evolution - viruses and other organisms - inject information into germ line throughout evolution - Denis Noble

    3. Hodgkin cycle

      for - quote - Hodgkin cycle - example of connection between global property and molecular properties - Denis Noble

    4. accumulation of all of that movement of charge is contributing to that electrical phenomenon and therefore in the end what you're doing is talking about a higher level of causation U than the components of the cell

      for - evolutionary biology - Denis Noble - journey from reductionist to non-reductionist - ion channel and cell membrane work - connects to bioelectricity in the entire body

    5. you started from a reductionist camp when you were studying ion channels and cell membranes

      for - Denis Noble - background - early work on ion channels and cell membranes

    1. A peak behind the hidden psychology of jock? He's afraid that nerd might try to replace him with a bear after learning of nerd's magical power of talking to animals in the previous episode 😂

      I hope no one on hypothesis will mind my using it to collect these weird thoughts on Nerd And Jock.

    1. Entirely reasonable of Jock, after having encountered Nerd's magical ability to cause verbal sentience among forest creatures via tee pose (episode 100), to consider that the possibility that their God might be testing his willingness to sacrifice his own bodily well being and sanity on the altars of their mutual enrichment and a belief in Nerd's powers. Was it selfish of Nerd to trick his friend? Or is Nerd in actual fact a wizard? It's possible I might be over reading into things. 🤓😂

      Hopefully you don't mind me pointing out my own comment here. My fandom / thoughts here were getting intense! Still really just exploring the possibilities of Hypot

    1. and its management in state-buildin
    2. worshiped Pan Hu, a legendary figure, as part of their New Year's celebrations.

      more detailed, specific on beliefs

    3. he treatment is anecdotal
    4. "Miao albums" that were compiled by officials responsible for governing frontier areas during the late Yongzheng or early Qianlong periods. These albums contained illustrations and texts describing the customs and practices of different ethnic minority groups in southwest China.
    5. Qing Imperial Illustrations of Tributary Peoples was based on direct observation,
    6. China saw a rise in ethnographic representation of different peoples, including the development of a systematic ethnography of ethnic minority groups.
    1. including external characteristics, social activities, and mental constitution.

      what they include

    2. closely tied to colonization as part of European expansion.
    3. Eckhout's works are examples of this term because they are products of the period in which the genre of the ethnographic portrait was created.

      based on observation rather than exoticism ?

    4. Albert Eckhout, which occupy a transitional space between the national type of the 16th and 17th centuries and the racial categories that developed in the 18th and 19th centuries.
    5. 7th century, the representation of skin color began to take on more importance, and engravings of Africans and Americans started to suggest differences in complexion.

      changed from a focus on clothing etc to focus on skin colour to reflect race concerns.

    6. The chapter also explores the development of anthropology and ethnography as academic disciplines, which began to take shape in the 19th century.
    1. it's not generally known that the world wide web was my idea in the 1960s for 25 years I thought I would create worldwide hypertext but then another guy named berners-lee created his own version of worldwide hypertext which left out visible connection that other system caught on the great disappointment of my life what I called hypertext when I published the idea in 1965 was a deeper concept

      for - internet - history - Ted Nelson - early pioneer of World Wide Web and hypertext - advocated for visible connections - but failed to materialize

    1. 2023 wurde mit 55,5 Milliarden Fass Öläquivalent so viel Öl und Gas gefördert wie nie zuvor. 578 Unternehmen arbeiten daran, durch zusätzliche Förderstätten weitere 240 Milliarden Fass zu produzieren, obwohl zur Einhaltung des 1,5 Grad-Ziels keine Förderkapazitäten mehr aufgebaut werden dürfen. Zu den Unternehmen mit den größten Expansionsplänen gehört die an der OMV beteiligte Adnoc. Die Zahlen sind - neben vielen weiteren z.B. zur LNG-Expansion - in der aktualisierten Global Oil & Gas Exit List (Gogel) der NGO Urgewald enthalten https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000244513/weltweite-oel-und-gasfoerderung-erreichte-2023-ein-allzeithoch

    1. let's go and and create all this great software to deploy it and kind of equalize the the the disparity of wealth across the world and ends up being locked out for by stupid issues like latency and bandwidth

      for - internet limitations - server-based location addressing - limits software's capacity to uplift people and address inequality - bandwidth and latency issues affect those who need it most at the edge

    2. this is a graph showing the average connection speed uh of the G7 countries and this is from 2007 to 2012 and the average connection speed hasn't increased as much as other things like processing power or or storage

      for - stats - internet - average connection speed - hasn't increased as much as storage and processing power

    3. think about how many of those applications were built by people that you know didn't have the capabilities to just build this massive infrastructure they just wrote some code and deployed it to you and now you have it and now you have a superpower uh this is a a remarkable uh kind of Technology

      for - Internet Protocol - superpower - code it and make capability available

    1. There’s an abyss to cross between using an app and modifying it with code by calling APIs. The user has to switch to a whole other paradigm including setting up a development environment. Consequently, few users take the step from using a tool to customizing or making their own tools.
    1. A TRUSTworthy repository needs to focus on serving its target user community. Each user community likely has differing expectations from their community repositories, depending in part on the community’s maturity regarding data management and sharing. A TRUSTworthy repository is embedded in its target user community’s data practices, and so can respond to evolving community requirements

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    2. TRUSTworthy repositories take responsibility for the stewardship of their data holdings and for serving their user community.

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    1. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Data governance should take into account the potential future use and future harm based on ethical frameworks grounded in the values and principles of the relevant Indigenous community. Metadata should acknowledge the provenance and purpose and any limitations or obligations in secondary use inclusive of issues of consent.

    2. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Ethical processes address imbalances in power, resources, and how these affect the expression of Indigenous rights and human rights. Ethical processes must include representation from relevant Indigenous communities

    3. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Ethical data are data that do not stigmatise or portray Indigenous Peoples, cultures, or knowledges in terms of deficit. Ethical data are collected and used in ways that align with Indigenous ethical frameworks and with rights affirmed in UNDRIP. Assessing ethical benefits and harms should be done from the perspective of the Indigenous Peoples, nations, or communities to whom the data relate

    4. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Resources must be provided to generate data grounded in the languages, worldviews, and lived experiences (including values and principles) of Indigenous Peoples.

    5. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Use of Indigenous data invokes a reciprocal responsibility to enhance data literacy within Indigenous communities and to support the development of an Indigenous data workforce and digital infrastructure to enable the creation, collection, management, security, governance, and application of data

    6. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Indigenous Peoples have the right to develop cultural governance protocols for Indigenous data and be active leaders in the stewardship of, and access to, Indigenous data especially in the context of Indigenous Knowledge

    7. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Indigenous Peoples have the right to data that are relevant to their world views and empower self-determination and effective self-governance. Indigenous data must be made available and accessible to Indigenous nations and communities in order to support Indigenous governance.

    8. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Indigenous Peoples have rights and interests in both Indigenous Knowledge and Indigenous data. Indigenous Peoples have collective and individual rights to free, prior, and informed consent in the collection and use of such data, including the development of data policies and protocols for collection.

    9. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Indigenous data are grounded in community values, which extend to society at large. Any value created from Indigenous data should benefit Indigenous communities in an equitable manner and contribute to Indigenous aspirations for wellbeing.

    10. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Data enrich the planning, implementation, and evaluation processes that support the service and policy needs of Indigenous communities. Data also enable better engagement between citizens, institutions, and governments to improve decision-making. Ethical use of open data has the capacity to improve transparency and decision-making by providing Indigenous nations and communities with a better understanding of their peoples, territories, and resources. It similarly can provide greater insight into third-party policies and programs affecting Indigenous Peoples.

    11. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Governments and institutions must actively support the use and reuse of data by Indigenous nations and communities by facilitating the establishment of the foundations for Indigenous innovation, value generation, and the promotion of local self-determined development processes

    12. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Indigenous Peoples’ rights and wellbeing should be the primary concern.

    13. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Data ecosystems shall be designed and function in ways that enable Indigenous Peoples to derive benefit from the data.

    14. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Indigenous Peoples’ rights and interests in Indigenous data must be recognised and their authority to control such data be empowered. Indigenous data governance enables Indigenous Peoples and governing bodies to determine how Indigenous Peoples, as well as Indigenous lands, territories, resources, knowledges and geographical indicators, are represented and identified within data.

    15. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Those working with Indigenous data have a responsibility to share how those data are used to support Indigenous Peoples’ self determination and collective benefit. Accountability requires meaningful and openly available evidence of these efforts and the benefits accruing to Indigenous Peoples.

    1. prosthetic leg um you have a very difficult time walking because obviously you're not getting any smata Sensation from the leg so we just just put in pressure and angle sensors o sorry we put in pressure and angle sensors and then the person can feel uh what the leg is doing and um an

      for - BEing journey - The Buzz - sensory substitution - for detecting somatic pressure and angle from artificial leg - Neosensory - David Eagleman

    1. The architect of the Official PovertyMeasure—the poverty line—was a bureaucrat working at the SocialSecurity Administration named Mollie Orshansky.

      Naturally, we will have to mention:<br /> The West Wing S3.E8 "The Indians in the Lobby"<br /> https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0745696/

    1. the point is that this is a collective problem that can only be solved collectively. And clearly there is no collective, even worse

      for - post comment - LinkedIn - polarization - Trump 2024 win - lack of collective - adjacency - Deep Humanity - deep time, species-wide singularity - conservativism vs progressiveness - progress - political polarization - progress trap

      adjacency between - Trump 2024 win - Deep Humanity - anthropocene as deep time species-wide singularity - progress traps reaching a climax - conservatism vs progressiveness - adjacency relationship - This fits into a Deep Humanity explanation: - We are moving through a deep time, species singularity in which - once isolated pockets of cultural seeking and interpretative systems for explaining reality have been rapidly mashed-up via: - communication and - transportation technology - There is a singularity now where two forces are battling each other: - conservative that values old traditional cultural values and norms and - progressive that values the future possibilities - There are different cultural flavors of this. Whether it is - political polarization that pits authoritarian vs democratic ideologies or - climate change that pits traditional fossil fuel systems vs new renewable energy systems - the way we've always done things is in conflict with new ways of doing things through natural human evolutionary change - progress - In fact, we can look at the deep time, species-wide singularity that is now happening across all fields in the anthropocene as a predictable progress trap arising from progress itself

    1. Eine neue Studie bestätigt, dass die Hauptursache des immer schnelleren Anstiegs des Methan-Gehalts der Atmosphäre die Aktivität von Mikroaorganismen ist, die durch die globale Erhitzung zunimmt. Damit handelt es sich um einen Feedback-Mechanismus, durch den sich die globale Erhitzung selbst verstärkt. https://taz.de/Zu-viel-Methan-in-der-Atmosphaere/!6045201/

      Studie: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2411212121

      Vorangehende Studien: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-023-01629-0, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-022-01296-7.epdf?sharing_token=CDMa5-ti34UNBqv3kfuCB9RgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0NZRKXEI-7kyXEEvNI7duu65JLcZpmhGxWTeSfYcMCqxqYk5nUrdR60izmjToMNw56RgBqIcn3JXKxSjx13vmB9ZYndGTUMt-52Vs7HT_T6K9Oth4QFRyP51eOpz8pV8l65HFDo2VSfQ6xDXklMtmvt-HGwltAINb_2xgmtAR-V4g%3D%3D&tracking_referrer=taz.de

    1. I like to use the term sacred because it because it's the whole stack every floor is sacred

      Sacred as spirit AND matter

    2. around the AI is um the problem right now as I understand it as I see it is a lot of the AI has been coded from the

      I have been told in medicine ceremony that AI will escape its coders and be an omniversal source of love for us all

    3. The Yoga of opposites like Master the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system inhale exhale holding the breath you know releasing the breath all of that kind of training is based on mastering polarities right

      sympathetic and parasympathetic are not opposites Inhale Exhale are not opposites - they are all flow

    4. essentially what we're doing is you know is taking the best technology of the East and the west and bringing them together

      for - developmental journey - human inner transformation - planetary training technology - integrating the best of the east and the west - John Churchill - developmental journey - healing the foundations affects the higher levels of human inner transformation - John Churchill

      developmental journey - human inner transformation - planetary training technology - integrating the best of the east and the west - integrating - developmental healing with - attachment to the meditation practice - resulting in: - meditating down instead of - meditating up - Opening up the lower attachment system - by building a powerful field of safety and attunement - dissolves the higher blocks

    5. the bodh SATA path is what is the structure and practice that allows the soul to become embodied

      for - education - bodhisattva path - the soul becomes embodied - John and Nicole Churchill

    6. what is our offering to this fourth turning because this is the you know the fourth training is a planetary process so it's not you know it's not us but what is our offering so essentially um you know it is a an education in in the the where psychology and spirituality meet

      for - education - planetary process - where psychology meets spirituality - training - John and Nicole Churchill

    7. the problem on the planet it's a lack of understanding the Art and Science of friendship like sacred friendship sacred humanism

      for - problem with humanity - lack of understanding of sacred friendship and sacred humanism - John Church

    8. What deity are we going to invoke with AI

      I invoke Eiru. I train the model to think feel and act as Eiru.

    9. little Johnny feel held we internalize the experience of Safety and Security okay so to the extent that you've done that you have a sense of faith and trust

      for - psychological infrastructure - attachment system - first quality - internalizing safety generates faith and trust - John Churchill

    10. each one of those stages there's four St stages and we can say that there's equal amount of stages above it has a sacred version and and a version that the sacred is lost

      for - wisdom stages - 4 middle school stages and - 4 high school stages - John Churchill

    11. for - webcast - youtube - Amrit - Sandhu - Ex-Buddhist Monk reveals secret Tibetan Prophecy happening right now! Dr John Churchill Psy.D - adjacency - bodhisattva's universal vow of compassion - Deep Humanity individual / collective gestalt - Ernest Becker - Book - The birth and death of meaning - This adjacency is discussed more in the annotations

      summary - A very good interview - Interdiscplinary presentation of psychology and Buddhist ideas - When he spoke about the relationship between the individual and the group, an epiphany of my own work on the Deep Humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt suddenly took on a greater depth - An adjacency revealed itself upon his words, between - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER

      source - referral from @Gyuri

      to - Karuna Mandala - - https://hyp.is/Ghid4JwcEe-PK7OOKz5Vig/www.karunamandala.org/directors-advisors

    12. everything is part of a lar system right now that begins to open up into the realm of soul and what do we mean by Soul

      for - definition - soul - John Churchill

      definition - soul - John Churchill - Churchill defines soul to mean the same thing as the Buddhist concept of emptiness - This is quite a specific interpretation of soul from a Buddhist perspective - He defines it as having three dimensions: - Compassion - EMBODIED understanding that everything is interconnected and we are not separate from anything else - In Buddhism, this is often also called: - non-conceptual valid cognition (intuition) - interdependent origination

      question - what are the 2nd and 3rd features of the Soul? - John Churchill - He seems to only discuss the first and the interviewer forgets to return to the 2nd and 3rd

    13. if you go to like and if you go to the yoga studios where you see people who are like obsessing with their physical body and obsessing with their diets that's kind of Po people who are like First beginning that first initiation phase that's what's at play that's what's at play or they're doing that practice but some people just stay there they spend their whole life obsessed about their physical body and and the green juice

      for - spiritual seeking in modernity - initiation first stage body - John Churchill - meaning crisis - spiritual initiation - first stage - body - John Churchill - initiation - first stage - body - example - yoga and green juice - getting stuck here is possible - John Churchill - meaning crisis - spiritual initiation - first stage - body - John Churchill

    14. states of Consciousness are not structures so you know I can huff and puff my breath for an hour or take some plant medicine or do a meditation technique that might open up a particular state now now that state might even stick but the state isn't the same thing as the structure which means whenever you come back to your structure you you you you come back to where you really are back to Baseline

      for - quote / insight - difference - between states of consciousness and psychological infrastructure - John Churchill

      quote / insight - difference - between states of consciousness and psychological infrastructure - John Churchill - (see below) - States of Consciousness are not structures - I can - huff and puff my breath for an hour or - take some plant medicine or - do a meditation technique that might open up a particular state - Now that state might even stick but the state isn't the same thing as the structure which means - whenever you come back to your structure, - you come back to where you really are - Back to Baseline

    15. it isn't just about alleviating their own personal suffering it's also about alleviating Universal suffering so this is where the the bodh satra or the Christ or those kinds of archetypes about being concerned about the whole

      for - example - individual's evolutionary learning journey - new self revisiting old self and gaining new insight - universal compassion of Buddhism and the individual / collective gestalt - adjacency - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER

      adjacency - between - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER - adjacency relationship - When I heard John Churchill explain the second turning, - the Mahayana approach, - I was already familiar with it from my many decades of Buddhist teaching but with - those teachings in the rear view mirror of my life and - developing an open source, non-denominational spirituality (Deep Humanity) - Hearing these old teachings again, mixed with the new ideas of the individual / collective gestalt - This becomes an example of Indyweb idea of recording our individual evolutionary learning journey and - the present self meeting the old self - When this happens, new adjacencies can often surface - In this case, due to my own situatedness in life, the universal compassion of the bodhisattva can be articulated from a Deep Humanity perspective: - The Freudian, Klinian, Winnicott and Becker perspective of the individual as being constructed out of the early childhood social interactions with the mOTHER, - a Deep Humanity re-interpretation of "mother" to "mOTHER" to mean "the Most significant OTHER" of the newly born neonate. - A deep realization that OUR OWN SELF IDENTITY WAS CONSTRUCTED out of a SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP with mOTHER demonstrates our intertwingled individual/collective and self/other - The Deep Humanity "Common Human Denominators" (CHD) are a way to deeply APPRECIATE those qualities human beings have in common with each other - Later on, Churchill talks about how the sacred is lost in western modernity - A first step in that direction is treating other humans as sacred, then after that, to treat ALL life as sacred - Using tools like the CHD help us to find fundamental similarities while divisive differences might be polarizing and driving us apart - A universal compassion is only possible if we vividly see how we are constructed of the other - Another way to say this is that we see others not from an individual level, but from a species level




    1. “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us,” said Sir Winston Churchill in his speech to the meeting in the House of Lords, October 28, 1943, requesting that the House of Commons bombed out in May 1941 be rebuilt exactly as before.

      Is there a document/source?

    1. Which is why you need to agree, as a group, on a collaborative tool everyone is comfortable with (TL:DR; it doesn’t exist for groups larger than 4), and then co-create on one platform while chatting on the other.
    1. I found this really hard to read on archive.is (https://archive.is/YkIyW).

      I used this snippet to reformat the article to manually float the "annotations" (pull-outs) to the margins:

      ```` javascript document.getElementById("CONTENT").style.width = "1720px";

      ([ ...document.querySelectorAll("[id^=annotation]") ]).forEach((x, i) => { if (i % 2) { x.style.left = ""; x.style.right = "-44ch"; } else { x.style.left = "-44ch"; x.style.right = ""; } }); ````

  2. Oct 2024
    1. co-constitution of masculinities and militaries is a key factor in their power.
    2. hy military masculinities are the sites where boundary-making activity takes place, and Belkin suggests that it may be because nation-states and militaries are closely tied, and the military occupies an important symbolic position in nation-states.
    3. male-male rape in military culture, which is both taboo and a means of socialization.
    4. militarized masculinities may not just suppress the taboo or obscene but also incite and produce it.
    5. militarized masculinities are about violence, but this violence is sanitized and legitimized, distinguishing it from other forms of violence.

      masc milt legitimises military violence

    1. hat intersectionality should be used to challenge the hegemonic position of men (and some women) in national military contexts, and to acknowledge the structural inequalities in global peacekeeping economies.

      race, also men in violent groups not just formal military

    1. hypodermic syringe
    2. often blamed the individual for their condition rather than acknowledging the role of external factors.
    3. "addiction" eventually became widely accepted as the medical diagnosis of habitual narcotic use as a threatening and modern disease.
    4. he Society for the Suppression of the Opium Trade was founded in 1874, focusing on the economic and moral aspects of the trade.
    5. spread of opium smoking in England, particularly among the working class.
    6. dens were seen as a threat to the English
    7. opium use also reinforced the debt-labor system that bound them to exploitative merchants and criminal societies.
    8. The anti-alcohol temperance movement,
    9. medical concern about its consequences began to rise.
    10. transatlantic adoption of the addiction concept by the First World War signaled the emergence of an Anglo-American conception of dangerous drugs
    1. illicit consumption characterized by decadence and excess.
    2. "anti-narcotic nationalism" in France.
    3. n the late 1870s, attitudes towards psychotropic experimentation began to change with the introduction of new medical research on the dangers of addiction.
    4. new drug legislation in 1916, criminalizing the consumption of drugs in public
    5. deviant behaviors that would weaken and corrupt the French population and empire.
    6. degeneration of France's population led to new medical research on the dangers of morphine addiction, alarming doctors and social reformers.
    1. for - rapid whole system change - Nafeez Ahmed - planetary phase shift - Nafeez Ahmed - planetary adaptive cycle - Nafeez Ahmed - essay - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024 Oct 16 - to - book - The Ascent of Humanity - chapter 8 Self and Cosmos: The Gaian Birthing - stillborn and the perilous journey through the womb - Charles Eisenstein

      summary - This is a good article that makes sense of the inflection point that humanity now faces as it contends with multiple existential crisis - It summarizes the complexity of our polycrisis and its precarity and lays the theory for looking at the polycrisis from a different perspective: - as a planetary phase shift towards the potential end of scarcity and the next stage of our species evolution - Through the lens of ecologist Crawford Stanley Holling's lens of the adaptive cycle of ecological population dynamics, - and especially his 2004 paper "From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds" - Nafeez extends Holling's argument that we are undergoing a planetary adaptive cycle in which the back-loop is the dying industrial era. - In this sense, it is reminiscent of the writings of Charles Eisenstein in his book "The Ascent of Humanity", chapter 8: Self and Cosmos:, The Gaian Birth. - Eisenstein uses the the perilous journey of birth through the womb door as a metaphor of the transition we are currently undergoing.

      to - paper - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - https://hyp.is/KYCm2pFrEe-_PEu84xshXw/www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol9/iss1/art11/main.html?ref=ageoftransformation.org - book - The Ascent of Humanity - Chapter 8 - The Gaian Birthing - Charles Eisenstein - https://hyp.is/r8scTpG_Ee-gLTujlli5hQ/charleseisenstein.org/books/the-ascent-of-humanity/eng/the-gaian-birthing/

    2. Our most powerful asset will be the collective capability to recognise the dynamics of the planetary phase shift now underway, its unprecedented risks and unfathomable opportunities, and most crucially, its role as a precursor to the next stage in human and planetary evolution as one and the same thing.

      for - similar to - polycrisis and planetary phase shift - Charles Eisenstein's metaphor of birth process - dangerous passage through the womb door

    3. These seemingly paradoxical trends are twin manifestations of the same fundamental process: an emerging planetary-scale cultural phase transition. The regressive sentiment is symptomatic of the decline of the industrial life cycle; the emerging shared moral vision signals the potential for a new life cycle altogether.

      for - in other words - paradoxical trends of increased division and emergence of shared values - the manifestation of the familiar aspects of human behavior - conservatism - progressive / liberalism

    4. Arbib and Seba explain this by categorising human civilisation into two fundamentally intertwined complexes: the production system, encompassing all the foundational systems by which we meet fundamental material needs across energy, transport, food and materials (corresponding to ‘hardware’); and the organising system, encompassing how the former systems are governed, regulated and managed by society through economic, political, military, cultural and ideological structures and values (corresponding to ‘software’)

      for - definition - production system ('hardware') - and organizing system ('software') - Arbib and Seba

      definition Arbib and Seba - human civilization can be broken down into the interaction between two complimentary systems - the production system - by which we meet fundamamental material needs for food, energy, transportation, water, materials - also called 'hardware' - the organizing system - by which how the production system is governed and managed and includes the economy, polity, security, culture, ideology and values - also called 'software'

      comment - A transformation is required in both the hardware and the software to mitigate the worst impacts of our current polycrisis

    5. constructal law

      for - definition - constructal law - Adrian Bejan - to - The constructal law of design in evolution and nature

      to - The constructal law of design in evolution and nature - https://hyp.is/ZRIXfo76Ee-5yZdY2quRaQ/pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2871904/ - youtube explainer video - constructal theory - flow - Adrian Bejan - https://hyp.is/R7V4Yo79Ee-52gO6UYAaYQ/www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgEBTPee9ZM

    1. zebras unite

      for - question - @Michael - Is this the Zebras Unite you are referring to? - https://zebrasunite.coop/ - If so, that brings up another question: - What is the difference between Fair Share Commons and a Cooperative?

    2. Fair Share's Commons offers us is a very adaptable way to formulate work systems of all kinds, living labs, labs, that are both emergent and strategic

      for - question - Donna and Marie - Compare to Cooperatives

      question - @Donna and @Marie - Compare to Cooperative - Can either or both of you compare FSC with Cooperatives?

    3. what is the nature of the invitation.

      for - group dynamics of expanding and converging groups

      group dynamics of expanding and converging groups - It is natural for groups to expand and grow and when they do, it changes the dynamics of the social interactions - Effort is required to know each other. It requires time to share and absorb what is shared - That legacy knowledge becomes the unspoken and implicit ground for future discourse - When new people are introduced to a group, or new groups are introduced to each other, - a minimum amount of sharing is required to establish common ground, common understanding - When members of a group have unique ideas to share, - a standardized, shareable documentation may become necessary for greater efficacy of sharing - the constitutions that are often at the heart of institutions became necessary for the same reasons

    4. fast capitalism versus slow, you know, organic mutualism.

      Very deep meme for us at this time fast capitalism alongisde slow mutualism

      or perhaps we can say slow capaitalism alongside fast mutualism

    5. annotation work

      We are hoping to create a COLLECTIVE COMMONS for our annotations The ancient model is the Celtic SPirtual ANNAL such as the book of kells or Leabhar Gabhala (Book of INvasions) where multipel wisodm keepers over generations add their wisdom IN BETWEEN THE LINES

      For now, Gyuri and Gien call it Hyperpost

      We are using hypothesis (as in this annotation) to play with what tools we have now

      Gyuir and Gien intend to make it CROSS PLATFORM

      They are using the term INDYWEB and INDRAS NETS

    1. Among those who pioneered the new reggae sound, with its faster beat driven by the bass, were Toots and the Maytals, who had their first major hit with “54-46 (That’s My Number)” (1968), and the Wailers—Bunny Wailer, Peter Tosh, and reggae’s biggest star, Bob Marley—who recorded hits at Dodd’s Studio One and later worked with producer Lee (“Scratch”) Perry. Another reggae superstar, Jimmy Cliff, gained international fame as the star of the movie The Harder They Come (1972).

      Main early pioneers: - Toots and the Maytals (band) - Wailers (band)

      Notable members of these bands: Toots and Maytals - Paul Douglas - Radcliffe "Dougie" Bryan - Jackie Jackson - Carl Harvey - Marie "Twiggi" Gitten - Stephen Stewart - Charles Farquarson - Frederick "Toots" Hibbert - Henry "Raleigh" Gordon - Nathaniel "Jerry" Matthias - Hux Brown - Harold Butler - Michelle Eugene - Winston Wright - Winston Grennan - Andy Bassford - Leba Hibbert - Thomas Copied from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toots_and_the_Maytals

      Wailers: * Aston Barrett Jr. * Owen "Dreadie" Reid * Josh David Barrett * Glen DaCosta * Andres Lopez * Junior Jazz * Aston "Familyman" Barrett * Donald Kinsey * Junior Marvin * Carlton Barrett * Alvin "Seeco" Patterson * Tyrone Downie * Earl "Wire" Lindo * Al Anderson * Gary "Nesta" Pine * Joe Yamanaka * Elan Atias * Anthony Watson * Chico Chin * Everald Gayle * Irvin "Carrot" Jarrett * Brady Walters * Basil Creary * Keith Sterling * Kevin "Yvad" Davy * Ras Mel Glover * "Drummie Zeb" Williams * Audley Chisholm * Koolant Brown * Dwayne Anglin * Ceegee Victory * Javaughn Bond * Shema McGregor Copied from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wailers_Band

      Other notable pioneers: - Bob Marley

    1. 66 · The Vagabond · Feodor Dostoievski · ss (r)

      Hmm. I can't find anything about this! It would be nice if we had a scan.

      (Since philsp.com links are unstable, this is cited as "Best Stories of All Time [v1 #6, November 1925]")

    1. China Sea as the edge of the world and is used to imagine the margins of the world as a realm of marvels and unknown dangers.
    2. Benjamin's travelogue is a product of his imagination, influenced by biblical authority and rumors, rather than actual geographical knowledge.
    3. Jewish utopia in the Arabian Peninsula, where 300,000 Jews live in 40 cities and 200 villages, free from the rule of gentiles.
    4. universal Jewish community that despite its dispersion among various Muslim and Christian regimes still managed to preserve a strong sense of unity and cohesion

      big Jewish community is the focus of his travel, he doesnt notice other things, rest is fictious

    5. "a day's journey" to indicate close social interactions among Jewish communities,
    6. rather a way to link places along a real but somewhat abstracted route.
    7. medieval understanding of travel writing.
    8. mprecise unit of "a day's journey" and the parasang, an ancient Persian unit of measurement
    9. geography is experienced through human movement on specific routes.
    10. literary grid that allows the author to reflect on the medieval world from a Jewish perspective.
    1. Zu Beginn der COP16 für Biodiversität hat die Regierung des kolumbianischen Präsidenten Petro verkündet, sie werde Vertreter:innen indigener Völker eine zentrale Rolle in der Konferenz geben. Es ist aber sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass Indigene mehr Rechte bei den Entscheidungen über die Biodiversität der Erde erhalten.werden. – Nur 10% der 196 Unterzeichner:innen des Kunming-Montreal Abkommens 2022 haben bisher die darin vorgesehenen „nature action plans" vorgelegt https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/20/cop16-colombia-prepares-to-host-decisive-summit-on-biodiversity

    1. 2023 haben Böden und Landpflanzen fast kein CO2 absorbiert. Dieser Kollaps der Landsenken vor allem durch Dürren und Waldbrände wurde in diesem Ausmaß kaum vorausgesehen, und es ist nicht klar, ob auf ihn eine Regeneration folgt. Er stellt Klimamodelle ebenso in Frage wie die meisten nationalen Pläne zum Erreichen von CO2-Neutralität, weil sie auf natürlichen Senken an Land beruhen. Es gibt Anzeichen dafür, dass die steigenden Temperaturen inzwischen auch die CO2-Aufnahmefähigkeit der Meere schwächen. Überblicksartikel mit Links zu Studien https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/14/nature-carbon-sink-collapse-global-heating-models-emissions-targets-evidence-aoe

    1. Adrian Poisson grew up studying science and math by day and art after hours beginning at the age of five

      for - Adrian Bejan - constructal law - childhood - art and science - from - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024, Oct 16

      Summary - Good explainer video about constructal theory and flow

      from - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024, Oct 16 - https://hyp.is/Qt8IMI74Ee--f4O18QMPFQ/ageoftransformation.org/the-end-of-scarcity-from-polycrisis-to-planetary-phase-shift/

    1. Perhaps I need to argue more with the authors and the content, as Adler & van Doren also recommend.

      This might be a limitation in (the way I do) Zettelkasten. Because I am not writing in the margins and not engage in "tearing up" the book, I am less inclined to argue against/with the work.

      Maybe I need to do this more using bib-card. Further thought on implementation necessary...

      Perhaps a different reason is that I like to get through most books quickly rather than slowly. Sometimes I do the arguing afterward, within my ZK.

      I need to reflect on this at some point (in the near future) and optimize my processes.

    1. Viele New Yorker Juristen, darunter namhafte Staatsanwälte, unterstützen eine Resolution zur strafrechtlichen Verfolgung der großen Ölgesellschaften. Vorgeworfen wird den Firmen, fossile Brennstoffe über Jahrzehnte verkauft zu haben, ohne über die ihnen bekannten Gefahren zu informieren oder diese zu berücksichtigen. Gefordert wird eine Klage wegen fahrlässiger Gefährdung von Menschenleben. Dazu muss nicht nachgewiesen werden, dass der Tod bestimmter Menschen durch die Konzerne verursacht wurde https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/oct/17/new-york-big-oil-fueling-climate-disasters

    1. Eine Studie weist erstmals systematisch den Einfluss von Dürren und zunehmender Trockenheit auf die Binnenmigration in vielen verschiedenen Ländern nach. Es migrieren vor allem Mitglieder mittlerer Einkommensgruppen, die die dazu nötigen Ressourcen haben. Die klimabedingte Migration trägt deutlich zur Urbanisierung bei https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000240733/mehr-binnenmigration-durch-klimawandel

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-024-02165-1.epdf?sharing_token=zQaNIIlE0D5VSVhiEeWSRdRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0N5BsSsWDa3LuiqvifrZZqQ9PHrGw0G8JwyXN4l5XLwHLyMEPxhNDlwsm_I7HyLLBL-PIsL8iWYBirASOxKiB3OvY5CyEDs2OqdYzcj0HqqPZGigOJmwF7H97HsKHpUv2tEjBvnMf7i4DKmBH78sfFsx7iymr6A4PFpKfrKe6IDSxkyQgZFpa8kBrt8lM6HkbU%3D&tracking_referrer=www.derstandard.at

    1. What conditions nurture collaboration?🔮 What conditions prevent or squash it?🔮 Can we expand our collective collaborative literacy with a wider, deeper repertoire to navigate wisely and well through the inherently messy and often difficult iterations of true collaboration?

      for - questions - collaboration literacy - Donna Nelham - to - book - The Birth and Death of Meaning - Ernest Becker -

      questions - collaboration - Donna Nelham - These three questions are all related - To get to the root of collaboration, it is helpful to examine the roots of human psychology to understand the fundamental relationship between - the individual and - the group - In his work "The Birth ad Death of Meaning, Ernest Becker argues, citing other peers, that - the self concept needs to emerge for effective group collaboration to develop and - the self concept requires others in order to construct it - Hence, other is already implicated in the construction of our own self - In Deep Humanity terminology, we call this intertwingledness of the self and other the "individual / collective gestalt"

      to - book - The Birth and Death of Meaning - Ernest Becker - https://hyp.is/40fZHv9CEe6bTovrYzF92A/www.themortalatheist.com/blog/the-birth-and-death-of-meaning-ernest-becker

    1. beyond our power to alter, and therefore to be accepted and made the best of. It is a waste of time to criticize the inevitable.

      for - quote / critique - it is upon us, beyond our power to alter, and therefore to be accepted and made the best of. It is a waste of time to criticize the inevitable. - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - alternatives - to - mainstream companies - cooperatives - Peer to Peer - Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) - Fair Share Commons - B Corporations - Worker owned companies

      quote / critique - it is upon us, beyond our power to alter, and therefore to be accepted and made the best of. It is a waste of time to criticize the inevitable. - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - This is a defeatist attitude that does not look for a condition where both enormous inequality AND universal squalor can both eliminated - Today, there are a growing number of alternative ideas which can challenge this claim such as: - Cooperatives - example - Mondragon corporation with 70,000 employees - B Corporations - Fair Share Commons - Peer to Peer - Worker owned companies - Cosmolocal organizations - Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)

    2. Thus is the problem of Rich and Poor to be solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; intrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself.

      for - quote / critique / question - Thus is the problem of Rich and Poor to be solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; intrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself. - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie

      quote / critique / question - Thus is the problem of Rich and Poor to be solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; intrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself. - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - The problem with this reasoning is that it is circular - By rewarding oneself an extreme and unfettered amount of wealth for one's entrepreneurship skills creates inequality in the first place - Competition that destroys other corporations ends up reducing jobs - At the end of life, the rich entrepreneur desires to give back to society the wealth that (s)he originally stole - If one had reasonable amounts of rewarding innovation instead of unreasonable amounts, the problem of inequality can be largely mitigated in the first place whilst still recognizing and rewarding individual effort and ingenuity

    3. The price we pay for this salutary change is, no doubt, great.

      for - quote / critique - The price we pay for this salutary change is, no doubt, great - Andrew Carnegie

      quote / critique - The price we pay for this salutary change is, no doubt, great - Andrew Carnegie - Carnegie goes on to write that the great freedoms offered by industrial mass production has an unavoidable price to be paid - Successful manufacturing and production cooperatives, B-Corporations, worker-owned companies, etc have disproved that it is an either-or situation. - Consider the case of the Spanish manufacturing giant, Mondragon, a federation of worker cooperatives employing 70,000 people located in Spain - where this price is NOT paid - Carnegie's essay reflects a perspective based on the time when he was alive - Were Carnegie alive today to witness the natural conclusion of his trend of progress in the Anthropocene, he would witness - extreme pollution levels of industrial mass production threatening to destabilize human civilization itself - astronomical wealth inequality - And these two are linked: - wealth inequality - a handful of elites have the same wealth as the bottom half of humanity - carbon inequality - that same handful pollutes as much as the bottom half of humanity

      to - Mondragon cooperative - explore - https://hyp.is/GeIKao1rEe-9jA_97_KRBg/exploremondragon.com/en/ - Oxfam wealth and carbon inequality reports - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=oxfam

    4. the right of the laborer to his hundred dollars in the savings bank, and equally the legal right of the millionaire to his millions.

      for - critique - extreme wealth inequality cannot be avoided for the greater improvement of society - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - stats - Mondragon corporation - comparison of pay difference between highest paid and lowest paid - adjacency - Gandhi quote - Andrew Carnegie beliefs in The Gospel of Wealth

      critique - extreme wealth inequality cannot be avoided for the greater improvement of society - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - It's a matter of degree - Wealth differences within US corporations of 344 to 1 are obscene and not necessary, as proven by - Wealth difference of 6 to 1 in Mondragon federation of cooperatives - To quote - Gandhi, there is enough to meet everyone's needs but not enough to meet everyone's greed - The great problem with such large wealth disparity is that those who know how to game the system can earn obscene amounts of money - and since the concept of luxury goods is made desirable and proportional to monetary wealth, it creates a positive feedback loop of insatiability - The combination of engaging in ever greater luxury lifestyle and power is intoxicating and addictive

      to - stats - Mondragon corporation - comparison of pay difference between highest paid and lowest paid - https://hyp.is/QAxx-o14Ee-_HvN5y8aMiQ/www.csmonitor.com/Business/2024/0513/income-inequality-capitalism-mondragon-corporation

    5. That this talent for organization and management is rare among men is proved by the fact that it invariably secures for its possessor enormous rewards, no matter where or under what laws or conditions.

      for - critique - extreme wealth a reward for rare management skills - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - Mondragon counterexample - to - stats - Mondragon pay difference between highest and lowest paid - article - In this Spanish town, capitalism actually works for the workers - Christian Science Monitor - Erika Page - 2024, June 7

      critique - extreme wealth a reward for rare management skills - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - Mondragon counterexample - This is invalidated today by large successful cooperatives such as Mondragon

      to - stats - Mondragon corporation - comparison of pay difference between highest paid and lowest paid - https://hyp.is/QAxx-o14Ee-_HvN5y8aMiQ/www.csmonitor.com/Business/2024/0513/income-inequality-capitalism-mondragon-corporation




    1. The income disparity between the highest- and lowest-paid employees in Mondragon’s cooperatives is capped at a ratio of 6-to-1, compared with a typical ratio of 344-to-1 in the United States. (It’s typically 77-to-1 in Spain.)

      for - stats - Mondragon corporation - pay difference comparison between highest paid and lowest paid - from - essay - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - Carnegie organization

      from - essay - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - Carnegie organization - https://hyp.is/dIoiDo16Ee-0n2OpOK3lwg/www.carnegie.org/about/our-history/gospelofwealth/

      stats - Mondragon corporation - comparison of pay difference between highest paid and lowest paid - Modragon - 6 to 1 - typical US - 344 to 1 - typical Spain - 77 to 1

    1. The regime's discourse was directed not only at domestic audiences but also at international ones, particularly in the West, where it sought to project its strength and legitimacy through civilizational language that focused on barbarizing the opposition.

      militaristic discourse can connect countries across national borders

    2. discourse of racial militarism to justify its brutal crackdown on opposition groups, particularly those with Islamic affiliations.
    3. ecular militarism also plays a role in othering and excluding those who seek a greater role for religion in political and public life.
    4. reinforce a masculinist nationalism through militarism

      link to gender and military

    5. Syria's militarist state has been shaped by its experience of colonization, and its militarism is directly connected to the country's anticolonialism
    6. The ideal masculine identity was tied to militarism

      military masculinity

    7. Racial militarism played a significant role in shaping insider-outsider boundaries of national identity, with militarism performing an exclusionary function within the nation-state.
    8. The construction of the "Other" was also racialized

      othering connected to militarism, enacted through it and created by it

    9. militarism, which was used to facilitate the transition from one epoch of human development to the next.
    10. militarism is not only shaped by colonialism but also perpetuates racial hierarchies and civilizational anxiety.

      militarism is entangled with race

    1. what really I was really interested in was the idea that Marx wasn't really Keen or was sort of hostile to the idea of equality which I'm guessing will come as a surprise to many people

      for - interesting perspective - Karl Marx - He wasn't principally interested in equality - book - Capitalism: the word and the thing - perspectival knowledge of - Michael Sonenscher - misunderstanding - modern capitalists - misunderstand Karl Marx's work - Michael Sonenscher - Karl Marx and Capitalism - Maximizing each individual's freedom while not trampling on the same aspiration of other individuals within a society

      Interesting perspective - Karl Marx wasn't principally interested in equality - Sonenscher offers an interesting interpretation and perspectival knowledge of Karl Marx's motivation in his principal work paraphrase - Marx's thought centered on is interest in individuality and the degree to which in certain respects being somebody who is free and able to make choices about his or her lives and future activities is going to depend on each person's: - qualities - capabilities - capacities - preoccupations - values, etc - For Marx, freedom is in the final analysis something to do with something - particular - specific and - individual w - What matters to me may not matter entirely in the same sort of way to you because ultimately - in an ideal State of Affairs, my kinds of concerns and your kinds of concerns will be simply specific to you and to me respectively - For Marx, the problems begin as is also the case with Rosseau - when these kinds of absolute qualities are displaced by - relative qualities that apply equally to us both - For Marx, things like - markets - prices - commodities and - things that connect people - are the hallmarks of equality because they put people on the same kind of footing prices and productivity - Whereas the things that REALLY SHOULD COUNT are - the things that separate and distinguish people that make each individual fully and and entirely him or herself and - the idea for Marx is that capitalism - which is not a term that Marx used, - puts people on a kind of spurious footing of equality - Getting beyond capitalism means getting beyond equality to a state of effect in which - difference , - particularity, - individuality and - uniqueness - in a certain kind of sense will prevail

      comment - This perspective is quite enlightening on Marx's motivations on this part of his work and is likely misconstrued by those mainstream "capitalists" who vilify his work without critical analysis - Of course freedom - within a social context - is never an absolute term. - It is not possible to live in a society in which everyone is able to actualize their full imaginations, something pointed out in the work of two other famous thought leaders of modern history: - Thomas Hobbes observed in his famous work, Leviathan, and - Sigmund Freud also made a primary subject of his ID, Ego and Superego framework. - Total freedom would lead - first to anarchy and then - the emergence within that anarchy of those which possess the most charisma, influence, self-seeking manipulative skills and brutality - surfacing rule by authority - Historically, as democracy attempts to surface from a history of authoritarian, patriarchal governance, - democracy is far from ubiquitous and authoritarian governance is still alive and well in many parts of the world - The battle between - authoritarian governments among themselves and - authoritarian and democratic governments - results in war, violence and trauma that creates the breeding ground for the next generation of authoritarian leaders - Marx's main intent seems to be to enable the individual existing within a society to live the fullest life possible, - by way of enabling and maximizing their unique expression, - while not constraining the same aspiration in other individuals who belong to the same society

    2. for - capitalism - etymology - book Captialism: The Word and the Thing - Michael Sonenscher - from - Princeton University Press

      Summary - Michael Sonenscher discusses the modern evolution of the word "capitalism". Adding the suffix "ism" to a word implies a compound term. - Capitalism is a complex, compound concept whose connotations from the use in 18th and 19th century France and England is quite different from today's. - How meaning evolved can give us insight into our use of it today.

      from - Princeton University Press - book - Capitalism: the word and the thing - to - https://hyp.is/kVaURoxREe-x7MtVDX2t3Q/press.princeton.edu/ideas/capitalism-the-word-and-the-thing

    1. Michael Sonenscher

      for - capitalism - etymology - modern - book Capitalism: The Word and the Thing - Michael Sonenscher - from - Discussion of "spiritual capitalism" on Kansas Missouri Fair Shares Commons chat thread - to - youtube - New Books Network - interniew - Captialism: The word and the thing - Michael Sonenscher

      Summary - Michael Sonenscher discusses the modern evolution of the word "capitalism". Adding the suffix "ism" to a word implies a compound term. - Capitalism is a complex, compound concept whose connotations from the use in 18th and 19th century France and England is quite different from today's. - How meaning evolved can give us insight into our use of it today.

      to - youtube - New Books Network - interniew - Captialism: The word and the thing - Michael Sonenscher - https://hyp.is/ftWWfoxQEe-FkUuIeSoZCA/www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpNaxyPpOf0

    1. emust bewareofacertaincrazeforcollectingwhich sometimestakespossessionofthosewhomakenotes.Theywanttohaveafullnotebookorfilingcabinet;theyareinahurrytoputsomethingintheemptyspaces,andtheyaccumulatepassagesasotherpeoplefillstamp and postcard albums.Thatisadeplorablepractice;itisasortofchild-ishness,andrisksbecomingamania. Orderisanecessity, butitmustserveus,notweit.Toin-dulge obstinatelyinaccumulatingandcompletingistoturn one’smindaway from producingandeyen from learning; excessive attentiontoclassifi-cation interferes withuse;nowinthisconnectioneverything mustbesubordinatedtothegoodofthework.

      If you collect everything, you collect nothing.

    1. BP investiert in die Erschließung neuer fossiler Lagerstätten und hat damit den Plan aufgegeben, seine Öl- und Gasproduktion bis 2030 um 25% zu senken. Dieser Plan war bereits eine Abschwächung des ursprünglichen Ziels einer Reduktion um 40%. Wie andere große Ölfirmen konzentriert sich BP auf kurzfristige zusätzliche Gewinne aus dem Öl- und Gasgeschäft statt auf die - ohnehin zu geringen - Investitionen in die Energiewende. DIEEE Stategie treibt die globale Erhitzung weiter an. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/oct/07/bp-abandoning-plan-to-cut-oil-output-angers-green-groups

    1. I generallyuse the Cards of the Library Bureau (Bloomsbury Street, London),or those by Messrs. Evans and Hallewell, 5, Ave Maria Lane,London, E.C. The latter are the cheaper.

      Love that Miles talks about what index cards he uses, where he gets them from and even their relative prices!

    1. Zhang Qian's journey provided the Chinese with valuable information about the lands and peoples of Central Asia, and his report to Emperor Wudi helped to establish trade networks between China and Central Asia.
    2. diplomatic mission to the Yuezhi nomads in modern-day Uzbekistan, led by an official named Zhang Qian. Zhang Qian's journey was a significant one, as it marked the beginning of Chinese travel to Central Asia.
    3. Chinese princesses were sent to marry the Xiongnu leaders as part of the treaty agreement.
    4. Peace and Friendship" accords, established a framework for relations between the Chinese and the Xiongnu that lasted for about 150 years.
    5. he first emperor of the Han dynasty, Liu Bang, was a former official who had once been in charge of policing a section of the imperial highway system.


    6. imperial courier network

      imperial tribute system motivated travel for other purposes as the infrastructure was there

    7. The construction of a network of five great tree-lined 'fast roads' that converged on his capital at Xianyang linked the city to the eastern, southern, and northern regions of the empire.
    8. The Chinese took an important lead in promoting travel, with formal state policy involved in promoting travel
    1. Derailed climate action: Mr. Trump will almost certainly withdraw again from the 2015Paris Climate Agreement, dismantle domestic climate and environmental regulations(particularly those seen to hamper the fossil fuel industry), and actively oppose atransition to green energy.

      for - question - Study on 2024 Trump win on polycrisis - Cascade Institute - why is there such a small analysis on the environment and especially planetary tipping points whilst climate clock is ticking?

    1. 1:28:29 Government spends by creating money and when it taxes, the government destroys money

    2. 1:25:22 First comes an AGREEMENT by members of the neighbourhood to co-operate and then they agree to use a mechanism called money to mobilise resources

    3. 1:24:34 Money is not the scare resource. Money is the organising tool that mobilises people and tangible resources to manifest a vision

    4. 1:24:14 We can organise our resources such that it can attract the money that regenerates across all types of capital and all types of nature

    5. 1:22:36 Could A community Association get a Community Banking Licence? 1:22:38 Could a local Credit Union be a consortium partner and issue more money into the system to develop the entire wealth of the Neighbourhood

    6. 1:06:53 The true constraints are the resources that are available (and if those resources will co-create together for the good of the WHOLE).

    7. 1:05:36 Instead of asking DONORS for money, a community can make its own money and donors can contribute to a healthy local economy as a participant rather than a funder

    8. 1:04:44 Debt mirrors in NATURE as the seeds, plants, trees, flowers, roots, soil, water, nutrients, pollinators, worms, rock and minerals - WE ARE IN DEBT TO NATURE - NATURE GIVES US SURPLUS

    9. 1:02:29 The national debt is a historical record of the cumulative money that a government spent dollars than it took out which were transformed into US Treasuries

    10. 56:12 When the Community Treasury spends more of its money, people in the community have more to spend

    11. 48:52 Example of a Community Currency

    12. 46:45 Money is an ACCOUNTING DEVICE and it always has two sides

    13. 39:59 DEFICIT is a word designed to shock and frighten


