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- transmission reduction
- humidity
- lang:en
- effective reproduction number
- temperature
- COVID-19
- spread
- is:news
- R
- weather
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- vaccination
- algorithm
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- is:article
- treatment
- transmission
- public health
- healthcare
- COVID-19
- spread
- misinformation
- prevention
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- carbon dioxide
- oil
- emissions
- solar
- policy
- spread
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- renewable energy
- lang:en
- lockdown
- wind
- economic shutdown
- COVID-19
- gas
- coal
- energy demand
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- Sep 2018
mashable.com mashable.com
This won't be the first time that teens use Snapchat as a portal for political action.
Snapchat is definitely a good way to spread information, especially with its wide range of use.
- Jun 2018
fakechinesekidneys.weebly.com fakechinesekidneys.weebly.com
Fake Chinese Kidneys