1. Last 7 days
    1. Well said. But then why are so many prominent voices, business interests, and documentaries about Regenerative Ag pitching wildly unrealistic levels of carbon removal as the primary benefit?

      for post comment - LinkedIn - carbon sequestration - Jonathan Foley - Regenerative Agriculture

    1. transação
      • Processo: AREsp 2.523.152-CE, Rel. Ministro Francisco Falcão, Segunda Turma, por unanimidade, julgado em 21/5/2024, DJe 23/5/2024.


      TemaPaz, Justiça e Instituições Eficazes <br /> Embargo à execução. Desistência do embargado. Adesão ao REFIS. Previsão de pagamento de honorários. Nova cobrança. Bis in idem.

      DESTAQUE - Havendo a previsão de pagamento, na esfera administrativa, dos honorários advocatícios, na ocasião da adesão do contribuinte ao Programa de Parcelamento Fiscal, a imposição de pagamento da verba honorária, quando da extinção da execução fiscal, configura bis in idem, sendo vedada nova fixação da verba.

      INFORMAÇÕES DO INTEIRO TEOR - Havendo a previsão de pagamento, na esfera administrativa, dos honorários advocatícios, na ocasião da adesão do contribuinte ao Programa de Parcelamento Fiscal, a imposição de pagamento da verba honorária, quando da extinção da execução fiscal, configura bis in idem, sendo vedada nova fixação da verba. Tal entendimento, inclusive, foi cristalizado no enunciado do Tema repetitivo n. 400/STJ.

      • Nesse mesmo sentido, destaca-se: [...] V. Na esteira do entendimento firmado nesta Corte, em regra, a desistência da Ação Anulatória ou dos Embargos à Execução, decorrente da adesão do contribuinte ao Programa de Parcelamento, não implica o afastamento da condenação aos honorários advocatícios. [...] VI. Todavia, a jurisprudência desta Corte orienta-se no sentido de que, havendo a previsão de pagamento, na esfera administrativa, dos honorários advocatícios, quando da adesão do contribuinte ao Programa de Parcelamento Fiscal, a imposição de pagamento da verba honorária, quando da extinção da Execução Fiscal, configura bis in idem. [...] (AgInt no REsp n. 1.994.559/MG, relatora Ministra Assusete Magalhães, Segunda Turma, julgado em 14/11/2022, DJe de 22/11/2022).
    1. ação

      Processo: REsp 2.029.809-MG, Rel. Ministro Marco Aurélio Bellizze, Segunda Seção, por unanimidade, julgado em 22/5/2024. (Tema 1200).

      REsp 2.034.650-SP, Rel. Ministro Marco Aurélio Bellizze, Segunda Seção, por unanimidade, julgado em 22/5/2024 (Tema 1200).

      Ramo do Direito DIREITO CIVIL

      TemaPaz, Justiça e Instituições Eficazes <br /> Termo inicial do prazo prescricional de petição de herança. Pretenso filho. Pedido de reconhecimento de paternidade post mortem. Data da abertura da sucessão. Tema 1200.

      DESTAQUE - O prazo prescricional para propor ação de petição de herança conta-se da abertura da sucessão, cuja fluência não é impedida, suspensa ou interrompida pelo ajuizamento de ação de reconhecimento de filiação, independentemente do seu trânsito em julgado.

      INFORMAÇÕES DO INTEIRO TEOR - A controvérsia posta no recurso especial repetitivo centra-se em definir o termo inicial do prazo prescricional da ação de petição de herança, promovida por pretenso filho, cumulativamente com ação de reconhecimento de paternidade post mortem - se seria a partir da abertura da sucessão ou se seria após o trânsito em julgado da ação relativa ao estado de filiação.

      • A Segunda Seção do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, por ocasião do julgamento dos EAREsp n. 1.260.418/MG (Relator Ministro Antônio Carlos Ferreira, julgado em 26/10/2022, DJe 24/11/2022), dissipou a intensa divergência então existente entre as suas Turmas de Direito Privado, para compreender que o prazo prescricional para propor ação de petição de herança conta-se da abertura da sucessão, aplicada a vertente objetiva do princípio da actio nata, adotada como regra no ordenamento jurídico nacional (arts. 177 do CC/1916 e 189 do CC/2002).

      • Compreendeu-se, em resumo, que a teoria da actio nata em sua vertente subjetiva tem aplicação em situações absolutamente excepcionais, apresentando-se, pois, descabida sua adoção no caso da pretensão de petição de herança, em atenção, notadamente, às regras sucessórias postas.

      • De acordo com o art. 1.784 do Código Civil, que internaliza o princípio da saisine, "aberta a sucessão, a herança transmite-se, desde logo, aos herdeiros legítimos e testamentários", independentemente do reconhecimento oficial desta condição. Por sua vez, o art. 1.784 do Código Civil preceitua que: "legitimam-se a suceder as pessoas nascidas ou já concebidas no momento da abertura da sucessão".

      • Dessa maneira, conforme consignado no voto condutor, o pretenso herdeiro poderá, desde logo e independentemente do reconhecimento oficial desta condição (a de herdeiro), postular seus direitos hereditários, nos seguintes moldes: "i) propor ação de investigação de paternidade cumulada com petição de herança; ii) propor concomitantemente, mas em processos distintos, ação de investigação de paternidade e ação de petição de herança, caso em que ambas poderão tramitar simultaneamente, ou se poderá suspender a petição de herança até o julgamento da investigatória; e iii) propor ação de petição de herança, na qual deverão se discutidas, na esfera das causas de pedir, a efetiva paternidade do falecido e a violação do direito hereditário".

      • Reputa-se, assim, absolutamente insubsistente a alegação de que a pretensão de reivindicar os direitos sucessórios apenas surgiria a partir da decisão judicial que reconhece a qualidade de herdeiro.

      • A imprescritibilidade da pretensão atinente ao reconhecimento do estado de filiação - concebida como uma ação declaratória (pura), na qual se pretende, tão somente, a obtenção de uma certeza jurídica, atribuindo-se a ela, em verdade, o caráter de perpetuidade, já que não relacionada nem à reparação/proteção de um direito subjetivo violado, nem ao exercício de um direito potestativo - não poderia conferir ao pretenso filho/herdeiro a prerrogativa de escolher, ao seu exclusivo alvedrio, o momento em que postularia, em juízo, a pretensão da petição de herança, a redundar, indevidamente (considerada a sua natureza ressarcitória), também na imprescritibilidade desta, o que não se pode conceber.

      • Esta linha interpretativa vai na direção da segurança jurídica e da almejada estabilização das relações jurídicas em lapso temporal condizente com a dinâmica natural das situações jurídicas daí decorrentes.

    1. § 5º
      • Processo<br /> REsp 1.955.116-AM, Rel. Ministro Herman Benjamin, Primeira Seção, por unanimidade, julgado em 22/5/2024. (Tema 1213).

      REsp 1.955.957-MG, Rel. Ministro Herman Benjamin, Primeira Seção, por unanimidade, julgado em 22/5/2024 (Tema 1213).

      REsp 1.955.300-DF, Rel. Ministro Herman Benjamin, Primeira Seção, por unanimidade, julgado em 22/5/2024 (Tema 1213).

      REsp 1.955.440-DF, Rel. Ministro Herman Benjamin, Primeira Seção, por unanimidade, julgado em 22/5/2024 (Tema 1213).


      TemaPaz, Justiça e Instituições Eficazes <br /> Improbidade administrativa. Indisponibilidade de bens. Solidariedade entre os corréus. Art. 16, § 5º, da lei 8.429/1992 (com redação dada pelo Lei 4.230/2021). Ausência de divisão pro rata. Tema 1213.

      DESTAQUE - Para fins de indisponibilidade de bens, há solidariedade entre os corréus da Ação de Improbidade Administrativa, de modo que a constrição deve recair sobre os bens de todos eles, sem divisão em quota-parte, limitando-se o somatório da medida ao quantum determinado pelo juiz, sendo defeso que o bloqueio corresponda ao débito total em relação a cada um.

      INFORMAÇÕES DO INTEIRO TEOR - Cinge-se a controvérsia em saber se, para fins de indisponibilidade de bens (art. 16 da Lei n. 8.429/1992, na redação pela Lei n. 14.230/2021), a responsabilidade de agentes ímprobos é solidária e permite a constrição patrimonial em sua totalidade, sem necessidade de divisão pro rata, ao menos até a instrução final da Ação de Improbidade, quando ocorrerá a delimitação da quota de cada agente pelo ressarcimento.

      • Sobre a matéria, as Primeira e Segunda Turmas do STJ possuem entendimento pacífico de "haver solidariedade entre os corréus da ação [de improbidade administrativa] até a instrução final do processo, sendo assim, o valor a ser indisponibilizado para assegurar o ressarcimento ao erário deve ser garantido por qualquer um deles, limitando-se a medida constritiva ao quantum determinado pelo juiz, sendo defeso que o bloqueio corresponda ao débito total em relação a cada um." (AgInt no REsp n. 1.827.103/RJ,Rel. Ministro Og Fernandes, Segunda Turma, DJe 29.5.2020.). Nesse mesmo sentido: REsp n. 1.919.700/BA, Rel. Ministra; Assusete Magalhães, Segunda Turma, DJe 16.11.2021; AgInt no REsp n. 1.899.388/MG, Rel. Ministra Regina Helena Costa, Primeira Turma, DJe 10.3.2021; AREsp n. 1.393.562/RJ, Rel. Ministro Francisco Falcão, Segunda Turma, DJe 7.10.2019; AgInt no REsp n. 1.910.713/DF, Rel. Ministro Benedito Gonçalves, Primeira Turma, DJe de 16.6.2021; AgInt no REsp n. 1.687.567/PR, Rel. Ministro Mauro Campbell Marques, Segunda Turma, DJe 2.3.2018; e REsp n. 1.610.169/BA, Rel. Ministro Herman Benjamin, Segunda Turma, DJe 12.5.2017.

      • O art. 16, § 5º, da Lei n. 8.429/1992, com redação dada pela Lei n. 14.230/2021, assim dispõe ao regulamentar a matéria: "Art. 16. Na ação por improbidade administrativa poderá ser formulado, em caráter antecedente ou incidente, pedido de indisponibilidade de bens dos réus, a fim de garantir a integral recomposição do erário ou do acréscimo patrimonial resultante de enriquecimento ilícito. (...) § 5º Se houver mais de um réu na ação, a somatória dos valores declarados indisponíveis não poderá superar o montante indicado na petição inicial como dano ao erário ou como enriquecimento ilícito".

      • Observa-se que a lei não prescreve que a limitação da indisponibilidade deva ocorrer de forma individual para cada réu, mas, sim, de forma coletiva, considerando o somatório dos valores. Esse ponto é fundamental para se constatar que a Lei de Improbidade Administrativa, com as alterações da Lei n. 14.320/2021, autorizou a constrição em valores desiguais entre os réus, desde que o somatório não ultrapasse o montante indicado na petição inicial como dano ao Erário ou como enriquecimento ilícito, na mesma linha do que já vinha entendendo esta Corte Superior. A propósito: "(...) III. O acórdão recorrido está em conformidade com a jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, que possui precedentes no sentido de que, 'havendo solidariedade entre os corréus da ação até a instrução final do processo, o valor a ser indisponibilizado para assegurar o ressarcimento ao erário deve ser garantido por qualquer um deles, limitando-se a medida constritiva ao quantum determinado pelo juiz, sendo defeso que o bloqueio corresponda ao débito total em relação a cada um' (STJ, AgInt no REsp 1.899.388/MG, Rel. Ministra REGINA HELENA COSTA, PRIMEIRA TURMA, DJe de 10/03/2021)." (REsp n. 1.919.700/BA, Rel. Ministra Assusete Magalhães, Segunda Turma, DJe de 16.11.2021).

      • Nesse sentido, efetivado o bloqueio de bens que garantam o quantum indicado na inicial ou outro estabelecido pelo juiz, devem ser liberados os valores bloqueados que sobejarem tal quantum. A restrição legal diz respeito apenas a que o somatório não ultrapasse o montante indicado na petição inicial ou outro valor definido pelo juiz.

      • Não há, portanto, no § 5º do art. 16 da Lei n. 8.429/1992 determinação para que a indisponibilidade de bens ocorra de forma equitativa entre os réus e na proporção igual (e limitada) de cada quota-parte, sendo adequado se manter, mesmo no regime da Lei n. 14.230/2021, a jurisprudência consolidada no STJ no sentido da solidariedade.

      • O citado artigo, ora em discussão, cuida do provimento cautelar de indisponibilidade de bens, cujo escopo é garantir a integral recomposição do erário ou do acréscimo patrimonial resultante de enriquecimento ilícito. Tratando-se de decisão interlocutória proferida no âmbito da cognição sumária, razoável que se reconheça a possibilidade de, provisoriamente, haver responsabilização solidária, ao menos até o pronunciamento final, porque, neste estágio do processo, ainda não é possível, ordinariamente, determinar a responsabilidade de cada um dos litisconsorte pelo dano, sendo razoável que se mantenha a garantia, indiscriminadamente, sobre os bens de quaisquer dos acusados, limitado ao total reclamado.

      • Dessa forma, considerando a nova redação do § 5º do art. 16 da Lei 8.429/1992, afirma-se a seguinte tese jurídica: "para fins de indisponibilidade de bens, há solidariedade entre os corréus da Ação de Improbidade Administrativa, de modo que a constrição deve recair sobre os bens de todos eles, sem divisão em quota-parte, limitando-se o somatório da medida ao quantum determinado pelo juiz, sendo defeso que o bloqueio corresponda ao débito total em relação a cada um."

    1. eLife assessment

      This important study reveals the use of an allocentric spatial reference frame in the updating perception of the location of a dimly lit target during locomotion. The evidence supporting this claim is compelling, based on a series of cleverly and carefully designed behavioral experiments. The results will be of interest not only to scientists who study perception, action and cognition but also to engineers who work on developing visually guided robots and self-driving vehicles.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study conducted a series of experiments to comprehensively support the allocentric rather than egocentric visual spatial reference updating for the path-integration mechanism in the control of target-oriented locomotion. Authors firstly manipulated the waiting time before walking to tease apart the influence from spatial working memory in guiding locomotion. They demonstrated that the intrinsic bias in perceiving distance remained constant during walking and that the establishment of a new spatial layout in the brain took a relatively longer time beyond the visual-spatial working memory. In the following experiments, the authors then uncovered that the strength of the intrinsic bias in distance perception along the horizontal direction is reduced when participants' attention is distracted, implying that world-centered path integration requires attentional effort. This study also revealed horizontal-vertical asymmetry in a spatial coding scheme that bears a resemblance to the locomotion control in other animal species such as desert ants.

      The revised version of the study effectively situates the research within the broader context of terrestrial navigation, focusing on the movement of land-based creatures and offers a clearer explanation for the potential neurological basis of the human brain's allocentric odometer. Previous feedback has been thoroughly considered, and additional details have been incorporated into the presentation of the results.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This study investigated what kind of reference (allocentric or egocentric) frame we used for perception in darkness. This question is essential and was not addressed much before. The authors compared the perception in the walking condition with that in the stationary condition, which successfully separated the contribution of self-movement to the spatial representation. In addition, the authors also carefully manipulated the contribution of the waiting period, attentional load, vestibular input, testing task, and walking direction (forward or backward) to examine the nature of the reference frame in darkness systematically.

      I am a bit confused by Figure 2b. Allocentric coordinate refers to the representation of the distance and direction of an object relative to other objects but not relative to the observer. In Figure 2, however, the authors assumed that the perceived target was located on the interception between the intrinsic bias curve and the viewing line from the NEW eye position to the target. This suggests that the perceived object depends on the observer's new location, which seems odd with the allocentric coordinate hypothesis.

      According to Fig 2b, the perceived size should be left-shifted and lifted up in the walking condition compared to that in the stationary condition. However, in Figure 3C and Fig 4, the perceived size was the same height as that in the baseline condition.

      Is the left-shifted perceived distance possibly reflecting a kind of compensation mechanism? Participants could not see the target's location but knew they had moved forward. Therefore, their brain automatically compensates for this self-movement when judging the location of a target. This would perfectly predict the left-shifted but not upward-shifted data in Fig 3C. A similar compensation mechanism exists for size constancy in which we tend to compensate for distance in computing object size.

      According to Fig 2a, the target, perceived target, and eye should be aligned in one straight line. This means that connecting the physical targets and the corresponding perceived target results in straight lines that converge at the eye position. This seems, however, unlikely in Figure 3c.

    4. Author response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer 1:

      (1) Authors need to acknowledge the physical effort in addition to visual information for the spatial coding and may consider the manipulation of physical efforts in the future to support the robustness of constant intrinsic bias in ground-based spatial coding during walking.

      Whether one’s physical effort can affect spatial coding for visual perception is not a settled issue.  Several empirical studies have not been able to obtain evidence to support the claim.  For example, empirical studies by Hutchison & Loomis (2009) and Durgin et al. (2009) did not find wearing a heavy backpack significantly influenced distance perception, in contrast to the findings by Proffitt et al (2003).  We respectfully request not to discuss this issue in our revision since it is not closely related to the focus of the current study.

      (2) Furthermore, it would be more comprehensive and fit into the Neuroscience Section if the authors can add in current understandings of the spatial reference frames in neuroscience in the introduction and discussion, and provide explanations on how the findings of this study supplement the physiological evidence that supports our spatial perception as well.  For instance, world-centered representations of the environment, or cognitive maps, are associated with hippocampal formation while self-centered spatial relationships, or image spaces, are associated with the parietal cortex (see Bottini, R., & Doeller, C. F. (2020). Knowledge Across Reference Frames: Cognitive Maps and Image Spaces. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 24(8),606-619. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tics.2020.05.008 for details)

      We have now added this important discussion in the revision on pages 12-13.

      We thank the reviewer for the helpful comments.

      Reviewer 2:

      (1) ….As a result, it is unclear to what extent this "allocentric" intrinsic bias is involved in our everyday spatial perception. To provide more context for the general audience, it would be beneficial for the authors to address this issue in their discussion.

      We have clarified this on pages 3-4.  In brief, our hypothesis is that during self-motion, the visual system constructs an allocentric ground surface representation (reference frame) by integrating the allocentric intrinsic bias with the external depth cues on the natural ground surface.  Supporting this hypothesis, we recently found that when there is texture cue on the ground, the representation of the ground surface is influenced by the allocentric intrinsic bias (Zhou et al, unpublished results).

      (2) The current findings on the "allocentric" coding scheme raise some intriguing questions as to why such a mechanism would be developed and how it could be beneficial. The finding that the "allocentric" coding scheme results in less accurate object localization and requires attentional resources seems counterintuitive and raises questions about its usefulness. However, this observation presents an opportunity for the manuscript to discuss the potential evolutionary advantages or trade-offs associated with this coding mechanism.

      The revision has discussed these important issues on page 12.

      (3) The manuscript lacks a thorough description of the data analysis process, particularly regarding the fitting of the intrinsic bias curve (e.g., the blue and gray dashed curve in Figure 3c) and the calculation of the horizontal separation between the curves. It would be beneficial for the authors to provide more detailed information on the specific function and parameters used in the fitting process and the formula used for the separation calculation to ensure the transparency and reproducibility of the study's results.

      The results of the statistical analysis were presented in the supplementary materials.  We had stated in the original manuscript that we fitted the intrinsic bias curve by eye (obtained by drawing the curve to transcribe the data points as closely as possible) (page 26).  This is because we do not yet have a formula for the intrinsic bias. A challenge is the measured intrinsic bias in the dark can be affected by multiple factors.  One factor is related to individual differences as the intrinsic bias is shaped by the observer’s past experiences and their eye height relative to the ground surface.  However, it is certainly our goal to develop a quantitative model of the intrinsic bias in the future.

      We thank the reviewer for the helpful comments.

      Reviewer 3:

      (1) I am a bit confused by Figure 2b. Allocentric coordinate refers to the representation of the distance and direction of an object relative to other objects but not relative to the observer. In Figure 2, however, the authors assumed that the perceived target was located on the interception between the intrinsic bias curve and the viewing line from the NEW eye position to the target. This suggests that the perceived object depends on the observer's new location, which seems odd with the allocentric coordinate hypothesis.

      We respectively disagree with the Reviewer’s statement that “Allocentric coordinate refers to the representation of the distance and direction of an object relative to other objects but not relative to the observer.”  The statement conflates the definitions of allocentric representation with exocentric representation.  We respectfully maintain that the observer’s body location, as well as observer-object distance, can be represented with the allocentric coordinate system.

      (2) According to Fig 2b, the perceived size should be left-shifted and lifted up in the walking condition compared to that in the stationary condition. However, in Figure 3C and Fig 4, the perceived size was the same height as that in the baseline condition.

      We assume by “target size”, the Reviewer actually meant, “target location”.  It is correct that figure 3c and figure 4 showed judged distance changed as predicted, while the change in judged height was not significant.  One explanation for this is that the magnitude of the height change was much smaller than the distance change and could not be revealed by our blind walking-gesturing method.  Please also note our figures used difference scales for the vertical height and horizontal distance.

      (3) Is the left-shifted perceived distance possibly reflecting a kind of compensation mechanism?  Participants could not see the target's location but knew they had moved forward.  Therefore, their brain automatically compensates for this self-movement when judging the location of a target.  This would perfectly predict the left-shifted but not upward-shifted data in Fig 3C.  A similar compensation mechanism exists for size constancy in which we tend to compensate for distance in computing object size.

      We assume the Reviewer suggested that the path-integration mechanism first estimates the traveled distance in the dark, and then the brain subtracts the estimated distance from the perceived target distance.  We respectfully maintain that this explanation is unlikely because it does not account for our empirical findings.  We found that walking in the dark did not uniformly affect perceived target distance, as the Reviewer’s explanation would predict.  As shown in figures 3 and 4, walking affected the near targets less than the far targets (i.e., the horizontal distance difference between walking and baseline-stationary conditions was smaller for the near target than far target).

      (4) According to Fig 2a, the target, perceived target, and eye should be aligned in one straight line. This means that connecting the physical targets and the corresponding perceived target results in straight lines that converge at the eye position. This seems, however, unlikely in Figure 3c.

      We have added in the revision, the averaged eye positions on the y-axes of figures 3 and 4.  To reveal the impact of the judged angular declination, we also added graphs that plotted the estimated angular declination as a function of the physical declination of the target.  In general, the slopes are close to unity.

      We thank the reviewer for the helpful comments.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer 1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) This study is very well-designed and written. One minor comment is that anisotropy usually refers to the perceptual differences along cardinal (horizontal + vertical) and oblique directions. It might be clearer if the authors changed the "horizontal-vertical anisotropy" to "horizontal/vertical asymmetry”.

      The Reviewer is correct, and we have changed it to horizontal/vertical asymmetry (pages 8 and 11).

      Reviewer 2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) Providing more details about the "path integration mechanism" when it is first introduced in line 44 would be helpful for readers to better understand the concept.

      The revision has expanded on the path integration mechanism (page 4).

      Adding references for the statement starting with "In fact, previous findings" in lines 218 and would be helpful to provide readers with a basis for comparison between the current study and previous studies that reported an egocentric coding system.

      We have added the references and elaborated on this important issue (pages 10-11).

      (2) There appears to be a discrepancy between the Materials and Methods section, which states that 14 observers participated in Experiments 1-4, and the legends of Figures 3 and 4, which indicates a sample size of "n=8." It would be helpful if the authors could clarify this discrepancy and provide an explanation for the difference in the sample size reported.

      We have clarified the number of observers on page 14.

      (3) While reporting statistical significance is essential in the Results section, there are several instances where the manuscript only mentions a "statistically significant separation" with it p-value without providing the mean and standard deviation of the separation values (e.g., line 100 and 120). This can make it difficult for readers to fully grasp the quantitative nature of the results.

      The statistical analysis and outcomes were presented in the supplementary information document in our original submission.

      Reviewer 3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) Figure 1 is not significantly related to the current manuscript.

      We feel that retaining figure 1 in the manuscript would help readers to quickly grasp the background literature without having to refer extensively to our previous publications.

      (2) Add eye position to the results figures.

      We have added eye positions in the figures.

      (3) Fig 4c requires a more detailed explanation. The authors stated that Figures 4a and 4c showed consistent results.  However, because 4a and 4c used different horizontal axis, it is different to compare them directly.

      We have modified the sentence in the revision (page 8).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The goal of this study is to clarify how the brain simultaneously represents item-specific temporal information and item-independent boundary information. The authors report spectral EEG data from intracranial patients performing a delayed free recall task. They perform cosine similarity analyses on principal components derived from gamma band power across stimulus duration. The authors find that similarity between items in serial position 1 (SP1) and all other within-list items decreases as a function of serial position, consistent with temporal context models. The authors find that across-list item similarity to SP1 is greatest for SP1 items relative to items from other serial positions, an effect that is greater in medial parietal lobe compared to lateral temporal cortex and hippocampus. The authors conclude that their findings suggest that perceptual boundary information is represented in medial parietal lobe. Despite a robust dataset, the methodological limitations of the study design prevent strong interpretations from being made from these data. The same-serial position across-list similarity may be driven by attentional mechanisms that are distinct from boundary information.


      (1) The motivation of the study is strong as how both temporal contextual drift and event boundaries contribute to memory mechanisms is an important open question.

      (2) The dataset of spectral EEG data from 99 intracranial patients provides the opportunity for precise spatiotemporal investigation of neural memory mechanisms.


      The goal of reconciling temporal context and event boundary mechanisms is timely and would be of interest; however, an attentional account can still be used to explain the findings. This alternative account is not considered in the manuscript.

      (1) The issue related to interpreting the SP1 similarity effects as reflecting boundary specific representations remains in the revised manuscript. The authors suggest that because cross-list SP1 similarity is found in recalled items that this supports the boundary interpretation. However, the effects could still be explained by variability in attention that is not specific to an event-boundary per se. As both subsequently recalled items and primacy items tend to recruit more gamma power than non-recalled and non-primacy items, recalled items will tend to have greater similarity with one another. It does not necessarily follow though that that this similarity is due to a "boundary representation."

      (2) The authors partly addressed my concern regarding the comparison of recalled pairs. How did the authors account for the fact that the same participants do not contribute equally to all ROIs? If only participants who have electrodes in all ROIs are included, are the effects consistent?

    2. eLife assessment

      This valuable study presents a novel analysis of a large human intracranial electrophysiological recording dataset. The study challenges the traditional view that neural responses to word lists exhibit smoothly drifting contexts over time, showing that items just after a boundary have a characteristic response that occurs repeatedly. The evidence is incomplete, however, leaving open the possibility for alternative explanations.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This study applied pattern similarity analyses to intracranial EEG recordings to determine how neural drift is related to memory performance in a free recall task. The authors compared neural similarity within and across lists, in order to contrast signals related to contextual drift vs. the onset of event boundaries. They find that within-list neural differentiation in the lateral temporal cortex correlates with probability of word recall; in contrast, across-list pattern similarity in the medial parietal lobe correlates with recall for items near event boundaries (early-list serial positions). This primacy effect persists for the first three items of a list. Medial parietal similarity is also enhanced across lists for end-of-list items, however this effect then predicts forgetting. The authors do not find that within- or across-list pattern similarity in the hippocampus is related to recall probability.


      The authors use a large dataset of human intracranial electrophysiological recordings, which gives them high statistical power to compare neural activity and memory across three important memory encoding regions. In so doing, the authors seek to address a timely and important question about the neural mechanisms that underlie the formation of memories for events.

      The use of both within and across event pattern similarity analyses, combined with linear mixed effects modeling, is a marriage of techniques that is novel and translatable in principle to other types of data.


      In several instances the paper does not address apparent inconsistencies between the prior literature and the findings. For example, the first main finding is that recalled items have more differentiated lateral temporal cortex representations within lists than not recalled items. This seems to be the opposite of the prediction from temporal context models that are used to motivate the paper-context models would predict that greater contextual similarity within a list should lead to greater memory through enhanced temporal clustering in recall. This is what El-Kalliny et al (2019) found, using a highly similar design (free recall, intracranial recordings from the lateral temporal lobe). The authors never address this contradiction in any depth in order to reconcile it with the previous literature and with the motivating theoretical model.

      The way that the authors conduct the analysis of medial parietal neural similarity at boundaries leads to results that cannot be conclusively interpreted. The authors report enhanced similarity across lists for the first item in each list, which they interpret as reflecting a qualitatively distinct boundary signal. However, this finding can readily be explained by contextual drift if one assumes that whatever happens at the start of each list is similar or identical across lists (for example, a get ready prompt or reminder of instructions). In other words, this is analogous to presenting the same item at the start of every single list, in which case it is not surprising that the parietal (or any neural) representation would be similar to itself at the start of every list. So, a qualitatively unique boundary representation would not be necessary to explain this result. The authors do not include analyses to rule this out, which makes it difficult to interpret a key finding.

      There is a similar absence of interpretation with respect to the previous literature for the data showing enhanced boundary-related similarity in the medial parietal cortex. The authors' interpretation seems to be that they have identified a boundary-specific signal that reflects a large and abrupt change in context, however another plausible interpretation is that enhanced similarity in the medial parietal cortex is related to a representation of a schema for the task structure that has been acquired across repeated instances.

      The authors do not directly compare their model to other models that could explain how variability in neural activity predicts memory. One example is the neural fatigue hypothesis, which the authors mention, however there are no analyses or data to suggest that their data is better fit by a boundary/contextual drift mechanism as opposed to neural fatigue.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this study, the authors analyzed data from 99 individuals with implanted electrodes who were performing a word-list recall task. Because the task involves successively encoding and then recalling 25 lists in a row, they were able to measure the similarity in neural responses for items within the same list as well as items across different lists, allowing them to test hypotheses about the impact of between-list boundaries on neural responses. They find that, in addition to slow drift in responses across items within a list and changes across lists, there is boundary-related structure in the medial parietal lobe such that early items in each list show similarity (for recalled items) and late items in each list show similarity (for not recalled items).


      The dataset used in this paper is substantially larger than most iEEG datasets, allowing for the detection of nuanced differences between item positions and for analyses of individual differences in boundary-related responses. There are excellent visualizations of the similarity structure between items for each region, and this work connects to a growing literature on the role of event boundaries in structuring neural responses.


      (1) The visualization in Fig 1B claims that the prediction of the temporal context model is that nearby items in the presented sequence should have similar representations; that is, nearby items within a list should be similar, and the end of a list should look similar to the beginning of the next list. First, it's unclear to me if this is exactly what TCM would predict for this dataset, since lists are separated by ~60 seconds of distractor and retrieval tasks, rather than simply by a brief event boundary. Second, the authors do not actually test this model of continuous similarity across lists. After examining smooth drift in the within-list analysis (Fig 2), the across-list analyses (Figs 3-5) use a model with a "list distance" regressor that predicts discrete changes between lists. The authors state that it is not possible to replace this list distance regressor with an item distance regressor (which would be a straight line in Fig 3D rather than stair-steps) because this would be too collinear with the boundary proximity regressor, but I do not understand why these regressors would be collinear at all (since the boundary proximity regressor does not systematically increase or decrease across items).

      (2) There is no theoretical or quantitative justification for the specific forms of the boundary proximity models, For initial items, a model of e^(1-d) is used (with d being serial position), but it is not stated how the falloff scale of this model was selected (as opposed to e.g. e^((1-d)/2)). For final items, a different linear model of d/#items is used, which seems to have a somewhat different interpretation, since it changes at a constant rate across all items rather than only modeling items near the final boundary. Confusingly, the schematic in Fig 1B shows symmetric effects at initial and final boundaries, despite two different models being used and the authors' assertion in their response that they do not believe these processes are symmetric.

      (3) It is unclear to me whether the authors believe that the observed similarity after boundaries is due to an active process in which "the medial parietal lobe uses drift-resets" to reinstate a boundary-related context, or that this similarity is simply because "the context for the first item may be the boundary itself", and therefore this effect would emerge naturally from a temporal context model that incorporates the full task structure as the "items."

    5. Author response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer 1:

      (1) In several instances the paper does not address apparent inconsistencies between the prior literature and the findings. For example, the first main finding is that recalled items have more differentiated lateral temporal cortex representations within lists than not recalled items. This seems to be the opposite of the prediction from temporal context models that are used to motivate the paper-context models would predict that greater contextual similarity within a list should lead to greater memory through enhanced temporal clustering in recall. This is what El-Kalliny et al (2019) found, using a highly similar design (free recall, intracranial recordings from the lateral temporal lobe). The authors never address this contradiction in any depth to reconcile it with the previous literature and with the motivating theoretical model. 

      Figure 2 supports the findings from El-Kalliny and colleagues because it shows the relationship of each list item relative to the first item (El-Kalliny et al. 2019). Items encoded adjacent to SP1 show the highest spectral similarity supporting the idea of overlapping context predicted by the Temporal Context Model. However, our figure characterizes how increasing inter-item distance affects spectral similarity. It shows that two items successfully recalled from temporally distant serial positions show reduced spectral similarity. These findings align with the predictions of the temporal context model because two temporally distant items would lack significant contextual overlap and therefore would have more distinct spectral representations.

      El-Kalliny and colleagues do use a similar experimental set-up however the authors define drift differently. They identified patients with a tendency to temporally cluster, and observed those patients tend to drift less between temporally clustered items however they do not specify drift relative to a constant serial position as we do in our analysis. They define drift as spectral change between two adjacent items which is a more relative measure between any two items rather than in relation to a fixed point like SP1. Finally, our analysis focuses only on gamma activity while El-Kalliny and colleagues identified drift across a much broader set of frequency bands.

      (2) The way that the authors conduct the analysis of medial parietal neural similarity at boundaries leads to results that cannot be conclusively interpreted. The authors report enhanced similarity across lists for the first item in each list, which they interpret as reflecting a qualitatively distinct boundary signal. However, this finding can readily be explained by contextual drift if one assumes that whatever happens at the start of each list is similar or identical across lists (for example, a get ready prompt or reminder of instructions). The authors do not include analyses to rule this out, which undermines one of the main findings. 

      Extensions of the temporal context model (Lohnas et al. 2015) predict context at the beginning of a list will be most similar to the end of the prior list. The theory assumes a single-context state, consisting of a recency-weighted average of prior items, that is updated, even across different encoding periods.

      However, our results show a boundary item representation is most similar to the prior lists first item rather than the last item. Our results conflict with the extension of TCM because the shared similarity of boundary items suggests the context state for the first item in the list is not a recency-weighted average of the items presented immediately prior. The same boundary sensitive signal is not present in other regions, namely the hippocampus and lateral temporal cortex. Those regions do not show similarity between items at the beginning of each list.  

      Our main conclusion from these data was that the medial parietal lobe activity seems to be specifically sensitive to task boundaries, defined by the first event or the get ready prompt, while other regions are not.

      (3) Although several previous studies have linked hippocampal fMRI and electrophysiological activity at event boundaries with memory performance, the authors do not find similar relationships between hippocampal activity, event boundaries, and memory There are potential explanations for why this might be the case, including the distinction between item vs. associative memory, which has been a prominent feature of previous work examining this question. However, the authors do not address these potential explanations (or others) to explain their findings' divergence from prior work -this makes it difficult to interpret and to draw conclusions from the data about the hippocampus' mechanistic role in forming event memories.

      The following text was added and revised in the discussion to discuss hippocampal activity shown in our results and its lack of sensitivity to boundaries.  

      “Spectral activity in the medial parietal lobe aligned closely with boundaries. Drift between item pairs seemed to reset at each boundary, leading to renewed similarity after each boundary. This observation aligns with previous work suggesting boundaries reset temporal context.  In the temporal cortex, our findings extend prior studies which suggest the temporal lobe may play a role in associating adjacently presented items (Yaffe et al. 2014, ElKalliny et al 2019). We found items encoded in distant serial positions, but within the same list, drifted significantly more than items from adjacent serial positions (Figure 2C). Consistent with the predictions of the temporal context model, the reduced similarity between distant items may reflect reduced contextual overlap proportional to the time elapsed between them. However, across task boundaries, our study did not detect a robust change in drift rate in the medial or lateral temporal cortex. This finding contrasts with significant work (Ben-Yakov et al. 2018, Ezzyat et al.  2014; Griffiths et al. 2020) which shows hippocampal sensitivity to event-boundaries. One interpretation would be that boundary representations in the hippocampus are quite sparse and represented by populations of time-sensitive cells whose activity is indexed to task-related boundaries (Umbach et al. 2020). While the sparse representations may not be detectable in gamma activity, perhaps it suggests drift in these regions represents a more abstract set of contextual features accumulated from multiple brain regions.”

      (4) There is a similar absence of interpretation with respect to the previous literature for the data showing enhanced boundary-related similarity in the medial parietal cortex. The authors’ interpretation seems to be that they have identified a boundary-specific signal that reflects a large and abrupt change in context, however, another plausible interpretation is that enhanced similarity in the medial parietal cortex is related to a representation of a schema for the task structure that has been acquired across repeated instances. 

      We agree our results could suggest the MPL creates a generalized situational model or schematic of the task. Unfortunately, our behavioral task does not allow us to differentiate between these ideas and pure boundary representation. However, given boundaries are a component in defining situational models, we chose to interpret our results conservatively as a form of boundary representation.  

      (5) The authors do not directly compare their model to other models that could explain how variability in neural activity predicts memory. One example is the neural fatigue hypothesis, which the authors mention, however there are no analyses or data to suggest that their data is better fit by a boundary/contextual drift mechanism as opposed to neural fatigue. 

      The study by Lohnas and colleagues does find higher HFA was greater for recalled items but does not describe a serial position specific trend (Lohnas et al. 2020). For our study, we stringently controlled for recall success in each of our analyses. Our main finding of boundary similarity compares recalled boundary items to recalled items in each of the other serial positions. We also show the similarity of nonrecalled items in all serial positions to demonstrate the lack of boundary representation in first list items, when neural fatigue is presumably least present.

      In addition, their study demonstrated neural fatigue in the hippocampus. They did not find evidence of fatigue in the DLPFC, suggesting region-specific mechanisms of neural fatigue. Our results are focused on the medial parietal lobe, and we were not able to find a fatigue model of the region for further comparison. While our results do not rule out the possibility of neural fatigue driving a drifting or boundary signal, we focus on the relevance of the signal to memory performance.

      (6) P2. Line 65 cites Polyn et al (2009b) as an example where ‘random’ boundary insertions improve subsequent memory. However, the boundaries in that study always occurred at the same serial position and were therefore completely predictable and not random.

      The citation was removed from the corresponding sentence.

      (7) P2. Line 74 cites Pu et al. (2022) as an example of medial temporal lobe ‘regional activity’ showing sensitivity to event boundaries; however, this paper reported behavioral and computational modeling results and did not include measurement of neural activity. 

      The citation was removed from the corresponding sentence.

      (8) P.3 Line 117, Hseih et al (2014) and Hseih and Ranganath (2015) are cited as evidence that ‘spectral’ relatedness decreases as a function of distance, but neither of these studies examined ‘spectral’ activity (fMRI univariate and multivariate). The manuscript would benefit from a careful review and updating of how the prior literature is cited, which will increase the impact of the findings for readers. 

      The text has been updated to reflect this distinction by modifying the statement to:  “Previous work consistent with temporal context models suggests neural pattern similarity reduces as a function of distance between related memories.”

      (9) Several previous studies have found hippocampal activity at event boundaries correlates with memory performance (Ben-Yakov et al 2011, 2018; Baldassano et al 2017), yet here the authors do not find evidence for hippocampal activity at event boundaries related to memory. Does this difference reflect something important about how the hippocampus vs. medial parietal cortex vs. lateral temporal cortex contribute to memory formation? Currently, there is not much discussion about how to interpret the differences between brain regions. Previous work has suggested that hippocampal pattern similarity at event boundaries specifically supports associative memory across events (Ezzyat & Davachi, 2014; Griffiths & Fuentemilla, 2020; Heusser et al., 2016), which may help explain their findings. In any case the authors could increase the impact of their paper by further situating their findings within the previous literature. 

      We would not suggest there is no boundary-related activity in the hippocampus. Similar to an earlier point made by the reviewer, to clarify our interpretation of regional differences, the following text has been added to the discussion.  

      “However, across task boundaries, our study did not detect a robust change in drift rate in the medial or lateral temporal cortex. This finding contrasts with significant work (Ezzyat and Davachi, 2014; Griffiths and Fuentemilla, 2020) which shows hippocampal sensitivity to event-boundaries. One interpretation would be that boundary representations in the hippocampus are quite sparse and represented by populations of time-sensitive cells whose activity is indexed to task-related boundaries (Umbach et al 2020). While the sparse representations may not be detectable in gamma activity, perhaps it suggests drift in these regions represents a more abstract set of contextual features accumulated from multiple brain regions (Baldassano et al. 2017). “

      (10) The authors mention neural fatigue as an alternative theory to explain the primacy effect (Serruya et al., 2014), however there are no analyses or data to suggest that their data is better fit by a boundary mechanism as opposed to neural fatigue. Previous studies have shown that gamma activity in the hippocampus changes with serial position and with encoding history (Serruya et al 2014; Lohnas et al 2020). Here, the authors could compare the reported pattern similarity results to control analyses that replicate this prior work, which would strengthen their argument that there is unique information at boundaries that is distinct from a neural fatigue signal. 

      The serial position effects described by Serruya and colleagues describe decreasing HFA with increasing serial position in the MTL, lateral temporal cortex and prefrontal cortex (Serruya et al. 2014). Despite their findings, we do not observe a strong boundary effect in those regions (see Supp Fig 3 a,b). The lack of boundary effect in regions where HFA is selectively increased for primacy items suggests the global neural fatigue model does not account for our results.

      Notably, the authors do not characterize HFA trends in the MPL. Nevertheless, their findings do not rule out the possibility of a boundary effect driving the HFA. We demonstrate boundary-relevant HFA only in the MPL but not in other regions. In addition, we show a correlation between SP1 recalls and boundary representation strength, as well as a conserved similarity of multiple boundary-adjacent items.  

      Next, the neural fatigue study by Lohnas and colleagues does find higher HFA was greater for recalled items but does not describe a serial position specific trend (Lohnas et al. 2015). For our study, we stringently controlled for recall success in each of our analyses. Our main finding of boundary similarity compares recalled boundary items to recalled items in each of the other serial positions. We also show the similarity of non-recalled items in all serial positions to demonstrate the lack of boundary representation in the first list items, when neural fatigue is presumably least present.

      In addition, their study demonstrated neural fatigue in the hippocampus. They did not find evidence of fatigue in the DLPFC, suggesting region-specific mechanisms of neural fatigue. Our results are focused on the medial parietal lobe, and we were not able to find a fatigue model of the region for further comparison. While our results do not rule out the possibility of neural fatigue driving a drifting or boundary signal, we focus on the relevance of the signal to memory performance.

      (11) For the analyses that examine cross-list similarity (e.g. the medial parietal analysis in Figure 3), how did the authors choose the number of lists over which similarity was calculated? Was the selection of this free parameter cross-validated to ensure that it is not overfitting the data? Given that there were 25 lists per session, using the three succeeding lists seems arbitrary. Why not use every list across the whole session? 

      Given the volume of data, number of patients, and computational time available at our facility, we extended the analysis as far as we could to characterize the observed trend.

      (12) P4. Line 155 says that Figure 3C shows example subject data, but it looks like it is actually Figure 3D. 

      The text was updated to reference the correct figure.

      (13) The t-tests on P.4 Line 159 have two sets of degrees of freedom but should only have one. 

      The t-tests described by Figure 3B represent the mean parameter estimate of the predictor for boundary proximity contrasted by region for all item pairs. The statistical test in this case was an unpaired t-test between parameter estimates for patients with electrodes in each of the regions. The numbers within parentheses represent the sample size, or number of subjects, contributing electrodes to each region.

      Reviewer 2:

      (1) Because this is not a traditional event boundary study, the data are not ideally positioned to demonstrate boundary specific effects. In a typical study investigating event boundary effects, a series of stimuli are presented and within that series occurs an event boundary – for instance, a change in background color. The power of this design is that all aspects between stimuli are strictly controlled – in particular, the timing – meaning that the only difference between boundary-bridging items is the boundary itself. The current study was not designed in this manner, thus it is not possible to fully control for effects of time or that multiple boundaries occur between study lists (study to distractor, distractor to recall, recall to study). Each list in a free recall study can be considered its own “mini” experiment such that the same mechanisms should theoretically be recruited across any/all lists. There are multiple possible processes engaged at the start of a free recall study list which may not be specific to event boundaries per se. For example, and as cited by the authors, neural fatigue/attentional decline (and concurrent gamma power decline) may account for serial position effects. Thus, SP1 on all lists will be similar by virtue of the fact that attention/gamma decrease across serial position, which may or may not be a boundaryspecific effect. In an extreme example, the analyses currently reported could be performed on an independent dataset with the same design (e.g. 12 word delayed free recall) and such analyses could potentially reveal high similarity between SP1-list1 in the current study and SP1-list1 in the second dataset, effects which could not be specifically attributed to boundaries.

      The neural fatigue study by Lohnas and colleagues does find higher HFA was greater for recalled items but does not describe a serial position specific trend (Lohnas et al. 2020). For our study, we stringently controlled for recall success in each of our analyses. Our main finding of boundary similarity compares recalled boundary items to recalled items in each of the other serial positions. We also show the similarity of non-recalled items in all serial positions to demonstrate the lack of boundary representation in the first list items, when neural fatigue is presumably least present.

      In addition, their study demonstrated neural fatigue in the hippocampus. They did not find evidence of fatigue in the DLPFC, suggesting region-specific mechanisms of neural fatigue. Our results are focused on the medial parietal lobe, and we were not able to find a fatigue model of the region for further comparison. While our results do not rule out the possibility of neural fatigue driving a drifting or boundary signal, we focus on the relevance of the signal to memory performance.

      (2) Comparisons of recalled "pairs" does not account for the lag between those items during study or recall, which based on retrieved context theory and prior findings (e.g. Manning et al., 2011), should modulate similarity between item representations. Although the GLM will capture a linear trend, it will not reveal serial position specific effects. It appears that the betas reported for the SP12 analyses are driven by the fact that similarity with SP12 generally increases across serial position, rather a specific effect of "high similarity to SP12 in adjacent lists" (Page 5, excluding perhaps the comparison with list x+1). It is also unclear how the SP12 similarity analyses support the statement that "end-list items are represented more distinctly, or less similarly, to all succeeding items" (Page 5). It is not clear how the authors account for the fact that the same participants do not contribute equally to all ROIs or if the effects are consistent if only participants who have electrodes in all ROIs are included.

      In our study, all pairs are defined by the lag between a reference and target item. The results in Figure 3 show the similarity between each serial position in relation to SP1; Figure 4 shows lag between each serial position relative to SP2 and 3; and Figure 5 shows lag relative to SP12. Each statistical model accounts for the lag by ordering the data by increased inter-item distance. Further, our definition of lag is significantly more rigorous than that used by Manning and colleagues. Our similarity results for Figures 3-5 characterize the change in similarity relative to a constant reference point, such as SP1, rather than a relative reference point, such as +1 lag, which aggregates similarity between pairs such as SP1 to SP2 with SP4 to SP5, which maybe recalled via different memory mechanisms.  

      In Figure 5, we agree your characterization that ‘similarity with SP12 generally increases across serial position’ is a more accurate description of the trend. The text has been updated to reflect this by changing the interpretation to “later serial positions in adjacent lists shared a gradually increasing similarity to SP12.”  

      Next, we clarify the statement "end-list items are represented more distinctly, or less similarly, to all succeeding items". When recalling SP12, the subsequent items recalled exhibit significantly lower similarity to SP12 (see Figure 5D, pink). Consequently, the spectral representation of successfully recalled end-list items appears more distinct from later items in similar serial positions. This stands in contrast to our observations illustrated in Figures 3 and 4, where successfully recalled start-list items demonstrate greater similarity to later items in similar serial positions.

      (3) The authors use the term "perceptual" boundary which is confusing. First, "perceptual boundary" seems to be a specific subset of the broader term "event boundary," and it is unclear why/how the current study is investigating "perceptual" boundaries specifically. Second and relatedly, the current study does not have a sole "perceptual" boundary (as discussed in point 1 above), it is really a combination of perceptual and conceptual since the task is changing (from recalling the words in the previous list to studying the words in the current list OR studying the words in the current list to solving math problems in the current list) in addition to changes in stimulus presentation. 

      We agree with the statement that ‘perceptual’ as a modifier to the boundaries described here does not add significant information. Therefore, we have removed all reference to perceptual boundaries.

      (4) Although the results show that item-item similarity in the gamma band decreases across serial position, it is unclear how the present findings further describe "how gamma activity facilitates contextual associations" (Page 5). As mentioned in point 1 above, such effects could be driven by attentional declines across serial position -- and a concurrent decline in gamma power -- which may be unrelated to, and actually potentially impair, the formation of contextual associations, given evidence from the literature that increased gamma power facilitates binding processes.

      We agree that our study does not elucidate a mechanistic relationship between gamma power and contextual associations. The referenced sentence has been changed to: “how gamma activity is associated with context”.

      Please see our response to point 1 above. In addition, studies demonstrating decreasing gamma power with increasing serial position focus primarily on the MTL, lateral temporal cortex and prefrontal cortex (Serruya et al. 2012). Despite their findings, we do not observe a strong boundary effect in those regions (see Supp Fig 3 a,b). The lack of boundary effect in regions where HFA is selectively increased for primacy items suggests the global attentional decline or neural fatigue model does not account for our results.

      Notably, HFA trends in the MPL are poorly described. Further, gamma power decline does not rule out the possibility of a boundary effect driving the HFA. We demonstrate boundary-relevant HFA only in the MPL but not in other regions. In addition, we show a correlation between SP1 recalls and boundary representation strength, as well as a conserved similarity of multiple boundary-adjacent items.

      (5) Some of the logic and interpretations are inconsistent with the literature. For example, the authors state that "The temporal context model (TCM) suggests that gradual drift in item similarity provides context information to support recovery of individual items" however, this does not seem like an accurate characterization of TCM. According to TCM, context is a recency-weighted average of previous experience. Context "drifts" insofar as information is added to/removed from context. Context drift thus influences item similarity -- it is not that item similarity itself drifts, but that any change in item-item similarity is due to context drift. 

      The current findings do not appear at odds with the conceptualization of drift and context in current version of the context maintenance and retrieval model. Furthermore, the context representation is posited to include information beyond basic item representations. Two items, regardless of their temporal distance, can be associated with similar contexts if related information is included in both context representations, as predicted and shown for multiple forms of relatedness including semantic relatedness (Manning & Kahana, 2012) and task relatedness (Polyn et al., 2012).

      We revised the sentence and encompassing paragraph to describe the temporal context model more accurately and emphasize how our findings align with the stated version of CMR. The revised text is below:  

      “Next, we asked how gamma spectral activity reflects contextual association between items. In the medial parietal lobe, we observed recurring similarity between items distant in time but adjacent to boundaries. This pattern suggests spectral activity may carry information about an item's relationship to a boundary. These observations align with the Context Maintenance and Retrieval model which extends the predictions of TCM to encompass broader relationships among items. Our results demonstrate boundaries as an important aspect of context and specify the spectral and regional properties of these boundary-related contextual features.”

      (6) Lohnas et al. (2020) Neural fatigue influences memory encoding in the human hippocampus, Neuropsychologia, should be cited when discussing neural fatigue

      Thank you for your suggestion. The citation has been added to the text.

      (7) A within-list, not an across list, similarity analysis should be used to test the interpretation that end-of-list items are more distinct than other list items.

      We believe this recommendation refers to the following line in our text: “These findings suggest end-list items are represented more distinctly, or less similarly, to all succeeding items.” Our statement compares list x, SP12 to all succeeding items (in list x+1, x+2, etc.). Therefore, this statement refers to items in the next lists which is why we performed an across list analysis rather than within-list one.

      (8) It is unclear why it is necessary to use PCA to estimate similarity between items.

      PCA was used to reduce the dimensionality of the time-frequency matrix for the gamma band. This technique allowed us to compare predominant trends in gamma between items. In addition, we added a figure showing 3 example subjects in Figure 3 – supplementary figure 2D to show unique time-frequency components contribute to signal reconstructed from the PCs for each subject. Therefore, the boundary representation may be represented differently for each patient.

      (9) Lags are listed as -4, 4 (Page 8), however with a list length of 12, possible lags should be 11, 11.

      The listed parenthetical statement ‘(-4 to 4)’ referred to Figure 1 where Lag CRP is shown for transitions from -4 to 4. However, we did calculate lag CRP for all possible transitions. Therefore, the referenced phrase was changed to: “Lagged CRP was calculated for all possible transitions (-11 to 11).”

      (10) Hsieh et al. 2014 and Hsieh & Ranganath (2015) are fMRI studies and as such, do not support the statement "Previous work consistent with temporal context models suggests spectral relatedness reduces as a function of distance between words" (Page 3). 

      The statement has been revised to: “Previous work consistent with temporal context models suggests neural pattern similarity reduces as a function of distance between related memories.”

      (11) Although statistically one can measure "How item-item similarity is affected by recollection" (Page 3), this is logically backwards, given that similarity during study necessarily precedes performance during free recall. Additionally, it is erroneous to assume that recalled words are "recollected" without additional measurements (e.g. Mickes et al. (2013) Rethinking familiarity: Remember/Know judgments in free recall, JML).

      The statement was changed to “item-item similarity is affected based on successful recall” given recollection cannot be determined in our paradigm.

      Reviewer 3:

      (1) My primary confusion in the current version of this paper is that the analyses don't seem to directly compare the two proposed models illustrated in Fig 1B, i.e. the temporal context model (with smooth drifts between items, including across lists) versus the boundary model (with similarities across all lists for items near boundaries). After examining smooth drift in the within-list analysis (Fig 2), the across-list analyses (Figs 3-5) use a model with two predictors (boundary proximity and list distance), neither of which is a smoothlydrifting context. Therefore there does not appear to be a quantitative analysis supporting the conclusion that in lateral temporal cortex "drift exhibits a relationship with elapsed time regardless of the presences of intervening boundaries" (lines 272-3).

      We could not use a smoothly drifting regressor due to its collinearity with any model of boundary similarity. Therefore, we chose our two regressors: boundary proximity, which models intra-list changes in similarity and list distance, which models a stepwise decrease in similarity from adjacent lists.

      However, we agree with the comment that the presented data does not directly support the lateral temporal cortex drifts independent of intervening boundaries. Therefore, we amended the statement to: “We found successfully recalled items encoded in distant serial positions drifted significantly more than items from adjacent serial positions (Figure 2C)”. Consistent with the predictions of the temporal context model, the reduced similarity between distant items may reflect reduced contextual overlap proportional time elapsed between them.”

      (2) The feature representation used for the neural response to each item is a gamma power time-frequency matrix. This makes it unclear what characteristics of the neural response are driving the observed similarity effects. It appears that a simple overall scaling of the response after boundaries (stronger responses to initial items during the beginning portion of the 1.6s time window) would lead to the increased cosine similarity between initial items, but wouldn't necessarily reflect meaningful differences in the neural representation or context of these items.

      Our study aims to draw the connection between the neural response after boundaries with neural representation and context of these items. Prior studies (Manning et al. 2011, El Kalliny et al. 2017) have interpreted similarity in neural spectra as a memory relevant phenomenon. We use very similar methods to perform our analysis.  

      In addition, we compare the fit of our boundary similarity model to behavioral performance to show increased boundary representation correlates with improved boundary item recall.

      While our study does not specify which time-frequency components underly the increased similarity, we do limit our analysis to the gamma band. Traditional analyses include log-scaled, broadband time-frequency data (eg. 3-100hz) from which we specify the relevance of a much narrower spectral band.  

      Finally, we tried to study which time–frequency components contributed to the increased similarity, but it varied greatly between patients (see Figure 3 – supplementary figure 2D). Hence, we opted to use principal component analyses to compare the features showing the most variation for each given participant. This added analytical step allows us to detect boundary effects across patients despite individual variability in boundary representation.

      (3) The specific form of the boundary proximity models is not well justified. For initial items, a model of e^(1-d) is used (with d being serial position), but it is not stated how the falloff scale of this model was selected (as opposed to e.g. e^((1-d)/2)). For final items, a different model of d/#items is used, which seems to have a somewhat different interpretation (about drift between boundaries, rather than an effect specific to items near a final boundary). The schematic in Fig 1B appears to show a hypothesis which is not tested, with symmetric effects at initial and final boundaries.

      The boundary proximity models were chosen empirically. Our model was intended to quantify a decreasing relationship across many patients. We acknowledge the constants and variables may not definitively describe underlying neural processes.  

      For start- and end-list boundaries, we used different models because primacy and recency effects are unique phenomena. Primacy memory is classically thought to arise from rehearsal during the encoding time (Polyn et al. 2009, Lohnas et al. 2015). Alternatively, recency memory is thought to arise from strong contextual cues of recency items during recall due to their temporal proximity. Therefore, we have a limited basis on which to assume their spectral representation in relation to task boundaries would be symmetric.

      (4) The main text description of Fig 2 only describes drift effects in lateral temporal cortex, but Fig 2 - supplement 1 shows that there is also drift and a significant subsequent memory effect in the other two ROIs as well. There is not a significant memory x drift slope interaction in these regions; are the authors arguing that the lack of this interaction (different drift rates for remembered versus forgotten items) is critical for interpreting the roles of lateral temporal cortex versus medial parietal and hippocampal regions?

      Yes. Fig 2- Supplement 1 shows that drift occurs in both the HC and MPL. However, the interaction term is not significant, which suggests that the rate of drift between recalled and non-recalled items is not significantly different.  

      In contrast, Fig 2C shows that recalled pairs drift at a higher rate than non-recalled pairs. For the LTC, the interaction term is negative in magnitude and statistically significant. This suggests successfully encoded item pairs encoded far apart share more distinct spectral representations, specifically in the LTC. These findings lead to our interpretation in the discussion that “elevated drift rate might allow the representations of recalled items to remain distinct but ordered in memory.”

      (5) The parameter fits for the "list distance" regressor are not shown or analyzed, though they do appear to be important for the observed similarity structure (e.g. Fig 3E). I would interpret this regressor as also being "boundary-related" in the sense that it assumes discrete changes in similarity at boundaries.

      Parameter fits for the ‘list distance’ regressor are now shown in the supplementary portion of Figures 3 and Figure 5. The difference between regions is non-significant.

      (6) To make strong claims about temporal context versus boundary models as implied by Fig 1B, these two regressors should be fit within the same model to explain across-list similarity. The temporal context model could be based on the number of intervening items (as in Fig 1B) or actual time elapsed between items. The relationship between the smoothly drifting temporal context model and the discretely-jumping list distance models should also be clarified.

      We could not use a smoothly drifting regressor due to its collinearity with any model of boundary similarity. A model which included a ‘temporal context regressor’ would not be able to account for the presence of a boundary effect and would not allow us to demonstrate a boundary representation in the presence of drift. Therefore, we chose our two regressors: boundary proximity, which models intra-list changes in similarity and list distance, which models a stepwise decrease in similarity from adjacent lists. These regressors allow the model to differentiate between intra-list changes (the boundary regressor) verses inter-list changes (the list distance regressor).  

      (7) The features of the time-frequency matrix that are driving similarity between events could be visualized to provide a better understanding of the boundary-related signals. The analysis could also be re-run with reduced versions of the feature space in order to determine the critical components of this signal; for example, responses could be averaged across time to examine only differences across frequencies, or across frequencies to examine purely temporal changes across the 1.6 second window.

      Figure 3 – supplementary figure 2 A-C has been added to show varying the number of principal components (PCs) does not change the trend of boundary sensitivity in the MPL. In addition, we included 3 example subjects in Figure 3 – supplementary figure 2D to show unique time-frequency components contribute to signal reconstructed from the PCs for each subject. Therefore, the boundary representation may be represented differently for each patient.

      (8) If the authors are considering a space of multiple models as "boundary proximity models" (e.g. linear models and exponential models with different scale factors), this should be part of the model-fitting process rather than a single model being selected posthoc.

      We agree with the reviewer’s suggestion that the most ideal way to fit a model to the trend would be using a model-fitting process. However, due to a limitation on the amount of computational resources available, we were not able to perform it given the size of our dataset.

      (9) The interpretation of region differences in the results in Fig 2 and Fig 2 - supplement 1 should be clarified. 

      In discussion, we have added the following text to clarify our interpretation of the regional differences shown in the mentioned figures.  

      “However, across task boundaries, our study did not detect a robust change in drift rate in the medial or lateral temporal cortex. This finding contrasts with significant work (Ezzyat and Davachi, 2014; Griffiths and Fuentemilla, 2020) which shows hippocampal sensitivity to event-boundaries. One interpretation would be that boundary representations in the hippocampus are quite sparse and represented by populations of time-sensitive cells whose activity is indexed to task-related boundaries (Umbach et al 2018). While the sparse representations may not be detectable in gamma activity, perhaps it suggests drift in these regions represents a more abstract set of contextual features accumulated from multiple brain regions (Baldassano et al. 2017). “

      (10) Whether there are significant fits for the list distance regressor, and whether these fits vary across regions, could be stated. The list distance regressor could also be directly compared (in the same model) to a temporal-context regressor, which predicts graded changes in similarity between items rather than the discrete changes between lists.

      We have added parameter fits for the ‘list distance’ regressor in the supplementary portion of Figures 3 and Figure 5. The difference between regions is non-significant. Therefore, our results show very similar stepwise decrease in similarity across lists between regions (list distance regressor; Figure 3 —supplementary figure 1B).

      We could not compare these parameters to a separate model which includes a smoothly drifting ‘temporal-context’ regressor due to the regressors collinearity with any representation of boundary. See our response to Reviewer 3 –comment 6.  

      (11) The authors should clarify their interpretation of the results, and whether they are proposing a tweak to the temporal context model or a substantially different organizational system. 

      In the disucssion we include the following statements to clarify what we suggest regarding the temporal context model.  

      “Our findings suggest a broader scope of contextual association than just prior items, where temporal proximity as well as task structure in the form of boundaries, play intertwined roles in contextual construction. Our data therefore have implications for updated iterations of the temporal context model incorporating (perhaps) specific terms for boundary information. This may in turn provide a more systematic prediction of primacy effects in behavioral data.”  

      (12) Minor typos and corrections: 

      52: using -> use 

      108: patients -> patients'  156: list -> lists 

      The list distance plot is described as "pink" in Fig 3 and Fig 5 - supplement 1, but appears gray in the figures.

      Each of these corrections has been corrected in the text.

    1. And then the Props withdraw And adequate, erect, The House support itself

      But then as the house has been built already, the props withdraw. Letting the house an "adequate and erect" standing. Referring to that people that was with you giving support until you are a grown Pearson.

    2. The Props assist the House

      It talks about the props which could be the beginning of life as our parents to build the house "the new creature" that develops and has support from the props

    3. The Props assist the House (729)

      The poem talks about the cycle of life. Nevertheless the main points are the props that assist the House and the house itself.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors food-deprived male and female mice and observed a much stronger reduction of leptin levels, energy consumption in the visual cortex, and visual coding performance in males than females. This indicates a sex-specific strategy for the regulation of the energy budget in the face of low food availability.


      This study extends a previous study demonstrating the effect of food deprivation on visual processing in males, by providing a set of clear experimental results, demonstrating the sex-specific difference. It also provides hypotheses about the strategy used by females to reduce energy budget based on the literature.


      The authors do not provide evidence that females are not impacted by visually guided behaviors contrary to what was shown in males in the previous study.

    2. eLife assessment

      This study provides important findings based on convincing/compelling evidence demonstrating that females and males have different strategies to regulate energy consumption in the brain in the context of low energy intake. While food deprivation reduces energy consumption and visual processing performance in the visual cortex of males, the female cortex is unaffected, likely at the expense of other functions. This study is relevant for scientists interested in body metabolism and neuroscience.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Padamsey et al. followed up on their previous study in which they found that male mice sacrifice visual cortex computation precision to save energy in periods of food restriction (Padamsey et al. 2021, Neuron). In the present study, the authors find that female mice show much lower levels of adaptation in response to food restriction on the level of metabolic signaling and visual cortex computation. This is an important finding for understanding sex differences in adaptation to food scarcity and also impacts the interpretation of studies employing food restriction in behavioral analyses and learning paradigms.


      The manuscript is, in general, very clear and the conclusions are straightforward. The experiments are performed in the same conditions for males and females and the authors did not find differences in the behavioral states of male and female mice that could explain differences in energy consumption. Moreover, they show that visual cortex in both males and females does not change its baseline energy consumption in the dark, therefore the adjustment of energy budget in males only targets visual processing.


      The number of experiments is insufficient to compare the effects of food restriction in males and females directly, which is discussed by the authors: to address this point they use Bayes factor analysis to provide an estimate of the likelihood that females and males indeed differ in terms of energy metabolism and sensory processing adaptions during food restriction.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Padamsey et al build up on previous significant work from the same group which demonstrated robust changes in the visual cortex in male mice from long-term (2-3 weeks) food restriction. Here, the authors extend this finding and reveal striking sex-specific differences in the way the brain responds to food restriction. The measures included the whole-body measure of serum leptin levels, and V1-specific measures of activity of key molecular players (AMPK and PPARα), gene expression patterns, ATP usage in V1, and the sharpness of visual stimulus encoding (orientation tuning). All measures supported the conclusion that the female mouse brain (unlike in males) does not change its energy usage and cortical functional properties on comparable food restriction.

      While the effect of food restriction on more peripheral tissue such as muscle and bones has been well studied, this result contributes to our understanding of how the brain responds to food restriction. This result is particularly significant given that the brain consumes a large fraction of the body's energy consumption (20%), with the cortex accounting for half of that amount. The sex-specific differences found here are also relevant for studies using food restriction to investigate cortical function.


      The study uses a wide range of approaches mentioned above which converge on the same conclusion, strengthening the core claim of the study.


      Since the absence of a significant effect does not prove the absence of any changes, the study cannot claim that the female mouse brain does not change in response to food restriction. However, the authors do not make this claim. Instead, they make the well-supported claim that there is a sex-specific difference in the response of V1 to food restriction.

    5. Author response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer 1:

      (1) For a number of experiments the authors use their new data set on females and compare that with the data set previously published on males. In how far are these data sets comparable? Have they been performed originally in parallel for example using siblings of different sexes or have the experiments been conducted several years apart from each other? What is the expected variability, if one repeated these experiments with the same sex considering the differences/similarities between experimental setups, housing conditions, interindividual differences, etc.? 

      This is an important point. We did our best to collect the data in similar conditions (same set-ups; same animal housing conditions) and in experimental cohorts including both males and females. While some data from males were published first, the acquisition of male and female data was done in the same time period.

      Specifically, all results shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 (Serum leptin, PPARalpha, AMPK, RNAseq) come from samples (from both males and females) that were processed at the same time and in similar conditions, by the same authors (Z.P. and P. M.).

      For the in vivo data (Figure 3, Supplementary figure 1), the male and female data were collected within a 1–2-year timeframe, in the same setups, by the same two authors (Z.P., D.K.). The males and females were housed under similar conditions (same room, same cage type, in groups of 25). We did not use siblings of different sexes. Independent cohorts (1-12 months apart), including both males and females, went into each data set. The within cohort variability does not obviously differ from between cohort variability, however the n number of animals is too small to confirm this with sufficient statistical power. 

      Altogether, the differences observed between male and female data cannot be explained by the timing and conditions of data acquisition from both sexes.

      (2) Energy consumption and visual processing may differ between periods in which animals are in different behavioral states. Is there a possibility that male and female mice differed in behavioral state during measurements? Were animals running or resting during visual stimulation and during ATP measurements? 

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have now edited the text and included a new supplementary figure. All in vivo experiments were done in stationary animals that were resting in a cardboard tube both during 2-photon imaging and ATP measurements. Animals were also well habituated to the setup. In addition, we have imaged pupil diameters during in vivo imaging session. We have quantified pupil diameter during visual stimulation and do not find a sex difference (Supplemental Figure 2). Thus, we did not find a significant difference in behavioural or attentional state between sexes, in our experimental conditions.

      We have edited the text to include this information (lines 183-185).

      (3) Related to the previous point: the authors show that ATP consumption was reduced in male mice during visual stimulation. What about visual cortex ATP consumption in the absence of visual stimulation? Do food-deprived males and/or females show lower ATP consumption in the visual cortex e.g. during sleep? 

      We have repeated V1 ATP imaging experiments in the dark, in the absence of visual stimulation, in both males and females (Supplementary figure 1). ATP consumption rates are slower in the dark vs. during visual stimulation. Moreover, we find that in the dark, there is no difference in ATP consumption rate between control and food restricted animals of either sex. Thus, the reduced ATP consumption we found with food restriction in males is related specifically to the active processing of visual information.

      We have edited the text to include this information (lines 158-159).

      Reviewer 2:

      (1) It appears that the authors have the data for doing decoding analysis, similar to Fig 6D in their previous paper. However, this analysis has not been done for this study. This would be good to include.  If the authors have attempted the behavioural discrimination tests on female mice as in the previous study, this would also be useful to include. 

      The first point of the reviewer is about datasets acquired in males that are included in our previous publication (Padamsey et al., 2022) but not compared to female data in the present manuscript.

      Whilst we fully agree that these results would be very useful, we did not have the resources (in terms of skilled researcher and funding) to perform these experiments in female mice. That is why these results are not included in this manuscript.

      (2) There appears to be an inconsistency in the methods of reporting OSI. It states that the OSI of grating-responsive neurons was calculated as 1 - circular variance. But then OSI is defined as simply abs(). Also, it would be good to be consistent about reporting medians as the median without confounding with the average (which is the mean). Sentences such as the following do not make sense: The average OSI for an animal was taken as the median OSI value calculated across neurons. This should be corrected throughout the manuscript, where the average is mentioned but the median is measured. 

      We thank the reviewer for noting this issue and we apologize for the confusion. We have now clarified the above in the manuscript (lines 587-603) and insert the following reference for the detailed explanation of OSI and DSI calculation: Mazurek M, Kager M, Van Hooser SD. Robust quantification of orientation selectivity and direction selectivity. Front Neural Circuits. 2014. https://doi.org/10.3389/fncir.2014.00092

      In the figure showing the orientation tuning, the authors have collapsed the two directions of each orientation together. However, if I understand correctly, the calculation of OSI does not do this step of collapsing. In this case, and in the interest of revealing more useful features of the data instead of averaging them out, it would be good to show the average tuning curves with and without FR for all directions, not collapsed. 

      As with orientation tuning, we found that direction tuning is reduced with food restriction, and that this is significant in males, but not in females. These results are now included in the text, with statistics (lines 179-180) and in Supplemental Figure 3.

      Reviewer 3:

      l. 183-187 The discussion based on the idea that "The Bayes factor analysis helps to differentiate the absence of evidence from the evidence of absence." does not seem very helpful. Using a statistical criterium makes less sense than providing the reader with an estimate largest effect size (if there is any) that is compatible with the observation. If there would be a significant effect but of a very small size would it change the authors' conclusion? That seems unlikely. I recommend removing the sentence on line 184, which is in fact not used afterwards. 

      We agree with the reviewer. We have now removed the sentence and rephrased (lines 202-208).  

      Editor's note: 

      Should you choose to revise your manuscript, please include full statistical reporting including exact pvalues wherever possible alongside the summary statistics (test statistic and df) and 95% confidence intervals. These should be reported for all key questions and not only when the p-value is less than 0.05.

      We now provide exact p-values alongside the summary statistics (test statistic and df) and 95% confidence intervals for all key results.

    1. In what ways can we use ChatGPT?

    2. Is there opportunities for extra credit?

    3. Do we need to buy the textbook, or can we find it at the library?

    4. My preference is to meet virtually. Do you have a Zoom room for office hours?

    1. disproportionate

      too large or too small in comparison to something else, or not deserving its importance or influence

    2. amid

      in the middle of or surrounded by

    3. eccentric

      strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way

    4. polarization

      the act of dividing something, especially something that contains different people or opinions, into two completely opposing groups

    1. variáveis e, em certos casos, essas técnicas podem ser usadas para melhorar a precisão da previsão. Os modelos que foram desenvolvidos nessa área de pesquisa também podem ser usados



    1. However, it is important to keep in mind that there are some people with disabilities — like cognitive disorders — who might benefit from having this additional image information readily available on the screen instead of buried in the SVG code.

      Make supports visible whenever possible.

    1. Men are expected to abandon masculinity once women show them its folly, yet the film has inadvertently advertised its apparently irreversible appeal.

      This is a whole other topic - in just the last week there has been more comments on men not showing enough masculinity.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The study investigates whether speech and music processing involve specific or shared brain networks. Using intracranial EEG recordings from 18 epilepsy patients, it examines neural responses to speech and music. The authors found that most neural activity is shared between speech and music processing, without specific regional brain selectivity. Furthermore, domain-selective responses to speech or music are limited to frequency-specific coherent oscillations. The findings challenge the notion of anatomically distinct regions for different cognitive functions in the auditory process.


      (1) This study uses a relatively large corpus of intracranial EEG data, which provides high spatiotemporal resolution neural recordings, allowing for more precise and dynamic analysis of brain responses. The use of continuous speech and music enhances ecological validity compared to artificial or segmented stimuli.

      (2) This study uses multiple frequency bands in addition to just high-frequency activity (HFA), which has been the focus of many existing studies in the literature. This allows for a more comprehensive analysis of neural processing across the entire spectrum. The heterogeneity across different frequency bands also indicates that different frequency components of the neural activity may reflect different underlying neural computations.

      (3) This study also adds empirical evidence towards distributed representation versus domain-specificity. It challenges the traditional view of highly specialized, anatomically distinct regions for different cognitive functions. Instead, the study suggests a more integrated and overlapping neural network for processing complex stimuli like speech and music.


      While this study is overall convincing, there are still some weaknesses in the methods and analyses that limit the implication of the work.

      The study's main approach, focusing primarily on the grand comparison of response amplitudes between speech and music, may overlook intricate details in neural coding. Speech and music are not entirely orthogonal with each other at different levels of analysis: at the high-level abstraction, these are two different categories of cognitive processes; at the low-level acoustics, they overlap a lot; at intermediate levels, they may also share similar features. For example, the study doesn't adequately address whether purely melodic elements in music correlate with intonations in speech at the neural level. A more granular analysis, dissecting stimuli into distinct features like pitch, phonetics, timbre, and linguistic elements, could unveil more nuanced shared, and unique neural processes between speech and music. Prior research indicates potential overlap in neural coding for certain intermediate features in speech and music (Sankaran et al. 2023), suggesting that a simple averaged response comparison might not fully capture the complexity of neural encoding. Further delineation of phonetic, melodic, linguistic, and other coding, along with an analysis of how different informational aspects (phonetic, linguistic, melodic, etc) are represented in shared neural activities, could enhance our understanding of these processes and strengthen the study's conclusions.

      While classifying electrodes into 3 categories provides valuable insights, it may not fully capture the complexity of the neural response distribution to speech and music. A more nuanced and continuous approach could reveal subtler gradations in neural response, rather than imposing categorical boundaries. This could be done by computing continuous metrics, like unique variances explained by each category or by each acoustic feature, etc. Incorporating such a continuum could enhance our understanding of the neural representation of speech and music, providing a more detailed and comprehensive picture of cortical processing. This goes back to my first comment that the selected set of stimuli may not fully exploit the entire space of speech and music, and there are possible exemplars that violate the preference map here. For example, this study only considered a specific set of multi-instrumental music, it is not clear to me if other types of music would result in different response profiles in individual channels. It is also not clear if a foreign language that the listeners cannot comprehend would evoke similar response profiles. On the contrary, breaking down into the neural coding of more fundamental feature representations that constitute speech and music, and analyzing the unique contribution of each feature would give a more comprehensive understanding.

      The paper's emphasis on shared and overlapping neural activity, as observed through sEEG electrodes, provides valuable insights. It is probably true that domain-specificity for speech and music does not exist at such a macro scale. However, it's important to consider that each electrode records from a large neuronal population, encompassing thousands of neurons. This broad recording scope might mask more granular, non-overlapping feature representations at the single neuron level. Thus, while the study suggests shared neural underpinnings for speech and music perception at a macroscopic level, it cannot definitively rule out the possibility of distinct, non-overlapping neural representations at the microscale of local neuronal circuits for features that are distinctly associated with speech and music. This distinction is crucial for fully understanding the neural mechanisms underlying speech and music perception that merit future endeavors with more advanced large-scale neuronal recordings.

    2. eLife assessment

      This study presents valuable intracranial findings on how two types of natural auditory stimuli - speech and music - are processed in the human brain, and demonstrates that speech and music largely share network-level brain activities, thus challenging the domain-specific processing view. The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is solid. The work will be of broad interest to speech and music researchers as well as cognitive scientists in general.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this study, the authors examined the extent to which processing of speech and music depends on neural networks that are either specific to a domain or general in nature. They conducted comprehensive intracranial EEG recordings on 18 epilepsy patients as they listened to natural, continuous forms of speech and music. This enabled an exploration of brain activity at both the frequency-specific and network levels across a broad spectrum. Utilizing statistical methods, the researchers classified neural responses to auditory stimuli into categories of shared, preferred, and domain-selective types. It was observed that a significant portion of both focal and network-level brain activity is commonly shared between the processing of speech and music. However, neural responses that are selectively responsive to speech or music are confined to distributed, frequency-specific areas. The authors highlight the crucial role of using natural auditory stimuli in research and the need to explore the extensive spectral characteristics inherent in the processing of speech and music.


      The study's strengths include its high-quality sEEG data from a substantial number of patients, covering a majority of brain regions. This extensive cortical coverage grants the authors the ability to address their research questions with high spatial resolution, marking an advantage over previous studies. They performed thorough analyses across the entire cortical coverage and a wide frequency range of neural signals. The primary analyses, including spectral analysis, temporal response function calculation, and connectivity analysis, are presented straightforwardly. These analyses, as well as figures, innovatively display how neural responses, in each frequency band and region/electrode, are 'selective' (according to the authors' definition) to speech or music stimuli. The findings are summarized in a manner that efficiently communicates information to readers. This research offers valuable insights into the cortical selectivity of speech and music processing, making it a noteworthy reference for those interested in this field. Overall, this research offers a valuable dataset and carries out extensive yet clear analyses, amounting to an impressive empirical investigation into the cortical selectivity of speech and music. It is recommended for readers who are keen on understanding the nuances of selectivity and generality in the processing of speech and music to refer to this study's data and its summarized findings.


      (1) The study employed longer speech and music stimuli, thereby promising improved ecological validity as compared to prior research, a point emphasized by the authors. However, it failed to differentiate between neural responses to the diverse content or local structures within speech and music. The authors considered the potential limitation of treating these extensive speech and music stimuli as stationary signals, neglecting their complex musical or linguistic structural details and temporal variations across local structures such as sentences and phrases. This balanced perspective offered by the authors aids readers in better understanding the context of the study and highlights potential areas for expansion and further considerations.

      (2) In contrast to previous studies that employed short stimulus segments along with various control stimuli to ensure that observed selectivity for speech or music was not merely due to low-level acoustic properties, this study used longer, ecological stimuli. However, the control stimuli used in this study, such as tone or syllable sequences, do not align with the low-level acoustic properties of the speech and music stimuli. This mismatch raises concerns that the differences or selectivity between speech and music observed in this study might be attributable to these basic acoustic characteristics rather than to more complex processing factors specific to speech or music. However, this should not deter readers from recognizing the study's strengths, namely, the use of iEEG recordings that offer high spatial resolution and extensive cortical coverage.

      (3) The concept of selectivity - shared, preferred, and domain-selective - may not present sufficient theoretical accuracy. It is appreciated that the authors put effort into clearly defining their operational measurement on 'selectivity'. Later, the authors further mentioned the specific indication of their analyses. However, the authors' categorization of neural sites/regions as shared, preferred, or domain-selective regarding speech and music processing essentially resembles a traditional ANOVA test with posthoc analysis. While this categorization gives meaningful context to the results, the mere presence of significant differences among control stimuli, a segment of speech, and a piece of music does not present a strong case that a region is specifically selective to a type of stimulus like speech. The narrative of the manuscript could potentially lead to an overgeneralized interpretation of their findings as being broadly applicable to speech or music, if a reader does not delve into the details.

      (4) The authors' approach, akin to mapping a 'receptive field' by correlating stimulus properties with neural responses to ascertain functional selectivity for speech and music, presents potential issues. If cortical regions exhibit heightened responses to one type of stimulus over another, it doesn't automatically imply selectivity or preference for that stimulus. The explanation could lie in functional aspects, such as a region's sensitivity to temporal units of a specific duration, be it music, speech, or even movie segments, and its role in chunking such units (e.g., around 500 ms), which might be more prevalent in music than in speech, or vice versa in the current study. This study does not delve into the functional mechanisms of how speech and music are processed across different musical or linguistic hierarchical levels but merely demonstrates differences in neural responses to various stimuli over a 10-minute span.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Te Rietmolen et al., investigated the selectivity of cortical responses to speech and music stimuli using neurosurgical stereo EEG in humans. The authors address two basic questions: 1. Are speech and music responses localized in the brain or distributed; 2. Are these responses selective and domain specific or rather domain general and shared. To investigate this, the study proposes a nomenclature of shared responses (speech and music responses are not significantly different), domain selective (one domain is significant from baseline and the other is not), domain preferred (both are significant from baseline but one is larger than the other and significantly different from each other). The authors employ this framework using neural responses across the spectrum (rather than focusing on high gamma), providing evidence for a low level of selectivity across spectral signatures. To investigate the nature of the underlying representations they use encoding models to predict neural responses (low and high frequency) given a feature space of the stimulus envelope or peak rate (by time delay) and find stronger encoding for both in the low frequency neural responses. The top encoding electrodes are used as seeds for a pair-wise connectivity (coherence) in order to repeat the shared/selective/preferred analysis across the spectra, suggesting low selectivity. Spectral power and connectivity are also analyzed on the level of regional patient population to rule out (and depict) any effects driven by a select few patients. Across analyses the authors consistently show a paucity of domain selective responses and when evident these selective responses were not represented across the entire cortical region. The authors argue that speech and music mostly rely on shared neural resources.


      I found this manuscript to be rigorous providing compelling and clear evidence towards shared neural signatures for speech and music. The use of intracranial recordings provides an important spatial and temporal resolution that lends itself to the power, connectivity and encoding analyses. The statistics and methods employed are rigorous and reliable, estimated based on permutation approaches and cross-validation/regularization was employed and reported properly. The analysis of measures across the entire spectra in both power, coherence and encoding models provides a comprehensive view of responses that no doubt will benefit the community as an invaluable resource. Analysis on the level of patient population (feasible with their high N) per region also supports the generalizability of the conclusions across a relatively large cohort of patients. Last but not least, I believe the framework of selective, preferred, and shared is a welcome lens through which to investigate cortical function.


      I did not find methodological weaknesses in the current version of the manuscript. I do believe that it is important to highlight that the data is limited to passively listening to naturalistic speech and music. The speech and music stimuli are not completely controlled with varying key acoustic features (inherent to the different domains). Overall, I found the differences in stimulus and lack of attentional controls (passive listening) to be minor weaknesses that would not dramatically change the results or conclusions.

    5. Author response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We have specifically addressed the points of uncertainty highlighted in eLife's editorial assessment, which concerned the lack of low-level acoustics control, limitations of experimental design, and in-depth analysis. Regarding “the lack of low-level acoustics control, limitations of experimental design”, in response to Reviewer #1, we clarify that our study aimed to provide a broad perspective —which includes both auditory and higher-level processes— on the similarities and distinctions in processing natural speech and music within an ecological context. Regarding “the lack of in-depth analysis”, in response to Reviewer #1 and #2, we have clarified that while model-based analyzes are valuable, they pose fundamental challenges when comparing speech and music. Non-acoustic features inherently differ between speech and music (such as phonemes and pitch), making direct comparisons reliant on somewhat arbitrary choices. Our approach mitigates this challenge by analyzing the entire neural signal, thereby avoiding potential pitfalls associated with encoding models of non-comparable features. Finally, we provide some additional analyzes suggested by the Reviewers.

      We sincerely appreciate your thoughtful and thorough consideration throughout the review process.

      eLife assessment

      This study presents valuable intracranial findings on how two important types of natural auditory stimuli - speech and music - are processed in the human brain, and demonstrates that speech and music largely share network-level brain activities, thus challenging the domain-specific processing view. The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is solid but somewhat incomplete since although the data analysis is thorough, the results are robust and the stimuli have ecological validity, important considerations such as low-level acoustics control, limitations of experimental design, and in-depth analysis, are lacking. The work will be of broad interest to speech and music researchers as well as cognitive scientists in general.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this study, the authors examined the extent to which the processing of speech and music depends on neural networks that are either specific to a domain or general in nature. They conducted comprehensive intracranial EEG recordings on 18 epilepsy patients as they listened to natural, continuous forms of speech and music. This enabled an exploration of brain activity at both the frequency-specific and network levels across a broad spectrum. Utilizing statistical methods, the researchers classified neural responses to auditory stimuli into categories of shared, preferred, and domain-selective types. It was observed that a significant portion of both focal and network-level brain activity is commonly shared between the processing of speech and music. However, neural responses that are selectively responsive to speech or music are confined to distributed, frequency-specific areas. The authors highlight the crucial role of using natural auditory stimuli in research and the need to explore the extensive spectral characteristics inherent in the processing of speech and music.


      The study's strengths include its high-quality sEEG data from a substantial number of patients, covering a majority of brain regions. This extensive cortical coverage grants the authors the ability to address their research questions with high spatial resolution, marking an advantage over previous studies. They performed thorough analyses across the entire cortical coverage and a wide frequency range of neural signals. The primary analyses, including spectral analysis, temporal response function calculation, and connectivity analysis, are presented straightforwardly. These analyses, as well as figures, innovatively display how neural responses, in each frequency band and region/electrode, are 'selective' (according to the authors' definition) to speech or music stimuli. The findings are summarized in a manner that efficiently communicates information to readers. This research offers valuable insights into the cortical selectivity of speech and music processing, making it a noteworthy reference for those interested in this field. Overall, this research offers a valuable dataset and carries out extensive yet clear analyses, amounting to an impressive empirical investigation into the cortical selectivity of speech and music. It is recommended for readers who are keen on understanding the nuances of selectivity and generality in the processing of speech and music to refer to this study's data and its summarized findings.


      The weakness of this study, in my view, lies in its experimental design and reasoning:

      (1) Despite using longer stimuli, the study does not significantly enhance ecological validity compared to previous research. The analyses treat these long speech and music stimuli as stationary signals, overlooking their intricate musical or linguistic structural details and temporal variation across local structures like sentences and phrases. In previous studies, short, less ecological segments of music were used, maintaining consistency in content and structure. However, this study, despite employing longer stimuli, does not distinguish between neural responses to the varied contents or structures within speech and music. Understanding the implications of long-term analyses, such as spectral and connectivity analyses over extended periods of around 10 minutes, becomes challenging when they do not account for the variable, sometimes quasi-periodical or even non-periodical, elements present in natural speech and music. When contrasting this study with prior research and highlighting its advantages, a more balanced perspective would have been beneficial in the manuscript.

      Regarding ecological validity, we respectfully hold a differing perspective from the reviewer. In our view, a one-second music stimulus lacks ecological validity, as real-world music always extends much beyond such a brief duration. While we acknowledge the trade-off in selecting longer stimuli, limiting the diversity of musical styles, we maintain that only long stimuli afford participants an authentic musical listening experience. Conversely, shorter stimuli may lead participants to merely "skip through" musical excerpts rather than engage in genuine listening.

      Regarding the critique that we "did not distinguish between neural responses to the varied contents or structures within speech and music," we partly concur. Our TRF (temporal response function) analyzes incorporate acoustic content, particularly the acoustic envelope, thereby addressing this concern to some extent. However, it is accurate to note that we did not model non-acoustic features. In acknowledging this limitation, we would like to share an additional thought with the reviewer regarding model comparison for speech and music. Specifically, comparing results from a phonetic (or syntactic) model of speech to a pitch-melodic (or harmonic) model for music is not straightforward, as these models operate on fundamentally different dimensions. In other words, while assuming equivalence between phonemes and pitches may be a reasonable assumption, it in essence relies on a somewhat arbitrary choice. Consequently, comparing and interpreting neuronal population coding for one or the other model remains problematic. In summary, because the models for speech and music are different (except for acoustic models), direct comparison is challenging, although still commendable and of interest.

      Finally, we did take into account the reviewer’s remark and did our best to give a more balanced perspective of our approach and previous studies in the discussion.

      “While listening to natural speech and music rests on cognitively relevant neural processes, our analytical approach, extending over a rather long period of time, does not allow to directly isolate specific brain operations. Computational models -which can be as diverse as acoustic (Chi et al., 2005), cognitive (Giordano et al., 2021), information-theoretic (Di Liberto et al., 2020), or self-supervised neural network (Donhauser & Baillet, 2019 ; Millet et al., 2022) models- are hence necessary to further our understanding of the type of computations performed by our reported frequency-specific distributed networks. Moreover, incorporating models accounting for musical and linguistic structure can help us avoid misattributing differences between speech and music driven by unmatched sensitivity factors (e.g., arousal, emotion, or attention) as inherent speech or music selectivity (Mas-Herrero et al., 2013; Nantais & Schellenberg, 1999).”

      (2) In contrast to previous studies that employed short stimulus segments along with various control stimuli to ensure that observed selectivity for speech or music was not merely due to low-level acoustic properties, this study used longer, ecological stimuli. However, the control stimuli used in this study, such as tone or syllable sequences, do not align with the low-level acoustic properties of the speech and music stimuli. This mismatch raises concerns that the differences or selectivity between speech and music observed in this study might be attributable to these basic acoustic characteristics rather than to more complex processing factors specific to speech or music.

      We acknowledge the reviewer's concern. Indeed, speech and music differ on various levels, including acoustic and cognitive aspects, and our analyzes do not explicitly distinguish them. The aim of this study was to provide an overview of the similarities and differences between natural speech and music processing, in ecological context. Future work is needed to explore further the different hierarchical levels or networks composing such listening experiences. Of note, however, we report whole-brain results with high spatial resolution (thanks to iEEG recordings), enabling the distinction between auditory, superior temporal gyrus (STG), and higher-level responses. Our findings clearly highlight that both auditory and higher-level regions predominantly exhibit shared responses, challenging the interpretation that our results can be attributed solely to differences in 'basic acoustic characteristics'.

      We have now more clearly pointed out this reasoning in the results section:

      “The spatial distribution of the spectrally-resolved responses corresponds to the network typically involved in speech and music perception. This network encompasses both ventral and dorsal auditory pathways, extending well beyond the auditory cortex and, hence, beyond auditory processing that may result from differences in the acoustic properties of our baseline and experimental stimuli.“

      (3) The concept of selectivity - shared, preferred, and domain-selective - increases the risks of potentially overgeneralized interpretations and theoretical inaccuracies. The authors' categorization of neural sites/regions as shared, preferred, or domain-selective regarding speech and music processing essentially resembles a traditional ANOVA test with post hoc analysis. While this categorization gives meaningful context to the results, the mere presence of significant differences among control stimuli, a segment of speech, and a piece of music does not necessarily imply that a region is specifically selective to a type of stimulus like speech. The manuscript's narrative might lead to an overgeneralized interpretation that their findings apply broadly to speech or music. However, identifying differences in neural responses to a few sets of specific stimuli in one brain region does not robustly support such a generalization. This is because speech and music are inherently diverse, and specificity often relates more to the underlying functions than to observed neural responses to a limited number of examples of a stimulus type. See the next point.

      Exactly! Here, we present a precise operational definition of these terms, implemented with clear and rigorous statistical methods. It is important to note that in many cognitive neuroscience studies, the term "selective" is often used without a clear definition. By establishing operational definitions, we identified three distinct categories based on statistical testing of differences from baseline and between conditions. This approach provides a framework for more accurate interpretation of experimental findings, as now better outlined in the introduction:

      “Finally, we suggest that terms should be operationally defined based on statistical tests, which results in a clear distinction between shared, selective, and preferred activity. That is, be A and B two investigated cognitive functions, “shared” would be a neural population that (compared to a baseline) significantly and equally contributes to the processing of both A and B; “selective” would be a neural population that exclusively contributes to the processing of A or B (e.g. significant for A but not B); and “preferred” would be a neural population that significantly contributes to the processing of both A and B, but more prominently for A or B (Figure 1A).”

      Regarding the risk of over-generalization, we want to clarify that our manuscript does not claim that a specific region or frequency band is selective to speech or music. As indeed we focus on testing excerpts of speech and music, we employ the reverse logical reasoning: "if 10 minutes of instrumental music activates a region traditionally associated with speech selectivity, we can conclude that this region is NOT speech-selective." Our conclusions revolve around the absence of selectivity rather than the presence of selective areas or frequency bands. In essence, "one counterexample is enough to disprove a theory." We now further elaborated on this point in the discussion section:

      “In this context, in the current study we did not observe a single anatomical region for which speech-selectivity was present, in any of our analyzes. In other words, 10 minutes of instrumental music was enough to activate cortical regions classically labeled as speech (or language) -selective. On the contrary, we report spatially distributed and frequency-specific patterns of shared, preferred, or selective neural responses and connectivity fingerprints. This indicates that domain-selective brain regions should be considered as a set of functionally homogeneous but spatially distributed voxels, instead of anatomical landmarks.”

      (4) The authors' approach, akin to mapping a 'receptive field' by correlating stimulus properties with neural responses to ascertain functional selectivity for speech and music, presents issues. For instance, in the cochlea, different stimuli activate different parts of the basilar membrane due to the distinct spectral contents of speech and music, with each part being selective to certain frequencies. However, this phenomenon reflects the frequency selectivity of the basilar membrane - an important function, not an inherent selectivity for speech or music. Similarly, if cortical regions exhibit heightened responses to one type of stimulus over another, it doesn't automatically imply selectivity or preference for that stimulus. The explanation could lie in functional aspects, such as a region's sensitivity to temporal units of a specific duration, be it music, speech, or even movie segments, and its role in chunking such units (e.g., around 500 ms), which might be more prevalent in music than in speech, or vice versa in the current study. This study does not delve into the functional mechanisms of how speech and music are processed across different musical or linguistic hierarchical levels but merely demonstrates differences in neural responses to various stimuli over a 10-minute span.

      We completely agree with the last statement, as our primary goal was not to investigate the functional mechanisms underlying speech and music processing. However, the finding of a substantial portion of the cortical network as being shared between the two domains constrains our understanding of the underlying common operations. Regarding the initial part of the comment, we would like to clarify that in the framework we propose, if cortical regions show heightened responses to one type of stimulus over another, this falls into the ‘preferred’ category. The ‘selective’ (exclusive) category, on the other hand, would require that the region be unresponsive to one of the two stimuli.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The study investigates whether speech and music processing involve specific or shared brain networks. Using intracranial EEG recordings from 18 epilepsy patients, it examines neural responses to speech and music. The authors found that most neural activity is shared between speech and music processing, without specific regional brain selectivity. Furthermore, domain-selective responses to speech or music are limited to frequency-specific coherent oscillations. The findings challenge the notion of anatomically distinct regions for different cognitive functions in the auditory process.


      (1) This study uses a relatively large corpus of intracranial EEG data, which provides high spatiotemporal resolution neural recordings, allowing for more precise and dynamic analysis of brain responses. The use of continuous speech and music enhances ecological validity compared to artificial or segmented stimuli.

      (2) This study uses multiple frequency bands in addition to just high-frequency activity (HFA), which has been the focus of many existing studies in the literature. This allows for a more comprehensive analysis of neural processing across the entire spectrum. The heterogeneity across different frequency bands also indicates that different frequency components of the neural activity may reflect different underlying neural computations.

      (3) This study also adds empirical evidence towards distributed representation versus domain-specificity. It challenges the traditional view of highly specialized, anatomically distinct regions for different cognitive functions. Instead, the study suggests a more integrated and overlapping neural network for processing complex stimuli like speech and music.


      While this study is overall convincing, there are still some weaknesses in the methods and analyses that limit the implication of the work.

      The study's main approach, focusing primarily on the grand comparison of response amplitudes between speech and music, may overlook intricate details in neural coding. Speech and music are not entirely orthogonal with each other at different levels of analysis: at the high-level abstraction, these are two different categories of cognitive processes; at the low-level acoustics, they overlap a lot; at intermediate levels, they may also share similar features. The selected musical stimuli, incorporating both vocals and multiple instrumental sounds, raise questions about the specificity of neural activation. For instance, it's unclear if the vocal elements in music and speech engage identical neural circuits. Additionally, the study doesn't adequately address whether purely melodic elements in music correlate with intonations in speech at a neural level. A more granular analysis, dissecting stimuli into distinct features like pitch, phonetics, timbre, and linguistic elements, could unveil more nuanced shared, and unique neural processes between speech and music. Prior research indicates potential overlap in neural coding for certain intermediate features in speech and music (Sankaran et al. 2023), suggesting that a simple averaged response comparison might not fully capture the complexity of neural encoding. Further delineation of phonetic, melodic, linguistic, and other coding, along with an analysis of how different informational aspects (phonetic, linguistic, melodic, etc) are represented in shared neural activities, could enhance our understanding of these processes and strengthen the study's conclusions.

      We appreciate the reviewer's acknowledgment that delving into the intricate details of neural coding of speech and music was beyond the scope of this work. To address some of the more precise issues raised, we have clarified in the manuscript that our musical stimuli do not contain vocals and are purely instrumental. We apologize if this was not clear initially.

      “In the main experimental session, patients passively listened to ~10 minutes of storytelling (Gripari, 2004); 577 secs, La sorcière de la rue Mouffetard, (Gripari, 2004) and ~10 minutes of instrumental music (580 secs, Reflejos del Sur, (Oneness, 2006) separated by 3 minutes of rest.”

      Furthermore, we now acknowledge the importance of modeling melodic, phonetic, or linguistic features in the discussion, and we have referenced the work of Sankaran et al. (2024) and McCarty et al. (2023) in this regard. However, we would like to share an additional thought with the reviewer regarding model comparison for speech and music. Specifically, comparing results from a phonetic (or syntactic) model of speech to a pitch-melodic (or harmonic) model for music is not straightforward, as these models operate on fundamentally different dimensions. In other words, while assuming equivalence between phonemes and pitches may be a reasonable assumption, it in essence relies on a somewhat arbitrary choice. Consequently, comparing and interpreting neuronal population coding for one or the other model remains problematic. In summary, because the models for speech and music are different (except for acoustic models), direct comparison is challenging, although still commendable and of interest.

      “These selective responses, not visible in primary cortical regions, seem independent of both low-level acoustic features and higher-order linguistic meaning (Norman-Haignere et al., 2015), and could subtend intermediate representations (Giordano et al., 2023) such as domain-dependent predictions (McCarty et al., 2023; Sankaran et al., 2023).”


      McCarty, M. J., Murphy, E., Scherschligt, X., Woolnough, O., Morse, C. W., Snyder, K., Mahon, B. Z., & Tandon, N. (2023). Intraoperative cortical localization of music and language reveals signatures of structural complexity in posterior temporal cortex. iScience, 26(7), 107223.

      Sankaran, N., Leonard, M. K., Theunissen, F., & Chang, E. F. (2023). Encoding of melody in the human auditory cortex. bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.10.17.562771

      The paper's emphasis on shared and overlapping neural activity, as observed through sEEG electrodes, provides valuable insights. It is probably true that domain-specificity for speech and music does not exist at such a macro scale. However, it's important to consider that each electrode records from a large neuronal population, encompassing thousands of neurons. This broad recording scope might mask more granular, non-overlapping feature representations at the single neuron level. Thus, while the study suggests shared neural underpinnings for speech and music perception at a macroscopic level, it cannot definitively rule out the possibility of distinct, non-overlapping neural representations at the microscale of local neuronal circuits for features that are distinctly associated with speech and music. This distinction is crucial for fully understanding the neural mechanisms underlying speech and music perception that merit future endeavors with more advanced large-scale neuronal recordings.

      We appreciate the reviewer's concern, but we do not view this as a weakness for our study's purpose. Every method inherently has limitations, and intracranial recordings currently offer the best possible spatial specificity and temporal resolution for studying the human brain. Studying cell assemblies thoroughly in humans is ethically challenging, and examining speech and music in non-human primates or rats raises questions about cross-species analogy. Therefore, despite its limitations, we believe intracranial recording remains the best option for addressing these questions in humans.

      Regarding the granularity of neural representation, while understanding how computations occur in the central nervous system is crucial, we question whether the single neuron scale provides the most informative insights. The single neuron approach seem more versatile (e.g., in term of cell type or layer affiliation) than the local circuitry they contribute to, which appears to be the brain's building blocks (e.g., like the laminar organization; see Mendoza-Halliday et al.,2024). Additionally, the population dynamics of these functional modules appear crucial for cognition and behavior (Safaie et al. 2023; Buzsáki and Vöröslakos, 2023). Therefore, we emphasize the need for multi-scale research, as we believe that a variety of approaches will complement each other's weaknesses when taken individually. We clarified this in the introduction:

      “This approach rests on the idea that the canonical computations that underlie cognition and behavior are anchored in population dynamics of interacting functional modules (Safaie et al. 2023; Buzsáki and Vöröslakos, 2023) and bound to spectral fingerprints consisting of network- and frequency-specific coherent oscillations (Siegel et al., 2012).”

      Importantly, we focus on the macro-scale and conclude that, at the anatomical region level, no speech or music selectivity can be observed during natural stimulation. This is stated in the discussion, as follow:

      “In this context, in the current study we did not observe a single anatomical region for which speech-selectivity was present, in any of our analyses. In other words, 10 minutes of instrumental music was enough to activate cortical regions classically labeled as speech (or language) -selective. On the contrary, we report spatially distributed and frequency-specific patterns of shared, preferred, or selective neural responses and connectivity fingerprints. This indicates that domain-selective brain regions should be considered as a set of functionally homogeneous but spatially distributed voxels, instead of anatomical landmarks.”

      References :

      Mendoza-Halliday, D., Major, A.J., Lee, N. et al. A ubiquitous spectrolaminar motif of local field potential power across the primate cortex. Nat Neurosci (2024).

      Safaie, M., Chang, J.C., Park, J. et al. Preserved neural dynamics across animals performing similar behaviour. Nature 623, 765–771 (2023).

      Buzsáki, G., & Vöröslakos, M. (2023). Brain rhythms have come of age. Neuron, 111(7), 922-926.

      While classifying electrodes into 3 categories provides valuable insights, it may not fully capture the complexity of the neural response distribution to speech and music. A more nuanced and continuous approach could reveal subtler gradations in neural response, rather than imposing categorical boundaries. This could be done by computing continuous metrics, like unique variances explained by each category, or ratio-based statistics, etc. Incorporating such a continuum could enhance our understanding of the neural representation of speech and music, providing a more detailed and comprehensive picture of cortical processing.

      To clarify, the metrics we are investigating (coherence, power, linear correlations) are continuous. Additionally, we conduct a comprehensive statistical analysis of these results. The statistical testing, which includes assessing differences from baseline and between the speech and music conditions using a statistical threshold, yields three categories. Of note, ratio-based statistics (a continuous metric) are provided in Figures S9 and S10 (Figures S8 and S9 in the original version of the manuscript).

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Te Rietmolen et al., investigated the selectivity of cortical responses to speech and music stimuli using neurosurgical stereo EEG in humans. The authors address two basic questions: 1. Are speech and music responses localized in the brain or distributed; 2. Are these responses selective and domain-specific or rather domain-general and shared? To investigate this, the study proposes a nomenclature of shared responses (speech and music responses are not significantly different), domain selective (one domain is significant from baseline and the other is not), domain preferred (both are significant from baseline but one is larger than the other and significantly different from each other). The authors employ this framework using neural responses across the spectrum (rather than focusing on high gamma), providing evidence for a low level of selectivity across spectral signatures. To investigate the nature of the underlying representations they use encoding models to predict neural responses (low and high frequency) given a feature space of the stimulus envelope or peak rate (by time delay) and find stronger encoding for both in the low-frequency neural responses. The top encoding electrodes are used as seeds for a pair-wise connectivity (coherence) in order to repeat the shared/selective/preferred analysis across the spectra, suggesting low selectivity. Spectral power and connectivity are also analyzed on the level of the regional patient population to rule out (and depict) any effects driven by a select few patients. Across analyses the authors consistently show a paucity of domain selective responses and when evident these selective responses were not represented across the entire cortical region. The authors argue that speech and music mostly rely on shared neural resources.


      I found this manuscript to be rigorous providing compelling and clear evidence of shared neural signatures for speech and music. The use of intracranial recordings provides an important spatial and temporal resolution that lends itself to the power, connectivity, and encoding analyses. The statistics and methods employed are rigorous and reliable, estimated based on permutation approaches, and cross-validation/regularization was employed and reported properly. The analysis of measures across the entire spectra in both power, coherence, and encoding models provides a comprehensive view of responses that no doubt will benefit the community as an invaluable resource. Analysis of the level of patient population (feasible with their high N) per region also supports the generalizability of the conclusions across a relatively large cohort of patients. Last but not least, I believe the framework of selective, preferred, and shared is a welcome lens through which to investigate cortical function.


      I did not find methodological weaknesses in the current version of the manuscript. I do believe that it is important to highlight that the data is limited to passively listening to naturalistic speech and music. The speech and music stimuli are not completely controlled with varying key acoustic features (inherent to the different domains). Overall, I found the differences in stimulus and lack of attentional controls (passive listening) to be minor weaknesses that would not dramatically change the results or conclusions.

      Thank you for this positive review of our work. We added these points as limitations and future directions in the discussion section:

      “Finally, in adopting here a comparative approach of speech and music – the two main auditory domains of human cognition – we only investigated one type of speech and of music also using a passive listening task. Future work is needed to investigate for instance whether different sentences or melodies activate the same selective frequency-specific distributed networks and to what extent these results are related to the passive listening context compared to a more active and natural context (e.g. conversation).”

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) The concepts of activation and deactivation within the study's context of selectivity are not straightforward to comprehend. It would be beneficial for the authors to provide more detailed explanations of how these phenomena relate to the selectivity of neural responses to speech and music. Such elaboration would aid readers in better understanding the nuances of how certain brain regions are selectively activated or deactivated in response to different auditory stimuli.

      The reviewer is right that the reported results are quite complex to interpret. The concepts of activation and deactivation are generally complex to comprehend as they are in part defined by an approach (e.g., method and/or metric) and the scale of observation (Pfurtscheller et al., 1999). The power (or the magnitude) of time-frequency estimate is by definition a positive value. Deactivation (or desynchronization) is therefore related to the comparison used (e.g., baseline, control, condition). This is further complexified by the scale of the measurement, for instance, when it comes to a simple limb movement, some brain areas in sensory motor cortex are going to be activated, yet this phenomenon is accompanied at a finer scale by some desynchonization of the mu-activity, and such desynchronization is a relative measure (e.g., before/after motor movement). At a broader scale it is not rare to see some form of balance between brain networks, some being ‘inhibited’ to let some others be activated like the default mode network versus sensory-motor networks. In our case, when estimating selective responses, it is the strength of the signal that matters. The type of selectivity is then defined by the sign/direction of the comparison/subtraction. We now provide additional details about the sign of selectivity between domains and frequencies in the Methods and Results section:


      “In order to explore the full range of possible selective, preferred, or shared responses, we considered both responses greater and smaller than the baseline. Indeed, as neural populations can synchronize or desynchronize in response to sensory stimulation, we estimated these categories separately for significant activations and significant deactivations compared to baseline.”


      “We classified, for each canonical frequency band, each channel into one of the categories mentioned above, i.e. shared, selective, or preferred (Figure 1A), by examining whether speech and/or music differ from baseline and whether they differ from each other. We also considered both activations and deactivations, compared to baseline, as both index a modulation of neural population activity, and have been linked with cognitive processes (Pfurtscheller & Lopes da Silva, 1999; Proix et al., 2022). However, because our aim was not to interpret specific increase or decrease with respect to the baseline, we here simply consider significant deviations from the baseline. In other words, when estimating selectivity, it is the strength of the response that matters, not its direction (activation, deactivation).”

      “Both domains displayed a comparable percentage of selective responses across frequency bands (Figure 4, first values of each plot). When considering separately activation (Figure 2) and deactivation (Figure 3) responses, speech and music showed complementary patterns: for low frequencies (<15 Hz) speech selective (and preferred) responses were mostly deactivations and music responses activations compared to baseline, and this pattern reversed for high frequencies (>15 Hz).”

      References :

      J.P. Lachaux, J. Jung, N. Mainy, J.C. Dreher, O. Bertrand, M. Baciu, L. Minotti, D. Hoffmann, P. Kahane,Silence Is Golden: Transient Neural Deactivation in the Prefrontal Cortex during Attentive Reading, Cerebral Cortex, Volume 18, Issue 2, February 2008, Pages 443–450

      Pfurtscheller, G., & Da Silva, F. L. (1999). Event-related EEG/MEG synchronization and desynchronization: basic principles. Clinical neurophysiology, 110(11), 1842-1857

      (2) The manuscript doesn't easily provide information about the control conditions, yet the conclusion significantly depends on these conditions as a baseline. It would be beneficial if the authors could clarify this information for readers earlier and discuss how their choice of control stimuli influences their conclusions.

      We added information in the Results section about the baseline conditions:

      “[...] with respect to two baseline conditions, in which patients passively listened to more basic auditory stimuli: one in which patients passively listened to pure tones (each 30 ms in duration), the other in which patients passively listened to isolated syllables (/ba/ or /pa/, see Methods).”

      Of note, while the choice of different ‘basic auditory stimuli’ as baseline can change the reported results in regions involved in low-level acoustical analyzes (auditory cortex), it will have no impact on the results observed in higher-level regions, which predominantly also exhibit shared responses. We have now more clearly pointed out this reasoning in the results section:

      “The spatial distribution of the spectrally-resolved responses corresponds to the network typically involved in speech and music perception. This network encompasses both ventral and dorsal auditory pathways, extending well beyond the auditory cortex and, hence, beyond auditory processing that may result from differences in the acoustic properties of our baseline and experimental stimuli.“

      (3) The spectral analyses section doesn't clearly explain how the authors performed multiwise correction. The authors' selectivity categorization appears similar to ANOVAs with posthoc tests, implying the need for certain corrections in the p values or categorization. Could the authors clarify this aspect?

      We apologize that this was not in the original version of the manuscript. In the spectral analyzes, the selectivity categorization depended on both (1) the difference effects between the domains and the baseline, and (2) the difference effect between domains. Channels were marked as selective when there was (1) a significant difference between domains and (2) only one domain significantly differed from the baseline. All difference effects were estimated using the paired sample permutation tests based on the t-statistic from the mne-python library (Gramfort et al., 2014) with 1000 permutations and the build-in tmax method to correct for the multiple comparisons over channels (Nichols & Holmes, 2002; Groppe et al. 2011). We have now more clearly explained how we controlled family-wise error in the Methods section:

      “For each frequency band and channel, the statistical difference between conditions was estimated with paired sample permutation tests based on the t-statistic from the mne-python library (Gramfort et al., 2014) with 1000 permutations and the tmax method to control the family-wise error rate (Nichols and Holmes 2002; Groppe et al. 2011). In tmax permutation testing, the null distribution is estimated by, for each channel (i.e. each comparison), swapping the condition labels (speech vs music or speech/music vs baseline) between epochs. After each permutation, the most extreme t-scores over channels (tmax) are selected for the null distribution. Finally, the t-scores of the observed data are computed and compared to the simulated tmax distribution, similar as in parametric hypothesis testing. Because with an increased number of comparisons, the chance of obtaining a large tmax (i.e. false discovery) also increases, the test automatically becomes more conservative when making more comparisons, as such correcting for the multiple comparison between channels.”

      References :

      Gramfort, A., Luessi, M., Larson, E., Engemann, D. A., Strohmeier, D., Brodbeck, C., Parkkonen, L., & Hämäläinen, M. S. (2014). MNE software for processing MEG and EEG data. NeuroImage, 86, 446–460.

      Groppe, D. M., Bickel, S., Dykstra, A. R., Wang, X., Mégevand, P., Mercier, M. R., Lado, F. A., Mehta, A. D., & Honey, C. J. (2017). iELVis: An open source MATLAB toolbox for localizing and visualizing human intracranial electrode data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 281, 40–48.

      Nichols, T. E., & Holmes, A. P. (2002). Nonparametric permutation tests for functional neuroimaging: a primer with examples. Human Brain Mapping, 15(1), 1–25.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Other suggestions:

      (1) The authors need to provide more details on how the sEEG electrodes were localized and selected. Are all electrodes included or only the ones located in the gray matter? If all electrodes were used, how to localize and label the ones that are outside of gray matter? In Figures 1C & 1D it seems that a lot of the electrodes were located in depth locations, how were the anatomical labels assigned for these electrodes

      We apologize that this was not clear in the original version of the manuscript. Our electrode localization procedure was based on several steps described in detail in Mercier et al., 2022. Once electrodes were localized in a post-implant CT-scan and the coordinates projected onto the pre-implant MRI, we were able to obtain the necessary information regarding brain tissues and anatomical region. That is, first, the segmentation of the pre-impant MRI with SPM12 provided both the tissue probability maps (i.e. gray, white, and cerebrospinal fluid (csf) probabilities) and the indexed-binary representations (i.e., either gray, white, csf, bone, or soft tissues) that allowed us to dismiss electrodes outside of the brain and select those in the gray matter. Second, the individual's brain was co-registered to a template brain, which allowed us to back project atlas parcels onto individual’s brain and assign anatomical labels to each electrode. The result of this procedure allowed us to group channels by anatomical parcels as defined by the Brainnetome atlas (Figure 1D), which informed the analyses presented in section Population Prevalence (Methods, Figures 4, 9-10, S4-5). Because this study relies on stereotactic EEG, and not Electro-Cortico-Graphy, recording sites include both gyri and sulci, while depth structures were not retained.

      We have now updated the “General preprocessing related to electrodes localisation” section in the Methods. The relevant part now states:

      “To precisely localize the channels, a procedure similar to the one used in the iELVis toolbox and in the fieldtrip toolbox was applied (Groppe et al., 2017; Stolk et al., 2018). First, we manually identified the location of each channel centroid on the post-implant CT scan using the Gardel software (Medina Villalon et al., 2018). Second, we performed volumetric segmentation and cortical reconstruction on the pre-implant MRI with the Freesurfer image analysis suite (documented and freely available for download online http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/). This segmentation of the pre-implant MRI with SPM12 provides us with both the tissue probability maps (i.e. gray, white, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) probabilities) and the indexed-binary representations (i.e., either gray, white, CSF, bone, or soft tissues). This information allowed us to reject electrodes not located in the brain. Third, the post-implant CT scan was coregistered to the pre-implant MRI via a rigid affine transformation and the pre-implant MRI was registered to MNI152 space, via a linear and a non-linear transformation from SPM12 methods (Penny et al., 2011), through the FieldTrip toolbox (Oostenveld et al., 2011). Fourth, applying the corresponding transformations, we mapped channel locations to the pre-implant MRI brain that was labeled using the volume-based Human Brainnetome Atlas (Fan et al., 2016).”


      Mercier, M. R., Dubarry, A.-S., Tadel, F., Avanzini, P., Axmacher, N., Cellier, D., Vecchio, M. D., Hamilton, L. S., Hermes, D., Kahana, M. J., Knight, R. T., Llorens, A., Megevand, P., Melloni, L., Miller, K. J., Piai, V., Puce, A., Ramsey, N. F., Schwiedrzik, C. M., … Oostenveld, R. (2022). Advances in human intracranial electroencephalography research, guidelines and good practices. NeuroImage, 260, 119438.

      (2) From Figures 5 and 6 (and also S4, S5), is it true that aside from the shared response, lower frequency bands show more music selectivity (blue dots), while higher frequency bands show more speech selectivity (red dots)? I am curious how the authors interpret this.

      The reviewer is right in noticing the asymmetric selective response to music and speech in lower and higher frequency bands. However, while this effect is apparent in the analyzes wherein we inspected stronger synchronization (activation) compared to baseline (Figures 2 and S1), the pattern appears to reverse when examining deactivation compared to baseline (Figures 3 and S2). In other words, there seems to be an overall stronger deactivation for speech in the lower frequency bands and a relatively stronger deactivation for music in the higher frequency bands.

      We now provide additional details about the sign of selectivity between domains and frequencies in the Results section:

      “Both domains displayed a comparable percentage of selective responses across frequency bands (Figure 4, first values of each plot). When considering separately activation (Figure 2) and deactivation (Figure 3) responses, speech and music showed complementary patterns: for low frequencies (<15 Hz) speech selective (and preferred) responses were mostly deactivations and music responses activations compared to baseline, and this pattern reversed for high frequencies (>15 Hz).”

      Note, however, that this pattern of results depends on only a select number of patients, i.e. when ignoring regional selective responses that are driven by as few as 2 to 4 patients, the pattern disappears (Figures 5-6). More precisely, ignoring regions explored by a small number of patients almost completely clears the selective responses for both speech and music. For this reason, we do not feel confident interpreting the possible asymmetry in low vs high frequency bands differently encoding (activation or deactivation) speech and music.


      (1) P9 L234: Why only consider whether these channels were unresponsive to the other domain in the other frequency bands? What about the responsiveness to the target domain?

      We thank the reviewer for their interesting suggestion. The primary objective of the cross-frequency analyzes was to determine whether domain-selective channels for a given frequency band remain unresponsive (i.e. exclusive) to the other domain across frequency bands, or whether the observed selectivity is confined to specific frequency ranges (i.e.frequency-specific). In other words, does a given channel exclusively respond to one domain and never—in whichever frequency band—to the other domain? The idea behind this question is that, for a channel to be selectively involved in the encoding of one domain, it does not necessarily need to be sensitive to all timescales underlying that domain as long as it remains unresponsive to any timescale in the other domain. However, if the channel is sensitive to information that unfolds slowly in one domain and faster in the other domain, then the channel is no longer globally domain selective, but the selectivity is frequency-specific to each domain.

      The proposed analyzes answer a slightly different, albeit also meaningful, question: how many frequencies (or frequency bands) do selective responses span? From the results presented below, the reviewer can appreciate the overall steep decline in selective response beyond the single frequency band with only few channels remaining selectively responsive across maximally four frequency bands. That is, selective responses globally span one frequency band.

      Author response image 1.

      Cross-frequency channel selective responses. The top figure shows the results for the spectral analyzes (baselined against the tones condition, including both activation and deactivation). The bottom figure shows the results for the connectivity analyzes. For each plot, the first (leftmost) value corresponds to the percentage (%) of channels displaying a selective response in a specific frequency band. In the next value, we remove the channels that no longer respond selectively to the target domain for the following frequency band. The black dots at the bottom of the graph indicate which frequency bands were successively included in the analysis.

      (2) P21 L623: "Population prevalence." The subsection title should be in bold.


      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The authors chose to use pure tone and syllables as baseline, I wonder if they also tried the rest period between tasks and if they could comment on how it differed and why they chose pure tones, (above and beyond a more active auditory baseline).

      This is an interesting suggestion. The reason for not using the baseline between speech and music listening (or right after) is that it will be strongly influenced by the previous stimulus. Indeed, after listening to the story it is likely that patients keep thinking about the story for a while. Similarly after listening to some music, the music remains in “our head” for some time.

      This is why we did not use rest but other auditory stimulation paradigms. Concerning the choice of pure tones and syllables, these happen to be used for clinical purposes to assess functioning of auditory regions. They also corresponded to a passive listening paradigm, simply with more basic auditory stimuli. We clarified this in the Results section:

      “[...] with respect to two baseline conditions, in which patients passively listened to more basic auditory stimuli: one in which patients passively listened to pure tones (each 30 ms in duration), the other in which patients passively listened to isolated syllables (/ba/ or /pa/, see Methods).”

      Discussion - you might want to address phase information in contrast to power. Your encoding models map onto low-frequency (bandpassed) activity which includes power and phase. However, the high-frequency model includes only power. The model comparison is not completely fair and may drive part of the effects in Figure 7a. I would recommend discussing this, or alternatively ruling out the effect with modeling power separately for the low frequency.

      We thank the reviewer for their recommendation. First, we would like to emphasize that the chosen signal extraction techniques that we used are those most frequently reported in previous papers (e.g. Ding et al., 2012; Di Liberto et al., 2015; Mesgarani and Chang, 2012).

      Low-frequency (LF) phase and high-frequency (HFa) amplitude are also known to track acoustic rhythms in the speech signal in a joint manner (Zion-Golumbic et al., 2013; Ding et al., 2016). This is possibly due to the fact that HFa amplitude and LF phase dynamics have a somewhat similar temporal structure (see Lakatos et al., 2005 ; Canolty and Knight, 2010).

      Still, the reviewer is correct in pointing out the somewhat unfair model comparison and we appreciate the suggestion to rule out a potential confound. We now report in Supplementary Figure S8, a model comparison for LF amplitude vs. HFa amplitude to complement the findings displayed in Figure 7A. Overall, the reviewer can appreciate that using LF amplitude or phase does not change the results: LF (amplitude or phase) always better captures acoustic features than HFa amplitude.

      Author response image 2.

      TRF model comparison of low-frequency (LF) amplitude and high-frequency (HFa) amplitude. Models were investigated to quantify the encoding of the instantaneous envelope and the discrete acoustic onset edges (peakRate) by either the low frequency (LF) amplitude or the high frequency (HFa) amplitude. The ‘peakRate & LF amplitude’ model significantly captures the largest proportion of channels, and is, therefore, considered the winning model. Same conventions as in Figure 7A.


      Canolty, R. T., & Knight, R. T. (2010). The functional role of cross-frequency coupling. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14(11), 506–515.

      Di Liberto, G. M., O’sullivan, J. A., & Lalor, E. C. (2015). Low-frequency cortical entrainment to speech reflects phoneme-level processing. Current Biology, 25(19), 2457-2465.

      Ding, N., & Simon, J. Z. (2012). Emergence of neural encoding of auditory objects while listening to competing speakers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(29), 11854-11859.

      Ding, N., Melloni, L., Zhang, H., Tian, X., & Poeppel, D. (2016). Cortical tracking of hierarchical linguistic structures in connected speech. Nature Neuroscience, 19(1), 158–164.

      Golumbic, E. M. Z., Ding, N., Bickel, S., Lakatos, P., Schevon, C. A., McKhann, G. M., ... & Schroeder, C. E. (2013). Mechanisms underlying selective neuronal tracking of attended speech at a “cocktail party”. Neuron, 77(5), 980-991.

      Lakatos, P., Shah, A. S., Knuth, K. H., Ulbert, I., Karmos, G., & Schroeder, C. E. (2005). An oscillatory hierarchy controlling neuronal excitability and stimulus processing in the auditory cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 94(3), 1904–1911.

      Mesgarani, N., & Chang, E. F. (2012). Selective cortical representation of attended speaker in multi-talker speech perception. Nature, 485(7397), 233-236.

      Similarly, the Coherence analysis is affected by both power and phase and is not dissociated. i.e. if the authors wished they could repeat the coherence analysis with phase coherence (normalizing by the amplitude). Alternatively, this issue could be addressed in the discussion above

      We agree with the Reviewer. We have now better clarified our choice in the Methods section:

      “Our rationale to use coherence as functional connectivity metric was three fold. First, coherence analysis considers both magnitude and phase information. While the absence of dissociation can be criticized, signals with higher amplitude and/or SNR lead to better time-frequency estimates (which is not the case with a metric that would focus on phase only and therefore would be more likely to include estimates of various SNR). Second, we choose a metric that allows direct comparison between frequencies. As, at high frequencies phase angle changes more quickly, phase alignment/synchronization is less likely in comparison with lower frequencies. Third, we intend to align to previous work which, for the most part, used the measure of coherence most likely for the reasons explained above.“

    1. eLife assessment

      This important work substantially advances our understanding of episodic memory in individuals with aphantasia, and sheds light on the neural underpinnings of episodic memory and mental imagery. The evidence supporting the conclusions is convincing, including evidence from a well-established interview paradigm complemented with fMRI to assess neural activation during memory recall. The work will be of broad interest to memory researchers and mental imagery researchers alike.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this article, the authors investigate whether the connectivity of the hippocampus is altered in individuals with aphantasia ¬- people who have reduced mental imagery abilities and where some describe having no imagery, and others describe having vague and dim imagery. The study investigated this question using a fMRI paradigm, where 14 people with aphantasia and 14 controls were tested, and the researchers were particularly interested in the key regions of the hippocampus and the visual-perceptual cortices. Participants were interviewed using the Autobiographical Interview regarding their autobiographical memories (AMs), and internal and external details were scored. In addition, participants were queried on their perceived difficulty in recalling memories, imagining, and spatial navigation, and their confidence regarding autobiographical memories was also measured. Results showed that participants with aphantasia reported significantly fewer internal details (but not external details) compared to controls; that they had lower confidence in their AMs; and that they reported finding remembering and imagining in general more difficult than controls. Results from the fMRI section showed that people with aphantasia displayed decreased hippocampal and increased visual-perceptual cortex activation during AM retrieval compared to controls. In contrast, controls showed strong negative functional connectivity between hippocampus and the visual cortex. Moreover, resting state connectivity between the hippocampus and visual cortex predicted better visualisation skills. The authors conclude that their study provides evidence for the important role of visual imagery in detail-rich vivid AM, and that this function is supported by the connectivity between the hippocampus and visual cortex. This study extends previous findings of reduced episodic memory details in people with aphantasia, and enables us to start theorising about the neural underpinnings of this finding.

      The data provided good support for the conclusion that the authors draw, namely that there is a 'tight link between visual imagery and our ability to retrieve vivid and detail-rich personal past events'. However, as the authors also point out, the exact nature of this relationship is difficult to infer from this study alone, as the slow temporal resolution of fMRI cannot establish the directionality between the hippocampus and the visual-perceptual cortex. This is an exciting future avenue to explore.


      A great strength of this study is that it introduces a fMRI paradigm in addition to the autobiographical interview, paralleling work done on episodic memory in cognitive science (e.g. Addis and Schacter, 2007, https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.neuropsychologia.2006.10.016 ), which has examined episodic and semantic memory in relation to imagination (future simulation) in non-aphantasic participants as well as clinical populations. Future work could build on this study, and for example use the recombination paradigm (Addis et al. 2009, 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2008.10.026 ), which would shed further light on the ability of people with aphantasia to both remember and imagine events. Future work could also build on the interesting findings regarding spatial navigation, which together with previous findings in aphantasia (e.g. Bainbridge et al., 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2020.11.014 ) strongly suggests that spatial abilities in people with aphantasia are unaffected. This can shed further light on the different neural pathways of spatial and object memory in general. In general, this study opens up a multitude of new avenues to explore and is likely to have a great impact on the field of aphantasia research.


      A weakness of the study is that some of the questions used are a bit vague, and no objective measure is used, which could have been more informative. For example, the spatial navigation question (reported as 'How difficult is it typically for you to orient you spatially?' could have been more nuanced to tap into whether participants relied mostly on cognitive maps (likely supported by the hippocampus) or landmarks. It would also have been interesting to conduct a spatial navigation task, as participants do not necessarily have insight to their spatial navigation abilities (they could have been overconfident or underconfident in their abilities). Secondly, the question 'how difficult is it typically for you to use your imagination?' could also be more nuanced, as imagination is used in a variety of ways, and we only have reason to hypothesise that people with aphantasia might have difficulties in some cases (i.e. sensory imagination involving perceptual details). It is unlikely that people with aphantasia would have more difficulty than controls to use their imagination to imagine counterfactual situations and engage in counterfactual thought (de Brigard et al., 2013, https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.neuropsychologia.2013.01.015) due to its non-sensory nature, but the question used does not distinguish between these types of imagination. Again, this is a ripe area for future research. The general phrasing of 'how difficult is [x]' could also potentially bias participants towards more negative answers, something which ought to be controlled for in future research.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This study investigates to what extent neural processing of autobiographical memory retrieval is altered in people who are unable to generate mental images ('aphantasia'). Self-report as well as objective measures were used to establish that the aphantasia group indeed had lower imagery vividness than the control group. The aphantasia group also reported fewer sensory and emotional details of autobiographical memories. In terms of brain activity, compared to controls, aphantasics had a reduction in activity in the hippocampus and an increase in the activity in visual cortex during autobiographical memory retrieval. For controls, these two regions were also functionally connected during autobiographical memory retrieval, which did not seem to be the case for aphantasics. Finally, resting-state connectivity between visual cortex and hippocampus was positively related to autobiographical vividness in the control group but negatively in the aphantasia group. The results are in line with the idea that aphantasia is caused by an increase in noise within the visual system combined with a decrease in top-down communication from the hippocampus.

      Recent years have seen a lot of interest in the influence of aphantasia on other cognitive functions and one of the most consistent findings is deficits in autobiographical memory. This is one of the first studies to investigate the neural correlates underlying this difference, thereby substantially increasing our understanding of aphantasia and the relationship between mental imagery and autobiographical memory.


      One of the major strengths of this study is the use of both self-report as well as objective measures to quantify imagery ability. Furthermore, the fMRI analyses are hypothesis-driven and reveal unambiguous results, with alterations in hippocampal and visual cortex processing seeming to underlie the deficits in autobiographical memory.


      In terms of weaknesses, the control task, doing mathematical sums, also differs from the autobiographical memory task in aspects that are unrelated to imagery or memory, such as self-relevance and emotional salience, which makes it hard to conclude that the differences in activity are reflecting only the cognitive processes under investigation. However, given that the most important comparisons are between groups of participants, this does not diminish the main conclusions about aphantasia.

      Overall, I believe that this is a timely and important contribution to the field and will inspire novel avenues for further investigation.

    4. Author response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this article, the authors investigate whether the connectivity of the hippocampus is altered in individuals with aphantasia ¬- people who have reduced mental imagery abilities and where some describe having no imagery, and others describe having vague and dim imagery. The study investigated this question using a fMRI paradigm, where 14 people with aphantasia and 14 controls were tested, and the researchers were particularly interested in the key regions of the hippocampus and the visual-perceptual cortices. Participants were interviewed using the Autobiographical Interview regarding their autobiographical memories (AMs), and internal and external details were scored. In addition, participants were queried on their perceived difficulty in recalling memories, imagining, and spatial navigation, and their confidence regarding autobiographical memories was also measured. Results showed that participants with aphantasia reported significantly fewer internal details (but not external details) compared to controls; that they had lower confidence in their AMs; and that they reported finding remembering and imagining in general more difficult than controls. Results from the fMRI section showed that people with aphantasia displayed decreased hippocampal and increased visual-perceptual cortex activation during AM retrieval compared to controls. In contrast, controls showed strong negative functional connectivity between the hippocampus and the visual cortex. Moreover, resting state connectivity between the hippocampus and visual cortex predicted better visualisation skills. The authors conclude that their study provides evidence for the important role of visual imagery in detail-rich vivid AM, and that this function is supported by the connectivity between the hippocampus and visual cortex. This study extends previous findings of reduced episodic memory details in people with aphantasia, and enables us to start theorising about the neural underpinnings of this finding.

      The data provided good support for the conclusion that the authors draw, namely that there is a 'tight link between visual imagery and our ability to retrieve vivid and detail-rich personal past events'. However, as the authors also point out, the exact nature of this relationship is difficult to infer from this study alone, as the slow temporal resolution of fMRI cannot establish the directionality between the hippocampus and the visual-perceptual cortex. This is an exciting future avenue to explore.

      We thank the reviewer for highlighting our contributions and suggesting that the relationship between visual imagery and autobiographical memory recall is an exciting future avenue.


      A weakness of the study is that some of the questions used are a bit vague, and no objective measure is used, which could have been more informative. For example, the spatial navigation question (reported as 'How difficult is it typically for you to orient you spatially?' - a question which is ungrammatical, but potentially reflects a typo in the manuscript) could have been more nuanced to tap into whether participants relied mostly on cognitive maps (likely supported by the hippocampus) or landmarks. It would also have been interesting to conduct a spatial navigation task, as participants do not necessarily have insight into their spatial navigation abilities (they could have been overconfident or underconfident in their abilities).

      Secondly, the question 'how difficult is it typically for you to use your imagination?' could also be more nuanced, as imagination is used in a variety of ways, and we only have reason to hypothesise that people with aphantasia might have difficulties in some cases (i.e. sensory imagination involving perceptual details). It is unlikely that people with aphantasia would have more difficulty than controls in using their imagination to imagine counterfactual situations and engage in counterfactual thought (de Brigard et al., 2013, https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.neuropsychologia.2013.01.015) due to its non-sensory nature, but the question used does not distinguish between these types of imagination. Again, this is a ripe area for future research. The general phrasing of 'how difficult is [x]' could also potentially bias participants towards more negative answers, something which ought to be controlled for in future research.

      The main goal of our study was to examine autobiographical memory recall. Therefore, we used the gold standard Autobiographical Interview, or AI (Levine et al. 2002) and an fMRI paradigm to explore autobiographical memory recall as standardised, precisely, and objectively as possible.

      In addition to these experimentally rigorous tasks, we employed some loosely formulated questions with the intention for people to reflect on how they perceive their own abilities to recall autobiographical memories, navigate spatially, and use their imagination. We agree with the reviewer that these questions are vague and did not have the experimental standard for an investigation into spatial cognition or imagination associated with aphantasia. Nonetheless, we believe that these questions provide important additional insights into what participants think about their own cognitive abilities. In order to set these questions into perspective, we argue in the discussion that spatial cognition and other cognitive functions should be investigated in more depth in individuals with aphantasia in the future.

      As an additional note, all tasks were conducted in German. Thus, we were able to correct the wording of the debriefing question in our revision. We thank the reviewer for bringing this to our attention.


      A great strength of this study is that it introduces a fMRI paradigm in addition to the autobiographical interview, paralleling work done on episodic memory in cognitive science (e.g. Addis and Schacter, 2007, https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.neuropsychologia.2006.10.016 ), which has examined episodic and semantic memory in relation to imagination (future simulation) in non-aphantasic participants as well as clinical populations. Future work could build on this study, and for example use the recombination paradigm (Addis et al. 2009, 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2008.10.026 ), which would shed further light on the ability of people with aphantasia to both remember and imagine events. Future work could also build on the interesting findings regarding spatial navigation, which together with previous findings in aphantasia (e.g. Bainbridge et al., 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2020.11.014 ) strongly suggests that spatial abilities in people with aphantasia are unaffected. This can shed further light on the different neural pathways of spatial and object memory in general. In general, this study opens up a multitude of new avenues to explore and is likely to have a great impact on the field of aphantasia research.

      We much appreciate the acknowledgment of our work into autobiographical memory employing both the autobiographical interview and fMRI. Furthermore, we hope that our work inspires future research in the way the reviewer outlines and in the way we describe in our manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This study investigates to what extent neural processing of autobiographical memory retrieval is altered in people who are unable to generate mental images ('aphantasia'). Self-report as well as objective measures were used to establish that the aphantasia group indeed had lower imagery vividness than the control group. The aphantasia group also reported fewer sensory and emotional details of autobiographical memories. In terms of brain activity, compared to controls, aphantasics had a reduction in activity in the hippocampus and an increase in activity in the visual cortex during autobiographical memory retrieval. For controls, these two regions were also functionally connected during autobiographical memory retrieval, which did not seem to be the case for aphantasics. Finally, resting-state connectivity between the visual cortex and hippocampus was positively related to autobiographical vividness in the control group but negatively in the aphantasia group. The results are in line with the idea that aphantasia is caused by an increase in noise within the visual system combined with a decrease in top-down communication from the hippocampus.

      Recent years have seen a lot of interest in the influence of aphantasia on other cognitive functions and one of the most consistent findings is deficits in autobiographical memory. This is one of the first studies to investigate the neural correlates underlying this difference, thereby substantially increasing our understanding of aphantasia and the relationship between mental imagery and autobiographical memory.

      We thank the reviewer for highlighting the importance of our findings.


      One of the major strengths of this study is the use of both self-report as well as objective measures to quantify imagery ability. Furthermore, the fMRI analyses are hypothesis-driven and reveal unambiguous results, with alterations in hippocampal and visual cortex processing seeming to underlie the deficits in autobiographical memory.

      Once again, we thank the reviewer for highlighting the quality of our methods and our results.


      In terms of weaknesses, the control task, doing mathematical sums, also differs from the autobiographical memory task in aspects that are unrelated to imagery or memory, such as self-relevance and emotional salience, which makes it hard to conclude that the differences in activity are reflecting only the cognitive processes under investigation.

      We agree with the reviewer that our control task differs from autobiographical memory in many different ways. In fact, for this first investigation of the neural correlates of autobiographical memory in aphantasia, this is precisely the reason why we chose this mental arithmetic (MA) task. We know from previous studies, that MA is, as much as possible, not dependent on hippocampal memory processes (Addis, et al. 2007, McCormick et al. 2015, 2017, Leelaarporn et al., 2024). The main goal of the current study was to establish whether there are any differences between individuals with aphantasia and controls. In the next investigation, we can now build on these findings to disentangle in more detail what this difference reflects. 

      Overall, I believe that this is a timely and important contribution to the field and will inspire novel avenues for further investigation.

      This highly positive conclusion is much appreciated.


      Addis, D. R., Wong, A. T., & Schacter, D. L. (2007). Remembering the past and imagining the future: Common and distinct neural substrates during event construction and elaboration. Neuropsychologia45(7), 1363-1377.

      Kriegeskorte, N., Simmons, W., Bellgowan, P. et al. Circular analysis in systems neuroscience: the dangers of double dipping. Nat Neurosci 12, 535–540 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1038/nn.2303

      Leelaarporn, P., Dalton, M. A., Stirnberg, R., Stöcker, T., Spottke, A., Schneider, A., & McCormick, C. (2024). Hippocampal subfields and their neocortical interactions during autobiographical memory. Imaging Neuroscience.

      Levine, B., Svoboda, E., Hay, J. F., Winocur, G., & Moscovitch, M. (2002). Aging and autobiographical memory: dissociating episodic from semantic retrieval. Psychology and aging17(4), 677.

      McCormick, C., St-Laurent, M., Ty, A., Valiante, T. A., & McAndrews, M. P. (2015). Functional and effective hippocampal–neocortical connectivity during construction and elaboration of autobiographical memory retrieval. Cerebral cortex25(5), 1297-1305.

      McCormick, C., Moscovitch, M., Valiante, T. A., Cohn, M., & McAndrews, M. P. (2018). Different neural routes to autobiographical memory recall in healthy people and individuals with left medial temporal lobe epilepsy. Neuropsychologia110, 26-36.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      This is a very interesting article that makes a substantial contribution to the field of the study of aphantasia as well as the neural mechanisms of autobiographical memory. I would strongly recommend this manuscript to be accepted (with these minor revisions), as it makes a substantial and well-evidenced contribution to the research, and it opens up many interesting avenues for researchers to explore. I was especially excited to see that the Autobiographical Interview had been paired with an fMRI paradigm, something which this field of research highly benefits from, as there are yet so few fMRI studies into aphantasia. I understand that it is the authors' decision whether to accept or reject any of the revisions I recommend here, but I would like to stress that I encourage accepting the recommended revisions, especially as there are some minor inaccuracies in the manuscript as it currently stands. Finally, I would like to stress that though I am based in the area of cognitive science, am not trained in fMRI imaging techniques, and therefore do not stand in a position where I can comment on the methodology pertaining to this part of the study - I encourage the Editors to seek a second reviewer's opinion on this.

      Thank you for the positive evaluation of our manuscript as well as your comments. We have revised our manuscript according to your important suggestions as further explained below.

      Line 33: "aphantasia prohibits people from experiencing visual imagery". This  characterisation of aphantasia is too strong, especially as the authors use 32 as a cut-off point on the VVIQ, which represents weak and dim imagery. I would recommend using language like 'people with aphantasia have reduced visual imagery abilities', as this more accurately captures the group of people studied. Please revise throughout the manuscript. Please consult Blomkvist and Marks (2023) on this point who have discussed this problem in the aphantasia literature.

      We agree that aphantasics may experience reduced visual imagery abilities. We have revised our wording throughout the manuscript.

      Line 49: The authors conclude that their results 'indicate that visual mental imagery is essential for detail-rich, vivid AM', but this seems to be a bit too strong, for example since AM can be detail-rich with external (rather than internal) detail, and a person could potentially use mnemonic tricks such as keeping a detail-rich diary in order to boost their memory. That visual imagery is 'essential' implies that it is the only way to achieve detail-rich vivid AM, and this does not seem to be supported by the findings. I would recommend rephrasing it as 'visual mental imagery plays an important role in detail-rich, vivid AM' or 'visual mental imagery mediated detail-rich vivid AM'.

      We altered the sentence in Line 49 using one of the recommended phrases:

      ‘Our results indicate that visual mental imagery plays an important role in detail-rich, vivid AM, and that this type of cognitive function is supported by the functional connection between the hippocampus and the visual-perceptual cortex.’

      Line 69: Blomkvist and Marks (2023) have warned against calling aphantasia a 'condition' and this moreover seems to fit with the authors' previous research (Monzel, 2022). Please consider instead calling aphantasia an 'individual difference' in mental imagery abilities.

      Thank you for the suggestion. We have revised our wording throughout the manuscript, avoiding the term ‘condition’.

      Line 72: Add reference for emotional strength which has also been researched (Wicken et al. 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2020.11.014).

      We have added the suggested reference in Line 75:

      ‘Indeed, a handful of previous studies report convergent evidence that aphantasics report less sensory AM details than controls (Bainbridge et al., 2021; Dawes et al., 2020, 2022; Milton et al., 2020; Zeman et al., 2020), which may also be less emotional (Monzel et al., 2023; Wicken et al., 2021).’

      72-73: 'absence of voluntary imagery' - too strong as many people with aphantasia report having weak/dim mental imagery on the VVIQ.

      We agree that aphantasics may experience reduced visual imagery. We have revised this notion throughout the manuscript.

      74: Add reference to Bainbridge study which found a difference between recall of object vs spatial memory. This would be relevant here.

      We have added the suggested reference in Line 76:

      ‘Spatial accuracy, on the other hand, was not found to be impaired (Bainbridge et al., 2021).’

      Lines 94-97: The authors mention 'a prominent theory' but it is unclear which theory is referred to here. The article cited by Pearson (2019) does not suggest the possibility that aphantasia is due to altered connectivity between the hippocampus and visual-perceptual cortices. It suggests that aphantasia is due to impairment in the ventral stream, and in fact says that the hippocampus is unlikely to be affected due to spared spatial abilities in people with aphantasia. Specifically, Pearson claims: "Accordingly, memory areas of the brain that process spatial properties, including the hippocampus, may not be the underlying cause of aphantasia." (page 631). The authors further come back to this point in the discussion section (see comment below), saying that the hypothesis attributed to Pearson is supported by their study. I do not disagree with the point that the hypothesis is supported by the data, but it is unclear to me why the hypothesis is attributed to Pearson.

      Thank you for pointing out this inaccuracy. We have edited the text to spell out our entire train of thought (see Lines 96-102):

      ‘A prominent theory posits that because of this hyperactivity, small signals elicited during the construction of mental imagery may not be detected (Pearson, 2019, Keogh et al., 2020). Pearson further speculates that since spatial abilities seem to be spared, the hippocampus may not be the underlying cause of aphantasia. In agreement, Bergmann and Ortiz-Tudela (2023) speculate that individuals with aphantasia might lack the ability to reinstate visually precise episodic elements from memory due to altered feedback from the visual cortex.’

      Line 97: Blomkvist reference should be 2022 (when first published online).

      The article ‘Aphantasia: In search of a theory’ by Blomkvist was first published on 1st July 2022. However, a correction was added on 13th March 2023. Therefore, we had cited the corrected version in this manuscript. However, we agree that the first publication date should be used and edited the reference accordingly.

      Line 116: 'one aphantasic' could be seen as offensive. I would suggest 'one aphantasic participant'.

      We have altered the paragraph according to your suggestion.

      Line 138: In line with the recommendations put forward by Blomkvist and Marks (2023), I would suggest removing the word 'diagnosed', as this medicalises aphantasia in a way that is not consistent with its not being a kind of mental disorder (Monzel et al., 2022). I would say that aphantasia is instead operationalised as a score between 16-32. However, note that Blomkvist (2022) and Blomkvist and Marks (2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2023.09.004 ) point out that there is also a lot of inconsistency in this score and how it is used in different studies. In your manuscript, I would recommend removing all wording that indicates that people with aphantasia have no experience of mental imagery, as you have operationalised for a score up to 32 which indicates vague and dim imagery. Describing vague and dim imagery as no imagery/absence of imagery is inconsistent (but common practice in the literature).

      Thank you for your suggestion. We have revised the entire manuscript to eliminate any ambiguous meanings regarding the definition of aphantasia. Moreover, we replaced the word ‘diagnosed’ with ‘identified’ in Line 146.

      Line 153: maybe 'correlated with imagery strength' rather than 'measures imagery strength'?

      We have altered the sentence according to your suggestion in Line 160:

      ‘Previous studies have shown that the binocular rivalry task validly correlated with mental imagery strength.’

      Line 162: "For participants who were younger than 34 years, the middle-age memory was replaced by another early adulthood memory". Is there precedence for this? Please add one sentence to explain/justify for the reader why a memory from this time period was chosen.

      To maintain the homogeneous data set of acquiring five episodic autobiographical memories from five different periods of life per one individual, we asked the participants who were at the time of the interview, younger than 34 years old, to provide another early adulthood memory instead of middle age memory, as they had not reached the age range of middle age. According to Levine et al. (2002), younger adults (age < 34 years old) selected 2 events from the early adulthood period. Hence, all participants provided the last time period with memories from their previous year. We have added an additional explanation in this section in Line 170:

      ‘In order to acquire five AMs in every participant, the middle age memory was replaced by another early adulthood memory for participants who were younger than 34 years old (see Levine et al., 2002). Hence, all participants provided the last time period with memories from their previous year.’

      Line 169: "During the general probe, the interviewer asked the participant encouragingly to promote any additional details." Consider a different word choice, 'promote' sounds odd.

      We have altered the sentence according to your suggestion in Line 180:

      ‘During the general probe, the interviewer asked the participant encouragingly to provide any additional details.’

      Line 196-198: the phrasing of these questions could have biased participants toward reporting it being more difficult. Did the authors control for this possibility in any way? The phrasing ‘How easy is it for you to [x]?’ might also be considered in a future study.

      Thank you for pointing this out. These debriefing questions were thought of as open questions to get people to talk about their experiences. They were not meant as rigorous scientific experiments. Framing it in a positive way is a good idea for future research.

      We have edited the manuscript on Line 394-396:

      ‘The debriefing questions were employed as a way for participants to reflect on their own cognitive abilities. Of note, these were not meant to represent or replace necessary future experiments.’

      Line 197: This question is ungrammatical. Is this a typo, or was this how the question was actually posed? What language was the study conducted in?

      All interviews within this study were conducted in German. Hence, the questions listed in this current manuscript were all translated from German into English. We have added this information in the Materials and Methods section in Line 169 as well as restructured the referred questions from Line 208-210:

      ‘All interviews were conducted in German.’

      (1) Typically, how difficult is it for you to recall autobiographical memories?

      (2) Typically, how difficult is it for you to orient yourself spatially? 

      (3) Typically, how difficult is it for you to use your imagination?’

      Line 211: The authors write that participants were asked to "re-experience the chosen AM and elaborate as many details as possible in their mind's eye" was this the instruction used? I think stating the explicit instruction here would be relevant for the reader. If this is the word choice, it is also interesting as the autobiographical interview does not normally specify to re-experience details 'in one's mind's eye'.

      The instructions gi‘en to ’he par’Icipa’ts were to choose an AM and re-experience/elaborate it in their mind with as many details as possible without explaining them out loud. We have clarified this in Lines 221-223.

      ‘For the rest of the trial duration, participants were asked to re-experience the chosen AM and try to recall as many details as possible without speaking out loud.’

      Line 213: Were ‘vivid’ and ‘faint’ the only two options? Why was a 5-point scale (like the VVIQ scale) not used to better be able to compare?

      During the scanning session, the participants were given a button box which contained two buttons with 'vivid' by pressing the index finger and 'faint' by pressing the middle finger. The 5-point scale was not used to avoid confusion with the buttons during the scanning session. We have clarified this in Line 224:

      ‘We chose a simple two-button response in order to keep the task as easy as possible.’

      Line 347: Do the authors mean the same thing by 'imagery strength' and 'imagery vividness'? This would be good to clarify as it is not clear that these words mean the same thing.

      Imagery strength is often used to describe the results of the Binocular Rivalry Task, whereas vividness of mental imagery is often used to describe the results of the VVIQ. Although both tasks are correlated, the VVIQ measures vividness, whereas the dimension of the Binocular Rivalry Task is not clearly defined. We added this information in a footnote on page 10.

      Lines 353 - 356: When the authors first say that aphantasics described fewer memory details than controls, does this refer to external + internal details? Please clarify.

      Lines 353-360: The authors first say that aphantasics report "internal details (M = 43.59, SD = 17.91) were reported more often than external details (M = 20.64, SD = 8.94)" (line 355). But then they say: "a 2-way interaction was found between the type of memory details and group, F(1, 27)= 54.09, p < .001, ηp2 = .67, indicating that aphantasics reported significantly less internal memory details, t(27) = 5.07, p < .001, d = 1.83, but not significantly less external memory details, t(27) = 0.13, p = .898, compared to controls (see Figure 1b)" (line 358). This seems to first say that aphantasics didn't report fewer details than controls, but then that they did report fewer internal details than controls. Please clarify if this is correct.

      Line 383: Results from controls are not reported in this section.

      We have first reported the main effects of the different factors; thus, aphantasics reported less details than controls (no matter of group and type of memory details), the internal details were reported more often than external details (no matter of group and memory period), and more details were reported for recent than remote memories (no matter of group and type of memory details). Subsequently, we report the simple effects for aphantasics and controls separately. To further clarify, we added the following segment in line 360:

      ‘Regarding the AI, we found significant main effects of memory period, F(1, 27) = 11.88, p = .002, ηp2 = .31, type of memory details, F(1, 27) = 189.03, p < .001, ηp2 = .88, and group, F(1, 27) = 9.98, p = .004, ηp2 = .27. When the other conditions were collapsed, aphantasics (M = 26.29, SD = 9.58) described less memory details than controls (M = 38.36, SD = 10.99). For aphantasics and controls combined, more details were reported for recent (M = 35.17, SD = 14.19) than remote memories (M = 29.06, SD = 11.12), and internal details (M = 43.59, SD = 17.91) were reported more often than external details (M = 20.64, SD = 8.94). More importantly, a 2-way interaction was found between type of memory details and group, F(1, 27) = 54.09, p < .001, ηp2 = .67, indicating that aphantasics reported significantly less internal memory details, t(27) = 5.07, p < .001, d = 1.83, but not significantly less external memory details, t(27) = 0.13, p = .898, compared to controls (see Figure 1b).’

      Overall, the results were reported for aphantasics and controls separately in Lines 368-372.

      Line 386: The question does not specify that it's asking about using imagination in daily life, even though this is what results report. I'm not sure that the question implies the use of imagination in daily life, so I would recommend removing this reference here.

      We have removed the “in daily life” since this was not part of the original debriefing question.

      Line 394: Could this slowness in response reflect uncertainty about the vividness?

      Since the reason for this slowness is not known, we have refrained from adding this to the discussion. However, we added this as a short insertion in line 406:

      ‘Moreover, aphantasics responded slower (M = 1.34 s, SD = 0.38 s) than controls (M = 1.00 s, SD = 0.29 s) when they were asked whether their retrieved memories were vivid or faint, t(28) = 2.78, p = .009, possibly reflecting uncertainty in their response.’

      Line 443: Graph E, significance not indicated on the graph.

      After preprocessing, the fMRI data were statistically analyzed using the GLM contrast AM versus MA. The resulting images were then thresholded at p < 0.001, so that the illuminated voxels in Fig. 3 A, B, C, and D show only voxel in which we know already that there is a statistical difference between our conditions. Graph E illustrates only the descriptive means and variance of the significant differences in Fig. 3 C and D. This display is useful since the reader can more easily assess the difference between two conditions and two groups at a glance. For a general discussion on this topic, please also see circular analysis in fMRI (Kriegeskorte et al. 2009)

      Line 521-522: The authors claim that Pearson (2019) forwards the hypothesis that heightened activity of visual-perceptual cortices hinders aphantasics from detecting small imagery-related signals. However, I find no statement of this hypothesis in Pearson (2019). It is unclear to me why this hypothesis is attributed to Pearson (2019). Please remove this reference or provide a correct citation for where the hypothesis is stated. Further, it is not clear from what is written how the results support this hypothesis as this is rather brief - please elaborate on this.

      We attributed this hypothesis to Pearson (2019) according to his Fig. 4, which states: ‘A strong top-down signal and low noise (bottom left) gives the strongest mental image (square), whereas a high level of neural noise and a weak top-down imagery signal would produce the weakest imagery experience (top right).’

      We have edited our manuscript to reflect Pearson better in Lines 543-550:

      ‘In a prominent review, Pearson synthesizes evidence about the neural mechanism of imagery strength (Pearson, 2019). Indeed, activity metrics in the visual cortex predict imagery strength (Cui et al., 2007; Dijkstra et al., 2017). Interestingly, lower resting activity and excitability result in stronger imagery, and reducing cortical activity in the visual cortex via transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) increases visual imagery strength (Keogh et al., 2020). Thus, one potential mechanism of aphantasia-related AM deficits is that the heightened activity of the visual-perceptual cortices observed in our and previous work hinders aphantasics to detect weaker imagery-related signals.’

      Line 575: Consider citing Blomkvist (2022) who has argued that aphantasia is an episodic memory condition

      We added the suggested reference in Line 601.

      Line 585: Consider citing Bainbridge et al (2021) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2020.11.014

      We have added the suggested reference in Line 612.

      Line 581: It might be relevant here to also discuss non-visual details, which have indeed been investigated in your present study. E.g. the lower emotional details, temporal details, place details, etc.

      We have edited our discussion to reflect the non-visual details better in Line 605:

      ‘In fact, previous and the current study show that aphantasics and individuals with hippocampal damage report less internal details across several memory detail subcategories, such as emotional details and temporal details (Rosenbaum et al., 2008; St-Laurent et al., 2009; Steinvorth et al., 2005), and these deficits can be observed regardless of the recency of the memory (Miller et al., 2020). These similarities suggest that aphantasics are not merely missing the visual-perceptual details to specific AM, but they have a profound deficit associated with the retrieval of AM.’

      Place details are discussed on page 37 onwards.

      Line 605: I agree with this interesting suggestion for future research. It would also be relevant to reference Bainbridge (2021) here who tested spatial cognition in a drawing task and found that aphantasic participants correctly recalled spatial layouts of rooms but reported fewer objects than controls. It might also be worth pointing out that the present study does not actually test for accuracy in spatial cognition, so it could be the case that people with aphantasia feel confident that they can navigate well, but they might in fact not. Future studies relying on objective measures should test this possibility.

      We have added the suggested reference in Line 625.

      Lines 609-614: Is there any evidence that complex decision-making and complex empathy tasks depend on constructed scenes with visual-perceptual details? This hypothesis seems a bit far-fetched without any supporting evidence. In fact, it seems unlikely to be supported as we also know that people with aphantasia generally live normal lives, and often have careers that we can assume involve complex decision-making (see Zeman 2020 who report aphantasics who work as computer scientists, managers, etc). I would recommend that the authors provide evidence of the role of mental imagery in complex decision-making and complex empathy tasks, mediated by scene construction, to support this hypothesis as viable to test for future research. It is also unclear how this point connects to the argument made by Bergmann and Ortiz-Tudela (2023). In fact, Bergmann and Ortiz-Tudela seem to make the same argument as Pearson (2019) does - that aphantasia results from impairments in the ventral stream, but that the dorsal stream is unaffected. However, Blomkvist (2022) argues that this view is too simplistic to be able to account for the variety of deficits that we see in aphantasia. I would recommend either engaging more fully with this debate or cutting it, as it currently is too vague for a reader to follow.

      We have decided to leave the discussion about scene construction and its connection to complex decision making and empathy out of the current manuscript. We have included the argument of Bergmann & Ortiz-Tudela (2023) in the Introduction (Line 101):

      ‘In agreement, Bergmann and Ortiz-Tudela (2023) speculate that individuals with aphantasia might lack the ability to reinstate visually precise episodic elements from memory due to altered feedback from the visual cortex.’

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      In general, I really enjoyed reading this paper.

      Thank you very much for the positive evaluation of our manuscript as well as your comments.

      There were only a few things that I had some concerns about. For example, it was unclear to me whether the whole-brain analysis (Figures 3 and 4) was corrected for multiple comparisons or why only a small volume correction was applied for the functional connectivity analysis. If these results are borderline significant, this should be made more explicit in the manuscript. I don't think this is a major issue as the investigation of both the hippocampus and visual cortex was strongly hypothesis-driven, but it would still be good to be explicit about the strength of the findings.

      For the whole-brain analysis, we applied a threshold of p < .001, voxel cluster of 10, but no other multiple comparisons correction applied. The peak in the right hippocampus did survive the whole-brain threshold but we decided to lower this threshold just for display purposes in Figure 3, so that the readers can easily see the cluster.

      We have made the statistical thresholds more easily assessable for the reader on the following pages:

      Figure 3 (Page 27): ‘Images are thresholded at p < .001, cluster size 10, uncorrected, except (D) which is thresholded at p < .01, cluster size 10, for display purposes only (i.e., the peak voxel and adjacent 10 voxels also survived p < .001, uncorrected).’

      Figure 4 (Page 30): ‘Image is displayed at p < .05, small volume corrected, and a voxel cluster threshold of 10 adjacent voxels.’

      I was wondering whether it would be possible to use DCM to investigate the directionality of the connectivity. Given that there are only two ROIs and two alternative hypotheses (top-down versus bottom-up) this seems like an ideal DCM problem.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and will consider testing the effective connectivity between both regions of interest in a future investigation. 

      Line 385: typo: 'great' should be 'greater'.

      We have altered the typo from ‘great’ to ‘greater’ in Line 397.

      Line 400: absence of evidence of an effect is not evidence of absence of an effect.

      We agree with the reviewer that this was unclear. We changed the wording in Line 412:

      ‘In addition, aphantasics and controls did not differ significantly in their time searching for a memory in AM trials, t(19) = 1.03, p = .315.’

      Typo line 623: 'overseas'.

      We have altered the mistyped word from ‘overseas’ to ‘oversees’ in Line 647.

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    1. eLife assessment

      Duan et al analyzed brain imaging data in UKBK and divided structural brain aging into two groups, revealing that one group is more vulnerable to aging and brain-related diseases compared to the other group. Such subtyping could be valuable and utilized in predicting and diagnosing cognitive decline and neurodegenerative brain disorders in the future. This discovery, supported by solid evidence, harbors a substantial impacts in aging and brain structure and function.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Duan et al analyzed brain imaging data in UKBK and found a pattern in brain structure changes by aging. They identified two patterns and found links that can be differentiated by the categorization.


      This discovery harbors substantial impacts in aging and brain structure and function.


      Therefore, the study requires more validation efforts. Most importantly, data underlying the stratification of two groups are not obvious and lack further details. Can they also stratified by different method? i.e. PCA?

      Any external data can be used for validation?

      Other previous discoveries or claims supporting the results of the study should be explored to support the conclusion.

      Sex was merely used as a covariate. Were there sex-differences during brain aging? Sex ratio difference in group 1 and 2?

      Although statistically significant, Fig 3 shows minimal differences. LTL and phenoAge is displayed in adjusted values but what is the actual values that differ between pattern 1 and 2?

      It is not intuitive to link gene expression result shown in Fig 8 and brain structure and functional differences between pattern 1 and 2. Any overlap of genes identified from analyses shown in Fig 6 (GWAS) and 8 (gene expression)?

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors aimed to understand the heterogeneity of brain aging by analyzing brain imaging data. Based on the concept of structural brain aging, they divided participants into two groups based on the volume and rate of decrease of gray matter volume (GMV). The group with rapid brain aging showed accelerated biological aging and cognitive decline and was found to be vulnerable to certain neuropsychiatric disorders. Furthermore, the authors claimed the existence of a "last in, first out" mirroring pattern between brain aging and brain development, which they argued is more pronounced in the group with rapid brain aging. Lastly, the authors identified genetic differences between the two groups and speculated that the cause of rapid brain aging may lie in genetic differences.


      The authors supported their claims by analyzing a large amount of data using various statistical techniques. There seems to be no doubt about the quality and quantity of the data. Additionally, they demonstrated their strength in integrating diverse data through various analysis techniques to conclude.


      The authors provided appropriate answers to the reviewers' questions and revised the manuscript accordingly, and as a result, the paper has been edited to be more easily understood.

    4. Author response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Duan et al analyzed brain imaging data in UKBK and found a pattern in brain structure changes by aging. They identified two patterns and found links that can be differentiated by the categorization.


      This discovery harbors a substantial impact on aging and brain structure and function.


      (1) Therefore, the study requires more validation efforts. Most importantly, data underlying the stratification of the two groups are not obvious and lack further details. Can they also stratified by different methods? i.e. PCA?

      Response: Thanks for the comment. In this study, principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to individualized deviation of anatomic region of interest (ROI) for dimensionality reduction, which yielded the first 15 principal components explaining approximately 70% of the total variations for identifying longitudinal brain aging patterns. These two patterns can be stratified by both linear and non-linear dimensionality reduction methods: PCA and locally linear embedding (LLE)1. The grey matter volume (GMV) of 40 ROIs at baseline were linearly adjusted for sex, assessment center, handedness, ethnic, intracranial volume (ICV), and second-degree polynomial in age to be consistent with the whole-brain GMV trajectory model. There was a clear boundary between two patterns in the projected coordinate space, indicating distinct structural differences in brain aging between the two patterns (Author response image 1).

      Author response image 1.

      Stratification of the identified brain aging patterns using linear and non-linear dimensionality reduction methods. (a) The principal component space of PC1 and PC2, and (b) two-dimensional projected locally linear embedding space derived from brain volumetric measures. Points have been colored and shaped according to grouping labels of the brain aging patterns.

      (2) Are there any external data that can be used for validation?

      Response: Thanks for the comment. We were given access to the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) study, which aimed at determining the relationships between clinical, cognitive, imaging, genetic, and biochemical biomarkers across the entire spectrum of Alzheimer’s disease. ADNI recruits participants aged between 55 and 90 years at 57 sites in the United States and Canada, who undergo a series of initial tests that are repeated at intervals over subsequent years. 

      Unfortunately, there are no appropriate and sufficient data, especially clinical, cognitive, and genetic data, to support unbiased validation of the heterogeneity in structural brain aging patterns. Only 890 (31.83%) of the 2796 subjects included in the ADNI were cognitively normal, of which 656 were included in the analyses after quality control of structural MRI and exclusion of missing covariate, with a mean age at the screen visit of 70.8 years (SD = 6.48 years), and 60.21% of the subjects were female. Thus, there are significant differences between ADNI and UK Biobank in terms of the population composition, with ADNI collecting more older subjects due to its focus on defining the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

      Moreover, among 656 subjects with structural imaging data, the dataset used to validate the clinical, cognitive, and genetic manifestations of the brain aging patterns were missing to varying degrees. For example, blood biochemistry tests and telomere length data were missing at baseline by approximately 58% and 82% respectively, and genotype data were not assayed for more than 70 percent of the subjects. As for cognitive function tests, only the results of Mini-Mental State Examination were complete, while other tests such as the Trail Making Test and Digit Span Backward were available for less than 10 percent of subjects. 

      (3) Other previous discoveries or claims supporting the results of the study should be explored to support the conclusion.

      Response: Thanks for the suggestion. As we mentioned in the manuscript lines 274-277, participants with brain aging pattern 2 (lower baseline total GMV and more rapid GMV decrease) were characterized by accelerated biological aging and cognitive decline. Previous research on brainAGE2,3 (the difference between chronological age and the age predicted by the machine learning model of brain imaging data) showed that as a biomarker of accelerated brain aging, people with older brainAGE have accelerated biological aging and early signs of cognitive decline, which is consistent with our discoveries in this study (lines 302-306).

      Further, genome-wide association studies identified significant genetic loci contributing to accelerated brain aging, some of which can be found in pervious GWAS on image-derived phenotypes4, such as regional and tissue volume, cortical area and white matter tract measurements, and specific brain aging mode using a data-driven decomposition approach5 (lines 207-213).

      In addition, we demonstrated the “last in, first out” mirroring patterns between structural brain aging and brain development, and found that mirroring patterns are predominantly localized to the lateral / medial temporal cortex and the cingulate cortex, noted in the manuscript lines 231-234. Large differences in the patterns of change between adolescent late development and aging in the medial temporal cortex were previously found in studies of  brain development and aging patterns6 (lines 315-317).

      (4) Sex was merely used as a covariate. Were there sex differences during brain aging? What was the sex ratio difference in groups 1 and 2?

      Thanks for the comment. Sex differences during brain aging can be observed by investigating sex-stratified whole-brain GMV trajectories. We fitted the growth curve and estimated rate of change for total grey matter volume (TGMV) separately for male and female using generalized additive mixed effect models (GAMM), which included 40,921 observations from 17,055 males and 19,958 females (Author response image 2). Overall, among healthy participants aged 44-82 years in UK Biobank, males overall had higher total GMV and a faster rate of GMV decrease over time, while females had lower total GMV and a lower rate of GMV decrease. Similar conclusion can be found in normative brain-volume trajectories across the human lifespan7 . Supplementary Table 5 showed baseline and demographic characteristics for all participants and participants stratified by brain aging patterns. There were slightly more females than males among the total participants and for brain aging pattern 1 (53.4%) and pattern 2 (54.4%), and χ^2 tests showed no significant difference in the sex ratio between the two patterns (P = 0.06).

      Author response image 2.

      Total gray matter volume (TGMV) (a) and the estimated rate of change (b) for females (red) and males (blue). Rates of volumetric change for total gray matter and each ROI were estimated using GAMM, which incorporates both cross-sectional between-subject variation and longitudinal withinsubject variation from 22,067 observations for 19,958 females, and 18,854 observations for 17,055 males. Covariates include assessment center, handedness, ethnic, and ICV. Shaded areas around the fit line denotes 95% CI.

      (5) Although statistically significant, Figure 3 shows minimal differences. LTL and phenoAge are displayed in adjusted values but what are the actual values that differ between patterns 1 and 2?

      Response: Thanks for the comment. We have modified the visualization of Figure 3 in the revised manuscript by adjusting the appropriate axes for leucocyte telomere length (LTL) and PhenoAge variables and removing the whisker from the boxplot. Associations between biological aging biomarkers and brain aging patterns were listed in Supplementary Table 6. Compared to brain aging pattern 1, participants in pattern 2 with more rapid GMV decrease had shorter leucocyte telomere

      length (P = 0.009, Cohen’s D = -0.028) and higher PhenoAge (P = 0.019, Cohen’s D = 0.027) without covariate adjustment. Specifically, participants in brain aging pattern 1 had average Z-standardized LTL 0.083 (SD 0.98) and average PhenoAge 41.35 years (SD 8.17 years), and those in pattern 2 had average Z-standardized LTL 0.055 (SD 0.97) and average PhenoAge 41.58 years (SD 8.32 years).

      (6) It is not intuitive to link gene expression results shown in Figure 8 and brain structure and functional differences between patterns 1 and 2. Any overlap of genes identified from analyses shown in Figure 6 (GWAS) and 8 (gene expression)?

      Response: Thanks for the comment. We apologize for the confusion. As we mentioned in the Result Section Gene expression profiles were associated with delayed brain development and accelerated brain aging, seventeen of the 45 genes mapped to GWAS significant SNP were found in Allen Human Brain Atlas (AHBA) dataset. Gene expression of LGR4 (rspearman = 0.56, Ppermutation = 2.5 × 10-4) were significantly associated with delayed brain development, and ESR1 (rspearman = 0.53, Ppermutation = 1.5 × 10-4) and FAM3C (rspearman = -0.37, Ppermutation = 0.004) were significantly associated with accelerated brain aging. BDNF-AS was positively associated with both delayed brain development and accelerated brain aging after spatial permutation test. Full association between gene expression profiles of mapped genes and estimated APC during brain development / aging were presented in Supplementary Tables 12 and 13, respectively.  

      Furthermore, we screened the genes based on their contributions and effect directions to the first PLS components in brain development and brain aging. We have found genes mapped to GWAS significant SNP among the genes screened for inclusion in the functional enrichment analysis (Author response table 1), with LGR4 (PLSw1(LGR4) = 3.70, P.FDR = 0.002) associated with delayed development and ESR1 (PLSw1(ESR1) = 3.91, P.FDR = 6.12 × 10-4) and FAM3C (PLSw1(FAM3C) = -3.68, P.FDR = 0.001) associated with accelerated aging.

      Author response table 1.

      Contributions and effect directions of the first PLS components in brain development and brain aging of genes that mapped to GWAS significant SNP. The bold P values reflect significance (P < 0.005, inclusion in the functional enrichment analysis) after FDR correction.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors aimed to understand the heterogeneity of brain aging by analyzing brain imaging data. Based on the concept of structural brain aging, they divided participants into two groups based on the volume and rate of decrease of gray matter volume (GMV). The group with rapid brain aging showed accelerated biological aging and cognitive decline and was found to be vulnerable to certain neuropsychiatric disorders. Furthermore, the authors claimed the existence of a "last in, first out" mirroring pattern between brain aging and brain development, which they argued is more pronounced in the group with rapid brain aging. Lastly, the authors identified genetic differences between the two groups and speculated that the cause of rapid brain aging may lie in genetic differences.


      The authors supported their claims by analyzing a large amount of data using various statistical techniques. There seems to be no doubt about the quality and quantity of the data. Additionally, they demonstrated their strength in integrating diverse data through various analysis techniques to conclude.


      There appears to be a lack of connection between the analysis results and their claims. Readers lacking sufficient background knowledge of the brain may find it difficult to understand the paper. It would be beneficial to modify the figures and writing to make the authors' claims clearer to readers. Furthermore, the paper gives an overall impression of being less polished in terms of abbreviations, figure numbering, etc. These aspects should be revised to make the paper easier for readers to understand.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Gray matter volume (GMV) is defined later in the manuscript and may confuse readers.

      Response: Thanks for the comment. We have now defined GMV upon its first appearance in the manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) In conducting GWAS, the authors used total GMV at the age of 60 as a phenotype (line 195). It would be beneficial to provide additional explanation as to why only the data from individuals aged 60 were utilized, especially considering the ample availability of GMV data.

      Response: Thanks for the comment and we apologize for the confusion. As we mentioned in the Methods Section Genome Wide Association Study to identify SNPs associated with brain aging patterns, we performed Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on individual deviations of total GMV relative to the population average at 60 years using PLINK 2.0. Therefore, data from all individuals were used in the GWAS, rather than only those aged at 60y. To accomplish this, deviation of total GMV from the population average for each participant at age 60y was calculated using mixed effect regression model as described in the Methods Section Identification of longitudinal brain aging patterns.

      (2) Whole-brain gene expression data was linked to GMV (Line 237). Gray matter is known to account for about 40% of the total brain. Thus, interpreting whole-brain data in connection with GMV might introduce significant errors. Could this potential source of error be addressed?

      Response: Thanks for the comment. In our study, the Allen Human Brain Atlas (AHBA) dataset were processed using abagen toolbox version 0.1.3 (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5129257) with Desikan-Killiany atlas8, resulting in a matrix (83 regions × 15,633 gene expression levels) of transcriptional level values that contains brain structure of cortex and subcortex in bilateral hemispheres, and brainstem. Only data from 34 cerebral cortex regions, but not the whole brain, were included in the analysis of the association between regional change rate of gray matter volume and gene expression profiles using partial least squares (PLS) regression. We have clarified in the revised manuscript that we utilized AHBA microarray expression data from regions of interest (ROIs) in the cortex.

      (3) The paper lacks biological interpretation of the important genetic factors (SNPs and genes) for brain aging discovered in this study, as well as the results of gene ontology analysis. Many readers would be curious about the biological significance of these genetic differences and what kind of outcomes they may produce.

      Response: Thanks for the suggestion. As we mentioned in our manuscript, six independent single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified at genome-wide significance level (P < 5 ×1 0-8) (Fig. 6). Among them, two SNPs (rs10835187 and rs779233904) were also found to be associated with multiple brain imaging phenotypes in previous studies, such as regional and tissue volume, cortical area and white matter tract measurements. Compared to the GWAS using global gray matter volume as the phenotype, our GWAS revealed additional signal in chromosome 7 (rs7776725), which was mapped to the intron of FAM3C and encodes a secreted protein involved in pancreatic cancer and Alzheimer's disease. This signal was further validated to be associated with specific brain aging mode by another study using a data-driven decomposition approach. In addition, another significant locus (rs10835187, P = 1.11 ×1 0-13) is an intergenic variant between gene LGR4-AS1 and LIN7C, and was reported to be associated with bone density, and brain volume and total cortical area measurements. LIN7C encodes the Lin-7C protein, which is involved in the localization and stabilization of ion channels in polarized cells, such as neurons and epithelial cell. Previous study has revealed the association of both allelic and haplotypic variations in the LIN7C gene with ADHD. In addition, ESR1 was found to be involved in I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB signaling in the functional enrichment associated with accelerated brain aging (Figure 8 and Supplementary Figure 5), and its activation leads to a variety of human pathologies such as neurodegenerative, inflammatory, autoimmune and cancerous disease9. 

      In summary, the analyses from using the databases of GO biological processes and KEGG Pathways indicate synaptic transmission as an important process in the common mechanisms of brain development and aging, and cellular processes (autophagy), as well as the progression of neurodegenerative diseases, are important processes in the mechanisms of brain aging.

      (4) As mentioned in the public review, it would be helpful if figures were revised to more clearly represent the claims.

      (4.1) For Figure 1, it would be beneficial to explain how the authors analyzed the differences between the mentioned cross-section and longitudinal trajectory, which they identified as a strength of the study.

      Response: We have added the strengths of adopting longitudinal data for modeling brain aging trajectories compared to only using cross-sectional data in Figure 1 caption in the revised manuscript:

      “Fig. 1 Overview of the study workflow. a, Population cohorts (UK Biobank and IMAGEN) and data sources (brain imaging, biological aging biomarkers, cognitive functions, genomic data) involved in this study. b, Brain aging patterns were identified using longitudinal trajectories of the whole brain GMV, which enabled the capturing of long-term and individualized variations compared to only use cross-sectional data, and associations between brain aging patterns and other measurements (biological aging, cognitive functions and PRS of major neuropsychiatric disorders) were investigated. c, Mirroring patterns between brain aging and brain development was investigated using ztransformed brain volumetric change map and gene expression analysis.”

      (4.2) In Figure 3, it's challenging to distinguish differences between patterns 1 and 2 in LTL and PhenoAge. (e.g. It's unclear whether Pattern 1 is higher or lower). Clarifying this visually would be useful.

      Response: We have modified the visualization of Figure 3 in the revised manuscript by adjusting the appropriate axes for leucocyte telomere length (LTL) and PhenoAge variables and removing the whisker from the boxplot.

      Author response image 3.

      Distributions of biological aging biomarkers (leucocyte telomere length (LTL) and PhenoAge) among participants with brain aging patterns 1 and 2.

      (4.3) Figure 7 explains the mirroring pattern, but it's hard to discern significant differences from the figures alone (especially in Figures 7b and 7c). Using an alternative method (graph, etc.) to clearly represent this would be appreciated.

      Response: We have included an arrow pointing to the brain regions with significant differences in each subfigure.

      Author response image 4.

      The “last in, first out” mirroring patterns between brain development and brain aging.

      (5) Abbreviations should be explained when they are first introduced in the paper. For example, GMV continues to be used without explanation, and in line 203, it is written out as 'gray matter volume'. ADHD and ASD first appear at line 172, but the explanation is found in lines 177-178. Additionally, there are terms without explanations in the manuscript. For instance, BMI is not explained in the main manuscript but is defined in the Supplementary Information (Table S6).

      Response: We have corrected the inappropriate formatting regarding misplaced and missing abbreviations in the revised manuscript and Supplementary Information.

      (6) Figure numbers should follow the order of appearance in the paper. The first Supplementary Fig. in the manuscript is Supplementary Figure 3. It should be Supplementary Figure 1.

      Response: We have relabeled the figures with the order of appearance in the paper in the revised manuscript and Supplementary Information.


      (1) Roweis, S. T. & Saul, L. K. Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by locally linear embedding. science 290, 2323–2326 (2000).

      (2) Christman, S. et al. Accelerated brain aging predicts impaired cognitive performance and greater disability in geriatric but not midlife adult depression. Translational Psychiatry 10, 317 (2020).

      (3) Elliott, M. L. et al. Brain-age in midlife is associated with accelerated biological aging and cognitive decline in a longitudinal birth cohort. Molecular psychiatry 26, 3829–3838 (2021).

      (4) Smith, S. M. et al. An expanded set of genome-wide association studies of brain imaging phenotypes in UK Biobank. Nature neuroscience 24, 737–745 (2021).

      (5) Smith, S. M. et al. Brain aging comprises many modes of structural and functional change with distinct genetic and biophysical associations. elife 9, e52677 (2020).

      (6) Tamnes, C. K. et al. Brain development and aging: overlapping and unique patterns of change. Neuroimage 68, 63–74 (2013).

      (7) Bethlehem, R. A. et al. Brain charts for the human lifespan. Nature 604, 525–533 (2022).

      (8) Desikan, R. S. et al. An automated labeling system for subdividing the human cerebral cortex on MRI scans into gyral based regions of interest. Neuroimage 31, 968–980 (2006).

      (9) Singh, S. & Singh, T. G. Role of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) signalling in neurodegenerative diseases: an mechanistic approach. Current Neuropharmacology 18, 918–935 (2020).

  2. www.planalto.gov.br www.planalto.gov.br
    1. anteceder
      • Tema: 1.036
      • Processo(s): RE 1.188.352
      • Relator: Min. Luiz Fux
      • Título: Competência legislativa para editar norma sobre a ordem de fases de processo licitatório, à luz do art. 22, inciso XXVII, da Constituição Federal.
      • O Tribunal fixou a seguinte tese: “São constitucionais as leis dos Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios que, no procedimento licitatório, antecipam a fase da apresentação das propostas à da habilitação dos licitantes, em razão da competência dos demais entes federativos de legislar sobre procedimento administrativo”.
    1. 其实是 JavaScript 为了吸引 Java 程序员、在语法层面去蹭 Java 热点,所以就被硬生生地强制加入了非常不协调的关键字 new。

      锐评JavaScript 中的 new 关键字

    2. 闭包给惰性解析带来的问题:上文的 d 不能随着 foo 函数的执行上下文被销毁掉。


    1. Consolidated peer review report (24 May 2024)


      The preprint by Vats et al. (2023) introduces a methodology of applying slow feature analysis (SFA) to AlphaFold ensembles, with the goal of identifying collective variables for subsequent MD simulations.

      The study aims to leverage AlphaFold's predictive capabilities to enhance understanding of protein dynamics and rare events, such as cryptic pocket opening, protein-ligand binding/unbinding, and allosteric modulation. By integrating AlphaFold predictions with molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and slow feature analysis (SFA), the objective is to develop a comprehensive framework for efficiently sampling and analyzing these critical molecular events in ways that might not be sampled by classical simulations or using traditional collective variables alone.

      Key findings are that AlphaFold-generated structural ensembles provide useful initial conformations that capture essential conformational heterogeneity. The study demonstrates the utility of AlphaFold in seeding MD simulations to capture rare events, such as the flipping of key residues necessary for cryptic pocket opening in plasmepsin II. In the RIPK2 test case, conformational alterations in the activation loop and DFG moiety elucidate their roles in protein function and interactions relevant to inflammatory diseases. Integration of SFA with metadynamics allows for the efficient sampling of rare events within a shorter simulation time compared to traditional methods, thereby accelerating the exploration of protein dynamics. Generally, their approach works for sampling relevant conformational changes in both side chains and backbones for at least two test cases.

      Strengths of this work include the well written description of the SFA method, and demonstration of success in two distinct cases. Integrating AlphaFold with computational methods like SFA and metadynamics is in principle a powerful approach to studying protein dynamics and functional mechanisms, with potential applications in drug discovery and disease understanding. This study showcases the synergy between AI-based protein structure prediction and computational biology, facilitating more comprehensive and efficient exploration of protein dynamics and interactions.

      Weaknesses include a lack of clarity as to what input data are required to run the method, what criteria were used to measure success, and what specifically is learned by the application of SFA, as well as some missing figure captions and citations. A general concern about applicability is the use of vanilla AlphaFold predictions as starting points for molecular dynamics, for example given the tendency of the AlphaFold inference system to bias towards states with more contacts.


      The manuscript in its current state is convincing in presenting the method, but could benefit from reorganization and streamlining to more directly expose the relevant results to the reader.

      Essential revisions:

      1. The manuscript is not clear in defining what data are required to run this method. The initial modeling is done with AlphaFold, which requires only an input sequence. However, the pipelines for the two main test cases are quite different, with two 40-ns simulations for each of the 80 AlphaFold models of plasmepsin-II, but ten 20-ns simulations for each of 32 AlphaFold models of RIPK2; no explanation is given for these different parameterizations. More importantly, for plasmepsin-II the metadynamics simulations were executed on PDB structures instead of AlphaFold models, implying that such structures are in fact necessary. It is not clear what the starting structure was used for metadynamics simulations of RIPK2. The authors should clearly state whether they believe experimental structures as metadynamics inputs are necessary for this method to work, as it is an important consideration for prospective users.
      2. Confidence in AlphaFold-generated models should be analyzed, or at least discussed. The underlying assumption regarding the presence of conformational diversity in the generated ensemble is speculative at best. The proposed method could be tested in protein systems with known conformational states as references to validate sampling; methods like AFcluster1 or SPEACH_AF2 could enhance diversity.
      3. There are relatively few details about what specifically is learned by the application of SFA. Although the details of the approach for the given systems are clearly described in Methods, there is little description of its applicability to other fields. In Results, figures S3A and S8 aim to explain the learned features for plasmepsin-II and RIPK2 respectively, but it is not clear what these features are, or what exactly is communicated. The x-axes are particularly confusing, as they seem to indicate a sequential index of features that do not correspond to amino acids (for example, the text refers to Phe165 in RIPK2, but the x-axes in S8 end around 150). Although machine-learning-derived features are often difficult to explain, it would help to clarify the x-axis titles, and add qualitative descriptions to the text and/or captions. There are also few examples for how metadynamics with SFA-picked CVs compares to traditional metadynamics with hand-picked CVs. Figures 8E/F, S12, and S13 compare how this method captures transitions of RIPK2 between the two states of interest, while unbiased simulations do not; but otherwise, the authors rely on prior publications to illustrate advantages of their approach in uncovering cryptic pockets.

      Optional suggestions:

      1. The tests being carried out to evaluate success should be clarified. In the case of plasmepsin-II, success was evaluated on the basis of chi-angle rotations of Trp41 and Tyr77; for RIPK2, the relevant residues were Phe165 and Trp170. However, these residues are only introduced (briefly) in Methods, then explained in somewhat more detail in Results. It would be helpful to add at least one or two sentences about these residues in the Introduction.
      2. The number of samples is an important factor in determining the extent of conformational diversity in the ensemble generated by AlphaFold. Optimizing this for downstream metadynamics-SFA should expedite convergence, as it is highly dependent on initial states.
      3. In the simulations field, it is common to use time-lagged component analysis (TICA) to describe slow modes of motion. Could the authors compare their method with this previously established approach?
      4. Before training SFA, the authors performed parallel MD simulations starting from the AlphaFold-generated seeds. It would be nice to see what conformational space is covered during the initial unbiased MD simulations, to see what information is gained from these relative to the static starting positions of the AlphaFold models. Are these simulations connected in the space that is used to train SFA? If not, how could this affect the analysis?
      5. The description of RIPK2 on p. 14, particularly its biological relevance, seems out of place in Results. Consider moving some of this content to Introduction and/or Discussion.


      Reviewed by:

      Diego del Alamo, Investigator, GSK, Switzerland: protein design, deep learning

      Nandan Haloi, Postdoctoral Fellow, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden: molecular dynamics simulations, enhanced sampling, Markov state modeling

      Yogesh Kalakoti, Postdoctoral Fellow, Linköping University, Sweden: computational biology, large language models, structural bioinformatics

      Curated by:

      Rebecca J. Howard, Senior Researcher, Stockholm University, Sweden

      (This consolidated report is a result of peer review conducted by Biophysics Colab on version 2 of this preprint. Comments concerning minor and presentational issues have been omitted for brevity.)

    1. normalizeddifference vegetation index (NDVI)

      O Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada (NDVI, do inglês Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) é uma métrica amplamente utilizada na área de sensoriamento remoto para quantificar a vegetação em uma determinada área a partir de imagens de satélite ou aeronaves. Este índice é baseado na reflexão da luz em diferentes comprimentos de onda pelas plantas.



    1. eLife assessment

      This important study presents a new quantitative imaging pipeline that describes with high temporal precision and throughput the movements of late-stage Drosophila embryos, a critical moment when motion first appears. A new approach is used to explore the role of miRNAs in motion onset and presents solid evidence that shows a role for miR-2b-1 and its target Motor in embryonic motion. The data are well supported even if the mechanistic insight into the emergence of movement remains to be explored.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This is an experimentally soundly designed work and a very well-written manuscript. There is a very clear logic that drives the reader from one experiment to the next, the experimental design is clearly explained throughout and the relevance of the acquired data is well analyzed and supports the claims made by the authors. The authors made an evident effort to combine imaging, genetic, and molecular data to describe previously unknown early embryonic movement patterns and to identify regulatory mechanisms that control several aspects of it.


      The authors develop a new method to analyze, quantitatively, the onset of movement during the latter embryonic stages of Drosophila development. This setup allows for a high throughput analysis of general movement dynamics based on the capture of variations of light intensity reflected by the embryo. This setup is capable of imaging several embryos simultaneously and provides a detailed measure of movement over time, which proves to be very useful for further discoveries in the manuscript. This setup already provides a thorough and quantifiable description of a process that is little known and identifies two different phases during late embryonic movements: a myogenic phase and a neurogenic phase, which they elegantly prove is dependent on neuronal activity by knocking down action potentials across the nervous system.

      However, in this system, movement is detected as a whole, and no further description of the type of movement is provided beyond frequency and amplitude; it would be interesting to know from the authors if a more precise description of the movements that take place at this stage can be achieved with this method (e.g. motion patterns across the A-P body axis).

      Importantly, this highly quantitative experimental setup is an excellent system for performing screenings of motion regulators during late embryonic development, and its use could be extended to search for different modulators of the process, beyond miRNAs (genetic mutants, drugs, etc.).

      Using their newly established motion detection pipeline, the authors identify miR-2b-1 as required for proper larval and embryonic motion, and identify an overall reduction in the quantity of both myogenic and neurogenic movements, as well as an increased frequency in neurogenic movement "pulses".

      Focusing on the neurogenic movement phenotype the authors use in situ probes and perform RT-PCR on FACS-sorted CNS cells to unambiguously detect miR-2b-1 expression in the embryonic nervous system. The neurogenic motion defects observed in miR-2b-1 mutant embryos and early larvae can be completely rescued by the expression of ectopic miR-2b-1 specifically in the nervous system, providing solid evidence of the requirement and sufficiency of miR-2b-1 expressed in the nervous system to regulate these phases of movement.

      To explore the mechanism through which miR-2b-1 impacts embryonic movement, the authors use a state-of-the-art bioinformatic approach to identify potential targets of miR-2b-1, and find that the expression levels of an uncharacterized gene, CG3638, are indeed regulated by miR-2b-1. Furthermore, they prove that by knocking down the expression of CG3638 in a miR-2b-1 mutant background, the neurogenic embryonic movement defects are rescued, pointing that the repression of CG3638 by miR-2b-1 is necessary for correct motion patterns in wild-type embryos. Therefore, this paper provides the first functional characterization of CG3638, and names this gene Motor.

      Finally, the authors aim to discriminate which elements of the embryonic motor system miR-2b-1/Motor are required. Using directed overexpression of miR-2b-1 and Motor knockdown in the motor neurons and the chordotonal (sensory) organs, they prove that the miR-2b-1/Motor regulatory axis is specifically required in the sensory organs to promote normal embryonic and larval movement.


      The initial screening to identify miRNAs involved in motion behaviors is performed in early larval movement. The logic presented by the authors is clear - it is assumed that early larval movement cannot proceed normally in the absence of previous embryonic motion - and ultimately helped them identify a miRNA required for modulation of embryonic movement. However, it is possible that certain miRNAs play a role in the modulation of embryonic movement while being dispensable for early L1 behaviors. Such regulators might have been missed with the current screening setup.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The manuscript, "A microRNA that controls the emergence of embryonic movement" by Menzies, Chagas, and Alonso provides evidence that Drosophila miR-2b-1 is expressed in neurons and controls the expression of the predicted chloride channel CG3638, here named "Motor". Loss of the miRNA leads to movement phenotypes that can be rescued by downregulation of Motor; using specific drivers, the authors show that a larval movement phenotype (slower movement) can be rescued by knockdown of Motor in the chordotonal organs, suggesting that the increase in Motor found in the chordotonal organs is likely the root of the movement defects. Overall, I found the data presented in the manuscript of reasonable quality and are well enough supported by the presented data.

      The genetic and phenotypic analysis seems to be correct. The nicest part of the manuscript is the connection between the loss of a miRNA and finding its likely target in generating a phenotype. The authors also develop some protocols for the analysis of the movement phenotypes which may be useful for others.

    4. Author response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Recommendations for the Authors:

      Reviewer 1:

      (1) Figure legends are too sparing, and often fail to describe with enough detail and accuracy the experiments presented. Especially in a work like this one, which uses plenty of different approaches and techniques and has a concise main text, description in the figure legends can really help the reader to understand the technical aspects of the experimental design. In my opinion, this will also help highlight the effort the authors put into exploring different and often new technical approaches. 

      We thank Reviewer 1 for highlighting this point and agree with them that the original figure legends lacked detailed information. In this revised version of our paper we edited all figure legends providing higher detail on experiments and information displayed (see Main text p12-16, Supplementary Information p2-5). We hope this change will improve the clarity and accuracy of the description of our experiments. 

      Reviewer 2:

      (1) Is there evidence that the early movement phenotype is actually linked to the larval movement phenotype? I noticed that the chordotonal driver experiment was only examined for larval movement. Is this driver not expressed earlier? Could the authors check the early phenotype using this driver? Are there early drivers that are expressed in chordotonal organ precursors (not panneuronal) and does the knockdown of CG3638 in these specific cells suppress the early phenotype?

      (2) More broadly, I would like to understand the function of the early embryonic movements. My concern is that they may only be a sign that the nervous system is firing up. If the rescue of the late miRNA mutant phenotype with chordotonal organ expression is only through a late change in the expression of CG3638, then the larval phenotype is probably not due to a developmental change, but a change in the immediate functioning of the neurons. Would this suggest that the early pulsing is not required for anything, at least at our level of understanding? If the driver is actually expressed early and late, then perhaps the authors could test later drivers to delimit the early and late functions of the miRNA? 

      The comments by Reviewer 2 in the points above are important and enquire about the biological role of early embryonic movements and whether these movements are linked to later larval activity or are somewhat irrelevant to the behaviour of the animal at later stages. 

      To address this important question, we conducted a new experiment in which we reduced neural activity specifically in the embryo (i.e. from 10hs AEL until the end of embryogenesis) and tested whether this treatment had any impact on larval movement. If – as put by Rev2 – the ‘early pulsing is not required for anything’ and the larval phenotype emerges from an acute change in neuronal physiology, then our experiment should show no effects at the larval stage. The results shown in Figure S4 (see Supplementary Information, p5) show that this is not the case: artificial reduction of neural activity during embryogenesis leads to a statistically significant reduction in larval speed, similar to that caused by the loss of miR-2b-1. This shows that modifications of embryonic activity impact larval movement. 

      Furthermore, earlier work on the biological role of embryonic activity identified an activity-dependent ‘critical period’ during late embryogenesis (Giachello and Baines, 2015; Ackerman et al., 2021): manipulations at or around this critical period result in both locomotor and seizure phenotypes in larvae. We cite these papers in the main text (p7).

      In addition, two recent papers (Zeng et al., 2021; Carreira-Rosario et al., 2021) – which we cite in the main text (p5) – show that inhibition of muscle activity specifically during the embryonic period prevents the generation of normal neural activity patterns in both, embryo and larva. Similar results are observed when proprioceptive sensory inputs to the central nervous system are blocked, with larval locomotion also disrupted. 

      Altogether, the data already in the literature plus our new addition to the paper, show that early embryonic movements play a key role in the development of the nervous system and larval locomotion.

      (3) Given the role in the larval chordotonal organs, have the authors also checked the adult movements? 

      The question of whether miR-2b-1 action in chordotonal organs affects behaviour at later stages of the Drosophila life cycle is interesting and was the reason why we assessed different genetic manipulations at the larval stage. However, we believe that assessing adult locomotor phenotypes is beyond the scope of this paper. 

      (4) The authors state that mir-2b-1 is a mirtron. I do not believe this is correct. It is not present in an intron in Btk from what I can see. Also, in the reference that the authors use when stating that mir-2b is a mirtron, I believe mir-2b-1 is actually used as a non-mirtron control miRNA. As mirtrons are processed slightly differently from regular hairpins and often use only the 3' end of the hairpin for miRNA creation, this may not be a trivial distinction. 

      We are grateful to Rev2 for highlighting this point: indeed, as they say, miR-2b-1 is located in the 3’UTR of host gene Btk, rather than in an intron. Accordingly, in this revision we remove the comment on miR-2b-1 being a mirtron (p6) and deleted the citation accordingly. 

      (5) For miRNA detection, the authors use in situ hybridization and QPCR. Both methods show that the gene is expressed but not that the mature miRNA is made. If the authors wanted a truly independent test for the presence of the miRNA, a miRNA sensor might be a better choice and it would hint at which part of the hairpin makes the functional miRNA. This is probably not necessary but could be a nice addition. 

      We thank Rev2 for drawing attention to this point and allowing this clarification. The qPCR protocol we used is based on the method developed by Balcells et al., 2011 (w/303 citations) (see Materials and Methods section in Supplementary Information, p14) which allows the specific amplification of mature miRNA transcripts, and not their precursors. This method for mature miRNA PCR is so robust that it has even been patented (WO2010085966A2). To ensure that the reader is clear about our methods, we state in the main text (p6) that we perform "RT-PCR for the mature miRNA transcript".  [NB: miRNA sensors provide a useful method to assess miRNA expression but can also act as competitive inhibitors of physiological miRNA functions, titrating away miRNA molecules from their real targets in tissue; therefore, results using this method are often difficult to interpret.]

      (6) Curious about mir-2b-1 and any overlap with the related mir2b-2 and the mir2a genes. I am just wondering about the similarity in their sequences/targets and if they might have similar phenotypes or enhance the phenotypes being scored by the authors. 

      This is an interesting point raised by REV2 and indeed miR-2b-1 does belong to the largest family of microRNAs in Drosophila, the miR-2 family, discussed in detail by Marco et al., 2012. However, we consider that performing tests of additional miRNA mutations, both individually and in combination with miR-2b-1, is beyond the scope of this paper.

      (7) Related to this, the authors show that the reduction of a single miRNA target suppresses the miRNA loss of function phenotype. This indicates that this target is quite important for this miRNA. I wonder if the target site is conserved in the human gene that the authors highlight.

      This is another interesting comment by Rev2. To pursue their idea, we have performed a blast for the miR-2b-1 target site in the human orthologs of CG3638 and did not find a match suggesting that the relationship between miR-2b-1 and CG3638 is not evolutionarily preserved between insects and mammals. 

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1:


      The authors do not describe properly how the miRNA screening was performed and just claim that only miR-2b-1 mutants presented a defective motion phenotype in early L1. How many miRNAs were tested, and how candidates were selected is never explicitly mentioned in the text or the Methods section.

      We identified miR-2b-1 as part of a genetic screen aimed at detecting miRNAs with impact on embryonic movement, but this full screen is not yet complete. Seeing the clear phenotype of miR2b-1 in the embryo prompted us to study this miRNA in detail, which is what we report in this paper. 

      The initial screening to identify miRNAs involved in motion behaviors is performed in early larval movement. The logic presented by the authors is clear - it is assumed that early larval movement cannot proceed normally in the absence of previous embryonic motion - and ultimately helped them identify a miRNA required for modulation of embryonic movement. However, it is possible that certain miRNAs play a role in the modulation of embryonic movement while being dispensable for early L1 behaviors. Such regulators might have been missed with the current screening setup. Although similar changes to those described for the neurogenic phase of embryonic movement are described for the myogenic phase in miR-2b-1 mutants (reduction in motion amplitude), this phenotype goes unexplored. This is not a big issue, as the authors convincingly demonstrate later that miR-2b-1 is specifically required in the nervous system for proper embryonic and larval movement, and the effects of miR-2b-1 on myogenic movement might as well be the focus of future work. However, it will be interesting to discuss here the implications of a reduced myogenic movement phase, especially as miR-2b-1 is specifically involved in regulating the activity of the chordotonal system - which precisely detects early myogenic movements. 

      We thank Rev1 for their interest in that loss of miR-2b-1 results in a decrease in movement during the myogenic phase, in addition to the neurogenic phase. Indeed, two recent papers (Zeng et al., 2021; Carreira-Rosario et al., 2021) – which we cite in the main text (p5) – show that inhibition of muscle activity during a period that overlaps with the myogenic phase prevents the formation of normal neural activity patterns and larval locomotion. They also observe the same when inhibiting proprioceptive sensory inputs to the central nervous system. This could suggest that the effects of miR-2b-1 on the myogenic phase might have ‘knock-on’ effects upon the later neurogenic phase and larval movement. However, we note that genetic restoration of miR-2b-1 expression specifically to neurons completely rescues the larval speed phenotype (Fig. 3G), suggesting that the dominant effect of miR-2b-1 upon movements is through its action within neurons. To recognise Rev1’s comment we have added a short sentence to the text (p7) suggesting that ‘the effects of miR-2b-1 observed at earlier stages (myogenic phase) are possibly offset by normal neural expression of miR-2b-1’.  

      FACS-sorting of neuronal cells followed by RT-PCR convincingly detects the presence of miR-2b-1 in the embryonic CNS. However, control of non-neuronal cells would be required to explore whether miR-2b-1 is not only present but enriched in the nervous system compared to other tissues. This is also the case in the miR-2b-1 and Janus expression analysis in the chordotonal organs: a control sample from the motor neurons would help discriminate whether miR-2b-1/Janus regulatory axis is specifically enriched in chordotonal organs or whether both genes are expressed throughout the CNS but operate under a different regulation or requirements for the movement phenotypes.

      The RNA in situ hybridisation data included in the paper (Fig. 3B) show that RNA probes for miR2b-1 precursors reveal very strong signal in neural tissue – with very low signal detected in other tissues – strongly indicating that expression of miR-2b-1 is highly enriched in the nervous system.

      Reviewer #2:


      As I mentioned above, I felt the presentation was a bit overstated. The authors present their data in a way that focuses on movement, the emergence of movement, and how their miRNA of interest is at the center of this topic. I only point to the title and name that they wish to give the target of their miRNA to emphasize this point. "Janus" the GOD of movement and change. The results and discussion section starts with a paragraph saying, "Movement is the main output of the nervous system... how developing embryos manage to organise the necessary molecular, cellular, and physiological processes to initiate patterned movement is still unknown. Although it is clear that the genetic system plays a role, how genes control the formation, maturation and function of the cellular networks underlying the emergence of motor control remains poorly understood." While there is nothing inherently untrue about these statements, it is a question of levels of understanding. One can always argue that something in biology is still unknown at a certain level. However, one could also argue that much is known about the molecular nature of movement. Next, I am not sure how much this work impacts the area of study regarding the emergence of movement. The authors show that a reduction of a miRNA can affect something about certain neurons, that affects movement. The early movements, although slightly diminished, still emerge. Thus, their work only suggests that the function of some neurons, or perhaps the development of these neurons may impact the early movements. This is not new as it was known already from early work from the Bate lab.  Later larval movements were also shown to be modified in the miRNA mutants and were traced to "janus" overexpression in the chordotonal organs. As neurons are quite sensitive to the levels of Cl- and Janus is thought to be a Cl- channel, this could lead to a slight dysfunction of the chordotonal neurons. So, based on this, the work suggests that dysfunction of the chordotonal organs could impact larval movement. This was, of course, already known. The novelty of this work is in the genes being studied (important or not). We now know that miR 2b-1 and Janus are expressed in the early neurons and larval chordotonal neurons and their removal is consistent with a role for these genes in the functioning of these neurons. This is not to trivialize these findings, simply to state that these results are not significantly changing our overall understanding of movement and the emergence of movement. I would call it a stretch to say that this miRNA CONTROLS the emergence of movement, as in the title. 

      As already mentioned in our provisional response, on this point we politely – but strongly – disagree with Rev2’s suggestion that the findings are inflated by our language. We also note that they criticise our use of the verb ‘control’, yet this is a standard textbook term in molecular biology to describe biological processes regulated by genetic factors: given that miR-2b-1 regulates movement patterns during embryogenesis, to say that miR-2b-1 ‘controls’ embryonic movement in the Drosophila embryo is reasonable and in line with the language used in the field. 

      Finally, the name Janus should be changed as it is already being used. A quick scan of flybase shows that there is a Janus A and B in flies (phosphatases) and I am surprised the authors did not check this. I was initially worried about the Janus kinase (JAK) when I performed the search. While I understand that none are only called Janus, studies of the jan A and B genes refer to the locus as the janus region, which could lead to confusion. The completely different molecular functions of the genes relative to CG3638 add to the confusion. Thus, I ask that the authors change the name of CG3638 to something else.

      Thank you for spotting this omission. In the revised MS we propose a new name – Movement Modulator (Motor) – for the gene previously described as Janus (CG3638) to avoid annotation issues at FlyBase due to other, unrelated genes that include this word as part of their names. All instances where Janus was used are now replaced by Motor (abstract; main text pages 9-10; Figure 4).

    1. The code changes and operations we have performed inside the codespace will still be inside the stopped codespace. Also, the codespace may have an inactivity time limit and close after 30 minutes. If your codespace is stopped then you can restart it as shown below.

      This should be a regular paragraph rather than a quote block.

      Delete the sentence about the time limit.

    2. How to Restart Codespaces again?

      Add new section

      "Idle timeout

      If you do not interact with the codespace, it will close automatically when it reaches the idle timeout limit. By default, this is 30 minutes, but you can set a personal timeout limit in your GitHub settings.

    1. A noção de cultura
      • O conceito de cultura tem várias acepções, sendo a mais utilizada como um conjunto de crenças, conhecimentos, manifestações artísticas, morais, hábitos, entre outros, que são adquiridos no espaço e no tempo. Por isso, não existe ser humano que não tenha cultura, pois ela é inerente a sua vida.

      • A cultura popular é qualquer manifestação artística (dança, música, ritos, folclore, literatura, arte) que o povo produz e que o povo participe ativamente, sendo o interlocutor.

      • A cultura popular surge de tradições e costumes regionais, vindo de baixo para cima. Ou seja, não é imposta por uma elite ou pelo Estado ou por meio de comunicação tradicionais. Por isso, se diferencia da Cultura de Massas, que utiliza manifestações culturais com distribuição massificada, como a televisão, o futebol, entre outros, que tem por muitas vezes objetos comerciais e econômicos.

      • Os elementos que compõem a cultura popular são importantes fontes da história de um povoado, um Estado e enfim uma nação, e por isso devem ser preservados.

    1. Author Response:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This manuscript reports the substrate-bound structure of SiaQM from F. nucleatum, which is the membrane component of a Neu5Ac-specific Tripartite ATP-dependent Periplasmic (TRAP) transporter. Until recently, there was no experimentally derived structural information regarding the membrane components of the TRAP transporter, limiting our understanding of the transport mechanism. Since 2022, there have been 3 different studies reporting the structures of the membrane components of Neu5Ac-specific TRAP transporters. While it was possible to narrow down the binding site location by comparing the structures to proteins of the same fold, a structure with substrate bound has been missing. In this work, the authors report the Na+-bound state and the Na+ plus Neu5Ac state of FnSiaQM, revealing information regarding substrate coordination. In previous studies, 2 Na+ ion sites were identified. Here, the authors also tentatively assign a 3rd Na+ site. The authors reconstitute the transporter to assess the effects of mutating the binding site residues they identified in their structures. Of the 2 positions tested, only one of them appears to be critical to substrate binding.


      The main strength of this work is the capture of the substrate-bound state of SiaQM, which provides insight into an important part of the transport cycle.


      The main weakness is the lack of experimental validation of the structural findings. The authors identified the Neu5Ac binding site, but only tested 2 residues for their involvement in substrate interactions, which was very limited. The authors tentatively identified a 3rd Na+ binding site, which if true would be an impactful finding, but this site was not tested for its contribution to Na+ dependent transport, and the authors themselves report that the structural evidence is not wholly convincing. This lack of experimental validation undermines the confidence of the findings. However, the reporting of these new data is important as it will facilitate follow-up studies by the authors or other researchers.

      The main concern, also mentioned by other reviewers, is the lack of mutational data and functional studies on the identified binding sites. Two other structures of TRAP transporters have been determined, one from Haemophilus influenzae (Hi) and the other from Photobacterium profundum (Pp). We will refer to the references in this paper as [1], Peter et al. as [2], and Davies et al. as [3]. The table below lists all the mutations made in the Neu5Ac binding site, including direct polar interactions between Neu5Ac and the side chains, as well as the newly identified metal sites.

      The structure of Fusobacterium nucleatum (Fn) that we have reported shows a significant sequence identity with the previously reported Hi structure. When we superimpose the Pp and Fn structures, we observe that nearly all the residues that bind to the Neu5Ac and the third metal site are conserved. This suggests that mutagenesis and functional studies from other research can be related to the structure presented in our work.

      The table below shows that all three residues that directly interact with Neu5Ac have been tested by site-directed mutagenesis for their role in Neu5Ac transport. Both D521 and S300 are critical for transport, while S345 is not. We do not believe that a mutation of D521A in Fn, followed by transport studies, will provide any new information.

      However, Peter et al. have mutated only one of the 5 residues near the newly identified metal binding site, which resulted in no transport. The rest of the residues have not been functionally tested. We propose to mutate these residues into Ala, express and purify the proteins, and then carry out transport assays on those that show expression. We will include this information in the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this exciting new paper from the Ramaswamy group at Purdue, the authors provide a new structure of the membrane domains of a tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic (TRAP) transporter for the important sugar acid, N-acetylneuraminic acid or sialic acid (Neu5Ac). While there have been a number of other structures in the last couple of years (the first for any TRAP-T) this is the first to trap the structure with Neu5Ac bound to the membrane domains. This is an important breakthrough as in this system the ligand is delivered by a substrate-binding protein (SBP), in this case, called SiaP, where Neu5Ac binding is well studied but the 'hand over' to the membrane component is not clear. The structure of the membrane domains, SiaQM, revealed strong similarities to other SBP-independent Na+-dependent carriers that use an elevator mechanism and have defined Na+ and ligand binding sites. Here they solve the cryo-EM structure of the protein from the bacterial oral pathogen Fusobacterium nucleatum and identify a potential third (and theoretically predicted) Na+ binding site but also locate for the first time the Neu5Ac binding site. While this sits in a region of the protein that one might expect it to sit, based on comparison to other transporters like VcINDY, it provides the first molecular details of the binding site architecture and identifies a key role for Ser300 in the transport process, which their structure suggests coordinates the carboxylate group of Neu5Ac. The work also uses biochemical methods to confirm the transporter from F. nucleatum is active and similar to those used by selected other human and animal pathogens and now provides a framework for the design of inhibitors of these systems.

      The strengths of the paper lie in the locating of Neu5Ac bound to SiaQM, providing important new information on how TRAP transporters function. The complementary biochemical analysis also confirms that this is not an atypical system and that the results are likely true for all sialic acid-specific TRAP systems.

      The main weakness is the lack of follow-up on the identified binding site in terms of structure-function analysis. While Ser300 is shown to be important, only one other residue is mutated and a much more extensive analysis of the newly identified binding site would have been useful.

      Please see the comments above.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Goyal et al reports substrate-bound and substrate-free structures of a tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic (TRAP) transporter from a previously uncharacterized homolog, F. nucleatum. This is one of the most mechanistically fascinating transporter families, by means of its QM domain (the domain reported in his manuscript) operating as a monomeric 'elevator', and its P domain functioning as a substrate-binding 'operator' that is required to deliver the substrate to the QM domain; together, this is termed an 'elevator with an operator' mechanism. Remarkably, previous structures had not demonstrated the substrate Neu5Ac bound. In addition, they confirm the previously reported Na+ binding sites and report a new metal binding site in the transporter, which seems to be mechanistically relevant. Finally, they mutate the substrate binding site and use proteoliposomal uptake assays to show the mechanistic relevance of the proposed substrate binding residues.

      The structures are of good quality, the functional data is robust, the text is well-written, and the authors are appropriately careful with their interpretations. Determination of a substrate-bound structure is an important achievement and fills an important gap in the 'elevator with an operator' mechanism. Nevertheless, I have concerns with the data presentation, which in its current state does not intuitively demonstrate the discussed findings. Furthermore, the structural analysis appears limited, and even slight improvements in data processing and resulting resolution would greatly improve the authors' claims. I have several suggestions to hopefully improve the clarity and quality of the manuscript.

      We appreciate your feedback and will make the necessary modifications to the manuscript incorporating most of the suggestions. We will submit the revised version once the experiments are completed. We are also working on improving the quality of the figures and have made several attempts to enhance the resolution using CryoSPARC or RELION, but without success. We will continue to explore newer methods in an effort to achieve higher resolution and to model more lipids, particularly in the binding pocket.

    1. 2) Update using svn

      Move step 3 (Check changes made using diff) and step 4 (Revert Changes (Optional step)) before step 2 (Update using svn).

      After the step reverting any changes (old step 4), add a new step (before the Update using svn step).

      " N. Check R with local changes

      If you have any local changes remaining (which you can check with svn diff), build and check R with these changes.

      cd $BUILDDIR make make check cd $TOP_SRCDIR

      If the check fails with an error, you have broken something with your local changes. Fix this before proceeding to the next step. "

    2. 1) Change Directory to TOP_SRCDIR

      "1) Close R terminal

      If you have an R terminal open, quit R or close the terminal.

      2) Change to the source directory"

    1. it is too cold to emit even at radio wavelengths


    2. so the vibration and rotation of atoms within molecules can leave spectral fingerprints in radio and infrared waves

      vibration and rotation leave marks? what kinds?

    3. If there are no collisions, an excited hydrogen atom will wait an average of about 10 million years before emitting a photon and returning to its state of lowest energy.


    1. How Does Nutrition Impact Our Vision?

      If you are suffering from bad eyesight, you might need to see a specialist for healthcare advice. You can also change your life habits to protect and maintain your eye health, such as eating healthy foods rich in nutrients good for the eyes. Additionally, you can practice using protective eyewear. Read this article to learn more eye care tips. https://listium.com/@chrisialling/108787/how-does-nutrition-impact-our-vision

    1. make sudo make install

      Create two new steps after the configure step:

      "5. Build R

      Having configured R, we run make to build R. This take 5-10 minutes on the codespace.


      1. Check R

      Check that the build of R passes R's standard checks:

      make check

      This takes a couple of minutes in the codespace. The check will stop with a error message if any of the tests fail. If this happens, see SVN Help for how to revert to a version that passes check.

      " Note we no longer do sudo make install

    2. 5) Make Contributions

      Instead of sudo make install, we need to add instructions to switch to the new R version before the Make Contributions step. E.g.

      "N. Run the multi_r script to switch the version of R used for R terminals in VSCode.


      When prompted, type "C" to switch to a custom build, then the select the version by the name of the build directory, here "r-devel"

      [screenshot] "

      [This documentation will need updating when https://github.com/r-devel/r-dev-env/issues/104 is implemented]

    1. Mozilla Developer
    2. Si vous souhaitez participer, et voir ce que les autres lecteurs en disent, je vous propose d'installer une extension pour Google Chrome appelée Hypothes.is. Cela vous permettra d'ajouter des commentaires où vous le souhaitez en sélectionnant le tronçon de texte du cours en question, puis en cliquant sur "Annotate".Il vous faudra créer un compte gratuit pour l'utiliser. Une fois l'extension installée et active, vous pourrez voir en marge du cours les commentaires des lecteurs mais aussi y répondre et échanger !

      Bite the Testo

    3. test

    1. button to launch R in the terminal

      -> "link to launch an R terminal."

    2. the bottom bar.

      -> "the Status Bar at the bottom of the VSCode window."

    3. Open the file by clicking on the filename.

      If using the code command to open an R script, then this sentence can be deleted.

    4. new file icon in VS Code.

      You can't see this in the screenshot and people might not know where this is.

      It may be better the instruct people to run

      code R/example.R

      from the terminal - this has the advantage of putting the script in a sensible place and opening it for editing straight away.

    1. You will see the message "Codespace usage for this repository is paid for by ...", with your username. Don't panic! Note : Github Codespaces offers 120 core hours of free usage per month for every Github user. So the actual number of free hours is 120 divided by the number of cores you are using to run your codespaces. Here for the R-dev-env codespace we have set the codespace usage to 4 cores which leads to 30hrs of free usage per month. And it can also be changed according to your preference. For more details about codespaces billing, see the Codespaces Billing Docs. You can calculate your GitHub services usage with the GitHub Services Pricing Calculator and check your usage allowance under "Codespaces" here.

      This information should go under point 1. Can you use a callout box rather than a quote?

    2. Click

      ->"From the main branch of the r-dev-env repo, click"

    1. these patterns of intelligibility as structuring reality not just the experience of reality

      patterns of intelligibility are immanent to reality

      meaning <=> being

    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript is useful to researchers with an interest in cervical cancers because it provides scRNA-seq data from a diverse cohort of 15 early-stage cervical cancer patients. While the dataset could be of use to the research community, the key claims of the paper around the immunosuppressive microenvironment associated with specific tumour cell clusters (and the properties/importance of those clusters) are incomplete. Additional experiments will be required to substantiate these claims.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors in this manuscript performed scRNA-seq on a cohort of 15 early-stage cervical cancer patients with a mixture of adeno- and squamous cell carcinoma, HPV status, and several samples that were upstaged at the time of surgery. From their analyses they identified differential cell populations in both immune and tumour subsets related to stage, HPV status, and whether a sample was adenocarcinoma or squamous cell. Putative microenvironmental signaling was explored as a potential explanation for their differential cell populations. Through these analyses the authors also identified SLC26A3 as a potential biomarker for later stage/lymph node metastasis which was verified by IHC and IF. The dataset is likely useful for the community, however, the strong claims made are not adequately supported by the data and would require additional functional validation.


      The dataset could be useful for the community.<br /> SLC26A3 could potentially be a useful marker to predict lymph node metastasis with further study.


      The link between the background in the introduction and the actual study and findings is often tenuous or not clearly explained. A re-working of the intro to better set up and link to the study questions would be beneficial.

      For the sequencing, which kit was used on the Novaseq6000?

      Additional details are needed for the analysis pipeline. How were batch effects identified/dealt with, what were the precise functions and settings for each step of the analysis, how was clustering performed and how were clusters validated etc. Currently, all that is given is software and sometimes function names which are entirely inadequate to be able to assess the validity of the analysis pipeline. This could alternatively be answered by providing annotated copies of the scripts used for analysis as a supplement.

      For Cell type annotation, please provide the complete list of "selected gene markers" that were used for annotation.

      No statistics are given for the claims on cell proportion differences throughout the paper (for cell types early, epithelial sub-clusters later, and immune cell subsets further on). This should be a multivariate analysis to account for ADC/SCC, HPV+/- and Early/Late stage.

      The Y-axis label is missing from the proportion histograms in Figure 2D. In these same panels, the bars change widths on the right side. If these are exclusively in ADC, show it with a 0 bar for SCC, not doubling the width which visually makes them appear more important by taking up more area on the plot.

      Throughout the manuscript, informatic predictions (differentiation potential, malignancy score, stemness, and trajectory) are presented as though they're concrete facts rather than the predictions they are. Strong conclusions are drawn on the basis of these predictions which do not have adequate data to support. These conclusions which touch on essentially all of the major claims made in the manuscript would need functional data to validate, or the claims need to be very substantially softened as they lack concrete support. Indeed, the fact that most of the genes examined that were characteristic of a given cluster did not show the expected expression patterns in IHC highlights the fact that such predictions require validation to be able to draw proper inferences.

      The cluster Epi_10_CYSTM1 which is the basis for much of the paper is present in a single individual (with a single cell coming from another person), and heavily unconnected from the rest of the epithelial populations. If so much emphasis is placed on it, the existence of this cluster as a true subset of cells requires validation.

      Claims based on survival analysis of TCGA for Epi_10_CYSTM1 are based on a non-significant p-value, though there is a slight trend in that direction.

      The claim "The identification of Epi_10_CYSTM1 as the only cell cluster found in patients with stage IIICp raises the possibility that this cluster may be a potential marker to diagnose patients with lymph node metastasis." This is incorrect according to the sample distributions which clearly show cells from the patient who has EPI_10_CYSTM1 in multiple other clusters. This is then used as justification for SLC26A3 which appears to be associated with associated with late stage, however, in the images SLC26A3 appears to be broadly expressed in later tumours rather than restricted to a minor subset as it should be if it were actually related to the EPI_10_CYSTM1 cluster.

      The authors claim that cytotoxic T cells express KRT17, and KRT19. This likely represents a mis-clustering of epithelial cells.

      Multiple claims are made for specific activities based on GO term biological process analysis which while not contradictory to the data, certainly are by no means the only explanation for it, nor directly supported.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Peng et al. present a study using scRNA-seq to examine phenotypic properties of cervical cancer, contrasting features of both adenocarcinomas (ADC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and HPV-positive and negative tumours. They propose several key findings: unique malignant phenotypes in ADC with elevated stemness and aggressive features, interactions of these populations with immune cells to promote an immunosuppressive TME, and SLC26A3 as a biomarker for metastatic (>=Stage III ) tumours.


      This study provides a valuable resource of scRNA-seq data from a well-curated collection of patient samples. The analysis provides a high-level view of the cellular composition of cervical cancers. The authors introduce some mechanistic explanations of immunosuppression and the involvement of regulatory T cells that are intriguing.


      I believe that many of the proposed conclusions are over-interpretations or unwarranted generalizations of the single-cell analysis. These conclusions are often based on populations in the scRNA-seq data that are described as enriched or specific to a given group of samples (eg. ADC). This conclusion is based on the percentage of cells in that population belonging to the given group; for example, a cluster of cells that dominantly come from ADC. The data includes multiple samples for each group, but statistical approaches are never used to demonstrate the reproducibility of these claims.

      This leads to problematic conclusions. For example, the "ADC-specific" Epi_10_CYSTM1 cluster, which is a central focus of the paper, only contains cells from one of the 11 ADC samples and represents only a small fraction of the malignant cells from that sample (Sample 7, Figure 2A). Yet, this population is used to derive SLC26A3 as a potential biomarker. SLC26A3 transcripts were only detected in this small population of cells (none of the other ADC samples), which makes me question the specificity of the IHC staining on the validation cohort.

      This is compounded by technical aspects of the analysis that hinder interpretation. For example, it is clear that the clustering does not perfectly segregate cell types. In Figures 2B and D, it is evident that C4 and C5 contain mixtures of cell type (eg. half of C4 is EPCAM+/CD3-, the other half EPCAM-/CD3+). These contaminations are carried forward into subclustering and are not addressed. Rather, it is claimed that there is a T cell population that is CD3- and EPCAM+, which does not seem likely.

    4. Author response:

      Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      (1) The link between the background in the introduction and the actual study and findings is often tenuous or not clearly explained. A re-working of the intro to better set up and link to the study questions would be beneficial.

      Response: upon revision, we plan to rewrite the introduction of the manuscript.

      (2) For the sequencing, which kit was used on the Novaseq6000?

      Response: for sequencing, we used the Chromium Controller and Chromium Single Cell 3’Reagent Kits (v3 chemistry CG000183) on the Novaseq6000. We feel sorry for lacking this quite important part and will add the information in Methods.

      (3) Additional details are needed for the analysis pipeline. How were batch effects identified/dealt with, what were the precise functions and settings for each step of the analysis, how was clustering performed and how were clusters validated etc. Currently, all that is given is software and sometimes function names which are entirely inadequate to be able to assess the validity of the analysis pipeline. This could alternatively be answered by providing annotated copies of the scripts used for analysis as a supplement.

      Response: we apologize for the inadequacy of descriptions of data analysis process due to word count limit. We plan to provide more information, and if possible we also would like to provide scripts as supplementary data in the revised manuscript.

      (4) For Cell type annotation, please provide the complete list of "selected gene markers" that were used for annotation.

      Response: we will add the list of marker genes for cell type annotation in the revised manuscript.

      (5) No statistics are given for the claims on cell proportion differences throughout the paper (for cell types early, epithelial sub-clusters later, and immune cell subsets further on). This should be a multivariate analysis to account for ADC/SCC, HPV+/- and Early/Late stage.

      Response: considering this inadequacy, we plan to use statistic approaches for further analyses to compare the differences between each set of groups up revision.

      (6) The Y-axis label is missing from the proportion histograms in Figure 2D. In these same panels, the bars change widths on the right side. If these are exclusively in ADC, show it with a 0 bar for SCC, not doubling the width which visually makes them appear more important by taking up more area on the plot.

      Response: we feel sorry for impreciseness when presenting histograms such as Fig 2D and we will add labels in Y-axis. As for the width of bars, we just used the histograms generated originally from the data package. However, we did not intend to double the width on purpose to strengthen the visual importance. We sincerely feel sorry for this and will correct the similar mistakes alongside the whole manuscript.

      (7) Throughout the manuscript, informatic predictions (differentiation potential, malignancy score, stemness, and trajectory) are presented as though they're concrete facts rather than the predictions they are. Strong conclusions are drawn on the basis of these predictions which do not have adequate data to support. These conclusions which touch on essentially all of the major claims made in the manuscript would need functional data to validate, or the claims need to be very substantially softened as they lack concrete support. Indeed, the fact that most of the genes examined that were characteristic of a given cluster did not show the expected expression patterns in IHC highlights the fact that such predictions require validation to be able to draw proper inferences.

      Response: we agree that many conclusions, which were based on bio-informatic predictions, are written in an over-affirmative way. Upon revision, we will rewrite these conclusions more precisely.

      (8) The cluster Epi_10_CYSTM1 which is the basis for much of the paper is present in a single individual (with a single cell coming from another person), and heavily unconnected from the rest of the epithelial populations. If so much emphasis is placed on it, the existence of this cluster as a true subset of cells requires validation.

      Response: we are thankful for this suggestion. We think that each cluster of epithelial cells is specified from other clusters and identified by DEGs, but they are not heavily unconnected from others. Upon revision, we plan to add further validation for the existence of Epi_10_CYSTM1.

      (9) Claims based on survival analysis of TCGA for Epi_10_CYSTM1 are based on a non-significant p-value, though there is a slight trend in that direction.

      Response: from the data of TCGA survival analysis for Epi_10, we found a not-so-slight trend of difference between groups (with a small P value). As a result, we presented this data and hoped to add more strength to the clinical significance of this cluster. However, this indeed caused controversy because the P value is non-significant. We plan to rewrite the conclusion more precisely or delete this data in the revised manuscript.

      (10) The claim "The identification of Epi_10_CYSTM1 as the only cell cluster found in patients with stage IIICp raises the possibility that this cluster may be a potential marker to diagnose patients with lymph node metastasis." This is incorrect according to the sample distributions which clearly show cells from the patient who has EPI_10_CYSTM1 in multiple other clusters. This is then used as justification for SLC26A3 which appears to be associated with associated with late stage, however, in the images SLC26A3 appears to be broadly expressed in later tumours rather than restricted to a minor subset as it should be if it were actually related to the EPI_10_CYSTM1 cluster.

      Response: we feel thankful for this question. The conclusion “The identification of Epi_10_CYSTM1 as the only cell cluster found in patients with stage IIICp raises the possibility that this cluster may be a potential marker to diagnose patients with lymph node metastasis” has indeed been written too concrete according to the sample distribution. We will correct the description in the up-coming revised manuscript. As for SLC26A3, we also do not think it is “broadly” expressed, but it is specified in later tumors. When we presented the data of IHC, we only showed the strongly-positive area of each slide in order to emphasize the differences, however, this has caused misunderstandings. Thus, upon revision, we would like to show the other areas of one case or even the scan of one whole slide as supplementary data.

      (11) The authors claim that cytotoxic T cells express KRT17, and KRT19. This likely represents a mis-clustering of epithelial cells.

      Response: we apologize for the ignorance of further validation of cytotoxic T cells. From fig. 4B and 4C, the four different clusters of T cells were basically identified based on canonical T cell markers. And then we focused mainly on the validation and further analysis of Tregs, neglecting the other clusters. In fig. 4D we intended to only show the top DEGs in each T cell cluster and hoped to find some potential marker genes for next-step analysis. However, we did not notice that there might be contamination of epithelial cells within cytotoxic T cells when clustering. We will optimize the analysis of this part in our revision.

      (12) Multiple claims are made for specific activities based on GO term biological process analysis which while not contradictory to the data, certainly are by no means the only explanation for it, nor directly supported.

      Response: our initial purpose was to use GO analysis as supports for our conclusions. However we know these are only claims but not evidence, which is also the problem of our writing techniques as in question (7). Therefore, in our revised manuscript, we plan to rewrite the conclusion from the GO analysis in a more scientific way or delete these data.

      Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      (1) I believe that many of the proposed conclusions are over-interpretations or unwarranted generalizations of the single-cell analysis. These conclusions are often based on populations in the scRNA-seq data that are described as enriched or specific to a given group of samples (eg. ADC). This conclusion is based on the percentage of cells in that population belonging to the given group; for example, a cluster of cells that dominantly come from ADC. The data includes multiple samples for each group, but statistical approaches are never used to demonstrate the reproducibility of these claims.

      Response: we understand that many of the conclusions are too sure but lack profound supporting evidence, thus we will optimize the writing in the revised manuscript. More importantly, to strengthen the validity of our data, we will try to use statistical approaches for further analysis.

      (2) This leads to problematic conclusions. For example, the "ADC-specific" Epi_10_CYSTM1 cluster, which is a central focus of the paper, only contains cells from one of the 11 ADC samples and represents only a small fraction of the malignant cells from that sample (Sample 7, Figure 2A). Yet, this population is used to derive SLC26A3 as a potential biomarker. SLC26A3 transcripts were only detected in this small population of cells (none of the other ADC samples), which makes me question the specificity of the IHC staining on the validation cohort.

      Response: we sincerely feel grateful for being questioned on the validity, appropriateness and the real potential of SLC26A3. We plan to add more explanation of the importance of SLC26A3 in the discussion part. We are also sorry for some over-sure conclusions about ADC-specific cell clusters, as well as the marker gene SLC26A3. However, we do not think these conclusions are problematic. In fact, due to the heterogeneity among different individuals, as well as even different sites within one individual when sampling, we think a “small faction” does not means it will not make sense. Also, these ADC-specific clusters (including Epi_10_CYSTM1) do have certain proportions when comparing with those “big fraction” groups (Fig. 2D). Furthermore, when considering the specificity of DEGs to ADC only, but not to SCC, we think it might be these ADC-specific cluster genes to have the central function to make a difference between ADC and SCC. And we further used validation experiment to support our hypothesis. Lastly and most importantly, SLC26A3 was coming from sample 7 whose clinical stage is FIGO IIIC (late stage) and pathological type is ADC. Among the 15 cases, there are only 4 cases whose clinical stages are late (within which 3 are ADC). At this point of view, we think 1 in 3 (33%) having expression of SLC26A3 (or existence of cluster Epi_10_CYSTM1) should be considered as a potential choice. Samples coming from early-staged and SCC patients do not have fractions of Epi_10_CYSTM1. This likewise indicates the specificity of this cell cluster to ADC. Therefore, in our revised manuscript, we plan to add more in-depth discussion about this question.

      (3) This is compounded by technical aspects of the analysis that hinder interpretation. For example, it is clear that the clustering does not perfectly segregate cell types. In Figures 2B and D, it is evident that C4 and C5 contain mixtures of cell type (eg. half of C4 is EPCAM+/CD3-, the other half EPCAM-/CD3+). These contaminations are carried forward into subclustering and are not addressed. Rather, it is claimed that there is a T cell population that is CD3- and EPCAM+, which does not seem likely.

      Response: do you mean Figure 1B and D? In the revised manuscript, we will list the canonical marker genes to cluster different types of cells to at least support that the clustering of cell types match most of the present published references. To further avoid the contamination of cells in each cluster, we will use quality controls and re-analyze these data upon revision.

    1. eLife assessment

      This important work illuminates the dynamics of BRAF in both its monomeric and dimeric forms, with or without inhibitors, combining traditional techniques and sophisticated computational analyses. The evidence presented is convincing and suggests a potential allosteric effect, though substantiating the exact mechanism will require further studies. The work has implications for understanding kinase signaling and the development of potential drug candidates. This study will be of interest to structural biologists, medicinal chemists, and pharmacologists.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This manuscript from Clayton and co-authors, entitled "Mechanism of dimer selectivity and binding cooperativity of BRAF inhibitors", aims at clarifying the molecular mechanism of BRAF dimer selectivity. Indeed, first generation BRAF inhibitors, targeting monomeric BRAFV600E, are ineffective in treating resistant dimeric BRAF isoforms. Here, the authors employed molecular dynamics simulations to study the conformational dynamics of monomeric and dimeric BRAF, in the presence and absence of inhibitors. Multi-microseconds MD simulations showed an inward shift of the αC helix in the BRAFV600E mutant dimer. This helped identify a hydrogen bond between the inhibitors and the BRAF residue Glu501 as critical for dimer compatibility. The stability of the aforementioned interaction seems to be important to distinguish between dimer-selective and equipotent inhibitors.


      The study is overall valuable and robust. The authors used the recently developed particle mesh Ewald constant pH molecular dynamics, a state-of-the-art method, to investigate the correct histidines protonation considering the dynamics of the protein. Then, multi-microsecond simulations showed differences in the flexibility of the αC helix and DFG motif. The dimerization restricts the αC position in the inward conformation, in agreement with the result that dimer-compatible inhibitors are able to stabilize the αC-in state. Noteworthy, the MD simulations were used to study the interactions between the inhibitors and the protein, suggesting a critical role for a hydrogen bond with Glu501. Finally, simulations of a mixed state of BRAF (one protomer bound to the inhibitor and the other apo) indicate that the ability to stabilize the inward αC state of the apo protomer could be at the basis of the positive cooperativity of PHI1.


      Regarding the analyses of the mixed state simulations, the DFG dihedral probability densities for the apo protomer (Fig. 5a right) are highly overlapping. It is not convincing that a slight shift can support the conclusion that the binding in one protomer is enough to shift the DFG motif outward allosterically. Moreover, the DFG dihedral time-series for the apo protomer (Supplementary Figure 9) clearly shows that the measured quantities are affected by significant fluctuations and poor consistency between the three replicates. The apo protomer of the mixed state simulations could be affected by the same problem that the authors pointed out in the case of the apo dimer simulations, where the amount of sampling is insufficient to model the DFG-out/-in transition properly. There is similar concern with the Lys483-Glu501 salt bridge measured for the apo protomers of the mixed simulations. As it can be observed from the probabilities bar plot (Fig. 5a middle), the standard deviation is too high to support a significant role for this interaction in the allosteric modulation of the apo protomer.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors employ molecular dynamics simulations to understand the selectivity of FDA approved inhibitors within dimeric and monomeric BRAF species. Through these comprehensive simulations, they shed light on the selectivity of BRAF inhibitors by delineating the main structural changes occurring during dimerization and inhibitor action. Notably, they identify the two pivotal elements in this process: the movement and conformational changes involving the alpha-C helix and the formation of a hydrogen bond involving the Glu-501 residue. These findings find support in the analyses of various structures crystallized from dimers and co-crystallized monomers in the presence of inhibitors. The elucidation of this mechanism holds significant potential for advancing our understanding of kinase signalling and the development of future BRAF inhibitor drugs.


      The authors employ a diverse array of computational techniques to characterize the binding sites and interactions between inhibitors and the active site of BRAF in both dimeric and monomeric forms. They combine traditional and advanced molecular dynamics simulation techniques such as CpHMD (All-atom continuous constant pH molecular dynamics) to provide mechanistic explanations. Additionally, the paper introduces methods for identifying and characterizing the formation of the hydrogen bond involving the Glu501 residue without the need for extensive molecular dynamics simulations. This approach facilitates the rapid identification of future BRAF inhibitor candidates.


      Despite the use of molecular dynamics yields crucial structural insights and outlines a mechanism to elucidate dimer selectivity and cooperativity in these systems, the authors could consider adoption of free energy methods to estimate the values of hydrogen bond energies and hydrophobic interactions, thereby enhancing the depth of their analysis.

    4. Author response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public review):

      Comment 1: This manuscript from Clayton and co-authors, entitled ”Mechanism of dimer selectivity and binding cooperativity of BRAF inhibitors”, aims to clarify the molecular mechanism of BRAF dimer selectivity. Indeed, first-generation BRAF inhibitors, targeting monomeric BRAFV600E, are ineffective in treating resistant dimeric BRAF isoforms. Here, the authors employed molecular dynamics simulations to study the conformational dynamics of monomeric and dimeric BRAF, in the presence and absence of inhibitors. Multi-microsecond MD simulations showed an inward shift of the αC helix in the BRAFV600E mutant dimer. This helped in identifying a hydrogen bond between the inhibitors and the BRAF residue Glu501 as critical for dimer compatibility. The stability of the aforementioned interaction seems to be important to distinguish between dimer-selective and equipotent inhibitors.

      The study is overall valuable and robust. The authors used the recently developed particle mesh Ewald constant pH molecular dynamics, a state-of-the-art method, to investigate the correct histidine protonation considering the dynamics of the protein. Then, multi-microsecond simulations showed differences in the flexibility of the αC helix and DFG motif. The dimerization restricts the αC position in the inward conformation, in agreement with the result that dimer-compatible inhibitors can stabilize the αC-in state. Noteworthy, the MD simulations were used to study the interactions between the inhibitors and the protein, suggesting a critical role for a hydrogen bond with Glu501. Finally, simulations of a mixed state of BRAF (one protomer bound to the inhibitor and the other apo) indicate that the ability to stabilize the inward αC state of the apo protomer could be at the basis of the positive cooperativity of PHI1.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation of our work.

      Comment 2: One potential weakness in the manuscript is the lack of reported uncertainties related to the analyzed quantities. Providing this information would significantly enhance the clarity regarding the reliability of the analyses and the confidence in the claims presented.

      Response and revision: We agree with the reviewer that reporting uncertainties will clarify and strengthen our arguments. Following this suggestion, we have added error bars to Figures 3 and 5 representing the standard deviation of the K-E salt bridge probability. This shows that the deviation across replicas of how often the salt bridge is present. Thus, it better supports our claim that this salt bridge is promoted by the presence of PHI1, as the deviation of the salt bridge is minimal for protomers containing PHI1. In addition to these error bars, we have also included a table to the Supplementary Information (Supplementary Table 2) containing the mean and standard deviation of the αC position, K-E distance, and DFG pseudo dihedral for each protomer in our dimer simulations.

      Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Comment 1: The authors employ molecular dynamics simulations to understand the selectivity of FDA-approved inhibitors within dimeric and monomeric BRAF species. Through these comprehensive simulations, they shed light on the selectivity of BRAF inhibitors by delineating the main structural changes occurring during dimerization and inhibitor action. Notably, they identify the two pivotal elements in this process: the movement and conformational changes involving the alpha-C helix and the formation of a hydrogen bond involving the Glu-501 residue. These findings find support in the analyses of various structures crystallized from dimers and co-crystallized monomers in the presence of inhibitors. The elucidation of this mechanism holds significant potential for advancing our understanding of kinase signaling and the development of future BRAF inhibitor drugs.

      The authors employ a diverse array of computational techniques to characterize the binding sites and interactions between inhibitors and the active site of BRAF in both dimeric and monomeric forms. They combine traditional and advanced molecular dynamics simulation techniques such as CpHMD (all-atom continuous constant pH molecular dynamics) to provide mechanistic explanations. Additionally, the paper introduces methods for identifying and characterizing the formation of the hydrogen bond involving the Glu501 residue without the need for extensive molecular dynamics simulations. This approach facilitates the rapid identification of future BRAF inhibitor candidates.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation of our work.

      Comment 2: The use of molecular dynamics yields crucial structural insights and outlines a mechanism to elucidate dimer selectivity and cooperativity in these systems. However, the authors could consider the adoption of free energy methods to estimate the values of hydrogen bond energies and hydrophobic interactions, thereby enhancing the depth of their analysis.

      Response: The current free energy methods are capable of giving accurate estimates of the relative binding free energies of similar ligands; however, accurate calculations of the absolute free energies of hydrogen bond and hydrophobic interactions are not feasible yet. Thus, we decided not to pursue the calculations.

      Reviewer #1 (Suggestions to author)

      Comment 1: The general recommendation is to give more details about the procedure for the analyses performed and, when possible, show the uncertainties relative to the analyzed quantities. This would clearly indicate the reliability of the analyses and the confidence of the claims. Moreover, it is not always clear how the analyses were performed.

      Response and revision: As previously mentioned, we have added uncertainties to our bar graphs in Figures 3 and 5 as well as Supplemental Table 2. In regards to the clarity of our analysis, we added more detail on how the probability distributions were created, which we will discuss in our response to Comment 3.

      Comment 2: It is not clear why the authors decided to titrate only the histidines without considering the other charged residues. In particular, the authors show in Supplementary Figure 2 a network of which Asp595 (protomer A) is a part and that, given the direct interaction, could affect the protonation state of His477 (protomer B).

      Response: The reviewer is correct in that Asp595 directly interacts with His477 on the opposite protomer. This is exactly the reason why we did not consider titrating Asp595 – the interaction with His477 should further stabilize the charged state of Asp595 and downshift its pKa from the solution value of about 3.8. Thus, Asp595 will be charged at physiological pH and does not need to be titrated in the CpHMD simulations.

      Comment 3: Regarding the probability density plots (Figures 3 and 5), clarify if you used all the data from all the replicas and all the protomers. If possible, show a comparison between each replica in the Supplementary Figures. A Supplementary Table with the probability values for the measured K-E salt bridge could be helpful since the bar plots are hard to compare. Also in this case please report the uncertainty or a comparison between the replicas.

      Response and revision: To clarify how we created the probability density plots, the following line was added to the Methods section:

      On page 15, third paragraph: All probability distributions were created by combining the last three µs of each replica for each system, with each distribution consisting of 50 bins. Unless specified, distributions contain quantities from both protomers in dimeric simulations.

      As previously mentioned, we have included Supplemental Table 2 which contains the mean and standard deviation of the K-E distance across systems. For comparison between replicas, we found the time series of the K-E distance in the inhibitor-bound monomer and dimer systems in Supplemental Figure 7 to be sufficient.

      Comment 4: It would be better to define the claim: ”it is clear that the timescale of the DFG-out to DFG-in transition is longer than our simulation timeframe of a few microseconds” (lines 208-209). To me it is not obvious why this should be ”clear”.

      Response and revision: Our original statement was to convey that, as DFG-in is sampled very rarely, our simulations cannot accurately represent DFG transitions. We have revised the manuscript to the following:

      On page 6, fourth paragraph: While this does suggest dimerization loosens the DFG motif, our simulations do not appropriately model the DFG-out/-in transition as the DFG-in state is only occasionally sampled.

      Comment 5: In the case of the inhibited monomer simulations, the authors state: ”the PHI1Glu501 interaction can become completely disrupted, with the distance moving beyond 6 A to˚ as high as 12 A; correlated with the disruption of the PHI1-Glu501 interaction, the˚     αC position is shifted out to the range of 21 A-24˚ A” (lines 241-244). However, the plot of the PHI1-Glu501˚ interaction time-series (Supplementary Figure 7) shows that just in one replica of one protomer (Protomer A), the interaction is disrupted, and the αC position never exceeds 21 A (time-series˚ reported in Supplementary Figure 6). None of the fluctuations of the αC position appear to be correlated with the disruption of the ligand-Glu501 interaction. The time-series reported in Supplementary Figures 6 and 7 suggest that the two events are uncorrelated. Please explain this aspect or quantify the correlation to support your claim.

      Response: We believe the source of this confusion is because we did not include a time series of αC for inhibited monomer simulations–Supplementary Figure 6 mentioned in the comment is of dimeric BRAF. Thus, We have added Supplementary Figure 8, a timeseries plot of the αC position for inhibited monomer and dimer protomers.

      Comment 6: Regarding the analyses of the positive cooperativity, the DFG dihedral probability densities for the apo protomer (Figure 5a) are highly overlapping. Thus, it is hard to believe that these small differences support the claim that ”PHI1 binding in one protomer can allosterically shift the DFG motif outward, making it favorable for binding a second inhibitor” (lines 300-302). The authors should show that the differences in the DFG distributions (in particular, apo dimer vs PHI1 mixed) are statistically significant. Only in this case, the data could support the claim that PHI1 bound to one protomer modulates the DFG conformation in the second one. In my opinion, the overlap between the DFG dihedral probability (Figure 5a) is too high to support the claim that PHI1 is able to allosterically modulate this region in the second apo protomer. Please provide an appropriate statistical test that demonstrates that those distributions are significantly different.

      Response and revision: We have adjusted this statement based on the new Supplementary Table 2 to read as the following:

      On page 9, third paragraph: Although the shift is small (the differences between means is approximately one standard deviation, see Supplementary Table 2), it suggests that PHI1 binding in one protomer can allosterically shift the DFG motif outward, making it favorable for binding a second inhibitor. In contrast, the DFG dihedral of the apo protomer in the LY-bound mixed dimer appears to be slightly smaller than the apo dimer with difference between means of approximately one standard deviation (Supplementary Table 2), which is unfavorable for binding the second inhibitor (orange and grey, Figure 5a right).

      Comment 7: Regarding the dimer holo simulations, I agree that in the LY-bound dimer simulations, the hydrogen bond between the ligand and the E501 is weaker, but I do not understand the sentence ”as seen from the local density maximum centered at∼3.4 A” at line 233, since the 2D˚ density plot (Figure 3h) shows that the highest peak is close to 5 A. Also, it would be useful to˚ clarify how these 2D density plots reported in Figure 3 were obtained.

      Response and revision: While the highest peak in Figure 3h is close to 5 A, we were more˚ interested in the local peak close to 3.4 A. To avoid confusion we have modified the line to separate˚ both peaks:

      On page 7, second paragraph: In the LY-bound dimer simulations, however, the LY–Glu501 h-bond is weaker and less stable than the counterpart of the PHI1-bound dimer, as seen from the local density maximum centered at ∼3.4 and the global maximum near ∼4.5 A (Figure 3g,h).˚

      Comment 8: I have a comment on the strategy suggested to empirically classify the inhibitors by comparing the Glu501-Lys483 distance and the αC position in the two protomers of the crystal structures (in the Concluding Discussion section). The authors suggest that differences below 1 A could determine whether the flexibility of these regions is restricted or not (and whether the˚ inhibitor is equipotent or dimer-selective). However, differences below 1 A, in structures where˚ the average resolution is 2.5 A, might be highly unreliable. In fact, as the authors pointed out, LY˚ and Ponatinib would be classified (erroneously) as dimer-selective inhibitors according to these criteria.

      Response and revision: We agree that this proposed method could be unreliable; we intend this strategy to be used as a “quick and dirty” method for analyzing future structures in order to assess selectivity for dimeric BRAF. To convey this, we added the following sentence:

      On page 12, second paragraph: Given that the resolution of a resolved structure is often ∼23 A, this proposed assessment is not intended to replace more rigorous tests, i.e. utilizing MD˚ simulations.

      Comment 9: A suggestion is to include representative snapshots of the MD simulation in the GitHub repository could allow the reader to better appreciate the results described in the present study.

      Response and revision: In order to convey the difference between induced effects of PHI1 and LY, we have added a new folder named snapshots to the GitHub repository which contains the snapshots from the simulations of one LY or one PHI1 bound BRAF (visualized in Figure 5c) in the form of PDB files.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In the manuscript by Tie et.al., the authors couple the methodology which they have developed to measure LQ (localization quotient) of proteins within the Golgi apparatus along with RUSH based cargo release to quantify the speed of different cargos traveling through Golgi stacks in nocodazole induced Golgi ministacks to differentiate between cisternal progression vs stable compartment model of the Golgi apparatus. The debate between cisternal progression model and stable compartment model has been intense and going on for decades and important to understand the basic way of function/organization of the Golgi apparatus. As per the stable compartment model, cisterna are stable structures and cargo moves along the Golgi apparatus in vesicular carriers. While as per cisternal progression model, Golgi cisterna themselves mature acquiring new identity from the cis face to the trans face and act as transport carriers themselves. In this work, authors provide a missing part regarding intra-Golgi speed for transport of different cargoes as well as the speed of TGN exit and based on the differences in the transport velocities for different cargoes tested favor a stable compartment model. The argument which authors make is that if there is cisternal progression, all the cargoes should have a similar intra-Golgi transport speed which is essentially the rate at which the Golgi cisterna mature. Furthermore, using a combination of BFA and Nocodazole treatments authors show that the compartments remain stable in cells for at least 30-60 minutes after BFA treatment.


      The method to accurately measure localization of a protein within the Golgi stack is rigorously tested in the previous publications from the same authors and in combination with pulse chase approaches has been used to quantify transport velocities of cargoes through the Golgi. This is a novel aspect in this paper and differences in intra-Golgi velocities for different cargoes tested makes a case for a stable compartment model.


      Experiments are only tested in one cell line (HeLa cells) and predominantly derived from experimental paradigm using RUSH assays where a secretory cargo is released in a wave (not the most physiological condition) and therefore additional approaches would make a more compelling case for the model.

    2. eLife assessment

      This important study sheds new light on cargo movement within the Golgi apparatus, challenging the cisternal progression model by providing convincing evidence for a velocity decrease from cis to trans Golgi and variable speeds within cisternae, suggesting a more stable compartmental nature. While these findings propose refinements to the classic model, they prompt further exploration of recent models like rapid partitioning and rim progression, necessitating additional experimental approaches to account for cargo expression variations and HeLa cell-specific effects.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This manuscript describes the use of quantitative imaging approaches, which have been a key element of the labs work over the past years, to address one of the major unresolved discussions in trafficking: intra-Golgi transport. The approach used has been clearly described in the labs previous papers, and is thus clearly described. The authors clearly address the weaknesses in this manuscript and do not overstate the conclusions drawn from the data. The only weakness not addressed is the concept of blocking COPI transport with BFA, which is a strong inhibitor and causes general disruption of the system. This is an interesting element of the paper, which I think could be improved upon by using more specific COPI inhibitors instead, although I understand that this is not necessarily straightforward.

      I commend the authors on their clear and precise presentation of this body of work, incorporating mathematical modelling with a fundamental question in cell biology. In all, I think that this is a very robust body of work, that provides a sound conclusion in support of the stable compartment model for the Golgi.

      General points:

      The manuscript contains a lot of background in its results sections, and the authors may wish to consider rebalancing the text: The section beginning at Line 175 is about 90% background and 10% data. Could some data currently in supplementary be included here to redress this balance, or this part combined with another?

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Tie et al. provides a quantitative assessment of intra-Golgi transport of diverse cargos. Quantitative approaches using fluorescence microscopy of RUSH synchronized cargos, namely GLIM and measurement of Golgi residence time, previously developed by the author's team (publications from 20216 to 2022), are being used here.

      Most of the results have been already published by the same team in 2016, 2017, 2020 and 2021. In this manuscript, very few new data have been added. The authors have put together measurements of intra-Golgi transport kinetics and Golgi residence time of many cargos. The quantitative results are supported by a large number of Golgi mini-stacks/cells analyzed. They are discussed with regard to the intra-Golgi transport models being debated in the field, namely the cisternal maturation/progression model and the stable compartments model. However, over the past decades, the cisternal progression model has been mostly accepted thanks to many experimental data.

      The authors show that different cargos have distinct intra-Golgi transport kinetics and that the Golgi residence time of glycosyltransferases is high. From this and the experiment using brefeldinA, the authors suggest that the rim progression model, adapted from the stable compartments model, fits with their experimental data.


      The major strength of this manuscript is to put together many quantitative results that the authors previously obtained and to discuss them to give food for thought about the intra-Golgi transport mechanism.<br /> The analysis by fluorescence microscopy of intra-Golgi transport is tough and is a tour de force of the authors even if their approach show limitations, which are clearly stated. Their work is remarkable in regards to the numbers of Golgi markers and secretory cargos which have been analyzed.


      As previously mentioned, most of the data provided here were already published and thus accessible for the community. Is there is a need to publish them again?<br /> The authors' discussion about the intra-Golgi transport model is rather simplistic. In the introduction, there is no mention of the most recent models, namely the rapid partitioning and the rim progression models. To my opinion, the tubular connections between cisternae and the diffusion/biochemical properties of cargos are not enough taken into account to interpret the results. Indeed, tubular connections and biochemical properties of the cargos may affect their transit through the Golgi and the kinetics with which they reach the TGN for Golgi exit.<br /> Nocodazole is being used to form Golgi mini-stacks, which are necessary to allow intra-Golgi measurement. The use of nocodazole might affect cellular homeostasis but this is clearly stated by the authors and is acceptable as we need to perturb the system to conduct this analysis. However, the manual selection of the Golgi mini-stack being analyzed raises a major concern. As far as I understood, the authors select the mini-stacks where the cargo and the Golgi reference markers are clearly detectable and separated, which might introduce a bias in the analysis.<br /> The terms 'Golgi residence time ' is being used but it corresponds to the residence time in the trans-cisterna only as the cargo has been accumulated in the trans-Golgi thanks to a 20{degree sign}C block. The kinetics of disappearance of the protein of interest is then monitored after 20{degree sign}C to 37{degree sign}C switch.<br /> Another concern also lies in the differences that would be introduced by different expression levels of the cargo on the kinetics of their intra-Golgi transport and of their packaging into post-Golgi carriers.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study presents valuable findings on the ligand- and ion-dependent structural dynamics of a transcriptional riboswitch. The single-molecule data presented are solid and prompts intriguing hypotheses and models, which will undoubtedly stimulate future structural analyses. These findings are of considerable interest to biochemists and biophysicists engaged in the study of RNA structure and riboswitch mechanisms.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This work presents an in-depth characterization of the factors that influence the structural dynamics of the Clostridium botulinum guanidine-IV riboswitch (riboG). Using a single-molecule FRET, the authors demonstrate that riboG undergoes ligand and Mg2+ dependent conformational changes consistent with dynamic formation of a kissing loop (KL) in the aptamer domain. Formation of the KL is attenuated by Mg2+ and Gua+ ligand at physiological concentrations as well as the length of the RNA. Interestingly, the KL is most stable in the context of just the aptamer domain compared to longer RNAs capable of forming the terminator stem. To attenuate transcription, binding of Gua+ and formation of the KL must occur rapidly after transcription of the aptamer domain but before transcription of the rest of the terminator stem.


      (1) Single molecule FRET microscopy is well suited to unveil the conformational dynamics of KL formation and the authors provide a wealth of data to examine the effect of the ligand and ions on riboswitch dynamics. The addition of complementary transcriptional readthrough assays provides further support the author's proposed model of how the riboswitch dynamics contribute to function.<br /> (2) The single-molecule data strongly support that the effect of Gua+ ligand and Mg2+ influence the RNA structure differently for varying lengths of the RNA. The authors also demonstrate that this is specific for Mg2+ as Na+ and K+ ions have little effect.<br /> (3) The PLOR method utilized is clever and well adapted for both dual labeling of RNAs and examining RNA at various lengths to mimic co-transcriptional folding. Using PLOR, they demonstrate that a change in the structural dynamics and ligand binding can occur after extension of the RNA transcript by a single nucleotide. Such a tight window of regulation has intriguing implications for kinetically controlled riboswitches.<br /> (4) In the revised version, the authors utilized multiple destabilizing and compensatory mutations to strengthen their structural interpretation of the KL structure and dynamics and cementing their conclusions.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Gao et al., used single-molecule FRET and step-wise transcription methods to study the conformations of the recently reported guanidine-IV class of bacterial riboswitches that upregulate transcription in the presence of elevated guanidine. Using three riboswitch lengths, the authors analyzed the distributions and transitions between different conformers in response to different Mg2+ and guanidine concentrations. These data led to a three-state kinetic model for the structural switching of this novel class of riboswitches whose structures remain unavailable. Using the PLOR method that the authors previously invented, they further examined the conformations, ligand responses, and gene-regulatory outcomes at discrete transcript lengths along the path of vectorial transcription. These analyses uncover that the riboswitch exhibits differential sensitivity to ligand-induced conformational switching at different steps of transcription, and identify a short window where the regulatory outcome is most sensitive to ligand binding.


      Dual internal labeling of long RNA transcripts remains technically very challenging, but essential for smFRET analyses of RNA conformations. The authors should be commended for achieving very highly quality and purity in their labelled RNA samples. The data are extensive, robust, thorough, and meticulously controlled. The interpretations are logical and conservative. The writing is reasonably clear and illustrations are of high quality. The findings are significant because the paradigm uncovered here for this relatively simple riboswitch class is likely also employed in numerous other kinetically regulated riboswitches. The ability to quantitatively assess RNA conformations and ligand responses at multiple discrete points along the path towards the full transcript provides a rare and powerful glimpse into co-transcriptional RNA folding, ligand-binding, and conformational switching.


      The use of T7 RNA polymerase instead of a near cognate bacterial RNA polymerase in the termination/antitermination assays is a significant caveat. It is understandable as T7 RNA polymerase is much more robust than its bacterial counterparts, which probably will not survive the extensive washes required by the PLOR method. The major conclusions should still hold, as the RNA conformations are probed by smFRET at static, halted complexes instead of on the fly. However, potential effects of the cognate RNA polymerase cannot be discerned here, including transcriptional rates, pausing, and interactions between the nascent transcript and the RNA exit channel, if any. The authors should refrain from discussing potential effects from the DNA template or the T7 RNA polymerase, as these elements are not cognate with the riboswitch under study.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this article, Gao et. al. uses single-molecule FRET (smFRET) and position-specific labelling of RNA (PLOR) to dissect the folding and behavioral ligand sensing of the Guanidine-IV riboswitch in the presence and absence of the ligand guanidine and the cation Mg2+. Results provided valuable information on the mechanistic aspects of the riboswitch, including the confirmation on the kissing loop present in the structure as essential for folding and riboswitch activity. Co-transcriptional investigations of the system provided key information on the ligand-sensing behavior and ligand-binding window of the riboswitch. A plausible folding model of the Guanidine-IV riboswitch was proposed as a final result. The evidence presented here sheds additional light into the mode of action of transcriptional riboswitches.


      The investigations were very thorough, providing data that supports the conclusions. The use of smFRET and PLOR to investigate RNA folding has been shown to be a valuable tool to the understand of folding and behavior properties of these structured RNA molecules. The co-transcriptional analysis brought important information on how the riboswitch works, including the ligand-sensing and the binding window that promotes the structural switch. The fact that investigations were done with the aptamer domain, aptamer domain + terminator/anti-terminator region, and the full length riboswitch were essential to inform how each domain contributes to the final structural state if in the presence of the ligand and Mg2+.


      The system has its own flaws when comparing to physiological conditions. The RNA polymerase used (the study uses T7 RNA polymerase) is different from the bacterial RNA polymerase, not only on complexity, but also in transcriptional speed, that can direct interfere with folding and ligand-sensing. Additionally, rNTPs concentrations were much lower than physiological concentrations during transcription, likely causing a change in the polymerase transcriptional speed. These important aspects and how they could interfere with results are important to be addressed to the broad audience. Another point of consideration to be aware is that the bulky fluorophores attached to the nucleotides can interfere with folding to some extent.

    5. Author response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This work presents an in-depth characterization of the factors that influence the structural dynamics of the Clostridium botulinum guanidine-IV riboswitch (riboG). Using a single-molecule FRET, the authors demonstrate that riboG undergoes ligand and Mg2+ dependent conformational changes consistent with the dynamic formation of a kissing loop (KL) in the aptamer domain. Formation of the KL is attenuated by Mg2+ and Gua+ ligand at physiological concentrations as well as the length of the RNA. Interestingly, the KL is most stable in the context of just the aptamer domain compared to longer RNAs capable of forming the terminator stem. To attenuate transcription, binding of Gua+ and formation of the KL must occur rapidly after transcription of the aptamer domain but before transcription of the rest of the terminator stem.


      (1) Single-molecule FRET microscopy is well suited to unveil the conformational dynamics of KL formation and the authors provide a wealth of data to examine the effect of the ligand and ions on riboswitch dynamics. The addition of complementary transcriptional readthrough assays provides further support for the author's proposed model of how the riboswitch dynamics contribute to function.

      (2) The single-molecule data strongly support that the effect of Gua+ ligand and Mg2+ influence the RNA structure differently for varying lengths of the RNA. The authors also demonstrate that this is specific for Mg2+ as Na+ and K+ ions have little effect.

      (3) The PLOR method utilized is clever and well adapted for both dual labeling of RNAs and examining RNA at various lengths to mimic co-transcriptional folding. Using PLOR, they demonstrate that a change in the structural dynamics and ligand binding can occur after the extension of the RNA transcript by a single nucleotide. Such a tight window of regulation has intriguing implications for kinetically controlled riboswitches.


      (1) The authors use only one mutant to confirm that their FRET signal indicates the formation of the KL. Importantly, this mutation does not involve the nucleotides that are part of the KL interaction. It would be more convincing if the authors used mutations in both strands of the KL and performed compensatory mutations that restore base pairing. Experiments like this would solidify the structural interpretation of the work, particularly in the context of the full-length riboG RNA or in the cotranscriptional mimic experiments, which appear to have more conformational heterogeneity.

      We thank the reviewer for describing our work “in-depth characterization” of riboG. We agree with the reviewer and we have added two more mutants, G71C and U72C with the mutations located at the KL (Figure 2– figure supplement 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B, Figure 3– figure supplement 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B, and Figure 4– figure supplement 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B). Furthermore, we have performed compensatory mutations, C30G-G71C and A29G-U72C that restore base pairing in the KL (Figure 2– figure supplement 8C, 8D, 9C, 9D, Figure 3– figure supplement 6C, 6D, 7C, 7D, and Figure 4– figure supplement 6C, 6D, 7C, 7D). We added the experimental results in the revised manuscript accordingly as “The highly conserved nucleotides surrounding the KL are crucial for its formation (Lenkeit et al., 2020). To test our hypothesis that the state with EFRET ~ 0.8 corresponds to the conformation with the KL, we preformed smFRET analysis on several mutations at these crucial nucleotides (Figure 2– figure supplement 8–10). Consistent with our expectations, the peaks with EFRET ~ 0.8 was significantly diminished in the riboG-G71C mutant, which features a single nucleotide mutation at site 71 (with 97% nucleotide conservation) in the KL (Figure 2– figure supplement 8A and 8B). It is worth noting that the C30G and G71C mutant, which were initially expected to restore a base pair in the KL, did not successfully bring about the anticipated peak of EFRET ~ 0.8 (Figure 2– figure supplement 8C and 8D). On the other hand, the riboG-U72C mutant exhibited a lower proportion at the state with EFRET ~ 0.8 than riboG-apt. However, the A29G and U72C mutations restored a base pair in the KL, as well as the formation of the KL (Figure 2– figure supplement 9). Furthermore, our investigation revealed that the G77C mutant, involving a single nucleotide mutation at a highly conversed site, 77 (with 97% nucleotide conservation), also hindered the formation of the KL (Figure 2– figure supplement 10). This finding aligns with previous research (Lenkeit et al., 2020) and the predicted second structure of G77C mutation by Mfold (Zuker, 2003)”  ( page 7), “In contrast to riboG-term, both its G71C and C30G-G71C mutants displayed a reduced proportion of the state with EFRET ~ 0.8. Remarkably, the fractions of EFRET ~ 0.8 remained unaffected by the addition of 1.0 mM Gua+ in these mutants. Distinct from riboG-term, no structural transitions between states were observed in the two mutants (Figure 3– figure supplement 6). Regarding the U72C mutant of riboG-term, the mutation at the site 72 had a reduced impact on the KL conformation in the presence of 1.0 mM Gua+ and 2.0 mM Mg2+. However, the increased proportion of EFRET ~ 0.8 in the A29G-U72C mutant of riboG-term suggests that these mutations can restore the base-pairing between sites 29 and 72, as well as facilitate the formation of the KL (Figure 3– figure supplement 7)” ( page 8), and “Upon comparing the G71C and C30G-G71C mutants of the full-length riboG with their wild-type counterpart, it was observed that the wild-type adopted higher proportions of the state with EFRET ~ 0.8 (Figure 4– figure supplement 6). Regarding the U72C and A29G-U72C mutants of the full-length riboG, their behaviors with regards to the peak with EFRET ~ 0.8 were similar to that of their counterparts in riboG-term (Figure 4– figure supplement 7)” ( page 9).

      (2) The existence of the pre-folded state (intermediate FRET ~0.5) is not well supported in their data and could be explained by an acquisition artifact. The dwell times are very short often only a single frame indicating that there could be a very fast transition (< 0.1s) from low to high FRET that averages to a FRET efficiency of 0.5. To firmly demonstrate that this intermediate FRET state is metastable and not an artifact, the authors need to perform measurements with a faster frame rate and demonstrate that the state is still present.

      We thank the reviewer for the great comment. We added smFRET experiments at higher time resolution, 20 ms, as well as lower time resolution (Figure 2– figure supplement 3).  Based on our experimental results, the intermediate state (EFRET ~0.5) exists at the smFRET collected at 20 ms, 100 ms and 200 ms. 

      (3) The PLOR method employs a non-biologically relevant polymerase (T7 RNAP) to mimic transcription elongation and folding near the elongation complex. T7 RNAP has a shorter exit channel than bacterial RNAPs and therefore, folding in the exit channel may be different between different RNAPs. Additionally, the nascent RNA may interact with bacterial RNAP differently. For these reasons, it is not clear how well the dynamics observed in the T7 ECs recapitulate riboswitch folding dynamics in bacterial ECs where they would occur in nature. 

      We thank the reviewer for the comment. We agree with the reviewer that the bacterial and T7 RNAPs may behave differently due to their differences in transcriptional speed, dynamics, interactions, and so on. And we added a statement in the Discussion as “It is worth noting that the RNAP utilized in our study is T7 RNAP, which exhibits distinct characteristics compared to bacterial RNAP in terms of transcriptional speed, dynamics, and interactions. However, Xue et al. have reported similarities between T7 and E. coli RNAP in the folding of nascent RNA. Additionally, Lou and Woodson have provided valuable insights into the co-transcriptional folding of the glmS ribozyme using T7 RNAP (Xue et al., 2023; Lou & Woodson, 2024)” ( page 13–14).

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Gao et al. used single-molecule FRET and step-wise transcription methods to study the conformations of the recently reported guanidine-IV class of bacterial riboswitches that upregulate transcription in the presence of elevated guanidine. Using three riboswitch lengths, the authors analyzed the distributions and transitions between different conformers in response to different Mg2+ and guanidine concentrations. These data led to a three-state kinetic model for the structural switching of this novel class of riboswitches whose structures remain unavailable. Using the PLOR method that the authors previously invented, they further examined the conformations, ligand responses, and gene-regulatory outcomes at discrete transcript lengths along the path of vectorial transcription. These analyses uncover that the riboswitch exhibits differential sensitivity to ligand-induced conformational switching at different steps of transcription, and identify a short window where the regulatory outcome is most sensitive to ligand binding.


      Dual internal labeling of long RNA transcripts remains technically very challenging but essential for smFRET analyses of RNA conformations. The authors should be commended for achieving very high quality and purity in their labelled RNA samples. The data are extensive, robust, thorough, and meticulously controlled. The interpretations are logical and conservative. The writing is reasonably clear and the illustrations are of high quality. The findings are significant because the paradigm uncovered here for this relatively simple riboswitch class is likely also employed in numerous other kinetically regulated riboswitches. The ability to quantitatively assess RNA conformations and ligand responses at multiple discrete points along the path towards the full transcript provides a rare and powerful glimpse into cotranscriptional RNA folding, ligand-binding, and conformational switching.


      The use of T7 RNA polymerase instead of a near-cognate bacterial RNA polymerase in the termination/antitermination assays is a significant caveat. It is understandable as T7 RNA polymerase is much more robust than its bacterial counterparts, which probably will not survive the extensive washes required by the PLOR method. The major conclusions should still hold, as the RNA conformations are probed by smFRET at static, halted complexes instead of on the fly. However, potential effects of the cognate RNA polymerase cannot be discerned here, including transcriptional rates, pausing, and interactions between the nascent transcript and the RNA exit channel, if any. The authors should refrain from discussing potential effects from the DNA template or the T7 RNA polymerase, as these elements are not cognate with the riboswitch under study.

      We thank the reviewer for describing our work “The data are extensive, robust, thorough, and meticulously controlled. The interpretations are logical and conservative. The writing is reasonably clear and the illustrations are of high quality”. We agree with the reviewer that the bacterial and T7 RNAPs may behave differently due to their differences in transcriptional speed, dynamics, interactions, and so on. And we added a statement in the Discussion as “It is worth noting that the RNAP utilized in our study is T7 RNAP, which exhibits distinct characteristics compared to bacterial RNAP in terms of transcriptional speed, dynamics, and interactions. However, Xue et al. have reported similarities between T7 and E. coli RNAP in the folding of nascent RNA. Additionally, Lou and Woodson have provided valuable insights into the co-transcriptional folding of the glmS ribozyme using T7 RNAP (Xue et al., 2023; Lou & Woodson, 2024)” ( page 14).

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this article, Gao et. al. uses single-molecule FRET (smFRET) and position-specific labelling of RNA (PLOR) to dissect the folding and behavioral ligand sensing of the Guanidine-IV riboswitch in the presence and absence of the ligand guanidine and the cation Mg2+. The results provided valuable information on the mechanistic aspects of the riboswitch, including the confirmation of the kissing loop present in the structure as essential for folding and riboswitch activity. Co-transcriptional investigations of the system provided key information on the ligand-sensing behavior and ligandbinding window of the riboswitch. A plausible folding model of the Guanidine-IV riboswitch was proposed as a final result. The evidence presented here sheds additional light on the mode of action of transcriptional riboswitches.


      The investigations were very thorough, providing data that supports the conclusions. The use of smFRET and PLOR to investigate RNA folding has been shown to be a valuable tool for the understanding of folding and behavior properties of these structured RNA molecules. The co-transcriptional analysis brought important information on how the riboswitch works, including the ligand-sensing and the binding window that promotes the structural switch. The fact that investigations were done with the aptamer domain, aptamer domain + terminator/anti-terminator region, and the full-length riboswitch were essential to inform how each domain contributes to the final structural state if in the presence of the ligand and Mg2+.


      The system has its own flaws when compared to physiological conditions. The RNA polymerase used (the study uses T7 RNA polymerase) is different from the bacterial RNA polymerase, not only in complexity, but also in transcriptional speed, which can directly interfere with folding and ligand-sensing. Additionally, rNTPs concentrations were much lower than physiological concentrations during transcription, likely causing a change in the polymerase transcriptional speed. These important aspects and how they could interfere with results are important to be addressed to the broad audience. Another point of consideration to be aware of is that the bulky fluorophores attached to the nucleotides can interfere with folding to some extent.

      We thank the reviewer for describing our work as “The investigations were very thorough, providing data that supports the conclusions”. We agree with the reviewer that the bacterial and T7 RNAPs may behave differently due to their differences in transcriptional speed, dynamics, interactions, and so on. And we added a statement in the Discussion as “It is worth noting that the RNAP utilized in our study is T7 RNAP, which exhibits distinct characteristics compared to bacterial RNAP in terms of transcriptional speed, dynamics, and interactions. However, Xue et al. have reported similarities between T7 and E. coli RNAP in the folding of nascent RNA. Additionally, Lou and Woodson have provided valuable insights into the cotranscriptional folding of the glmS ribozyme using T7 RNAP (Xue et al., 2023; Lou & Woodson, 2024)” ( page 14). And we also agree with the reviewer that the lower NTP may affect the transcriptional speed. Regarding the fluorophores, we purposely placed them away from the KL to avoid their influence on the formation of the KL.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Related to weakness 1

      - The authors cite a paper that investigated mutations in the KL duplex but do not include these mutations in their analysis. It is unclear why the authors chose the G77C mutation and not the other mutants previously tested. Can the authors explain their choice of mutation in detail in the text? I also did not see the proposed secondary structure for the G77C mutant shown in Figure 2 -supp 3A in the cited paper, is this a predicted structure? Please explain how this structure was determined. 

      We thank the reviewer for the comment. The reason we chosen the G77C mutation is based on previous report that G77C can disturb the formation of the KL, as we stated in the manuscript as “Furthermore, our investigation revealed that the G77C mutant, involving a single nucleotide mutation at a highly conversed site, 77 (with 97% nucleotide conservation), also hindered the formation of the KL (Figure 2– figure supplement 10). This finding aligns with previous research (Lenkeit et al., 2020) and the predicted second structure of G77C mutation by Mfold (Zuker, 2003)” ( page 7). And the secondary structure for the G77C mutant was predicted by Mfold, which as cited in the manuscript and added in the reference list as “Zuker, M. (2003). Mfold web server for nucleic acid folding and hybridization prediction. Nucleic Acids Research, 31(13), 3406-3415”. 

      - It is not clear to me that the structural interpretation of their FRET states is correct and that the FRET signal reports on the base pairing of the KL in only the high FRET state. The authors should perform experiments with additional mutations in the KL duplex to confirm that their construct reports on KL duplex formation alone and not other structural dynamics. 

      We thank the reviewer for the comment. We have included additional mutations to establish a connection between the high-FRET state to the formation of the KL. The results have been added to the manuscript as “The highly conserved nucleotides surrounding the KL are crucial for its formation (Lenkeit et al., 2020). To test our hypothesis that the state with EFRET ~ 0.8 corresponds to the conformation with the KL, we preformed smFRET analysis on several mutations at these crucial nucleotides (Figure 2– figure supplement 8–10). Consistent with our expectations, the peaks with EFRET ~ 0.8 was significantly diminished in the riboG-G71C mutant, which features a single nucleotide mutation at site 71 (with 97% nucleotide conservation) in the KL (Figure 2– figure supplement 8A and 8B). It is worth noting that the C30G and G71C mutant, which were initially expected to restore a base pair in the KL, did not successfully bring about the anticipated peak of EFRET ~ 0.8 (Figure 2– figure supplement 8C and 8D). On the other hand, the riboG-U72C mutant exhibited a lower proportion at the state with EFRET ~ 0.8 than riboG-apt. However, the A29G and U72C mutations restored a base pair in the KL, as well as the formation of the KL (Figure 2– figure supplement 9). Furthermore, our investigation revealed that the G77C mutant, involving a single nucleotide mutation at a highly conversed site, 77 (with 97% nucleotide conservation), also hindered the formation of the KL (Figure 2– figure supplement 10). This finding aligns with previous research (Lenkeit et al., 2020) and the predicted second structure of G77C mutation by Mfold (Zuker, 2003)”  ( page 7), “In contrast to riboG-term, both its G71C and C30G-G71C mutants displayed a reduced proportion of the state with EFRET ~ 0.8. Remarkably, the fractions of EFRET ~ 0.8 remained unaffected by the addition of 1.0 mM Gua+ in these mutants. Distinct from riboG-term, no structural transitions between states were observed in the two mutants (Figure 3– figure supplement 6). Regarding the U72C mutant of riboG-term, the mutation at the site 72 had a reduced impact on the KL conformation in the presence of 1.0 mM Gua+ and 2.0 mM Mg2+. However, the increased proportion of EFRET ~ 0.8 in the A29G-U72C mutant of riboG-term suggests that these mutations can restore the base-pairing between sites 29 and 72, as well as facilitate the formation of the KL (Figure 3– figure supplement 7)” ( page 8), and “Upon comparing the G71C and C30G-G71C mutants of the full-length riboG with their wild-type counterpart, it was observed that the wild-type adopted higher proportions of the state with EFRET ~ 0.8 (Figure 4– figure supplement 6). Regarding the U72C and A29G-U72C mutants of the full-length riboG, their behaviors with regards to the peak with EFRET ~ 0.8 were similar to that of their counterparts in riboG-term (Figure 4– figure supplement 7)” ( page 9).  

      - For the full-length riboG-136 (Cy3Cy5 riboG in Figure 4), the authors have clearly defined peaks at 0.6 and 0.4. However, the authors do not explain their structural interpretation of these states. Do the authors believe that the KL is forming in these states? It would be helpful to have data on mutations in the KL in the context of the full-length riboG to better understand the structural transitions of these intermediate states. 

      Based on our mutation studies, we proposed that the peak with EFRET ~0.8 corresponds to the conformation with the KL, while the states with EFRET ~0.4 and 0.6 are the states without a stable KL. 

      Related to weakness 2:

      - For the riboG-apt and riboG-term RNAs, the proposed intermediate FRET state (EFRET = 0.5) is poorly fit by a Gaussian and the dwell times in the state are almost entirely single-frame dwells. It is likely that this state is the result of a camera blurring artifact, in which RNAs undergo a FRET transition between two frames giving an apparent FRET efficiency which is between that of the two transitioning states. This artifact arises when the average dwell times of the true states (Elow and Ehigh) are comparable to the frame duration (within a factor of ~5-10; see https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c01036). To confirm the presence of the intermediate state, the authors should perform at least a few experiments with higher time resolution to support the existence of the 0.5 state with a lifetime of 0.1 s. Alternatively, the data should be refit to a two-state HMM and the authors could explain in the text that the density in the FRET histogram between the two states is likely due to transitions that are faster than the time resolution of the experiment. 

      We thank the reviewer for the great comment. Taking the suggestion into consideration, we performed smFRET experiments with a higher time resolution of 20 ms. As a result, we still detected the intermediate state, supporting that it is not an artifact. The new data has been included in the revised manuscript (Figure 2-figure supplement 3).  

      Related to weakness 3:

      - The authors depict the polymerase footprint differently in some of the figures and it is unclear if this is part of their model. Is the cartoon RNAP supposed to indicate the RNA:DNA hybrid or the footprint of T7 RNAP on the RNA? For example, in Figure 8a there are 8 nts (left) and 9 nts (right) covered by RNAP, and only 6nts in Figure 6 - supp 2A. This is particularly misleading for the EC-87 and EC-88 in Figure 6 - supp 2, where it is likely that this stem is not formed at all and the KL strand is single-stranded. The authors should clarify and at least indicate in the figure legend if the RNAP cartoon is part of the model or only a representation. 

      We thank the reviewer for bringing the issues to our attention. Due to space limitations, we chose to represent the polymerase footprint differently in Figure 8. However, we have included the statement “DNA templates from EC-87 to EC-105 are not displayed in the model” in the legend of Figure 8 to avoid the confusion.

      Moreover, we have corrected the error of 6 nts Figure 6-supplement figure 2.  

      - With a correct 9 bp RNA:DNA hybrid, the EC-88 construct would not be able to form the top part of the P2 stem and the second half of the KL RNA would be single-stranded. In this case, an interaction between the KL nucleotides would resemble a pseudoknot and not a kissing loop interaction. Can the authors explain if this could explain the heterogeneity they observe in the EC-88 construct compared to the riboGapt  RNA?

      Thank the reviewer for the comment. We have added the statement in the revised manuscript as “The T7 RNA polymerase (RNAP) sequestered about 8 nt of the nascent RNA, preventing the EC-88 construct from forming the P2 stem (Durniak et al., 2008; Huang & Sousa, 2000; Lubkowska et al., 2011; Tahirov et al., 2002; Wang et al., 2022; Yin & Steitz, 2002). Consequently, a pseudoknot structure potentially formed instead of the expected KL. This distinction may account for the observed heterogeneity between EC-88 and riboG-apt” ( page 11).

      Other comments:

      (1) It appears that the FRET histograms in the PLOR experiments (Figure 6 and related figures) only show the fits presumably to highlight the overlays. However, this makes it impossible to determine the goodness of the fit. The authors should instead show the outline of the raw histogram with the fit, or at least show the raw histograms with fits in the supplement. 

      We have replaced Figure 6- figure supplements 2-4 to enhance the clarity of the raw and fitted smFRET histograms.  

      (2) The authors should consider including a concluding paragraph to put the results into a larger context. How does the kinetic window compare to other transcriptional riboswitches? Would the authors comment on how the transcription speed compares to the kinetics for the formation of the KL? 

      We thank the reviewer for the comment. We have added the comparison of riboG to other transcription riboswitches to the manuscript as “Nevertheless, the ligand-sensitive windows of riboswitches during transcription vary. In a study conducted by Helmling et al. using NMR spectroscopy, they proposed a broad transcriptional window for deoxyguanosine-sensing riboswitches, whereby the ligand binding capability gradually diminishes over several nucleotide lengths (Helmling et al., 2017). However, more recent research by Binas et al. and Landgraf et al. on riboswitches sensing ZMP, c-di-GMP, and c-GAMP revealed a narrow window with a sharp transition in binding capability, even with transcript lengths differing by only one or three nucleotides (Binas et al., 2020; Landgraf et al., 2022). In line with the findings for the c-GAMP-sensing riboswitch, our study on the guanidine-IV riboswitch also demonstrated a sharp transition in binding capability with just a single nucleotide extension” ( page 14). 

      We appreciate the reviewer’s comment in comparing the transcription speed to the kinetics of the KL formation. However, we must acknowledge that we have limited kinetic data in this study to confidently make such a comparison.

      (3) Cy3Cy5 RiboG is a confusing name because it implies that the others are not also Cy3Cy5 labeled. The authors should consider changing the names and being consistent throughout. I suggest full-length riboG or riboG-136. 

      We have changed “Cy3Cy5 riboG” to “Cy3Cy5-full-length riboG” (pages 15 and 16).

      (4) The transcriptional readthrough experiment should be explained when first mentioned in line 109. 

      We have added the citation (Chien et al., 2023) of the transcriptional readthrough experiment to the manuscript as “we noted that the transcriptional read-through of the guanidine-IV riboswitch during the single-round PLOR reaction was sensitive to Gua+, exhibiting an apparent EC50 value of 68.7  7.3 μM (Figure 1D) (Chien et al., 2023)” (page 5). 

      (5) Kd values in text should have uncertainties, and the way these uncertainties are obtained should be explained.

      We have added the uncertainties of Kd values in the revised manuscript ( page 6) and the legend of Figure 2-supplement 6 as “The percentages of the folded state (EFRET ~ 0.8) of Cy3Cy5-riboG-apt were plotted with the concentrations of Gua+ at 0.5 mM Mg2+, with an apparent Kd of 286.0  18.1 μM in three independent experiments”.

      (6) The authors mention "strategies" on line 306, but it is unclear what they are referring to. Are the strategies referring to the constructs (EC-87, etc) or Steps 1-8 in the supplemental figure? Please clarify. 

      We have clarified the confusion by adding “The detailed procedures of strategies 1-8 were shown in Figure 7–figure supplement 1” to the manuscript ( page 12).

      (7) What are the fraction of dynamic traces versus static traces in the cases for the full-length riboG? This would help depict the structural heterogeneity in the population. 

      We have added the fractions of dynamic single-molecule traces of the full-length riboG to Figure 4-supplements 1-5. 

      (8) The labels in Figure 4 (A-E) don't match the caption (A-H). 

      We have corrected the error. 

      (9) The coloring of the RNA strands in Figure 4A should be explained in the figure legend. It could be interpreted as multiple strands annealed instead of a continuous strand. 

      We have revised the legend of Figure 4A by adding “The full-length riboG contains the aptamer domain (black), terminator (red) and the extended sequence (blue). Cy3 and Cy5 are shown by green and red sparkles, respectively”.

      (10) Reported quantities and uncertainties should have the same number of decimal places. In many places, the uncertainties likely have too many significant figures, for example, in Figure 5 and related figures. 

      We have corrected the significant figures of the uncertainties. 

      (11) In Figure 5, A and B should have the same vertical scale to facilitate comparison. 

      We have adjusted Figure 5A to match the vertical scale of Figure 5B in the revised manuscript.

      (12) In Figure 5C-D, the construct from which those trajectories come should be indicated in the legend. 

      We have added the construct to the legend of Figures 5C and D.  

      (13) In Figure 6J, the splines between data points are confusing and can be misleading. They suggest that the data has been fit to a model, but I am not sure if it represents a model. The data points should be colored instead and lines removed. 

      We thank the reviewer for the comment. We have changed Figure 6J by coloring the data points and removing the lines to avoid confusion. 

      (14) Line 330 mentions a P2 structure in Figure 8, but there is no such label in Figure. Please clarify. 

      We thank the reviewer for the comment and have added P2 to Figure 8. 

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) Figure 1B. The authors don't seem to address the role of the blue stem-loop following Stems 1 and 2. Is this element needed at all for gene regulation? Does it impact the conformations or folding of the preceding Stems 1 and 2? It seems feasible to disrupt the stem and see whether there is an impact on riboswitch function. 

      We thank the reviewer for the comment. The presence of the sequence which formed blue stem-loop indicates the formation of an anti-terminator conformation in riboG during transcription. Our smFRET data shows that the inclusion of the stem-loop sequence induces additional peaks in the full-length riboG compared to the riboGterm. This indicates that the stem-loop influences the folding of the kissing loop (KL) and potentially also affects the stems 1 and 2.  

      (2) Figure 7 supplement 1, C &D. Maybe I am missing something, but it seems to me in reaction #8 (EC-105, last two lanes), the readthrough percentage is close to 50% based on the gel but plotted in D as 20%. Further, there is a strong effect of guanidine in reaction #8 but that is not reflected in the quantitation in panel D. 

      We thank the reviewer for the comment. The observed discrepancy between reaction 8 in (C) and (D) is from the differential handling of the crude product at the last step (step 17) in gel loading for (C), contrasted with the combination of crude products from steps 16 and 17 to calculate the read-through percentage in (D). We have corrected the discrepancy by replacing Figure 7-Supplement figure 1C (now Figure 7C), and revised the legend to include the following clarification: “Taking into consideration that the 17 step-PLOR reaction exhibited a pause within the terminator region, resulting in a significant amount of terminated product at step 16, crude products from steps 16 and 17 were collected for (C) and (D) of the 17 step-PLOR reaction (Lanes 15 and 16 in C)”.

      (3) Figure 7C is a control that shows the quality of the elongation complexes, which probably should be in the supplement. Instead, in Figure 7 supplement 1, panels C and D are actual experiments and could be moved into the main figure.  

      We thank the reviewer for the comment. We made the adjustment.  

      (4) Figure S7D. I would suggest not labelling the RNA polymerase halt/stoppage sites due to NTP deprivation as "pausing sites" because transcriptional pausing has previously been defined as natural sites where the RNA polymerase transiently halts itself, but not due to the lack of the next NTPs. In this case, the elongating complexes were artificially halted, which is technically not "pausing", as it will not restart/resume on its own without intervention. 

      We have changed the “pausing” to “halting”.  

      (5) Figure 7 is titled "In vitro transcriptional performance of riboG." But the data is actually not about the performance of the riboswitch, or how well it functions. I would suggest the authors revise the title. This is mostly about the observed sensitivity window of the riboswitch to ligand-mediated conformational switching. 

      We have changed the title of Figure 7 to “Ligand-mediated conformational switching of riboG during transcription”.

      (6) Figure 7A, the illustration gives the visual impression that there are multiple RNA polymerases on the same DNA template, which is not the case. 

      We have revised Figure 7A by adding arrows between RNA polymerases to illustrate the movement of a single RNAP, rather than multiple RNAP on the same template.

      (7) It could be informative to compare the guanidine-IV riboswitch with the first three classes (I, II, III), to see how their architectures or gene regulatory mechanisms are similar or different. 

      We thank the reviewer for the comment. We have added the comparison of the guanidine-IV riboswitch to other three guanidine riboswitches to the manuscript as “The guanidine-IV riboswitch exhibits similarities to the guanidine-I riboswitch in gene regulatory mechanism, functioning as a transcriptional riboswitch. Structurally, it resembles the guanidine-II riboswitch through the formation of loop-loop interactions upon binding to guanidine (Battaglia & Ke, 2018; L. Huang et al., 2017; Lin Huang et al., 2017; Lenkeit et al., 2020; Nelson et al., 2017; Reiss & Strobel, 2017; Salvail et al., 2020)” ( page 12).  

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      In addition to the public review items, I provide the following recommendations:

      (1) As a second language speaker, I understand that writing a compelling and concise story may be hard, and we tend to write more than needed or more repetitively. That being said, I do think that the writing could be improved to make it more concise, clear, and avoid repetitions.

      We thank the reviewer for the comment. We re-wrote the abstract and some sentences in the manuscript.

      (2) In the abstract, instead of saying that "...This lack of understanding has impeded the application of this riboswitch", which makes the statement too strong, perhaps, stating something along the lines of "this understanding would assist the application of this riboswitch", would be a better fit. 

      We have re-wrote the abstract, and revised the sentence.  

      (3) Methods should state which RNA polymerase was used. PLOR uses T7 RNA pol, so I assume it was the same. 

      We have added the statement “T7 RNAP was utilized in the PLOR and in vitro transcription reactions except noted” in the Methods ( page 15). 

      (4) The impact statement says comprehensive structure-function, where perhaps comprehensive folding-function would be more appropriate. We are still missing a lot of structural information about this particular riboswitch. 

      We agree with the reviewer, and changed “comprehensive structure-function” to “folding-function” in Impact statement ( page 2).

      (5) Higher Mg2+ concentrations implicated in a lesser extent of the switch of RiboGapt, a sentence talking about it would be useful (how Mg2+ could have promiscuous interaction and interfere with folding). 

      We have added the role of higher Mg2+ to the manuscript as “However, at a higher concentration of 50.0 mM Mg2+, the proportion of the pre-folded and unfolded conformations were more prevalent at 50.0 mM Mg2+ than at 20.0 mM Mg2+. This suggests that an excess of Mg2+ may promote the pre-folded and even unfolded conformations” ( page 6).

      (6) In the investigations of RiboG-term and RiboG, seems like that monovalents from the buffer are sufficient to promote secondary structure. A statement commenting on this would benefit the paper and the audience. 

      We agree with the reviewer and have accordingly revised the manuscript accordingly by adding “This indicates that monovalent ions in the buffer can facilitate the formation of stable guanidine-IV riboswitch” ( page 8).

      (7) Figure 3. Figure goes to panel E and legend to panel H. G and H colors do not correspond to actual figure colors. 

      We made the correction.  

      (8) Figure 4. The same as Figure 3, the panels and figures are divergent.  

      We made the correction.  

      (9) During the discussion, stating that the DNA and RNA pol play a role in folding and ligand binding may be excessive. This could be an indirect effect of the transcriptional bubble hindering part of the nascent RNA from folding, which is something intrinsic to any transcription and not specific to this system. 

      We agree with the reviewer and deleted the statement about the DNA and RNAP play a role in folding and ligand binding.

      (10) PLOR is not properly cited. When introduced in the manuscript, please cite the original PLOR paper (Liu et. al. Nature 2015) and additional related papers. 

      We cited the original PLOR paper (Liu et al, Nature 2015) and the related papers (Liu et al, Nature Protocols 2018). ( pages 4 and 15)

      (11) The kinetics race of folding and binding could be a little more emphasized in discussion, particularly from the perspective of its physiological importance. 

      We agree with the reviewer and deleted the kinetics race of folding and binding from the Discussion part.

    1. Using Locally

      Add note (maybe in a callout box to make it stand out):

      "Local setup is not recommended on macOS or Windows as the Docker container will work via a Virtual Machine and building R will take far longer (e.g. a full build may take 1 hour vs 10 minutes!)."

    1. sex, eros, philia, and agape

      Love and Will (1969) is a book by American existential psychologist Rollo May,

      The book explores how the modern loss of older values, whose structures and stories provided society with explanations of the mysteries of life, forces contemporary humanity to choose between finding meaning within themselves or deciding that neither oneself, nor life, has meaning.


    2. sex, eros, philia, and agape (

      Eros: Erotic, Passionate Love We might as well get that one out of the way first. Eros is erotic or sexual or passionate love. It's often all about need and it's more about the person who's feeling sexually attractive than it is about the person who is the focus of that love or thing that is the focus of that love. It is addicting. It can cause great joy and great sorrow. It isn't always good for you. More hearts are broken on Valentine's Day due to the unfulfillment of erotic love.

      Philia: Love of Friends and Equals It can be the love between lovers when they've been together for a long time and are not so hot and bothered anymore. It's also called brotherly love as in the city of Philadelphia. The city of brotherly love. Of course, it could be sisterly love and it is the accepting love of good friendship. This is the love that is good for your health. The touch of a loved one. The philia touch lowers blood pressure. People in loving relationships feel your love have few doctor visits, shorter hospital visits, have less pain, and have more positive emotions. All of these positive consequences of philia love, loving friendships make us more resilient when hard times come.

      Storge: Love of Parents for Children This kind of love is what mothers know best but isn't talked about too much when we talk about love. It is the love of parents for children. It is described as the most natural of loves. Natural in that it's present without corrosion. It's emoted because we can't help ourselves and it pays the least attention as to whether the person is worthy of love.

      It's often transient behaviors that wouldn't be tolerated in philia love. For example, women can continue to love their children despite truly awful behaviors. Behaviors they wouldn't tolerate in their girlfriends or their spouses. It seems to come unbidden in the care of a newborn and it grows to allow us to love our children despite their behaviors. Thank goodness for that. In many ways it's probably a genetically programmed and hard wired love compared to the affectionate love, philia, which is maybe not so hot wired.

      Agape: Love of Mankind The love modeled on the love of the Christian God for men and the love of man for God. It's the love that is given whether or not it's returned. It's the love without any self benefit. In the Buddhist tradition it is the central foundation of loving kindness for all mankind. This kind of love is important in the process of forgiveness. Forgiveness is important to your health, because the inability to forgive is associated with anger and a number of health outcomes that are not very good. It is love that sets a very hard bar but it may be at the foundation for happiness and contentment.


      Healthcare.utah.edu. (2023, February 10). The Four Types of Love: Some Are Healthy, Some Are Not. Retrieved from https://healthcare.utah.edu/the-scope/health-library/all/2020/02/four-types-of-love-some-are-healthy-some-are-not

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:08:28][^2^][2] :

      Cette vidéo présente une méthode pour résoudre tout problème, basée sur le livre "How to Solve It" de George Pólya. Elle explique l'importance de comprendre le problème, de trouver des liens entre les données et l'inconnu, d'élaborer un plan de solution, d'exécuter ce plan et d'examiner la solution obtenue.

      Points forts : + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Introduction à la résolution de problèmes * Présentation du livre de George Pólya * Importance de comprendre le problème avant de le résoudre + [00:01:50][^4^][4] Établir des connexions * Trouver des liens entre les données et l'inconnu * Considérer des problèmes auxiliaires si nécessaire + [00:03:20][^5^][5] Exécution du plan * Différence entre planification et action * Importance de prendre des décisions et d'agir + [00:04:08][^6^][6] Examen de la solution * Vérifier la solution et l'argumentation * L'importance de l'examen dans les mathématiques et dans la vie réelle

    1. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

      Brief Biography of .Søren Kierkegaard (1813-185


    2. existentialism

      Existentialism is a philosophical idea that existence precedes essence, which means that above the labels, roles, or stereotypes that one may be given, we are first and foremost independently acting conscious beings. Quoting Jean-Paul Sartre from “Existentialism is a Humanism”, his famous essay defending existentialism

      Sartre J.-P. World Publishing Company; 1946. Existentialism is a Humanism. [Google Scholar] [

    3. Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855).

      Brief Biography of .Søren Kierkegaard (1813-185


    4. aesthetic mode, the ethical mode, and the religious mode
    1. 3. Volumetry

      move p, before emplacement

    2. Loci and squares

      loci actually include squares, see MZA volumetry

    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240531083407/https://www.euronews.com/green/2024/02/06/this-disused-mine-in-finland-is-being-turned-into-a-gravity-battery-to-store-renewable-ene publ #2024/02/06 A deep mineshaft to be used in Finland for gravity-storage of green energy. The mine is 1400m deep and a 530m shaft would be used. 2MW means about 1 windmill's capacity in storage. I think the deepest Dutch mine was 1100m (Hendrik mijn, Heerlen), but don't know about shaft length, and if that still exists.

    1. Every human activity is embedded in theconcrete interests, needs, and motives of the individual subject,and so every learning activity has an intentional dimension.
    2. more incentive for individuals to be primarily self-concerned,“rational selfish” and motivated by “the drive to better theirown condition”

      This is an example of the prisoners dilemma being promoted by the way digital learning technologies are constructed. Scholia and hypothesis might present the antithesis to this problem, as these platforms constantly remind the user that the way their learning is dependent on others. Since hypothesis is always present at the side of the screen the learner is also constantly being reminded that they are able to contribute to the public knowledge database.

    3. that is, shaped by dominant sets of values and interests, andthen acting (however subtly) to perpetuate the dominance ofthose values and interests.

      These values and interests might be best described as those of the private sector and the profit motive. The teaching management platform Moodle seems to follow this trend as the interactivity of the platform is largely controlled by the teacher. This is one way that capitalism enforces bisected learning, and it is also an example of how bisected learning and capitalism are indirect contradiction to explorative learning and free knowledge.

    4. (1) the whatof the learning action, that is, the learning content and what thelearner would like to learn; (2) the why of the learning action,that is, the learner’s reasons for wanting to learn something. Thesemore content-related dimensions of learning give direction andthey determin

      Schraube defines two (plural!) learning dimensions: content and reason. Perhaps there it is only one dimension containing those two aspects.

    5. Digital technologies arein no way opposed to learning as a worlding practice. On thecontrary, they can be quite powerful in expanding learningprocesses in various contexts. However, as Ralf Lankau pointsout: “Nobody learns digitally”

      It seems possible that the arguments made against digital technologies for learning could also be made for any other human technology. Perhaps the underlying argument is that learning exists in the relation itself between the subject at hand and the learner. in that case, " nobody learns technologically". The point that seems to be made is that a digital technology for world making and learning needs to promote the relations themselves between the learner and the text. It could be argued that this is a quality of semantic tools.

    6. for learning to be trulyproductive and expansive, the goal-oriented learning processmust be supplemented by an affinitive learning movement in thecontrary direction—an explorative movement of de-fixation, ofgaining distance and an overview, withdrawal, reflection, and soon

      Here, the affinitive learning movement is defined as an opposite, yet complementary, supplement to the definitive learning movement.

    7. Expansive acts of learning are future-oriented; the learnerwants to achieve something not yet accessible to him or her. Thisprocess of not being able to do something toward being able todo it constitutes the decisive movement of non-bisected learning,and it unites both content and method.

      Expansive acts are future-oriented

    8. and that in turn at least presumesthat I can see where there is something to learn for me.

      This might also be understood in the sense that you can't learn anything from a text that you don't have any expectations for. If you don't have some idea about the conclusions that are going to be drawn, there are no concepts in your mind that I improved changed or created.

    9. why should thesevarious forms of individualizing and personalizing the practice oflearning be a problem? After all, learning is an individual act and,like all mental activities, it is tied to a concrete, unique individualsubject. Indeed, as explained earlier, the grounding of learningin the individual subject and his or her experience, action, andconduct of everyday life is an important insight, but as individualsubjects we are always social beings.

      Problem with tools like ChatGPT is not an inherent individualization, but that its lack of transparency hampers the ability for critical reasoning, including social collaborative reflection. Tools that present statements (words put together) without reference to the origins of presumed reasoning for concluding the statement, invites only for taking the statements as-is, not for reflecting and therefore do not stimulate a constructive learning process. But that is a criticism of tools lacking transparency, not of digitalization in general.

    10. Collaborative online learning is more aboutcooperation than collaboration.

      Interesting distinction!<br /> Collaboration versus Cooperation, and the more specific collaborative learning versus cooperative learning.

    11. Basedon the student reports, the potential of digital connectedness liesmainly in the operative dimension of the learning action

      Only when asking students to reflect on their own potentials of digitalization does it seem reasonable to conclude about that.

      If instead (as suspected here) the students were asked about their *practices", then it seems unfair to extrapolate potentials.

      Related: Are the learners even capable of identifying what is potential? That seems to depend on their skills on the involved practices.

    12. digital distraction

      What does that even mean? Ok, I can imagine some specific things that are both "distraction" and inherently "digital", but how are those significant compared to specific non-digital distractions, like drugs and whatever type of music not in your particular taste?

    13. the term informationwould also be misleading

      Probably¹ the argument here is that words placed into sentences are merely building blocks for information - i.e. they can contain information but can also lack information, and ChatGPT by design lumps together pieces of information through non-rational means: It hallucinates.

      ¹ The source Bender, 2023 is behind a paywall, so only guessing here.

    14. Of students and teachers alike, it demands thatthey make themselves present, in attention and response, ratherthan hiding behind the technology of transmission.

      Not all technology promotes "hiding behind" - some promotes transparency and collaboration.

    15. There is akind of surveillance. When you write something, everyone inthe group can see what you write.

      Understandable that "Elaine" conflates an issue of peer pressure with a quite different issue of surveillance. But problematic that it is quoted in a context of understanding problems of digitalization, without defusing the obvious hyperbole: The word "surveillance" is commonly associated with control imposed by superior parties external to the (immediate, intended) dialogue (notably governments and multinational corporations). It is notably not commonly associated with kinds of the control the immediate group imposes on you when you expose your uncertainties in a collaborative learning process. Maybe "Elaine" really feels as strongly an oppression as if NSA of Google was puppetmastering her, but more likely she is sloppily describing "peer pressure" - which however does not as strongly give off a smell of being an issue with digitalization. In the context the quote is used to boost digitalization as a villain, which is not helpful.

    16. Research into the digitalization of educational practice, however,has so far widely reproduced the logic of bisected learning. Whenlearning is articulated as an activity of the learners, the focusis only on the how of learning and on questions regarding theperformative, operational, and organizational dimensions of theact of learning.

      These are some concrete assumptions that could be interesting to challenge, e.g. in DigiPro.

    17. the difficulty of finding the needle in thedigital haystack

      Fun word play, but also deceptive: The haystack of finding relevant source material for covering a problem space is not a digital one. Jokingly framing it as such, exactly in the context of identifying problems with digitalization in learning, is quite problematic.

    18. A serious problem is the intensification of the individualization oflearning in digital learning relations

      True that those digital tools intensifying individualization of learning is a serious problem for (expansive) learning. False (or unknown, however. that digital learning in general inherently is seriously problematic in this way. Reason is that only individualizing tools have so far been examined, and therefore only potential for individualization can be concluded.

    19. since I type fast and can typewithout looking

      seems the reasons given are relates to fluency in using the tool, more than the tool being digital.

    20. So far, my examinationhas shown that digital technologies cannot really contribute to thedevelopment of the content of learning

      Examinations so far have been biased: Not generally on digital tools, but highlighting problems by picking extreme tools. Problems exist, but examining the problematic part of a filed and concluding that the field is problematic is tautologic.

    21. Some people feel that they are beingwatched and controlled when they write, so they write first ina document on their own computer and then, after they havewritten, they paste it into the shared digital document.

      Probably the same urge to do it privately first, before risking the exposure of the group, is the same for non-digital collaborative tools like a whiteboard or a blackboard.

    22. a special doing of ChatGPT

      Right: This is something specific to ChatGPT - not general for digitalization.

    23. Another major problem identified by the students is thedifficulty of determining the substance and quality of the respectivematerial among the vast number of sources available

      The students identify a problem in navigating vast amount of information, but even if they mention "internet" they do not frame that as a problem of digitalization: The framing is on the author.

    24. digital technologies are not simplyneutral things, but forms of power and materialized action thatembody the possibility of a new quality of individualizing thepractice of learning.

      It is difficult not to read the text as arguing, that digitalization in general inherently is biased towards individualizing the practice of learning. Yes, there is potential for that quality, but no, it is neither general for digital tools nor unique for digital tools.

    25. Because you use it all the time, it’salmost like a part of your body.

      So this digital tool (computers used for writing) is internalized (possibly as a result of schooling and/or peer pressure or other interactions in a previous part of life) compared to alternatives for the same task (pen and paper), so it is not a comparison between options in principle equal but one being digital and the other not, but instead options in principle equal but the other internalized and the other not.

    26. Where exactly do I search in the digital space?

      Why scoping that challenge as being "in the digital space"? Do any of the students examined here (or anyone else) find it particularly confusing or in other ways hard to search "in the digital space" as opposed to outside of it?

      Search engines can be confusing to use effectively, especially as a new scholarly student, but I strongly doubt that many will find it harder than effectively using index cards.

    27. I think it’s a shame when you don’t really get to the bottom ofthings. For example, we have a discussion, me, and my studymates. But not everyone is prepared to join in because some arecompletely absorbed by something else, like what’s happeningon Facebook.

      True, lack of focus is a "highly problematic phenomenon", and nowadays where most entertainment is digital, distractions are quite often digital. But it is not a problem of digitalization. If it were, then students would have generally been super focused back in the day before the rise of the internet.

    28. theproblem with digital systems like ChatGPT is that the responsesare generated in a completely disconnected way from the world

      This problem seems not tied to digitalization: Responses from a collection of books in a library is also "completely disconnected" from the world outside, due to books being static. ChatGPT being static is not rooted in it being digital but despite that: Generative artificial intelligence systems like ChatGPT can easily be designed to be connected, and ChatGPT specifically is deliberately crippled as a security mechanism - i.e. concerns by those producing the service over the lack of control over the conversations possible between the service and its consumer/learner. Arguably, books are inherently disconnected and ChatGPT is designed to mimick a similar disconnected model even though digitalization offers opportunity for letting go of that constraint.

    29. Digital technologies certainly offer new possibilities, for example,through the enormous world reach extension in screen-mediateddialogue with others. For the core of tentacular learning, however,for the development of attention, resonance, and affinitive self-organizing processes, they are insignificant

      Commonly, sure, but are digital technologies really categorically insignificant for tentacular learning?

      Seems that certain set of digital technologies are supportive of tentacular thinking by design, and thus potentially significant if used as per their intended design.

    30. Whenlearning is articulated as an activity of the learners, the focusis only on the how of learning and on questions regarding theperformative, operational, and organizational dimensions of theact of learning.

      The dimension of learning concerned with the how might not be the only dimension that digital technologies can grasp. Using semantic digital technologies for learning could for example radically change the way we see the learning process as we learn. For example using scholia might prompt the learner to ask more questions about the why as they have more material in front of them and have to make choices about which one to read based on the information about each of them. Hard to understand concepts would be opened up to the learner and the learner would get used to being able to open up these concepts. Using a tool like hypothesis might also prompt the reader to ask critical questions about the text that they are reading and these critiques could be written down for the other students to use and learn from.

    31. the decisive dimensions of world-disclosing learning

      some dimensions are decisive - but which?

    32. The process of learning, he argues, is not based on just puttingtogether the separate elements of subject matter and method buton experience as a whole that is constantly in flux. “Experience,”he explains, “is not a combination of mind and world, subjectand object, method and subject matter, but is a single continuousinteraction of a great diversity (literally countless) of energies”(1916/2008, p. 147). Consequently, Dewey fiercely criticizes the“evils in education that flow from the isolation of method fromsubject matter”

      This is the precisely the conclusion you would draw on learning if you were to analyse the process of learning dialectically. This conclusion also stands in direct opposition to the dominant narrative and method of approximating knowledge by splitting up the whole into smaller and smaller isolated pieces

    33. when I make notes on a piece of paper, put my thoughtsinto words with a word processing application, create a mind-mapof my reasoning, buy a book, or do a search in digital archives.In psychological- educational research, the material dimension oflearning relations has long been regarded as secondary, as a rathermarginal and negligible phenomenon. Today, with computers,digitalization, and artificial intelligence systems, this has changed.

      the material dimension is the use of technologies: Instrumentation

    34. AnthonyGiddens for example emphasizes: “Action … does not refer to aseries of discrete acts combined together, but to a continuous flow ofconduct”

      as this applies to the learning action as well, an effective digital learning tool would have to tear down the conceptual walls, that divide the different texts that constitute a university lecture

    35. If one takes a closer look at human actions from the perspectiveof action theory, one can see that it is made up of four distinctcomponents

      These four components of a learning action can serve as a framework for analyzing the efficiency of tools for learning digitally like Scholia and Hypothes.is.

    36. Learning is distinguished, then, by its more or less explicitintentional character. For this reason, learning is not simply aprocedure, an operation, or an activity but an action. Learningdoes not only have its origin in everyday action but is itself aparticular form of action—and this is why one can rightly talk ofthe act of learning or a learning action.

      Categorizing learning itself as an action is an important step to understanding the difficulties associated with learning digitally. Perhaps the problem with digital tools for learning is that they make the learning process less dynamic, more formulaic and predetermined?

    1. donde no están permitidas las cámaras de televisión, en algún momento ha negado con la cabeza

      Por no haberse reaccionado, por lo menos en con asentir su cabeza, pues parece que él ya intuía que su veredicto iba a resultar así. Culpable.

    2. dictar la sentencia el 11 de julio,

      El la fecha que van a decir cual es la sentencia de Trump ("dictar la sentencia")

    3. a poco más

      A little bit before..a poco más de....X tiempo. A poco más de 7 años (un ejemplo)

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:23:42][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente une conférence de Stéphanie Mazza sur l'importance du sommeil pour les apprentissages. Elle explore les études sur le lien entre le sommeil et l'apprentissage, l'évolution des habitudes de sommeil, et comment le sommeil influence le développement cognitif et la consolidation de la mémoire.

      Points forts: + [00:00:22][^3^][3] L'importance du sommeil pour l'apprentissage * Le sommeil est crucial pour organiser et consolider les connaissances * Les recommandations de durée de sommeil varient selon l'âge * L'impact du manque de sommeil sur la santé physique et mentale + [00:02:03][^4^][4] La diminution du temps de sommeil * Une tendance à la baisse du temps de sommeil au fil des ans * Les enfants et adolescents sont les plus touchés par cette réduction * Les conséquences sur les performances académiques et cognitives + [00:03:44][^5^][5] Le sommeil et le développement cognitif * Les trajectoires de sommeil affectent le comportement et l'apprentissage * Les corrélations entre la qualité du sommeil et les compétences linguistiques * L'importance du sommeil profond pour la maturation cérébrale + [00:10:52][^6^][6] La consolidation de la mémoire pendant le sommeil * Le sommeil joue un rôle actif dans la stabilisation des apprentissages * Les processus de réactivation nocturne renforcent la mémoire * La sieste peut également être bénéfique pour la consolidation Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:23:42][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente une conférence de Stéphanie Mazza sur l'importance du sommeil pour les apprentissages. Elle explore les études sur le lien entre le sommeil et l'apprentissage, l'évolution des habitudes de sommeil, et comment le sommeil influence le développement cognitif et la consolidation de la mémoire.

      Points forts: + [00:00:22][^3^][3] L'importance du sommeil pour l'apprentissage * Le sommeil est crucial pour organiser et consolider les connaissances * Les recommandations de durée de sommeil varient selon l'âge * L'impact du manque de sommeil sur la santé physique et mentale + [00:02:03][^4^][4] La diminution du temps de sommeil * Une tendance à la baisse du temps de sommeil au fil des ans * Les enfants et adolescents sont les plus touchés par cette réduction * Les conséquences sur les performances académiques et cognitives + [00:03:44][^5^][5] Le sommeil et le développement cognitif * Les trajectoires de sommeil affectent le comportement et l'apprentissage * Les corrélations entre la qualité du sommeil et les compétences linguistiques * L'importance du sommeil profond pour la maturation cérébrale + [00:10:52][^6^][6] La consolidation de la mémoire pendant le sommeil * Le sommeil joue un rôle actif dans la stabilisation des apprentissages * Les processus de réactivation nocturne renforcent la mémoire * La sieste peut également être bénéfique pour la consolidation

    1. eLife assessment

      This study presents a valuable finding on the relationship between brain activity related to sustained attention and substance use in adolescence/early adulthood with a large longitudinal dataset. The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is solid, although the inclusion of more details of methods, results, and data analyses would have strengthened the study. The work will be of interest to cognitive neuroscientists, psychologists, and clinicians working on substance use or addiction.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study explored the relationship between sustained attention and substance use from ages 14 to 23 in a large longitudinal dataset. They found behaviour and brain connectivity associated with poorer sustained attention at age 14 predicted subsequent increase in cannabis and cigarette smoking from ages 14-23. They concluded that the brain network of sustained attention is a robust biomarker for vulnerability to substance use. The big strength of the study is a substantial sample size and validation of the generalization to an external dataset. In addition, various methods/models were used to prove the relationship between sustained attention and substance use over time.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Weng and colleagues investigated the relationship between sustained attention and substance use in a large cohort across three longitudinal visits (ages 14, 19, and 23). They employed a stop signal task to assess sustained attention and utilized the Timeline Followback self-report questionnaire to measure substance use. They assessed the linear relationship between sustained attention-associated functional connections and substance use at an earlier visit (age 14 or 19). Subsequently, they utilized this relationship along with the functional connection profile at a later age (age 19 or 23) to predict substance use at those respective ages. The authors found that connections in association with reduced sustained attention predicted subsequent increases in substance use, a conclusion validated in an external dataset. Altogether, the authors suggest that sustained attention could serve as a robust biomarker for predicting future substance use.

      This study by Weng and colleagues focused on an important topic of substance use prediction in adolescence/early adulthood. While the study largely achieves its aims, several points merit further clarification:

      (1) Regarding connectome-based predictive modeling, an assumption is that connections associated with sustained attention remain consistent across age groups. However, this assumption might be challenged by observed differences in the sustained attention network profile (i.e., connections and related connection strength) across age groups (Figures 2 G-I, Fig. 3 G_I). It's unclear how such differences might impact the prediction results.

      (2) Another assumption of the connectome-based predictive modeling is that the relationship between sustained attention network and substance use is linear, and remains linear over development. Such linear evidence from either the literature or their data would be of help.

      (3) Heterogeneity in results suggests individual variability that is not fully captured by group-level analyses. For instance, Figure 1A shows decreasing ICV (better-sustained attention) with age on the group level, while there are both increasing and decreasing patterns on the individual level via visual inspection. Figure 7 demonstrates another example in which the group with a high level of sustained attention has a lower risk of substance use at a later age compared to that in the group with a low level of sustained attention. However, there are individuals in the high sustained attention group who have substance use scores as high as those in the low sustained attention group. This is important to take into consideration and could be a potential future direction for research.

      The above-mentioned points might partly explain the significant but low correlations between the observed and predicted ICV as shown in Figure 4. Addressing these limitations would help enhance the study's conclusions and guide future research efforts.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Weng and colleagues investigated the association between attention-related connectivity and substance use. They conducted a study with a sizable sample of over 1,000 participants, collecting longitudinal data at ages 14, 19, and 23. Their findings indicate that behaviors and brain connectivity linked to sustained attention at age 14 forecasted subsequent increases in cigarette and cannabis use from ages 14 to 23. However, early substance use did not predict future attention levels or attention-related connectivity strength.


      The study's primary strength lies in its large sample size and longitudinal design spanning three time-points. A robust predictive analysis was employed, demonstrating that diminished sustained attention behavior and connectivity strength predict substance use, while early substance use does not forecast future attention-related behavior or connectivity strength.


      It's questionable whether the prediction approach (i.e., CPM), even when combined with longitudinal data, can establish causality. I recommend removing the term 'consequence' in the abstract and replacing it with 'predict'. Additionally, the paper could benefit from enhanced rigor through additional analyses, such as testing various thresholds and conducting lagged effect analyses with covariate regression.

    1. eLife assessment

      This interesting study reports that muscle contains fibro-adipogenic progenitor cells (FAPs) that promote regeneration following injury of peripheral neurons. These novel results indicate that several known growth factors are involved in the process of regeneration. This is an important contribution, however the analysis is incomplete since additional experimental data is needed to support the main conclusions.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Yoo et al describe the role of a specialized cell type found in muscle, Fibro-adipogenic progenitors (FAPs), in promoting regeneration following sciatic nerve injury. Using single-cell transcriptomics, they characterize the expression profiles of FAPs at various times after nerve crush or denervation. Their results reveal that a population of these muscle-resident mesenchymal progenitors up-regulate the receptors for GDNF, which is secreted by Schwann cells following crush injury, suggesting that FAPs respond to this growth factor. They also find that FAPs increase expression of BDNF, which promotes nerve regeneration. The authors demonstrate FAP production of BDNF in vivo is upregulated in response to injection of GDNF and that conditional deletion of BDNF in FAPs results in delayed nerve regeneration after crush injury, primarily due to lagging remyelination. Finally, they also find reduced BDNF expression following crush injury in aged mice, suggesting a potential mechanism to explain the decrease in peripheral nerve regenerative capability in aged animals. These results are very interesting and novel and provide important insights into the mechanisms regulating peripheral nerve regeneration, which has important clinical implications for understanding and treating nerve injuries. However, there are a few concerns that the authors need to address.

      Given that only a fraction of the FAPs express BDNF after injury, the authors need to demonstrate the specificity of the Prrx1-Cre for FAPs. This is particularly important because muscle stem cell also express GDNF receptors (Fig. 3C & D) and myogenic progenitors/satellite cells produce BDNF after nerve injury (Griesbeck et al., 1995 (PMID 8531223); Omura et al., 2005 (PMID 16221288)). Moreover, as the authors point out, there are multipotent mesenchymal precursor cells in the nerve that migrate into the surrounding tissue following nerve injury and contribute to regeneration (Carr et al, PMID 30503141). Therefore, there are multiple possible sources of BDNF, highlighting the need to clearly demonstrate that FAP-derived BDNF is essential.

      Similarly, the authors should provide some evidence that BDNF protein is produced by FAPs. All of their data for BDNF expression is based on mRNA expression and that appears to only be increased in a small subset of FAPs. Perhaps an immunostaining could be done to demonstrate up-regulation of BDNF in FAPs after injury.

      The suggestion that Schwann cell-derived GDNF is responsible for up-regulation of BDNF in the FAPs is indirect, based largely on the data showing that injection of GDNF into the muscle is sufficient to up-regulate BDNF (Fig. 4F & G). However, to more directly connect the 2 observations in a causal way, the authors should inject a Ret/GDNF antagonist, such as a Ret-Fc construct, then measure the BDNF levels.

      In assessing the regeneration after nerve crush, the authors focus on remyelination, for example, assessing CMAP and g-ratios. However, they should also quantify axon regeneration, which can be done distal to the crush injury at earlier time points, before the 6 weeks scored in their study. Evaluating axon regeneration, which occurs prior to remyelination, would be especially useful because BDNF can act on both Schwann cells, to promote myelination, and axons, enhancing survival and growth. They could also evaluate the stability of the neuromuscular junctions, particularly if a denervation was done with the conditional knock outs, although that may be a bit beyond the scope of this study.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Yoo and colleagues studied the cellular mechanism allowing fibro-adipogenic progenitors (FAPs), muscle resident mesenchymal progenitors, to contribute to nerve regeneration upon regenerative injury. In addition to their expected role in the maintenance of muscle tissue, FAPs also contribute to the maturation and maintenance of neural tissue. After nerve injury, they prevent dying back loss of motor neurons. Consistently, muscle denervation activates FAPs, suggesting that FAPs can sense the injured distal peripheral nerve.

      A transcriptomic database was established using flow cytometry protocols and single-cell RNA-seq. FAPs were isolated from sciatic nerve crush (SNC), considered a regenerative condition, and compared to a non-regenerative condition consisting of denervation-affected muscles (DEN) at different time points after injury: early (3 and 7 days post-injury, dpi) and late (14 and 28 dpi), when the regeneration process has started to resolve. Transcriptome changes of the nine different conditions were compared: non-injured, 3, 7, 14, and 28 days after injury. Bioinformatic analysis and other filters were applied, including UMAP plots, hierarchical clustering analysis using differentially expressed genes (DEGs), volcano plots, and RNA velocity analysis. In addition to most of the supplementary material, the first three and a half central figures consist of the analysis of the transcriptome changes comparing the different conditions. Overall, the data indicate similar DEGs after both types of injury at early stages. Still, just after SNC, the gene expression pattern reaches similar levels compared to non-injured, meaning the injured process is resolved. For example, the Interleukin6/Stat3 pathway is upregulated in both injury models but downregulated at 28 days just in SNC. When focusing on the comparison between 28 dpi between both types of injury, it indicates a role of FAPs in the resolution of inflammation in SNC and participation of FAPs in fibrosis and inflammation in DEN at 28 dpi. Genes related to wound healing were enriched in both.

      With the question in mind of how FAPs are sensing injury, the authors identified a subset of FAPs relevant to regeneration in the SNC model. The unsupervised clustering of FAPs cells considering the nine different types of samples resulted in seven clusters of FAPs. Cluster one was exclusive to non-injury animals or regenerated samples. Clusters two and three were exclusive to the early injured or denervated nerve, suggesting that cluster one senses injury and clusters two and three are derived from it. Among the highest DEGs in cluster one were the GDNF receptors Ret and Gfra1. It is known that GDNF is released by Schwann cells after nerve injury in the literature. Also, gene expression analysis in clusters two and three predicts RTK involvement and GDNF signaling. Altogether, transcriptomic data suggest that GDNF is the mechanism by which FAPs sense nerve injury.

      On the other hand, they found BDNF expression limited to cluster two of injured FAPs, suggesting that FAPs respond to GDNF by secreting BDNF. Although the specific role of secreted BDNF by FAPs in nerve regeneration is unknown, BDNF is known to have a regenerative influence on injured sciatic nerves by promoting both axonal growth and myelination. Consistent with their hypothesis, the analysis of gene expression in Schwann cells (sorted using the Plp1CreER Rosatd tomato mouse) and FAPs after injury indicates an initial increase in GDNF gene expression in early time points after injury in Schwann cells, followed by increased expression of BDNF in FAPs. Using conditional knock-out of BDNF in low limb FAPs (Prrx1Cre; Bdnffl/fl), they were able to demonstrate that nerve regeneration is impaired in Prrx1Cre; Bdnffl/fl, by delayed myelinization of axons.


      I found the article well-written and cleverly maximized the interpretation and analysis of single-cell transcriptome data. Their findings illuminate how growth factors allow communication between cells responding to injury to promote regeneration. I find the data generated by the authors sufficient to support their model and claims,


      Although, I find the data the authors generated enough for their claims. I do see them as relatively poor, and a complementary analysis of protein expression would strengthen the paper through immunostaining of the different genes mentioned for FAPs and Schwann cells. The model is entirely supported by measuring mRNA levels and negative regulation of gene expression in specific cells. Additionally, what happens to the structure of the neuromuscular junction after regeneration when GDNF or BDNF expression is reduced? The determination of decreasing levels of FAPs BDNF mRNA during aging is interesting; is the gain of BDNF expression in FAPs reverting the phenotype?

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The manuscript by Kyusang Yoo et al. "Muscle-resident mesenchymal progenitors sense and repair peripheral nerve injury via the GDNF-BDNF axis" investigates the role and mechanisms of fibro-adipogenic progenitors (FAPs), that are muscle-resident mesenchymal progenitors, in the maturation and maintenance of the neuromuscular system. There is earlier evidence that absence of FAPs or its functional decline with age cause smaller regenerated myofibers. Role of FAPs on peripheral nerve regeneration is very poorly studied. This study has translational importance because traumatic injury to the peripheral nerve can cause lifelong paralysis of the injured limb.

      This manuscript provides data indicating that GDNF-BDNF axis plays an important role in peripheral nerve regeneration and function.


      Because the role of FAPs on peripheral nerve regeneration is very poorly studied this investigation is a major step towards understanding the mechanism on the role of FAPs. They use scRNA-seq, animal models, and cKO mice that is also important. This study has translational importance because traumatic injury to the peripheral nerve can cause lifelong paralysis of the injured limb.<br /> This is an interesting and original study focusing on the role of FAPs and indicating that GDNF-BDNF axis plays an important role in peripheral nerve regeneration and function.


      In Fig. 1 and 2 authors provide data on scRNA seq and this is important information reporting the finding of RET and GFRa1 transcripts in the subpopulation of FAP cells. However, authors provide no data on the expression of RET and GFRa1 proteins in FAP cells.<br /> Another problem is the lack of information showing that GDNF secreted by Schwann cells can activate RET and its down-stream signaling in FAP cells.<br /> There is no direct experimental proof that GDNF activating GFRa1-RET signaling triggers BDNF upregulation In FAP cells.<br /> The data that GDNF signaling is inducing the synthesis and secretion of BDNF is also not conclusive.

    1. Die Rede der ZukunftspreisträgerinMeredith Whittaker warnt in ihrer Rede vor der Macht der Techindustrie und erklärt, warum es sich gerade jetzt lohnt, positiv zu denken.

      Meredith Whittaker on the origin of AI wave and consquences. Need to read this. #toread Current AI as 1980s insights now feasible on top of the massive data of bigtech silos. And Clinton admin wrt privacy and advertising in 1990s as the fautllines that enabled #socmed platform silos.

    1. eLife assessment

      Cancer treatments are not just about the tumor - there is an ever-increasing need for treating pain, fatigue, and anhedonia resulting from the disease. Using an implantable oral tumor model in the mouse, the authors provide valuable information showing that nerve fibers are transmitting sensory signals to the brain that reduce pleasure and motivation. These findings are in part supported by anatomical and transcript changes in the tumor that suggest sensory innervation, neural tracing, and neural activity measurements; however, the study is incomplete in its current form.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Using a mouse model of head and neck cancer, Barr et al show that tumor-infiltrating nerves connect to brain regions via the ipsilateral trigeminal ganglion, and they demonstrate the effect this has on behavior. The authors show that there are neurites surrounding the tumors using a WGA assay and show that the brain regions that are involved in this tumor-containing circuit have elevated Fos and FosB expression and increased calcium response. Behaviorally, tumor-bearing mice have decreased nest building and wheel running and increased anhedonia. The behavior, Fos expression, and heightened calcium activity were all decreased in tumor-bearing mice following nociceptor neuron elimination.


      This paper establishes that sensory neurons innervate head and neck cancers and that these tumors impact select brain areas. This paper also establishes that behavior is altered following these tumors and that drugs to treat pain restore some but not all of the behavior. The results from the experiments (predominantly gene and protein expression assays, cFos expression, and calcium imaging) support their behavioral findings both with and without drug treatment.


      Study suggests that the effects of their tumor models of mouse behavioral are largely non-specific to the tumor as most behaviors are rescued by analgesic treatment. So, most of the changes were likely due to site-specific pain and not a unique signal from the tumor.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Cancer treatments are not just about the tumor - there is an ever-increasing need for treating pain, fatigue, and anhedonia resulting from the disease as patients are undergoing successful but prolonged bouts with cancer. Using an implantable oral tumor model in the mouse, Barr et al describe neural infiltration of tumors, and posit that these nerve fibers are transmitting pain and other sensory signals to the brain that reduce pleasure and motivation. These findings are in part supported by anatomical and transcriptional changes in the tumor that suggest sensory innervation, neural tracing, and neural activity measurements. Further, the authors conduct behavior assays in tumor-bearing animals and inhibit/ablate pain sensory neurons to suggest the involvement of local sensory innervation of tumors in mediating cancer-induced malaise.


      • This is an important area of research that may have implications for improving the quality of life of cancer patients.

      • The studies use a combination of approaches (tracing and anatomy, transcriptional, neural activity recordings, behavior assays, loss-of-function) to support their claims.

      • Tracing experiments suggest that tumor-innervating afferents are connected to brain nuclei involved in oral pain sensing. Consistent with this, the authors observed increased neural activity in those brain areas of tumor-bearing animals. It should be noted that some of these brain nuclei have also been implicated in cancer-induced behavioral alterations in non-head and neck tumor models.

      • Experiments are for the most part well-controlled, and approaches are validated.

      • The paper is well-written and the layout was easy to follow.


      • The main claim is that tumor-infiltrating nerves underlie cancer-induced behavioral alterations, but the experimental interventions are not specific enough to support this. For example, all TRPV1 neurons, including those innervating the skin and internal organs, are ablated to examine sensory innervation of the tumor. Within the context of cancer, behavioral changes may be due to systemic inflammation, which may alter TRPV1 afferents outside the local proximity of tumor cells. A direct test of the claims of this paper would be to selectively inhibit/ablate nerve fibers innervating the tumor or mouth region.

      • Behavioral results from TRPV1 neuron ablation studies are in part confounded by differing tumor sizes in ablated versus control mice. Are the differences in behavior potentially explained by the ablated animals having significantly smaller tumors? The differences in tumor sizes are not negligible. One way to examine this possibility might be to correlate behavioral outcomes with tumor size.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors have tested for and demonstrated a physical (i.e., sensory nerves to the brain) connection between tumors and parts of the brain. This can explain why there is an increase in depressive disorders in HNSCC patients. While connections such as this have been suspected, this is a novel demonstration pointing to sensory neurons that is accompanied by a remarkable amount of complementary data.


      There is substantial evidence provided for the hypotheses tested. The data are largely quite convincing.


      The authors mention in their Discussion the need for additional experiments. Could they also include / comment on the potential impact on the anti-tumor immune system in their model?


      The authors mention the importance of inflammation contributing to pain in cancer but do not clearly highlight how this may play a role in their model. Can this be clarified?

      The tumor model apparently requires isoflurane injection prior to tumor growth measurements. This is different from most other transplantable types of tumors used in the literature. Was this treatment also given to control (i.e., non-tumor) mice at the same time points? If not, can the authors comment on the impact of isoflurane (if any) in their model?

      The authors emphasize in several places that this is a male mouse model. They mention this as a limitation in the Discussion. Was there an original reason why they only tested male mice?

    1. eLife assessment

      The authors show that short bouts of chemical ischemia lead to presynaptic changes in glutamate release and long-term potentiation, whereas longer bouts of chemical ischemia lead to synaptic failure and presumably cell death (which could be confirmed experimentally). This solid work relies on rigorous electrophysiology/imaging experiments and data analysis. It is valuable as it provides new mechanistic details on chemical ischemia, though its implications for ischemic stroke in vivo remain to be determined.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This work by Passlick and colleagues set out to reveal the mechanism by which short bouts of ischemia perturb glutamate signalling. This manuscript builds upon previous work in the field that reported a paradoxical increase in synaptic transmission following acute, transient ischemia termed ischemic or anoxic long-term potentiation. Despite these observations, how this occurs and the involvement of glutamate release and uptake mechanisms remains unanswered.

      Here the authors employed two distinct chemical ischemia models, one lasting 2 minutes, the other 5 minutes. Recording evoked field excitatory postsynaptic potentials in acute brain slices, the authors revealed that shorter bouts of ischemia resulted in a transient decrease in postsynaptic responses followed by an overshoot and long-term potentiation. Longer bouts of chemical ischemia (5 minutes), however, resulted in synaptic failure that did not return to baseline levels over 50 minutes of recording (Figure 1).

      Two-photon imaging of fluorescent glutamate sensor iGluSnFR expressed in astrocytes matched postsynaptic responses with shorter ischemia resulting in a transient dip before the increase in extracellular glutamate which was not the case with prolonged ischemia (Figure 2).

      Mechanistically, the authors show that these increased glutamate levels and postsynaptic responses were not due to changes in glutamate clearance (Figure 3). Next using a competitive antagonist for AMPA postsynaptic AMPA receptors the authors show that synaptic glutamate release was enhanced by 2 minute chemical ischemia.

      Taken together, these data reveal the underlying mechanism regarding ischemic long-term potentiation, highlighting presynaptic release as the primary culprit. Additionally, the authors show relative insensitivity of glutamate uptake mechanisms during ischemia, highlighting the resilience of astrocytes to this metabolic challenge.


      This manuscript uses robust and modern techniques to address the mechanism by which ischemia influences synaptic transmission in the hippocampus.

      The data are of high quality, with adequately powered sample sizes to address their hypotheses.


      The question of the physiological relevance of short bouts of ischemia remains.

      The precise mechanisms underlying the shift between ischemia-induced long-term potentiation and long-term failure of synaptic responses were not addressed. Could this be cell death?

      Sex differences are not addressed or considered.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      To investigate the impact of chemical ischemia induced by blocking mitochondrial function and glycolysis, the authors measured extracellular field potentials, performed whole-cell patch-clamp recordings, and measured glutamate release with optical techniques. They found that shorter two-minute-lasting blockade of energy production initially blocked synaptic transmission but subsequently caused a potentiation of synaptic transmission due to increased glutamate release. In contrast, longer five-minute-lasting blockage of energy production caused a sustained decrease of synaptic transmission. A correlation between the increase of intracellular potassium concentration and the response upon chemical ischemia indicates that the severity of the ischemia determines whether synapses potentiate or depress upon chemical ischemia. A subsequent mechanistic analysis revealed that the speed of uptake of glutamate is unchanged. An increase in the duration of the fiber volley reflecting the extracellular voltage of the action potentials of the axon bundle was interpreted as an action potential broadening, which could provide a mechanistic explanation. In summary, the data convincingly demonstrate that synaptic potentiation induced by chemical ischemia is caused by increased glutamate release.


      The manuscript is well-written and the experiments are carefully designed. The results are exciting, novel, and important for the field. The main strength of the manuscript is the combination of electrophysiological recordings and optical glutamate imaging. The main conclusion of increased glutamate release was furthermore supported with an independent approach relying on a low-affinity competitive antagonist of glutamate receptors. The data are of exceptional quality. Several important controls were carefully performed, such as the stability of the recordings and the size of the extracellular space. The number of experiments is sufficient for the conclusions. The careful data analysis justifies the classification of two types of responses, namely synaptic potentiation and depression after chemical ischemia. Except for the duration of the presynaptic action potentials (see below weaknesses) the data are carefully discussed and the conclusions are justified.


      The weaknesses are minor and only relate to the interpretation of some of the data regarding the presynaptic mechanisms causing the potentiation of release. The authors measured the fiber volley, which reflects the extracellular voltage of the compound action potential of the fiber bundle. The half-duration of the fiber volley was increased, which could be due to the action potential broadening of the individual axons but could also be due to differences in conduction velocity. We are therefore skeptical whether the conclusion of action broadening is justified.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This valuable study shows that shorter episodes (2 minutes duration) of energy depletion, as it occurs in ischemia, could lead to long-lasting dysregulation of synaptic transmission with presynaptic alterations of glutamate release at the CA3-CA1 synapses. A longer duration of chemical ischemia (5 minutes) permanently suppresses synaptic transmission. By using electrophysiological approaches, including field and patch clamp recordings, combined with imaging studies, the authors demonstrated that 2 minutes of chemical ischemia leads to a prolonged potentiation of synaptic activity with a long-lasting increase of glutamate release from presynaptic terminals. This was observed as an increase in iGluSnFR fluorescence, a sensor for glutamate expressed selectively on hippocampal astrocytes by viral injection. The increase in iGluSnFR fluorescence upon 2-minute chemical ischemia could not be ascribed to an altered glutamate uptake, which is unaffected by both 2-minute and 5-minute chemical ischemia. The presynaptic increase in glutamate release upon short episodes of chemical ischemia is confirmed by a reduced inhibitory effect of the competitive antagonist gamma-D-glutamylglycine on AMPA receptor-mediated postsynaptic responses. Fiber volley durations in field recording are prolonged in slices exposed to 2 min chemical ischemia. The authors interpret this data as an indication that the increase in glutamate release could be ascribed to a prolongation of the presynaptic action potential possibly due to inactivation of voltage-dependent K+ channels. However, more direct evidence is needed to support this hypothesis fully. This research highlights an important mechanism by which altered ionic homeostasis underlying metabolic failure can impact on neuronal activity. Moreover, it also showed a different vulnerability of mechanisms involved in glutamatergic transmission with a marked resilience of glutamate uptake to chemical ischemia.


      (1) The authors use a variety of experimental techniques ranging from electrophysiology to imaging to study the contribution of several mechanisms underlying the effect of chemical ischemia on synaptic transmission.

      (2) The experiments are appropriately designed and clearly described in the figures and in the text.

      (3) The controls are appropriate.


      - The data on fiber volley duration should be supported by more direct measurements to prove that chemical ischemia increases presynaptic Ca2+ influx due to a presynaptic broadening of action potentials. Given the influence that positioning of the stimulating and recording electrode can have on the fiber volley properties, I found this data insufficient to support the assumption of a relationship between increased iGluSnFR fluorescence, action potential broadening, and increased presynaptic Ca2+ levels.

      - The results are obtained in an ex-vivo preparation, it would be interesting to assess if they could be replicated in vivo models of cerebral ischemia.


      This study provides a more comprehensive view of the long-term effects of energy depletion during short episodes of experimental ischemia leading to the notion that not only post-synaptic changes, as reported by others, but also presynaptic changes are responsible for long-lasting modification of synaptic transmission. Interestingly, the direction of synaptic changes is bidirectional and dependent on the duration of chemical ischemia, indicating that different mechanisms involved in synaptic transmission are differently affected by energy depletion.

    1. Parcoursup 2024 : aborder sereinement la phase d’admission


      Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:03][^1^][1] - [00:24:34][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente une session d'information sur Parcoursup 2024, destinée à aider les étudiants et leurs familles à aborder sereinement la phase d'admission. Elle couvre les étapes clés du processus, les réponses possibles aux propositions d'admission, et les ressources disponibles pour se préparer efficacement.

      Points forts: + [00:00:03][^3^][3] Introduction à la session * Accueil des participants et rappel des webinaires précédents * Objectif d'accompagner les étudiants avant l'ouverture officielle de Parcoursup + [00:01:49][^4^][4] Présentation de l'invité * Introduction de M. Gérant Théard, chargé de mission Parcoursup * Discussion sur l'amélioration continue de la plateforme + [00:05:02][^5^][5] Préparation à la phase d'admission * Conseils pour accompagner les enfants dans les prochains jours * Annonce d'une communication imminente aux lycées de France + [00:09:14][^6^][6] Statistiques et examen des vœux * Nombre de candidats et de vœux confirmés * Processus d'examen des dossiers par les formations + [00:16:01][^7^][7] Calendrier de la phase d'admission * Dates importantes et objectifs de la procédure * Suspension de Parcoursup pendant les épreuves écrites du baccalauréat + [00:20:07][^8^][8] Types de réponses et site d'entraînement * Explication des réponses possibles : oui, oui-si, en attente * Présentation d'un site d'entraînement pour se familiariser avec la procédure Résumé de la vidéo [00:24:35][^1^][1] - [00:46:20][^2^][2]:

      Cette partie de la vidéo aborde la phase d'admission de Parcoursup 2024, offrant des conseils pour naviguer sereinement dans le processus. Elle explique les réponses positives, le droit à l'information, et comment gérer les propositions d'admission et les listes d'attente.

      Points forts: + [00:24:35][^3^][3] Réponses positives et accompagnement * Une proposition "oui si" indique une réponse positive avec un dispositif d'accompagnement * Importance de comprendre que cela peut indiquer un besoin de soutien supplémentaire pour réussir + [00:25:33][^4^][4] Droit à l'information et délais de réponse * Parcoursup ne prend pas de décisions mais offre un accompagnement * Les candidats ont le droit de demander des explications et de contester les décisions + [00:27:01][^5^][5] Gestion des propositions d'admission * Les alertes par SMS et e-mail informent les candidats des propositions reçues * Les délais pour répondre aux propositions sont clairement indiqués dans le dossier Parcoursup + [00:35:59][^6^][6] Choix entre plusieurs propositions et vœux en attente * Les candidats doivent choisir entre les propositions reçues et indiquer les vœux en attente qu'ils souhaitent conserver * Importance de la solidarité et de la libération des places pour d'autres candidats Résumé de la vidéo [00:46:21][^1^][1] - [01:08:33][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo explique le processus d'admission de Parcoursup 2024, en mettant l'accent sur la phase d'admission et la gestion des vœux en attente. Elle aborde les délais de réponse, le classement des vœux, et les conseils pour les candidats sans proposition d'admission.

      Points forts: + [00:46:21][^3^][3] Accélération du processus d'admission * Informer les candidats avec des vœux en attente * Période de trois jours pour classer les vœux + [00:49:03][^4^][4] Vœux en apprentissage * Augmentation des candidats intéressés par l'apprentissage * Importance de trouver un employeur pour valider l'admission + [00:52:27][^5^][5] Pause pendant les épreuves du baccalauréat * Alignement des délais de réponse sur le 23 juin * Suspension des délais pour les lycéens passant le bac + [01:05:02][^6^][6] Solutions pour les candidats sans proposition * Accompagnement individuel ou collectif dès le 31 mai * Phase complémentaire du 11 juin au 12 septembre Résumé de la vidéo [01:08:37][^1^][1] - [01:31:30][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo aborde la phase d'admission de Parcoursup 2024, expliquant les délais de réponse, le fonctionnement des commissions d'accès à l'enseignement supérieur, et les dispositifs pour les candidats en situation de handicap.

      Points forts: + [01:08:37][^3^][3] Délais de réponse pour les formations * Maximum de huit jours pour examiner les candidatures * Pause estivale du 12 juillet au 23 août + [01:09:45][^4^][4] Commissions d'accès à l'enseignement supérieur * Aident les candidats sans propositions d'admission * Proposent des formations adaptées aux projets des candidats + [01:11:17][^5^][5] Dispositifs pour les candidats en situation de handicap * Possibilité de réexaminer les dossiers dès le 30 mai * Communication des fiches de liaison aux établissements d'accueil + [01:14:00][^6^][6] Gestion des vœux et propositions d'admission * Pas besoin de reconfirmer les vœux préférés à chaque étape * Les propositions acceptées en phase principale sont garanties + [01:25:02][^7^][7] Fin de la phase principale et inscription administrative * Les listes d'attente n'évoluent plus après le 12 juillet * Importance de respecter les dates limites d'inscription Résumé de la vidéo [01:31:33][^1^][1] - [01:54:20][^2^][2] : Cette vidéo aborde la phase d'admission de Parcoursup 2024 et fournit des conseils pour la gérer sereinement. Elle explique le processus de formulation des vœux, la gestion des délais de réponse, et l'importance de valoriser les expériences acquises pendant une année sabbatique ou de césure.

      Points forts : + [01:31:33][^3^][3] La phase complémentaire * Explication de la formulation des vœux et des délais de réponse accélérés * Distinction entre année sabbatique et césure * Conseils pour valoriser les expériences acquises + [01:34:37][^4^][4] La fiche Avenir * Disponibilité des appréciations de la fiche Avenir le 30 mai * Importance de connaître les appréciations avant la phase d'admission * Rassure sur l'absence de surprises dans les appréciations + [01:37:02][^5^][5] Les délais de réponse et les inscriptions * Clarification sur l'acceptation des propositions et la suppression des vœux en attente * Instructions pour les inscriptions après les résultats du baccalauréat * Gestion des propositions reçues pendant l'été + [01:41:01][^6^][6] La réorientation en cours d'année * Possibilités de réorientation sans attendre la prochaine session de Parcoursup * Existence de passerelles entre les établissements * Encouragement à solliciter le service d'orientation en cas de doute

    1. I thanked her and took the paper parcel, then went back down the dark, narrow alley toward the bus stop. I could feel something hard inside, which I had put inside my pocket. I knew it must be another one of those red candies. I recalled the harsh taste and scent of mint. As I waited for the bus I stroked the paper softly. I couldn’t bring myself to eat the candy.

      maybe he began to reconsider his sexuality or he was too overwhelmed with guilt?

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVe7awv0i4A

      Résumé de la vidéo [00:01:03][^1^][1] - [00:27:57][^2^][2] : Cette vidéo est un guide en direct pour les élèves et les parents sur la façon de répondre aux propositions des formations sur Parcoursup, la plateforme d'admission post-bac en France. Elle couvre la phase finale du processus Parcoursup 2024, qui commence le 30 mai et se termine le 12 juillet, où les candidats reçoivent les réponses des formations auxquelles ils ont postulé.

      Points forts : + [00:03:51][^3^][3] Introduction à la session en direct * Présentation par le proviseur adjoint et les représentants des parents * Objectif : expliquer la phase de réception des vœux sur Parcoursup + [00:04:35][^4^][4] Détails de la phase finale de Parcoursup * Période du 30 mai au 12 juillet pour recevoir les réponses * Suspension des délais de réponse pendant les épreuves écrites du baccalauréat + [00:06:01][^5^][5] Actions mises en place par le lycée * Organisation des "nuits de Parcoursup" pour aider les élèves à répondre aux vœux * Rôle des professeurs principaux et référents en orientation + [00:13:14][^6^][6] Simulation de réception et réponse aux vœux * Utilisation d'une plateforme d'entraînement pour se préparer à la phase d'admission * Explication des règles d'or pour répondre aux propositions et maintenir les vœux en attente Résumé de la vidéo [00:28:00][^1^][1] - [00:41:46][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo fournit des conseils sur la façon de répondre aux propositions des formations sur Parcoursup en 2024. Elle souligne l'importance de ne pas se précipiter et de prendre le temps de réfléchir avant de répondre, en utilisant les ressources disponibles telles que les nuits de l'orientation et les consultations avec les professeurs.

      Points forts: + [00:28:00][^3^][3] Planification de la réponse * Consacrer une journée à la réflexion * Utiliser les ressources comme les nuits de l'orientation * Prendre rendez-vous avec les professeurs pour des conseils + [00:30:04][^4^][4] Phase complémentaire * Débute le 11 juin pour ceux sans proposition * Possibilité de choisir de nouvelles formations avec des places disponibles * Importance de faire une candidature supplémentaire + [00:32:02][^5^][5] Recherche d'entreprise pour l'apprentissage * Nécessité d'un contrat pour valider un vœu en apprentissage * Utiliser les vacances pour trouver une entreprise * Contacter les CFA ou UFA pour des opportunités + [00:34:50][^6^][6] Événements et annonces du lycée * Organisation d'un bal de fin d'année * Présentation des talents des élèves lors d'une émission spéciale * Clarification sur les contrats d'apprentissage et les propositions d'admission

    1. eLife assessment

      This important work provides interesting datasets of myofiber differentiation. The evidence supporting the involvement of SRF2 in selected biological processes is convincing, however, additional evidence to pin-point the major action of SRF2 during muscle differentiation is appreciated. The work will be of broad interest to developmental biologists in general and molecular biologists in the field of gene regulation.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The work by She et al. investigates the role of SRFS2 in the MyoD+ progenitor cells during development. Deletion of SRFS2 in MyoD+ progenitor cells resulted in a defect in the directional migration of these cells and resulted in the presence of myoD+ progenitor in both nonmuscle and muscle tissues. The authors showed a defect in gene program regulation ECM, cell migration, cytoskeletal organization, and skeletal muscle differentiation by scRNA-seq. The authors further showed that many of these processes are regulated by a downstream target of SRFS2, the serine-threonine kinase Aurka. Finally, the authors showed that SRFS2 acts as a splicing factor and could contribute to differentiation by controlling the splicing of muscle-specific transcripts. This study addresses an important question in skeletal muscle development by focusing on the pathways and factors that regulate the migration of myoD+ progenitors and the impact of this process in skeletal muscle differentiation. This work is interesting but requires experimental evidence to support the findings.


      The regulators of myod+progenitor migration during skeletal muscle development is not completely understood. This work demonstrates that SRFS2 and aura kinase are key players in the process. Combining knockout and reporter lines in mice, the authors perform a detailed analysis of skeletal muscle cells to demonstrate the specific defects in SRFS2 in skeletal muscle development.


      This work explores an interesting question on regulating myoD+ progenitors and the defects of this process in skeletal muscle differentiation by SRFS2 but spreads out in many directions rather than focusing on the key defects. A number of approaches are used, but they lack the robust mechanistic analysis of the defects that result in muscle differentiation. Specifically, the role of SRFS2 on splicing appears to be a misfit here and does not explain the primary defects in the migration of myoD+ progenitors. There are concerns about the scRNA-seq and many transcripts in muscle biology that are not expressed in muscle cells. Focusing on main defects and additional experimental evidence to clear the fusion vs. precocious differentiation vs. reduced differentiation will strengthen this work.

      (1) The analysis of RNA-seq data (Figure 2) is limited, and it is unclear how it relates to the work presented in this MS. The Go enrichment analysis is combined for both up and down-regulated DEG, thus making it difficult to understand the impact differently in both directions. Stac2 is a predominant neuronal isoform (while Stac3 is the muscle), and the Symm gene is not found in the HGNC or other databases. Could the authors provide the approved name for this gene? The premise of this work is based on defects in ECM processes resulting in the mis-targeting of the muscle progenitors to the nonmuscle regions. Which ECM proteins are differentially expressed?

      (2) Could authors quantify the muscle progenitors dispersed in nonmuscle regions before their differentiation? Which nonmuscle tissues MyoD+ progenitors are seen? Most of the tDT staining in the enlarged sections appears to be punctate without any nuclear staining seen in these cells (Figure 3 B, D E-F). Could authors provide high-resolution images? Also, in the diaphragm cross-sections in mutants, tdT labeling appears to be missing in some areas within the myofibers defined as cavities by the authors (marked by white arrows, Figure 3H). Could this polarized localization of tDT be contributing to specific defects?

      (3) Is there a difference in the levels of tDT in the myoD" muscle progenitors that are mis-targeted vs the others that are present in the muscle tissues?

      (4) scRNA is unsuitable for myotubes and myofibers due to their size exclusion from microfluidics. Could authors explain the basis for scRNA-seq vs SnRNA-seq in this work? How are SKM defined in scRNA-data in Figure 4? As the myofibers are small in KO, could the increased level of late differentiation markers be due to the enrichment of these small myotubes/myofibers in scRNA? A different approach, such as ISH/IF with the myogenic markers at E9.5-10.5, may be able to resolve if these markers are prematurely induced.

      (5) TNC is a marker for tenocytes and is absent in skeletal muscle cells. The authors mentioned a downregulation of TNC in the KO SKM derived clusters. This suggests a contamination of the tenocytes in the control cells. In spite of the downregulation of multiple ECM genes showed by scRNA-seq data, the ECM staining by laminin in KO in Figure 3 appears to be similar to controls.

      (6) The expression of many fusion genes, such as myomaker and myomerger, is reduced in KO, suggesting a primary fusion defect vs a primary differentiation defect. Many mature myofiber proteins exhibit an increased expression in disease states, suggesting them as a compensatory mechanism. Authors need to provide additional experimental evidence supporting precocious differentiation as the primary defect.

      (7) The fusion defects in KO are also evident in siRNA knockdown for SRSF2 and Aurka in C2C12, which mostly exhibits mononucleated myocytes in knockdowns. Also, a fusion index needs to be provided.

      (8) The last section of the role of SRSF2 on splicing appears to be a misfit in this study. Authors describe the Bin1 isoforms in centronuclear myopathy, but exon17 is not involved in myopathy. Is exon17 exclusion seen in other diseases/ splicing studies?

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This study was aimed to study the role of SRSF2 in governing MyoD progenitors to specific muscle regions. The Results confirmed the role of SRSF2 in controlling myogenic differentiation through the regulation of targeted genes and alternative splicing during skeletal muscle development.


      The study used different methods and techniques to achieve aims and support the conclusions such as RNA sequencing analysis, Gene Ontology analysis, immunostaining analysis.<br /> This study provides novel findings that SRSF2 controls the myogenic differentiation of MyoD+ progenitors, using transgenic mouse model and in vitro studies.


      Although unbiased sequencing methods were used, their findings about SRSF2 served as a transcriptional regulator and functioned in alternative splicing events are not novel.<br /> The introductions and discussion is not clearly written. The authors did not raise clear scientific questions in the introduction part. The last paragraph is only copy-paste of the abstract. The discussion part is mainly the repeat of their results without clear discussion.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This study employs an optogenetics approach aimed at activating oncogene (KRASG12V) expression in a single somatic cell, with a focus on following the progression of activated cell to examine tumourigenesis probabilities under altered tissue environments. The research explores the role of stemness factors (VENTX/NANOG/OCT4) in facilitating oncogenic RAS (KRASG12V)-driven malignant transformations. Although the evidence provided are incomplete, the authors propose an important mechanism whereby reactivation of re-programming factors correlates with the increased likelihood of a mutant cell undergoing malignant transformation.


      · Innovative Use of Optogenetics: The application of optogenetics for precise activation of KRAS in a single cell is valuable to the field of cancer biology, offering an opportunity to uncover insight into cellular responses to oncogenic mutations.<br /> · Important Observations: The findings concerning stemness factors' role in promoting oncogenic transformation are important, contributing data to the field of cancer biology.


      Lack of Methodological Clarity: The manuscript lacks detailed descriptions of methodologies, making it difficult to fully evaluate the experimental design and reproducibility, rendering incomplete evidence to support the conclusion. Improving methodological transparency and data presentation will crucially strengthen the paper's contributions to understanding the complex processes of tumourigenesis.<br /> Sub-optimal Data Presentation and Quality:

      The resolution of images throughout the manuscript are too low. Images presented in Figure 2 and Figure 4 are of very low resolution. It is very hard to distinguish individual cells and in which tissue they might reside.<br /> Lack of quantitative data and control condition data obtained from images of higher magnification limits the ability to robustly support the conclusions.

      Here are some details:<br /> · Tissue specificity of the cells express KRASG12V oncogene: In this study, the ubiquitin promoter was used to drive oncogenic KRASG12V expression. Despite this, the authors claim to activate KRAS in a single brain cell based on their localized photo-activation strategy. However, upon reviewing the methods section, the description was provided that 'Localized uncaging was performed by illumination for 7 minutes on a Nikon Ti microscope equipped with a light source peaking at 405 nm, Figure 1. The size of the uncaging region was controlled by an iris that defines a circular illumination with a diameter of approximately 80 μm.' It is surprising that an epi-fluorescent microscope with an illumination diameter of around 80μm can induce activation in a single brain cell beneath skin tissue. Additionally, given that the half-life for mTFP maturation is around 60 minutes, it is likely that more cells from a variety of different lineages could be activated, but the fluorescence would not be visible until more than 1-hour post-illumination. Authors might want to provide more evidence to support their claim on the single cell KRAS activation.<br /> · Stability of cCYC: The manuscript does not provide information on the half-life and stability of cCYC. Understanding these properties is crucial for evaluating the system's reliability and the likelihood of leakiness, which could significantly influence the study's outcomes.<br /> · Metastatic Dissemination claim: Typically, metastatic cancer cells migrate to and proliferate within specific niches that are conducive to outgrowth, such as the caudal hematopoietic tissue (CHT) or liver. In figure 3 A, an image showing the presence of mTFP expressing cells in both the head and tail regions of the larva, with additional positive dots located at the fin fold. This is interpreted as "metastasis" by the authors. However, the absence of a supportive cellular compartment within the fin-fold tissue makes the presence of mTFP-positive metastatic cells there particularly puzzling. This distribution raises concerns about the spatial specificity of the optogenetic activation protocol.<br /> The unexpected locations of these signals suggest potential ectopic activation of the KRAS oncogene, which could be occurring alongside or instead of targeted activation. This issue is critical as it could affect the interpretation of whether the observed mTFP signal expansion over time is due to actual cell proliferation and infiltration, or merely a result of ectopic RAS transgene activation.<br /> · Image Resolution Concerns: The cells depicted in Figure 3C β, which appear to be near the surface of the yolk sac and not within the digestive system as suggested in the MS, underscore the necessity for higher-resolution imaging. Without clearer images, it is challenging to ascertain the exact locations and states of these cells, thus complicating the assessment of experimental results.<br /> · The cell transplantation experiment is lacking protocol details: The manuscript does not adequately describe the experimental protocols used for cell transplantation, particularly concerning the origin and selection of cells used for injection into individual larvae. This omission makes it difficult to evaluate the reliability and reproducibility of the results. Such as the source of transplanted cells:<br /> • If the cells are derived from hyperplastic growths in larvae where RAS and VX (presumably VENTX) were locally activated, the manuscript fails to mention any use of fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) to enrich mTFP-positive cells. Such a method would be crucial for ensuring the specificity of the cells being studied and the validity of the results.<br /> • If the cells are obtained from whole larvae with induced RAS + VX expression, it is notable and somewhat surprising that the larvae survived up to six days post-induction (6dpi) before cells were harvested for transplantation. This survival rate and the subsequent ability to obtain single cell suspensions raise questions about the heterogeneity of the RAS + VX expressing cells that transplanted.<br /> · Unclear Experimental Conditions in Figure S3B: The images in Figure S3B lack crucial details about the experimental conditions. It is not specified whether the activation of KRAS was targeted to specific cells or involved whole-body exposure. This information is essential for interpreting the scope and implications of the results accurately.<br /> · Contrasting Data in Figure S3C compared to literature: The graph in Figure S3C indicates that KRAS or KRAS + DEX induction did not result in any form of hyperplastic growth. This observation starkly contrasts with previous literature where oncogenic KRAS expression in zebrafish led to significant hyper-proliferation and abnormal growth, as evidenced by studies such as those published in and Neoplasia (2018), DOI: 10.1016/j.neo.2018.10.002; Molecular Cancer (2015), DOI: 10.1186/s12943-015-0288-2; Disease Models & Mechanisms (2014) DOI: 10.1242/dmm.007831. The lack of expected hyperplasia raises questions about the experimental setup or the specific conditions under which KRAS was expressed. The authors should provide detailed descriptions of the conditions under which the experiments were conducted in Figure S3B and clarifying the reasons for the discrepancies observed in Figure S3C are crucial. The authors should discuss potential reasons for the deviation from previous reports.

      Further comments:

      Throughout the study, KRAS-activated cell expansion and metastasis are two key phenotypes discussed that Ventx is promoting. However, the authors did not perform any experiments to directly show that KRAS+ cells proliferate only in Ventx-activated conditions. The authors also did not show any morphological features or time-lapse videos demonstrating that KRAS+ cells are motile, even though zebrafish is an excellent model for in vivo live imaging. This seems to be a missed opportunity for providing convincing evidence to support the authors' conclusions.

      There were minimal experimental details provided for the qPCR data presented in the supplementary figures S5 and S6, therefore, it is hard to evaluate result obtained.

    2. eLife assessment

      This study provides valuable initial characterization of a verterbrate embryonic system that demonstrates aspects of an optogenetically inducible hyperplasia model. Although the evidence provided is incomplete to conclude that the system is demonstrating tumor initiation from a single cell that is metastasizing that can be quantitatively assessed, the authors propose a mechanism whereby reactivation of re-programming factors correlates with the increased likelihood of a mutant cell undergoing malignant transformation. This work will be of interest to developmental and cancer biologists mainly for the novel genetic tools described.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Scerbo et al. developed an approach based on the oncogene kRasG12V and a reprogramming factor to induce deterministic and reproducible malignant transformation in a single cell. The activation of kRasG12V alone is not sufficient in their hands to initiate carcinogenesis, but when combined with the transient activation of a reprogramming factor (such as Ventx, Nanog, or Oct4), it significantly increases the probability of malignant transformation. This combination of oncogene and reprogramming factor may alter the epigenetic and functional state of the cell, leading to the development of tumors within a short period of time. The use of these two factors allows for the controlled manipulation of a single cell to study the cellular and molecular events involved in the early stages of tumorigenesis. The authors then performed allotransplantations of allegedly single fluorescent TICs in recipient larvae and found a large number of fluorescent cells in distant locations, claiming that these cells have all originated from the single transplanted TIC and migrated away. The number of fluorescent cells showed in the recipient larve just after two days is not compatible with a normal cell cycle length and more likely represents the progeny of more than one transplanted cell. The ability to migrate from the injection site should be documented by time-lapse microscopy. Then, the authors conclude that "By allowing for specific and reproducible single cell malignant transformation in vivo, their optogenetic approach opens the way for a quantitative study of the initial stages of cancer at the single cell level". However, the evidence for these claims are weak and further characterization should be performed to:

      (1) show that they are actually activating the oncogene in a single cell (the magnification is too low and it is difficult to distinguish a single nucleus, labelling of the cell membrane may help to demonstrate that they are effectively activating the oncogene in, or transplanting, a single cell)<br /> (2) the expression of the genes used as markers of tumorigenesis is performed in whole larvae, with only a few transformed cells in them. Changes should be confirmed in FACS sorted fluorescent cells<br /> (3) the histology of the so called "tumor masses" is not showing malignant transformation, but at the most just hyperplasia. In the brain, the sections are not perfectly symmetrical and the increase of cellularity on one side of the optic tectum is compatible with this asymmetry.<br /> (4) The number of fluorescent cells found dispersed in the larve transplanted with one single TIC after 48 hours will require a very fast cell cycle to generate over 50 cells. Do we have an idea of the cell cycle features of the transplanted TICs?

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In the work by Scerbo et al, the authors aim to better understand the open question of what factors constrain cells that are genetically predisposed to form cancer (e.g. those with a potentially cancer-causing mutation like activated Ras) to only infrequently undergo this malignant transformation, with a focus on the influence of embryonic or pluripotency factors (e.g. VENTX/NANOG). Using genetically defined zebrafish models, the authors can inducibly express the KRASG12V oncogene using a combination of Cre/Lox transgenes further controlled by optogenetically inducible Cre-activated (CreER fusion that becomes active with light-induced uncaging of a tamoxifen-analogue in a targeted region of the zebrafish embryo). They further show that transient expression and activation of a pluripotency factor (e.g. Ventx fused to a GR receptor that is activated with addition of dexamethasone) must occur in the model in order for overgrowth of cells to occur. This paper describes a genetically tractable and modifiable system for studying the requirements for inducing cellular hyperplasia in a whole organism by combining overexpression of canonical genetic drivers of cancer (like Ras) with epigenetic modifiers (like specific transcription factors), which could be used to study an array of combinations and temporal relationships of these cancer drivers/modifiers.


      The combination of Cre/lox inducible gene expression with potentially localized optogenetic induction (CreER and uncaging of tamoxifen analogues) of recombination as well as well inducible activation of a transcription factor expressed via mRNA injection (GR-fusion to the TF and dex induction) offers a flexible system for manipulating cell growth, identity, and transcriptional programs. With this system, the authors establish that Ras activation and at least transient Ventx overexpression are together required to induce a hyperproliferative phenotype in zebrafish tissues.

      The ability to live image embryos over the course of days with inducible fluorophores indicating recombination events and transgene overexpression offers a tractable in vivo system for studying hyperplastic cells in the context of a whole organism.

      The transplant experiments demonstrate the ability of the induced hyperplastic cells to grow upon transfer to new host.


      There is minimal quantitation of key aspects of the system, most critically in the efficiency of activation of the Ras-TFP fusion (Fig 1) in, purportedly, a single cell. The authors note "On average the oncogene is then activated in a single cell, identified within ~1h by the blue fluorescence of its nuclear marker) but no additional quantitative information is provided. For a system that is aimed at "a statistically relevant single-cell<br /> tracking and characterization of the early stages of tumorigenesis", such information seems essential.

      The authors indicate that a single cell is "initiated" (Fig 2) using the laser optogenetic technique, but without definitive genetic lineage tracing, it is not possible to conclude that cells expressing TFP distant from the target site near the ear are daughter cells of the claimed single "initiated" cell. A plausible alternative explanation is 1) that the optogenetic targeting is more diffuse (i.e. some of the light of the appropriate wavelength hits other cells nearby due to reflection/diffraction), so these adjacent cells are additional independent "initiated" cells or 2) that the uncaged tamoxifen analogue can diffuse to nearby cells and allow for CreER activation and recombination. In Fig 2B, the claim is made that "the activated cell has divided, giving rise to two cells" - unless continuously imaged or genetically traced, this is unproven. In addition, it appears that Figures S3 and S4 are showing that hyperplasica can arise in many different tissues (including intestine, pancreas, and liver, S4C) with broad Ras + Ventx activation (while unclear from the text, it appears these embryos were broadly activated and were not "single cell activated using the set-up in Fig 1E? This should be clarified in the manuscript). In Fig S7 where single cell activation and potential metastasis is discussed, similar gut tissues have TFP+ cells that are called metastatic, but this seems consistent with the possibility that multiple independent sites of initiation are occurring even when focal activation is attempted.

      Although the hyperplastic cells are transplantable (Fig 4), the use of the term "cells of origin of cancer" or metastatic cells should be viewed with care in the experiments showing TFP+ cells (Fig 1, 2, 3) in embryos with targeted activation for the reasons noted above.

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:02][^1^][1] - [00:13:58][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente une interview avec Christine Ferron, qui discute des inégalités de santé en Île-de-France, des défis posés par la crise du COVID-19, et des stratégies d'intervention pour une éthique de la santé publique. Elle souligne l'importance de comprendre et d'agir sur les déterminants sociaux de la santé pour réduire les inégalités et améliorer l'accès aux soins.

      Points forts: + [00:00:02][^3^][3] Inégalités de santé en Île-de-France * Priorité de l'agence régionale de santé * Disparités considérables, comme l'espérance de vie et l'incidence du diabète * Accès inégal aux soins et ségrégation urbaine + [00:03:00][^4^][4] Impact du COVID-19 sur les inégalités * Augmentation des écarts de mortalité entre les territoires * Prise de conscience accrue des inégalités sociales de santé * Importance des déterminants sociaux et des conditions de vie + [00:06:44][^5^][5] Actions contre les inégalités sociales de santé * Nécessité de mesurer et comprendre les inégalités * Approches de régulation et de coalition pour intervenir * Importance de travailler avec divers partenaires et acteurs + [00:09:22][^6^][6] Stratégies d'intervention en santé publique * Interventions concrètes sur les déterminants sociaux * Programmes de santé publique adaptés aux besoins des populations * Approche communautaire et contractualisation pour des actions partagées

    1. eLife assessment

      This study describes the application of machine learning and Markov state models to characterize the binding mechanism of alpha-Synuclein to the small molecule Fasudil. The results suggest that entropic expansion can explain such binding. However, the simulations and analyses in their present form are inadequate.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This is a well-conducted study about the mechanism of binding of a small molecule (fasudil) to a disordered protein (alpha-synuclein). Since this type of interaction has puzzled researchers for the last two decades, the results presented are welcome as they offer relevant insight into the physical principles underlying this interaction.


      The results show convincingly that the mechanism of entropic expansion can explain the previously reported binding of fasudil to alpha-synuclein. In this context, the analysis of the changes in the entropy of the protein and of water is highly relevant. The combination use of machine learning for dimensional reduction and of Markov State Models could become a general procedure for the analysis of other systems where a compound binds a disordered protein.


      It would be important to underscore the computational nature of the results, since the experimental evidence that fasudil binds alpha-synuclein is not entirely clear, at least to my knowledge.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Menon et al describes a set of simulations of alpha-Synuclein (aSYN) and analyses of these and previous simulations in the presence of a small molecule.

      While I agree with the authors that the questions addressed are interesting, I am not sure how much we learn from the present simulations and analyses. In parts, the manuscript reads more like an attempt to apply a whole range of tools rather than with a goal of answering any specific questions.

      There's a lot going on in this paper, and I am not sure it is useful for the authors, readers or me to spell out all of my comments in detail. But here are at least some points that I found confusing/etc

      Major concerns

      p. 5 and elsewhere:<br /> I lack a serious discussion of convergence and the statistics of the differences between the two sets of simulations. On p. 5 it is described how the authors ran multiple simulations of the ligand-free system for a total of 62 µs; that is about 25 times less than for the ligand system. I acknowledge that running 1.5 ms is unfeasible, but at a bare minimum the authors should discuss and analyse the consequences for the relatively small amount of sampling. Here it is important to say that while 62 µs may sound like a lot it is probably not enough to sample the relevant properties of a 140-residue long disordered protein.

      p. 7:<br /> The authors make it sound like a bad thing than some methods are deterministic. Why is that the case? What kind of uncertainty in the data do they mean? One can certainly have deterministic methods and still deal with uncertainty. Again, this seems like a somewhat ad hoc argument for the choice of the method used.

      p. 8:<br /> The authors should make it clear (i) what the reconstruction loss and KL is calculated over and (ii) what the RMSD is calculated over.

      p. 9/figure 1:<br /> The authors select a beta value that may be the minimum, but then is just below a big jump in the cross-validation error. Why does the error jump so much and isn't it slightly dangerous to pick a value close to such a large jump.

      p. 10:<br /> Why was a 2-dimensional representation used in the VAE? What evidence do the authors have that the representation is meaningful? The authors state "The free energy landscape represents a large number of spatially close local minima representative of energetically competitive conformations inherent in αS" but they do not say what they mean by "spatially close". In the original space? If so, where is the evidence.

      p. 10:<br /> It is not clear from the text whether the VAEs are the same for both aSYN and aSYN-Fasudil. I assume they are. Given that the Fasudil dataset is 25x larger, presumably the VAE is mostly driven by that system. Is the VAE an equally good representation of both systems?

      p. 10/11:<br /> Do the authors have any evidence that the latent space representation preserves relevant kinetic properties? This is a key point because the entire analysis is built on this. The choice of using z1 and z2 to build the MSM seems somewhat ad hoc. What does the auto-correlation functions of Z1 and Z2 look like? Are the related to dynamics of some key structural properties like Rg or transient helical structure.

      p. 11:<br /> What's the argument for not building an MSM with states shared for aSYN +- Fasudil?

      p. 12:<br /> Fig. 3b/c show quite clearly that the implied timescales are not converged at the chosen lag time (incidentally, it would have been useful with showing the timescales in physical time). The CK test is stated to be validated with "reasonable accuracy", though it is unclear what that means.

      p. 12:<br /> In Fig. 3d, what are the authors bootstrapping over? What are the errors if the authors analyse sampling noise (e.g. bootstrap over simulation blocks)?

      p. 13:<br /> I appreciate that the authors build an MSM using only a subset of the fasudil simulations. Here, it would be important that this analysis includes the entire workflow so that the VAE is also rebuilt from scratch. Is that the case?

      p. 18:<br /> I don't understand the goal of building the CVAE and DCVAE. Am I correct that the authors are building a complex ML model using only 3/6 input images? What is the goal of this analysis. As it stands, it reads a bit like simply wanting to apply some ML method to the data. Incidentally, the table in Fig. 6C is somewhat intransparent.

      p. 22:<br /> "Our results indicate that the interaction of fasudil with αS residues governs the structural features of the protein."<br /> What results indicate this?

      p. 23:<br /> The authors should add some (realistic) errors to the entropy values quoted. Fig. 8 have some error bars, though they seem unrealistically small. Also, is the water value quoted from the same force field and conditions as for the simulations?

      p. 23:<br /> Has PDB2ENTROPY been validated for use with disordered proteins?

      p. 23/24:<br /> It would be useful to compare (i) the free energies of the states (from their populations), (ii) the entropies (as calculated) and (iii) the enthalpies (as calculated e.g. as the average force field energy). Do they match up?

      p. 31:<br /> It is unclear which previous simulation the new aSYN simulations were launched from. What is the size of the box used?

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript Menon, Adhikari, and Mondal analyze explicit solvent molecular dynamics (MD) computer simulations of the intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) alpha-synuclein in the presence and absence of a small molecule ligand, Fasudil, previously demonstrated to bind alpha-synuclein by NMR spectroscopy without inducing folding into more ordered structures. In order to provide insight into the binding mechanism of Fasudil the authors analyze an unbiased 1500us MD simulation of alpha-synuclein in the presence of Fasudil previously reported by Robustelli et.al. (Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144(6), pp.2501-2510). The authors compare this simulation to a very different set of apo simulations: 23 separate1-4us simulations of alpha-synuclein seeded from different apo conformations taken from another previously reported by Robustelli et. al. (PNAS, 115 (21), E4758-E4766), for a total of ~62us.

      To analyze the conformational space of alpha-synuclein - the authors employ a variational auto-encoder (VAE) to reduce the dimensionality of Ca-Ca pairwise distances to 2 dimensions, and use the latent space projection of the VAE to build Markov state Models. The authors utilize k-means clustering to cluster the sampled states of alpha-synuclein in each condition into 180 microstates on the VAE latent space. They then coarse grain these 180 microstates into a 3-macrostate model for apo alpha-synuclein and a 6-macrostate model for alpha-synuclein in the presence of fasudil using the PCCA+ course graining method. Few details are provided to explain the hyperparameters used for PCCA+ coarse graining and the rationale for selecting the final number of macrostates.

      The authors analyze the properties of each of the alpha-synuclein macrostates from their final MSMs - examining intramolecular contacts, secondary structure propensities, and in the case of alpha-synuclein:Fasudil holo simulations - the contact probabilities between Fasudil and alpha-synuclein residues.

      The authors utilize an additional variational autoencoder (a denoising convolutional VAE) to compare denoised contact maps of each macrostate, and project onto an additional latent space. The authors conclude that their apo and holo simulations are sampling distinct regions of the conformational space of alpha-synuclein projected on the denoising convolutional VAE latent space.

      Finally, the authors calculate water entropy and protein conformational entropy for each microstate. To facilitate water entropy calculations - the author's take a single structure from each macrostate - and ran a 20ps simulation at a finer timestep (4 femtoseconds) using a previously published method (DoSPT), which computes thermodynamic properties of water from MD simulations using autocorrelation functions of water velocities. The authors report that water entropy calculated from these individual 20ps simulations is very similar.

      For each macrostate the authors compute protein conformational entropy using a previously published Maximum Information Spanning tree approach based on torsion angle distributions - and observe that the estimated protein conformational entropy is substantially more negative for the macrostates of the holo ensemble.

      The authors calculate mean first passage times from their Markov state models and report a strong correlation between the protein conformational entropy of each state and the mean first passage time from each state to the highest populated state.

      As the authors observe the conformational entropy estimated from macrostates of the holo alpha-synuclein:Fasudil is greater than those estimated from macrostates of the apo holo alpha-synuclein macrostates - they suggest that the driving force of Fasudil binding is an increase in the conformational entropy of alpha-synuclein. No consideration/quantification of the enthalpy of alpha-synuclein Fasudil binding is presented.


      The author's utilize MD simulations run with an appropriate force field for IDPs (a99SB-disp and a99SB-disp water (Robustelli et. al, PNAS, 115 (21), E4758-E4766) - which has previously been used to perform MD simulations of alpha-synuclein that have been validated with extensive NMR data.

      The contact probability between Fasudil and each alpha-synuclein residue observed in the previously performed 1500us MD simulation of alpha-synuclein in the presence of Fasudil (Robustelli et. al., Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144(6), pp.2501-2510) was previously found to be in good agreement with experimental NMR chemical shift perturbations upon Fasudil binding - suggesting that this simulation is a reasonable choice for understanding IDP:small molecule interactions.


      Major Weakness 1: Simulations of apo alpha-synuclein and holo simulations of alpha-synuclein and fasudil are not comparable.

      The most robust way to determine how presence of Fasudil affects the conformational ensemble of alpha-synuclein conclusions is to run apo and holo simulations of the same length from the same starting structures using the same simulation parameters.

      The 23 1-4 us independent simulations of apo alpha-synuclein and the long unbiased 1500us alpha-synuclein in the presence of fasudil are not directly comparable. The starting structures of simulations used to build a Markov state model to describe apo alpha-synuclein were taken from a previously reported 73us MD simulation of alpha-synuclein run with the a99SB-disp force field and water model) with 100mM NaCl, (Robustelli et. al, PNAS, 115 (21), E4758-E4766). As the holo simulation of alpha-synuclein and Fasudil was run in 50mM NaCl, snapshots from the original apo alpha-synuclein simulation were resolvated with 50mM NaCl - and new simulations were run.

      No justification is offered for how starting structures were selected. We have no sense of the conformational variability of the starting structures selected and no sense of how these conformations compare to the alpha-synuclein conformations sampled in the holo simulation in terms of standard structural descriptors such as tertiary contacts, secondary structure, radius of gyration (Rg), solvent exposed surface area etc. (we only see a comparison of projections on an uninterpretable non-linear latent-space and average contact maps). Additionally, 1-4 us is a relatively short timescale for a simulation of a 140 residue IDP- and one is unlikely to see substantial evolution for many structural properties of interest (ie. secondary structure, radius of gyration, tertiary contacts) in simulations this short. Without any information about the conformational space sample in the 23 apo simulations (aside from a projection on an uninterpretable latent space)- we have no way to determine if we observe transitions between distinct states in these short simulations, and therefore if it is possible the construct a meaningful MSM from these simulations.

      If the structures used for apo simulations are on average more compact or contain more tertiary contacts - then it is unsurprising that in short independent simulations they sample a smaller region of conformational space. Similarly, if the starting structures have similar dimensions - but we only observe extremely local sampling around starting structures in apo simulations in the short simulation times - it would also not be surprising that we sample a smaller amount of conformational space. By only presenting comparisons of conformational states on an uninformative VAE latent space - it is not possible for a reader to ask simple questions about how the conformational ensembles compare.

      It is noted that the authors attempt to address questions about sampling by building an MSM of single contiguous 60us portion of the holo simulation of alpha-synuclein and Fasudil - noting that:

      "the MSM built using lesser data (and same amount of data as in water) also indicated the presence of six states of alphaS in presence of fasudil, as was observed in the MSM of the full trajectory. Together, this exercise invalidates the sampling argument and suggests that the increase in the number of metastable macrostates of alphaS in fasudil solution relative to that in water is a direct outcome of the interaction of alphaS with the small molecule."

      However, the authors present no data to support this assertion - and readers have no sense of how the conformational space sampled in this portion of the trajectory compares to the conformational space sampled in the independent apo simulations or the full holo simulation. As the analyzed 60us portion of the holo trajectory may have no overlap with conformational space sampled in the independent apo simulations - it is unclear if this control provides any information. There is no quantification of the conformational entropy of the 6 states obtained from this portion of the holo trajectory or the full conformational space sampled. No information is presented to determine if we observe similar states in the shorter portion of the holo trajectory. Furthermore - as the authors provide almost no justification for the criteria used to select of the final number of macrostates for any of the MSMs reported in this work- and the number of macrostates is effectively a free parameter in the PCCA+ method, arriving at an MSM with 6 macrostates does not convey any information about the conformational entropy of alpha-synuclein in the presence or absence of ligands. Indeed - the implied timescale plot for 60us holo MSM (Figure S2) - shows that at least 10 processes are resolved in the 120 microstate model - and there is no information to provided explaining/justifying how a final 6-macrostate model was determined. The authors also do not project the conformations sampled in this sub- trajectory onto the latent space of the final VAE.

      One certainly expects that an MSM built with 1/20th of the simulation data should have substantial differences from an MSM built from the full trajectory - so failing additional information and hyperparameter justification - one wonders if the emergence of a 6-state model could be the direct result of hardcoded VAE and MSM construction hyperparameter choices.

      Required Controls For Supporting the Conclusions of the Study: The authors should initiate apo and holo simulations from the same starting structures - using the same simulation software and parameters. This could be done by adding a Fasudil ligand to the apo structures - or by removing the Fasudil ligand from a subset of holo structures. This would enable them to make apples-to-apples comparisons about the effect of Fasudil on alpha-synuclein conformational space.

      Failing to add direct apples-to-apples comparisons, which would be required to truly support the studies conclusions, the authors should at least compare the conformational space sampled in the independent apo simulations and holo simulations using standard interpretable IDP order parameters (ie. Rg, end-to-end distance, secondary structure order parameters) and/or principal components from PCA or tICA obtained from the holo simulation. The authors should quantify the number of transitions observed between conformational states in their apo simulations. The authors could also perform more appropriate holo controls, without additional calculations, by taking batches of a similar number of short 1-4us segments of simulations used to compute the apo MSMs and examining how the parameters/macrostates of the holo MSMs vary with the input with random selections.

      Major Weakness 2: There is little justification of how the hyperparameters MSMs were selected. It is unclear if the results of the study depend on arbitrary hyperparameter selections such as the final number of macrostates in each model.

      It is unclear what criteria were used to determine the appropriate number of microstates and macrostates for each MSM. Most importantly - as all analyses of water entropy and conformational entropy are restricted to the final macrostates - the criteria used to select the final number of macrostates with the PCCA+ are extremely important to the results of the conclusions of the study. From examining the ITS plots in Figure 3 - it seems both MSMs show the same number of resolved processes (at least 11) - suggesting that a 10-state model could be apropraite for both systems. If one were to simply select a large number of macrostates for the 20x longer holo simulation - do these states converge to the same conformational entropy as the states seen in the short apo simulations? Is there some MSM quality metric used to determine what number of macrostates is more appropriate?

      Required Controls For Supporting the Conclusions of the Study: The authors should specify the criteria used to determine the appropriate number of microstates and macrostates for their MSMs and present controls that demonstrate that the conformational entropies calculated for their final states are not simply a function of the ratio of the number macrostates chosen to represent very disparate amounts of conformational sampling.

      Major Weakness 3: The use of variational autoencoders (VAEs) obscures insights into the underlying conformational ensembles of apo and holo alpha-synuclein rather than providing new ones.

      No rationale is offered for the selection of the VAE architecture or hyperparameters used to reduce the dimensionality of alpha-synuclein conformational space.

      It is not clear the VAEs employed in this study are providing any new insight into the conformational ensembles and binding mechanisms of Fasudil to alpha-synuclein, or if the underlying latent space of the VAEs are more informative or kinetically meaningful than standard linear dimensionality reduction techniques like PCA and tICA. The initial VAE is used to reduce the dimensionality of alpha-synuclein conformational ensembles to 2 degrees of freedom - but it is unclear if this projection is structurally or kinetically meaningful. It is not clear why the authors choice to use a 2-dimeinsional projection instead of a higher number of dimensions to build their MSMs. Can they produce a more kinetically and structurally meaningful model using a higher dimensional VAE latent space?

      Additionally - it is not clear what insights are provided by the Denoising Convolutional Variational Autoencoder. The authors appear to be noising-and-denoising the contact maps of each macrostate, and then projecting the denoised values onto a new latent space - and commenting that they are different. Does this provide additional insight that looking at the contact maps in Figures 4&5 does not? Is this more informative than examining the distribution of the Radii of gyration or the secondary structure propensities of each ensemble? It is not clear what insight this analysis adds to the manuscript.

      Suggested controls to improve the study: The authors should project interpretable IDP structural descriptors (ie. secondary structure, radius of gyration, secondary structure content, # of intramolecular contacts, # of intermolecular contacts between alpha-synuclein and Fasudil ) onto this latent space to illustrate if any of these properties are meaningful separated by the VAE projection. The authors should compare these projections, and MSMs built from these projections, to projections and MSMs built from projections using standard linear dimensionality projection techniques like PCA and tICA.

      Major Weakness 4: The MSMs produced in this study have large discrepancies with MSMs previously produced on the same dataset by the same authors that are not discussed.

      Previously - two of the authors of this manuscript (Menon and Mondal) authored a preprint titled "Small molecule modulates α-synuclein conformation and its oligomerization via Entropy Expansion" (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.10.20.513005v1.full) that analyzed the same 1500us holo simulation of alpha-synuclein binding Fasudil. In this study - they utilized the variational approach to Markov processes (VAMP) to build an MSM using a 1D order parameter as input (the radius of gyration), first discretizing the conformational space into 300 microstates before similarly building a 6 macrostate model. From examining the contact maps and secondary structure propensities of the holo MSMs from the current study and the previous study- some of the macrostates appear similar, however there appear to be orders of magnitude differences in the timescales of conformational transitions between the two models. The timescales of conformational transitions in the previous MSM are on the order of 10s of microseconds, while the timescales of transitions in this manuscript are 100s-1000s microseconds. In the previous manuscript, a 3 state MSM is built from an apo α-synuclein obtained from a continuous 73ms unbiased MD simulation of alpha-synuclein run at a different salt concentration (100mM) and an additional 33 ms of shorter simulations. The apo MSM from the previous study similarly reports very fast timescales of transitions between apo states (on the order ~1ms) - while the MSM reported in the current study (Figure 9) are on the order of 10s-100s of microseconds).

      These discrepancies raise further concerns that the properties of the MSMs built on these systems are extremely sensitive to the chosen projection methods and MSM modeling choices and hyperparameters, and that neither model may be an accurate description of the true underlying dynamics

      Suggestions to improve the study: The authors should discuss the discrepancies with the MSMs reported in their previous studies.

    1. eLife assessment

      This valuable study establishes a method for live-cell imaging, tracking, and quantification of Alu elements marking euchromatic regions of the nucleus. The method will help characterize the relationship between chromatin dynamics and transcriptional activity. While the findings are largely consistent with previous reports, characterization of the technique is incomplete and could benefit from additional controls.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript from Chang et al. presents a new technique to track chromatin locus mobility in live cells, by specifically tracking Alu rich sequences using a CRISPR based technique. The experiments in Fig. 1-2 provide extensive validation of the reagent, and the experiments in Figs. 3-4 yield new insights into chromatin dynamics and its relationship to transcription. While the findings in this manuscript are interesting, some points need to be addressed to support the central claims.

      One item of consideration is the use of bulk PIV methods to monitor chromatin mobility. While these whole genome methods certainly are useful for studying chromatin mobility at a diffraction limited (or higher scale) as well as tracking correlations at the micron scale, these methods obscure dynamics at the TAD/nucleosomal level (~200 nm). Since the studies use fluorescently labeled H2B to study chromatin dynamics, some consideration should be given to using Halo-tagged variants of H2B to get a single molecule view within specific chromatin contexts. A few recent studies (Saxton et al. 2023, Daugird et al. 2023) have used these methods to show how histone dynamics at the single molecule level depends on the chromatin context.

      Secondly, there should be additional discussion of how the mean-squared network displacement relates to single locus and histone mobility at the sub-diffraction level. While it is reassuring to see that MSND and single particle tracking MSD exponents roughly agree at the sub-second time scale, how these relate at longer time scales is not clear. Figure S5A shows MSD for individual loci, but only timelags upto 1s are shown. It should be possible to track loci considerably longer than that. MSD exponents in the literature are quite varied beyond the second time-scale, and the authors have an excellent system to shed light on this question.

      Finally, some additional discussion about why the transcriptional inhibition results shown here differ from other studies in the literature (e.g. Daugird et al. 2023) would better place these findings in context.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Chromatin organization and dynamics are critical for eukaryotic genome functions, but how are they related to each other? To address this question, Chang et al. developed a euchromatic labeling method using CRISPR/dCAS9 targeting Alu elements. These elements are highly enriched in the A compartment, which is closely associated with transcriptionally active and gene-rich regions. Labeling Alu elements allowed live-cell imaging of the gene-rich A compartment (euchromatin). Using the developed system, Chang et al. found while Alu-rich chromatin is depleted in regions with high chromatin density (putative heterochromatin), Alu density and chromatin density are not correlated in the euchromatin. Combining the live-cell imaging of Alu elements with bulk chromatin labeling (fluorescent histone H2B), the authors showed that transcriptionally active chromatin (A compartment) has an increased mobility. Transcription inhibitors flavopiridol and 𝛼-amanitin treatments increased the mobility of Alu-rich chromatin, and ActD had the opposite effect on chromatin mobility.


      Alu labeling is a valuable euchromatin labeling method, and measuring its mobility would contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between chromatin dynamics and transcriptional activity.


      Some of the findings are consistent with the previous reports and not new. There are some issues to be addressed. My specific comments are the following:

      Line 58. "these methods generally lack information regarding the local chromatin environment (e.g., epigenetic state) and genomic context (e.g., A/B compartments and TADs)." This description is not accurate because Nozaki et al. (2023) performed euchromatin-specific nucleosome labeling/imaging (Hi-C contact domains with active histone marks, A-compartment). More recently, Semeigazin et al. (2024)(https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-3953132/v1) also did euchromatic-specific nucleosome labeling/imaging in living cells.

      Line 154. "we defined the euchromatin regions in our images by excluding heterochromatin (top 5% pixel intensity) and nucleolar areas."<br /> I am not so sure that this definition is reasonable. How were the top 5% H2B intensity regions distributed? Did they include the nuclear periphery region, which is also heterochromatin-rich? Could the authors show the ΔPCC between whole H2B (including both euchromatin and heterochromatin) and dCas9-sgAlu?

      Line 214. "our data suggests that Alu-rich (gene-rich) regions have increased chromatin mobility compared to Alu-poor (gene-poor) regions." A similar finding on nucleosome motion has already been published by Nozaki et al. 2023 and Semeigazin et al. 2024 (described above).

      Line 282. A recent important paper on the relationship between histone acetylation, transcription initiation, and nucleosome mobility (PMID: 37792937) is missing and should be discussed.

      Line 303. "Alu-rich chromatin may be more sensitive upon flavopiridol and 𝛼-amanitin treatments compared to Alu-poor chromatin (Figure 5)." Nagashima et al. (2019) also revealed that 𝛼-amanitin treatment did not increase the chromatin dynamics in heterochromatin-rich nuclear periphery regions.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Chang, Quinodoz and Brangwynne describes the results of live cell imaging of fluorescently labeled Alu element genomic sites in combination with H2B-GFP marked chromatin in human cancer cells. The study includes dCas9 based genomic engineering for Suntag enhanced Alu element labeling. The motion of Alu elements and chromatin was analyzed in real time at 500 ms intervals over 1 min at high resolution. Advanced image analysis algorithms were developed.

      The main objective of the study is to understand how motion of euchromatin or active chromatin relates to chromatin density. Alu elements, which are spread throughout the genome are used as a proxy for euchromatin or also A compartments. The study finds that Alu-rich chromatin is more mobile than Alu poor one and that actinomycin but not flavopyridol or alpha amanitin cause some decrease in the determined mobility. The authors emphasize the heterogeneity of motion, Alu clustering and chromatin density underscoring the complexity of the problem.

      Although the topic is important and the imaging well performed, the study lacks depth and does not provide any truly new insights into our understanding of the link between genome activity and mobility nor diffusive behavior of the chromatin fiber in situ. Although the approach to record context dependent dynamics based on segmentation of pixels of varying intensity is elegant, the analysis of the trajectories requires further explanation and justification to be able to interpret the results. Important information on the biology of the engineered cell lines is lacking. Presented results are not discussed with respect to existing literature and knowledge.

      Major concerns:<br /> - Are Alu elements a good proxy for A compartments? What consequences do massive dCas9 tags have on the genome and the engineered cells? How does the bulky dCas9-Suntag label impact mobility and transcription of Alu elements themselves? How many off target sites are potentially labeled?

      (1) The authors should state the size of the dCas9-Suntag construct and perform FRAP analysis to compare the tag's behavior to the one of H2B-GFP<br /> (2) dCas9 locally unwinds DNA and is strongly bound to its target sequence impeding polymerase progression.<br /> (3) The authors need to check if DNA breaks are induced. An immunofluorescence using a gH2AX antibody is a minimum in all conditions tested. DNA breaks largely affect chromatin mobility which is a topic of major debate (see PMC5769766, PMID33061931).<br /> (4) The authors need to confirm that in dCas/sgAlu cells Alu elements are still transcribed similarly to wt cells (transcriptome or at least some qPCR).<br /> (5) Please compare H2B-GFP mobility of sgAlu tagged and untagged cells.<br /> (6) Figure 1D shows significant background in the Cut&run sgAlu line compared to H3K4me3 line. Are these off target sites? Was the H3K4me3 Cut&run performed in the engineered cell line? Did the authors test another guide RNA? Non-specific binding could also contribute to the observed heterogeneity in the measured dynamics.<br /> (7) Figure 3G shows that H2B MSND at tau=5s is high for high H2B density independently of Alu density questioning the value of using Alu sg tagging as a proxy for euchromatin.

      - What are the physical principles of the measured motion? What is the rationale for the MSND analyses deployed in this study?<br /> (1) Please provide the equation used for MSND (seems to be different from the standard MSD one).<br /> (2) Figure 3: all MSD curves have a slope suggesting an alpha exponent significantly smaller than 0.5 reminiscent of subdiffusion (example panels A and E compare thick line to slope of the triangle bottom right). Please explain. Is it gaussian noise? Confinement? This was seen before for faster acquisition rates, but still requires explanation and interpretation.<br /> (3) What is the rationale for choosing the value at τ =5 s? Figure 3 panel E shows large variations in the MSND at all time points, curves do not start at the same lag time.<br /> (4) Figure S5 shows that for Alu elements, alpha is close to 0.5 at τ =<1 s but lower for larger tau, the relationship to intensity is inverse as well. Please explain.<br /> (5) It would be important to show the D values of your estimations. Plots for MSD curves in non log scale are important to be presented to show if there are different diffusion regimes (such as in Figure 4).<br /> (6) It is mentioned that the "Our measurements of total chromatin dynamics at lag time τ = 5 s are typically on the order of 10-2 μm2 (Figure 3 A, B), in agreement with past studies (Shaban et al., 2020; Zidovska et al., 2013)". This is inaccurate as both cited studies were performed at different time lags 0.2 sec. Change in time lag is supposed to show different diffusion behaviour. For consistency, the comparison should be done at the same time lag and the same number of analyzed video frames.<br /> (7) The study applies the MSND analysis for different time lags starting from 0.5 s to 11 s for videos of 60 s. Change in the number of data points affects the accuracy to calculate the diffusion coefficient. What is the impact of this uncertainty on the results and conclusions?

      - Inhibition of polymerase 2 activity increases mobility as was shown before.<br /> (1) Figure 4: change in motion following alpha amanitin and Flavopiridol treatments recapitulate results from the Maeshima group (Nagashima 2019). Data shown for actinomycin treated cells appear extreme. A huge drop in H2B MSND (panel B and D). Please ensure that the cells are still alive after 4-6h exposure to ActD. ActD also affects cytoskeleton and replication, so different conclusion may be drawn if cells are still alive.<br /> (2) Treatment effects could also be enhanced should dCas9/ sgAlu induce massive DNA damage (see above). Check H2B-GFP motion in cells (both treated and not) not labeled with sgAlu.

      - Positioning with respect to the literature:<br /> (1) The introduction, first paragraph is oversimplified, please review the literature citing work performed by many groups in the field using H2B-GFP, telomere or single site labeling in the past 10 years. Give details on the cell type used (mouse or human normal or cancer cells, amplified signals or single genes, same cell or cells at different stages of development, methodologies from whole genome to single particle tracking etc.).<br /> (2) The manuscript claims to introduce a novel mapping of the spatiotemporal dynamics of the A compartment in living cells. However, the authors did not discuss other previous approaches that were developed for the same purpose. The dynamic motion of active transcription chromatin domains/A compartment over the whole nucleus was investigated in different studies that used Mintbody labeling, please check PMCID: PMC7926250, PMCID: PMC8647360, PMID: 27534817, PMCID: PMC8491620<br /> (3) PIV applies a relatively large interrogation window size of micrometers to estimate the displacement vectors. Dynamic changes within the set window can include both A and B compartments, where the contribution of genomic processes to local chromatin motion, typically taking place at the nanometer scale, is missed. The Hi-D method ( PMCID: PMC7168861) introduced an Optical Flow approach to overcome this limitation of PIV (PMCID: PMC6061878 ). Could the authors test if Hi-D method to analyze the movies recorded in this study confirms their conclusions?

      Heterogeneity of chromatin dynamics independent of chromatin density was shown by previous studies such as PMCID: PMC7775763 , and PMCID: PMC7168861 . Could the authors discuss their findings in the context of these studies?

    5. Author response:

      We thank the reviewers for their positive feedback and helpful suggestions for improving our manuscript.

      We appreciate the reviewers highlighting areas where we can improve clarity, particularly in the analysis methodologies and details. We agree that additional control experiments and expansion on single-molecule tracking analysis will provide additional support for our interpretations. 

      We acknowledge the reviewers' suggestion to describe our work's relationship to other studies. While some of our findings are similar to those in past studies, our work introduces a new approach for labeling euchromatin with direct sequence specificity on a genome-wide scale, enabling a deeper understanding of euchromatin organization and dynamics. We will provide more context on the novelty of our work and incorporate a more comprehensive discussion of our work’s relation to other studies in the manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, the authors use the model organism Drosophila to explore the sex and age impacts of a TBI method. They find age and sex differences: older age is susceptible to mild TBI and females are also more susceptible. In particular, they pursue a finding that virgin vs mated females show different responses: virgins are protected but mated females succumb to TBI with climbing deficits. In fact, virgin females compared to mated females are largely protected. They discover that this is associated with exposure of the females to Sex Peptides in the reproductive neurons of the female reproductive tract. When they extend to RNAseq of brains, they show that there are very few genes in common between males, mated females, virgins and females mated with males lacking Sex Peptide. The few chronic genes associated with mated females seem associated with the immune system. These findings suggest that mated females have a compromised immune system, which might make them more vulnerable.


      This is an interesting paper that allows a detailed comparison of sex and age in TBI which is largely only possible in such a simple model, where large numbers and many variations can be addressed. Overall the findings are interesting.


      Although the findings beyond Sex Peptide are observational, the work sets the stage for more detailed studies to pursue the role of the genes they find by RNAseq and whether for example, boosting the innate immune system would protect the mated females, among other experiments.

    1. eLife assessment

      The authors show in vitro that TAK1 overexpression reduces tumor cell migration and invasion, while TAK1 knockdown promotes a mesenchymal phenotype and enhances migration and invasion. The work is a valuable addition to the field of tumor biology of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Although minor limitations exist, the overall evidence is solid. The data aligns with previous findings by the same researchers and others.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In previously published work, the authors found that Transforming Growth Factor β Activated Kinase 1 (TAK1) may regulate esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) tumor cell proliferation via the RAS/MEK/ERK axis. They explore the mechanisms for TAK1 as a possible tumor suppressor, demonstrating phospholipase C epsilon 1 as an effector of tumor cell migration, invasion and metastatic potential.


      The authors show in vitro that TAK1 overexpression reduces tumor cell migration and invasion while TAK1 knockdown promotes a mesenchymal phenotype (epithelial-mesenchymal transition) and enhances migration and invasion. To explore possible mechanisms of action, the authors focused on phospholipase C epsilon 1 (PLCE1) as a potential effector, having identified this protein in co-immunoprecipitation experiments. Further, they demonstrate that TAK1-mediated phosphorylation of PLCE1 is inhibitory. Each of the observations is supported by different experimental strategies, e.g. use of different approaches for knockdown (pharmacologic, RNA inhibition, CRISPR/Cas). Xenograft experiments showed that suppression/loss of TAK1 is associated with more frequent metastases and conversely that PLCE1 is associated positively with xenograft metastases. A considerable amount of experimental data is presented for review, including supplemental data, that show that TAK1 regulation may be important in ESCC development.


      As noted by the authors, immunoprecipitation (IP) experiments identified a number (24) of proteins as potential targets for the TAK1 ser/thr kinase. Prior work (cited as Shi et al, 2021) focused on a different phosphorylation target for TAK1, Ras association domain family 9 (RASSF9), but a more comprehensive discussion of the co-IP experiments would help place this work in a better context.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this study, Ju Q et al performed both in vitro and in vivo experiments to test the effect of TAK1 on cancer metastasis. They demonstrated that TAK1 is capable of directly phosphorylating PLCE1 and this modification represses its enzyme activity, leading to suppression of PIP2 hydrolysis and subsequently signal transduction in the PKC/GSK-3β/β-Catenin axis.


      The quality of data is good, and the presentation is well organized in a logical way.


      The study missed some key link in connecting the effect of TAK1 on cancer metastasis via phosphorylating PLCE1.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The research by Qianqian Ju et al. found that the knockdown of TAK1 promoted ESCC migration and invasion, whereas overexpression of TAK1 resulted in the opposite outcome. These in vitro findings could be recapitulated in a xenograft metastasis mouse model.

      Mechanistically, TAK1 phosphorylates PLCE1 S1060 in the cells, decreasing PLCE1 enzyme activity and repressing PIP2 hydrolysis. As a result, reducing DAG and inositol IP3, thereby suppressing signal transduction of PKC/GSK 3β/β Catenin. Consequently, cancer metastasis-related genes were impeded by TAK1.

      Overall, this study offers some intriguing observations. Providing a potential druggable target for developing agents for dealing with ESCC.

      The strengths of this research are:

      (1) The research always uses different experimental approaches to address one question. The experiments are largely convincing and appear to be well executed.<br /> (2) The phenotypes were observed from different angles: at the mouse model, cellular level, and molecular level.<br /> (3) The molecular mechanism was down to a single amino acid modification on PLCE1.

      The weaknesses part of this research are:

      (1) Most of the phenotypes are only observed in the ECA-109 cell line. Whether TAK1-PLCE1 S1060 is a common pathway in other ESCC cells or just specific to the ECA-109 cell line is unclear. Using more cell lines to see whether this is a common mechanism of ESCC metastasis would greatly amplify the impact of this finding.<br /> (2) Most of the experiments were done in protein overexpression conditions, with the protein level increasing hundreds of folds in the cell, producing an artificial environment that would sometimes generate false positive results.<br /> (3) Whether TAK1 can directly phosphorylate PLCE1 S1060 needs more tests, especially the in vitro biochemical evidence.